Unit 2 Keys: Pages 22-23 - Reading

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Unit 2 Keys Ex.

1 past habit 4 single past action
2 past state 5 past state
pages 22–23 • Reading 3 past habit

Getting started Ex.6

Students’ own answers Students’ own answers

Ex.1 Ex.7
1 East Hollywood, Los Angeles 1 didn’t use to used to
2 Robert De Niro 2 didn’t use to got used to
3 intriguing and complex characters 3 didn’t use to got used to
4 in 2016 4 didn’t use to aren’t used to

Ex.2 Ex.8
1C2E3D4G5A6F Students’ own answers

Ex.3 Ex.9
1 proud 5 role model 1B2D3A4C
2 make ends meet 6 gained a reputation
3 dropped out 7 rebellious Ex.10
4 stream 8 intriguing 1 celebrity 4 in the headlines
2 the press 5 reporting
Ex.4 3 media attention
1 gained a reputation 5 intriguing
2 make ends meet 6 rebellious Ex.11
3 stream 7 proud Transcript and key T1.08
4 dropped out 8 role model 1 While Hutch is an intriguing character
and central to
Ex.5KEY the story, the screenwriter and the
Students’ own answers director do a poor job, and Doyle’s
performance doesn’t convince the
viewer either.
pages 24–25 • Language
2 Although nearly all the critics gave
Check this film very bad reviews, audiences
have loved it and it has been a
Ex.1a runaway success.
a used to b would 3 Despite all the advertising hype, this
isn’t your average blockbuster. Streep
Ex.1b was fabulous in the starring role and is
– did not use to probably in line for an Oscar.
? did use to 4 Former teen idol Zac Efron will make
this big-budget movie pay for itself in
no time as it’s already a huge hit at the
box office.
1 used to 4 didn’t use to
2 used to/would 5 used to
3 used to/would Ex.12 & 13
Transcript and key T1.009 T1.10
Ex.3 1 Do you think it’s easy for celebrities to
Students’ own answers get used to all the media attention they
2 What was the last big-budget movie
Ex.4 you saw?
a past habits past states
b single past actions

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3 Do you think governments should stop Max Oh … er ... let me think … Is it
tabloid newspapers invading people’s Canberra?
privacy? Presenter You’re absolutely right.
Canberra it is – fantastic!
Students’ own answers 3 You hear a message on voicemail.
Hi. It’s me – Ted. Just thought I’d catch
up with you. I thought we might get
page 26 • Listening together tonight but you’re obviously
out. I got fed up with watching TV so I
Getting started decided to go and see a film. There are
Students’ own answers loads of good things on, but there’s a
huge queue, so I’m having a drink in the
Ex.1 upstairs café before I go down and buy a
1 film, just seen, feel ticket. So if you get this message, give
2 TV programme, what sort me a ring. It’s not too late to come and
3 message, voice mail, where, caller join me if you’re free. I’ll be here for
4 two people, shop, what, customer another 20 minutes or so. Bye!
decide, have
5 video blogs, what, worried about 4 You hear two people talking in a shop.
6 two friends, nightclub, what, agree Assistant Can I help you?
about Customer Yes. I bought this video
7 concert, parents, remember, music game here yesterday but I think there’s
8 announcement, theatre, what something wrong with it. It won’t work
information on my player.
Assistant Well, we can change it for
Ex.2 you if you’ve got the receipt.
Customer Yes, here it is.
Transcript T1.11
Assistant OK… let me see now.
1 You hear someone talking about a film
Unfortunately we don’t have any more in
she has just seen.
stock at the moment. Would you like to
Normally I find sci-fi films quite dull and
choose something else instead? What
not very entertaining. But the other
about this new adventure game? It’s
night my friend invited me over to watch
very popular.
The Martian with Matt Damon. I’ve seen
Customer No. I’m not really a fan of
the actor in lots of different films – my
those. Could you order another copy of
favourite ones are his action films,
the one I bought?
although he’s had all kinds of roles.
Assistant Yes, but it won’t be in for a
But this one was different. It was really
few days.
clever with lots of references to science
and technology – and the dialogue and
5 You hear someone talking on a news
plot were incredibly exciting.
programme about video blogs.
Well, you may think that video blogging,
2 You hear part of a TV programme.
or vlogging as it’s called, is a great way
Presenter Now, Max, if you’re keen on
for young people to spend their leisure
travelling, this is the star prize for you –
time, but there’s one aspect of it which
an all-expense paid trip to a Florida
you might find rather disturbing. It
theme park for two. You’ve already got
seems that some vloggers are actually
the flat-screen TV so for the big one,
being paid to advertise products online.
just answer one easy question. You can
Unfortunately, people don’t realise that
choose from either history or geography.
what they’re watching is promotional. As
Max Well, history was a real turn-off at
vlogging can attract thousands of
school, but geography was my favourite
subscribers, for companies it’s effectively
subject – so I’ll go for that.
a cheap way of selling to a huge
audience so be careful!
Presenter OK – here’s the question.
What is … the capital of Australia?

Venture into First Unit 2 Answer Keys

6 You hear two friends talking about a Transcript and key T1.11 See transcript
new nightclub. for Ex.2
Male teenage I hear you went to that
new nightclub on Saturday. Ex.4
Female teenage Oh, ‘Aston’ you mean? Students’ own answers
Male teenage Yeah – what did you
think of it?
Female teenage It was good – great page 27 • Speaking
Male teenage Do you think? I didn’t Getting started
find it too thrilling. Students’ own answers
Female teenage Well, apart from not
being able to find it at first, and the fact Ex.1
that I spent all my pocket money for the Transcript and key T1.12
week there, we had a great time. Female teenage So what about
Male teenage It’s certainly not the watching a TV series?
easiest place to get to – but I thought it Male teenage I don’t watch TV very
wasn’t too bad pricewise, compared to often, and I don’t think it’s very popular.
some other places. How about you? Do you agree?
Female teenage Well actually, I
7 You hear a young man talking about a sometimes watch a TV series. To my
concert he went to with his parents. mind, some shows are really well made
It’s funny, looking back, how it sticks in these days – better than films,
my mind. It was one of those outdoor sometimes – so, actually, I’d say that it
evening concerts in a park. My parents is still popular.
asked me if I wanted to go to a rock Male teenage Oh OK. Well, what do
concert and I jumped at the chance. As I you think about playing computer
recall, it was a nice summer’s evening games?
and I seem to remember having a picnic Female teenage They’re a lot of fun,
on the lawn but when the music started, don’t you think?
I realised there was something wrong. I Male teenage Yeah, but I really think
asked my parents when the rock music you can waste a lot of time playing
would start. ‘No’, they said. ‘It’s not a them. Do you know what I mean?
rock concert, it’s a baroque concert – Female teenage Yes, sure.
you know, classical’. Examiner Thank you. Now you have
about one minute to decide which two
8 You hear an announcement in a would be the most fun for teenagers to
theatre. do.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen – Female teenage Right. Well. In my
your attention, please. Could you make opinion, going to parties is the most fun,
your way to the auditorium as tonight’s because you can see your friends, make
performance will begin in five minutes’ new friends, and, you know, just have a
time. As you are probably aware, there good time. What about you? How do you
is no interval and the performance is feel about it?
expected to finish at approximately 9.30. Male teenage Yes. I mean, I’m quite
May we take this opportunity to remind shy, but for most people that’s true. And
you that only plastic cups are allowed what do you think about going to the
inside the theatre so please leave any cinema?
glasses in the cafeteria. We hope you Female teenage I don’t know about
enjoy tonight’s performance and we wish that. It’s OK sometimes, but I don’t
you a pleasant evening. think it’s the most fun. Do you?
Male teenage No, maybe not.
KEY Female teenage Personally, I’d choose
1A2C3B4B5C6B7B8A playing computer games. Yes, you can
waste a lot of time on them, but some of
them are really exciting.

Venture into First Unit 2 Answer Keys

Male teenage OK, then. So let’s say Ex.5
playing computer games and going to 1 to do with 5 made up for
parties are the most fun. Do you agree? 2 made off with 6 made up with
Female teenage That sounds good to 3 do away with 7 do without
me. 4 made up

KEY Ex.6
1 watching a TV series, playing 1 have 2 the 3 However/Nevertheless 4
computer games, going to parties, going make 5 to 6 done 7 In/During 8 off
to the cinema
2 to decide which two would be the most
fun for teenagers to do
3 playing computer games and going to a so b so c such d that
parties are the most fun
Ex.2 1 so expensive 5 so close
Transcript and key T1.13 2 so much 6 such a fantastic
1 How about you? Do you agree? 3 such a terrible 7 so many
2 Well, what do you think about 4 so many 8 such friendly
playing computer games?
3 They’re a lot of fun, don’t you think? Ex.9
4 What about you? How do you feel Students’ own answers
about it?
5 I don’t watch TV very often, and I Ex.10
don’t think it’s very popular. Students’ own answers
6 To my mind, some shows are really
well made these days. Ex.11
7 Actually, I’d say that it is still popular. 1 such an important test that
8 In my opinion, going to parties is the 2 got used to skating
most fun. 3 so tired that
9 Personally, I’d choose playing 4 make a decision (about)/make up their
computer games. minds (about)
5 do away with (showing)
Ex.3 6 used to bite
Students’ own answers
pages 30–31 • Writing
Students’ own answers
Getting started
Students’ own answers
pages 28–29 • Use of
English Ex.1
Transcript T1.14
Ex.2 The fantasy series Game of Thrones is
1 make 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 making set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of
Westeros. It is a big-budget show filmed
Ex.3 in stunning locations, and includes a cast
Students’ own answers of talented actors. It tells several stories
at once, all about the struggle for power.
Ex.4 What I really like about the show is that
1 make up 5 make up for the creators have made up a rich fantasy
2 do without 6 (be/have) to do with world of various lands, people and
3 make off with 7 make up with stories. For instance, to the east there is
4 do away with Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons; in
the north, Jon Snow protects the land
from the dangerous ‘White Walkers’. And

Venture into First Unit 2 Answer Keys

while most fantasy stories focus on the Ex.9
battle between good and evil, the Students’ own answers
characters in Game of Thrones usually
have a mix of both, which is what makes Ex.10
the storylines so intriguing. Students’ own answers
My main complaint is that the main
characters frequently die unexpectedly. I
was so disappointed when my favourite
character was killed that I almost Students’ own answers
stopped watching. It’s also incredibly
violent, but the show’s creators argue
that this reflects the reality of war and
life in the medieval world. Overall, I’d
recommend Game of Thrones. It is a
very entertaining series with some
original ideas. It is sometimes very
shocking, but it is definitely worth

the storyline the characters the genre

The writer’s opinion is generally positive.
He thinks it is a very entertaining series
with some original ideas, and that it is
definitely worth watching.


stunning talented rich entertaining
disappointed shocking

Suggested answers
1 awful, far-fetched, tragic, depressing,
dull, awesome
2 pricey, empty, breath-taking,
awesome, bustling
3 pricey, awful, superb, disgusting

Students’ own answers

Students’ own answers

Students’ own answers

Venture into First Unit 2 Answer Keys

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