Mineral Insulated Metal-Sheathed Cable

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Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable

Mineral Insulated
Watlow helped pioneer XACTPAK®

Metal-Sheathed Cable
mineral insulated, metal-sheathed
cable. The unique properties of
XACTPAK make it ideally suited to
solve a wide variety of problem
The outer sheath can be made from
any malleable metal in a wide range
of diameters, containing single or
multiple wires. Easily formed or bent,
it can accommodate virtually any
configuration. The outer sheath pro-
tects thermocouple or thermocouple
extension wires from oxidation and
hostile environments that would
quickly destroy unprotected wire.
The mineral insulations available
provide excellent high temperature
dielectric strength to ensure signals
are carried faithfully to your instru-
mentation or controls.
Performance Capabilities
• Available in standard and special
limits of error accuracy
• Diameters from 0.010 to 0.5 inch
(0.25 to 12.7 mm)
High pressure rating • Catalytic reformers
• Compliance with recognized
agency tolerances and • Allows use in pressure vessels • Diesel engines
specifications and vacuum applications • Food and beverage
• Sheath materials available to with- Form flexibility • Furnaces
stand a wide variety of hostile and • Adapts to virtually any • Glass and ceramic
corrosive environments application • Heat treating
• Calibrated for intended tempera- Thermal shock resistance • Instrument cabling
ture range • Withstands thermal cycling • Jet engines and test cells
• Temperature ranges from 0 to Compact, durable and corrosion
1480°C (32 to 2700°F) • Kilns
• Cryogenic cable available • Laboratory and research
• Long life performance with
upon request minimum constraints on • Medical
Features and Benefits applications • Nuclear reactors
Fireproof cable High temperature rating • Power stations and steam
• Perform where conventional • Meets demanding application generators
insulated wires burn and degrade needs • Refineries and oil processing
Fast and accurate Applications • Rocket engines
• Precisely measures temperature • Atomic research • Semiconductor processing
for a fast response • Bearing temperature • Turbines
Tight moisture and gas seals • Blast furnaces • Vacuum furnaces
• Resists contamination

Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
Technical Data Quality Control and Testing All XACTPAK cable is inspected and
To maintain quality and consistency, tested for sheath condition, insula-
XACTPAK cable is manufactured tion density, conductor uniformity,
under carefully controlled proce- electrical continuity, insulation resis-
dures and rigid standards of cleanli- tance, calibration conformance and
ness. Quality checks are made at physical dimension. Special testing
critical points throughout the manu- and certification—including helium
facturing process. leak, homogeneity and metallurgical
examination, among others—are
available on request.

Quality Assurance Samples from each lot are calibrated

Every coil of XACTPAK cable is thor- in our modern calibration laboratory
oughly tested for continuity, insula- by highly skilled technicians. Unlike
tion resistance, physical dimensions some manufacturers who calibrate at
and physical appearance. a few low temperature calibration
Each lot, or batch of XACTPAK con- points, Watlow calibrates throughout
tains raw materials (sheath, insul- the range that the cable is designed
ation, wires) from one production lot for.
which eliminates the need to cali- For a more complete
brate every thermocouple cut from a discussion of Watlow’s
coil because of poor homogeneity. advanced technological
capabilities, refer to the
laboratory services
section, pages 30 to 35.

Care, Handling and Fabrication Moisture

of XACTPAK Cable If XACTPAK cable is not adequately
To maximize the performance sealed, its insulation will absorb
advantages made possible by moisture. This will lower its electrical
XACTPAK cable’s overall premium resistance and may prove to be
quality, the following instructions troublesome in subsequent welding.
covering its storage, handling and Minor moisture penetration can be
further fabrication should be remedied by using a blow torch to
observed. heat the sheath. Apply the flame six
Storage to seven inches from the open end
and slowly work the flame to and
To prevent moisture from being
over the end. Reseal the end after it
absorbed by its hygroscopic mineral
has cooled to about 82°C (180°F).
insulation, both ends of each length
Deep moisture penetration is
of XACTPAK cable are sealed at the
unlikely, but should it occur the
factory. To further guard against
material may be baked at approxi-
moisture penetration, it is advisable
mately 121°C (250°F) for 24 hours to
to store XACTPAK material in a dry
increase its insulation resistance. If
baking does not bring the insulation
resistance back to acceptable lev-
els, the material should be dis-


Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
XACTPAK Cable Cutting On request, XACTPAK cable can be
When pieces are cut from a length furnished in other coil dimensions or

Mineral Insulated
Technical Data shipped in straight form when nec-

Metal-Sheathed Cable
of XACTPAK cable, the exposed
Care, Handling and Fabrication ends should immediately be essary. Longer lengths are available
of XACTPAK Cable squared and sealed. Squaring and on special order.
(Continued) sealing will guard against possible Stripping
contamination and remove any loos- A hand stripping tool will readily
ened insulation or distorted wire remove the sheath from 0.010
caused by cutting. A light pressure through 0.125 inch diameter
sanding with a 180-grit belt is the XACTPAK cable. However, due to
easiest method for rough squaring the difficulty of working with 0.032
of 0.040 inch or larger diameter inch or smaller diameter material, it
XACTPAK cable. Using hard pres- is recommended that small diameter
sure against the sanding belt will material be ordered factory stripped.
cause excessive heat build-up Material larger than 0.125 inch diam-
which may “smear” the soft metal eter can be stripped on a lathe with
over the insulation. After sanding, a a suitable tool bit or lathe-mounted
clean fine toothed file should be stripping tool. It is also possible to
used to dress the squared ends. strip larger sizes of XACTPAK cable
Each exposed end should then be by using a hacksaw to make a ring
sealed with XACTSEAL to prevent cut through the sheath at the desired
moisture absorption. distance from the end. Hammering
Inexperienced personnel may find the severed portion of sheath at sev-
0.032 inch or smaller diameter eral places will break up the insula-
XACTPAK cable difficult to handle tion allowing the sheath to be
and will probably prefer to have all slipped off. After stripping, the
cutting, stripping and fabricating exposed conductors should be
done at our factory. sandblasted or cleaned with emery
Insulation Resistance cloth. The exposed ends should be
XACTPAK mineral insulated, metal- resealed immediately after comple-
sheathed cable should have a mini- tion of the stripping operation.
mum room temperature insulation Forming
resistance of 100 megohms when Because XACTPAK cable’s sheath is
tested at 50VÎ(dc) both wires to dead soft and bright annealed, it can
sheath and wire to wire. be formed and shaped to most con-
All ceramics used in XACTPAK tours without risk of cracking. As a
cable will decrease in resistance as rule of thumb, the sheath can be
temperature increases. formed around a mandrel twice the
sheath diameter without damage. In
Shipping and Packaging
other words, 0.125 inch diameter
XACTPAK cable is stocked in ran- XACTPAK cable can be wound
dom lengths from 20 feet to the around a 0.250 inch diameter
“Maximum Stock Lengths” listed in mandrel.
the tables on the following pages.
We reserve the right to supply ran-
dom lengths of our choice unless
specific cut lengths are specified on
your order.

Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
XACTPAK Cable Welding Other weldments, such as to a ves-
Because of the delicate nature of the sel or pipe, should be made in an
Technical Data work and to avoid possible contami- inert atmosphere to prevent oxida-
Care, Handling and Fabrication nation, it is recommended that the tion of the sheath. When working
of XACTPAK Cable fabrication of “hot” or “measuring” with XACTPAK cable of 0.040 inch
(Continued) junctions be done at our factory. outside diameter or less, extreme
If they are attempted in the field, a caution should be used not to burn
welding rod of the same material as through the sheath.
the sheath should be used, and the
welding method should be by inert
gas. Flux should not be used as it
will contaminate the insulation.

How to Select XACTPAK Cable 3. Insulation Material

to Suit Your Requirements The insulation separates the conduc-
Our mineral insulated metal- tors from each other and the outer
sheathed cable section has been sheath. When selecting insulation,
designed for ease of use so that the temperature rating, environment and
right cable is chosen for each appli- cost must be taken into account.
cation. The following four items must 4. Physical Characteristics
be considered when selecting The diameter of the sheath and the
XACTPAK mineral insulated metal- wall thickness will directly affect the
sheathed cable: following:
1. Sheath Material • Time response
The sheath serves to isolate and pro- • Service life
tect the wires and insulation from
• Flexibility
contamination and mechanical dam-
age. There is no sheath material • Pressure rating
which is appropriate for all condi- • Strength
tions so Watlow offers a wide variety 5. Specify Coil Lengths
to choose from. Temperature,
Random—the factory selects for you
strength, corrosiveness, service life (20 foot minimum). Special—specify
and cost must be considered when lengths and tolerance. Cut to length
selecting a sheath material. charges and minimum order
2. Calibration quantities may apply.
Watlow stocks all ASTM recognized
thermocouple types along with many
that have not been recognized, such
as the full line of tungsten rhenium
thermocouples. We also manufac-
ture cable with other wire alloys such
as nickel, copper, nickel clad cop-
per, 304 SS, Alloy 600 and virtually
any malleable metal.


Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
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Mineral Insulated
Sheath Material

Metal-Sheathed Cable
The following information is designed
to be used as a guide and may not 2-3. Sheath Material CODE
be correct in every application. If in 4. Calibration
5. Insulation
doubt, consult with your Watlow sales
6 -7. Sheath O.D.
engineer or the factory.
8 -10. Variation
Alloy 600 11-12. Limits of Error
01—Maximum temperature: 1175°C
(2150°F). Most widely used thermo-
couple sheath material. Good high 347 SS Hastello y ® X
temperature strength, corrosion 05—Maximum temperature: 870°C 18—Maximum temperature: 1205°C
resistance, resistance to chloride ion (1600°F). Similar to 304 SS except (2200°F). Widely used in aerospace
stress corrosion cracking and oxida- nickel niobium stabilized. This alloy applications. Resistant to oxidizing,
tion resistance to high temperatures. is designed to overcome suscepti- reducing and neutral atmospheric
Do not use in sulfur bearing environ- bility to carbide precipitation in the conditions. Excellent high tempera-
ments. Good in nitriding environments. 480 to 870°C (900 to 1600°F) range. ture strength along with superior oxi-
Used in aerospace and chemical dation resistance. Resistant to stress
304 SS applications. corrosion cracking in petrochemical
02—Maximum temperature: 900°C applications.
(1650°F). Most widely used low tem- 446 SS
perature sheath material. Extensively 13—Maximum temperature: 1150°C Inconel ® 601
used in food, beverage, chemical (2100°F). Ferritic stainless steel 19—Maximum temperature: 1175°C
and other industries where corrosion which has good resistance to sul- (2150°F) continuous, 1260°C
resistance is required. Subject to furous atmospheres at high temper- (2300°F) intermittent. Similar to
damaging carbide precipitation in atures. Good corrosion resistance to Alloy 600 with the addition of alu-
480 to 870°C (900 to 1600°F) range. nitric acid, sulfuric acid and most minum for outstanding oxidation
Lowest cost corrosion resistant alkalies. 27 percent chromium con- resistance. Designed for high tem-
sheath material available. tent gives this alloy the highest heat perature corrosion resistance. This
resistance of any ferritic stainless material is good in carburizing envi-
310 SS steel. ronments, and has good creep rup-
03—Maximum temperature: 1150°C ture strength. Do not use in vacuum
(2100°F). Mechanical and corrosion 321 SS
furnaces! Susceptible to intergranu-
resistance, similar to but better than lar attack by prolonged heating in
16—Maximum temperature: 870°C 540 to 760°C (1000 to 1400°F)
304 SS. Very good heat resistance. (1600°F). Similar to 304 SS except
This alloy contains 25 percent temperature range.
titanium stabilized for inter-granular
chromium, 20 percent nickel. Not as corrosion. This alloy is designed to
ductile as 304 SS. overcome susceptibility to carbon
precipitation in the 480 to 870°C
316 SS (900 to 1600°F) range. Used in
04—Maximum temperature: 900°C aerospace and chemical
(1650°F). Best corrosion resistance applications.
of the austenitic stainless steel
grades. Widely used in the food and
chemical industry. Subject to damag-
ing carbide precipitation in 482 to
870°C (900 to 1600°F) range. Hastelloy® is a registered trademark of
Haynes International.
Inconel® is a registered trademark of the
Special Metals Corporation.

Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
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Sheath Material
2-3. Sheath Material CODE
4. Calibration
5. Insulation
6 -7. Sheath O.D.
8 -10. Variation
11-12. Limits of Error

Inconel® 625 Haynes® Alloy HR-160

25—Maximum temperature: 980°C 38—Maximum temperature 1175°C
(1800°F). Used in many aerospace (2150°F). Developed to provide
applications. Excellent high superior sulfidation-resistance at high
temperature strength. Excellent temperatures. This alloy shows good
resistance to pitting and crevice resistance to corrosion in some
corrosion. Unaffected by radiation salt bath applications. Applications
embrittlement. include sulfur furnaces, waste incin-
erators, coke burners, recuperators,
cement kilns and high temperature
Haynes® Alloy 230
32—Maximum temperature: 1150°C
(2100°F). This alloy offers excellent
high temperature strength, oxidation Haynes® Alloy 718
resistance and long term thermal 42—Maximum temperature 700°C
stability. Used in aerospace applica- (1300°F). A precipitation hardend-
tions, chemical process industries able Inconel® alloy developed for
and high temperature industrial corrosion resistance and excellent
heating applications. This alloy is weldability. Applications include
recommended for use in nitriding gas turbine, aerospace, oil and
environments. gas production and nuclear.


Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
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Mineral Insulated

Metal-Sheathed Cable
2-3. Sheath Material
1—Type J’s positive leg (JP) is iron. 4. Calibration CODE
Its negative leg (JN) is approxi- 5. Insulation
mately 45 percent nickel-55 percent 6 -7. Sheath O.D.
copper. When protected by com- 8 -10. Variation
pacted mineral insulation and outer 11-12. Limits of Error
sheath, Type J is usable from 0 to
815°C (32 to 1500°F). Type J is not
susceptible to short range ordering
in the 0 to 538°C (700 to 1000°F) tem- ASTM Type T ASTM Type N
perature range, (+2 to +4°F drift)
3—Type T’s positive leg (TP) is pure 8—Type N’s positive leg (nicrosil)
which occurs with ASTM Type E and
copper. Its negative leg (TN) is is approximately 14 percent
K. This low cost, stable thermocou-
approximately 45 percent nickel-55 chromium-1.4 percent silicon-84.6
ple calibration is primarily used with
percent copper. When protected by nickel. Its negative leg (nisil) is
96 percent pure MgO insulation and
compacted mineral insulation and approximately 4.4 percent silicon-
stainless steel sheath.
outer sheath, Type T is usable from 0 95.6 percent nickel. When protected
to 350°C (32 to 660°F) and very sta- by compacted mineral insulation and
ASTM Type K ble in cryogenic and low temperature outer sheath, it’s usable from 0 to
2—Type K’s positive leg (KP) is applications. For applications below 1260°C (32 to 2300°F). Type N over-
approximately 90 percent nickel- 0°C (32°F) special alloy selections comes several problems inherent in
10 percent chromium. Its negative may be required. Type K. Short range ordering, (+2 to
leg (KN) is approximately 95 percent +4°F drift), in the 315 to 590°C (600
nickel-two percent aluminum-two per- to 1100°F ) range is greatly reduced,
cent manganese-one percent silicon. and drift rate at high temperatures is
4—Type E’s positive leg (EP) is ap- considerably less. Type N is also
When protected by compacted min-
proximately 90 percent nickel-10 more stable than Type K in nuclear
eral insulation and outer sheath,
percent chromium. Its negative leg environments.
Type K is usable from -35 to 1260°C
(EN) is approximately 45 percent
(-32 to 2300°F). If the application is
nickel-55 percent copper. When
between 600 to1100°F, we recom- Miscellaneous
protected by compacted mineral
mend Type J or N because of short
insulation and outer sheath, Type E 9—Consult factory.
range ordering that can cause drift
is usable from 0 to 900°C (32 to
of +2 to +4°F in a few hours time.
1650°F) and has the highest EMF
Type K is relatively stable to radiation
output per degree of all ASTM types.
transmission in nuclear environments.
If the application temperature is
For applications below 0°C (32°F),
between 600 to 1100°F, we recom-
special alloy selections are usually
mend Type J or N because of short
range ordering which can cause drift
of +1 to +3°F in a few hours time.
For applications below 0°C (32°F),
special alloy selections may be

Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
XACTPAK Cable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 / / /
2-3. Sheath Material
4. Calibration
5. Insulation CODE
6 -7. Sheath O.D.
8 -10. Variation
11-12. Limits of Error

High Purity Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 96%

(MgO) 99.4 Percent Minimum Minimum Purity
Purity 5—This low cost insulation is similar
1—Low impurity levels make this to high purity MgO (1) except it
insulation very useful for all thermo- should be used in applications
couple calibrations up to 1370°C below 1095°C (2000°F) because of
(2500°F). Above 2500°F we recom- the impurity levels. This insulation
mend using hafnia oxide insulation should not be used with platinum or
because of MgO’s low resistivity. in nuclear applications.
This material meets the requirements
established in ASTM E-235.
Hafnia Oxide (HfO2)
7—Hafnia is now being used as a
Alumina Oxide (Al2O3) 99.6% substitute for beryllia oxide because
Minimum Purity of beryllia’s toxicity problem. The
2—Although this material is compa- temperature limit of hafnia is 2500°C
rable to MgO in its electrical proper- (4530°F), which is higher than BeO.
ties and cost, it does not compact
well and tends to “powder out.” This
undesirable characteristic has made
this insulation unpopular in industry
so cable with this type of insulation is
available only as a “special.”


Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
XACTPAK Cable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Mineral Insulated
Sheath O.D.

Metal-Sheathed Cable
2-3. Sheath Material
4. Calibration
5. Insulation
6 -7. Sheath O.D. CODE
8 -10. Variation
11-12. Limits of Error

Approximate Coil Average Response Time*

Code Sheath Diameter Standard Weight Still Water (seconds)
No. Nominal Tolerance lbs/100 ft. G-JCT U-JCT
01 0.020 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.08 <0.02 0.03
02 0.032 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.20 0.02 0.07
03 0.040 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.32 0.04 0.13
04 0.063 inch ±0.001 24 inch 0.74 0.220 0.40
05 0.090 inch ±0.001 24 inch 1.50 0.33 0.68
06 0.114 inch +0.002 24 inch 2.45 0.38 0.85
07 0.125 inch +0.002 24 inch 3.00 0.50 1.10
08 0.188 inch +0.002 24 inch 6.65 1.00 2.30
11 0.250 inch +0.003 24 inch 11.65 2.20 4.10
12 0.313 inch +0.003 24 inch 19.60 5.00 7.00
13 0.375 inch +0.003 straight or 28.10 8.00 11.00
–0.001 40 inch coils
14 0.430 inch +0.003 straight or 35.0 11.00 15.00
–0.001 40 inch coils
15 0.500 inch +0.003 straight or 47.0 15.00 20.00
–0.001 40 inch coils
16 0.010 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.019 <0.02 <0.02
17 0.011 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.022 <0.02 <0.02
18 0.0126 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.029 <0.02 <0.02
19 0.025 inch +0.001 9 inch 0.13 <0.02 0.05
51 0.5 mm ±0.02 23 cm 0.08 <0.02 0.03
52 1.0 mm ±0.02 23 cm 0.32 0.04 0.13
53 1.5 mm ±0.02 61 cm 0.65 <0.15 0.35
54 2.0 mm ±0.03 61 cm 1.13 0.25 0.55
55 3.0 mm ±0.03 61 cm 2.60 0.40 0.90
56 4.5 mm ±0.03 61 cm 6.00 0.95 2.00
57 6.0 mm ±0.05 61 cm 10.50 2.00 3.50
58 8.0 mm ±0.05 61 cm 19.65 5.00 7.00
59 9.0 mm ±0.05 61 cm 25.00 7.50 10.00

*Note: First order response time 63.2%.

Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
XACTPAK Cable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Variation/Limits of Error
2-3. Sheath Material
4. Calibration
5. Insulation
6 -7. Sheath O.D.
8 -10. Variation CODE
No variation - Leave blank
050 = Dual adjacent
051 = Triple element
052 = Heavy wall (Approx. 20% heavier)
11-12. Limits of Error CODE
Standard limits = Leave blank
SP = Special limits initial tolerance

Single Element
Nominal Nominal Maximum Recommended
Code* Sheath Sheath AWG Wall Thickness Stock Length Operating Temperature
No. Diameter Material Calibration Insulation Gauge in. ft °C ( °F)

401/2101 0.020 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 38 0.003 100 871 (1600)
402/2101 0.020 304 SS K 99.4% MgO 38 0.003 100 871 (1600)
401/2102 0.032 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 34 0.004 150 871 (1600)
401/1103 0.040 Alloy 600 J 99.4% MgO 32 0.006 250 816 (1500)
401/2103 0.040 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 32 0.006 250 871 (1600)
402/1103 0.040 304 SS J 99.4% MgO 32 0.006 250 816 (1500)
404/2103 0.040 316 SS K 99.4% MgO 32 0.006 250 871 (1600)
401/2104 0.063 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 28 0.009 1000 1093 (2000)
401/2107 0.125 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 22 0.017 900 1177 (2150)
401/2507 0.125 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 22 0.017 900 1093 (2000)
401/8107 0.125 Alloy 600 N 99.4% MgO 22 0.017 900 1177 (2150)
402/1507 0.125 304 SS J 96% MgO 22 0.017 900 816 (1500)
402/2107 0.125 304 SS K 99.4% MgO 22 0.017 900 871 (1600)
402/2507 0.125 304 SS K 96% MgO 22 0.017 900 871 (1600)
402/3507 0.125 304 SS T 96% MgO 22 0.017 500 350 (662)
403/2507 0.125 310 SS K 96% MgO 22 0.017 900 1093 (2000)
404/2507 0.125 316 SS K 96% MgO 22 0.017 900 871 (1600)
404/3507 0.125 316 SS T 96% MgO 22 0.017 500 350 (662)
404/4507 0.125 316 SS E 96% MgO 22 0.017 900 871 (1600)
418/2107 0.125 Hastelloy® X K 99.4% MgO 22 0.014 125 1204 (2200)
401/2108 0.188 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 19 0.025 350 1177 (2150)
401/2508 0.188 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 19 0.025 350 1093 (2000)
402/1508 0.188 304 SS J 96% MgO 19 0.025 350 816 (1500)
402/2508 0.188 304 SS K 96% MgO 19 0.025 350 871 (1600)
403/2508 0.188 310 SS K 96% MgO 19 0.025 350 1093 (2000)
404/1508 0.188 316 SS J 96% MgO 19 0.025 350 816 (1500)
*To specify special limits add to code number: /SP


Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable

Mineral Insulated
Single Element

Metal-Sheathed Cable

Nominal Nominal Maximum Recommended
Code* Sheath Sheath AWG Wall Thickness Stock Length Operating Temperature
No. Diameter Material Calibration Insulation Gauge in. ft °C (°F)

404/2508 0.188 316 SS K 96% MgO 19 0.025 350 871 (1600)

401/1511 0.250 Alloy 600 J 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 816 (1500)
401/2111 0.250 Alloy 600 K 99.4% MgO 16 0.033 220 1177 (2150)
401/2511 0.250 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 1093 (2000)
402/1511 0.250 304 SS J 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 816 (1500)
402/2511 0.250 304 SS K 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 871 (1600)
403/2511 0.250 310 SS K 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 1093 (2000)
404/1511 0.250 316 SS J 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 816 (1500)
404/2511 0.250 316 SS K 96% MgO 16 0.033 220 871 (1600)
401/2512 0.313 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 14 0.041 150 1093 (2000)
401/2513 0.375 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 13 0.052 100 1093 (2000)

*To specify special limits add to code number: /SP

Double Element—Adjacent Conductors

Nominal Nominal Maximum Recommended
Code* Sheath Sheath AWG Wall Thickness Stock Length Operating Temperature
No. Diameter Material Calibration Insulation Gauge in. ft °C (°F)

401/2507/050 0.125 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 24 0.017 900 1093 (2000)
404/1507/050 0.125 316SS J 96% MgO 24 0.017 900 816 (1500)
402/1508/050 0.188 304 SS J 96% MgO 21 0.025 350 816 (1500)
401/2511/050 0.188 Alloy 600 K 96% MgO 18 0.033 220 1093 (2000)
401/4511/050 0.250 Alloy 600 E 96% MgO 18 0.033 220 871 (1600)
404/1511/050 0.250 316 SS J 96% MgO 18 0.033 220 816 (1500)

*To specify special limits add to code number: /SP

XACTSEAL Watlow developed a premium comes ready to use from its own
sealant for sealing the exposed container; use G.E. #1500 or equiva-
ends of XACTPAK sheathed type lent should a thinner be needed.
material against moisture penetra- XACTSEAL is a temporary sealant.
tion. At room temperature, thin lay- For long term storage we recom-
ers of the sealant air-dry in mend that the ends of the cable be
approximately one hour. It may be seal welded.
baked at up to 120°C (250°F) to
Code No. Description
accelerate drying. The sealant
8010 4 oz dispenser can

Mineral Insulated
Metal-Sheathed Cable
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Mineral Insulated Metal-
Sheathed RTD Cable
2-3. Sheath Material
This cable is used for making 01 = Alloy 600
rugged RTD probes. Special spac- 04 = 316 SS
ing allows room for elements to be 4. Wire
placed between conductors. 9 = Nickel 201
Dimensions are shown below. 5. Wire Insulation
1 = 99.4% MgO
5 = 96% MgO
6-7. Sheath O.D.
07 = 0.125 inch diameter
.Dim. 08 = 0.188 inch diameter
“F” 11 = 0.250 inch diameter
12 = 0.313 inch diameter
8-10. Variation
001 = 6-Wire
“C” Dia. 003 = 4-Wire
“E” .Dim. “A”
.Dim. .Dia.

A B Wall C Spacing Nominal

Diameter Thickness Diameter D Dim. E Dim. F Dim. G Dim.
“B” Dim.
0.125 +0.002 0.015 ± 0.002 0.014 ± 0.002 0.022 0.045 0.025 0.050
4 Conductor RTD MIMS Cable 0.188 +0.002 0.023 ± 0.002 0.020 ± 0.002 0.034 0.068 0.037 0.074
Dim. 0.250 +0.003 0.030 ± 0.005 0.027 ± 0.003 0.045 0.090 0.050 0.100
“F” -0.001
Dim. 0.313 +0.003 0.038 ± 0.005 0.032 ± 0.003 0.056 0.112 0.062 0.124

“H” Dim. D E F G H J
“E” Dim. “A” A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim.
Dim. Dim.
“J” 0.125 +0.002 0.015 ± 0.002 0.014 ± 0.002 0.022 0.045 0.025 0.050 0.034 0.068
Dim. -0.001
0.188 +0.002 0.023 ± 0.002 0.020 ± 0.002 0.034 0.068 0.037 0.074 0.052 0.104
“B” Dim.
0.250 +0.003 0.030 ± 0.005 0.027 ± 0.003 0.045 0.090 0.050 0.100 0.068 0.137
“C” Dim. -0.001
0.313 +0.003 0.038 ± 0.005 0.032 ± 0.003 0.056 0.112 0.062 0.124 0.085 0.170
6 Conductor RTD MIMS Cable


Mineral Insulated,
Metal-Sheathed Cable
XACTPAK Cable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 / / /

Mineral Insulated
Made-to-order Mineral

Metal-Sheathed Cable
Insulated (MI) Cable 2-3. Sheath Material
01 = Alloy 600 18 = Hastelloy® X
02 = 304 SS 19 = Inconel® 601
03 = 310 SS 25 = Inconel® 625
In addition to our full line of metal- 04 = 316 SS 32 = Haynes® Alloy 230
sheathed, mineral-insulated (MI) 05 = 347 SS 38 = Alloy HR-160
13 = 446 SS 42 = Alloy 718
thermocouple cable, we will also 16 = 321 SS 99 = Miscellaneous
manufacture metal-sheathed,
4. Calibration
mineral-insulated signal cable with 1 = J 4 = E
copper, stainless steel or other 2 = K 8 = N
conductor materials to meet many 3 = T 9 = Misc.
specialized requirements. MI cable 5. Insulation
incorporating one or more conduc- 0 = Unused 7 = Hafnia oxide
tors can be made from a large 1 = Magnesium oxide 99.4% 8 = Unassigned
variety of sheath and insulation 2 = Alumina oxide 99.6% 9 = Miscellaneous
5 = Magnesium oxide 96%
materials. Properly selected
6-7. Sheath O.D. [inch (mm)]
combinations of materials provide 01 = 0.020 11 = 0.250 19 = 0.025 58 = (8.0 ± 0.05)
MI cable with these outstanding 02 = 0.032 12 = 0.313 51 = (0.5 ± 0.02) 59 = (9.0 ± 0.05)
performance features: 03 = 0.040 13 = 0.375 52 = (1.0 ± 0.02) 99 = Miscellaneous
04 = 0.063 14 = 0.430 53 = (1.5 ± 0.02)
• It is totally impervious to moisture. 05 = 0.090 15 = 0.500 54 = (2.0 ± 0.03)
• It can withstand extremes of 06 = 0.114 16 = 0.010 55 = (3.0 ± 0.03)
07 = 0.125 17 = 0.011 56 = (4.5 ± 0.03)
temperature and pressure.
08 = 0.188 18 = 0.0126 57 = (6.0 ± 0.05)
• It can endure highly oxidizing or
8-10. Variation
corrosive conditions. Leave blank = No variation Examples
• It adapts well to nuclear applica- 001 = Dual diagonal 401/2107
tions because of its low neutron 050 = Dual adjacent 401/2107/SP
capture cross section which is 051 = Triple element 402/1511/050/SP
unaffected by radiation heating. 11-12. Limits of Error
(Selected sheaths and Standard = Leave blank
calibrations.) Special limits = SP

• It can be easily formed to a radius

equal to approximately twice its
diameter without insulation break-
down. It maintains its shape after


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