KUBS Complete BS Four Years Program-2
KUBS Complete BS Four Years Program-2
KUBS Complete BS Four Years Program-2
Year I Semester I
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 301 Business English I (Grammar) 3
BA (H) 311 Microeconomics 3
BA (H) 321 Basic Mathematics I 3
BA (H) 331 Principles of Accounting 3
BA (H) 341 Introduction to Business 3
BA (H) 351 Islamic Studies / Ethical Behavior (for Non Muslims) 3
Year I Semester II
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 302 Macroeconomics 3
BA (H) 312 Business English II (English Composition) 3
BA (H) 322 Business Mathematics II 3
BA (H) 332 Financial Accounting 3
BA (H) 342 Information Technology in Business 3
BA (H) 352 Pakistan Studies 3
Year II Semester I
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 411 Human Behavior 3
BA (H) 421 Logic 3
BA (H) 431 Money & Banking 3
BA (H) 441 Business Communication I (Correspondence & Business Report) 3
BA (H) 451 Business Statistics 3
BA (H) 461 Principles of Management 3
Year II Semester II
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 412 Introduction to Business Finance 3
BA (H) 422 Business Communication II (Oral Communication & Presentation Skills) 3
BA (H) 432 Statistical Inference 3
BA (H) 442 Organizational Behavior 3
BA (H) 452 Business & Labour Law 3
BA (H) 462 Principles of Marketing 3
Year III Semester I
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 511 Cost Accounting 3
BA (H) 521 Environmental Studies 3
BA (H) 531 Community Development 3
BA (H) 541 Economy of Pakistan 3
BA (H) 551 Financial Management 3
BA (H) 561 Computer Application to Business (E-Commerce) 3
Year III Semester II
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 512 Enterepreneurship 3
BA (H) 522 Production & Operations Management 3
BA (H) 532 Marketing Management 3
BA (H) 542 Business Research Methods 3
BA (H) 552 Human Resource Management 3
BA (H) 562 Managerial Accounting 3
Year IV Semester I
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 601 Consumer Behavior 3
BA (H) 611 Management Information System 3
BA (H) 621 Business Ethics 3
Elective I 3
Elective II 3
Year IV Semester II
Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hours
BA (H) 602 Strategic Management 3
BA (H) 612 International Business 3
Elective III 3
Elective IV 3
BA (H) 622 Project Report 3
Sales Management
International Marketing
Brand Management
Services Marketing
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
• The text is concerned with English usage that would prove acceptable in every
way to the most critical reader or listener.
• Focus is made specifically on grammar, word usage, conciseness, clarity,
punctuation, spelling, and dictionary study.
• Case study will be given in each chapter that will provide actual editing practice
on a real business memo or letter.
• Collaborative learning exercises will be given to students that will provide an
opportunity to work together in groups, hence provide learning and editing
Course Contents
2. Grammatical Sentences
2.1 Understanding Sentence Grammar
2.2 Understanding Basic Sentences
2.3 Classifying Sentences
4. Verbs
4.1 Verb Forms
4.2 Tense
4.3 Moods
4.4 Voice
4.5 Other Complication
5. Agreement
5.1 Agreement between Subject and Verb
5.2 Agreement between Pronouns and Antecedent
7. Clear Sentences
7.1 Sentence Fragments
9. Effective Sentences
9.1 Using Coordination and Subordination
9.2 Using Parallelism
9.3 Emphasizing Main Ideas
9.4 Achieving Variety
11. Mechanics
11.1 Capitals
11.2 Abbreviations
11.3 Numbers
11.4 Word Division
Recommended Books
1. Barry Robert E., Business English for the 21 Century, Prentice Hall Inc. 1997.
2. Fowler Ramsey H., Jane Aaron E., The Little Brown Handbook, Longmans
Publication, 2003.
3. Guffey, Mary Ellen, Business English, South Western College Publication, (3rd
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Simply stated, economics is the study how societies choose to allocate scarce resources
among competing uses. Many of the decisions we make are economic decisions, and
many of our interactions with other are influenced by economic institutions.
Course Contents
1. Fundamentals of Economics
1.1 Economic Issues
1.2 Scarcity and the Competing Use of Resources
1.3 The Role of the Market
1.4 The Scope of Economics
a. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
b. Diversity of Economics
1.5 The Three Problems of Economic Organization : Market, Command and Mixed
1.6 The Methods of Economics
a. Positive Economics
b. Normative Economics
1.7 Issues and Applications
a. Theories and Models
b. Economic Policy
6. Analysis of Costs
6.1 Short Run Costs and Output Decisions
a. Fixed Cost
b. Variable Cost
c. Total Cost
6.2 Output Decisions :
a. Total Revenue
b. Marginal Revenue
c. Comparing Costs and Revenues to Maximize Profits
d. The Short Run Supply Curve
6.3 Costs and Output Decisions in Long Run
a. Short Run Condition and Long Run Direction
b. Maximizing Profits
c. Minimizing Losses
6.4 Long Run Costs : Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
a. Increasing Returns to Scale
b. Constant Returns to Scale
c. Decreasing Returns to Scale
6.5 Issues and Applications : External Economies and Diseconomies
6.6 Long Run Adjustments to Short Run Conditions
Recommended Books :
1. Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Prentice Hall International Inc.
8th Edition, 2007.
2. McConnel and Bruce, Economics, McGraw Hill Inc., 15/e, 1999
3. Michael Parkin, Economics, Addison-Wesley International Inc., 1990
4. Samuelson, Paul A. and Nordhaus, William D., Economics, McGraw Hill Inc., 18th Edition,
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Basic Algebra
1.3 Ratios
1.4 Proportions
1.5 Percentages
2.1 Progressions of Sequence and Series and their Application in Business
3.1 Linear Equations and Inequalities
3.2 System of Linear Equations
3.3 Linear Functions and Its Application
3.4 Simultaneous Equations
3.5 Break – Even Models
4.1 Mathematical Functions in General
4.2 Types of Functions
4.3 Graphical Representation of Functions
5.1 Quadratic and Polynomial Functions
5.2 Application of Quadratic Functions
5.3 Rational Functions
6.1 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and their Characteristics
6.2 Graphical Presentation and applications
7.1 Matrix Algebra – Introduction to Matrices
7.2 Types of Matrices
7.3 Matrix Operations and Determinant
8.1 Introduction to Differentiation
8.2 Rules of Differentiation
8.3 Average Rate of Change
8.4 Instantaneous Rate of Change
9.1 Mathematics of Finance – Interest and Its Computations
9.2 Simple Interest and Compound Interest
9.3 Annuities and Their Present Value
9.4 Annuities and Their Future Value
9.5 Cost Benefit Analysis
Recommended Books
1. Budnick Frank S., Applied Mathematics for Business Economics and Social
Sciences, McGraw Hill, 1993.
2. Bowen, Mathematics with Applications in Management and Economics, Irwin,
3. Gaughan Edward D. and Scribner Edward A., Introduction to Business
Mathematics, Kent Publishing Company, 1986.
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course basically deals with the fundamentals of accounting. The objectives of this
course is to provide the students with an applied knowledge of accounting concepts,
principles, procedures, systems for preparation of financial statements, accounting
treatment of current assets and liabilities, tangible and intangible assets. Students
should become adept at classifying problems, situations and applying the required
accounting principles.
Course Contents
7. Intangibles
7.1 Nature and Composition of Intangible Assets
7.2 Accounting Treatment for Intangibles Assets
Recommended Books
1. Horngren, Harrison, Robinson, Accounting, Prentice Hall Inc., 3rd Edition, 1995.
2. Robert. Meigs, Williams Jan R., Haka Susan F., Bettner Mark S., Accounting,
McGraw Hill, 10th Edition, March 1996.
3. Sticky and Weif, Financial Accounting, Harcourt, 9th Edition, 2000.
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The main purpose of this course is to make the fresh students in the field of business
studies able to understand the concept and comprehensive views on business and allied
activities. The understanding of basic role of business in our society requires exploration
into various areas.
The objective with the course is to explore and examine various aspects of business,
their interrelation with business system. This is a foundation course which provides basic
knowledge about the nature and importance of business, its concepts, functions,
principles etc.
Course Contents
2. Ownership
2.1 Sole Proprietorship
2.2 Partnership
2.3 Joint Stock Company / Corporation
2.4 Cooperatives
2.5 Business Combination
3. Finance
3.1 Financial Problems and Policies
3.2 Long Term and Short Term Finance
3.3 Important Financial Institutions
3.4 Stock Exchange Operation and Commodity Exchange
3.5 Risk and Insurance
4. Production
4.1 Business Location and Layout
4.2 Purchasing and Inventory Control
4.3 Production and Production Control
6. Marketing
6.1 The Concept of Marketing Mix
6.2 Approach the Study of Marketing
6.3 Importance of Marketing for Business
6.4 Concept of Middleman
6.5 Marketing Communication and Promotion
Recommended Books
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course will focus on the meaning, the significance and the practicality of Islam as
universal religion, project the Islamic beliefs, and the Islamic code of life and acquaint
the students with the importance of religion and its place in human life
Course Contents
1. Religion
1.1 What is Religion?
1.2 Need of Religion
1.3 Why Islam is the Best Religion?
1.4 Islam vs Christianity and Judaism.
3. Human Rights
3.1 Islamic Concept of Human Rights
3.2 Western Concept of Human Rights
3.3 Comparative Analysis of Both
Recommended Books
1. Muhammad Hameedullah Islam and Practical Life, Darul Ishaat, Karachi, 1998.
2. Syed Abu Ala Mawdudi Towards Understanding Islam, Islamic Publications,
London, 1993.
3. Khurshid Ahmed, Islami Nazaria-e-Hiyat, B.C.C & T, University of Karachi,
Karachi, 1980.
4. Tahir Mansoori, Islamic Law of Contracts and Business Transaction, Shri’ah
Academy, Islamabad, 2005.
BBA – I (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The students are required to study Ethical Behavior lieu of Islamic Studies for Non-
Muslim students.
Course Contents
4. Moral Theories
4.1 Hedonism (Mill)
4.2 Intuitionism (Butler)
4.3 Kant’s Moral Theory
Recommended Books
1. Ameer Ali S., The Ethics of Islam, Noor Library Publisher, 1951.
2. Donaldson D. M., Studies in Muslim Ethics, London, 1953.
3. Hill, Thomas, Ethics in Theory and Practice, Thomas Y. Crowel, New York, 1950.
4. Titus H. H., Ethics in Theory and Practice, Thomas Y. Crowel, New York, 1950.
5. William Lillie, An Introduction to Ethics, Methuen and Co., London, 1957.
BBA – II (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
1.1 The Roots of Macroeconomics (Great Depression + Recent Macroeconomic History)
1.2 Objectives and Instruments of Macroeconomics
1.3 Component of Macro Economy
a. Circular Flow diagram
b. Three Market Arenas
1.4 Macroeconomic Indicators:
a. Inflation
b. Aggregate Output and Business Cycle
c. Unemployment and Global Issues
1.5 The Role of Government in the Macro Economy
4. Fiscal Policy
4.1 Instruments of Fiscal Policy
4.2 Derivation of IS Curve
4.3 Discretionary Fiscal Policy
a. Expansionary Fiscal Policy
b. Contractionary Fiscal Policy
c. Financing of Deficits and Disposing of Surpluses
d. Policy Options : G or T (Government Spending / Taxes)
5. Monetary Policy
5.1 Instruments of Monetary Policy
5.2 Derivation of LM Curve
5.3 Expansionary and Contractionary Monetary Policy
5.4 Combining the Goods and Money Market
5.5 Crowding Out Effect
5.6 The Macroeconomic Policy – Mix
6. Macroeconomic Problems
6.1 Unemployment and Inflation
a. Recessions, Depressions and Unemployment
b. Defining and Measuring Unemployment
c. Components of Unemployment Rate
d. Cost of Unemployment
e. Benefit of Recession
6.2 Inflation
a. Defining and Measuring of Inflation
b. Kinds of Inflation
(i) Demand – Pull Inflation
(ii) Cost – Push Inflation
c. Cost of Inflation
7. Balance of Trade
7.1 Export Transactions
7.2 Import Transactions
8. Balance of Payment
8.1 (a) Current Account (b) Capital Account (c) Official Reserves Account
8.2 Payment, Deficits and Surplus
9. Public Finance
9.1 Incidence of Taxes (Progressive, Regressive etc.)
9.2 Government Budget
Recommended Books :
1. Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Prentice Hall International Inc. 8th
Edition, 2007.
2. McConnel and Bruce, Economics, McGraw Hill Inc., 15/e, 1999
3 Michael Parkin, Economics, Addison-Wesley International Inc., 1990
4. Samuelson, Paul A. and Nordhaus, William D., Economics, McGraw Hill Inc., 18th Edition, 2005.
BBA – II (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The main objective is to enable the students to express themselves in good rhetorical
language with special reference to arrangement and style. The students will be
introduced to envelop, persuasive writing which will help them to critically develop
analytical research. It will also encourage the students to read widely and analyze
written prose and to develop paraphrasing skills. It will also sharpen their powers of
observation and skills for writing about personnel, public, professional needs and
problems. Apart from this it will further build their understanding on the techniques of
Course Contents
Recommended Books
BBA – II (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The objective of this course is to make the students feel comfortable in business
environment where there is an increasing use of quantitative analysis. The course
emphasizes the application of mathematical techniques to cope up with the modern
advancements and orientation according to modern requirements. The today’s business
students will be the decision maker’s tomorrow and shall be better equipped if they are
familiar with these concepts. Such familiarity can assist them in being better ‘critics’ and
‘users’ and hopefully better decision makers.
Course Contents
2. Differentiation
2.1 The Chain Rule
2.2 Higher Order Derivatives
2.3 Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions
2.4 Exponential and Trigonometric Functions.
5. Linear Programming
5.1 Graphical Solutions
5.2 Region of Feasible Solution
5.3 Corner-Point Method and Application of Linear Programming
5.4 The Simplex Method.
Recommended Books
1. Budnick Frank S., Applied Mathematics for Business Economics and Social
Sciences, McGraw Hill, 1993.
2. Lawson Michel and Hubbord Stephen and Paul Pugh, Maths and Statistics for
Business, Longman Singapore Publishers, 1993.
3. Mizrahi Abe and Sullivan Michel, Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences - An
Applied Approach, John Wiley and Sons, 1995.
4. L. Hoffmann D. and G. Bradley L., Calculus for Business and Social Sciences,
McGraw Hill New York, 1989.
BBA – II (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The objective of this course is to provide the students with a knowledge of accounting to
enable them to; prepare financial statement for different types of business such as Non-
profit organizations and sole proprietorship, prepare financial statements of companies,
compute and interpret working capital ratios and analyze various items of current assets
and liabilities to highlight the current financial position of the companies and this course
explain potential matters that should be considered while making a regulatory
framework for published accounts.
Course Contents
3. Inventory Accounting:
3.1 Nature and Classes of Inventories
3.2 Periodic and Perpetual Inventory Valuation as per International
Accounting Standard (IAS-2)
3.3 LIFO, FIFO Methods, Weighted Average Method, Moving Average
3.4 Inventory Valuation at Cost or NRV Whichever is Lower
4. Cash Flow Statement
4.1 Preparation of Cash Flow Statements According to the Requirement of
4.2 Classification of Cash Flow Statements as Operating Activities
4.3 Investing Activities and Financial Activities by Using Direct and Indirect
BBA – II (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The emergence of computer based technologies and wide spread usage of computers in
Record keeping, classification, Compilation and consolidation of organizational data,
management reporting techniques, consolidation have recast the role of computers in
Business and Management. In other words CBIS has become the basis and essential for
gaining competitive edge.
On completion of this course the students should be capable / have the knowledge in:
Course Contents
1. Information Technology
1.1 Principles
1.2 Practices
1.3 Opportunities
2. Components of Computer
2.1 Input Devices
2.2 Storage Devices
2.3 Processing Devices
2.4 Output Devices
8. Internets Basics
8.1 How Internet Works TCP/IP : The Universal Language of The Internet
8.2 Addressing Schemes – IP and DNS Addresses
8.3 Domains and Sub-Domains
8.4 Major Features of Internet
8.4.1 www
8.4.2 e-mail
8.4.3 Telnet
8.4.4 FTP
8.4.5 Relay Chat (IRC)
8.4.6 Firewalls
8.4.7 Intranets and Extranets
8.4.8 Cyber Crimes
BBA – II (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The course is designed with the objectives of acquainting the students with the
anthropological study of Pakistan. Advents of Muslims in India, two nation theory and
the history of freedom movement with role of important leaders before and after
independence and their contributions.
After completing the course students are expected to learn the background and the
events responsible for the creation of Pakistan. The course is to create a feeling of love
and importance of Pakistan among the young generation. They will make themselves
aware of the status of Pakistan in relation to neighbors and realize their personal
identification as a Pakistani national.
Course Contents
3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and His Services for Muslims of the
3.1 Aligarh Movement
3.2 Partition of Bengal (1905)
3.3 Beginning of Muslim Nationalism
8. Literacy in Pakistan
8.1 Agriculture of Pakistan
8.2 Industries of Pakistan
Recommended Books
Credit Hours : 03
The purpose of this course is to understand the behavior of human being in general and
in business organization specifically. How people behave in a way as they do in a
situation? This question is difficult to answer as human is a very complex entity.
Course Contents
2. Perception
2.1 Attentional Processes
2.2 Organizational Processes in Perception
2.3 Identification and Recognition Processes
2.4 Memory
5. Cognitive Processes
5.1 Studying Cognition
5.2 Language Use
5.3 Visual Cognition
5.4 Problem Solving and Reasoning
5.5 Judging and Deciding
5.6 Intelligence Assessment
6. Personality
6.1 Definition and Assessment of Personality
6.2 Psychodynamic, Behavioristic, Humanistic, and Trait Theory of Personality
7. Social Psychology
7.1 Social Cognition
7.2 Attitude and Their Group Behavior
7.3 Prejudice
7.4 Social Influences and Group Behavior
7.5 Interpersonal Attraction and Loving
7.6 Stress and Coping (Psychology of Health)
Recommended Books
1. Carlson Neil R. and Buskist, William, Psychology, Allyn and Bacon, 1997.
2. Feldman, Robert S. Understanding Psychology, McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. Gerow, Josh, Psychology and Introduction, Longman, 1997.
4. Lahey, Benjamin, Psychology, McGraw Hill, 2003.
5. Zimbardo, Phillips G. and Gerring, Richard J. Psychology and Life Harper, Collin
Publishers, 1996.
Credit Hours : 03
The Objective of this course is to sharpen the intellect of the students, develop their
earning ability, strengthen their understanding and promote clear thinking. In order to
achieve the desired goal, especially, in management of organizations the manager is
expected to present his case with reasoning and logically. It is important to convince the
people while negotiating in business. The knowledge of logic will help students to learn
how to present their viewpoints before others.
Course Contents
1. Definition of Logic
1.1 Logic as a Science and an Art
1.2 Scope of Logic
1.3 The Laws of Logic
1.4 Induction and Essential Characteristics of Induction
6. Informal Fallacies
6.1 Fallacies of Relevance
6.2 Fallacies of Presumptions
6.3 Fallacies of Ambiguities
Recommended Books
Credit Hours : 03
The course aims at providing basic understanding about the principles and practices in
money and banking field. The course reviews definitions, functions and theories of
money – classical, Keynsian and modern viewpoints, central and commercial banking,
examination of monetary policy. The course also discusses the principles of international
finance and financial institutions.
Course Contents
6. Financial Instruments
• Certificate of Deposits
• Treasury Bills
• Purchase Agreements
• Banker’s Acceptances
• Federal Funds
• Corporate Stocks
• Corporate Bonds
• Mortgages
• Government Securities
• Consumer and Commercial Loans
• Municipal Bonds
7. Banking
• Origin
• Evolution
• Types and Functions
• Sources of Funds in Relation to Legal, Economic and Social Factors
Involved in Pakistan
9. Funds Management
• Investment and Lending
• Statutory and Liquidity Requirements in Pakistan
10. Banker Customer Relationship
• Primary and Others
11. Customer’s Accounts
• Individual
• Institutional and Corporate
• Requirement of KYC
12. Negotiable and Other Instruments
• Promissory Notes
• Bill of Exchange
• Cheque
• Drafts
• Receipt
• Bonds
• Coupons
• Dividend Warrants
• Letter of Credit
• Travellers Cheques
• Credit and Debit Cards
13. Payment of Cheques and Other Instruments by Banks
Recommended Books
1. Luckett D. G., Money and Banking, McGraw Hill, New York, (3rd Edition), 1998.
2. Miller Roger LeRoy and VanHoose’ David D., Modern Money and Banking,
McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore, (3rd Edition), 2000.
3. Siddiqi Asrar H., Practice and Law of Banking in Pakistan, Royal Book Company,
Karachi, (7th Edition), 2004.
Course Title
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
1. Communication at Work
1.1 Communication Successfully in an Organization
1.2 Significance Form
1.3 Functions Process
1.4 Communication Network and Barriers
3. Business Reports-Classification
3.1 Planning, Organizing, Formal Reports
3.2 Planning, Organizing, In Formal Reports
3.3 Mechanics of Documentation
3.4 Writing Reports and Proposals
Recommended Books
1. Guffey Marry Ellen, Business Communication: Process and Product, (6th Edition),
South Western College Publishing, 2006.
2. Locker Kitty O., Business and Administrative Communication, McGraw Hill
Publication, 2003.
Credit Hours : 03
After studying this course the student will know how to collect the data, its nature, its
average value and variation in it. The student will be able to compare the variability of
two or more heterogeneous groups. The student can compare the prices, quantities and
values etc. of a group of related articles at one date with those of the same group of
related articles at different date. The student will be able to evaluate the amount of
relationship between two or more linearly related variables. In addition to this the
student will be able to predict the expected production, demand, consumption etc.
Course Contents
6. Quartiles
6.1 Quartiles for Ungrouped and Grouped Data
6.2 Deciles for Grouped Data
6.3 Percentiles for Grouped Data and Its Application
7. Dispersion
7.1 Absolute Measures
7.2 Relative Measures and Its Application
9. Counting Techniques
9.1 Permutation
9.2 Combination
9.3 Problems on Permutation and Combination
Recommended Books
1. Fruend John E., Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Prentice Hall, (7th
Edition), October 2003.
2. Spiegel Murray R., Schaum’s Outline of Probability and Statistics, McGraw Hill
Publishers, (2nd Edition), March 2000.
3. Weiss Neil A., Introductory Statistics, Addison–Wesley Publishing Co. (7th
Edition), June 2004.
Credit Hours : 03
This is a basic course introducing the principles, concepts and historical perspective of
general management. The objective is to expose students to the management functions
which includes planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling etc.
Emphasis is also given on how a business venture can collapse if proper management is
not practiced in the business. Students are therefore expected to develop analytical and
conceptual understanding of how people are managed in small, medium and large public
and private, national and international organizations (profit making and non-profit
Course Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview and Scope of Management Discipline
1.2 The Evolution and Emergence of Management Thought
1.3 Major Contributions to Management : Frederick Taylor (Scientific
Management) Henry Fayol and Henry Gantt.
1.4 The Emergence of Behavioral Sciences
3. Planning
3.1 The nature and Purpose of Planning
3.2 Objectives
3.3 Meaning of Objective
3.4 Process of Managing by Objectives
3.5 How to Set Objectives
3.6 Types of Plans
3.7 Steps in Planning
4. Decision Making
4.1 Importance and Limitations of Rational Decision Making
4.2 Evaluation of Alternatives
4.3 Decision Making under Uncertainty
4.4 Evaluating the Importance of Decision Making
5. Organizing
5.1 The Nature and Purpose of Organizing
5.2 Organizational Structures : Formal and Informal Organization
5.3 Organizational Division: The Departments
5.4 Organization and Span of Management
5.5 Departmentalization, Organizational Structure, Various Basis for
5.6 Line / Staff Authority, Functional Authority
5.7 Decentralization and Delegation of Authority
6. Staffing
6.1 Definition of Staffing
6.2 Human Resource Management
6.3 Recruitment and Selection: Matching the Person with the Job
6.4 Selection Process and Techniques
6.5 Training and Development
6.6 Purpose and Uses of Appraisal
6.7 Choosing the Appraisal Criteria
6.8 Formulating the Career Strategy
8. Controlling
8.1 The Basic Control Process
8.2 Requirement for Effective Control
8.3 Control Techniques: The Budget, Traditional Non–Budgetary Control
8.4 Time – Event Network Analysis
8.5 Program Budgeting
8.6 Information Technology and Its Challenges
8.7 Controlling and Planning Relationship
9. Management and Society
9.1 Operation in a Pluralistic Society
9.2 External Environment – Economic, Technological, Social, Political and
9.3 Social Responsibility and Ethical Managerial Practices
9.4 Future Perspective of Management
Recommended Books
BBA – IV (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Business Finance course encompasses the entire business activity in practical life.
Introduction to Business Finance is a basic course which is introduced assuming that the
students do not have any prior knowledge of business finance.
The course has been developed to provide basic knowledge about the principles,
concepts, and terminologies which are applicable to the current business practices. This
course will help students develop knowledge and understanding of finance and its
methods for analyzing the benefits of various sources of finance. Further it will be
possible for students to learn capital investment opportunities and application of
financial technologies for business planning and control.
Course Contents
1. An overview of Finance
1.1 Scope of Finance and its Career Opportunities
1.2 Alternative form of Business Organization
1.3 Finance in the organizational structure of the firm
1.4 Managerial Actions to Maximize Shareholders Wealth
1.5 Functions of a Finance Manager
Recommended Books
BBA – IV (Hons.)
Course Number : BA (H) – 422
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
1. Communication at Work
1.1 The Importance of Communication
1.2 The Nature of Communication
1.3 The Process of Communication
1.4 Using Communication Networks
1.5 Choosing the Optimal Communication Channel
2. Personal Skills
2.1 Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Messages
2.2 Types of Non-Verbal Communication
2.3 Characteristics, Differences, Functions
3. Listening
3.1 Importance of Listening
3.2 Approaches to Listening
3.3 Barriers to Effective Listening
3.4 Reasons for Listening
8. Interpersonal Skills
8.1 Understanding Interpersonal Relationship
8.2 Characteristics
8.3 Managing Conflicts
8.4 Dealing With Criticism
8.5 Negotiating Skills
Recommended Books
1. Adler Ronald B., Communicating At Work: Principles and Practices for Business
and the Professionals, McGraw Hill Publication, (5th International Edition), 1999.
2. Hamna Michael S., Wilson Gerald L., Effective Business Communication, McGraw
Hill Publication, (4th Edition), 1998.
BBA – IV (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
3. Estimation of Parameters
3.1 Point Estimation
3.2 Interval Estimation of Parameters
3.3 Properties of a Good Estimator
3.4 Determination of Sample Size
Recommended Books
1. Fruend John E., Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Prentice Hall, (7th
Edition), October 2003.
2. Spiegel Murray R., Schaum’s Outline of Probability and Statistics, McGraw Hill
Publishers, (2nd Edition), March 2000.
3. Weiss Neil A., Introductory Statistics, Addison–Wesley Publishing Co. (7th
Edition), June 2004.
BBA – IV (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course draws upon research and insight from the disciplines by social sciences to
study the behavior of people in an organizational setup. It also studies organizations as
a social system to understand their structures and the ways people behave in them. It
trains the student to be effective managers and to appreciate the uniqueness of a
person as well as situation. Some of the important topics are: challenges facing
management, motivation performance through job design and goal setting, groups and
organizational characteristics.
Course Contents
1. Luthans. F., Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill N.Y., (9th Edition), 2002.
2. Kreitner R. and Kinicki. A., Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall New York, (5th
Edition), 2001.
3. Robbins, Stephen P., Organizational Behavior, New Jersey : Prentice Hall Inc.,
(Latest Edition), 2001.
BBA – IV (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The course to acquaints the students with Business and Labour Laws. This will enable
them to learn the concepts and provisions of laws which are related to business
operations and management. Decision making in business must look into the legal
aspects affecting the relationship outside and inside organization. The understanding of
basic provisions of law will create confidence in managers while dealing with issues in
Course Contents
Recommended Books
BBA – IV (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Marketing is all around us and we all need to understand its importance. The study of
marketing is essential not only for manufacturing companies, wholesalers, retailers but
also for all kinds of individuals and organizations. This course will emphasize on learning
the basic marketing concepts which revolve around ‘Building and managing profitable
customer relationships’. Here we will learn how to analyze consumer needs and wants
and to design products for them keeping in mind the major marketing decisions i.e.
about product features, price, distribution and promotional strategies. The need to
segment markets and building strongly positioned brands will be discussed. Moreover
because of technological advancements the importance of marketing in a global scenario
will also be discussed.
Course Contents
Recommended Books
1. Kotler Philip and Armstrong Gary, Principles of Marketing, McGraw Hill Inc. 2006.
2. Stanton Etzel and Walker, Fundamental of Marketing, Prentice Hall Inc. 2002.
3. Mc Carthy, Basic Marketing, McGraw Hill, N.Y., 2001.
BBA – V (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
Recommended Books
1. Horngern Charles T., Cost Account: A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall, 1998.
2. Cashin and Polimini, Cost Accounting, McGraw Hill, 1995.
3. Usry Milton F., Cost Accounting planning and Control, South Western Publishing
Co.(Ohio), (9TH Edition), 1996.
BBA – V (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Lithosphere
1.2 Biosphere
1.3 Atmosphere
1.4 Hydrosphere
3. Biological Resources
3.1 Biodiversity
3.1.1 Biodiversity Loses
3.1.2 Biodiversity Action Plan
3.2 Community and Ecosystem Degradation
3.3 Species Preservation
3.4 Species Conservation
3.5 Wetlands
3.6 Biomes
BBA – V (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course develops the student to observe group relationship and its importance in
organizational setup with the distinction between functional and dysfunctional aspects.
Sociology helps to learn and perform to meet the objectives and norms of an
organization, and to interact purposefully with the groups for the success of business.
This course will help the students of management to learn the recent trends in
Some of the important topics are culture, sub culture their usefulness and functional
importance, roles and status in an organizational setup, social stratification etc. The
subject tackles some of the challenges of globalization.
Course Contents
1. Definition of Sociology
2. Scope of Sociology
6. Socialization
6.1 Definition, Objectives of Socialization
6.2 Process of Socialization
6.3 Agencies of Socialization
6.4 Groups – The Basic Social Unit
8. Social Institutions
8.1 Definition and Characteristics
8.2 Types of Social Institution
(a) Family
(b) Economic
(c) Educational
(d) Political
(e) Religious
8.3 Role in Social Institutions
9. Personality
9.1 Definition
9.2 Personality and Culture
Recommended Books
BBA – V (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course is designed to provides students with critical information and knowledge
about Pakistan economic environment. Important components which contribute to the
development and progress of the economy of country are included here.
The students are expected to learn about the current economic condition of Pakistan
and also to develop analytical thinking about future. Since the topics discussed have
both descriptive and quantitative approach students will be beneficial from both angles.
Course Contents
1. Agriculture Sector
1.1 Major Crops, Cash Crops
1.2 Minor Crops
1.3 Irrigated and Un-irrigated Area
1.4 Agricultural Inputs Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries
1.5 Role of Agriculture in Economic Development of Country
1.6 Problems in Agriculture Sector
2. Industry
2.1 Small, Medium and Large Scale Industries
2.2 Major Industries of Pakistan
2.3 Employment Capital Output Ratio
2.4 Industrial Policy and Prospects
2.5 Privatization of SOE’s (State Owned Enterprises)
2.6 FDI in Industrial Sector
2.7 Industrial Financial Institution
3. Population
3.1 Population Trend, Birth Rate, Fertility Rate and Infant Morality Rate
3.2 Rural Urban Migration
3.3 Male/Female Ratio
3.4 Life Expectancy and Population Pyramid
4. Education
4.1 Number of Male/Female Educational Institutions
4.2 Student Enrolment
4.3 Teacher/Student Ratio
4.4 Literacy Ratio And Educational Policy
5. Health
5.1 Number of Hospitals Doctors and Paramedical Staff
5.2 Number of Medical Colleges
5.3 Major Diseases
5.4 Access to Clean Water and Sanitation
6. Services Industry
6.1 Major Services Hotels and Motels, Tourism and Transportation
7. Foreign Trade
7.1 Major Exports and Imports
7.2 Commercial Policy, Tariffs and Quotas
7.3 Export Subsidies and Rebate
7.4 Foreign Exchange Earnings and Balance of Trade
8. Monetary Policy
8.1 Role of State Bank of Pakistan in Money Supply
8.2 Tools Of Monetary Policy
8.3 Open Market Operation
8.4 Bank Rate and Required Reserve Ratio
9. Fiscal Policy
9.1 Direct and Indirect Taxes, Excise Duty
9.2 Government Budget and Government Expenditure
9.3 Revenue Sharing Between Federation and the Provinces And Between
Province And Local Government
11. Inflation
11.1 Measurement of Inflation
11.2 Consequences of Inflation
11.3 Inflation and Unemployment
11.4 How to Control Inflation
Recommended Books
BBA – V (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of financial management.
The course contains tools and techniques of financial management, which can be
applied in the specific area of business to manage operating, financing and investing
activities. The objective of this course is to provide the students with an in-depth
knowledge of financial management to enable them to understand and apply strategic
approach of financial management, use financial instruments for strategic financial
management, examine the financial goals and policy of the business for proper
application, develop financial plan to manage various financial activities of business.
Course Contents
4. Valuation Models
4.1 Key Concepts of Value
4.2 Time Value of Money
4.3 The Valuation Process
4.4 The Fundamental Valuation Model
4.5 Valuation of Securities
4.6 Bond Valuations
4.7 Preferred Stock
5. Financial Markets
5.1 An Overview
5.2 Money Market
5.3 Institutional Framework with Reference to Pakistan
5.4 Capital Markets
5.5 Primary Vs Secondary Markets
5.6 Organized Vs Over The Counter Market
5.7 Investment Banking and Public Securities Issue
5.8 Private Placement
5.9 Role of Financial Markets in Pakistan
7. Capital Budgeting
7.1 Importance of Capital Budgeting
7.2 Link Between Investment Decisions and Customer Requirements
7.3 Generating Ideas for Capital Budgeting
7.4 Project Classification
7.5 Similarities between Capital Budgeting and Security Valuation
7.6 Capital Budgeting Evaluation Techniques
7.7 Comparison of The NPV and IRR Methods
7.8 Cash Flow Estimation
7.9 Relevant Cash Flow
7.10 Capital Budgeting
7.11 Introduction to Project Risk Analysis
7.12 Beta (or Market Risk) Risk
8. Capital Structure
8.1 The Target Capital Structure
8.2 Determining the Optimal Capital Structure
8.3 Capital Structure Theory
9. Risk Analysis
9.1 Risk and Return
9.2 Risk Behavior
9.3 Return Portfolio
9.4 Risk Measurement
Recommended Books
BBA – V (Hons.)
Course Number : BA (H) – 561
Credit Hours : 03
On completion of this course the students should be capable / have the knowledge in:
o Understanding of e-Business Systems
o Legal issues and e-standards
o Website development for a Business
Course Contents
1. Intro to IT
1.1 Business Application
1.2 Organization and Organizational Units
1.3 Challenges
1.4 Management
4. The Internet
4.1 Intro to Internet
4.2 Internet: Applications in Business
4.3 Internet, Intranet, Extranet
4.4 Internet: Ethics, Standards and Society
4.5 Challenges
5. E–Commerce Technology
5.1 Web Applications and Uses
5.2 Information Retrieval
5.3 Entertainment
5.4 Transactions Processing System (TPS)
5.5 E–Com Support System: E–Com Servers and Services
5.6 Net Components and Technologies
5.7 Electronic Mail
5.8 Accessing Files with FTP
5.9 Our Free Market Economy
Recommended Books
BBA – VI (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
This course is aimed at creating a desire in students to use their skills and talents as an
entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is a combination of attributes which motivates a person
to learn how he can develop himself as a successful businessman. By studying the
concepts and theories of the entrepreneurship a student will be encouraged to transform
himself by acquiring the knowledge as to how successfully he can start, manage and
achieve growth in his business.
Students work in teams to develop formal and written strategies business plans and
ready for implementation by them.
Course Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 The Concept of Entrepreneurship
1.2 Foundation of Entrepreneurship
1.3 The Economist View of Entrepreneurship
1.4 The Sociologist View
1.5 Behavioral Approach
1.6 Entrepreneurship and Management
4. Developing an Entrepreneur
4.1 Entrepreneurial Profile
4.2 Trait Approach to Understanding Entrepreneurship
4.3 Factors Influencing Entrepreneurship
4.4 The Environment
4.5 Socio-Cultural Factors
4.6 Support Systems
5. Entrepreneurship Organization
5.1 Team Work
5.2 Networking Organization
5.3 Motivation and Compensation
5.4 Value System
7. Entrepreneurial Marketing
7.1 Framework for Developing Entrepreneurial Marketing
7.2 Devising Entrepreneurial Marketing Plan
7.3 Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies
7.4 Product Quality and Design
Recommended Books:
1. Burns Paul and Hurst Jim Dew, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, McMillan,
2. Drucker Peter F., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill, Inc. N.Y., 2007.
3. Mariotti Steve, National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Prentice Hall,
4. Miner John B., Entrepreneurship Success, Prentice Hall, N.Y.
5. Zimmerer Thomas W. and Scarborga Norman M., Essentials of Entrepreneurship
and Small Business Management (4/e)”, Prentice Hall, 2006.
BBA – VI (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
Books Recommended
1. Adam Everett Jr. and Ebert Ronald J., Production and Operations Management,
Prentice Hall International UK Ltd. London. (5th Edition), 1996.
2. Buffa Elwood S. and Sarin Rakesh K., Modern Production/Operations
Management, Prentice Hall, (8th Edition), 2002.
3. Dilworth James D., Production and Operations Management, McGraw Hill,
(3rd Edition), 1998.
4. Krajewski Lee J. and Ritzman L. P., Operations Management, McGraw Hill, (5th
Edition), Weasly Longman, Inc. New York, USA, 1999.
BBA – VI (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The objective of this course is to give students a detailed and advanced overview of
Marketing, as the basic concepts have already been discussed in the ‘Principles of
Marketing’ course. As the title ‘Marketing Management’ suggest that Marketing cannot
be separated from Management. To be a successful marketer , knowledge of handling
strategic and tactical management issues is necessary. This course is intended to
emphasize on the application of marketing concepts and tools along with the decision
making process. Here the students will learn how to analyze and measure total market
demand and winning customers through market oriented strategic planning, keeping in
mind the competitors moves. Major decisions about product, branding, price, channel
systems and productions will be emphasized.
Course Contents
1. Marketing : An Overview
1.1 Importance and Scope of Marketing
1.2 Understanding Marketing Management
1.3 Social Responsibility of Marketing
1.4 Company Orientations Toward the Market Place
BBA – VI (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The quality of business decisions depends to a great extent on the information available
to the decisions maker. It is the function of business research to provide information for
this decision-making. The main purpose of this course is to provide business decision
makers with an understanding of research methods.
The focus of this course is the need for business research and major emphasis will be on
workshop session, fieldwork and case studies also the preparation of a research report.
Course Contents
2. Scientific Inquiry
2.1 Overview
2.2 Definitions and Terminologies Used in Research
2.3 Methods of Theory Construction
2.4 Model Based Theory
2.5 Deductive Theory
2.6 Functional Theory
2.7 Induction Theory
2.8 Relevance of Science in Business Research
2.9 Scientific Methods
6. Foundations of Measurement
6.1 The Nature of Measurement
6.2 Components of Measurement
6.3 The Measurement Process
6.4 Levels of Measurement
6.5 Nominal
6.6 Ordinal
6.7 Interval Evaluation of Measurement Scales
6.8 Validity and Reliability
7. Attitude Measurement
7.1 Attitude Measurement
7.2 Attitude Defined
7.3 Attitude as a Hypothetical Construct
7.4 Techniques for Measuring Attitudes
7.5 Attitude Rating Scales
7.6 Ranking
7.7 Sorting
7.8 Other Methods of Attitude Measurement
7.9 Selecting a Measurement Scale
7.10 Some Practical Decisions
Recommended Books
1. Zikmund William G., Business Research Methods, The Dryden Press, 2004.
2. Dr. Matin A. Khan, Research Methods for Business Organization & Social
Institutions, Rahber Publishers, Lahore, Pakistan, 2007 (2nd Edition).
BBA – VI (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
How well an organization obtains, maintains and retains its human resource is a major
determinant of its success or failure. This course explains how proactive managers and
human resource professionals share their dual responsibility for continuously improving
the human contribution to organizations, in ways that are strategically, socially, legally
and ethically acceptable.
Course Contents
Recommended Books
1. Bernardin and Russell, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill, 2001, (2nd
2. Dessler Gary, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, (Edition 2003).
3. Dowling Peter, Welch Denice E. and Schuler Randall S., International Human
Resource Management, Managing People in a Multinational Enlist, International
Thomason Publishing, Canada, 1998.
4. Foot Margaret and Carolina Hook, Introducing Human Resource Management,
Longman Publishing, London, 1997.
5. Graham, Hollinshead and Mike Leat, Human Resource Management, Pitman
Publishing, Great Britain, 1995.
6. Milkovich and Boudreen, Personnel / Human Resource Management, BPI Irwin
Publishing, 1998, Illinois, USA.
7. Werther William B. and Davis Keith, Human Resource and Personnel
Management, McGraw Hill, 2003.
BBA – VI (Hons.)
Credit Hours : 03
The objective of this course will be concerned with providing information for the more
day-to-day functions of control and decision-making. This will involve budgeting, cost
accounting, variance analysis, and evaluation of alternative uses of resources.
Course Contents
4. Costing Systems
4.1 Job Order Costing Systems
4.2 Process Costing System
4.3 Hybrid Product Costing System
4.4 Cost Management Systems for New Manufacturing Environment
9. Variable Costing
9.1 Variable Costing versus Full Absorption Costing
9.2 Appropriateness of Variable Costing and Full Absorption Costing Methods
Recommended Books
Credit Hours : 03
The objective of this course is to make students aware of the dynamics behind buying
behavior. The needs and the motivation of the consumer are to be highlighted. This
course would lead the student to understand the role of Demographics and
Psychographics on the Consumer
Course Contents
1. Introduction:
1.1 Definition
1.2 Application of the Understanding of Consumer Behavior
2. Market Segmentation
2.1 Marketing mix
2.2 Demographic Segmentation
2.3 Geographic Segmentation
2.4 Benefit Segmentation
2.5 Usage Segmentation
2.6 Psycho-graphic Segmentation
2.7 Product Positioning
3. Consumer Motivation
3.1 The Influence of Needs
3.2 Need Theories
Recommended Books
1. Evans, Martin, Consumer Behavior, John Wiley & Sons Inc. (2006).
2. Solomon, Michael, R., Consumer Behavior : Buying, Having, and Being, Upper
Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Education, Inc., (6th Edition).
Credit Hours : 03
The critical role ascribed to IT in both private and public sector is based upon two
popular precepts: First, that IT is a strategic device which, if deployed effectively, can
sustain and improve the competitive advantage of an organization. Second, the
normative literature argues that IT is most effective when aligned to the corporate
strategy, here IT is seen as instrumental in achieving improved information flows, better
services to customers, greater internal efficiencies in the form of cost control, and
headcount reduction.
Keeping in view the organizational aspects of gaining the competitive edge from IT, the
co course such enable students to understand, demonstrate, implement IT in a strategic
On completion of this course the students should be capable / have the knowledge in:
• IT Concepts and Methodologies.
• The application of IS in regard to the organizational hierarchy.
• Redesigning / Reengineering analysis and implementation.
• ERP- Analysis and Design methodology.
• Legal issues and IS Standards.
Course Contents
2. IS in the Enterprise
2.1 Major Types of Systems in Organizations
2.2 Systems from a Functional Perspective
2.3 Enterprise Applications: The Value Chain Model
3. IS, Organizations, Management and Strategy
3.1 Organizations and IS
3.2 The Changing Role of IS in Organizations
3.3 Managers, Decision Making and IS
3.4 IS and the Business Strategy
8. Designing IS
8.1 Redesigning the Organization with IS
8.2 Systems as Planned Organizational Change
8.3 Business Process Redesigning and Process Improvements
8.4 Overview of Systems Development
8.5 Alternative System – Building Approaches
8.6 Cost Benefit Analysis issues in Designing IS
1. Laudon and Laudon , Management Information Systems (MIS), Prentice Hall, (8th
Edition), 2005.
2. Mcleod Raymond Jr., Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall, 1998.
3. O’Brein James A., Management Information System, McGraw Hill, 2006.
Credit Hours : 03
This course introduces contemporary and controversial ethical issues facing the business
community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and morality, equity,
justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development. Upon completion,
students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral responsibilities
and obligations are members of the workforce and society.
Course Contents
4. Social Responsibility
4.1 The Economic Dimension
4.2 The Legal dimension
4.3 The Ethical Dimension
4.4 The Philanthropic Dimension
5. An Ethical Decision Making Framework
5.1 Ethical Issue Intensity
5.2 Individual Factors : Stages of Cognitive Moral Development
5.3 Corporate Culture
5.4 Significant Others
5.5 Opportunity
5.6 Business Ethics Evaluations and Intentions
5.7 Using the Ethical Decision- Making Framework to Improve Ethical
Recommended Books
1. Boylan Michael, Series Editor, Basic Ethics in Action Series, Prentice Hall, 2001.
2. Ferrell, O.C, and Fraedrich, John, Ethical Decision Making and Cases, New
York, Houghton Mifflin, 2002 (5th Edition).
3. Marcus Alfred A., Business and Society, Irwin, (2nd Edition), 1998
4. Post James E. and Lawrence Ann T., Business and Society, (10th Edition), 2006.
Credit Hours : 03
This course is aimed to impart knowledge to students that enables them to analyze
firm’s capacity and environmental happening in order to make quality decisions. This
course provides insight about analysis, mission formulation, objective setting, strategy
formulation, implementation and strategic control. This course examines in detail the
different areas that serve as major input to strategic management of any firm. Students
would also be given supplementary work in the form of “A Case Analysis” which enables
students to diagnose and record strategic issues and key problems of firms.
Course Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Strategic Management
1.2 Definition and Process
1.3 Nature of Strategic Decisions
1.4 The Strategy Managers : The Role and Tasks
7. Strategy Implementation
7.1 Analyzing Strategy Change
7.2 Analyzing Organizational Structure
7.3 Analyzing Organizing Culture
7.4 Selecting an Implementation Approach
8. Strategic control
8.1 The Strategic Control Process
Recommended Books
Credit Hours : 03
This course covers a number of topics both general and specific nature. The course
views the objectives and motives of multinational companies (MNCs) for operating
internationally and strategies they use to achieve global presence, special attention is
given to the following topics : theories of international trade, international v’s, domestic
trade, free trade v’s, protection, tariffs, foreign exchange, foreign direct investment
(FDI), international financial institutions, international corporate planning and
competitive strategies.
7. International Organizations
7.1 WTO and Its Impact on Pakistan’s Export Trade
7.2 IMF
7.3 EU
7.4 Regional Grouping
Recommended Books
Credit Hours : 03
Course Contents
2. Title Page
2.1 Topic / Title
2.2 Name of the Author
2.3 Name of the Report Supervisor
2.4 Name of the Institution
2.5 Submission Date of the Report
3. Acknowledgement
5. Executive Summary
6. Hypothesis / Hypotheses
7. Research Methodology
7.1 Research Method / Design
7.2 Research Instrument
7.3 Respondents Defined
7.4 Time, Cost and Other Limitations