Corporation Bar Qs
Corporation Bar Qs
Corporation Bar Qs
1. “XY” is a recreational club which was Answer: a) Yes, it can be legally done. In
organized to operate a golf course for its converting the stock corporation to a non-stock
members with an original authorized capital corporation by a mere amendment of the
stock of P100 M. the articles of incorporation Articles of Incorporation, the stock corporation
nor the by-laws did not provide for distribution is not distributing any of its assets to the
of dividends although there is a provision that stockholders. On the contrary, the stockholders
after its dissolution, the assets shall be given to are deemed to have waived their right to share
a charitable corporation. Is “XY” a stock in the profits of the corporation which is a gain
corporation? Give reasons for you answer. not a loss to the corporation. b) No, my answer
will not be the same. In a non-stock
corporation, the members are not entitled to
Answer: “XY” is a stock corporation because it is share in the profits of the corporation because
organized as a stock corporation and there is no all present and future profits belong to the
prohibition in its Articles of Incorporation or in corporation. In converting the non-stock
its by-laws for it to declare dividends. When a corporation to a stock corporation by a mere
corporation is organized as a stock corporation amendment of the Articles of Incorporation, the
and its Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws are non-stock corporation is deemed to have
silent, the corporation is deemed to have the distributed an asset of the corporation—i.e. its
power to declare dividends under Section 43. profits, among its members, without a prior
Since it has the power to declare dividends, dissolution of the corporation. Under Section
“XY” is a stock corporation. 122, the non-stock corporation must be
dissolved first. (BAR 2001)
b) The following are the distinctions between Upon being sued by Taktak Corporation in his
joint account and partnership: 1. A partnership personal capacity, Mamuhunan raised among
has a firm name while a joint account has none his defenses the doctrines of de facto
and is conducted in the name of the ostensible corporation and corporation by estoppel.
partner. 2. While a partnership has juridical
personality and may sue or be sued under its
firm name, a joint account has no juridical Can the two defenses be validly raised by
personality and can sue or be sued only in the Mamuhunan? Explain.
name of the ostensible partner. 3. While a
partnership has a common fund, a joint account
has none. 4. While in a partnership, all general
Answer: Neither the doctrine of de facto
partners have the right of management, in a
corporation nor the doctrine of corporation by
joint account, the ostensible partner manages
estoppel is applicable or of relevance. An attack
its business operations. 5. While liquidation of a
against a de facto corporation may be raised
partnership may, by agreement, be entrusted to
only by the State. In the case of a corporation by
a partner or partners, in a joint account
estoppel, rights or defenses are established in
liquidation thereof can only be done by the
favor of persons with whom the corporation
ostensible partner. (BAR 2000)
deals but not in favor of those who represent
themselves as such corporation where none
exists. Mamuhunan, instead, may raise the
B. Other Classes of Corporations defense that personal liability on the part of
1. De facto vs. De jure officers and directors of a corporation is
incurred only in cases of patently illegal acts
committed or consented to by them, bad faith
or gross negligence on their part and in conflict A corporation by estoppels exists when person
of interest situations, not one of which is assume to act as a corporation knowing it to be
involved in the problems. (BAR 1986) without authority to do so. In this case, those
persons will be liable as general partners for all
debts, liabilities and damages incurred or arising
as a result of their actions. (BAR 2004)
The Anti Dummy Law penalizes, among others, Answer: Under the Constitution, the mining
any corporation which is engaged in a business is partially nationalized and at least
nationalized activity such as retail business 60% of its capital must belong to Filipino
which in any manner permits or allows any citizens. Under the Anti-Dummy Law as
person not possessing the qualifications amended, the election of aliens as members of
required by the law, to intervene in the the board of directors of corporations engaged
management, operation, administration or in partially nationalized activities is allowed in
control thereof, whether as an officer, proportion to their allowable participation or
employee or laborer therein, with or without share in the capital of such corporations. In the
remuneration. case at hand, 70% of the capital is owned by
Filipinos and 30% by aliens. Therefore, only 30%
of its directors may be aliens. Since 3 out of 9 is
If Corporation XYZ sells its shares to a wholly more than 30% only 2 aliens may sit in X’s
owned Filipino company, ACME would become board. One of the elected alien directors is
a corporation wholly owned by Filipinos and therefore disqualified and must give way to a
qualified to engage in retail business. Filipino director. (BAR 1983)
With the additional logging activity, can the
Korean nationals still be a member of the Board
2. Bohol Mining Corporation is 60% Filipino-
of Directors? Explain.
owned and 40% Canadian-owned. As provided
in its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, its
Board of Directors is composed of 9 members.
Answer: Yes. The Korean national can still be a
During the last annual stockholders meeting
member of the board of directors, if he has
held on May 31, three of the nine elected
sufficient equity to entitle him to a seat. Since
directors were Canadian citizens. Juan de la
the corporation is only required to be at least
Cruz together with two other Filipino
60% owned by Filipino citizens, foreigners can
stockholders petitioned the SEC to disqualify
be members of the board of directors in
the said three Canadians and to enjoin them
proportion to their equity which cannot exceed
from discharging their functions as directors, on
40%. (BAR 2005)
the grounds that (1) aliens cannot participate in
any capacity in a nationalized industry, like
mining; and (2) the exploitation of natural
resources is reserved under the Constitution to 4. The Articles of Incorporation of ABC
Filipino citizens. Transport Co., a public utility, provides for 10
members in its Board of Directors. What is the
prescribed minimum number of Filipino citizens
in its Board?
Will the petition prosper?
a. 10 b. 6 c. 7 d. 5
Answer: The petition will not prosper. The
elections of aliens as members of the board of
directors or governing body of corporations or
associations, engaging in partially nationalized- Answer: b. 6 (BAR 2011)
activities, are allowed by law, in proportion to
their allowable participation or share in the
capital of such entities, like mining or 5. Bell Philippines, Inc. (BelPhil) is a public utility
development of natural resources, in which the company, duly incorporated and registered with
foreigners may even own 40% of the capital. the SEC. its authorized capital stock consists of
(BAR 1985) voting common shares and non-voting
preferred shares, with equal par values of
P100/share. Currently, the issued and
3. A Korean national joined a corporation which outstanding capital stock of BelPhil consists only
is engaged in the furniture manufacturing of common shares shared between Bayani Cruz,
business. He was elected to the Board of a Filipino with 60% of the issued common
Directors. To complement its furniture shares, and Bernard Fleet, a Canadian, with
manufacturing business, the corporation also 40%.
engaged in the logging business.
Answer: No. As a general rule, the stockholders But the suit against Y will not prosper. Y, as
or the managers cannot be held solidarily liable president and general manager, and also
for the obligations incurred by the corporation. stockholder of Marulas Creative Technology,
The corporation has a separate and distinct Inc., has a legal personality separate and
personality from that of the stockholders and distinct from that of the corporation and not
managers. The latter are presumed to be acting that of its officers and stockholders who are not
in good faith in continuing the operation of the liable for corporate liabilities. (BAR 2000)
corporation. The obligations incurred by the
corporation are those of the corporation which
alone is liable therefor. However, when the 5. Nine individuals formed a private corporation
corporation is already insolvent, the directors pursuant to the provisions of the Corporation
and officers become trustees of the business Code of the Philippines. Incorporator S was
and assets of the corporation for the benefit of elected director and president—general
the creditors and are liable for negligence or manager. Part of his emolument is a Ford
mismanagement. (BAR 1999) Expedition, which the corporation owns. After a
few years. S lost his corporate positions but he
refused to return the motor vehicle claiming
4. Marulas Creative Technology Inc., an e- that as a stockholder with a substantial equity
business enterprise engaged in the manufacture share, he owns that portion of the corporate
of computer multimedia accessories, rents an assets now in his possession. Is the contention
office and store space at a commercial building of S valid? Explain.
owned by X. being a start-up company, Marulas
enjoyed some leniency in its rent payment; but
after 3 years, X put a stop to it and asked Answer: No. the contention of S is not valid. The
Marulas president and general manager, Y, who Ford Expedition is owned by the corporation.
is a stockholder, to pay back rentals amounting The corporation has a legal personality separate
and distinct from that of its stockholder. What officers. After 2 years, X Corp. dismissed its call
the corporation owns is its own property and center agents for no apparent reason. The
not property of any stockholder even how agents filed a collective suit for illegal dismissal
substantial the equity share that stockholder against both X Corp. and Y Corp. based on the
owns. (BAR 2000) doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate fiction.
The latter set up a defense that the agents are
in the employ of X Corp. which is a separate
6. Nelson owned and controlled Sonnel juridical entity. Is the defense appropriate?
Construction Company. Acting for the company,
Nelson contracted the construction of a
building. Without first installing a protective net a. No, since the doctrine would apply, the two
atop the sidewalks adjoining the construction companies having the same set of corporate
site, the company proceeded with the officers. b. No, the real employer is Y Corp., the
construction work. One day a heavy piece of pizza company, with X Corp. serving as an arm
lumber fell from the building. It smashed a for receiving its outside orders for pizzas. c. Yes,
taxicab which at that time had gone offroad and it is not shown that one company completely
onto the sidewalk in order to avoid the traffic. dominates the finances, policies, and business
The taxicab passenger died as a result. practices of the latter. d. Yes, since the two
companies perform two distinct businesses.
a) May Omega Corporation recover moral 2. Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil
damages on its counterclaim? Reasons.
1. What is the doctrine of “piercing the veil of
corporate entity?” Explain.
Answer: a) It depends. Omega may demand Answer: Under the doctrine of “piercing the veil
moral damages, if it has a good reputation of corporate entity”, the legal fiction that a
which is besmirched, because of the unfounded corporation is an entity with a juridical
suit of Zebra; and, if otherwise, it cannot. (BAR personality separate and distinct from its
1985) members or stockholders may be disregarded
and the corporation will be considered as a
mere association of persons, such that liability
3. In a complaint filed against XYZ Corporation, will attach directly to the officers and the
Luzon Trading Corporation allege that its stockholders. It is an equitable doctrine
President & General Manager, who is also a developed to address situations where the
separate corporate personality of a corporation a) May the employees of Tantalus Corporation
is abused or used for wrongful purposes. (BAR proceed against the Suceso Corporation to
2006 recover their unpaid claims? Discuss. b) What is
the doctrine of “piercing the veil of corporate
entity” and in what cases did the Supreme
a. Grounds for Application of Doctrine Court apply the said doctrine?
In order that M Corporation may validly engage b) The Third Article should indicate the City or
in the construction business and thereby invest the Municipality and the Province in the
its funds therein the following requisites must Philippines, and not merely the region or as its
be complied with, to wit: Board of Directors may later designate, to be its
place of principal office.
d. Non-Amenable Items
1) Articles of Incorporation;
2) Treasurer’s affidavit;
7. Registration and Issuance of Certificate of
3) Certificate of Authority from the Monetary
Board of the BSP;
1. While the incorporation papers of XYZ, Inc.
4) Verification slip from the records of the SEC
were pending before the SEC for approval, A,
whether or not the proposed name has already
the designated Treasurer in the Articles of
been adopted by another corporation,
Incorporation held real estate property worth
partnership or association;
P20,000 which E turned over for shares he (E)
purchased in XYZ Inc. Before the certificate of 5) Letter undertaking to change the proposed
incorporation for XYZ, Inc could be issued, H, name if already adopted by another
who claims to be the owner of said real estate corporation, partnership or association;
property, filed an action against XYZ, Inc. for
recovery of possession of the same. 6) Bank certificate of deposit concerning the
paid-up capital;
Corporations have the power to make by-laws 3. Is a by-law provision of “X” Corporation
declaring a person employed in the service of a “rendering ineligible or if elected, subject to
rival company to be ineligible for the removal, a director if he is also a director in a
Corporation’s Board of Directors. An corporation whose business is in competition
amendment which renders a director ineligible, with or is antagonistic to said corporation” valid
or if elected, subjects him to removal, if he is and legal? State your reason.
also a director in a corporation whose business
is in competition with or is antagonistic to the
other corporation, is valid. (BAR 1998) Answer:
Page | 204
2. At the annual stockholders’ meeting of MS
Corporation, the stockholders unanimously
passed a resolution authorizing the Board of Yes, the by-law provision is valid. It is the right
Directors to amend the corporate by-laws so as of a corporation to protect itself against
to disqualify any stockholder who is also a possible harm and prejudice that may be
director or stockholder of a competing business caused by its competitors. The position of
from being elected to the Board of Directors of director is highly sensitive and confidential. To
MS Corporation. The by-laws were accordingly say the least, to allow a person, who is a
amended. GK, a stockholder of MS Corporation director in a corporation whose business is in
and a majority stockholder of a competitor, competition with or is antagonistic to “X”
sought election to the Board of Directors of MS Corporation, to become also a director in “X”
Corporation. His nomination was denied on the Corporation would be harboring a conflict of
ground that he was ineligible to run for the interest which is harmful to the latter. (BAR
position. Seeking a nullification of the offending 2001)
disqualification provision, GK consults you
about its validity under the Corporation Code of
the Philippines. What would your legal advice 4. In a special meeting called for the purpose,
be? 2/3 of the stockholders representing the
outstanding capital stock in X Co. authorized the
company’s Board of Directors to amend its By-
Answer: The provision in the amended by-laws, laws. By majority vote, the Board then
disqualifying any stockholder who is also a approved the amendment. Is the amendment
director or stockholder of a competing business valid?
from being elected to the Board of Directors of
MS Corporation, is valid. The corporation is
empowered to adopt a code of by-laws for its a. No, since the stockholders cannot delegate
government not inconsistent with the their right to amend the By-laws to the Board.
Corporation Code. Such disqualifying provision b. Yes, since the majority votes in the Board was
sufficient to amend the By-laws. c. No, because,
the voting in the Board should have been by a 2. Which of the following corporate acts are
majority of a quorum. d. Yes, since the votes of valid, void, or voidable? Indicate your answer by
2/3 of the stockholders and majority of the writing the paragraph number of the query,
Board were secured. followed by your corresponding answer as
“valid”, “void” or “voidable”, as the case may
be. If your answer is “void”, explain your
Answer: a. No, since the stockholders cannot answer. In the case of a “voidable” answer,
delegate their right to amend the By-laws to the specify what conditions must be present or
Board. (BAR 2011) complied with to make the corporate act valid.
Page | 205
Answer: Yes, a corporation may validly change
its name under its general power to amend its
articles of incorporation in accordance with
a. Enter into Contracts
Section 18 of the Corporation Law. Since there
is no restriction in said section relating to 1. AAA Corporation is a wholly owned
change of name, there is no reason why a subsidiary of BBB Corporation. To support the
corporation cannot change its name as long as business of AAA Corporation, BBB Corporation
it follows the procedure laid down by law. agreed to give its corporate guarantee to the
loan of AAA Corporation. What is required so
that the corporate guarantee will be valid?
The change in name does not result in its
dissolution, since there is no change in its being.
Just as a natural person does not cease to exist a) It only requires the approval of the Board of
due to change of name, so is the corporate Directors of BBB Corporation; b) The Articles of
existence not affected by a change in corporate Incorporation must provide such power and be
name. (BAR 1976) approved by the Board of Directors; c) Providing
corporate guarantee to another corporation is a
necessary exercise of power of a corporation; d)
It would require both the approval of the Board
of Directors and the stockholders on record.
2. Specific Powers, Theory of Specific Capacity
Answer: a) It only requires the approval of the a. Power to Extend or Shorten Corporate Term
Board of Directors of BBB Corporation. (BAR
1. A group of stockholders of Sesame
Corporation filed a court suit against the
members of the Board of Directors to make
good to the shareholders, in proportion to their
shareholdings, the losses incurred by the
i. Doctrine of Apparent Authority corporation because of the defendant Board of
Directors’ management.
Page | 206
Will the suit prosper or not? Reason briefly.
a) Are the resolutions binding on the Are the resolutions binding on the corporation
corporations and its stockholders, including and its stockholders including Jimmy Morato,
Estrada, the dissenting stockholder? b) What the dissenting stockholder?
remedies, if any, are available to Estrada?
2. Increase par value of the 1000,000 shares to a) The approval of the majority of the Board of
P15 each. Directors only; b) The approval of the majority
of the stockholders and the Board of Directors;
c) The approval of 2/3 of the shareholders of
b) Three practical reasons for a corporation to the outstanding capital stock as well as the
increase its capital stock are: 1. To generate approval of the SEC; d) The approval of the
more working capital; 2. To have more shares majority of the Board of Directors and approval
with which to pay for the acquisition of more of the shareholders holding 2/3 share of the
assets like acquisition of company car, stocks, outstanding capital stock.
house, machinery or business; and 3. To have
extra share with which to cover or meet the
requirement for declaration of stock dividend. Answer: Examinees should be given full credit
(BAR 2001) for whatever answer they gave as the question
is vague. (BAR 2012)
b) Can Divine Corporation sell the aforesaid d) Top Grade Fashion Corporation may recover
items to Top Grade Fashion Corporation? What the amount paid if the sale was made in fraud
are the requirements to the validly sell the of creditors and sue for damages. (BAR 2005)
items? Explain.
e. Power to Acquire Own Shares
1. B, an alien commercial bank doing business in Under what condition is a stock corporation
the Philippines was paid by a Filipino debtor, C, empowered to acquire its own shares?
who had no other assets, with a piece of land
located in Bulacan. In the meantime that there
were no buyers yet of the land, B sought to Answer: A stock corporation may only acquire
have the land registered in its name by the its own shares of stock if the trust fund doctrine
Register of Deeds of Bulacan. But the Register is not impaired. This is to say, for instance, that
of Deeds refused to register it on the ground it may purchase its own shares of stock by
that the said bank, B, is alien owned and utilizing merely its surplus profits over and
therefore the transfer violates the above the subscribed capital of the corporation.
constitutional prohibition of alien holding of (BAR 1992)
private agricultural land. The bank, B, contends
that Republic Act 337, the General Banking Act,
in section 25(c) authorizes commercial banks to 3. Under what conditions may a stock
purchase and hold real estate as shall be corporation acquire its own shares?
conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously
contracted in the course of its dealings. Decide
the dispute with reasons. Answer: The conditions under which a stock
corporation can acquire its own share are as
Answer: Yes, the Register of Deeds may legally
refuse to register the land in question in the
name of B, an alien commercial bank, due to a. That it be for a legitimate and proper
constitutional provision that the disposition, corporate purpose; and b. That there shall be
exploitation or utilization of any of the natural unrestricted retained earnings to purchase the
resources of the Philippines, or to corporations same and its capital is not thereby impaired.
or associations at least 60% of the capital of (BAR 2003)
which is owned by such citizens. (Sec. 9, Art.
XIV, Constitution of the Philippines.) (BAR 1979)
4. ABC Holdings Company, a Hong Kong
company, owns 10% of XYZ Bank. Because of
Page | 211 the peace and order situation in the Philippines,
ABC Holding Company wanted to sell its
shareholdings in XYZ Bank. Unfortunately,
2. A corporation executed a promissory note nobody is interested to buy a 10%
binding itself to pay its President/ Director, who shareholdings in a bank. The board of directors
had tendered his resignation, a certain sum in of XYZ Bank thought that it would be a good
payment of the latter’s shares and interests in idea to buy back the shares owned by ABC
the company. The corporation defaulted in Holding Company. Which statement is most
paying the full amount so that the said former accurate?
President filed suit for collection of the balance
before the SEC.
a) Buying back the shares by XYZ Bank is stockholder’s meeting would entail too much
absolutely not allowed; b) Buying back the expenses.
shares may be allowed provided it is with the
approval of the Monetary Board and disposed
of within 6 months; c) Buying back the shares M thus cannot have the opportunity to exercise
may be allowed provided such shares will be his appraisal right. He wants to sue the board to
disposed of within 10 years; d) Buying back the compel it to submit the matter to the
shares may be done anytime provided the stockholders and to enjoin it from pursuing the
Board of Directors will approve the same. project until the stockholders shall have
approved it.
f. Power to Invest Corporate Funds in Another Answer: a) No, it does not need the approval of
Corporation or Business the stockholders. Under the Corporation Code,
a corporation may, as a general rule, invest its
1. ABC Corporation is engaged in the business of
funds in another business or in any purpose
manufacturing soft drinks. For the past 10
other than the primary purpose for which it was
years, it has bought all its bottles from XYZ
organized, when approved by the Board of
Corporation. Considering the volume of its
Directors and by 2/3 of the outstanding capital
production, it now finds that it will be more
stock in a meeting called for the purpose. Any
economical to manufacture its own bottles.
dissenting stockholder shall have the appraisal
right. However, the same provision makes an
exception: where the investment is reasonably
The Board of Directors, after studying and
necessary to accomplish its primary purpose,
discussing the matter thoroughly, decides to set
the approval of the stockholders is not
aside the amount of 1 Million for this project.
necessary. In the case at hand, the manufacture
Most of this amount will go to the cost of
of bottles is reasonably necessary for the
equipment and materials.
corporation’s primary business of
manufacturing soft drinks and does not
therefore need the approval of the
M is a stockholder of ABC Corporation and is stockholders. The action of the board is
against this investment in the bottling project sufficient. (De l Rama v. Maao Sugar Central, GR
and would like to withdraw from the 17504, Feb. 28, 1969) (BAR 1983)
corporation by exercising his appraisal right if
the project goes through. He therefore
demands that the project be submitted to the
2. Stikki Cement Corporation (STIKKI) was
stockholders for approval, but the board refuses
organized primarily for cement manufacturing.
to do so on the ground that there is no need for
Anticipating substantial profits, its President
such approval and that the calling of a special
proposed that STIKKI invest in (a) a power plant
project, (b) a concrete road project, and (c) b) The procedure in securing the approval of
quarry operations for limestone used in the the stockholders is as follows:
manufacture of cement.
As for the quarry operations for limestone, the 3. May a corporation enter into a joint venture?
same is an indispensable ingredient in the
manufacture of cement and may, therefore, be
considered reasonably necessary to accomplish Answer: A corporation may enter into a joint
the primary purpose of STIKKI. In such case, venture. However, inasmuch as the term joint
only the approval of the Board of Directors venture has no precise legal definition, it may
would be necessary. take various forms. It could take the form of a
simple pooling of resources (not involving
incorporation) between 2 or more corporations
2. a) The procedure in securing the approval of for a specific project, purpose or undertaking,
the Board of Directors is as follows: or for a limited time. It may involve the creation
of a more formal structure and, hence, the
formation of a corporation. If the joint venture
i) A notice of meeting of the Board should be would involve the creation of a partnership, as
sent to all the directors. The notice should state the term is understood under the Civil Code,
the purpose of the meeting. ii) At the meeting, then a corporation cannot be a party to it. (BAR
each of the project should be approved by a 1996)
majority of the Board (not merely a majority of
those present at the meeting).
4. When may a corporation invest its funds in
another corporation or business or for any
other purposes?
b) The aforesaid approval of the Board of
Directors for the declaration of stock dividends
Answer: A corporation may invest its funds in
shall still be approved by the stockholders
another corporation or business or for any
representing not less than 2/3 of the
purpose other than the primary purpose for
outstanding capital stock, at a regular or special
which it was organized when the said
meeting called for the purpose. In addition,
investment is approved by a majority of the
there must be the increase of the authorized
Board of Directors and such approval is ratified
capital stock at least to accommodate the stock
by the stockholders representing at least 2/3 of
dividends, to be approved by the SEC, inasmuch
the outstanding capital. Written notice of the
as the authorized capital stock of Palmavera
proposed investment and the date, time and
Corporation was fully subscribed already. (Secs.
place of the stockholders’ meeting at which
38 & 43, Corporation Code) (BAR 1982)
such proposal will be taken up must be sent to
each stockholder. (BAR 1996)
May the Board of Directors of TC declare a cash A declaration of dividends may be revoked if
dividend out of this surplus? Explain. the same was irregularly declared, such as when
the same is violative of the trust fund doctrine;
otherwise, it can no longer be revoked once the
Answer: The Board of Directors cannot declare right thereto has already vested in the
cash dividends out of the revaluation or stockholders.
appraisal surplus that may fluctuate from time
to time. Dividends can only be declared from
surplus profits arising from its operations. (BAR 2) The dividend declaration is improper.
1987) Dividends may be declared only out of
unrestricted retained earnings and, as
understood in generally accepted accounting
4. (1) Distinguish between cash dividend and principles, such declaration would preclude its
stock dividend. When may the declarations of being sourced from mere increments in the
these dividends be revoked? value of corporate assets which may fluctuate
from time to time. (BAR 1989)
5. At least 2/3 of the stockholders of Solar
Corporation, meeting upon the
Answer: I would not approve of a proposed
recommendation of the Board of Directors,
stipulation in the management contract that the
declared a 50% stock dividend during their
managing corporation, as an additional
annual meeting. The notice of the annual
compensation to it, should be entitled to 10% of
stockholders’ meeting did not mention anything
any stock dividend that may be declared.
about a stock dividend declaration. The matter
Stockholders are the only ones entitled to
was taken up only under the item “Other
receive stock dividends. I would add that the
Business” in the agenda of the meeting. C.K.
unsubscribed capital stock of a corporation may
Senwa, a stockholder, who received his copy of
only be issued for cash or property or for
the notice but did not attend the meeting,
services already rendered constituting a
subsequently learned about the 50% stock
demandable debt. As an alternative, I would
dividend declaration. He desires to have the
suggest that the managing corporation should
stock dividend declaration cancelled and set
instead be given a net profit participation and, if
aside, and wishes to retain your services as a
later so desires, to then convert the amount
lawyer for the purpose.
that may be due thereby to equity or shares of
stock at no less than the par value thereof. (BAR
Will you accept the case? Discuss with reasons.
11. On September 15, 2007, XYZ Corporation Dividends on shares of stock can only be
issued to Paterno 800 preferred shares with the declared out of unrestricted retained earnings
following terms: of the corporation.
Page | 218
Answer: When the Board engages in an activity
or enters into a contract without the ratificatory
vote of the stockholders in those instances
where the Corporation Code so requires such
Answer: Examinee should be giver full credit
ratificatory vote, such as when the corporation
for whatever answer they gave as the question
is made to invest in another corporation or
is vague. (BAR 2012)
engage in a business which is not in pursuit of
its primary purpose, the board resolution not
ratified by stockholders owning or representing
h. Power to Enter Into Management Contract at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock
3. Ultra Vires Acts would make the transaction void, as being ultra
vires. (BAR 2009)
a. Applicability of Ultra Vires Doctrine b.
Consequences of Ultra Vires Acts
2. X Corp., whose business purpose is to
manufacture and sell vehicles, invested its
4. How Exercised funds in Y Corp., an investment firm, through a
a. By the Corporation resolution of its Board of Directors. The
investment grew tremendously on account of Y
Corp’s excellent business judgment. But a
minority stockholder in X Corp. assails the
Comment on the decision of the trial court.
investment as ultra vires. Is he right and, if so,
Discuss fully.
what is the status of the investment?
SHAMRON sued TURTLE and Dick Seldon. Is there a binding contract for the 5,000 bags of
SHAMRON obtained a favorable judgment fertilizer? Explain.
holding codefendants TURTLE and Seldon jointly
and severally liable.
Answer: No, there is no binding contract for the Answer: c) It is an ultra vires act. d) It is a valid
5,000 bags of fertilizers. First, the facts do not indorsement. (BAR 2012)
indicate that Rodman, the President of TF
Corporation, was authorized by the Board of
Directors to enter into the said contract or that 5. Trust Fund Doctrine
he was empowered to do so under some
provision of the by-laws of TF. The facts do not 1. A corporation executed a promissory note
also indicate that Rodman has been clothed binding itself to pay its President/ Director, who
with the apparent power to execute the had tendered his resignation, a certain sum in
contract or agreements similar to it. Second, TF payment of the latter’s shares and interests in
has specifically informed Gregorio that it has the company. The corporation defaulted in
not ratified the contract for the sale of 5,000 paying the full amount so that the said former
bags of fertilizer and that the delivery to President filed suit for collection of the balance
Gregorio of 500 bags, which Gregorio accepted, before the SEC.
is an entirely new transaction. (BAR 1996)
Answer: When a corporate officer enters into a Answer: The arrangement between the
contract on behalf of the corporation without corporation and its President to the extent that
having been so expressly or impliedly it calls for the payment of the latter’s shares is
authorized by the board of Directors, even covered by the trust fund doctrine. The only
when the act or contract falls within the exceptions from the trust fund doctrine are the
corporation’s express, implied or incidental redemption of redeemable shares and, in the
power, then the unauthorized act of the case of close corporation, when there should be
corporate officer is deemed to be ultra vires. a deadlock and the SEC orders the payment of
(BAR 2009) the appraised value of a stockholder’s share.
(BAR 1992)
Page | 221
2. What vote is needed to consider every
decision to be valid corporate act?
2. Section 39 of the SRC defines an independent
director as a person who must not have a
relation with the corporation which would a. A majority of the directors present at the
interfere with his exercise of independent meeting b. 2/3 of the directors present at the
judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of meeting c. A majority of the directors present at
a director. To ensure independence therefore, the meeting at which there is a quorum d. 2/3
he must be— of the directors present at the meeting at which
there is a quorum
Page | 223
Answer: The petition will not prosper. The
elections of aliens as members of the board of
directors or governing body of corporations or
associations, engaging in partially nationalized- validy elected as a director since he was not a
activities, are allowed by law, in proportion to stockholder. Upon the death of Pedro and Juan,
their allowable participation or share in the only two remained as duly elected directors,
capital of such entities, like mining or namely: Segundo and Tercero. The agreement
development of natural resources, in which the between these two remaining directors
foreigners may even own 40% of the capital. obviously could not have permitted the due
(BAR 1985) election of other to fill the vacancies.
4. Primero, Segundo, Tercero, Pedro and Juan When the number of directors is increased, the
are the five original members of the Board of new position can only be filled by the
Directors of a stock corporation. The only stockholders in an election duly conducted.
interest of Primero is that 50% of the
corporation’s stocks were pledged to him.
Pedro and Juan died in a vehicular accident. Prescinding from all the foregoing. Tercero was
not duly elected as the new President of the
corporation. (BAR 1986)
Primero, Segundo, and Tercero held an
Page | 224
emergency board meeting to fill up the two
vacancies in the board. Primero and Tercero
were able to push through the selection of
Cuatro and Cinco as new directors over the
strong objections of Segundo who, as 5. The Board of Directors of X Corporation,
corporation president, wanted two other acting on a standing authority of the
persons as board members. stockholders to amend the by-laws, amended
its by-laws so as to disqualify any of its
stockholders who is also a stockholder and
Subsequently, the composition of the Board director of a competitor from being elected to
was validly increased to six. At another board its Board of Directors.
meeting, the four members of Primero’s group
voted Seis as the new sixth director. Segundo
voted for another person. When the six- Y, a stockholder holding sufficient shares to
member board convened, it decided by a five- assure him of a seat in the Board, filed a
to-one vote to replace President Segundo with petition with the SEC for a declaration of nullity
Tercero as the new President. of the amended by-laws. He alleged among
other things that as a stockholder, he had
acquired rights inherent in stock ownership
Were the elections of Cuatro, Cinco and Seis as such as the right to vote and be voted upon in
directors valid? Was the election of Tercero as the election of directors. Is the stockholder’s
new President valid? Explain. petition tenable?
Answer: The elections of Cuatro, Cinco and Seis Answer: No. There is no vested right of a
as directors were not valid. Primero was not stockholder to be elected as director. When a
person buys stock in a corporation he does so director or stockholder of a competing business
with the knowledge that its affairs are from being elected to the Board of Directors of
dominated by a majority of the stockholders. To MS Corporation, is valid. The corporation is
this extent, the stockholder parted with his empowered to adopt a code of by-laws for its
personal right to regulate the disposition of his government not inconsistent with the
property which he invested in the capital stock Corporation Code. Such disqualifying provision
of the corporation and surrendered it to the will is not inconsistent with the Corporation Code.
of the majority of his fellow incorporators or (BAR 2000)
Page | 225
Answer: The provision in the amended by-laws,
disqualifying any stockholder who is also a
is also considering the alternative of simply
setting up the restaurant as a branch office of
Answer: b. Feb. 1, 2011 (BAR 2011)
the existing corporation.
Answer: Under the Constitution, the mining Answer: Neither E nor F are directors of ABC
business is partially nationalized and at least Corporation. E automatically ceased to be a
60% of its capital must belong to Filipino director upon the transfer of all his shares to F
citizens. Under the Anti-Dummy Law as in the books of the corporation. Every director
amended, the election of aliens as members of must own at least one share of the capital stock
the board of directors of corporations engaged of the corporation of which he is a director,
in partially nationalized activities is allowed in which share shall stand in his name on the
proportion to their allowable participation or books of the corporation. Any director who
share in the capital of such corporations. In the ceases to be the owner of at least 1 share of the
case at hand, 70% of the capital is owned by capital stock of the corporation of which he is a
Filipinos and 30% by aliens. Therefore, only 30% director shall thereby cease to be a director.
of its directors may be aliens. Since 3 out of 9 is
more than 30% only 2 aliens may sit in X’s
board. One of the elected alien directors is F’s claims are without merit since he was not
therefore disqualified and must give way to a duly elected as a director at the stockholders’
Filipino director. (BAR 1983) meeting. Only the candidates receiving the
highest number of votes shall be declared
elected. (BAR 1984)
2. At the annual meeting of ABC Corporation for
the election of five directors as provided for in
its articles of incorporation, A, B, C, D, E, F and G 3. The AB Memorial Foundation, Inc. was
were nominated. A, B, C, D and E received the incorporated as a non-profit, non-stock
highest number of votes and were proclaimed corporation in order to establish and maintain a
elected. F received ten votes less than E. library and museum in honor of the deceased
parents of the incorporators. Its Articles of
Incorporation provide for a board of trustees
Subsequently, E sold all his shares to F. In the composed of the 5 incorporators, which is
next Board of Directors’ meeting following the authorized to admit new members. The Articles
transfer of the shares in the books of the of Incorporation also allow the Foundation to
corporation, both E and F appeared. E claimed receive donations from members. As of January
30, 1993, 60 members had been admitted by
the board of trustees.
5. In the November 2010 stockholder’s meeting
of Greenville Corporation, 8 directors were
elected to the board. The directors assumed
One of the original trustees died and the other
their posts in January 2011. Since no
2 resigned because they immigrated to the
stockholders’ meeting was held in November
United States. How will the vacancies in the
2011, the 8 directors served in a holdover
board of trustees be filled?
capacity and thus continued discharging their
b. Quorum
a. Cumulative Voting/Straight Voting
a. 6 b. 9 c. 12 d. 3
5. Removal
Answer: a. 6 (BAR 2011)
1. If the minority stockholders in a stock
corporation cumulate their votes so that they
could be assured of being represented in the
2. In elections for the Board of Trustees of non-
Board of Directors, what assurance do they
stock corporations, members may cast as many
have that the director/s representing them
votes as there are trustees to be elected but
would not be removed, considering that under
may not cast more than one vote for one
the Corporation Code, a director “may be
candidate. This is true-
removed from office with or without cause by Answer: No. I would not allow the majority
the vote of the stockholders holding or stockholders to remove the director. While the
representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding stockholders may, by a 2/3 vote, remove a
capital stock? director, the law also provides, however, that
this right may not, without just cause, be
exercised so as to deprive the minority of
Answer: Although the Corporation Code allows representation in the board of directors. (BAR
removal of a director with or without cause, it 1991)
contains a proviso to the effect that such
removal, if without cause, cannot be used to
deprive the minority stockholders of their right 3. A law was passed disqualifying former
to representation through the use of cumulative members of Congress from sitting in the Board
voting. Therefore, the minority stockholders of Directors of GOCC. Because of this, the Board
who cumulate their votes to elect a of Directors of ABC Corp., a GOCC, disqualified
representative to the Board of Directors can be C, a former Congressman, from continuing to sit
assured of his continuance in office during his as one of its members. C objected, however,
term, unless he gives just cause for his removal. insisting that under the Corporation Code
(BAR 1983) members of the board of directors of
corporations may only be removed by vote of
stockholders holding 2/3 of its outstanding
2. ABC Management, Inc. presented to DEF capital stock in a regular or special meeting
Mining Corp. the draft of its proposed called for that purpose. Is C correct?
Management Contract. As an incentive, ABC
included in the terms of compensation that ABC
would be entitled to 10% of any a. Yes, since the new law cannot be applied to
members of the board of directors already
Page | 229
elected prior to its passage. b. No, since the
disqualification takes effect by operation of law,
it is sufficient that he was declared no longer
stock dividend which DEF may declare during member of the board. c. Yes, since the
the lifetime of the Management Contract. provisions of the Corporation Code applies as
Would you approve of such provision? If not, well to GOCC. d. No, since the board has the
what would you suggest as an alternative? power to oust him even without the new law.
Assuming that the minority block of the XYZ Answer: b. No, since the disqualification takes
Corporation is able to elect only 1 director and effect by operation of law, it is sufficient that he
therefore, the majority stockholders can always was declared no longer member of the board.
muster a 2/3 vote, would you allow the majority (BAR 2011)
stockholders to remove the one director
representing the minority?
6. Filling of Vacancies
1. Primero, Segundo, Tercero, Pedro and Juan obviously could not have permitted the due
are the five original members of the Board of election of other to fill the vacancies.
Directors of a stock corporation. The only
interest of Primero is that 50% of the
corporation’s stocks were pledged to him. When the number of directors is increased, the
Pedro and Juan died in a vehicular accident. new position can only be filled by the
stockholders in an election duly conducted.
MAIA Corporation admits that it owed Victor This doctrine rests fundamentally on the
P40,000 but told him that this will be applied to unfairness, in particular circumstances, of an
the unpaid balance of his subscription in the officer or director taking advantage of an
amount of P100,000. There was no call or opportunity for his own personal benefit when
notice for the payment of the unpaid the interest of the corporation justly needs
subscription. Victor questioned the set-off. protection. (BAR 1985)
1. May MAIA set-off unpaid subscription with 2. X subscribed and aid for P10,000 worth of
Victor’s claim for salaries? 2. Would your shares of stock of Rainbow Mines, Inc. as an
answer be the same if indeed there had been a incorporator and original subscriber. He was
call for the unpaid subscription? employed as the mine superintendent and as
such, made the design of certain equipment
used in its mines. Due to some technical error in
Answer: 1. No. MAIA cannot set-off the unpaid the design, the corporation suffered a loss of P1
subscription with Victor’s claim for salaries. The M. The Board accused X of infidelity and breach
unpaid subscription is not yet due as there is no of trust, and confiscated his shares. Is the action
call. of the Board legal?
2. Yes. The reason is that Victor is entitled to Answer: 1) The action of the Board is not legal.
the payment of his salaries which MAIA has no The rights and liabilities of X as the Mine
right to withhold in payment of unpaid Superintendent (or as an Officer) are apart from
subscription. To do so would violate Labor Laws. his rights and liabilities arising from being
(BAR 1994) likewise a stockholder. In general, in order that
directors and officers may be held personally
accountable they must have voted or assented
8. Fiduciaries Duties and Liability Rules to a patently illegal act, or are guilty of bad faith
or gross negligence, or are in conflict of interest
1. What is the so-called “doctrine of corporate with the corporation. A mere technical error
opportunity”? What is the underlying committed by X in the design of an equipment
philosophy upon which such doctrine rests? used by the company, absent fault or
negligence, would not warrant liability on his
part even as an employee. (BAR 1989)
Answer: The so-called “doctrine of corporate
opportunity” is a recognition by the courts that
3. ABC Piggery, Inc. is engaged in raising and directing the affairs of the corporation. (BAR
selling hogs in the local market. Mr. De Dios, 1997)
one of its directors, while travelling abroad, met
a leather goods manufacturer who was
interested in buying pig skins from the
Philippines. Mr. De Dios set up a separate
company and started exporting pig skins to his 5. Suppose that the by-laws of “X” Corporation,
foreign contact but the pig skins exported were a mining firm, provides that “The directors shall
not sourced from ABC. His fellow directors in be relieved from all liability for any contract
ABC complained that he should have given his entered into by the corporation with any firm in
business to ABC. How would you decide this which the directors may be interested.” Thus,
matter? director “A” acquired claims which overlapped
with “X’s” claims and where necessary for the
development and operation of “X’s” mining
Answer: I would decide in favor of Mr. De Dios.
ABC, Inc., is engaged in raising and selling hogs
in the local market. The company that Mr. De
Dios had set up was to engage, as it did, in the What happens if director “A” is able to
export of pig skins. There is thus no conflict of consummate his mining claims over and above
interest situation under the law. (BAR 1991) that of the corporation’s claims?
Sometime inApril 2004, Malyn learned about 8. The Board of Directors of XYZ Corp.
Fort Patio Café located in Taguig City and that unanimously passed a resolution approving the
its development was undertaken by a new taking of steps that in reality amounted to
corporation known as Fort Patio, Inc., where willful tax evasion. On discovering this, the
both Schiera and Jaz are directors. Malyn also government filed tax evasion charges against
found that Schiera and Jaz, on behalf of Patio the company’s members of the board of
Investments and personally guaranteed by directors. The directors invoked the defense
Schiera and Jaz. that they have no personal liability, being mere
directors of a fictional being. Are they correct?
Page | 236
e) The Secretary is required to be both a
resident and a citizen of the Philippines. (BAR
c. Management Contracts
1. A, as owner of a certain number of shares of 2. What is a “voting trust” and what are the
stock in X Corporation, entered into a voting legal limitations of the “voting trust
trust agreement with B. on the basis of the agreement”?
voting trust agreement, B announced his desire
to run for a seat in the Board of Directors of X
Corporation. C, another stockholder, objected
Answer: A “voting trust” is an arrangement in
and questioned the eligibility of B to be a
writing and notarized, whereby the
director of X Corporation.
stockholders, or a portion of them, transfer
their shares of stock to a trustee, who thereby
acquires the right to vote and other rights
Is C’s contention correct? Why? pertaining to the shares, for a period not
Page | 239 exceeding 5 years at any one time, and in return
trust certificates are given to the shareholders,
these certificates being transferrable, like stock
certificates are, subject, however, to the trust
Answer: C’s contention is correct. The voting
trust involves a much more complete surrender
of all legal rights and remedies by the The legal limitations of the “voting trust
shareholders than any other control device. By agreement” are: No “voting trust agreement “
it, the beneficial owner ceases to be recognized shall be entered into (1) for the purpose of
as a shareholder of record and may be deprived circumventing the laws against monopolies and
not only of any right any right to vote for illegal combinations in restraint of trade, or (2)
directors, but also of any right to inspection; for purposes of fraud. (BAR 1985)
notice or information as against the corporation
or any voice in making most fundamental
changes, such as mergers and consolidation,
sales of entire assets, increase and reduction of
3. A distressed company executed a voting trust
agreement for a period of 3 years over 60% of
its outstanding paid-up shares in favor of a bank
to whom it was indebted, with the Bank named 1. In 1999, Corporation “A” passed a board
as trustee. Additionally, the Company resolution removing “X” from his position as
mortgaged all its properties to the Bank. manager of said corporation. The by-laws of “A”
corporation provides that the officers are the
president, vicepresident, treasurer and
Because of the insolvency of the Company, the secretary. Upon complaint filed with the SEC, it
Bank foreclosed the mortgaged properties, and held that a manager could be removed by mere
as the highest bidder, acquired said properties resolution of the board of directors. On motion
and assets of the Company. for reconsideration, “X” alleged that could only
be removed by the affirmative vote of the
stockholders representing 2/3 of the
The 3-year period prescribed in the Voting Trust outstanding capital stock. Is “X’s” contention
Agreement having expired, the company legally tenable. Why?
demanded the turnover and transfer of all its
assets and properties, including the
management and operation of the Company, Answer: No. Stockholders’ approval is necessary
claiming that under the Voting Trust only for the removal of the members of the
Agreement, the bank was constituted as trustee Board. For the removal of a corporate officer or
of the management and operations of the employee, the vote of the Board of Directors is
Company. sufficient for the purpose. (BAR 2001)
a. Right to Dividends
Answer: No. The demand of the Company does
not tally with the concept of a Voting Trust
Agreement. The Voting Trust Agreement merely
conveys to the trustee the right to vote the 1. Ace Cruz subscribed to 100,000 shares of
shares of grantor/s. the consequence of the stock of JP Development Corporation, which has
foreclosure of the mortgaged properties would a par value of P1 per share. He paid P25,000
be alien to the Voting Trust Agreement and its and promised to pay the balance before
effects. (BAR 1992) December 31, 2008. JP Development
Corporation declared a cash dividend on
October 15, 2008, payable on December 1,
c. Cases When Stockholders’ Action is Required
i. By a Majority Vote ii. By a Two-Thirds Vote
Page | 240
For how many shares is Ace Cruz entitled to be redemption of shares cannot be compelled.
paid cash dividends? Explain. While the certificate allows such redemption,
the option and discretion to do so are clearly
vested in the Corporation. (BAR 2009)
Answer: Ace is entitled to be paid cash
dividends for 100,000 shares of stock. Although
he has not fully paid for his shares of stock, he is Page | 241
not delinquent and is therefore entitled to all
the rights of a stockholder. (BAR 2008)
b. Right of Appraisal
c. Right to Inspect
5. In case of disagreement between the Page | 243
corporation and a withdrawing stockholder who
exercises his appraisal right regarding the fair
value of his shares, a three-member group shall 1. X filed a complaint with the SEC alleging that
by majority vote resolve the issue with finality. Redfield, Inc. had violated the provisions of the
May the wife of the withdrawing stockholder be Corporation Law. The SEC seeks to inspect the
named to the threemember group? books of the Corporation. Redfield, Inc.
objected to the inspection of its books by the
SEC on the ground that X, the complainant, is
a. No, the wife of the withdrawing shareholder not a stockholder of the corporation. Decide
is not a disinterested person. b. Yes, since she with reasons.
could best protect her husband’s shareholdings.
c. Yes, since the rules do not discriminate
against wives. d. No, since the stockholder Answer: The SEC may inspect the books of any
himself should sit in the three-member group. corporation under its jurisdiction in the course
of any investigation it may consider necessary
for the enforcement of the Corporation Law. It the right of inspection should be exercised in
can do this even on its own initiative, and thus it connection with the interest of the stockholder
should not matter whether the complainant is a in the corporation and not in relation to such an
stockholder or not. extraneous matter as the case in question. (BAR
a) Decide the case. Pedro Reyes, who has 100 shares in the
corporation, alleging that he and all other
Page | 244
stockholders have a preemptive right to the
new shares, insists that the corporation issue to
him his proportionate quota of the new shares
b) What are the limitations on a stockholder’s which he offers to buy in cash. Holders of 80%
rights to inspect corporation books and of the outstanding capital stock are in favor of
records? the proposal to increase the capital stock,
including the exchange of Jose’s land for new
shares of stock.
Answer: a) The statutory right of a stockholder
to inspect the books and records of a
corporation extends—in consonance with Is Pedro Reyes within his rights in claiming a
equity, good faith and fair dealing—to a foreign preemptive right? Explain.
subsidiary wholly owned by the corporation.
Explain whether or not S has a right to subscribe Recently, the directors thought of raising
to any of the 5,000 shares and, if so, at what additional capital and decided to offer to the
price? public all the authorized shares of the
Corporation at their market value.
a) Assume that the stockholder “A” presently Answer: Yes. DX/s contention is tenable. Under
holds 200 out of the 1000 original shares. Section 39 of the Corporation Code, all
Would “A” have a preemptive right to 200 of stockholders of ABC, Inc. enjoy preemptive right
the new issue of 1000 shares? Why? b) When to subscribe to all issues of shares of any class,
should stockholder “A” exercise the preemptive including the reissuance of treasury shares in
right? proportion to their respective shareholdings.
(BAR 2004)
6. So that ABC Corporation could venture into
Page | 246
more projects, it needed to raise funds by
issuing new shares to increase its capitalization.
X, Y, Z, J and G are the 5 existing shareholders of
a) Yes, “A” would have a preemptive right to
the company. They hold 20% each. How will the
200 of the new issue of 1000 shares. “A” is a
additional shares be divided among the existing
stockholder of record holding 200 shares in “X”
Corporation. According to the Corporation
Code, each stockholder has the preemptive
right to all issues of shares made by the
a) The existing shareholders can subscribe to stock corporation with par value (as in the
the new shares equivalent to their existing present case), the stockholder can vote the
shareholdings because the Corporation Code shares fully paid by him only, irrespective of the
provides that each of the existing stockholders unpaid delinquent shares. (Baltazar v. Lingayen
will have preemptive rights to the extent of Guild Electric Power Co., Inc., 14 SCRA 522)
their existing shareholdings; b) The existing (BAR 1977)
shareholders’ preemptive rights is equivalent to
Page | 247
the percentage that they want; c) Each of the
existing shareholder can exercise their right of
first refusal against each other; d) Preemptive
rights and right of first refusal are one and the
same. 2. A group of individuals, desiring to organize a
corporation, asked for your advice on the
following proposals:
Answer: a) The existing shareholders can
subscribe to the new shares equivalent to their
existing shareholdings because the Corporation a) As to voting rights.—All shares shall have the
Code provides that each of the existing same voting rights except that the common
stockholders will have preemptive rights to the shares shall not vote on any proposed increase
extent of their existing shareholdings. (BAR or decrease of the authorized capital stock.
a) As to voting rights—
Answer: Yes. In this regard Section 64 of the
Corporation Code provides that “No certificate
of stock shall be issued to a subscriber until the 1) No shares may be deprived of voting rights
full amount of his subscription together with except those classified and issued as
interest and expenses (in case of delinquent “preferred” or “redeemable”. 2) The holders of
shares), if any is due, has been paid. As may shares, even non-voting shares in the cases
readily be seen, the said provision requires as a allowed by the Corporation Code, shall
condition before a shareholder can vote his nevertheless be entitled to vote on an increase
shares, that his full subscription be paid in the or decrease of capital stock. (BAR 1984)
case of the no par value stock; and in case of
3. Mercy subscribed to 1,000 shares of stock of
Rosario Corporation. She paid 25% of said
5. Dennis subscribed to 10,000 shares of XYZ
subscription. During the stockholders’ meeting,
Corporation with a par value of 100 per share.
can mercy vote all her subscribed shares?
However, he paid only 25% of the subscription
Explain your answer.
or P250,000. No call has been made on the
unpaid subscription.
a. Individual Suit
a) X is a stockholder of ABC Corporation as of
1. A group of stockholders of Sesame
the time of meeting of the stockholders for the
Corporation filed a court suit against the
purpose of electing the members of the board;
members of the Board of Directors to make
b) X is not qualified to elect members of the
good to the shareholders, in proportion to their
board because at the time the notice of the
shareholdings, the losses incurred by the
meeting was sent, she was not yet a
corporation because of the defendant Board of
stockholder; c) Qualifications as to who are
Directors’ management.
considered as stockholders on record for
purposes of being able to elect members of the
board are to be determined by the By-laws
Will the action prosper? Reasons.
alone; d) None of the above.
Answer: The case should not be dismissed. Answer: 1. As a general rule, A cannot bring a
Although as a general rule, it is only the board derivative suit in the name of the corporation
of directors and not a mere stockholder who concerning an act that took place before he
can act on behalf of the corporation in became a stockholder. However, if the act
questioning the validity of corporate acts, complained of is a continuing one, A may do so.
where the directors themselves are the persons
responsible for the act questioned and can thus
not be expected to nullify it, a stockholder can 2. No. In a derivative suit, the action is
bring a derivative suit on behalf of the instituted/ brought in the name of a
corporation. It would be futile for him to ask the corporation and the reliefs are prayed for
board to bring the suit and since there is no therein for the corporation and reliefs are
other remedy, the derivative suit is recognized. prayed for therein for the corporation, by a
The stockholder in this case falls squarely within minority stockholder. The law does not qualify
this rule and therefore, the case should not be the term “minority” in terms of the number of
dismissed. (BAR 1975) shares owned by a stockholder bringing the
action in behalf of the corporation. (BAR 1993)
K. Capital Structure
Answer: a) An action can be brought against A Answer: b. Book value. (BAR 2011)
for P100,000 which is the amount of his unpaid
subscription. Since the corporation is insolvent,
the limit of a stockholder’s liability to the 4. The BIR assessed ABC Corp. for deficiency
creditor is only up to the extent of his unpaid income tax for taxable year 2010 in the amount
subscription. of P26,731,208.00, inclusive of surcharge and
i. Definition
a) This kind of classification may not be allowed
or else it will violate the Doctrine of Equality of
1. A became a stockholder of prime Real Estate shares; b) Classifications of shares may be
Corporation (PREC) on July 10, 1991, when he allowed for as long as it is clearly stated as such
was given one share by another stockholder to in the Articles of Incorporation of the
qualify him as a director. A was not re-elected Corporation; c) Classifications of shares is
director in the July 1, 1992 annual meeting but mainly for business purpose to attract investors;
he continued to be a registered shareholder of d) Classifications of shares may be allowed with
PREC. the approval of the stockholders and the Board
of Directors.
Answer: b) Classifications of shares may be Choose the correct statement relating to these
allowed for as long as it is clearly stated as such redeemable shares.
in the Articles of Incorporation of the
Corporation. (BAR 2012
a) ABC Corp. would need unrestricted retained
earnings to be able to redeem the shares; b)
2. A corporation generally can issue both par Corporations are not allowed to issue
value stock and no par value stock. These are all redeemable shares; thus, the issuance by ABC
fixed in the Articles of Incorporation of the Corp. is ultra vires; c) Holders of redeemable
corporation. Which of the following shared enjoy a preference over creditors; d)
corporations may not be allowed to issue no par ABC Corp. may redeem the shared at the end of
value shares? 10 years without need for unrestricted retained
earnings provided that, after the redemption,
there are sufficient assets to cover its debts; e)
a) Insurance companies; b) Banks; c) Trust All of the above are incorrect.
Companies; d) All of the above.
Page | 257
Answer: d) ABC Corp. may redeem the shared
at the end of 10 years without need for
unrestricted retained earnings provided that,
after the redemption, there are sufficient assets
Answer: b) Banks. (BAR 2012) to cover its debts. (BAR 2013)
a. Allowable Restrictions on the Sale of Shares 2. Mr. Cruz purchased from Mr. Guzman shares
b. Sale of Partially Paid Shares c. Sale of a of stock of a mining corporation, which shares
Portion of Shares Not Fully Paid d. Sale of All of were covered by several certificates indorsed in
Shares Not Fully Paid e. Sale of Fully Paid Shares blank by Mr. Virgilio Malic in whose name the
f. Requisites of a Valid Transfer same were registered in the books of the
corporation. It was later discovered that the
1. “A”, stockholder of “X Corporation”, assigns
said shares had never been sold or otherwise
his shares of stock to “B” for a valuable
disposed of by Mr. Virgilio Malic, but had been
consideration. The certificate of stock was
stolen from where they were kept.
thereupon delivered to “B”. A few days later,
“A” died. The heirs of “A”, in a Deed of Extra-
Judicial Partition, adjudicated his shares of stock
to his son “C”. Who is entitled to said shares, Mr. Cruz or Mr.
Malic? Reason.
Page | 263
Is the refusal justified? Explain.
Answer: ABC’s refusal to recognize and register 5. Four months before his death, PX assigned
Steven’s ownership is justified. The facts 100 shares of stock registered in his name in
indicate that the stock certificate for the 1,000 favor of his wife and his children. They then
shares in question is in the name of Arnold. brought the deed of assignment to the proper
Although the certificate was delivered to Steven corporate officers for registration with the
or that the procedure for the effective transfer request for the transfer in the corporation’s
of shares of stock set out in the by-laws of ABC stock and transfer books of the assigned shares,
Corporation, if any, was observed. Since the the cancellation of the stock certificates in PX’s
certificate was not endorsed in favor of Steven name, and the issuance of new stock
(or anybody else for that matter), the only certificates in the names of his wife and his
conclusion could be no other than that the children as the new owners. The officers of the
shares in question still belong to Arnold. (BAR Corporation denied the request on the ground
1996) that another heir is contesting the validity of
the deed of assignment.
1. Modes of Dissolution
a) Will the sale of all assets and liabilities of AAA
Corporation to BBB Banking Corporation
automatically dissolve or terminate the Page | 265
corporate existence of AAA Corporation?
1. Name 3 methods by which a stock still within the period allowed by the lease
corporation may be voluntarily dissolved. contract for the extension of the lease period,
Explain each method. XYZ Corp. notified ABC Inc., that it is exercising
the option to extend the lease. ABC Inc.
objected to the proposed extension, arguing
Answer: The 3 methods by which a stock that since the corporate life of XYZ Corp. had
corporation may be voluntarily dissolved are: expired, it could no longer opt to renew the
lease. XYZ Corp. countered that withstanding
the lapse of its corporate term it still has the
a. Voluntary dissolution where no creditors are right to renew the lease because no quo
affected. This is done by a majority vote of the warranto proceedings for involuntary
directors, and resolution of at least 2/3 vote of dissolution of XYZ Corp. has been instituted by
stockholders, submitted to the SEC. the Office of the Solicitor General.
b. Voluntary dissolution where creditors are Is the contention of XYZ Corp. meritorious?
affected. This is done by a petition for Explain briefly.
dissolution which must be filed with the SEC,
signed by a majority of the members of the
board of directors, verified by the president or Answer: XYZ Corporation’s contention is not
secretary, and upon affirmative vote of meritorious. Based on the ruling of the Supreme
stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the Court in Philippine National Bank v. CFI of Rizal,
outstanding capital stock. 209 SCRA (1992). XYZ Corp. was dissolved ipso
facto upon the expiration of its original term. It
ceased to be a body corporate for the purpose
c. Dissolution by shortening of the corporate of continuing the business for which it was
term. This is done by amendment of the articles organized, except only for purposes connected
of incorporation. (BAR 2002) with its winding up or liquidation. Extending the
lease is not an act to wind up or liquidate XYZ
Corp.’s affairs. It is contrary to the idea of
a. Voluntary i. Where No Creditors Are Affected winding up the affairs of the corporation. (BAR
ii. Where Creditors Are Affected iii. By 2004)
Shortening of Corporate Term
1. Close Corporations
Decide the case, with reasons.
a. Characteristics of a Close Corporation
a) Can Mr. Sakit-ulo demand that a stockholders The Corporate Secretary refused to transfer the
meeting be called to elect directors of the shares in Vicente’s name in the corporate books
corporation? b) Does Ms. Sakit-tiyan have a because Alberto, one of the stockholders,
cause of action against all the ten classmates- opposed the transfer on the ground that the
stockholders, albeit no negligence has been same violated the by-laws. Alberto offered to
proven? buy the shares at P12.50 per share, as fixed by
the by-laws or a total price of P125,000 only.
Choose the correct statement relating to a) This can be a ground for revocation or
Gawsengsit Corp. suspension of its license to do business; b)
There is no more effect in the license because
anyway at the time of registration, a resident
a) Gawsengsit Corp. is doing business in the agent was appointed; c) This can be a ground
Philippines and requires a license from the SEC; for suspension only; d) This will result in
b) Gawsengsit Corp. is not doing business in the automatic revocation of its license to do
Philippines by its mere investment in a business in the Phiippines.
Philippine corporation and does not need a
license from the SEC; c) Gawsengsit Corp. has to
appoint a resident agent in the Philippines; d) Answer: a) This can be a ground for revocation
Gawsengsit Corp. cannot elect directors in or suspension of its license to do business. (BAR
Bumblebee Corp.; e) All of the above choices 2012)
are incorrect.
c. Personality to Sue
1. “G” Corporation, organized under Philippine
Page | 273 laws is the owner of the trademark “Jumbo”
under Registry No. 50025 issued on February
15, 1979 by the Philippine Patent Office, for
b) Gawsengsit Corp. is not doing business in the assorted kitchen ware. On June 10, 1980, the
Philippines by its mere investment in a Jumbo Cookware Corporation, organized and
Philippine corporation and does not need a existing under the U.S. laws, filed a petition with
license from the SEC. (BAR 2013) the Philippine Patent Office for the cancellation
of the trademark “Jumbo” registered in the
name of “G” Corporation alleging ownership
b. Necessity of a License to Do Business and prior use in the Philippines since 1949 of
said trademark on the same kind of goods,
i. Requisites for Issuance of a License ii. which use it had not abandoned.
Resident Agent
Second alternative reason—Under the The complaint failed to allege that its trademark
Trademark Law, a foreign corporation may or tradename has been registered with the
bring an action for unfair competition in the Philippine Patents Office or that the State of
Philippines, whether or not it has been licensed New York grants Philippine corporations the
to do business in the Philippines, provided that privilege to bring an action for unfair
the country of which the said foreign competition in that State. Claiming that these
corporation is a citizen or in which it is are conditions sine qua non before a foreign
domiciled, by treaty or law grants a similar corporation may file suit in the Philippines,
privilege to corporation of the Philippines; and defendant Malakas filed a motion to dismiss the
this is granted in the “Convention of Paris” and complaint.
by law in the United States of America.
(Converse Rubber Corp. v. Jacinto Rubber and
Plastics Co. Inc., April 28, 1980; 97 SCRA 158)
a) How would you decide the motion to
dismiss? State your reasons.
Answer: a) The motion of Malakas to dismiss defendant has registered with the Philippine
the complaint of Smash Manufacturing Patent Office the trademark “Prince”, which
Company shall be sustained. A foreign registration is contrary to Sec. 4 of RA 166, as
corporation may bring an action for amended, and violative of plaintiff’s right to the
infringement or unfair competition, provided as trademark “Prince”; that the defendant not
conditions sine qua non that the trademark or only uses the trademark “Prince” but likewise
tradename of the suing foreign corporation be has copied the design used by plaintiff in
registered in the Philippine Patent Office or, in distinguishing its trademark; and that the use
the least, that it be an assignee of such thereof by defendant on its
registered trademark or tradename, and that
Page | 275
the country of which the plaintiff foreign
corporation is a citizen or domicillary, grants to
Filipino corporation the same reciprocal
treatment, either thru treaty, convention or products would cause confusion in the minds of
law. But said conditions sine qua non were not the consumers and likely deceive them as to the
even stated in the complaint of the plaintiff. (BA source or origin of the goods, thereby enabling
1982) the defendant to pass off their products as
those of plaintiff.
1. Intra-corporate Controversies
Second Alternative Answer: The order of the
1. “XYZ” is a Condominium Corporation within court is not correct. “A” is not yet entitled to
the meaning of R.A. 4726, the Condominium the ownership of the unit he is buying, and
Law. It built condominium units within Manila therefore, he has yet no shares of stock on the
and offered the same for sale. “A” bought one condominium corporation of which his unit is a
unit on installment basis under a Contract to part (not “XYZ Condominium Corporation”), and
Buy and Sell, which provided that “A”, upon full therefore “A” may not be considered as a
payment of the contract price, shall be entitled stockholder even of the corporation of the
to the ownership of the unit so purchased and condominium property which he was buying a
to shares of stock pertaining thereto in the unit of. (BAR 1981)
condominium corporation. “A” defaulted in the
payment of his installments and “XYZ” filed a
case in Court for collection of overdue accounts. 2. ABC Corporation is engaged in the business of
manufacturing soft drinks. For the past 10
years, it has bought all its bottles from XYZ
Corporation. Considering the volume of its
production, it now finds that it will be more law, the SEC can issue injunctions, whether
economical to manufacture its own bottles. prohibitory or mandatory, in all cases in which it
has jurisdiction. The regular courts have
therefore no jurisdiction over the case. (BAR
The Board of Directors, after studying and 1983) (JURISDICTION NOW TRANSFERRED TO
discussing the matter thoroughly, decides to set RTC)
aside the amount of 1 Million for this project.
Most of this amount will go to the cost of
equipment and materials. 3. June Roco purchased from Maharlika
Subdivision a 1,000-sq.m. parcel of lot.
Annotated at the back of the Certificate of Title
M is a stockholder of ABC Corporation and is issued to him are restrictions regarding the
against this investment in the bottling project nature and specifications of the construction of
and would like to withdraw from the a residential house that may be constructed
corporation by exercising his appraisal right if thereon and a statement making the purchaser
the project goes through. He therefore an automatic member of Maharlika Village
demands that the project be submitted to the Association, a registered non-stock, non-profit
stockholders for approval, but the board refuses corporation. Two years thereafter, Roco applied
to do so on the ground that there is no need for for a building permit to construct a three-storey
such approval and that the calling of a special edifice on the said place. Upon being informed
stockholder’s meeting would entail too much and learning of the said construction, the
expenses. Maharlika Village Association advised him to
stop the said construction since it violated the
Page | 280 restrictions contained at the back of his title.
Despite said admonition, Roco proceeded with
the construction compelling Maharlika to file an
action before the RTC of the place for
M thus cannot have the opportunity to exercise “Injunction with Damages”.
his appraisal right. He wants to sue the board to
compel it to submit the matter to the
stockholders and to enjoin it from pursuing the Roco moved to dismiss on the ground that the
project until the stockholders shall have case is a corporate controversy which therefore
approved it. falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the SEC
pursuant to Section 5 of PD 902-A.
b) No. The RTC has no jurisdiction over this case 7. In 1970, Magno joined AMD Corporation as a
which involves intra-corporate controversy. Junior Accountant. He steadily rose from the
ranks until he became AMD’s Executive VP.
Subsequently, however, because of his
c) Yes. The SEC has jurisdiction over this case. involvement in certain anomalies, the AMD
The case is between a stockholder and a Board of Directors considered him resigned
corporation of which he is a stockholder, and from the company due to loss of confidence.
the dispute arose out of such relationship.
Moreover, the question whether or not the
transaction falls under the right of appraisal so Page | 282
as to make the withdrawal legal, properly falls
under the SEC jurisdiction. (BAR 1994)
Aggrieved, Magno filed a complaint in the SEC,
questioning the validity of hi termination, and
6. Jennifer and Gabriel owned the controlling seeking reinstatement to his former position,
stocks in MFF Corporation and CLO, Inc., both with back wages, vacation and sick leave
family corporations. Due to serious benefits, 13th month pay and Christmas bonus,
disagreements, Jennifer assigned all her shares plus moral and exemplary damages, attorney’s
in MFF Corporation to Gabriel, while Gabriel fees and costs. AMD filed a motion to dismiss,
assigned all his shares in CLO, Inc. to Jennifer. arguing that the SEC has no jurisdiction over
Subsequently, Jennifer and CLO, Inc., filed a cases of illegal dismissal, and has no power to
complaint against Gabriel and MFF Corporation award damages.
in the SEC, seeking to recover the corporate
records and funds of CLO, Inc., which Gabriel
allegedly refused to turn over, and which Should the motion to dismiss be granted?
remained in the offices of MFF Corporation. Explain.