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Issue 30 | 1

Funnel Hacked: 4Patriots

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By Mike Schauer, founder of the big takeaway I want you to get is a sense of how to
take your offers and restructure them so you have multiple
What’s up Funnel Hackers? It’s Mike angles that keep your marketing fresh. I’m calling this
Schauer, the founder of Funnel Alchemy since you’re taking similar components and
the number one go to swipe file rearranging them into something new.
resource online. And I’m back again
for another guest issue of Funnel To start, I want to ask you a question: Let’s say that you
U. It was awesome to hear from have a $2,000 product, how would you sell it? I would bet
everybody about the last issue I did and it ended up being a the first ideas that come to mind are either a webinar or a
big hit, so Russell gave me the thumbs up to do another. product launch, because those are so popular today. Yet,
this company uses neither. Now, in this example, 4Patriots
Now if you’re not familiar with or who I am, I is selling a portable, solar powered generator. Since it’s a
seek to uncover what the secret sauce is behind the biggest physical product the approach is a little bit different from
marketers and advertisers online. I like to do really in depth an info product. You don’t have to be sold as much on the
breakdowns for my members so they’re able to see and expert since it’s more about the product. And they mostly
understand exactly how the best marketers and copywriters use video sales letters, which kind of act like webinars,
think. I do a ton of research to uncover those nuggets that but they’re more scripted. So this is going to be a little bit
you’re just not going to find anywhere else. I’m excited to different than what you’re used to, but that’s why I was
share some of my latest findings with you in this issue. excited to share this.

Funnel Alchemy FUNNEL #1

This month we’re going to take a look at how a successful Let’s start with the offer they’ve been running the longest.
company in the survival niche called 4Patriots is selling a This offer has been running since 2013 and they’re still
$1,997 product three different ways. So we’re going to look paying for advertising. That’s a good indicator that this
at three unique funnels that offer the same product. And funnel is doing well for them.

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Step 1: Product Ad #1 Step 1: Product Ad #2

Step 1: Product Ad that’s what they have here. They haven’t changed it, they’ve
So let’s start with the ad. The headline is: “Power Companies been using it since 2014.
Hate This.” Now you may have seen a headline like this before,
“ and so hates this.” Why does that work and when is Their VSL is about 40 minutes long and they’re selling you on
it appropriate? Well, it works in this niche, because if you a low-priced, $27 offer that teaches you how to build your
think about it, who’s going to buy a solar powered portable own solar panels and water heater.
generator? Who are survivalists? What is this niche like?
In the VSL, they highlight big storms we’ve had and how
One, it’s either someone who wants to be completely off the people were out of power for weeks and the electrical
grid, or it’s someone who’s living inside a regular community, companies jacked up the prices. They also show a clip of
but they’re afraid that the electrical companies have some President Obama talking about how things are only going to
devious plan that doesn’t have the public’s best interest in get worse.
mind. So this is very much geared towards the idea that the
power companies are the enemy. And that carries a lot of So they’re very much instilling a kind of fear in you and
emotion behind it. playing on the outlook that this niche has about a potential
power grid failure happening. This is a great first step to
You can see another ad they’ve been running for a while that get people in with a low priced product that teaches a do it
has this same kind of tone: “Why was this video banned?” yourself version of their high ticket generator.
Because the energy companies don’t want you to know
about it. At the bottom of the page they have social proof and
references so you can see that what they’re saying is the real
Step 2: Video sales letter deal. There’s proof behind it.
Once you click on the ad, you’re taken to the first page. And
you can see it’s very simple, you have a headline at the top If you go to the bottom of the page, it tells you why you
and their VSL. should watch the video: The video presentation on this page
will show you some great tips on how to end your slavery to
Animated VSL’s were really popular a few years ago, and the electricity monopoly forever. This isn’t a gimmick... this

Issue 30 | 3
Step 3: Checkout Page
I want to point out a few things on their Checkout Page:

• The timer at the top creates urgency.

• The unadvertised bonus gives a little extra push to buy.
• They have a one minute walk-through video that tells
you what to do and summarizes the offer and bonus
that you get.
• The call to action button implies a small commitment:
“Click To Continue” rather than “Complete Your
Purchase.” It also implies that the process isn’t over yet
and sets the stage for the upsells.
• And last, they emphasize support a lot. They have a
phone number at the top with a picture of a support
person and then they have a live chat in the bottom
right corner.

Step 2: Video Sales Letter

is real science that has been used by thousands of people

all around the world. Watch the entire video because we
cannot guarantee how long it will be online, and the end
will surprise you! So if you scroll down it encourages you to
watch the video. Step 3: Checkout Page

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Step 4: $97 Upsell

Step 4: $97 Upsell grid goes out, you don’t have to worry about having digital
Once you’ve checked out, the first upsell appears. This copies you can’t access without power to a computer. I
is what I would consider to be an upgrade offer: “Fellow thought that was a really cool point.
Patriot, Want To Complete Your Collection?”
This page reminded me a lot of the Mentor Box funnel that
They have a 14 minute VSL and a big button right at the top: Russell dissected a few months back. They have a low priced
“Click to Accept.” digital subscription but then they have an upsell if you want
to get a physical box in the mail. The page is longer, but it’s
The focus is mostly on what you’re getting, which includes not super long because they’re not selling anything new.
a physical version of the digital products you just ordered.
What I love about this is they talk about how if the power So that’s the first upsell.

Issue 30 | 5
Step 5: $1,997 Upsell

starting with a
life and death story
creates emotion
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are designed
to look like
Step 5: $1,997 Upsell
The second upsell is the power generator. This page is very
long because it’s a much higher priced product.

The VSL starts off with a story of this guy, John, who died
during a blackout because he lit a candle, fell asleep and the
house caught on fire. I’m not sure if that was a true story, but
it was definitely an impactful way to start the video.

The sales letter is very fear based. They talk about what a
power grid failure would look like and how simple, everyday
things would just stop. They have to make you believe
that a power failure can happen at any moment in order to
emotionally move you.

They also show some demo videos of how to use the

generator to show you how easy it is to install.

At the bottom of the page they have testimonials designed

to look like Facebook comments. And it’s not until the
very, very bottom that they actually include the add to cart
button. And again, that’s because this is a high end product. Step 5: $1,997 Upsell

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Step 6: 2x $997 Downsell

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bonus is a nice
Step 6: 2x $997 Downsell
If you click “No Thanks,” you’ll go to a downsell page.

I think it’s cool how the voice in the audio sounds like a
real survivalist who’s been through a lot. And that’s what
they’re going for. They want that person to be the type of
advisor who’s guiding you. And notice how the copy says, “I
don’t think price should ever get in the way of your family’s
security.” So again, it’s that idea of them being the advisor
and looking out for you.

Then they offer a payment plan where you can do two

payments of $997.

Step 7: Thank You Page

The last step in this funnel is the Thank You Page. There are
three things I want to point out here:

• I like how they tell you when your order is going to arrive
in your mailbox, so you know when it’s going to be there.
• They also give you unannounced free bonuses. So these
are things that they didn’t mention that you’ll get, or
that they just offer on the thank you page.
• And last, they have an additional offer at the bottom of
the page similar to Amazon: “Customers Who Bought
Power4Patriots Products Also Bought...”

And that completes the first funnel. Step 7: Thank You Page

Issue 30 | 9
Now let’s look at the second funnel. In this funnel, the power
generator isn’t an upsell, it’s the actual front-end offer. To
start, let’s look at the ads they’re running to send people to
the advertorial I’m going to show you.

Step 1: The Ads

There are three different ads I spotted, and what’s
interesting is they’re all a little different.

The first ad is very direct: “Portable Generator Uses No Gas.” Step 1: Product Ad #1
This is more for people who are looking to buy a generator
and are already very aware of this product.

The second one is a little more vague: “It’s Coming, Like It

Or Not... How Will You Keep Your Family Safe From This?”
This version is fear-based and creates curiosity because it’s
not as direct.

The last ad focuses on the price: “Not Everyone Can Afford

This Portable Crisis Device.” Now remember, because this
is going to be sold right up front, it’s important that people
are prepared for the high ticket price. Especially since most
people aren’t used to spending that type of money online

Step 1: Product Ad #2

Ad #3 primes
people for
the high
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Step 1: Product Ad #3
Facebook ad
has 5.1 million
views and
thousands of
right after clicking on an ad.

So this is a good way to prime people for that, and I know

for a fact, that this approach worked very well for them
because I talked to the copywriter behind it.

Their Facebook ad is the same, they’re using the most

expensive angle. And you can see how much engagement
it’s had, so you know that it’s doing really well.

Step 2: Advertorial
The first page is an advertorial. If you checked out the
last funnel dissection I did for the key chain alarm, you’ll
remember that they also used an advertorial page very
similar to this. As you look at both examples, you’ll start to
notice that a lot of these advertorial pages have the same
type of make up. They’re creating an article that looks like a
blog post where a third party is recommending a product.

On this page, they use a lot of demo videos, and it’s kind of
like they’re reviewing the product. It’s not like they actually
Step 1: Facebook Ad sell it. So very smart.

Issue 30 | 11
Step 2: Advertorial

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Their CTA
primes you
to see an
offer on the
next page
The CTA text is very clear: “Click here to see a special offer on
this generator.” So you know you’re going to see an offer on
the next page, it’s priming you for that.

And lastly, the other advertorial for the previous funnel I

reviewed used the same exact approach where they blot out
the last names and use a Facebook style type of testimonial.
Even though these aren’t actually Facebook testimonials it
makes you feel like they are.

Step 3: Video Sales Letter

Once you click through on the advertorial, you’re taken to
their VSL page. The video starts by showing clips of armies,
tanks and nuclear bombs. Why are they doing that? It’s
another fear tactic where they’re trying to make you believe
that at any given moment a huge disaster could strike and
you have to be ready for it. And what invokes that emotion
better than showing videos of military vehicles going around
as if the apocalypse is happening right now?

Then similar to their VSL in Funnel #1 they talk about the story
of John who died because he lit a candle during a power
outage and burned his house down, and another guy who

Issue 30 | 13
Step 3: Video Sales Letter

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turned on his gas generator which ended up poisoning him. They added frequently asked questions on this version,
which makes sense because in the last funnel we looked
Step 4: Checkout at, the product was only $27, but people are going to have
If you click the “Add to Cart” button, it takes you to the more questions before they’ll be willing to shell out $2k.
checkout page. Again, they place a lot of emphasis on
support with both a phone number and live chat feature. Step 5: $997 Upsell
They also included an audio that walks you through the After you checkout it takes you to the first upsell, which is
checkout page. an upgrade offer just like the first funnel. They’re offering a

Step 4: Checkout Step 5: $997 Upsell

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Step 6: 2x $497 Downsell

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second solar panel so you can charge the generator faster,
and a military grade EMP bag for $997.

They’re saying, “Well, you have your power generator and

that’s great, but what happens if there’s a catastrophic EMP
attack? You don’t have any protection.” So they’re adding
another problem and saying, “If you want to protect yourself
from that as well, then you should get this bag.”

This is a really smart upsell. If you don’t get this now, that
sense of security that you felt buying the generator is not
fully there anymore as you realize you’re still vulnerable.

Step 6: 2x $497 Downsell

If you choose not to accept the upsell, then you’re taken
to the same exact downsell page as the first funnel. It says,
“Was it the price?” They don’t want money to get in the way
of your family’s security. And you’re going to notice how in
the second downsell of this funnel, they use the same exact
template with the audio message, so that’s obviously an
approach that works well for them.

Step 7: $1,997 Upsell

Next we have the second upsell. This upsell is a
complimentary item, rather than another upgrade offer, for
an entire year’s worth of survival food.

They have a really cool guarantee, where within the next

25 years if the food has spoiled or gone bad, you can return
it. A lifetime guarantee could compare to that but saying
25 years makes it really specific and more impressive, even
though a lifetime guarantee is longer. There’s an interesting
point there, and it’s something I would probably use more.

They do congratulate you for buying the generator, but I

think they could have created more of a story where you
have your generator and everything’s going good, but
then you run out of food. They could talk about how your
generator would protect you in certain ways, but at the end
of the day if you don’t have food, you’re not going to survive.
Similar to the previous upsell where they’re reminding you
that you’re not 100% safe. Step 7: $1,997 Upsell

Issue 30 | 17
Step 8: 3x $597 Downsell

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Step 8: 3x $597 Downsell also added an offer for an additional solar panel that
If you say no to the second upsell, you’re taken to a similar expires in ten minutes, followed by a thank you video at
type of downsell page again with monthly payments. the bottom.

Step 9: Thank You Page What’s crazy about this funnel, is that if you add up the
And lastly, the thank you page is also very similar to the potential cart value, it’s almost $5,000 if someone takes all
other thank you page, but they have testimonials. They their offers. So crazy high cart value!

Step 9: Thank You Page

Issue 30 | 19
Step 2: Sales Page
FUNNEL #3 During the promotion, if you click on the ad it would have
taken you to a special sales page with a video similar to the
Now let’s take a look at the final funnel. It has the same one on Facebook. The focus is on the payment plan and the
upsells and downsells of the previous funnel, but the sales bonuses you get.
page and offer are different. It’s an Independence Day sale,
which makes a lot of sense with their American driven, Now what are the bonuses? Well, they’re the products from
patriotic brand. the first funnel that we looked at, that was sold for $27, plus
a few other goodies.
Step 1: Facebook Ad
They have a Facebook ad with a fun, infomercial style that’s So you can see how they took everything they offer and
very entertaining. This lady is dressed up and she has all the mixed it around to create a new, limited time offer that has
items in front of her. Again, you can see how demonstration urgency. It’s also appealing because of the payment plan.
videos are a big part of their marketing. They don’t have to have a VSL or sell you a bunch up front

Step 1: Facebook Ad

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Step 2: Sales Page

because it’s very offer driven. VSL and they don’t show the Add to Cart button until you’ve
watched a good amount of it.

Funnel Sketch The final funnel is an offer driven deal. They use the same
exact funnel, but it looks completely different on the onset
So there you have it, those are the three different funnels because it’s based on the bonuses and payment plan.
that 4Patriots uses to sell their generator.
I hope that gives you some inspiration on how to rearrange
So you had the first funnel, which starts with an info product and restructure your offers and funnels so you have different
for only $27. The product is very related to the power angles and fresh marketing to capture new customers.
generator, it’s more like a do it yourself guide, and then they
upsell you on the generator itself. That completes our funnel breakdown. So next, as I hinted
at earlier, I have over 400 analyzed examples on my site
The second funnel offers the generator upfront. To warm of amazing copywriting and marketing, including sales
you up for that big price tag they tell you to expect it when pages, Facebook ads, print ads, you name it. And it’s 100%
you get to the sales page. Then they have the advertorial free, I don’t even ask for an opt-in. So go to and
that warms you up for the sales page. They provide a long enjoy that.

Issue 30 | 21

22 | Funnel University
If you like the free breakdowns I do, and you want to take it can ask me any questions and make requests.
to the next level, you’re going to absolutely love my Insider’s And just last week, I actually released a special tool that
membership where I do in depth breakdowns like these allows you to uncover the Facebook ad stats of your
every other week and uncover the secret sauce behind the competitors. So there’s even more than just the breakdowns,
biggest marketers and companies online. I have a ton of tools and other bonuses inside.

Now this is not for everyone, as I dive deep into some So go to when you’re ready
advanced level stuff. So this not for dabblers, but if you’re and there’ll be a signup form for a free trial. If you want
looking for every advantage you can get and understand the to continue as an official insider, awesome, can’t wait!
power of knowing exactly how top marketers think, without Otherwise I hope that in some way I provided some
having to do any of the leg work, this is for you. Russell’s in profitable insights and takeaways for you. Thanks again, and
there, I’m in there in a private Facebook group where you I look forward to hearing from you!

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Issue 30 | 23
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