Sustainable Practises Customs Clearing
Sustainable Practises Customs Clearing
Sustainable Practises Customs Clearing
voluntarily integrate environmental and social policies in their business model. The
support of financial performance, accounts for the environmental and social impact
reporting systems
Examples of policies related to the environment include whether the company has a
supply chain, and whether the company seeks to improve its energy or water
Policies related to employees this whether the company has a policy for diversity
and equal opportunity, work-life balance, health and safety improvement, and
Policies related to products and customers include product and services quality,
Corporate Governance
The responsibilities of the board of directors and the incentives provided to top
Boards of directors perform a monitoring and advising role and ensure that
performance indicators that are used for measuring corporate performance showed
that the use of nonfinancial metrics in annual bonus contracts is consistent with an
organizations that consider environmental and social objectives as core issues for
their strategy and operations, the board of directors is more likely to have direct
responsibility over such issues; it is also more likely that top management
and practices to foster the sustainable growth of the company on a global basis and
GHG emissions and fuel economy and CO2 regulation. Other functions include
technologies that will permit the company to achieve sustainable growth, reviewing
partnerships and relationships that support the company’s sustainable growth, and
Change Driven
Business can play a leadership role in changes, with change driven through market
innovation being easiest for our society to understand. The challenge is to develop
sustainable business that is compatible with the current economic reality. s have all
identified supply chains as strategic differentiators, using them to forecast and plan
models and products must work financially, or it will not matter how good they are
ecologically or socially.
Stakeholder Engagement
Development and change aimed at the target audience are more likely to result in
the environment (or sustainability) being considered from the beginning of the
the firm. Many in the fund management community probably think that sustainable
development has little relevance to their decision making – but what about the
Socially responsible investment is a growing trend and there are a large number of
impacts and solutions, sustainability issues, management and external focus – and
companies will need to consider the strategic responses in these areas (Reputation
and governance of a company and its supply chain are also key issues corporate
reputation and has since attracted more unwanted attention over its
as part of their corporate strategy and business model, we predict that such firms are
also more likely to adopt a greater range of stakeholder engagement practices. This
and expectations in order to make decisions about how best to address them
prior literature has suggested and empirically shown that it is directly linked to
advantage (e.g., Hillman and Keim, 2001). In other words, superior stakeholder
relationships with key stakeholders over time. Similarly, it has been argued that
the basis of mutual trust and cooperation and a longer-term horizon – as opposed to
experience reduced agency costs, transactions costs, and costs associated with
team production‖ (Jones, 1995; Foo, 2007; Cheng et al., 2011). We argue therefore,
that firms that have embedded the elements of mutual trust and cooperation and the
social and environmental issues in their strategy and business model will be better
positioned to pursue these more efficient forms of contracting (Jones, 1995). On the
other hand, firms that have not integrated social and environmental issues are more
likely to contract on the basis of curbing opportunistic behavior and this will impede
firms are more likely to identify issues and stakeholders that are important for
provide feedback from their stakeholders directly to the board or other key
involved (
broader public
Time Horizon
on its history; such relationships are based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation
termism‖ (e.g., Laverty, 1996) has shown that executive compensation incentives
that are based on short-term metrics may push managers towards making decisions
relationships. It is also true then that the pathologies of short-termism are less likely
adopt such a longer-term approach, and that this approach will also be reflected in
High Sustainability group might underperform because they experience high labor
opportunities that do not fit their values and norms, and denying to pay bribes to gain
On the other hand, firms in the High Sustainabilit might outperform the control firms
because they are able to attract better human capital, establish more reliable supply
chains, avoid conflicts and costly controversies with nearby communities (i.e.,
maintain their license to operate), and engage in more product and process
social and environmental issues places on the organization. For example, Philips
Importantly, none of these studies has measured financial performance over long
. This finding suggests that companies can adopt environmentally and socially
opposite appears to be true Indeed the integration of such issues into a company’s
ability to innovate may all be contributing factors to this potentially persistent superior
executing on its strategy and to make any necessary corrections (Kaplan and
Norton, 2008). The quality, comparability, and credibility of information are enhanced
by internal and external audit procedures that verify the accuracy of this information
or the extent to which practices are being followed, we would expect the
In contrast to Customers, there are some significant differences between the two
select and manage relationshipswith Suppliers, which can determine the quality of
the relationship they have with the firm. These standards fall into either
audit is to ensure that the appropriate measurement standards have been applied
and that the internal control and measurement systems producing information
according to these standards, are robust. Companies can also perform internal
There are a number of reasons for why assurance procedures are so uncommon.
Technologies for measuring and auditing nonfinancial information are still in their
financial information (Simnett, Vantraelen, and Chua, 2009). This is not surprising
given that external reporting of such information only started about 10 years ago, has
only received a significant level of interest in the past five years, and even today only
a small percentage of companies are reporting this information. One of the most
makes it very difficult to create auditing standards. Another barrier is the lack of
developed for financial reporting. Three other barriers are important to note. First,
traditional audit firms are in the early stages of developing the capabilities to audit
nonfinancial information. This, combined with the lack of standards and IT systems,
creates the second barrier, which is a concern that performing this function will
increase their legal risk beyond the amount they already face for performing financial
audits. Third, firms which do have capabilities for auditing nonfinancial information,
such as engineering firms for environmental information and human resource supply
chain consultants for social information, lack the global scale and full range of
capabilities that would be required to serve a large corporation that wants a single
group to perform this audit. While a large number of boutique firms could be hired to
transparent in its external reporting about its environmental and social impact.
element of corporate governance so that the board can form an opinion about
balanced scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1996), except for financial keywords, as
Environmental indicators
indicators in the field of environment were divided into two segments. In the first
segment, the company evaluates its environmental policy, in the second one we
show the consequences of the company's operations on the environment and
company uses standards that ensure that the environmental policy is implemented.
implements the environmental policy because reducing energy consumption per unit
Recycling indicator shows the company's concern for waste materials. This indicator
shows how the company anticipates and implements the waste recycling policy and
problems of ecological incidents that may arise due to various causes from the spill
dangerous goods, and the like. With this indicator we show that the company records
the state of ecological incidents and wants to reduce it with the measures envisaged.
Indicator of the reduction of pollution and water consumption shows the company's
attitude to the main source of life and a healthy environment since logistics besides
.Indicators of Society
Indicators in the field of company's social performance (see Tab. 1) show how the
transport and storage people are the key factor for the successful implementation of
logistics processes. Indicators are divided into two groups, namely indicators that
check the company's social policy and a set of indicators that indicate the
in wages, benefits for employees, achieving or exceeding the ILO standards, thus
showing the social security policy for their employees. Indicator of logistical
Indicator of working conditions improvement shows the concern of the company to
ensure that employees are not under too much stress, have time to eat and rest,
Indicator of work environment quality improving is an indicator that shows how the
employees have an ergonomically regulated work place, are not exposed to adverse
effects, are responsible for setting up successful work teams and the like.
Indicator of the increase in preventive measures shows the company's actions due to
the requirements of the security policy, to prevent in advance not only injuries but
also stress and other burdens that negatively affect the welfare of workers.
Indicator of accidents reduction in the use of work tools reports how security policy is
due to rapidly changing technology and the introduction of new information solutions.
Indicators of Economy
present the economic policy indicators of companies that show the overall economic
the necessary means for more sustainable operation in the field of logistics. With
emphasized the importance of green and lean business and fair business behavior.
The second group of economic indicators shows the measurement of savings due to
sustainability prac.
Indicator of market share shows how the company is successful in winning the
company policy [
The indicator shows that the company respects the code of conduct and perceives
show that the company is committed to honest business, as the entire operation of
provide a greener production in the logistics field. It shows the budget intended for
desired goals. We are citing the example of reducing energy consumption through
Indicator of cost reduction due to lean logistics shows improving the quality,
participation of all employees. Indicator shows whether the company uses these
principles in a continuous improvement cycle and measures the cost reduction due
Indicator of cost reduction per SKU unit is a generally acknowledged indicator for the
better efficiency in carrying out transport, route optimization, and loading methods
Firms by practice lean logistics and invests in the provision of green production
expects to reduce costs for consumed energy, to reduce waste water and all other
LM requires to manage multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from three pillars
(economic, environmental, and social pillars) of sustainability. Table 1 presents an
exemplary set of KPIs for sustainable logistics management.
Table 1 reveals that a company which would like to improve its sustainability
performance first has to assess environmental and social externalities of its opera
tions, assuming that the economic KPIs are already known. This assessment would
allow company to identify the main environmental and social KPIs for SLM. Once the
KPIs are defined, the final challenge is to achieve a more sustainable balance
between economic, environmental, and social KPIs.
Output growth Regulatory compliance
Import/export permits
Foreign currency
Import substitution
Lobbying government
Annual general
Statutory returns