Restoring 20' Century Skyscrapers in N e W York: Woolworth Building, Chrysler Building, Lever House
Restoring 20' Century Skyscrapers in N e W York: Woolworth Building, Chrysler Building, Lever House
Restoring 20' Century Skyscrapers in N e W York: Woolworth Building, Chrysler Building, Lever House
The preservolion of 20" Century architecture presents offend the historical context - or the preservalion Commu-
many new challenges, unexplored opporlunities ond nity for that matter - will detract from the strength of ihe
some inherent historic ironies. Where preservalion is original design. These stylistic adaptalions or re-interpreta-
aboul saving significanl historic buildings (or the future, lions result in the very sorl of eclecticism to which the
modern architecture is often aboul breaking wilh the past. modern movement objected. Design therefore must be a
Where the new architecture did not seek to be based on true partner in the preservalion of the modern monumenl
historic precedent but ralher to be reflective of a new aes- and working together to enhance the design intent is the
thetic, advancement of the machine and the social needs true opportunity for architects and preservationists. This
of a sociely, >his new architecture has now become his- new Cooperation could lead to "aealive reslorations".
toric precedent and deserves to be saved. It is therefore These "creative reslorations" are not in the sense of Viol-
not surprising that this new architecture requires a preser- let-le-Duc by odding historically correct elements that
valion philosophy that reflects the innovative aspects of its should have been there but never were or in the fancifu!
own original ideals. The answer for preservalion must be manner of Disney but truly creative Solutions that enhance
found in the very origins of this modern architecture, not the qualities and strengths of the original design and its
unlike earlier preservalion philosophies found their basis in intenl.
the appreciation of pre-induslrial design and craltsman-
ship. Aside from the theoretical and philosophical challenges
To rely for the preservalion of modern architecture on cur- that lie ahead, there are a series of pressing practical and
rent preservalion principles and philosophies presents a economical problems. The quintessential American build-
fundamental dilemma. Developed during an ero con- ing type, the skyscraper, chosen here. is emblematic. The
cerned with saving the ort and craft of building in the face sheer number and size of these high-rises, the new and
of the onslaughl of the Industrial Revolution, these princi- often untested technologies used in their construction and
ples are not suited for safeguarding contemporary build- their enormous commercial potential represenl a Synopsis
ings designed to celebrate the very advancements of that of the significanl and complex issues affecting the preser-
revolution. The emphasis on traditional technologies, the valion of modern architecture. The three most significont
intimate relationship berween the architect and the arrisan and most frequenlly recurring issues seem to be:
- whelher expressed or implied - as opposed to the use
of machine made materials. more economic Substitutes or
labor saving techniques are likely to be irreconcilable. 1. Functional or economic obsolescence
A new and appropriate preservalion philosophy has to be
based therefore on the very ideals that have given these Many 20* Century slructures were designed for a specific
buildings their meaning and form. That is to say that the purpose and funclion. Once ihese funclions in our rapidly
significance will not be in the inlricacy of its slone carvings evolving society become less desirable or disappear alto-
or the mastery of its repousse copper but in the principles gether these 'custom' buildings become functionalfy obso-
of the new design, the sleekness of the forms and the trans- lete and are economically no longer viable. The increase
parency of its architecture. Therefore ihe authenlicily of the in technological requirements have further aggravated this
original design ideas has taken on an additional signifi- process and. for insiance, office facilities designed before
cance. If preserving historic architecture thus for was about the I970's are considered less desirable (Class B as
saving the inlrinsic value of the design and the craftsman- opposed to Ciass A) and are under considerable pressure
ship, then for the architecture of the Modern Movement in to change While the upgrade may be physically possible
particular it must be first and foremost aboul safeguarding it is likely to be costfy and to generale considerable senti-
the intrinsic value of the original design. In olher words. menl to alter the building archiiecturally to reflect its new
ihe preservalion of the design intent musi be one of the technology externally. Unfortunately ihe more customized
central tenets for any new preservalion philosophy. the building type is, the less flexible it is likely to be and
the greaier the possibility that the structure will become
Moking the design intent an important aspect of ihe new obsolete prematurely. This has sometimes resulted in the
preservalion philosophy offers also new and intrigumg claim thot these buildings were not designed to lost.
opporlunities for the design of adaptive and continued
uses. Here is also a unique chance to reconcile the antag-
onism and Separation berween design and preservalion. 2 . Transparency
Design for and in historic buildings and districts, certainly
in American practice, can be characterized. for decades A unique architectural dilemma presented by modern
now, by a contexlual temerily. The very desire not to architecture is the critical desire to express archiiecturally
buildings thal deserve conservation are historically identi- unique structural frame fdesigned by Gustave Eiffel) using
fied wilh (and formerly owned by) American corporate iron bars and Straps. The copper skin and ihe wrought iron
giants. These buildings therefore express as much ihe Straps, separated by feil lo prevent galvanic aclion,
lalenls of their architecls as the prowess and power of its absorb the movement caused by eilher ihe wind or the
owners. temperature flucluations. This structure which reflects tech-
nological innovation and which could be considered an
However, the economic climate and corporate thinking early example of a curlain wall, appears to be Iraditional
have changed. Changed fortunes, lack of willingness or on ihe outside. Many high rises and buildings created sub-
ability to spend the appropriate funds has begun to affeci sequently represent this very same dichotomy. A large and
and potentially endanger the survival of these often unique diverse number of buildings, which, in o shori period of
and idiosyncratic buildings. The lock of any government time. wen) from 4 and 8 stories to 2 0 and 4 0 floors. Most
funding, subsidy or significant tax considerations requires downlown areas in the Uniled Stales, especially N e w
frequently a combination of public pressure, innovative York, show this wide variety and the odd, but inleresting,
financing and unique public and private partnerships to juxlaposilion of size, style and shape.
enable any preservation. This may present a model for
saving other significant monuments and parlicularly those
of the Modern Movement. The very forces that made the The Woolworth Building is a good example of that diver-
construction of these buildings possible are to be har- gence of style and technology. Ii was once ihe lallest struc-
nessed for their preservation. ture in the world and probably slill ranks as the highest
(high) gothic building. Designed by ihe archiiecl Cass Gil-
Aside from the lack of public funding ihere are also little or berl and completed in 191 3 for ihe F.W.Woolworth Com-
no slatutory or regulalory powers to enforce designation pany at a cosl of I 3 million dollars, ihe structure consisls
or lisling. The deeply engrained principle of (more or less of a riveted structural steel portal frame clad with a gothic
absolute) property rights makes any regulalory intervention exterior made of architeclural terra cotla. The terra cotta
masonry is carried directly on the structural steel. This type
of construction, which is essentially load bearing masonry N e w York. Woolworth
I inserted into a structural frame, was widely used at ihe Building, detail ot the
lacode Substanltal sec-
lime. The use of terra colta allowed a great deal of (repet-
lions ol ihe onginal orna-
itive) ornament lo be applied. mental masonry were
-r In the restoralion of the exterior terra cotla subslantial sec- reploced using cast stone
tions of broken or stressed terra cotla were removed. The units. In some mslances ihe
design was simplilied
fracturing of the terra cotta did occur not only because of
while the overoll detail and
the corrosion of the structural steel anchoring and supporl character was maintained
Systems but also because of excessive compressive Where ihe masonry pro-
Stresses in ihe material. When lesled with strain relief truded significanily Irom the
gauges, Stresses from t , 5 0 0 to 4 , 0 0 0 psi were recorded, wall ihe overhang was
reduced Because ol ils
heighl above the ground.
the end resuli was hatdly
difficult because of challenges to their constitutionality. The dislinguishable Irom the
original design
limited controls that do exist, are under considerable pres-
sure because of the changed political climate and rise-
emergence of the so-called property rights movement. 4
N e w York. Woolworth
Having reviewed the challenges facing the preservation Building, c. 1913: Today
the Visual rmpact and signil
modern architecture and laking into account the peculiari-
icance ol the Woolworth
ties of the American System, it is worthwhile to look at Building is not easily appre
aspects of the conservation of parlicularly three high rise ciated because ihe twin
buildings in N e w York City. The three buildings selected lowers ol the World Trade
Center overshadow this
represent three different decades of the 20"' Century and
54slory building When
three distinctly different stylis*ic periods: the Woofworth completed m 1913 aher
Building, the Chrysler Building and Lever House. the designs ol the archiiecl
Coss Gilbert, the building
While the early American high rise saw many technologi- was ihe lallest structure in
ihe worki lor 17 years The
cal advancements, including the eventual total Separation
steel structural Irame k clad
of the exterior envelop and load bearing frame, the archi- in its entirety wilh architec-
tectural form and detail remained ecleclic and reminiscent lural terra cotto which is
of an earlier period. Conversely a new aesthetic is intro- backed with brick lo lorm o
well in excess of acceptable safety Standards. The Volu- decorative. With separate steel frames attached to the
metrie expansion of the terra cotta, which was caused by main strueture and clad in terra cotta, the lourelles were in
moisture and re-hydration of the fired clay was tightly poor condition because of severe exposure and their inac-
restrained by the existing wall construetion and caused cessibility for mainlenance.
pressure to build up. This is another example where the
combination of technologies led to some unforeseen inter- After considerable study of various alternatives which
face problems. Cutting every other horizontal Joint to the ranged from complete elimination to complele rebuilding
füll depth of the terra cotta block, some 4 inches. was in-kind, a modified replacement System that evoked the
found to be the best method to bring the pressure down to original design was selected. After repairing the structural
acceptable levels and minimize damage to the masonry. steel and filling the masonry voids where necessary, a
Where replacement units were necessary, high quality new aluminum panel System was designed to enclose the
cast slone blocks which simulated the original color and entire tourelle. Because the metal fabrication process
detail closely, were used. allowed only for bending shapes and applying minimal
detail, all original architeclural detail had to be simplified
The decision to choose cast stone as replacement material and compressed to its visual essentials in such a manner
rather than terra cotta is the type of decision that will that the overall architeclural articulation and appearance
N e w York. Woolworm
Building, secondary lower:
At ihe very top ol ihe build-
ing. ihe main lower is
llanked on ils lour comers
by small secondary towers, k, K
which Cass Gilberl named
'lourelles'. While exceed-
ingly imporlanl in ihe Sil- f r
houetie ol ihe building, ihe
lourelles ihemselves have
no porlicubr purpose wilh
ihe exceplion ol ihe one on
ihe norlheast corner. which
is a chimney lor a boiler
room ihal once exisled in
ihe bosemenl ol ihe build-
ing. Because ol their
severe exposure and inoc-
cessible localion. oll lou-
relles were in poor condh
lion ond required subslan-
Hol work.
N e w York. Woolwoilh
Building, reslored secon-
dary lower- While lephc-
mg ihe lourelles was con
sidered. ihe complexily,
long leim durability ond
ihe Overall cosi ol such an
elfon was determined iö
be prohibiiive. However, ii
become more frequent in the restoration of a modern build- was maintained. Colors for the baked finishes of the alu-
was recognized ihal ihese ing where economic obsolescence of a material is likely minum were not just used to match the original detail but,
lourelles ployed on impor- to be as critical as its physical condition. Cast stone was like the original design, enhanced the articulation of
iam tole in ihe Overall selected for economic, technical and logistical reasons. design wilh ils profiles and moldings. On close Observa-
appearance ol ihe build-
With no large produetion facility for terra cotta available tion the differences between the new and the old is very
ing The decision was
made to stobilize ihe origi- at the time (thousands ol replacement units were required) opparent but when moving further away the distinclion
nal rena cotta where possi- quality. tumaround and delivery time became critical. becomes less and less obvious. When seen from the
bie and 10 create o new While obtaining a replacement unit in terra cotta was ground or when compared with a photograph taken
alummum cloddmg ihal
expected to take as much as 6 months, a cast stone block directly öfter complelion of the original construetion, the
would resemble bui not
mimic ihe original detail.
could be delivered in two weeks and at a lesser cost. change is hardly noticeable. A concern that the new sur-
vVhen viewed Irom dose, faces would become more noticeable Over time because
rhe new detail appears The repair of the lourelles (a French term used on the draw- of their smoother finish has proven lo be unwarranted.
oversimplilied. The intenl,
ings of Cass Gilbert] or small towers, which exlend along While the uniqueness of ihe original architeclural compo-
however was lo mamtom
ihe four corners of the main lower from the 4 7 * to the 52*" sition and detail was recognized, it could hardly be
ihe overoll appearance
when observed Irom some floor, are examples of "creative restoration". While one observed from the ground, some 5 4 stories below, or from
dislonce Irighl sidel. tourelle was o chimney at one time. the other three were further away. Once it was determined that the primary sig-
nificance of these tourelles was in the overall Silhouette of and wilh the masonry were clearfy affected. Mösl proble-
the building. a Solution or a "creotive restoralion" was matically were the areas of the spire where the metal
found. The simplification of form supported the overoll directly abutted the masonry or the parapet walls. The dif-
appearonce and Silhouette or in other words the design ferenlials in expansion and conlraction caused the metal
inlent of the original architecture. to rip the masonry aparl resulting in waler infiltration. Rein-
stallalion of the metal sections, providing expansion and
The 75-story Chrysler Building, anolher early skysaaper sliding joints for the metal combined in some inslances
icon, was compleled in 1930 after the designs of the with a secondary water proofing membrane proved effec-
architecl William van Alen. While built for Walter P. live. With simpry buffing the metal a "shiny" appearonce
Chrysler (not his Company], the architecture of the building wafreslored.
and its decorative detail recalls the automobile back- Because the lorge majority of preWorld War II high rise
ground of its owner. A riveted structural steel frame carries buildings use traditional masonry supported on a structural
an exterior cladding made of block, gray and white brick steel frame, repair and replacement can follow moslly tra-
backed by structural clay block. The entire assembly, some ditional methods After the war with the changes in con-
12 to 16 inches in thickness, has no provisions for shelf struction methodologies are more pronounced and the
angles or expansion joinfs. predominant use of metal and glass and the elimination of
prior lo any restoralion of an early skyscraper is the inter- Building aber reiloralion:
When ihe top ot ihe lower
action between the steel frame and the exterior cladding
ts observed Irom some dis-
or curtain wall. Hybrid technology, earlier construction tonce o w a y , ihe dislinclion
methods or code requirements gel mingled in the various between ihe new and Ihe
Solutions. In the early masonry clad high rises load bear- old begtns lo disappear
The new louieUes wilh iheii
ing masonry technology and detailing was rather indis-
new alummum cladding
criminately Iransferred to steel framed construction. Little or tesemble ihe original
no accommodalion or adaptalion for different behavior or design sutlicienlly fo Sup-
Performance characteristics was made. For instance, it is port ihe ovetoll appear-
not entirely clear when the first expansion joint was intro- once os miended by ihe
original architecl Cass Gil-
duced but it was probably not much before the end of the
bert wilhoul havmg dupli
1920's. Similarly early metal and glass walls use masonry ccned his design exoctly
technology to provide the necessary fire resistance. The design Intal hos been
/ O
At the location of the spandrel a concrete block wall was
N e w York, Lever House;
maintained as a fire stop, as required by ihe building Designed by Gordon Bun-
code at the time. A small section of block was more or less shaft ol Skidmore Owings
suspended below the slab while the remainder was ond Merrill at ihe end of
ihe 1950's and localed on
placed on top of the slab. The front of the block wall was
Park Avenue. Ihe building
parged and pointed ond served as a 'shadow box' for the with ils gleaming glass and
tinted and wired vision glass that was used at the spandrel stainless steel curlain musl
level. m
have been very slriking
among the masonry Beaux-
Very quickly öfter completion the wall began to show Ii
m Arts-style buildings that
problems. The limited life span of the early caulking and
ml! m lined Park Avenue at ihe
sealant Compounds had undoubtedly something lo do with Iii! time. Now surrounded by
the need to reseal. By the 1960's apparently the corrosion WS glass and melal curlain
Kr" wall buildings ol a laier
of the carbon steel glass stops and rabbits as well as the
vintoge, ihe significance ol
wire embedded in the spandrel glass was sufficiently
the building as o pioneer
advanced that glass breakage became a common occur- »Ii
and icon ol modern archi-
rence. The corrosion also forced the screw-mounted stain- teclure is much harder to
less sleel Covers to open further, allowing even more water appreciate.
design intent of the curlain wall but identified the necessity •mi N e w York, lever House:
lo use contemporary lechnology and materials to achieve The curtain wall was
Over a period of time all ferrous glass stops and rabbils J S Because ol code require-
reasonable condition, will remain but will have lo be masonry. The back ol ihe
I t
masonry was treated as a
cleaned and painled. For different reasons, all vision
"shadow box' for the
glass, spandrel glass and stainless steel covers will be glass, which was vision
replaced. While the wire glass will be replaced because gloss wilh wire mesh
of ils unsatisfactory Performance, the vision glass will not embedded. The overall
design and lechnology of
be salvaged because it would require extraordinary effort
to minimize breakage. Because the existing stainless steel •ff€<f ihe curlain wall was simple.
struclion. ol spandrel gloss necessi-
toted by rhe breakage hos
The principles to guide and, lo some extent, the language
led to a wide diverstty of
lo describe the safeguarding of the architeclure of the
colors. In the proposed res-
more recent past can not be ihe same as for earlier and lorahon all gbss will be
more Iraditional architeclure. N e w atlitudes and concepls replaced and match ihe