Science 9 Unit A Plan

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Grade 9: Biological Diversity Unit Plan

Katrina Szumlas
Canadian School, Guadalajara
August-October 2020

Biological Diversity Unit

Unit Plan Overview

In this unit, students will acquire knowledge about biological diversity on earth and within

individual species. Through our class studies, and laboratory exploration, students will learn to

describe the various species which exist in ecosystems and their relations to one another using

proper terminology. In addition, students will learn about how diversity is maintained through

sexual and asexual reproduction and that the survival of individual species – and variations

within those species– may be impacted by ecological and human-caused factors. After

examining local and global biological diversity, we will examine trends toward loss of diversity

and issues concerning environmental quality.

Unit Plan Rationale

The theme of this unit is biological diversity. The curriculum places emphasis on biological

diversity, and the reproduction processes species undergo in order to pass on their

characteristics to future generations. The purpose of this unit within the grade nine science

program is to build a foundation of knowledge which prepares students for High School Science,

specifically Science 20, Unit B: Changes in Living Systems. This unit will challenge students to

consider the big picture of species diversity and maintenance processes, with fun and engaging

activities designed to support learning. Students will practice understanding statistical graphs;

and utilize the scientific method when performing experiments to record, compile, interpret

and evaluate observations to make conclusions. Furthermore, students will be encouraged to

explore curiosities about biological diversity in a safe manner through outdoor activities.

*Please see the unit plan grid for more details.


Grade 9: Science: Biological Diversity Unit

Length of unit: 8 weeks (August 31 – October 15)

Date Lesson # & GLE’s SLE’s Key Questions Related Learning Activities Resources/ Assessment Differentiation
Planned Topic to Lesson Technology
to Teach

Aug 31 Meet the - - -What can I do to help you -Self-Introduction -laptop -Do students know the class *At ‘meet the
Teacher & this year? -Establish science class rules and -pencil and safety expectations, teacher’ I will be
Introduction -What strengths do you routines -textbook heads nodding or shaking. introduced to
to Science 9 bring to the classroom? -Create a name tag for ‘get to know -binder(?) -Are the students able to students and get to
-What do you like most you’ activity and seating -PPT a/b show me where they need to know their needs
about science? arrangements in the future your be and what they should be better to be able to
-How do you learn best? -Create Unit Title Page for duo tang teacher doing? If they are not able to make this section
-What 3 words describe -Pick up textbooks and organize show me, I will provide more specific.
you? duo-tang or online note taking feedback for improvement.
-Tell me something you -Pre-assessment of
want me to know about knowledge about rules and
you. expectations.
-Areas of support?
Sept 2 Lesson #1- 9-1 1,2 -What are variations within -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Pre-assessment of any prior
Variation 9-4 1 living things that we can students take notes. Begin to fill in -pencil knowledge about biological
Among and see? the definition sheet. Pages 2-15. -textbook diversity students may have.
Within & -What are variations -Station group work answering the -binder(?) This could be assessed by
Niches & among living things? KQ’s (can be done using online -PPT starting with the animal
Adaptations -What is a niche? platform – Covid) *Species activity.
-How does variation enable -Come together as a class to share Cards -Observe if students are on
closely related things to answers and make one big web *Definition task, if they are not, I will
survive in the same (ensure that some of the key points sheets provide reminders for what
environment? from upcoming notes are discussed they are supposed to be
-How do we classify and added to the web) doing.
organisms? *Animal & Plant Species activity
walking around the class describing *Homework Questions
your key card species (KC will be a
*Taxonomy Grid Assignment
Lesson #2- 9-1 3,4 -What are dependencies -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Pre-assessment: Are
Sept 7 Dependencie 9-3 4 and how do they link the students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil students able to identify
s among survival of one species to in the definition sheet. Pages 16-24 -textbook variations within and among
species the survival of others? *Symbiosis Activity w/ Stickers -binder(?) species? PAT question.
(Symbiosis) & -What are the types of *Snake video from 60 seconds -PPT Submit your answer.
the effect of symbiotic relationships? Australia and how the variation has *Definition -Observe if students are on
changing Provide examples of each. created venom for medical use (p. sheets task, if they are not, I will
environ. -What is resource 42) *Happy provide reminders for what
conditions partitioning? Face they are supposed to be
-Why is variation important stickers doing.
for the survival of species? Activity
-What is natural selection? *Homework Questions
*Section 1.0 9-2 1,2 -What is Heritable vs. Non -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Observe if students are on
Sept 9 Quiz heritable? students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil task, if they are not, I will
-What is Discrete vs. in the definition sheet. Pages -textbook provide reminders for what
Lesson #3- Continuous? 26-31/33 -binder(?) they are supposed to be
Sexual vs. -What is asexual *mini poster project introduced -PPT doing.
asexual reproduction? Terms: (fold paper hot dog style) *Definition
reproduction binary fission, budding, sheets
spore production, *Medium
vegetative reproduction. size paper
-What is sexual
reproduction? Terms: cross
fertilization in seed plants
and reproduction in
-what organisms engage in
both types of
reproduction? i.e., yeast
Lesson 9-2 1,2 -What are the steps to -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Pre-assessment: Are
Sept 14 #3-review forming an embryo and a students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil students able to explain
and zygote in both plant and in the definition sheet. Pages 32-37 -textbook asexual reproduction? What
continued animal reproduction? *mini poster project continued -binder(?) are the 4 types of asexual
-What characteristics are -PPT reproduction? Describe.
heritable and what *Definition Same for sexual
characteristics are sheets reproduction. PAT question.
non-heritable? When does *Medium Submit your answer.
the environment and size paper -Observe if students are on
heredity play a shared task, if they are not, I will
role? provide reminders for what
they are supposed to be
*Section 2.0 9-3 1 -What is DNA? -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Observe if students are on
Sept 16 Quiz -What are the four students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil task, if they are not, I will
chemicals that make up an in the definition sheet. Pages 38-46 -textbook provide reminders for what
Lesson #4 – individual’s genetic code? *Snake video from 60 seconds -binder(?) they are supposed to be
DNA, genes, -What are chromosomes? Australia and how the variation has -PPT doing.
chromosomes How many do humans created venom for medical use (p. *Definition
have? 42) move this earlier to variation sheets
-What is a gene? *Create a model which visually *Maker
shows the difference between Space/Lab
DNA, genes and chromosomes w/ building
Skills/Attitude 9 - -WHMIS -WHMIS -laptop -Observe if students are on
Sept 21 Outcomes: -Lab Safety -pencil task, if they are not, I will
Safety, -Lab Procedure -textbook provide reminders for what
collaboration, -Clean Up expectations -binder(?) they are supposed to be
form -PPT doing.
Lesson #4 – 9-3 1 -What is DNA? *Extracting DNA from Banana & *see lab -Observe if students are on
Sept 23 DNA, genes, Strawberry lab materials task, if they are not, I will
chromosomes list provide reminders for what
continued they are supposed to be
-Expectations for proper lab
behaviour must be met to
Lesson #5 – 9-3 2,3 -What is mitosis and what -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Pre-assessment: Are
Sept 28 Cell Division is it responsible for? students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil students able to differentiate
Provide examples. in the definition sheet. Pages 46-50 -textbook between DNA, chromosomes
-What is meiosis and what *Draw the diagram of each form of -binder(?) and genes? PAT question.
is it responsible for? cell division (TpT store) -PPT Submit your answer.
Provide examples. *Create a model which visually *Definition -Observe if students are on
-Which is sexual shows the difference between sheets task, if they are not, I will
reproduction, and which is mitosis and meiosis (option: pasta *Maker provide reminders for what
asexual reproduction? activity) Space/Lab they are supposed to be
-What is happening in each w/ building doing.
phase of cell division? supplies
Lesson #5 – 9-3 2,3 *Continued from previous -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Pre-assessment: What are
Sept 30 Cell Division class. Really want to focus students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil the stages of mitosis and
on this concept as it is a in the definition sheet. Pages 46-50 -textbook meiosis? Main differences?
more challenging one for *Create a model which visually -binder(?) PAT question.
students. shows the difference between -PPT -Observe if students are on
task, if they are not, I will
-Advantages and mitosis and meiosis (option: pasta *Definition provide reminders for what
disadvantages of each. activity) sheets they are supposed to be
*Maker doing.
w/ building
Lesson #6 – 9-2 3,4,5 -What is the difference -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Pre-assessment: *Students
Oct 5 Patterns of between purebred and students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil self-reflection on the first
Inheritance hybrid? in the definition sheet. Pages 46-55 -textbook month.
-What is an allele? -Punnett Square practice -binder(?) -Observe if students are on
-What are dominant traits? -PPT task, if they are not, I will
-What are recessive traits? *Definition provide reminders for what
-What are Punnett Squares sheets they are supposed to be
and how do they work? -Punnett doing.
-What is incomplete Squares
-What happens when a
child does not resemble
either of their parents?
-What environmental
factors influence people’s
*Section 3.0 9-4 2,3 -What is extinction? -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Observe if students are on
Oct 7 quiz -What is extirpation? students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil task, if they are not, I will
-What role does the in the definition sheet. Pages 56-65 -textbook provide reminders for what
Lesson #7 – environment play in -binder(?) they are supposed to be
Reduction of extinction and extirpation? -PPT doing.
Biological -What is *Definition
Diversity overspecialization? sheets

Lesson #8 – 9-3 4,5 -What is artificial selection? -Teach the outcomes identified, -laptop -Observe if students are on
Oct 12 Selecting 9-4 3 -What is biotechnology and students take notes. Continue to fill -pencil task, if they are not, I will
Desirable what are some examples of in the definition sheet. Pages 66- -textbook provide reminders for what
Traits it? Cloning, insemination, -binder(?) they are supposed to be
in vitro fertilization, genetic -PPT doing.
engineering, etc. *Definition
-What are ways that we sheets
can reduce our impact on
biological diversity?
Lesson #9 – 9-4 1,2,4 -Focus will be on *See Unit inquiry project -laptop -Observe if students are on
Oct 14 Inquiry conservation but will bring instructions -pencil task, if they are not, I will
Project in various parts of the unit -textbook provide reminders for what
-Choice board: PPT, Canva -binder(?) they are supposed to be
Creation, Poster, student -PPT doing.
ideas are welcome but -Study
must be approved first Guides
Study Skills & 9- 1-18 *Listed on review sheet *Stump the expert -laptop -Pre-assessment: Are
Oct 19 Study Period 1,2,3, *Jeopardy game -pencil students answering review
4 -textbook questions correctly? If not,
-binder(?) what can I review as a group
-PPT to provide support?
-Study -Observe if students are on
Guides task, if they are not, I will
provide reminders for what
they are supposed to be
Unit Exam 9- 1-18 Multiple Choice, Matching, Unit Exam -laptop -Summative assessment *Re-writes will be
Oct 21 1,2,3, Short Answer -pencil (exam will be marked and offered for those
4 -tests contribute to overall grade who attend
*option to for the unit) tutorials.
write online
or paper(?)

Assessment Plan
To promote enjoyment and success for all students I have incorporated a mix of formative and
summative assessments, all of which can be differentiated to accommodate for student needs
within the class. The incorporation of formative assessments allows me to frequently assess
student progress towards and understanding of outcomes in order to identify learning needs
and adjust my teaching practice accordingly. In addition, summative assessments will be used to
evaluate and improve student learning of the desired outcomes. Overall, both formative and
summative assessments will be implemented to assess each child’s progress towards and
understanding of the unit’s learner outcomes. The assessments will be used to enable students
to reflect and self-assess, along with begin to prepare them for the Provincial Achievement Test
at the end of the school-year. Furthermore, each assessment listed below has been selected to
assess a specific learning outcome (SLO) in accordance with the Grade 9 Program of Study. The
students will be made aware of learning outcomes and how they will be assessed, reducing any
misunderstandings when progress reports are received. The following assessment descriptions
will provide a deeper understanding of how each assessment will be used to measure student

Formative Assessments
⮚ Exit Slips - Exit slips will be used to assess the students’ knowledge and learning
throughout the unit. Put briefly, exit slips are short prompts or questions that provide
teachers with a quick student assessment to guide future teaching. Before a student
leaves the classroom, they will be given an exit slip to complete. This is an easy way to
conduct an assessment of student learning, enabling me to tailor the upcoming lesson to
meet the students where they are at. In the biological diversity unit, they would be used
to assess student understanding of concepts. Using the results from the exit slips, will
enable me to modify future lessons based on the level of student understanding for
certain concepts.
⮚ Student Self-Evaluations - The students will be expected to fill out self-evaluations at
the end of various classes throughout the unit. The purpose of this form of assessment is
for students to record and monitor their understanding of concepts within the unit and
share them with me. By doing self-evaluations students are able to reflect on their own
learning strengths and weaknesses. Students will hand-in their self-evaluations, in order
for them to receive detailed feedback within a timely manner. The feedback will take
into account each individual’s different needs and abilities. It will also acknowledge each
student’s individual goals, along with their personal growth in Science. By collecting
written documentation of each student’s progress, it creates an opportunity for
communication between parents and teachers which can help guide future instruction
and assessments.
⮚ Observation - I will consistently do my best to monitor activities that are taking place
throughout the class. In addition, I will ask the students a variety of questions to gauge
their understanding. For example, students will be asked to put their heads down on
their desk and respond to questions by showing numbers using their fingers. This form
of assessment will provide me with immediate information in regard to the structure
and clarity of the previous or current lesson. No grades will be attached to the
observation, it is solely a way to check and guide learning.

Summative Assessments
⮚ Unit Exams - Seeing as science is a core subject, students will have a mandatory
Provincial Achievement Test at the end of the year. As such, students should be prepared
to write unit exams based on the learning outcomes as identified in the curriculum. They
will also gain exposure to past achievement test questions throughout lectures and on
unit tests. Students will be encouraged to utilize study guides and actively participate in
review lessons. Tests will consist of multiple-choice questions, matching, and written
⮚ Lab Reports- With this being a science course, students will be completing a number of
labs throughout the semester. These labs will be based around the ideas and concepts
that we are learning in class. These labs will not only give students a hands-on learning
experience to help reinforce what they have learned in class, they will also be used to
assess a number of outcomes for this class. Lab safety will be a priority during these
classes and there will not be any tolerance for students that do not follow the lab safety
rules (which will be enforced throughout the semester). At the end of each lab students
will be handing in a lab report where they will be required to follow the scientific
method to create a hypothesis, answer questions about the lab, and form a conclusion
upon the completion of the lab.

Both Formative and Summative Assessments

⮚ Quizzes – In order to prepare students for the mandatory Provincial Achievement Test at
the end of the year, students will write 1-2 quizzes per unit. These quizzes will evaluate
learning over approximately six lessons. Students will create study guides and be given
opportunities to review. After the quiz, students will be given the opportunity to make
corrections for learning, and their grade will be adjusted accordingly.
⮚ In-Class Assignments - Students will complete a series of worksheets and small in -class
assignments which will facilitate and reinforce learning. I will collect approximately
three-five of these, which will count towards the student’s grade for the unit. Students
will receive feedback on their work to guide future learning. Option to drop their lowest
score of the three-five assignments at the end of the unit if deserved.

Quizzes – 20%
In-Class Assignments – 25%
Lab Reports – 25%
Unit Exam – 30%

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