Recent Pathophysiology and Therapy For Paralytic Ileus
Recent Pathophysiology and Therapy For Paralytic Ileus
Recent Pathophysiology and Therapy For Paralytic Ileus
I Putu Surya Pridanta, Ulfa Kholili, Iswan Abbas Nusi, Poernomo Boedi Setiawan, Herry Purbayu,
Titong Sugihartono, Ummi Maimunah, Budi Widodo, Husin Thamrin, Ami Vidyani and Muhammad
1Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Prof
Moestopo 47, Surabaya 60132, Indonesia
Keywords: Gastrointestinal disease, Paralytic ileus, Paralytic ileus therapy, Paralytic ileus pathophysiology, Small
bowel transplantation
Abstract: Paralytic ileus is a disease with transport disturbance of intestinal contents due to decreased smooth muscle
activity in the small intestine or colon. Complications will occur when paralytic ileus is not treated
adequately. Intestinal passage interference occurs in paralytic ileus; therefore, the food cannot be digested.
Paralytic ileus causes include postoperative ileus, inflammation, electrolyte disorders, metabolic disorders,
drugs, intestinal obstruction and trauma. Paralytic ileus treatment can be divided into two: supportive
therapy and etiology therapy. The prognosis of paralytic ileus patients is generally good.
Surya Pridanta, I., Kholili, U., Nusi, I., Setiawan, P., Purbayu, H., Sugihartono, T., Maimunah, U., Widodo, B., Vidyani, A., Miftahussurur, M. and Thamrin, H.
Recent Pathophysiology and Therapy for Paralytic Ileus.
In Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar (SIPS 2017), pages 477-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-340-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
SIPS 2017 - Surabaya International Physiology Seminar
undergoing major surgery, as there are 36% of cases immediately in paralytic ileus, but contrast inhibition
found in patients undergoing heart bypass surgery may occur in the obstruction case. The step ladder
(Simic et al., 1999). Other studies reported that lack even appears as air filling in the upper intestine,
of fluid in fire victims caused 9% of paralytic ileus while food or liquid will fill below it to form a step
cases in 2,114 fire incidents. It could be inferred that ladder image (Summers, 1999). In general,
paralytic ileus has some causes, but better records ultrasound or other tests such as MRI are only
are still needed on its emergence in order to know required if suspected paralytic ileus causes are
the cause and epidemiology of paralytic ileus. unidentified. Another important test is
electrocardiography (ECG), as it can detect
hypokalemia in paralytic ileus, prominent U waves
3 PARALYTIC ILEUS and QT interval lengthening (Karen, 2007).
Some differences in clinical findings and
SYMPTOMS supports of paralytic ileus or intestinal obstruction
are summarized in Table 1.
Paralytic ileus causes symptoms that can make
patients feel very uncomfortable with their stomach
condition. Symptoms associated with paralytic ileus
include mild to moderate abdominal pain, appetite 4 PATHOGENESIS
loss, abdominal fullness, abdominal distension,
bowel movement difficulty, breathing difficulty, Paralytic ileus is a condition with interference from
nausea and vomiting (Wintery et al., 2003). There the intestinal passage; therefore, food cannot be
may also be signs of paralytic ileus causes, for digested properly. This problem occurs due to
instance a burning sensation may be found if impaired intestinal peristaltic movement controlled
inflammation causes the ileus (Karen, 2007). by the autonomic nervous system (Bayupurnama
The physical examination of paralytic ileus and Putut, 2011). One of the causes of paralytic ileus
patients shows decreased bowel sounds with a is the postoperative state involving intestine,
distended stomach. This gastrointestinal symptom is inflammatory process or infections, electrolyte
the main symptom occurring in paralytic ileus disturbances, hormonal disorders or certain drug
patients (Vather et al., 2013). Paralytic ileus consumption capable of inhibiting intestine motility
investigation includes several laboratory and such as narcotics (Karen, 2007). The cause of this
radiological examinations. It is also important to paralytic ileus can be explained as follows.
consider the effectiveness of any such examinations;
therefore, they can get better benefit from the 4.1 Postoperative ileus
examination. The laboratory examinations include
complete blood tests to measure hemoglobin, Postoperative ileus is a paralytic ileus that appears
leukocytes, or differential count levels of blood to after surgery involving the intestine (Vather et al.,
determine infection or inflammation as the basis of 2013). Postoperative ileus is divided into two:
paralytic ileus. It can also be equipped with serum immediate postoperative ileus after surgery and
electrolyte examination, particularly K, Ca and Mg diminishing with flatus and bowel, and prolonged
ions. It also needs to be complemented by renal postoperative ileus. Postoperative ileus is an ileus
function examination (Wintery et al., 2003). occurring in 4 or more days after surgery. The ileus
Radiological examination includes thoracic is characterized by an inability to tolerate oral diet
imaging to determine the source of infection. Plain during 24 hours postoperative, unable to pass gas
abdominal imaging is also needed without contrast within 24 hours postoperative, nausea, vomiting and
in 3 positions: erect, supine, and tilted (leg length radiologic disturbances in the form of bowel
discrepancy) (Wintery et al., 2003). Paralytic ileus distention within 4 days after surgery (Vather et al.,
commonly has intestinal dilation and gas 2013). Primary Ovarian Insufficiency usually occurs
accumulation in the stomach, intestine and colon. within 0-24 hours if the surgery involves the small
This is different from the radiological features of intestine, 24-48 hours when involving the stomach
obstruction ileus usually found in step ladder, or and can last for 48-72 hours when involving the
herring bone appearance (Wintery et al., 2003). colon (Frozt, 2009; Bayupurnama and Putut, 2011).
Radiological examination by contrast is also In addition, surgery is the most common cause of
required to locate the position or determine the cause paralytic ileus, followed by sepsis, electrolyte
of obstruction. The contrast is usually reduced disturbance and drug use (Bayupurnama and Putut,
Recent Pathophysiology and Therapy for Paralytic Ileus
Table 1: Comparison of paralytic ileus and intestinal muscle cells in the intestine, it will slow smooth
obstruction. muscle contraction in the intestine that subsequently
Paralytic ileus Intestinal results in paralytic ileus (Brigode et al., 2015). In
obstruction addition to hypokalemia, hypocalcemia conditions
Anamnesis Abdominal Abdominal pain, can cause paralytic ileus. This is because calcium is
pain, nausea, nausea, vomiting, associated with smooth muscle contractility;
vomiting, constipation therefore, lower calcium levels may cause paralytic
bloating, ileus (Lawrence, 2016).
difficulty in
passing gas
4.4 Metabolic disorders
Physical Decreased or Increased bowel
examination negative bowel sounds even up to Paralytic ileus can also be caused by metabolic
sounds, metallic sound, disorders such as hypothyroid conditions. The
abdominal abdomen mechanism of paralytic ileus in hypothyroid remains
distension, distension, darm unclear, but the possibility of abnormalities in the
tympanic contour, darm autonomic nervous system that conserve the nervous
percussion steifung system in the colon results in decreased intestine
Plain Small and large Herring bone motility that subsequently causes paralytic ileus
abdominal X- intestine appearance, step (Umar and Wheeler, 1997). Another possibility is
ray dilatation, ladder
material deposition in the intestine that blocks the
elevation relationship between muscle fiber in the intestine
(Bayupurnama and Putut, 2011) and autonomic ganglion (Bastenie, 1946).
In addition, renal impairment, particularly
There are many causes of postoperative ileus, uremic conditions, can cause paralytic ileus. Uremic
including inflammatory responses emerging due to gastropathy and diabetes mellitus can also cause
manipulation performed during surgery, autonomic paralytic ileus due to diabetic gastropathy (Rodrigo
nervous system dysfunction (stimulation of et al., 2011).
sympathetic nerves that inhibits gastrointestinal Another cause of impaired intestinal motility is
movement), gastrointestinal hormonal disorders and (SLE). SLE leading to lupus enteritis is a result of
neuropeptides, or drugs used during surgery that vasculitis in blood vessels, causing ischemia in the
disturb intestine motility, such as narcotics (Vather intestines. It consequently causes ulcers in intestinal
et al., 2013). mucosa and edema, resulting in intestinal dilatation
and impaired intestinal motility which may lead to
4.2 Inflammation the emergence of paralytic ileus (Lawrence, 2016).
In addition, hypoparathyroidism can also cause
Inflammation resulting in paralytic ileus may be due paralytic ileus. This is due to hypocalcemia
to inflammatory bowel disease or infection, such as occurring in hypoparathyroidism leading to muscle
pneumonia or sepsis (Wintery et al., 2003). motility disorders that subsequently result in
Inflammatory intestine results in inflammatory paralytic ileus (Lawrence, 2016).
mediators’ release such as nitric oxide, Vasoactive
Intestinal Peptide (VIP), substance P and 4.5 Drugs
prostaglandins, causing interference with intestinal
motility that subsequently results in paralytic ileus Drug usage, particularly opioids (e.g. codeine,
(Frozt, 2009). In addition, inflammation also causes anesthetic drugs) which can decrease intestine
leukocyte infiltration that will further aggravate ileus movement, can increase paralytic ileus incidence
(Schwarz et al., 2002). (Wintery et al., 2003). Generally, drugs affecting
intestinal motility can be divided into two: central-
4.3 Electrolyte disorders acting drugs and peripherally acting drugs
(Lawrence, 2016). Central-acting drugs directly
Electrolyte disorders resulting in paralytic ileus is affect the brain and cause intestinal motility
generally due to impaired potassium, particularly obstruction. These drugs include opiates, such as
hypokalemia. (Brigode et al., 2015). This is because loperamide, phenothiazine, tricyclic antidepressants,
potassium is responsible for depolarization in nerve and anti-Parkinson’s drugs. On the other hand,
cells that innervate muscle. If it occurs in smooth peripherally acting drugs include the anticholinergic
SIPS 2017 - Surabaya International Physiology Seminar
group, calcium-channel blocker group (e.g. Putut, 2011). Supportive therapy consists of four
verapamil), alpha-2 adrenergic agonist group (e.g. stages, namely improving the patient’s general
clonidine), opiate group, serotonin mimetic-acting condition through bed rest, preparing the patient to
group (e.g. Tegaserod) and somatostatin analog fast, installing an IV line, followed by giving a
group (Lawrence, 2016). crystalloid such RL or NaCl 0.9%. NGT mounting is
performed for decompression to reduce pain, nausea
4.6 Intestinal obstruction and vomiting in patients. In addition, the patient is
given total parenteral nutrition (Lawrence, 2016). A
Intestinal obstruction due to tumors or polyps in the catheter is installed for 24-hour urine monitoring,
intestinal lumen will initially cause symptoms of followed by vital sign monitoring such as blood
ileus obstruction (Jackson, 2011). However, if the pressure, pulse, temperature and respiratory rate.
obstruction is not successfully removed, it will slow Afterwards, clinicians perform laboratory
intestinal movement over time, resulting in paralytic examination and ECG monitor. An electrolyte
ileus. correction protocol is performed if there is
electrolyte imbalance. In addition, the patient is
4.7 Trauma given total parenteral nutrition since the patient is
fasting. It should be noted, however, that total
Trauma, particularly involving the spinal cord, can parenteral nutrition administration should not cause
cause digestive disorders. This problem can occur in overloading in a distended bowel (Lawrence, 2016).
27-62% of patients with spinal cord injury. The Patients are prepared for fasting until bowel sounds
average complaints associated with this trauma are heard and the patient can pass gas spontaneously.
include constipation (42-81%), abdominal distension If the patient is able to pass gas and bowel sounds
(43-53%), and abdominal pain (14-38%). The cause are positive, a diet is administered through a feeding
of gastrointestinal disorder may be due to the spinal tube (Wintery et al., 2003). Other therapies such as
cord, particularly if affecting the autonomic nerves prokinetic drugs or vitamin B12 has not shown
(sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves). significant evidence of ileus repair (Bayupurnama
Consequently, there may be a disruption of the and Putut, 2011; Lawrence, 2016).
passage, resulting in paralytic ileus (Ebert, 2011). Etiology therapy is required in addition to
supportive therapy, for instance potassium
correction protocol for patients with electrolyte
5 DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA imbalance such as hypokalemia, or antibiotics
administration for patients with paralytic ileus
resulting from sepsis (Summers, 1999). There is also
Paralytic ileus diagnosis can be performed using the
surgical treatment if intestinal dysmotility only
following criteria (Wintery et al., 2003;
occurs in particular segments that can be resected.
Bayupurnama and Putut, 2011; Karen, 2007):
However, bowel resection can only be performed if
Abdominal fullness with urge to pass gas, followed
the gut experiencing dysmotility has a length less
by decreased bowel sounds, nausea, vomiting,
than 1.2 meters. Surgery could not be performed if
accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, fever,
the length is more than 1.2 meters since it will lead
decreased consciousness during severe illness,
to adhesions and other complications due to surgery
shock, underlying diseases, including diabetes
(Lawrence, 2016).
mellitus, trauma, history of surgery, drug usage
Small bowel transplantation is another therapy
suspected of causing paralytic ileus, inflammation
that may be applicable to patients undergoing
signs, infection and electrolyte disorders, decreased
previous resection processes, patients requiring
bowel sounds accompanied by a distended stomach,
long-term parenteral nutrition, sepsis patients and
radiology examination showing abdominal
patients with short gut syndrome, a condition that
distension, which is described with a large intestine.
causes the bowel to become shorter due to resected
bowel, volvulus, gastroschisis and necrotizing
enterocolitis. The success rate of this therapy is quite
6 THERAPY high, about 80% in the last 3 years, thanks to good
preparation, effective immunosuppressive
In general, paralytic ileus management can be administration such as tacrolimus and
divided into two: supportive therapy and etiology mycophenolate, and short transplant areas. This
therapy (Wintery et al., 2003; Bayupurnama and transplant has side-effects of infection or rejection
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