Bob Heilig - Legacy Leadership - FB Groups Guide
Bob Heilig - Legacy Leadership - FB Groups Guide
Bob Heilig - Legacy Leadership - FB Groups Guide
––Clearly explain the rules, regulations, management of the Group, and content
and etiquette creation
––Encourage them to participate and Conduct a team training on how on
share inside the Group - promote the the right way to use the Group before
‘community’ aspect beginning to add prospects
––Include a call-to-action to have them
share something in the post (this will 9. START PROMOTING THE GROUP
provide tons of ‘social proof’ for new TO PROSPECTS!
members) MAKE SURE your team understand the
You want to teach your team members to
RIGHT WAY to invite and add prospects to
add every new person to the Group and the group
TAG THEM in this post ––Have them start out using the ‘Purpose
Driven Prospecting Formula’
––Share a 3rd party tool with the prospect
CONTENT TO THE GROUP (or add them to the group and tag them
3rd party tools - Select any good product,
in the post with the 3rd party tool)
opportunity or training videos ––If they’re interested in learning more,
Testimonial videos - Get some really
then add them to the Group
good testimonial videos (product and ––Don’t ‘ask them’, LEAD them to the next
opportunity) from your team members and step!
Upload any brochures, PDFs, training
EXAMPLE: “I’m going to add you to an
documents, FAQs, etc. to the Files Section exclusive FB Group that we have to give you
of the Group more information and answer any questions
Uploading any images or pictures of events
that you have. You’ll get a chance to peek
and team gatherings is also very powerful around and see the amazing community
we’ve created, tons of testimonials from
for people to see
people, and get access to a bunch of training
GREAT TIP: Use the ‘post scheduler’ function in the valuable to them
Group to automate your posting (you can do this with ––That leads to you getting more recruits
everything except live videos) and making more sales
Post a combination of videos, written posts,
Make the goal to create a ‘community’ (where and images (mix it up!)
everyone is sharing valuable content, not just
you) GREAT TIP: consider repurposing your video content
Consistency is the key – make sure you lead
into written copy and quote images
This Group will contain both present and past FB Live Split-Screen Customer Interviews - Do
customers of yours, and customer prospects. a split-screen FB Live where you interview a
customer and have them share their experience
Many people have ‘customer VIP Groups’ where
using your products.
they have just customers, but the mistakes they
make are: not adding prospects, and not creating These are great because it allows you to
generic content in the Group that makes the Group direct them the way you want, to make sure
much more valuable and engaging. you hit on all the key points. You can also take
questions from the live audience and have that
ADDITIONAL IDEAS FOR CONTENT: person answer, which adds tons of validation!
Weekly Product Spotlight - Pick a new product Polls - You can now create ‘Polls’ inside Groups
each week and feature that product on a live which allow you to ask questions that drive
video inside the Group. You can educate people member engagement, and allow you to get great
on why it’s important, answer questions, and even market research.
possibly demonstrate how to use the product. Stories - Stories are small little pieces of micro-
content in the form of video or images. They
are being rolled out to Groups now, and allow start promoting the challenge to all their prospects
members to post Stories right inside the Group. and team.
These could be used for testimonials, ‘unboxing
Having a specific event, where you build up a lot of
products’, product demonstrations, etc.
excitement and even make it fun and competitive,
What makes Stories so powerful is they don’t
will get your team inviting prospects at a much
show up in the members newsfeed (don’t higher level than usual.
overwhelm them), but they can pop into the
Consider creating some sort of a supporting
Group anytime and watch them!
PDF Guide that goes along with the challenge to
Hashtags - Create unique hashtags (ex: increase the actual value for the members that
legacylivetraining) that you can use for the participate.
different types of content that you produce. Makes
During the challenge script out a series of FB Live
it searchable and easy to find. (Just make sure the
videos where you teach, provide inspiration and
hashtag isn’t being used already.)
support, and answer questions.
GROUP CHALLENGES At the end of the challenge you can make an offer
for them to purchase products you have, that
Running challenges related to some specific
can help them continue with their transformation
transformation that’s connected to your overall
Group concept is an incredible way to grow your
Group fast, increase engagement, make product
sales, and add tons of value to the existing GREAT TIP: Prospects will be FAR more likely to buy
members. from you once you just spend the past week or two
during the challenge adding value to them, building a
Here are some examples: relationship with them, and helping them see some
A BIG MISTAKE that leaders make (in my humble Remember, people join other people, not
opinion) is not allowing any business prospects companies. If you can expose an interested
into their Team Groups and on any team training prospect to a community of inspired entrepreneurs
calls. all supporting one another, and they see and hear
tons of stories and examples of people having
Here’s why I feel that this is a mistake…
success in your business, what else could you ask
There are 2 questions almost every prospect for!
needs to get answered before they say yes to
joining your business: CONTENT CREATION IDEAS
1. What is actually involved when it comes to Make sure the content is a mix of business
‘doing the business’ specific training, accountability, inspiration, and
2. What kind of people are doing this? more generic personal development and personal
growth training.
Prospects want to feel comfortable introducing
their prospects to the opportunity, and that Remember, your goal here isn’t just to train your
has everything to do with what you’re teaching team on business skills, it’s to help them become
they to do and say… and the people that they’re a better version of themselves! If you can create
introducing them to! a culture and a community in your Group where
people get so much more than just business
you can expose someone to an environment issues that they’re struggling with, and broadcast
where they truly believe that they can improve into the Group for everyone to watch. These are
themselves and their life, they will want to be a INCREDIBLY powerful!
part of what you’re doing.
The reason why they’re so powerful, is when
Top 10 Most Engaged Members List - using the the entire Group realizes that everyone
Group Insights (if you have them), you can get a struggles with the same issues, it empowers
list of the most engaged members in the Group. them to keep pushing forward. You’ll also have
Take a screenshot of the list and post it inside the people that would never voice their struggles,
Group at the end of every month. but when they hear you coaching others, it’s
just like you’re coaching them.
What this does is ‘gamify’ the experience of
interacting in the Group. It serves as a very
powerful form of recognition. It will make GREAT TIP: Zoom has a ‘webinar add-on feature’ that
people want to be more active and involved in cost like $30 per month that allows you to stream a
Zoom right into your FB Group. If you use this service,
the Group. If you have a dead Group, this is a
you can have all 2 - 3 people on with you at the same
simple and easy way to get people’s attention.
time broadcasting live into the Group. It’s much more
Promotions & Recognition - When someone professional looking broadcast, and way easier to run.
on your team reaches a promotion or rank
advancement, create a separate post for them
Leader Spotlights - Choose up and coming new
inside the Group. Teach your leaders to be letting
leaders on your team that are having success, and
you know when they have a new promotion on
do a split-screen dual FB Live inside the Group (or
their team. I believe that you should NOT be doing
use Zoom), where you interview them on what’s
team recognition on your own Personal Profile.
working for them, and have them do a ‘mini-
The place for recognition should be inside the
This is a VERY powerful way to start
pushing your leaders up, helping them with
GREAT TIP: Have a graphic designer create a template
their personal growth, and increasing their
that you can use for the different ranks in your company
(use different colors to distinguish), where you can add confidence and belief in themselves.
that person’s photo. It makes the recognition and post Business Related Challenges - Run business
even more special. They can share it on their own social
related ACTIVITY challenges inside the Group.
Some examples would be: prospecting challenges,
presentation challenges, social media challenges
Hot Seat Coaching - Select 2 - 3 members of (posting, live videos, etc.). The key is making it
your team in the Group that you can hop on a activity focused, so that it’s a level playing field
live broadcast with to give them coaching on for anyone in the Group. You’re recognizing and
reward effort.
They key to making this work is the ENTIRE TEAM your team motivated, inspired, and taking action
must promote this live training to ANY prospects every single week. Not to mention an incredible
that they talk to during that week. way for you to move prospects into action by
joining your team.
Have them add their prospect to the Group,
and say something like this to them: So that’s it! I hope you got tremendous value out
of this guide. Now the key is you taking what