The Emperor'S New Clothes: Part 1 Short Answer
The Emperor'S New Clothes: Part 1 Short Answer
The Emperor'S New Clothes: Part 1 Short Answer
In clothes
on the council
the dishonest weavers said their clothes were to those who were unfir for their office
2 looms
what did the dishonest weavers do with she silk and gold thread?
he sould be able to tell who was foolish and who was wise
1 vocabulary match
column A column B
1 elaborate bag for holding things, backpack
below are phrases the text circle the correce meaning of the underlined word
1 the opportunities then afforded him for displaying of the underlined word
2 as of any other king or emperor. one is accustomed to say, "he is sitting in council"
Below is one of the main ideas of the passage. what are three ideas from the passage that support
this main idea
The emperor
Loved clothes
the emperor
spent all his rogue weavers
money on stole his things
what he with what he
loved did to what the
to the king loved
emperor it
was good to
show what he
the emperor loved clothes too much. the dishonest weavers used the emperor's love of doches as
a way to chear him. thnk of an example in today's world where someone might love something so
much that they
could be cheated like the emperor. who is this person? what do they love so much? how could
someone cheat them because of this love of thing?
1- the emperor
3- I could deceive him in a way that tells that person that the material thing he loves will be taken
care of or they will change it for something similar or better, in this way such a person could be