Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
• This chapter focuses on the basic building blocks of the Microsoft MASM
• You will see how constants and variables are defined, standard formats for
numeric and string literals, and how to assemble and run your first programs.
Basic Language elements
Basic Language elements
Integer Literal
• An integer literal (also known as an integer constant) is made up of an optional leading sign, one or
more digits, and an optional radix character that indicates the number’s base.
• So, for example, 26 is a valid integer literal. It doesn’t have a radix, so we assume it’s in decimal
format. If we wanted it to be 26 hexadecimal, we would have to write it as 26h. Similarly, the
number 1101 would be considered a decimal value until we added a “b” at the end to make it
1101b (binary).
• A hexadecimal literal beginning with a letter must have a leading zero to prevent the assembler
from interpreting it as an identifier.
Integer expression
• An integer expression is a mathematical expression involving integer values and
arithmetic operators
• The integer expression must evaluate to an integer, which can be stored in 32 bits (0
through FFFFFFFFh)
Real Number literals
• Real number literals (also known as floating-point literals) are represented as either decimal reals
or encoded (hexadecimal) reals.
• A decimal real contains an optional sign followed by an integer, a decimal point, an optional
integer that expresses a fraction, and an optional exponent
Character literals
• A character literal is a single character enclosed in single or double quotes. The
assembler stores the value in memory as the character’s binary ASCII code.
String literals
• A string literal is a sequence of characters (including spaces) enclosed in
single or double quotes:
• Examples:
"Good night, Gracie“
Reserved words
• Reserved words have special meaning and can only be used in their correct
context. Reserved works, by default, are not case-sensitive.
• For example, MOV is the same as mov and Mov.
• There are different types of reserved words:
• Instruction mnemonics, such as MOV, ADD, and MUL
• Register names
• Directives, which tell the assembler how to assemble programs
• Attributes, which provide size and usage information for variables and
operands. Examples are BYTE and WORD
• Operators, used in constant expressions
• Predefined symbols, such as @data, which return constant integer values at
assembly time
• An identifier is a programmer-chosen name. It might identify a variable, a constant, a
procedure, or a code label. There are a few rules on how they can be formed:
• They may contain between 1 and 247 characters.
• They are not case sensitive.
• The first character must be a letter (A..Z, a..z), underscore (_), @ , ?, or $. Subsequent
characters may also be digits.
• An identifier cannot be the same as an assembler reserved word.
• A directive is a command embedded in the source code that is recognized and acted
upon by the assembler.
• One important function of assembler directives is to define program sections, or
segments. Segments are sections of a program that have different purposes.
• For example, one segment can be used to define variables, and is identified by the
.DATA directive:
• The .CODE directive identifies the area of a program containing executable
• The .STACK directive identifies the area of a program holding the runtime stack,
setting its size:
.stack 100h
Directive Vs Instruction
An instruction is a statement that becomes executable when a program is assembled.
Instructions are translated by the assembler into machine language bytes, which are
loaded and executed by the CPU at runtime. An instruction contains four basic parts:
• Label (optional)
• Instruction mnemonic (required)
• Operand(s) (usually required)
• Comment (optional)
• Basic syntax
[label:] mnemonic [operands] [ ; comment]
• Act as place markers
• marks the address (offset) of code and data
• Follow identifier rules
• Data label
• must be unique
• example: myArray (not followed by colon)
• count DWORD 100
• Code label
• target of jump and loop instructions
• example: L1: (followed by colon)
• Constants and constant expressions are often called immediate values
• The ENDP directive marks the end of a procedure. Our program had a procedure
named main, so the endp must use the same name:
main ENDP
• Finally, the END directive marks the end of the program, and references the
program entry point:
END main
• If you prefer to leave the variable uninitialized (assign a random value), the ?
Symbol can be used as a initializer
The BYTE (define byte) and SBYTE (define signed byte) directives allocate storage for one or
more unsigned or signed values. Each initializer must fit into 8 bits of storage.
For example,
value1 BYTE 'A' ; character literal
value2 BYTE 0 ; smallest unsigned byte
value3 BYTE 255 ; largest unsigned byte
value4 SBYTE −128 ; smallest signed byte
• Within a single data definition, its initializers can use different radixes. Character and string
literals can be freely mixed. In the following example, list1 and list2 have the same contents:
list1 BYTE 10, 32, 41h, 00100010b
list2 BYTE 0Ah, 20h, 'A', 22h
Defining Strings
To define a string of characters, enclose them in single or double quotation marks. The most
common type of string ends with a null byte (containing 0), Called a null-terminated string.
greeting1 BYTE "Good afternoon",0
greeting2 BYTE 'Good night',0
Each character uses a byte of storage. Strings are an exception to the rule that byte values must
be separated by commas.
Defining Strings
• A string can be divided between multiple lines without having to supply a label for each line:
greeting1 BYTE "Welcome to the Encryption Demo program "
BYTE "created by Kip Irvine.",0dh,0ah
BYTE "If you wish to modify this program, please "
BYTE "send me a copy.",0dh,0ah,0
The hexadecimal codes 0Dh and 0Ah are alternately called CR/LF (carriage-return line-feed)
or end-of-line characters.
DUP Operator
The DUP operator allocates storage for multiple data items, using a integer expression as a
counter. It is particularly useful when allocating space for a string or array, and can be used with
initialized or uninitialized data:
BYTE 20 DUP(0) ; 20 bytes, all equal to zero
BYTE 20 DUP(?) ; 20 bytes, uninitialized
var4 BYTE 10,3 DUP(0), 20
The following code, on the other hand, produces a compiled program 20,000 bytes larger:
smallArray DWORD 10 DUP(0) ; 40 bytes
bigArray DWORD 5000 DUP(?) ; 20,000 bytes