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Hydraulic Sheet Cutting Machine: Diploma in Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Project Report
in partial fulfillment
for the award of the
In Department of Mechanical Engineering

Submitted By
1. Solanki Himansu 156650319046
2. Thumar Jaydeep 156650319050
3.Vadher Chetan 156650319052
4. Vaniya Hitesh 156650319059
5. Vora Smit 156650319061

Under The Guidance of

Mr. P.M.Parmar

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Om Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bhesan Road, Junagadh
Gujarat Technological University
December 2016
i Himansu (156650319046), under my supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of D

Place:Om Institute of Engineering and Technology


Project Guide Head of Department

Mr. P.M.Parmar Mr. Abhishek Makati
Lecturer H.O.D.
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical


ar Jaydeep (156650319050), under my supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of D

Place:Om Institute of Engineering and Technology


Project Guide Head of Department

Mr. P.M.Parmar Mr. Abhishek Makati
Lecturer H.O.D
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical


er Chetan (156650319052), under my supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of D

Place:Om Institute of Engineering and Technology


Project Guide Head of Department

Mr. P.M.Parmar Mr. Abhishek Makati
Lecturer H.O.D
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical


ya Hitesh (156650319059), under my supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of D

Place:Om Institute of Engineering and Technology


Project Guide Head of Department

Mr. P.M.Parmar Mr. Abhishek Makati
Lecturer H.O.D.
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical


ora smit (156650319061), under my supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Dip

Place:Om Institute of Engineering and Technology


Project Guide Head of Department

Mr. P.M.Parmar Mr. Abhishek Makati
Lecturer H.O.D.
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical



I am extremely fortunately and greatly honored to work under

the guidance of Mr. P.M.Parmar (Lecturer), in Mechanical
Engineering Department of Om institute of Engineering &
Technology for his valuable guidance during the Project work,
without which it would have been very difficult task. I have no
words to express my sincere thanks for valuable guidance,
assistance and cooperation extended by all the Staff Members of
the Department.
I would like to heartily thank to our H.O.D. Mr. Abhishek
Makati for his guidance and support during my dissertation. The
discussions with them and their constant feedback helped me
immensely in completing this Project work satisfactorily.
I would like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff
members of my Department and my colleagues those who helped
me directly or indirectly for completing of this Project successfully.
My acknowledgment would not be complete without
mentioning my parents& my family members. I am specially
thanking them for continuous encouragement for my work.

Solanki Himansu
Thumar Jaydeep
Vadher Chetan
Vaniya Hitesh
Vora Smit


Chapter Title Pg. No.

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Project Introduction 1

1.2 Working Principle 2

2 Components 4
3 comparison 10
4 Data Formation 11
5 Project design 12
6 Project working photos 13
7 Bill of materials 15
8 Advantage disadvantage &application 16
9 Work plan 17
10 Future scope 18
11 Conclusion 19
12 references 20


Name of Figure Pg. No.

1.2 Fig. A 2

Fig. B 3
Fig. C 3
2.1 Hydraulic cylinder 5

2.2 Hydraulic pump 5

2.3 Hydraulic tube 6
2.4 Cutter with body 6
2.5 Nut & Bolt 7
2.6 Motor 7
2.7 Looking & angular plate 8
2.8 Reverse and forward switch 9

6.1 Welding 13

6.2 Drilling 13

6.3 Grinding 14

6.4 Working model 14


We are using scissors for simple sheet metal cutting. It is a manual

method so that sheet metals are to be wasted sometime because of
mistakes happened such as wrong dimensions etc., and also even a
simple cutting may take long time. Hydraulic machines are also
available for sheet metal cutting. But this method is used for only soft
metal cutting and its cost is very Low. We are using a hydraulic system
for sheet metal cutting in a easy way. It is operated by a hydraulic hand
lever of two ways control valve. Control valve is a oil operated by a

Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017-2018



 The project “Hydraulic Sheet Cutting Machine” being compact

and portable equipment, which is skilful and is having something,
Most of the material is made available by our college. The parts can
be easily made in our college-shop its price is also less. This project
gives us knowledge, experience, skill and new ideas of the

 The formation of any business begins with someone producing the

initial idea for the project. The continued success of an established
business depends upon the number and quality of the ideas fed into it.
Without a continual flow of new ideas, a business cannot function
profitably or expand successfully and must, therefore eventually fade
into total obscurity.

 Ideas for a new business project, a new product, a means of reducing

manufacturing costs or for solving industrial labor problems, begin in
the human mind. Most people conceive their ideas unconsciously, and
because they are unaware of the mental mechanics that caused the
„idea‟ to be produced, they cannot repeat the ideation process to
produce further profitable ideas at will.

Om Institute Of Engineering And Technology Page - 1 -

1.1 Working Principle:

 Hydraulically operated:- Here the lowering and raising of the

header is carried over using the hydraulic piston and cylinder
arrangement. To actuate the piston and cylinder, the oil is allowed to
enter the cylinder from front or the back side of the piston. But the
oil is comparatively costlier and its leakage may cause so many

 Then the pipe carries compressed oil first to machine’s Direction

Control Valve. At position „A‟ shows the non-actuated circuit
diagrams. At this position the piston is steady and locked. All ports
are in closed condition.

 The cap end port & pressure port get connected to each other and the
rod end port gets connected to the exhaust port.
 The compressed oil the compressed oil comes in the cap end of the
cylinder and pushes the pistons outwards. The oil already present in
the rod end side is pushed out of the cylinder. When the piston
moves outwards, the force is transmitted through the connecting link
and the upper blade moves downwards.

 As upper blade As upper blade moves downwards, the stress is

generated in the sheet metal and goes beyond ultimate shear stress of
sheet metal. And thus the shearing action takes place.

 Hydraulic cylinder.
 Hydraulic pump.
 Hydraulic tube.
 Cutter with Body.
 Nut bolt.
 Motor.
 Oil.
 Locking & angular plate.
 Revere forward switch.
2.1 Hydraulic cylinder :

Hydraulic cylinder is compressed oil.

2.2 Hydraulic pump:

It work on principle of mechanical energy to

Convert Hydraulic energy.
2.3 Hydraulic tube:

It is transfer oil in pump to cylinder.

2.4 Cutter with body:

It is main component of hydraulic sheet cutting

Main element is blade: 1 upper blade.
2 lower blade.

2.5 Nut Bol:


2.6 Motor:

Pump is start by motor.

3 phase AC current.
2.7 Looking & Angular plate:

 Looking plate:

Angular plate and cylinder ram is connected

By looking plate.

 Angular plate:

2.8 Reveres forward switch:

Switch work is start a motor in clockwise and


1. Oil in use 1. Air in use

2. Low pressure 2. high pressure

3. High cost maintenance 3.low cost maintenance

4. High accuracy and precision 4. low accuracy and precision


Data formation:
 4.1 Cylinder:
Total length: 320 mm
Pressure: 51 bar
Diameter: 110 mm
Stork length: 240 mm
Piston rod diameter: 24 mm

 4.2 Pump:

Pump speed: 1400 rpm

Max. Pressure: 210 bar

 4.3 Motor:

Motor rpm: 1440 rpm

Voltage: 230v
Ampere: 1.2
HP: 1
3 phase AC motor

Fig. Design.


Project working photos:

 6.1 welding:

 6.2 driling :

 6.3 grinding:
 6.4 working model:


Bail of materials:
Sr.no. Parts name Quantity Price (RS.)

1 Sheet cutter with body frame 1 5000/-

2 Cylinder 1 1700/-
3 Pump 1 550/-
4 Tube 2 400/-
5 Oil 1 150/-
6 Motor 1 900/-
7 Reverse and forward switch 1 100/-
8 Angle & looking plate 2 125/-
9 Nut bolt 5 50/-
10 Rod bar 1 25/-

total 9000/-

Advantage disadvantage & application:
8.1 Advantages:

 Less consumption of time.

 Easy to handle.
 Skilled lobour is not required.
 Low maintenance.
 Good surface finish.
 Low prime cost.
 Can be storage easily.
 Easy Transportable for long distances.

8.2 Disadvantage:

 Foundation is required for safety.

 Corrosion problem.
 Sometime miss alignment in blades.

8.3 Applications:

 For a sheet cutting.

 For a small pieces of long strip.
 For use in a fabrication industries.

Work plan:

July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar.

Topic define
Data collection
Data analysis
Part design
Assembly design
m/t purchase
Model preparation
Report writing
Preparation for

Future scope:
Since old age man is always trying to gain more and more
Luxurious. Man is always trying to develop modified technique with
increasing the aesthetic look and economic consideration. Hence
there is always more and more scope. But being the Diploma
Engineers and having the ability to think and plan. But due to some
time constraints, and also due to lack of funds, we on have thought
and put in the report the following future modification

It can be made hydraulically power operated by installing the gear oil

pump at the place of hydraulic compressor and hydraulic cylinder
The place where there is scarcity of the electricity the
Electric motor operate compressor is replaced by an I.C. Engine
installed compressor. Thus in future there are so many
modifications, which we can make to survive the huge global world
of competition.


Now we know that hydraulic Shearing machine is very cheap hydraulic

shearing machine. The range of the cutting thickness can increased by
arranging a high pressure compressor and installing more hardened
blades. This machine is advantageous to small sheet metal cutting
industries as they the non expensive hydraulic shearing machine


i. Machine design Book by R.S.Khurmi

ii. Work shop technology Book by R.K.Jain
iii. Hydraulic system Book byO.P.Khanna
iv. http://www.engineersedge.com
v. http://www.fanda.com
vi. http.//www.mechanicalengineeringblog.com.

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