01 SRMC Intention Class Notes
01 SRMC Intention Class Notes
01 SRMC Intention Class Notes
9 January 2009
What a beautiful turnout and gathering that all of you contributed to last night at the first
Transformation of the Heart class series. We would not be able to explore the teachings or have
such an event without your presence. Deep bows to all of you for supporting these intentions of
living our lives with greater and greater kindness, openness, and receptivity. It is such important
work in the world—a world that often seems to be going in the opposite direction into trauma,
conflict, and self-centeredness. You are all doing the radical work of transforming the heart and
also transforming the world.
This will be the first in a series of class notes and materials that I will be forwarding to you
after each class meeting.
I mentioned that this class will be mainly an experiential exploration. There are many
benefits to study and readings, but for this class I am most interested in bringing the practices
into your lived experience.
Please try to arrive on time so that you can benefit the most from the experience and also
have the least impact on others when coming into the room.
BTW, You will not need your deck of cards anymore.
Introduction and Intentions
This first session was focused on the Intentions of our journey together as well as our intentions
of where we would like to see our practice going. We reflected on questions in small groups and
also the handout of how different energies affect our lives. Where does our awareness guide us in
the path towards less suffering? Which energies support our hearts opening and which energies
feel contracted and shut down?
The meaning of the word intention or intend comes from the same Sanskrit root as
“tennis”—To stretch forth. It refers to the stretching or extension of the mind, act of directing
attention to something, inclining your thoughts—and in the Teachings the reference is extending
the mind to what will be beneficial in our lives or not…will be towards happiness or suffering?
“In tend” can also be interpreted to be inside tending to yourself—taking care of yourself.
This requires the capacity of self-reflection and mindfulness…and also requires qualities of the
Heart—to truly nurture to yourself.
Many blessings,
Dedication (or variation thereof that was offered at the end of the class):
Feeling the goodness of our collective practice and exploration of our deepest intentions towards
the Path of Freedom, we dedicate the benefits of our efforts to the Liberation of ourselves, our
loved ones, and for all beings in all worlds and in all directions.