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IS: 792-1989 (Reatifirmed 1995) Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ELECTRICAL WIRING INSTALLATIONS ( Third Revision ) ‘Second Reprint FEBRUARY 1999 UDC 621:315.3.696.6 : 006.76 © Copyright 1989 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Rs 225,00 November 1989181 752-1989 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ELECTRICAL WIRING INSTALLATIONS ( Third Revision ) Blectrical Installations Sectional Committee, ETDC 20 Chairman ‘SuziM. L. Doxoue (M$ Satyam, G8 Sion Circle, Bombay 400 022 Monbers Rapresntng 1 AWA AOC Bngineehin-Chiet's Branch, Army Headquarters ( Mini emiesence New Deinh ” mY Heedanasters ( Minity of K, Suasoanr ( Alurnate) sae ‘Tate Comultng Bginers, Bombay ‘Supt. K. Kavr ( Alternete) a san VSebeame Siemens India 11a, Bombay Serb M Barra (Alaa) su RV, Feraton of Bectricty Undertaking of fod, Bombay Sa KS Jona ( Arete) smn Cadena Lanien & Tosbro(Contrcton Grp ), Madrae ‘Railway Board ( Ministry of Railways ), New Detbi Durory Dingoron Staxbanps ( Etxo )-DI, RDSO (Alirate) Cmary Exscrica: Inarecron x0 Gormamumr Chief Blecticl Iapector to Government of Tamil Nadu, Madras ‘Bamcnaroar Insrxcron ( Teommroas) 20 MET ow Tantt Nae (Allele) (Cusny Bxorwmen (Eux6 Jot ‘Surmintexomes Suavevon or Woaes (uno Jol Caltemate) ‘Centeal Public Works Department, New Delhi ‘Sunt Devanomn Nawir Larsen & ToubeolLtd, Bombay ‘Sant TP. R. Sana ( Alternate ) Sam K.W. Dianwaoainant Jyoti Led, Vadodara Susi Dr'V.N. Mata ( dlterate) 1D Dew Rural Electrification Corporation Lid, New Delhi ‘Sua §, KSnow ( Alternate) Sam 8-0. Keagea Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delbi ‘Sur P. 8. Suwa (Alienate) ; Mausrs (Hypsodiurcenie} Centeal Electricity Authority, New Delhi Dixeozon { HED j-l ( lteraste) En S. Paxgenanivant ‘Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras ‘Sani V.Jasanpaanan ( Allernats ) Suny K.P, eat Fact Engioceriog and Design Organization, Udyogamandal ‘Sua O.R. Mayow ( Allemate ) San V. Ragga Karena Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hydersbad ‘Simi H.§.Rao Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay’ TROY G. Ravmneonan Narn ‘Electrical Inspector to the Government of Kerala, ‘Trivandrum ‘State Electricity Board, Bombay. Maharashtra SaRL. Suzatyanar ‘Tariff Advivory Commitee ( General Insuratce ), Bombay ‘Sanr K. K. Mowoat ( Aliraate) Sma H. K. Siranase % a none) Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation Ltd, Caleutea Suni P. Smintvasa Port Karnataka Electricity Board, Bangalore Sue Joumea Pantone (Alurate) SuarD. 8, Tawane Electrical Engineer to Government of Mabarasbtra, Bombay ‘Saat S.J Hampas ( Allrnate) San 6.N. Teapsnt Bagineers India Ld, New Delbi a Se, Guo ( Alerts) ja C'S, Taxon Ghief Electrical Impector, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal ( Continead on pose 2 ) © Copyright 1985 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ‘This publication is protected under the fadias Copyright Ae} (XIV of 1957 ) and production in whole or ia part by 4 oxcept with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright38 787-1989 ( Conoued from Boge) Chairmen Repromibg Sum ¥, T, Wanano Bombay Bleciic Supply and Trasrport Undeciking, ‘Sang Ry. Fasan ( Altonate) reece Saree smu 8, Saoeoere Dinector General, BES ( Eafe Mmbe) Director (lee tech ) Suns K, Gaxzsx ‘Deputy Ditector{ Elec tech ), BIS Panel for Electrical Wiring Installations, ETDG 20 : P30 Concer Suat R. K, Seat Bombay Suburban Electric Supply Co Ltd, Bombay Members ‘Sums PS, Pamora ( Alternate to ‘Shei RK, Sebgal ) (Caer Ewonsizas ( Hear 1 Central Public Works Department, New Delbi ‘Supmeinzmvpraa Suavzyon oy Wonks GREED Caley Suny 6. Kaiesiranwaser 3. Laxanocraxaraman ( dllernate) Sma D. N, Puaaxpas ‘Bectical Contractor's Aueciaton of Mabarabtra, Bombay Su Sag 8 Sarma ( Allate) Sang ER Paoat acca Fact Baglacering and Design Organisation, Udyoptmandal patio tm hie ceil Inpectr eae Government of Kes, Tend Sime SPT uae) ‘Tari Adviery Comestes, Bom sagt txapann erm Eagineerin-Chie's Branch, Army Headquarters, New Dei Saati Bar (Altea) ; Sma G. NTs agiacere India Limited, New Delt ‘Sun S. Gotan ( diye)As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank15 732 - 1989 CONTENTS Page 0. Foreworp eee 1. Score eet: SECTION 1 TERMINOLOGY 2, Trrmawonooy 6 SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT OF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INSTALLATIONS 3. Assessment or Cuaracrensics — Gznenat ~ 4, Extannan InrLusnces = 18 ‘SECTION 3 PROTECTION FOR SAFETY 5, Reguinewenrs ror Peorection ron Savaty a 19 SECTION 4 DESIGN OF INSTALLATION, SELECTION AND ERECTION OF EQUIPMENT 6. Funpamenrar ReQuineMeNnTs 39 7. Common Rures: 41 8. Caszes, Coxpucrors anp Winino Mareniats - 43 9, SwiTcrozaR 49 10. Eanraino Annanoeueur axp Protective ConpucTors 3 1, Sorpuits ror Sarery Senvices ae ‘SECTION 5 INSPECTION AND TESTING 12. Initia InsegcTion AnD Testino os 52 13, Avteramions ro InvrataTions _ Appenpix A Types or Winino Systems ano Tueir Szvecrion 5e Aprenpix B Mernons or Internat Wirtno jal 60 Avrenpix @ Gowenwes ror Srzcme Eguirasxr, Firat aNp Acorssonres 68 Arrenois D Sercima Gurance oF SexecrioN oF EQUIPMENT WITH ‘Raoanp To Exrenwat Inewuexaes Aveanix E Cuzox Lust or Inrvian InsPgorion 70 eh181 732 - 1989 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ELECTRICAL WIRING INSTALLATIONS ( Third Revision ) 0, FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 25 January 1989, after the draft finalized by the Low Ve ‘Switchgear and Controlgear Sectional Committee had been approved by the Eleerotechoicl Div- 0.2 The Indian Blectricity Rules, together with the supplementary regulations of the state electr- city departments aod eleeticty ‘undertakings the electrical i build. in this country. Regulations for the electrical ‘equipment in buildings as recommended by the Tnsttation of Electrical Engineers, UK, have also often been followed in this work. Expanding use Ofelectricity and increase in the number of elec- Sra instaatins in bldings,neceate the preparation of a code to guide m installation of electrical wiring in build. ings, with particular reference to safety and good ‘engineering practice. This code was, therefore, first published in 1958 with the above objective. 0,3 Since the first version of this code covered electrical installations only in buildings which could be considered as non-industrial locations, ‘where the system voltage generally did not exceed 650 volts, the need for having a similar code for industrial locations was also felt and many addi- tional requirements had to be looked after. There- fore, in addition to the revision of this code, separate code on the latter subject was publi ap IS : 2274-1963, (0.4 Experience in_ implementation of these stan: dards had proved that most of the ‘industri {installations required references to guidelines for system of voltages not exceeding 650 V in their Gesign. Moreover, considerations such as layout of clectrical installations, measurement, etc, f Which separate Indian’ Standard, specifications ‘exist, require comprehensive reading, and it has ‘een felt that a single Indian Standard to provide for all aspects of wiring would serve as a com- prehensive reference guide on the subject. 05 In the second version of 1S : 732 brought out in 1982 in 3 parts, this fact hasbeen taken into “SGade of practice for electrical wiring. inuallations (apitees voltage exzeeding 650 volts). account in that the information has been called from various Indian Standard specifications and other literature available and presented a3 a single ‘comprehensive code. Effors were made to iden- tify gaps and the opportunity utilised to incor- Perse sles ends in witing practic, ti, > indicated that this revision was purely a temporary measure to meet the immediate Beads of the practising engineer andthe wtimate faim was to bring out a comprehensive safet griested_ code of electrical intaliations fn, bud. ings bared on the international work in this regard, 0.6 Soon after the publication of the second terion, York on SAE preparation of Neal Eicctrzal Gave ( NEG) began under the purview ofthe Natioual Electrical Code Sectional Gommi- fie ETDG 96, Tht work, aimed a1 a compen” Gia of all relevant information in 15. Codes fncluding 18 £752, concluded in. 1965 when NEC frat published, NEC. besides drawing. animance Eom 732, further claborates the sipolations fou wiring. practice with relerence to. specic ‘voupancts, 0.7 Daring the preparation of NEC it became coident that 1: 798 would. require considerable Splntng nor olan with meted pate over ‘conrumption and advancing technology in “installation design. ‘There was also a strong need to align the code with the work being accom psked a the international levee, at the ‘of IEC/TC 64 ‘Electrical ‘Tostallations of Buildings’, which cover comprehensively the rele- vant iaues, This revision of 1S : 782 ( hind) is ‘an attempt to improve the contents of the code to mect this need. 0.8 It is emphasized that the information con- tained in this code is oriented towards electrical ‘tafety, The accent is on protection from the various hazards arising from use of electricity and the rules relating to wiring practice are based on the International guidelines on such matters. Tt {sin this reapect that the present version of this standard differs from the earlier versions which vere oriented towards, devin and conaructonal aspects, However, a series of appendices have been added to this Code dealing with specific 518 + 792-1989 guidelines on wiring practice as applicable to detign, construction and execution of work. Whenever necessary, the provisions of this Code shall be read in conjunction with other Codes such ag those on earthing, lightaing protection, etc, 0.9 In the preparation of this standard, consider- able assistance has been derived from the follow- ing publications: IEG Pub 364 (in several parts) Electrical Installations of Buildings, The International Electrotechnical Commission ( TEC ). IEC Doc: 64 (Secretariat ) 437. Electrical Installations of Buildings. Part 2 Definitions, International Electrotechnical Commission IEC ), TEC Doe: ( IEV 826) ( Central Office ) 1193 International Blectrotechnional Vocabulary. Part 826 Electrical Installations of Buildings. ‘The International Electrotechnical Commission IEG). IEG Doc: 64 ( Secretariat ) 430. Pub 364 ‘Ghapter 52 Selection and Erection of Wiri Systems, ‘The: International Electrotechni Commission (TEG ). TEE Wiring Regulations ‘Regulations for clectrical installations’ 15th Edition (1961) (as amended up to January 1985 ). The osti- tution of Electrical Engineers ( UK ). 0.10 For the purpore of deciding whether a ular requirement of this standard fs complied ‘with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the revult of a test, shall be rounded ‘in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. ‘The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. “Rules forrounding off numerical values (seisd ). 1. SCOPE AL. This code covers the essential requirements precautions regarding wicingiutallaton for ensuring satisfactory and reliable service and safety {rom all possible hazards from the usc of electricity. 1.2 This code applies to the design, selection, fect and ipetion” and Sho sag installations whether permanent or temporary, in and about buildings. 1.3 Ie relates generally to all_ wiring installations in non-industrial and industrial locations, whe ther the electric supply is derived from an external source or from a private generating plant, L4 Installations utilizing the following nominal voltage ranges are dealt with in this code: a) voltages normally not execeding 50 V ac ‘or 120 V de whether between conductors or to earth. voltages normally exceeding extra-low voltage but, not exceeding 1 000 V ac or 1.500 V de between conductors or 600 V fe 9 900 V de between conductors snd earth, » 41.5 This code covers all general guidelines appli- ‘cable to installations operating within the ranges, given in 1.4, Supplementary or additional Visions nay be necewary tobe complied within respect of specific occupancies depending on their nature. For the purposes of guidelines on indi- vidual occupancies reference may be National Electrical Code ( SP: 30-1985 ). 1.6 This code is not applicable to the following: 8) Systems for distribution of energy to the public, or to power generation and trans- mission for such systems. b) Wiring installations in special locations such a8 mines or other areas where potenti- ally explosive atmosphere exists, ©) Lightning conductors, telecommunications and alarm systems, 4) Traction installations, motor vehicles, ins- tallations onboard ships, aircraft or offshore installations. 1.7 This code also docs not apply to matters ‘concerning specifications of individual items of equipment and dacs not deal with requirements for the construction of prefabricated assemblies of electrical equipment. SECTION! TERMINOLOGY 2, TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purposes of this standard, the follow- ing definitions shall apply. 21 Accessory — A device, oer than current. using equipment, astociated with such equipment or with'ke wirigg ofan fowallation, 2.2 Ambient Temperature — The temperature of the air or other ‘medium where the equipment is to be used. 23 Appliance — An item of current using equipment other than = luminaire or an inde~ pendent motor.2.4 Arm’s Reach — A zove from any: point on surface where pertons utually sand or move about, to. the limi reach with the band ia any di ireadbe witout sssstance Nora — ‘This space ix by convention, limited ax shown ia Fig. t. 4 \ 280m \ 25m TOTTITTT \IMIT OF ARWS REACH 5 — Surface expected to be occupied by penton Fig. 1 2.5 Barrier —A di defined Teor agate eobtect with ve pars, Bon any usual direction of access. 2.6 Basic Knestation — Insulation applied . to Fie pure topos base prtcesse sea tlectie tock,” : Mera tation east ‘nent i suite ee Bl 27 Conductor — A protective con- ‘ductor neon ling equipoteatial bonding. 248 Building Volda — Space within the ruc ture or the components of a building accessible ‘only at certain points, Nora 1— Examples are: Spaco within pastiions ded ior clings sd evtala types of window Faber door ace Sad Schnaven Anus Reaow i 181 732-1989 Nora 2— Specially formed buildiag voids are sto Kowa a0 ues. 29 Buried Direct — A cable laid in the ground in intimate contact with the soll. ~ 2.10 Banched — Cables are said to be bunched when two or more are contained within a single conduit, duct, ducéng, of trunking ot, if not hclosed, are not from each other: Boies te rousd, eyes or vertlaed or or , or ventilated or Alored; “and having dimensions which do not ‘mit the access of persons but allow access to je conductors and/or cables throughout their length during and after installation, Nora A. cable channel may or form art ofthe Balding construction 2.12 Gable Bracket — A cable support consi ing of single devices fixed to elements of building cr plant construction, 2.43 Gable Coupler — A means enabling the ‘connection, at will, of two flexible cables. It con- sists of connector and a plug. ‘214 Gable Ducting —A manufactured enclo- ‘sure of metal or insulating material, other than ‘eonduit or cable trunking, intended for the’ protec- ‘tion of cables which are drawnrin. after erection of the ducting, but which is ‘not specifically intended to form part of a building structure, 215 Cable Trunking — A factory made closed ‘wupport and protection into which con- ductors and/or cables are laid after removal of the cover. : 2.16 Cable Tensel — An enclosure (corridor ) containing supporting structures for conductors and/or cables and joints and whose dimensions allow free acces to persons throughout the entire 217 Cable Tray — A cable smpport_consistin Sia continuous base’ with saled! edge and ne covering. A cable tray 1 conaiered to be none ‘where less percent of the ‘material fs removed from the base. 2.18 Cable Ladder — A cable support occupy- ing Jess than 10. percent ‘of the plan area and scomkting of series of supporting, elemens rigidly fixed to each other or toa main supporting member or members. bts 2.19 Cartridge Fuse Link —A device com- prising a fuse element or several fase elements connected in parallel enclosed in a cartridge ‘usually filled with an arc-extinguishing medium and connected to terminations, “The ftse tink is the part of fase which requires replacing ater the fuse has operated. 2.20 Cireult — An assembly of electrical equip- ment supplied from the same origin and protected against overcurrent by the same protective18 1 732-1989 _device(s). Certain types of circuit are categorised as follows: 8) Catygory 1 Circuit — A circuit ( other than 8 Be alarm or emergency lighting crt) operating at low voltage and su atretly. from a mains supply system, b) Category 2 Circuit — With the exception of fire alarm and emergency lighting circuits, any circuit for telecommunication (for ‘example, radio, tel », sound distri bution, intruder alarm, bell and call and data transmission circuits ) which is sup- plied from a safety source. ©) Category 3 Circuit — A fire alarm circuit or ‘an emergency lighting circuit. donce capable of making, eaying and breaking ice cy soaking, carrying an is caveat wader vrtal eee condora and ale of makiog, carrying for a spec breaking “curreats “under” speci circuit conditions such 5 those of short circuit, Nowe — A cizeuit breaker i uiually Intended to ‘operate infrequently, although vome types are wltable {or frequent eperatioa. 2.22 Class 1 jent — Equipment in which Pitesion gu se soa tS 08 jc intulation only, but which ingludes an additional safety precaution in such a way that ‘means are provided for the connection of exposed conductive parts to a protective conductor in the fixed wiring of installation in mich a way that accesible conductive parts may not become live in the event of a failure of basic installation, ‘Nora — For information on dlasiscation of equio~ ment ith ‘to means piociied for protection Aaains electric shook, ae 18 1 9409-1980°, 223 Class IL Equipment — Equipment in vwbich_ a eee eras ee ae ae rely on basic inaulation only, but in which additio- nal safety precautions, such as double or reinforced insulation are provided, there being no provision for the connection of exposed metalwork of the equipment to a ‘ve conductor, and no reliange upon precautions to be taken in the fixed wiring of the installation, 2.24 Condait — A part of a closed wiring system a circular or non-circular cross section for conduc tors and/or cables in clectrical installations, allowing them to be drawn in and/or replaced, Conduits should be suficientiy cloredjointed so that the conductors can only be draws in and not inserted laterally. 2.25 Confined Conductive Location — A location having surfaces which are mainly com- posed of extraneous condutive parts and which are of such dimensions that movement is restricted to such an extent that contact with surfaces is difficult to avoid ( for example, in a boiler ). “Gianifcation of electrical and electronic equipment with regard fo protection agsinu electric shook, 8 2.26 Connector — The part of a cable coupler ‘or of an appliance coupler which is provided ‘with female contact and is intended to be attached. to the fiexible cable connected to the supply. 2.27 Conventional Touch Voltage Limit — ‘Maximum valuc of the touch voltage which is ‘permitted to be maintained indefinitely in specified ‘conditions of external influences. 2.28 Conventional Operating Current (of a Protective Device )— A specified value of the current which causes the protective device. to operate within a specified time, designated conventional time, Norn — For fuses tis eugrent fu called the ‘con ventional fusing curreat*. For citait breakers ths ‘reat i called the “conventional opecatiog current’. ‘The con cur than Ree reno cose sng a th are 8 {ated current of the protecdve devices 2.29 Current Carrying Capacity of a Con: ductor "The ‘marimuim current which can be carried by a conductor under specified conditions ‘without its steady state temperature exceeding & specified value. 2,30 Current Using Eqaipment — Equipment which converts electrical energy into form of energy, such at light, heat, or motive power. 2.91 Danger — Danger to health or danger to ile or Usb from shock, burn of injury fom mechanical movement to persons ( and livestock where present ), or from fire attendent upon the ‘use of electrical energy. 2.82 Design Current (of a Circait )— The magnitude of the current intended to be carried by the circuit in normal service. 2.33 Direct Contact — Contact of persons or livestock with live parts which may result in electric shock. 2.34 Distribution Circuit ( of Buildings )— A Becaitsnpylying'e dswibutieg boards 2.35 Double Insulation — Insulation compris- ing both basic insulation and supplementary insulation, 2.36 Duct — A closed pastage way formed ‘underground or in a structure and intended to receive one or more cables which may be drawn, 2.87 Ducting — See 214. 2.38 Earth — The conductive mass of the earth, ‘Whose electric potential at any point is conven- tionally taken as zero, 2.99 Earth Electrode — A conductor o grou of conductors in intimate contact with and provi ing an electrical connection to earth,240 Earth Electrode Resistance — The resis tance of an earth electrode to earth, 241 Earth Fault Loop Impedance — The impedance of the earth fault current loop ( phase {0 arth loop ) starting and ending atthe point of arth fault. 2.42 Earth Leakage Current — A current which flows to earth, or to extraneous conductive parts, in a circuit which is electrically sound. 243 Earthing Resistance, Total — The resis. tance between the main earthing terminal and the earth, 2.44 Earthed Concentric witing system in which one or more nal ater tors are completely surrounded throughout their Tength by a conductor, for example a sheath, which acts as a PEN conductor. 2.45 Earthing Cosdactor—A protective conduc- tor cont the main carth terminal (or quire bonding conductor of anianalation sthen there is no eazth bus) to an earth clece trode or to other means of earthing. 2.46 Electric Shock — A dangerous patho physiological effect resulting from the pasting of fe secs cote Grough = bunna body oF a2 2.7 Hletrel, Eapment (sik Danie ment )— Any as genere- tion, conversion, transmission, ‘dlaributlon or Uutlzation of electrical energy, rach as machines, transformers, apparatus, measuring instruments protective devices, wiring materials, acceworis, and appliances, 2.48 Electrica! Installation (of a Building)— ‘a awe of anodatd ect eqlpne’ wo ull a specific purpose or purposes and. havi coordinated characteristics, © bid 2.49 Electrically lent Earth Elec ‘trodes — Earth located at such a distance from one another that the maximum current likely to flow through one of them does no icantly fest the potential of the cother(s). 2.50 Electrode Boller (or Electrode Water ‘Heater )— Equipment for the electrical heating of water oF yte ‘by the passage ofan electric current between electrodes immersed in the water or electrolyte. 2.51 Emergency Switching — Rapid cutting off of electrical energy to remove any hazard to persons, livestock, of property which may occur unexpectedly, 18 £732 1989 2.52 Enclosure — A part providing protection of anneal apaisatc erin Catornal opocneces and, in any direction, protection against direct contact. 2.53 Equipment — See 2.47. 2.54 Equipotential ‘ection putting various exposed conductive parts ‘and extraneous conductive parts at a substantially ‘equal potential. Norm — tn a build Yvonding conductors shal ‘onductive pare 1) Protective conductor, ») Earth continulty conductor, and ©) Risers of air-conditioning’ system and heating sytem ay. 2.35 Raposed Conductive Part — A conducting t uipment, which can be touched Bnd which it ‘not formally live, but which may become live under fault conditions, 2.56 External Influence — Any influence exter ‘al to an electrical installation which affects the design and safe operation of that installation. 2.87 Extraneous Conductive Part —A con ductive part pot forming part of the electrical inruallation afd lable to introduce a potential, generally the'easth potential, 2.58 Factory Built Assembly ( of LY Switch- guy nnd Controlgene )— Si 38 : 862 (Part 1)- 3.5) Vien Glew —A cvs connected Sra to current using equipment, or to a socket ‘outlets or other outlet points for the connection of such equipment. 2.60 Fized Equipment — Equipment fastened toe mapper or are scare 261 Functional Earthing — Connection to ‘earth necessary for proper functioning of clectrical equipment. 2.62 Fase Elemont — A part of a fuse designed to melt when the fuse operates. 2.63 Fase Link — A part of fuse, including the fuse element(s), which requires replacement by a Tencwable fise lak afer the new oF fase bas operated and before the fuse is put back into service. 2.64 Hand-Held — Portable equip wet Teen! to be eld tn we hand during formal wre, ia which the motor, if any, forma an Integral pavt of the equipment, Nore— A and:held equipment is an ivm of ‘equipmeat, tbe functioning of wich require coment ‘cual support or guidance. peciication for factory built snerabliea of eitehgear and ebeipns change upto iclhng TNO T208 volt dt Pot Geacral requirements,$5 5 732-1989 2.65 Indirect Contact — Contact of ‘persons. or livestock with expoted conductive parts made live bby a fault and which may result in electric shock. 2.66 Installations — Sve 2.48, 2.67 Insulating Floor (or Wall) — A floor iow such hat, in the event of direst con- tact with a, live part, a person standing on foo Vo soching the wall) canoot be eave 10ek current flowing to the floor (or wall), 2.68 Insulation—Sultable non-conductive mate- tial enclosiég surrounding, or supporting a ‘conductor. Nore — Sw alo the defsitions for base auultion, dabie Taunton, retafrced inaietion and mpplemen: tary insulation. 2.69 Isolation — Cutting off an electrical instal- lation, a circuit, or an item of equipment from every source of electrical energy. 2.10 Live Part —A conductor or conductive intended to be energised in normal use including a neutral conductor but, by convention, not a PEN conductor. 201 Lnminaire — Equipment which distributes fe or ase fh It fom ne ee lamps, an includes any parts necessary {or supporting, fixing. and protacting the lamp, but not the themselves, and, where nece- sary, cir iaries t ‘with the means for connecting them to the supply. napoleon atanpblder” upended by “tease corde lume. een 2.72 Main Earthing Terminal — The terminal ‘of bar which is the equipoteatial bonding conduc- tor of protective couductor, and condictors for functional earthing, if any, to the means of earth- ing. 2.73 Mechanical Maintenance — The replace: ment, refurbishment or cleaning of lamps and ‘non-electrical parts of equipment, plant and ‘machinery. 2.74 Neutral Gonductor (Symbol N)— Scotuner couseged te tio acadd Pak of & symem and capable of contributing to the trans tmlssion of electrical energy. 2.75 Nominal Voltage — Ser 2.109. 2.76 Obstacle— A vent ‘unintentional Zomtact with ive pase Buk nok prehenting debes fate coatace 2.77 Origin of an Electrical Installation — ‘The point at which clectrieal energy in delivered to an installation. Nora An electrical jstallation may have more than one orgia. 2.78 Overcarrest —'A current exceed rated value, For conductors the rated value current carrying capacity. 2.79 Overcurrent Detection — A method of ‘establishing that the value of current in a circuit exceeds predetermined value for a specified 2.61 PEN Conductor — A conductor combini the functions of both protective conduetor an neutral conductor. 2,82 Phase Conductor — A conductor of an ac system for the transmission of electrical energy, other than a neutral conductor, .— The term alo means the “equivalent con- specited "de syeten alow otherwise in th 2.89 Plag — A device, provided with contact Pins, which is intended to be attached to a flexible Eable, and which can be engaged with «socket outlet or with a connector. 2:04 Point (in Wising) — A termination ofthe intended for the connection of current colo equine 2.85 Portable Equipment — Equipment which i toved wil ln opeaon or wi i ‘ioved from one place to another while con ten neced so hemp 226 Touch Voltage — The oe eae na 2 ce in the elect of negligible impedance in 287 Protective Conductor — A conductor sed for some meanures of protection against electric shock and intended for connecting together any of the following part: 8) Esposed conductive parts, b) Extrancous conductive parts, ©) The main earthing terminal, and ) The earthed point of the source, or an artificial neutral. 2.88 Reinforced Insulation — Single insulation applied to live parts, which or a protection against electric Aoablefouledon under the conditions oped in the relevant standard, Nora— The, term ‘single inaultion’ does ot Aeapy tha he" innaton ate on homogeneous ane tlogy as ropplemeatary or basic inaullion. 2.89 Residual Current — The algebraic sum of the instantaneous values of current Rowing through all live conductors of a circuit at a point of the ‘electrical installation, 102.90 Residual Current Device (ROD?) — A mechanical switching device or association of devices intended to cause the opening of the con- tacts when the residual current attains a given value under specified conditions, 12 Revistance Area (for an Earth Electrode ) — The surface area of ground ( around an ‘arth electrode ) on which a significant voltage gradient may exist. 293 Rieg Final Circuit — A final circuit arranged in the form of a ring ‘and connected to ‘a single point of supply. 2.94 Shock Current—A current passing through the body of a person or an animal and having characteristic likely to cause dangerous pathophy- iological effects. 2.95 Short-Circuit Current — An overcurrent resulting froma a fault of negligible impedance be- tween live conductors having a difference in ‘potential under normal operating conditions. 2.96 Simultaneously Accessible Parts — Con- ductors or conductive parts which can be touched Simultancously by a person or, where applicable by livestock. In the context of protection against direct coothen's ie pitt any be aeceue wiht 1) apother live par, oF ') an expored conductive part, oF ) an entrancous conductive part, oF €@) a protective conductor. ‘The following may constitute simultaneously accessible parts in the context of protection against indirect contacts: 1) Exposed conductive parts, b) Extraneous conductive parts, and c) Protective conductors, Tt should be noted that the word touched signifies any contact with any part of the body Chand, foot, head, ete). 2,97 Socket Outlet — A device, provided with female contacts, which is intended to be installed with the fixed wiring, and intended .to rective a plug. Nore — A luminaire track system ty ded aseclat cate poets, on 7A BOS Swen 2.98 Space Factor — The ratio ( asa percentage) of the sum of the overall cross. Sectional areas of cables (including insulation and sheath ) to the internal cross-sectional area of the conduit or other cable enclosure in which they Gre installed, The effective overall crois-sectional area of a non-circular cable is taken as that of 18 1732 » 1989 circle of diameter equal to the major axis of the cable. 2.99 Spur — A branch cable connected to a ring ‘or radial final circuit. 2.100 Standby Supply System —A system intended to maintain supply to the installation or thereof, in ease of interruption of the normal Supply, for reasons other thaa safety of persons. ‘Noss — Standby supplies are secessary, for exam ple, Wo avoid. Interruption ‘of confinao industrial Drovente or date proceniog. 2101 Stationary Equipment — Either fixed equipment or equipment not provided with = ‘carrying handle and having such a waass that it cannot easily be moved. 2.102 Supplementary Insulation — Indepen- deo inlain apple in aon co anc lation in order to. provide protection against glee shakin the Feat ‘ofa. fallure of base {nyalation. ; 2.103 Switch — A mechanical switching device ‘capable of making, carrying and breaking current oder normal heat conditions, which, may Include specified operating overload conditions, and also of carrying for a specified time currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions such ‘az those of short circuit. Nope — A switch may also be capable of making, bot not bresog, short-eraitcureat a 2104 Switch, Linked — A switch the contacts ‘of which are s0 arranged as to make or break all poles simoltaneoualy or in a definite sequence, 2.105 Switchboard — An assembly of switchgear ‘with ot without instruments, but the term does not ‘apply to a group of local switches ino final ctscuit. Nor —The term ‘awitchboard” includes a distri ‘bution board. 2.106 Switchgear — An assembly of main and ‘ausiliary switching apparatus for operation, regu- lation, protection or other control of electrical installations, ‘Nora — For more comprcheasive definition of the erm 2408 bo 2-106 ( ate 1S £1885 ( Pare 17 )-1987*, 2.107 System — An electrical system consisting of a single source of electrical energy and an installation. “The types of sywems de the sau dihip cine arc of the opened onsacive int of ioe, ingallation to earth ate GeGoed im St son 1g8Tt. 2.108 Touch Voltage — The potential difference between a grounded metallic structure and a point Electourchnical vorubulary: Part 17 Switchgear aad contrite jt toto nick rschce for cating. u181 492 - 1989 fon the earths surface separated by a distance equal to the normal maximum horizontal reach approximately 1 metre. 2.109 Voltage, Nominal (of an Installation) — Voltage by which an installation or part of an installation is designated. ‘SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT OF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INSTALLATIONS 3, ASSESSMENT OF CHARACTERISTICS 3.0 An assessment thall be’ made of the following characteristics of the iastallation in accordance with the clauses indicated: a) The for which the installation is intended to be used, its general structure, and its supplies (3.1; 'b) The external influences to which it is to be exposed (3.2 6) The compastility o ts equipment (3.3 ); 4) Its maintainability (3.4 ). ‘These characteristics shall be taken into account in the choice of methods of protection for safety ( se Section 8 ) and the selection and cexection of equipment ( see Section 4 ). 3.1 Purposes, Sapplies and Stracture SAL Maximum Demand —The maximum demand of the installation, expressed as a current value, shal be assessed. 3.4.2 Divasity — To determining the maximum demand of an installation or part thereof, diver- sity may be taken into account. 3.1.3 Arrangement of Live Conductors ond Tope of Eerthing 3.13.1 Genvral — The characteristics men- Honed in and shall be ascertained in order to determine which methods of protection for safety, will be appropriate, 2.3.2 Naber and ts of lie sondcons — ‘he cember and types of ie ondactor (for example single-phase two-wire ac, three fourvire ac) shall be awewed,'both for. the source of energy and for the circuits to be uscd within he ingaladen, Where the souce of energy is provi a supply u ing, that tndertakings shal be coasted, if necessary. 313.3 Types of earthing errangeneat — The type of earthing gement OF arrany 10 Ue aed for the nwallation shall be determined, BALA Nature of Sapply ‘Bsle4a1 General — The following character- ics of the apply or supplies shal be ascertained for an external supply and shall be determined for a private source: 8) Nominal voltage(s); bb) Nature of current and frequency; °) or 4) Type and rating ofthe overcurrent ” TRE" doves athog at ihe orga OP tke installation; €) Suitability for the requirements of the installation, including the maximum demand; ad f) The earth loop impedance of that part of the sytem extemal to the installation. Now — Aa rgard iter (tay only be po be tocar Sexpected asin aloe, SALA Suplies for safety services and sendby uposes — Where a sapply for safety services of Handby purposes is specified, the characteristics ofthe tourees of any such supply shall be assested. Suen sop sal have adequate capac, ree ity and rating and appropriate changeover tie for the operation spec : protitel bya pply‘enderaking, he ‘ . he supply dering shall Be cexsled regarding Switch, mts for safety and. standby supplies capectaly where the various sources are intended toroperate in parallel Nore — For forther reqiicements for supple for safety servicer saa. 9.15 Installation Circuit Arrangements 1 Every installation shall be divided fs as necessary to: a) avoid danger and minimise inconvenience » Fate eve ofa fault aad 'b) facilitate safe operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance, tobe into cis Separate circuits shall be provided for parts of the installation which need to be separately controlled, in such a way that. these sarc not affected by failure of other circuits. 3,153 The number of final circuits requi- red, ond the aumber of points supplied by any final cireuit, shall be such’ as to comply withthe requirements for overcurrent. protection, for isola- Con and switching, and as regards current. carrying capacities of conductors. 3.15.4 Where on installation comprises ‘more than one final circuit, each final circoit shall be connected toa separate way ina ti board, ‘The wiring of each final circuit shall be 12-iectrcally reparate from that of every other foal perpen bi parc bors Seren ees coat ‘3.2 Compatibility 1H 3.2.1 An assessment shall be made of any characteristics of-equigment ikely to have harmful fects upon other eectical equipment or other Bese oven gir eetica, equipment or other characteristics include, for example: a) transient overvoltages; b) rapidly fluctuating loads; ©) ‘asting currents; Gy cee tee faa ee seman crea Cosh nih uote ©) mutual inductance; f) de feedback; &) high frequency oscillations; +h) earth Jeakege currents; and Oy ay toed toate earth ( for: ‘example, for equipment needing @ connection with earth inc wndent of the main means of earthing of the installa~ tion, for the avoidance of interference with on ee ie ea ge tera yt me om : corey cre oH ing car aac tagn a Secchi ee een eens 3.8 Maintatnabllity 2.1 An amesment shall be made ofthe fie quency and quality of maintenance that the ins- fallation. can reasonably be expected to receive during its intended life. This assessment ball, wherever practicable, include consultation with the person or body who will be ible for fhe operation and maintenance of the f en, a ‘Having regard to quency ant Fraintoanes expected, the seguisemes oF ie Code shall be applied so that: a) any periodic inspection, testing, mainten- ance and re] Jikely to be necessary during the intended life can be readily and sefely carried out; ‘b) the protective measures for safety remain : effective during the intended life; and ©) the reliability of equipment is fate ” Te the fatended Mig nent SPPrOPTE ‘3.4 Supplies for Safety Services Nora Tee peed fot wey sens and tie ator are Fequently regulat shthoe ‘tone requirement have tobe baetveds SAL General — The following sources safety services are recognized: 2) storage batteries, 'b) primary celle, 351732 1989 ©) generator ‘ets independent of the normal supply, and 4) aseparate feeder effectively independent of the normal feeder. Nose — The uss of separate independest feeden sheuli’be based op an aneroent that fo tro mupplict ‘re nltely to fal coucurrentiy. 34.2 Classification — A safety service is either: & nowautomatic supply, the starting of which is initiated by an operator, or an automatic supply, the starting of which is independent of an operator. ‘An automatic supply is classified according to changeover time: 8) no-break — an automatic supply which can ‘ensure a continuous supply within specified conditions during the period of transition, for example, as regards variations in volt- age and frequency; ) very short break: an automatic supply availe able within 0-15 second; ©) short break: an automatic supply available ) ser dna 08 ccxaads - 4) medium break: an automatic supply availe able within 15 seconds; and +) long break: an automatic supply available in more than 13 wconds, 4, EXTERNAL INFLUENCES 41 Identification of External Infinences on the Electrical Installation 4.11 The characteristics of the following ‘external influences shall be assessed: 1) Broironments a) Ambient temperature, b) Atmospheric humid ©) Altitude, 4) Presence of water, ¢) Presence of foreign solid bodies, f) Presence of corrosive or polluting subs- tances, 8) Mechanical stresses, 1h) Presence of flora and/or mould growth, 3) Presence of fauna, k) Blectrotsagnetic, electrostatic or ionizing influences, m) Solar radiation, 1) Seismic effects, p) Lightning, and 4) Wind, 2) Utilization 2) Capability of persons, b) Electrical resistance of human body,3181732 - 1989 ©) Contact of persons with earth potential, 4) Conditions of evacuation in an emergency, ¢) Nature of processed or stored material 3) Construction of Buildings” ) Constructional materials, and ») Building design. 4.1.2 Table | suggests the classification and codification of external influences which require assessment in the design and erection of electrical installation. se NOZ Yo Each canton of extra inuencs isthe and e uenber ar follows, Th fie etter eles oth gtreh.etogery of extant infumee 3 ‘ umber rao lo the clase within sach acernal For example, the code AC 2 signifies: ‘Nove 2 — The characteristics defined for electial tnacallstions are thoe accepted ‘by the TEC apd at ppleable for lect fanallation ta bliin, on outdoor foatllations are veperately GcE= fespective parts of he Gods, 4 For the time being, hecharactritcs of iafluences. (cot 2 Table L} are given in ve, language ‘aly. Codification for the me (as Note 1 above ), Sf Yecommended by TEC are given in col 4 for infor ‘Bation, Te b hoped tbat ‘once he waers of the Gods would be familiar with the codification fics he reglcementa would be ated 42 ibility — An assessment shall, be: made of amy characteristics of equipment likely to have harmful effects upon other electrical equipment or other services or Hkely to impair the supply, ‘Those characteristics include, for example: a) transient overvoltages, ») rapidly fuctuating loads, «) starting currents, 4) harmonic currents, «) de feedback, £) high-frequency oscillations, and. «) earth leakage currents, 43 Maintainability — An assessment shall be made of the frequency and quality of mainten- lance the installation cam reasonably be to receive, during its i i authority isto be responsible for the 0 the installation, that authority shall be consulted, ‘Thote dura re be ann sent in applying the requirements of this code 10 hat, Ege rebar tothe, Hequency and quality of smaintenance expected: a) any periodic inspection and testing and ‘maintenance and Serng the Iunded e can be eesunry during the fended He on rendily and safely carried out, ) the effectiveness of the protective measures for safety during the intended life is ensur- ed, and ©) the reliability of equipment for proper func. tioning of the installation is appropriate to the intended life.1s 3 732-1989 FABLE 1 ASSESOMENT OF GENERAL CHARARCTERISTICS OF BUILDINGS (Chau 4.1.2) Dinoxaro Cuanacrxssemce Aerusoamien sao Bxancrcns Come o @ w tating nt eng i ting, not tence: Shr the thermal costebution of ‘he equipment to be intalled- Lower and upper tilts of ranges ‘of ambient teraperata ant a2 BAS fas vd a8 “Toe average temperatore over 8 2f hour period sunt not exceed FC below the upper limi. Completion, of two range so ie some eeeitenmeais Tanalatons nob 2) Atmeapheric Acer 8), Altitude Act 4 ae ii matter ee a ate tell at eae ant tet a Su si ie oan aa ee Peres, Tetting Poy sf elely log Lon ote ne, npn ADR is ae nt eee scenes Lh som Paaiyatmimtiegeony tegen vith oye me 008 sie SEceusere “Sete Sent Pay of la ar soe cd _ Ponty oo of eter tom os : mpage Mion Pay ate ware sos tose Rly of arg i sor ‘or total covering by water certs ; at ne oe imenin—Poubliyetpraamt dost Uninc einen poh ADB eve by weer ‘era qupment pee Soares Ss Serie pane ae than 0*| bar a (nti 1518 1 792 - 1989 ————— "TABLE 1 ASSESSMENT OF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDINGS — Gonid Gxass Destoxaniox. Caanactmencs Arrtacasions sto Bxawenes Cove a @ @ “ 3) Presence of fore solid bodies! Negligible ‘The quantity of mature of durt or ABL foreign wlid bodies is aot nigai- Sraall Obj ‘Tools and small objects are exam ee ‘les of (oreiga “solid ‘bodies of fot ew than 25mm Miblel the smallest dicresion It Mise? Very eat Wry are erample of foreign tid AS vaikes Non Pe ee eaten rie ee Seat Wn em tan Nope — fa conditions ABI and ASS dan Sty be pert SatiNe sgtbcnn/wobrsion Srl tesa coos Dow Penenee of aes uty © Prwenca et {ting subtascon Negighin The quay tau of oraine ae veya weak Siete xmospberic The’ prevence of comaive or Tawallatna stated by she emo AP? - ee act neace Mada ene protelng cious eee at Swain end “comeat Serta pet painion hee Uipechlly ia" the ‘production of asamp ene Teteetent Totomiten or acideatal jer Lacatoms where, some chemin APS ‘oraceHdeatal ton to corrosive. of pollu ‘products aro bandied in small chomleal substances belog ux natites and where these” pro~ erproduced: Sct may come only accidentally {oto contact sith electrical equip ‘ment tuck. condi in factory, laboratories, other Iborateries; or fa locations where bydrovearvoas are osed ( boiler oom, garages, ete}. Continuous ecto corrosive For example, chemical works art o Pema me fae andes i abstain qunatty 17) Mechaniat Straus: Household and similar conditions act Medium severity ‘Urual industrial conditions AG? igh severity Severe jnduteial conditions 403 _Norg—Frovidooal claude Papa les Pander “oatderaton Hiowychold end similar conditions AHI Sobers the efect of vibration are geoeally sepisibie rua jodutia conditions an Tedostriat inwallatons mubject to AHS evre conditions (Contd)18732-3989 TABLE 1 ASSESSMENT OF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDINGS — Contd (Gxasa Drstoxaron (Cranscrmmerice Apruscasions ap Exanrues Cove. o ® 8 © 6) Orher mecbanical Under consideration a 8) Presence of fungus fsndjor mould growth: Ted att mete mt as a fd Sage mle anil Tender lom wih agri Baan oc on or dnaiions or pronation Hates oy Pe ELT Eka cgeatimtnt, tpt eee tite eee es heat coor are tana — Fes tata Sania erin aaa Ten ee oo wn rast ceurtents, Slecttoms ectromagonte rie ciate sien Sees iesecana eyes se toate Rg gee eee ae ican agp ot a radiation oe terms nine of dee wes Icon pe id we oe namin Wee” wpe soa (stn) mm Ty OPN os Maton mty Ot og 7 sen wny Or nt a an oe a "bewten 0 nad (enim "715 2 732-1909 ‘TABLE 1 ASSESSMENT OF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDINGS— Cod Cease Denroxariou Casnsormarnice w @ 1) Ligheai Sealeble Tedirect ‘Haaed from sappy arrangements “roe ‘ ic erpnure Haar from expeite of equip 1) Wid {Uiercooaderation) easton 1) Capa of perce Oniinary Unianercted persons Chitdree (Callrwa lo locations intended for Ther eapaton Nora This, lan dor mt SREY oni te Gey Handleapped Penoos aot, to command of a! “Ea phyuetl ed Taveliccnat sina "Caee™ oe pewnr) Trusted ener rg eed sedi ty Shad enone SshGi them’ co a iach Slecucly iaay area Cpe Stas stiles reas wich tchalcal knowiedgn Persons with ede danger whieh Stevan ect amt Fito ool a es ect a etter er eat att cerca get tin Se ms a eel ea , raat ect eee SS ai monk See 4) Conditions of bet ame ene Low deasity occupation, easy con- nga er ea rerie, aa edinac! ofrtcuise seo cm aay st He ane fevacuation w ApertoAsion® sso Bx arias ® Tosealtetioas ntallesion mppiled by overhead ‘Partsof installations located outside ‘olidings,. The rats AGQZ and AQS relate 0 regions witha ularly tivity feed of dousdersorm Nunieties Hospitals ‘lectleal operating areat ‘Non-conducting locations Locations with extrancous cond arts eltker mammerou or of large Metalic suroundings wich as bok ‘Tors and tanks a Boldng of arma ot low bught '¢ habitation - Hiigh-ree buildings ecwtoss epee so, the pb tite, Eat) 7 Righsiee tilings open_ 0, the ible betel, Beas a) o ag sa2 Ags BAI BAZ Bas Bas BD Bey Bc Bes‘TABLE 1 ABSESSMENT OF GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDINGS — Conid Chum Dmsesnor = Cassurmey Arata Benim Gt paaciaiee ® o ® af 7 ‘oF stored materials : 2 se zadong Spee “piemeernam: “maa riogeg ages, since big yon dome fisshpoint maternal = Ser, See Contamisation Presence of unprotected foodstuffs, Foodstuff industries, kitchens BES a roe cert a cece em Cra, pion epoca, Breaig mene eee Sa boats ee ed ple, by Jamops conmevean of eg 1 conan nt Shot - on Screg ay semen af Wonk ag a abet 2 Dang ie ie on nocatce Raga ie ge tet waite St Propagn Socios itty be cd pin ee, example, Y Mnwmin Rigen gag seme Halt sie other eetamarmmmerss Mates cote ERSTE camino pein aroma ea at wikore Tena tea ‘unstable Structures: “Jeet tomovement (for example, garomon ipport, structures, Ceilings, removable partitions Flonible wiring, installations needing ‘suppor SECTION 3 PROTECTION FOR SAFETY 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROTECTION FOR SAFETY i iegtenes tee fr = none protection. a safety of livestock and property invol tion Rroperty protection S.0.1 Protection A ‘and livestock shall protected tgront dang that may arise from contact with live parts of the installation. ‘This protection can be achieved by one of the following methods: a) Preventing a current from through the, Body‘of any person or any Heestocks b) Limiting the current which can pass thro- ugh a body toa value lower than the shock current, 5.0.2 Protection Against Indirect Contoct — Per- sons and livestock shall be protected against tive parts, This protection can be achieved by ove ofthe following methods: 7 8) Preventing a fault current from passing shrghthe ody fay. perton or any 19{Se 732 - 1989 ) Limiting the fault current which can pass through a body to a value lower than the shock current; and ©) Automatic disconnection of the supply on the occurrence ofa fault ikl current to flow through a body in contact with exposed conductive parts, where the value of that current is equal to or greater than the shock current, 5.0.3 Protection Against Thermal Effects in Normal Serice — The electtical installation shall be so arranged that there is no risk of melting besides ignition of flammable materials due to high tem- erature or electric. arc, Also during normal operation of the electrical equipment, there shal Be'no risk of persons or livestock nlfering borns 5.0.4 Protection Against Overcurrent — Persons oF livestock shall be protected against injury and property shall be protected against damage due to excessive temparatures or electromechanical stresses caused by any overcurrents likely to arise im live conductors. This protection can be achieved by one of the following methods: 8) Automatic disconnection on the occurrence ‘of an overcurrent before this overcurrent attains a dangerous value taking into account its duration; and b) Limiting the maximum overcurrent to a safe value and duration. Overcurrent ion devices — Where necessary to, prevent danger, every insallation and every circuit thereof shall be protected against overcurrent by devices which: a) will operate automatically at values of current which are suitably. related to the safe current ratings of the cireuit; b) are of adequate breaking capacity and, where appropriate, making capacity; and ) are suitably located and are constructed so ‘as to prevent danger from overheating, arcing or the scattering of hot particles when they come'into operation and to permit ready restoration of the supply with- ‘out danger. Nore— Where the supply undertsti ‘ritchgesr oF furegear at the of {stallation femay not be neceasary 10 duplicate the meanr of overcurrent protection for that part ‘of the iauallation between is orgia and the cnain Giatribution point of the iamallation where the ‘best step for overcurrent protection it provided. In domentic iatallations the protection and iol {ng functions are combined in the ame device. 5.0.5 Protection Against Fault Currents — Conduc- tors, other than’ live conductors, and any other parts intended to carry a fault current shall be capable of carrying that current without assuming excessive temperature, until the protective gear operates, Nore 1 — Particular attention should be given to arth fault currests, Nore 2— For live conductors, compliance with § i von against “any fault current, Precautions ageinst corth leakage and arth fault carrnis —Where metalwork of electrical ‘equipment, other than current-carrying conduc- tors, may become charged with electricity in such, ‘a manner as to cause danger if the insulation of a conductor should become defective or ifa fault sbould occur in any equipment: ‘a) the metalwork shall be earthed in such a ‘manner as will eause discharge of electrical ‘energy without danger, or b) other equally effective precautions shalt be taken to prevent danger. Every circuit shall be arranged so as to prevent the persistence of dangerous earth leakage currents Where metalwork is earthed, the circuits concerned shall be protected against the persis. tence of dangerous earth fault currents by: a) the overcurrent protective devices required by 5.04.1, or b) a residual current operated device or equally effective device. ‘The method described in (b) above shall be used whenever the prospective earth fault current is insufficient to cause prompt operation of the overcurrent protective devices. Where necessary to prevent danger and where metalwork of electrical equipment is earthed for compliance with (a) above and is accessible simultaneously with substantial exposed metal of other services, the latter parts shall be effectively connected to the main earthing termi nal of the instalation. 5.0.6 Protection Against Overolioge — Persons or livestock shall be protected against injury and ‘operty shall be protected against any harmful Fhe of fait between ive por of reuts supplied at different voltages. Perang or livestock, shall be protected agaist injury an rotected against dunage font any excenive voltages likely 2 a ue to other causes. (for example, atmospheric phenomena or switching voltages ). »18 1 732 - 1989 SECTION 3A PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTRIC SHOCK ‘SA Réquirements for Protection Against Electric Shock cl BALA Prodistion Against’ Both Direct and Indirect Contact S.L.d.1 General +‘Gne of the following basic protective ‘measures for -protection against both Girect contact and indirect contact shall be uted: a) Protection by safety. extra low voltage, 3) Protection by fuetional extra Tow voltage, ©) Protection. by limitation of discharge of energy. S.LL.2 Protection by safety exra low voltage — Protection against electric shock is provided when all the following requirements are fulfilled: a) The nominal voltage of the cireuit concer- red docs not exceed extra low voltage. bb) The supply is from one of the safety sources listed in (1) below. €) The conditions of (2) below are fulfilled. Nove — Lower voltage limits may be required for contain conditions of exteranl influences 1) Safety sourees — The safety source shall be ‘one of the following: i) A class IL safety isolati the secondary-winding from earth. fi) A source of current providing a degree ‘of ealery equivalent to that of the safety isolating transformer specified in (a) above (for example, a motor generator with windings providing equivalent isolation ). ‘An electrochemical source ( for exam- ple, a battery) or another source Independent of a higher voltage circuit (or example, aengine-driven generar tor). iv) Electronic devices where measureshave been taken so that even in the case of an internal fault the voltage at the out- ing terminals cannot exceed extra voltage. transformes, isolated 2) Arrangement of Circuits i) Live parts of safety extra tow voltage circuits shall not be connected to earth ‘F to live parts or protective conductor forming part of other circuits, fi) Exposed conductive parts of safety extra low voltage circuits shall not eT iti) iv) intentionally be connected to any of the following: 1) Earth, 2) Protective conductors or exposed conductive parts of another system, or 3) Extrancous conductive parts, except that where electrical equipment is inherently required to be connected to extraneous conductive parts it shall be verified that those parts can not attain voltage exceeding the limit of the safety extra low voltage circuit, If the exposed conductive parts of safety extra low voltage Gircuits are liable to come into con- tact fortuitously with exposed conductive parts of other circuits, the protection no longer depends solely on the measure for protection by safety extra low voltage and shall be in accordance with the require- ments for the measures applicable to the latter exposed condactive parts, Live parts of safety extta low voltage ‘equipment other than cables shall be lectrically separate from those” of higher voltage circuits. ‘The electrical separation between live parts of safety cata low, vologe dreuits and higher voltage circuits shall be not Jew than that between the input and output windings of safety isolating transfor- Safety extra low voltage circuit conduc- tors shall preferably be physically separated from those of any. other ircuit. Where this requirement is im- practicable, one of the following arrangements is required: 1) Safety extra low voltage circuit conductors shall be insulated in aceordance with the requirements of thir code for the highest voltage present. 2) Safety extra low voltage circuit cables shall benon-metallicsheathed cables. 3) Conductors of circuits at different voltages shall be separated from those at safety extra low voltage by an earthed metallic screen or an carthed metallic sheath. 4) Circuits at different voltages may be contained in a multicore cable oF other grouping of conductors but the conductors of safety extra low1S 1 732-1989 arcuits shall be insulated, ly or collectively, for the highest voltage present. ‘Nora — to. arcanger asi ation of ay Sandu soe ‘ficient only for tho voltage ofthe cre of spar, ¥) Plogs and socket outlets of safety extra low ‘circuits shall comply, with all of the following requirements: 1) The plugs shall_not be capable of entering socket outlets of other voltage aystems in use in the same premises. 2) The socket outlets shall exclude of ater voltage systems in use fn the same premises. 3) The socket outlets shall not have a Protective conductor connection. vi) Mobile safety sources shall be selected or erected in accordance with vii) If the nominal voltage exceeds 25 V ac rms 50 Hz, or 60 V rippledfree de, Bseation ‘agninst direct contact shall provided by one or more of the following: 1) Barriers or enclosures affording at least the degree of protection IP 2) Tmaaton capable of withstanding a 3 10 V de for one minute. If the nominal voltage docs not exceed 25 V ac ams 50 Hz, or 60V Tippleree de, protection ‘against direct contact is not required by this code ‘except as specified below: Application of Protective Measure — Safety cextrarlow voltage 8) Where the use of safety extrolaw vo y HEL AY ead ofr con cps cea that i, sr i art net insulated or provided with barrier ahd encloruras in cordance with §.1.1.2(2) (vii), the nominal tullage shall notin any een excaed'25 V rns a 07 6) V ripplefreede. These voltage limits are ‘applicable only to. conditions where simaltonee ‘ly acesbla pares may Be touched By 0 pron having body rsitance eed coon. iy normal, and shall be appropriatly reduced conditions where reduced vary low body raslatance ts to be expected. %) We SELY is ad fo rion agin indie enact ely, and where i sof the SELV circuit are insdated or provided with Dorvirs “ond. “ancforeres ‘in accrdence swith 5.1-1.2(2) (vil), the nominal cliage shall Ren cnameene git fue de, lage Limits ere only to conditions where somaltancouly accesible 2 arts may be louched by 6 ferion having a con : ‘ormal body redtancr ond shell be “pooprialy dca conn here red ‘or very low body resistance isto be expected, Nore. sie rel yee an Gy eo eh prin (suhag caret ay car et Cate Siig ahem sear cece Sy Sica enman very iow body resistance (of the order of one See et Te eae Sie Ie irae eaters Soo SALL.3 Functional extra low voltage systems If for functional reasons extra low voltage eaten ae Of S.h 1.2 regarding safety extra bw voltage are fulfilled, the appropriate measures des- ‘bed in (b) to (e) below ahall be taken in order to ensure protection agaimt electric these measures extra low voltage shock, ‘Systems € ar Som uch cnn, temateh atin Siomore meaeoe Baerecacinl el ad price Raga b) If the extra low voltage system complies with the requirements of for tesy Tiss ow lage’ corp tn Tee ‘exposed conductive parts are connected to earth or to the protective conductors of the Sparen [ou SELES sae) Tree Wm agabor dea cot alte vad By oak or nr fe ella 4) Enclosures giv ection at least 9 irene ie a ii) Insulation capable for resisting a test voltage of 500 V rms for one minute. Such a systema is connected to afford protection against indirect contact. This requirement does not exclude the installation or the use without lementary protection of equipment as “> Ue rclevans Sancard, providing an equivalent degree of 9 take en Tow voltage system docs not pera comply with the requirement of Sill for safety extra low ton against cect contact shal be provided by ont of more of the following: 4) Barriers or enclosures 10 Toulation corresponding to the mini- ) mum test voliage reqeized for the primary circuit, In addition, protection against indirect contact shall be provided in accordance with (d) below. The extra low voltage circuit may be used to supply factory bullt equipment ‘whose intulation does not comply with the minimum test voltage required for the primary circuit provided’ that the accessible insulation of that equipment is reinforced during erection to withe ieritoreed darng ion wie ane d) If the primary circuit of the functional ) eciva ber voltage source is protected by automatic disconnection, exposed conduc- shinmat dieonnecton, spon conduc, al extra low voltage seed bad nee neereeatene oe the primary circuit. © eee cles eee ee gomrsbencreee oan tocen ont ead aaa a as nl tia neo el se lng, ogee 2 ert by tive parts of equipment in the funcional extra dow voltage ol suit shall be connected to the non- protective conductor of the primary circuit. pana enea trans seme eG Sey aren a, eal oe i a 8 Sheek The socket outlet of functional extra low aa haar nese! Ee Ee a gatiadan of Prdecive Menon — oo Where, for functional reasons, extra-low voltage is used but: i) One point of the extra-low voltage cireuit is required to be eorthad, or itp ajelehibuionrplPisAUP nro vllege sree ce bo the Se ce tf er nso ‘hore protective conductors are earikad or not . ° iii) The inswation etssen the extralow voltage ireits and other circuits is not equivalent fo ‘that provided by a sofey source, The system shall be treated, a5 0 functional xtracow voltage system and SLL apply. circuit shall be fervor or 4792 + 1969 SAMA Protection by limitation of discharge ney Fon Cadinnedt commying wile Se ford ripnett incorporates ent Fens of nig tie cunent. which ca pase 2 perion or livestock to 2 aoeloer ba tbe ll carve Grex ry. fog on this protective mennire aball be separa fom other creuits in a manner timllar to that specified in S1.2(2) (i) and (Ww) for safety extra Tow voltage creuis. Application of protective measure—Limitation of discharge of energy This measur shall be applied only to indict items of currentesing equipment complying with an ‘appropriate Indian Standard, where the equipment in means of limiting fo ¢ safe value the current ‘that can flow from the equipment the body of ieslck, The application ofthis measure may ‘be extended toa part of an installation derived fiom such tems of equpment, where the relevant Indian Standard concerned provides specifically for this, for example, to sectric fences supplied from dectric fen contrllers, SAL2 Protection Against Direct Contact sng bh 28 Getal — One of more of te follow, sic protective measures 5B against Geet conactahall beweds 8) Protection by insulation of live parts, ) Protection by barriers or enclosures, ©) Protection by obstacles, and 4) Protection by placing out of reach, S.L.21 Protection by inculation of lise parts ~ pe Maite nang ele Seto ian ome which is le of dur: i fmechanical, leecieal, thermal” and. chesical tresses to which it may be subjected in service. Nom2.— Genoea) purpose, and slnilar products witho B"ber ‘paints, varnishes, Inc- ue additional imwiation ‘adequate insulation for protection feet contact. Application of protective measure — Insulation of live parts ‘This maasurs relates to Basic insulation, and is inton- det rc ott with ine pats. i. geealiy applale for rtton against dit cotinine. with «measure for protection against indirect ‘contact,18 1 732 - 1989 ‘ Protection by barviers or enclosures a) Live parts shall be inside enclosures or behind barriers providing atleast the degree of on IP 2X except that, where an opening larger than that admitted for IP 2X is necessary to allow the replace- ment of parts or 0 avoid. interference with the proper functioning of electrical ‘equipment both of the following require- ‘ments apply: 4) Suitable precautions shall be takea to prevent. persons or livestock from Siptensionally touching ive part, ii) Ie shall be established a far as practi- cable, that persons will be aware. that live paris can be touched through the ‘opening and should not be touched. 5) Hogzontal top surfaces, of Baris ot ‘enclosures which are readily accessible shall avid a degree of protein of atleast 4X. ©) Barriers and enclosures shall be firmly and durability to maiotain the required degrees of protection and appropriate sepa+ ration from live parts in the known condi- to open enclosures orto remove part of nelowares, one or more of the following Fequiremeats shal be sated 4) The removal or opening shall be poss- ble only by use of a key of took 5 The removal or opening tal be go ‘le only. after disconnection of the supply to live parts agsinst which the ‘es or eared protection, Festoration of the supply being possible only after replacement or recloaure of the barriers or enclomures, and Ac iaterauediate barrier shall be provi- ded to prevent contact with live parts, Such barrier affording a tection of st leat IP 2% 3 only by the we of too. This requirement docs not apply to ceiling roses of to ceiling switehes operated by a cord, Application of Protecve Measure — Barr or enclosures 3) This measure is intnded to prevent or deer dont with live pte Ie generally opplicale Jose sg tie cde ha Tine measte for protection opted inde: removable contact 1b) The eseion in S122) allowing for oper igs te than PDE Ss borer ty alors shall be applied only 0 items of equipment or accuzories complying. with an Indion Standard ‘where complionce wih the generally of 1.2.23) impracticable by rocson of the fonction of ‘hse tems, for exanple, to lamphaldert, Whar ter that eacipion is used, the oping chal! be as Small as is conssant twit the requirements for prope fanctionng and for replacement of pari. S23 Protection by obstacles 18) Obstacles shall prevent, as appropriate the following: 4) Unintentional bodily approach to live parts, or Unintentional contact with live parts when operating, equipment live fa 1b) Obstacles shall be so secured as to prevent unintentional removal but may be remav- able without using a key or tool. Application of Protective Measure — Obstacles This measure is intended to prevent unintentional contact with lie parts, but not intentional contact by ddiberte circumvention af the obstacles. It shall be used only for. ion against direct contact in areas accesti~ ‘Ble only to skilled persons, or insraced persons under inact superision. S24 Protection by placing out of reach 8) Bare or PVG covered overhead lines for diswibution between buildings and struc- tures aball be installed in accordance with ‘good practice. ) Bae ive part shall not be within arm's 6) Where bare live parts other than overhead Tines are out of arm's reach but nevertheless may be accesible, they shall not be within 25m of aay of the following: Exposed conductive parts, ii) Extrancous conductive parts, and iil) Bare live parts of other cicaits. If a normally occupied position is restricted in the borzeoal plane by an obstacle (for ‘example, handrail mesh screen ) affording a degree of protection les than IP 2X, ‘arm's reach shall extend from that obstacle. Tn the overhead direction, arm's reach is 25m fom the surface $ not taking into ‘account any intermediate obstacle provide ing a degree of protection les than IP 2X (ie Fig-l)- a) Nove — The value of son's rach rfer 1 tae nds wba any asiaaace, Wor amp, fosttaiare ada’ ) In places where bulky of long conducting sbjeets are uormaly handled, the distances required by (b) to (d) shall’ be increaved scrordingly. m,Application of Protective Measure — Placing out ofeach This measure is intended only t prevent unintentional caviaet with (ive parts and shall be applied only for iroection against dinect contact. The application of ‘the (provisions of 5.1-2.4(b) to (A) shall be limited 10 loca. fiahs accessible ‘only to skilled ‘persons, or instructed persons under direct supervision. B13 Protection Against Indirect Contact General—One or more ofthe fallow. ing basie protective measures for protection against Indie contact shall be wed a) Esrthed equipotential bonding and auto- matic disconnection of supply, b) Use of Class IT equipment or equivalent insolation, «) Non-conducting location, @) Earth free local equipotential bonding, and ¢) Electrical separation. 5.13.1 Protection by carthed equipotential bonding ‘and automatic disconnection of supply a) General 4) In cach installation main equipotential bonding conductors complying with ‘1S: 3043-1987¢ shall connect extrane~ fous conductive parts including the following to the main earthing termai- nal for that insulation: 1) Main water pipes, +2) Main gas pipes, 3) Other service pipes and ducting, 4) Risers of central heating and ai conditioning systems, '5) Exposed metallic parts of the build- ‘ing structure. Nore 1— This bonding it intended 10 create a Zone ia which Any voltages. ber ‘Sie eaponed condetive pur and ext: ‘neous conductive parts ‘arealaianeed, Nore? — ‘wth (a) wit sovsaly ay te elvan regerements ofthe protective multiple exrthing. Nom 3 — Additional equipotertial wT ee ASST fi) The. characteristics of the protective dee er automatic disconnection, the carting arrangements installation and the. relevant im dances of the cireuts concerned shall be coordinated so that during an earth fault the voltages between simultane ously accessible expoted and extrane- ‘ous conductive parts occurring any- "Code of practice for earthing (frat reiion ). 25 181 732-1989 where in the installation shall be of such magnitude and duration as not ‘to canse danger. Noga — For lfrontin 0, yp SE mgm ST Thora Pah cnn of prin stad aon ah Gute deer iii) The provisions of (ii) above are consi- dered to be tthe ibe tomatic disconnection, for occurs with- jn the duration not iting the touch voltage to exe the safe vale iv) Where protection is afforded by an crea poset device, and the nominal voltage to earth (Uo) is BAO ma a, te cath el oop i Fees ), for compliance with ‘above, shall not excced safe values, ¥) Where compliance with the disconnec- tion times of (iii) above is afforded by residual current device in an installa~ tion, the product of the rated residual operating current in amperes and the earth fault loop impedance in ohms thall_not exceed the values given in 1S : 9043-1987" for different types of system earthing. vi) Within the zone formed by the main equipotential bonding, local supple- mentary bonding connections shall be made to metal parts, to maintain the equipotential zone, where those parts: 1) are extraneous conductive parts, 2) are simultaneously accessible with ‘expoted conductive parts or other extraneous conductive parts, and 8) are not electrically connected to the ‘main equipotential bonding by permanent and reliable metal-to- metal joints of negligible ss ell ea sti bierarirn Seebeck a cc nd, whore praccobie, accom struct ia aa b) Installations which are part of a TN system: 4) All exposed conductive parts. of the inmallation shall be connected by pro- tective conductors to the main carthing terminal of the installation and that terminal shall be connected to the carthed point of the ‘source in accordance with 18 : 3043-1987%, “Code of peactce for earthing,1S: 732-1989 it) The ive_devices shall be of one or more of the following type: such magnitude and duration between simultane. ‘uly accessible conductive parts that donger could Ce tr car mas ing he ere » ea protective devices, and wef “snductine parts, The. lining ) Residual current deve, el grea Pal of ple pas : . Wad (a salle oppied whee ana Provided that, wre the sentra its oe th tat ceenioaly somal ned ia one conductor (PEN conductor) 2 residual current device shall not be used. ©) Installations which are part of a TT system: 4) Where protection i afforded by over~ current protective devices or residual current devices, exposed conductive parts shall be connected by protective conductors individually, in groups or collectively to an earth electrode oF electrodes. ‘The Wwe devices shall be of one or more of the following types: 1) Residual current devices, and Seay orsteee pam conden uhoe reduced o very lot) body resistence is fo be ‘expected, either the earth fst lop impedance talues shall be appropriately reduced or anther (protective measure shall be used. Nore —Conventioasily normal body resstacce relates to a epotact ivolviog one band and both {feat the thin belog dry of moist with persplcation (Coatinet wet }--Reduced body Festance may be Expected ja situations where the hands andjor fect serie ob weer here eh, reat ay igh the extremities, and very fow body reaiatance (of the order of one quarter oC the conventionally normal body resutace) i to be expected mn loeatons where 2 pe tediga water orweriien i cones 2) Overcurrent ive devices. ‘b) The limit ing values of earth fault loop impedance : speifed in B13.(a)(W) are agplicoble on 6 tate we eet of on TT AOS RISA) a Y 7 iment concerned and any extraneous conductive 4) No tive conductor of the installation Darts ore stated within tha cone creaed by the shall be directly connected to earth. ‘main eguiptetial bonding [see 513.M(a)())- seta Ba sctnen oer et dame Where a cicat originating in thet zone is etecing trae Ingen dant eect te rend fet otpet may be pom ae he clnrgceica fhe aced by pon inate oth hd the inealaton geeral matt of earth th folowing requirements ii) Exposed conductive parts shall be apply: ‘earthed either individually, in groups oF 1) For solidly grounded system it shail be suff collectively. Simultaneously accessible cient to check whether the provisions of exposed conductive parts and associated ‘BAL.3.L ave complied with in general; ‘extraneous conductive parts shall be Ht shall Be vevifed whether the main oer. connected only to an earth electrode urcen protection dries ards the degree of ‘common to those parts. protection envisaged by 5.1-3.1(a)(1¥j5 4) The protective devices shall be residual tity Where the overcurrent protective device did not current deviees, ferd the degre of praection in 3.B-1(a) iv) An insulation monitoring device shall G ‘and where the earthing is inadequate, @ ‘be provided to indicate the occurrence Sebarate residue current device shall be ns- of rat fault from a ive part to exposed tell, fording a protection in compliance conductive parts or to earth. The: se vith 3.2.3-1(a)(iv); and hall automatically disconnect | the fv) The axlomatic disconnecting device shal be supply, oF inate an audible andjor so installed tha proper ducrinination beuoeen goal, the crats being protected i cvailable Nore — First fault should be eliminated a c) Where the measure is used in a household or vicky to pracicble, sine ili feming art oe FF oem v) After the occurrence of first fault, condi- or sohere the earthing is not fective, every sotket tions for disconnection of supply, at et en peer tea nee fpaeeg Soe" and TT eystere, shall ‘current not exceeding 30 mA. Goadaen orgasiceee Ha ) Astomatie disconnection using. residual caret ‘devices shall not be applied fo circuits incorprat- in 6 PEN ed, The mean thre generally opplicable, provided that the device is Slectede hace o Fedeel perating are! tic disconnection of supply 8) This meanon is genvaly applicele, ond is iaende te proert the occoonc of ioe of 26‘ensuring compliance with (a)(ii) and (vy). The use of sich devices is preferred where the ‘value of earth fault lop impedence prevents She we of eorenint dvs to obtain compli ee tith snnection times ied Br5a3Ae) eee ‘ 5 operating tee ot 40 anor ies nya real ‘lucht of 25 eh, Serny ave Se wed to reduce Resk awoclaed with fect conagt is cu of {lure of oer protective memaren, Such a device cutest be cool ana bole manny ef peveetion Sees dee" Sad doy‘ bret Be apply oo fhe protecve mesure pes ©) Auomatc disconnection using fault voltage operee tel prev dees eager ut eT se dai he he in lance of the earth fault camplance ‘ead SL-22(6) ad (e) bp ewe of ereuret Protective devices. Protection by use of Class IE equipment or by equines insation oa a) Protection shall be provided by one or needs diese 4) Blectriesl equipment of the following types, type tested and marked to the relevant standards: 1) Electrical ent wouble fr reinforced inaulatiog, (Claus TL equipment ). 2) Factory built assemblies of electrical equipment having total insulation. ii) Supplementary insulation applied to electrical equipment having basic insu- {ation only, as a process in the erection of an electrical installation, providing & degree of safety equivalent to that of electrical equipment according to (i)(1) above and complying with (b) to (j) below. Reinforced insulation applied to uninsu- lated live parts, as a process in the erec- provi a degre af saety equivalent fding a degree of safety equivalent {o electrical equipment. according to (01) above a fing with (B) to G), such insulation being recognized only” where constructional features Bcvent the application of double inu- A ») The instalation of equipment, deserted ia itera (a)(i) above ( for exa ted Copmecion 1 conducters) shall be effected in such a way a5 not to impair the Drotecion afforded in compliance withthe jipment specification, Class IT equipment euPbe so installed that basic fosultion is net the only protection between live parts 2 181 732-1989 of the installation and exposed metalwork of that equipment, ©) The electrical equipment being ready for ‘operation, all conductive parts separated fom live pars by basic Insulation only shall be ‘contained in an insul enclosures affording at least the degree of protection IP 2X. 4) The inslaing_enclomure shall be, capable ‘of resisting the mechanical, electrical and Shermal reset which i kely to be subjected. [Nova — Coatiog of paint, vara and skier alice ave genebiyContlted Set to comp Siem cg” Sony Sonnet bee ¢) Ifthe insulating cnclosure has not previ- fusly been tested, a suitable text shall be carried out (se Section 5 ). {) The insulating enclosure shall unt be pierced by conductive parts, other than Efren conductors, Lily to" transmit a potential. The insulating enclosure shall not contain any screws of insulating material, the replacement of which by metallic screws could impair the insulation provided by the enclosure. Novs—Where the inmlating oactoure mut be pierced by mechanical joints or connections ( for Splat operating hale’ of bul tn tqup- Fee ad ia tuck hwy er protien gvint Falrett contact isnot Smpaired~ g) Where lids or doors in the insulasing enclo- sure can be opened without the use of tool or key, all conductive parts which are Accesible i the lid or door is open shall be Ibohind an innulatng barrier whi pectons from coming into contact with those parts this insulating barsier shall provide a degree of protection of at least IP 2X and be removable only by we of tol. h) Conductive parts enclosed in the insulating enclosure shall not be connected tective conductor. However, provision may ‘be made fur connecting protective conduc- tors which necessarily run through the enclogure in order to scrve other items of letrical equipment whose supply circuit Slt runs through the enclosure. fnuide ehat enclosure, any such conductors and their terminals or joints shall be insulated as though they “were live parts and their ter- minals shall be appropriately marked. J) The enclosure provided for this measure ‘hall noe adversely affect the operation of the equipment protected. Application of ive measure — Class I equipment or equivalent insulation a) This measure is inianded to prevent the appearance ‘of a dangerous vltage on the exposed metalwork181732 1989 of electrical equipment through a fault in the base Fnadatn. 1a gery ppc em of geipmet, ihr bythe Section of eed camplying. with an appropriate Indian Standard there that standard provides for the use of (Ctass IT construction or total insaion, or By lication of suitable supplementary insulatic erection, 1b) Where «circuit supplies items of Clas HI equip- iment, a means of connection to the protctive ‘conductor ofthe circuit shall nevertheless be prvi- ded at evry point for the sapply of currentrusing cquipment likely fo be changed by the user, ond 1f terminations for accessories similarly likely to ‘be changed by the user. This requirement need sot be obsered whers (c) below applies, Nora — Sxpoved metalwork of Class IL nat Tuid pete be touted fess Soin electrical contact with aay part of the fai Tallation counected tom protective " sfontact ‘aay impait the Olas Tt pre provided by the equipment specification, ©) Were this measure is to be used as a sole means Of, protection against indirect contact ( thal is, imhere a whole installation or circuit is intended to contst antirely of Class II equipment or the equivalent), tt shall be verified thet the installan lon of citeit concerned will be under eective superdision in normal use so that no, change is made that would impair the efectiveness of the Class 11 or equivalent insulation, The measure shall mot therefore be so applied to any acuit sich del ae ere tr 0 change items of equipment without authorisation. Cables having a non-metallic sheath or a nom Inutallic enclave shall not be described os bein (f Clats IT construction. However, theuse of ruc Gabler installed in accordance with relevant ‘tanderd is considered to afford satisfactory pro- lection against divect and indirect contact. Protection by non-conducting location 1a) Exposed conductive parts shell be arranged Jo'that under ordinary ciecommances = Peron will not come into simultaneous contact witht i) two exposed conductive parts, or fi) an exposed conductive part and any ‘extraneous conductive part, if these parts are liable to be at different cntials through failure of the basic insu tion of live parts. ‘b) In a non-conducting location there shall be ro protective conductors, and any socket ‘outlets shall not incorporate an carthing ‘contact, c) The resistance of insulating floors and walls at every point of measurement under the Condition fpecied in 12. shall be not ka i) 50kQwhere the supply voltage does not 9 eeeed S00 Vor 10040 where the supply voltage exceeds EON? bat doe nt Extend 1800. Tf at any point the resistance is lew than the spedied value, the floors and walls are extraneous conductive parts for the purposes of protection against shock. Nope Seapemayoeedo be taken otha opie wl or fet the seatane of oom ‘tad walls (osuch an exteat that they do not com ply witb S13.500. 4) The arrangements made shall be perma- Dest "They shall alo afford protecion ‘where the use of mobile or portable equip- ment is envisaged. Nors— Attestion is drawn to the ritk that where slectieal lastallations are not under elfeo~ tive niperviion, frther conductive parts may be jatroduced at a later date ( for example, mobile ‘be portable Claas Tequipment or metalic water Biogely, wheh mat ive” complies ) Precautions shall be taken so that a poten- tial on extraneous conductive parts in the location canuot be transmitted outside that location. Requirement of 5.1,9.3(a) is fulfilled if the location has an insulating floor and walls and one or more of the following arrangements applies: 1) Relative spacing of expoted conductive parts and of extraneous conductive parts 1s well as spacing of exposed conductive This spacing is. sufficient if the Eistance between two parts is not less than 2 mi; this distance may be reduced while out of the zone of arm's reach. 2) Interposition of effective obstacles be- ‘tween exposed conductive parte and fexirancous conductive parts; Such ‘obstacles are sufficiently effective if they extend the distances to be surmounted to the values stated in (1) above. They seal og be connected to earth oF 1 juctive parts; as far at posible they shall be of insulating materials. 3) Insulation or insulating arrangement of cextrancous conductive parts: The insula. tion shall be of adequate electrical and mechanical strength, Application of Protective Measure — Non- conductive location, ‘This measure is intended to prevent simula contact with parts which may be at diferent ped eof the basic insulation of tive parts. de in these clauses for general use, but nay =U situations under efetivesuperision, by a suitably qualified electrical engines. Protection by earth fs local equipotential bonding ‘8) Equipotential bonding conductors shall ‘connect t ‘all simultaneously acceasi- ‘le exposed conductive parts and extraneous ‘conductive parts. +b) The local equipotential bonding conductors ‘hat no be in letical conta ‘wth earth rectly, or, through exposed conductive parts or through extraneous conductive paris. Nowe — Where (8) ts a SEES ool Tae sppheabie (ou 5134) eal ©) Precautions shall be taken so that persons ‘entering the equipotential location cannot be exposed to. dangerous potential diffe- rence, in particular, where a conductive floor ‘insulated from’ earth is connected to the earth free equipotential bonding conductors. Application of Protective Measure—Barth free {ocal equipotentisl bonding ‘This measure is intended to provent the appearance of a dangerous voltage between simultaneously accesible arts inthe event of foilure of the basic insulation. Is ‘hall be opplied oniy in special situations which are arth fre and under efictioe supervision and wher specie fad by a suitably qualified electrical engineer. Protection by alectrical separation —The voltage of the electrically separated circuit shall not exceed 500 V: 18) Protection by electrical separation shall be afforded by. eee ‘with (b) and (c) below and with (d) below for a supply to ‘one item of equipment, or (c) below for a. supply to more than one ‘of equip- b) The source of suy to the circuit shall comply with the following requirements: i) It shall be either: 1) a safety isolating transformer, the secondary winding being isolated from earths or 2) a source of current ling a degree of safety: ere enero tk of the safety isolating ‘transformer salar ee a reshigt Teo viding equivalent isolation ). oe i) Mobile sources of supeiy fed from a fixed installation shall be selected or installed in accordance with een iii) Equipment used as 7 supply, shall be either: 1) selected and installed in accordance ‘with to (j), or fixed source of 2» ©) The separated circuit shall comply with the ? Plowing requirement 4) Live parts of the separated circuit shall not be connected at any point to another eireuit or to earth and to avoid the risk of a fault to earth, particular attention Shall be given to the insulation of such parts from earth, expecially for flexible fi) Flexible cables and cords shall be visible throughout eve ‘of their length fiable to mechanical damage. iif) A separate wiring system shall prefer~ » Suly"be. used forthe separated ciruit. Akteroatively, multicore cables without ‘metallic sheath, of intulated conductors {in insulating conduit shall be used, their rated voltage being not less than the iighest voltage lel wo ogra, and cach circuit shall be protected against over- current, iv) Live parts of the separate circuit shall be electrically separated from other Gircuits, Arrangements shall ensure Clectrical separation not less than that ‘between the input and output of a anfety isolating transformer, tical separation ts uecentary between the live parts of electei- Salvequipisent gach a relays, comtactony, Sealiry wetete aad any pat of asbar ‘lreult. 4) For a circuit supplying a single item of etipment, no expored metalwork, of the separated cizcuit shall be connected inten- tionally either to the protective conductor for to exposed conductive parts of other circuits, ©) If precautions are taken to protect the separated circuit from damage and insula- tion failure, a source of supply complying with 5.1.8-5(0)() to (8) may supply more than one item of equipment that all the following requirements are fulfilled: 4) The exposed metalwork of the separated circuit shall be connected together by insulated and non-carthed equipotential bonding conductors. Such conductors shall not be connected to the protective conductors or exposed conductive parts of other circuits or to any extrancous ‘conductive parts,181 792-1909 All socket outlets shall be provided with protective contacts which shall be eon: neetes i bondi ( above. ii) All Bexibla_ cables of other than Class IT equipment shall embody a protective conductor for use at an equipotential bonding conductor. fw) Te shall be verified that, if two faults to ae k occur and these are juctors of different polarity, Santciated protective device will mezt the requirements of “Application of Protective Measure— Electrical separation This measure is intended, in the individual circuit, to prevent shock currents Shrough contact with exposed ‘conductive pars which might be energised by a faul! in ‘he bea a maf that rt may be ali o the supply of ny i item of equipment by means (fa transformer the sacondar) of which is nat earthed, or @ ine oe 2 es use to supply several items ‘equipment from a single separated source i recoge ised in these clauses only Jor special situations under (fective superzion, where specified by a suitably qualified ectrical engineer SALA Special Provisions and Exemptions For areas to which only skilled ‘persons, or instructed persons under direct super ison, “have accew i i, sufcleat, to provide against unintentional contagt with live parts use of obstacles in accordance with, or % placing of live parts out of reach in accordance Weith SH.2.4, subject also to to The dimensions of pastage-ways and working platforms for open type switchboards and other equipment having expoted live parts shall comply with relevant standards, as appropriate to the nominal voltage of the live parts, onl Tock For areas which are accesible to skilled persons by the use of a safety ward Key or tools, the measures of ion against electric shock is may be ‘Sealy aspened” with, where this permited by the appropriate authority. 5.1.44 Areas reserved for skilled or instruc. ‘ted persons shall be clearly and visibly indicated by suitable warning signs. 5.14.5 It it permisible to, dispense with measures of protection against indirect contact in the following instances: fa) Overhead line insulator wall brackets and ‘metal parts connected to them if such parts are not situated within arm’s reach, bb) Stee! reinforced concrete poles in which the steel reinforcement is not accessible, 30 ) Exposed conductive parts, which owing to hair teduced dimenstons or thelr disposition cannot be gripped or cannot be contacted by a major turface of the human body, Provided that connection of these parts to E protective conductor cannot readily be ‘made or cannot be reliably maintained. €) Fixing serens for nonmealic eseeiss Provided that there is no appreciable Df the screws coming into contact with live parte +) Short lengths of metal conduit for mechani- cal protection of cables having a non- metallic sheath, or other metal enclosures mechanically protecting equipment. BAS Aulomatic Disconnection ond Reduced System: Veltages 5.15.1 Where for funetional reasons the we of extrarlow voltage is impracticable and there is fo requirement for the use. of safety extra-low ge, 8 Tow voltage system may be used. as specified in to The nominal voltage of the reduced low voltage circuit shall not exceed 110 V rms ac between phases (three phase 65 V to earthed neutral, single phase 55 V to earthed midpoint ). 5.1,5.3 The source of supply to reduced low voltage circuits shall be one of the following: — a double wound isolating transformer; — amotor generator having windings provid- Jog isolation equivalent to that provided by the windings of an isolating transformer; oF — a source independent of other supplies, for ‘example a diesel generator. The neutral (star) point of the secondary windings of three-phase transformers fand generators, or the midpoint of the secondary ‘windings of single-phase transformers and genera all be connected to earth, Protection against direct contact shall be provided by insulation or by barriers or enclo- sures, tors, Protection against indirect contact by automatic disconnection shall be provided by means of an overcurrent protective device in each phase conductor or by a residual current device and all exposed conductive parts of the reduc Tow voltage system shall be comnected to earth. ‘The earth fal loop impedance at every point of ttllisation, inchuding socket outlets, shall be such that the disconnection time does not exceed 5 seconds, Where a residual current device is wed,the produet of the rated residual operating current i ‘and the earth fault loop impedance ia SsarBial aor ewceed 30. Plugs, socket outlets and cable coup- Jer of reduced low voltage systems shall have protective conductor contact and shall not be Enterschangeable with plugs, socket outlets and cable couplers for use at other voltages in the same installation. $.1.6 Protective Maasues for Particular Locations— In certain locations the susceptibility of persons, and livestock where present, to electric shock may eo high oso neceaiate special combinaons of protective meatures and supplementary precat clr as apeced inthe folowing ewer 16.1 Bathrooms and showers a) In a room containing a fixed bath or shower, there shall be no. socket outlets ‘and there shall be no provision for connec- ing portable equipment. Whére shower cubicles are Tocated in rooms other than bathrooms, any socket oullets shall be situated at least 2°5m from the shower cubiele, These requirements do not apply to shaver supply units complying with (4) below. 1b) In a room cont fined bath or wer, supplementary equipotential bond- Ing shal be provided between simuleane- ouily accessible exposed conductive parts and. simultaneously accestible extraneous conductive parts, and between simultane- ously accessible’ extrancous conductive parts, c} For circuits supplying equipment in a room Containing a Bxed bath or shower, where the equipment is simultaneously accessible with expoted conductive parts of other equipment or with extraneous conductive parts, the characterittics of the protective Gevices and the earthing arrangements shall be such that in the event of an earth fault, disconnection occurs within O-# seconds. 4) In a room containing a fixed bath or shower, electric shavers shall. be connected only by means of a shaver supply unit Gomplying. with the relevant Indian Stan- dard, The earthing terminal of the shaver SECTION 3B PROTECTION 5.2 Requirements for Protection Against ‘Thermal Effects ae 5.21 General Protection against thermal effects caused by fixed electrical equipment shall be 181 732-1989 supply unit shall be connected to the tective conductor of the final circuit from whieh the supply is derived. ©) In a room, containing a fixed bath or shower cubicle, parts of a lampholder in a distance of 25 m from the bath or shower cubicle shall be, constructed of ‘or shrouded in insulating material. Bayonet type (B22) lampholder shall be fitted with a protective |. As an alternative, totally enclosed luminaries may be used. f) Every switch or other means of electrical control or adjustment shall be sosituated ‘as t0 be normally inaccessible to a person ‘using a fixed bath or shower. This require rent doce not apply to cecnic shaver supply units installed in accordance with @) above go insulating cords of cord: operated switches, or to controls incorpo- Pied’ in instantaneous water heaters No Sationary appliance having heating Glements’ which can be touched shall be installed within reach of a person using the bath or shower. For the purpose of this standard the sheath of a silica glass sheath- ed clement is regarded as part of the clement. S162 Agricultural installations a) In situations accessible to, livestock in and around agricultural buildings, clectrical fauipment hal, ofa ari practicable, be ‘Clase IT construction, or constructed of ‘or protected by suitable insulation material ‘Where protection against indirect contact is provided by automatic discomnection ia seek ation, the ming saa of earth fault loop impedance prescribed in {Ghliv) ace ot appllable and thal be Feduced as appropriate to the type of live- stock whose presence is envisaged. Norz— The very low body resistance of horses aad eittle, for‘example, wakes them susceptible fo elecite shock at voltages lower then 250 rms b) Where protection by the ute of safety extras low voltage is used in situations accesible to Mvestoek in and around apricuural ings, per limit of nomins oltage speed Yn S-te.2 does not apply ~ and shall be reduced as appropriate. AGAINST THERMAL EFFECTS: provided by the appropriate measures specified in this section. 5.21.2 All switchgear shall be selected and erected in accordance with the requirements af ‘Section 4 so a= to. prevent danger from ppatticles during operation. 31 , arcing, or the scattering of hot18 + 732 - 1989 S22 Protection Ageinst Fire 5.2.21 Fixed equipment shall be selected, located andi erected so that its intended heat diss tion is not inhibited and it does not present a re hazard to adjacent building material Fixed equipment which in normal gpezation, has surface temperatre,exceoding ‘C shall be adequately ventilated and be moun- ted s0 that no material constituting a fire hazard within 300 mm above or 150 men laterally from or below the equipment ( ser Fig. 2 ), except that if a'snitable fire- these distances may be reduced if resistant shield or enclosure i the equipment and any such material. apply to lamps, luminaires and applianes jin accordance with the manu- facturer’s instructions and considered to comply with this requirement. 5.2.23 Where a distribution board .is cons- tructed without a back or without one or more of the other enclosing surfaces it shall be fitted only to surfaces of materials or to other equipment in such 2 way as to complete the enclosure. 5.2.24 All fixed lumingires and lamps shall be placed or guarded s0 a8 to prevent ignition of ‘any material whieh in the conditions of use fore- seen are likely to be placed in proximity to the Iuminaires or lamps. Any shade or guard used for this purpose shall be suitable to withstand the heat from the lurninaire or lamp. Fixed luminaires mounted in accordance with ‘the manufacturer's installation instructions comply this requirement. npplcation of Protective Measure — Under peat ‘souRCE Fie. 2 Cueamances maou Equrusnr 5.2.3 Provction Against Burns — Where the tem perature of any part of the enclosure of fixed. equipment is liable to exceed 80°C, the enclosure shall be s0 located or guarded ‘as to prevent ‘accidental contact therewith, SECTION 3C PROTECTION AGAINST OVERCURRENT 5.3 Requirements for Protection Against Overcurrent 5.8.1 General Live conductors shall be protected by ‘one or more devices for automatic interruption of the supply in the event of overload ( se# 5.3.3) and short circuits (ste 5.34) except in cases where the overcurrent is’ limited in accordance with 5.3.6. Nore —Live x conductor protected against aceordance with 5:33 afe considered to be ‘Protected alo agaast faults Hikely to cause over currents Bf eagoltude nities to overload currents, iSiorz 2 Protein of conduct i ascondance Then connected to the ‘cooducton ar Serie Eoonecriog. such, equipment 10 Sed fnstalltlo ‘rough plogrand socket outers The protection againat overload and the protection agalost short circuits shall be con fordinated in accordance with 5.9.5. 5.3.2 Nature of Protctioa Devices General — The protective | devices shall be of the. appropriate types indicated in to 5.3.24. 5.32.2 Proeton ogc beth croad and short- Fait ct th oy Sguinst both ovesload. curyent and short-circuit Carreat thall be capable of breakiog ( and, for including the pentose Yreetreitcuzem Sd incu ive shorvcren current the polnt ghere'the device i intalled. 7 thal! sda the poqoiements of 5.3.3 and 5.342 b) and (ch. Such protective deviees may be circuit aber ng overload release, ot fis, ert in conjunction wit fixe" Nora — The we of w projective device haviog 5, rated renpacity balow the value of the five abort clscult current at ha pace of latallation subject to the requirements of 3543.81, or circuit 32tees Protection against overload current only— evices providing protection against Divente ball satisfy the requirements of 5.3.3. Sua devices may have a breaking capacity below She Value of the prospective short-circuit current fat the point where the device is installed. 53.24 Protection against shar only — Devices providing ‘cixeuit current ‘protection Sectnat short ‘against short fe ahall satisfy the, requirements Gfe.3:4. Such devices shall be capable of breaking (ond, for circuit breakers, making ) short-ci Catents up to and including the prospective short: GEeat current, Such devices may be circuit ‘breakers with short-circuit release, or fuses. 5.3.3 Protection Against Overload Current Protective devices shall be to break any overload current circuit conductors before: cause a temperature rise joints, terminations, ‘conductors. Coordination, between protecive devices — The characteristics of @ device Frotectiog, 2 circuit against overload shall satisfy {the following conditions: a) Tts nominal current or current seting (Za ) js not les than the design current (Jy) of the circuit, }b) Tts nominal current or current setting ( Ta) Hoes not exceed the lowest of the current Canying capacities (Jz) of any of the conductors of the circuit, ©) The carrent causing effective operation of the protective device Zs) does not exceed. na mes the lowest of the current carry- i es (Jz) of any of the conductors provided flowing in the uch a current could ‘etrimental to insulation, ‘or surroundings of the Where the device is a fuse or a circuit breaker, compliance with condition qb) also results in com- ‘pliance with condition (c). “Where the device is a semi-enclosed fuse, com- pliance with condition (c) i afforded ifits nominal Pimrent (Jp) does not exceed 0-725 times the Garrent-earrying capacity of the lowest rated Conductor in the circuit pr Nowe 1 — The conditions of 53.5.2 may be stated ‘as formulae 38 follow: ToS in Sle
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