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Final Laboratory Report PID :

Name : Ms. Neha Paloli Valappil

Sex/Ag : Female / 18 Years Lab ID : 2136033487
Ref. By : Ref. ID
: 5394 1951 2370
Reg Dt. Time : 31-Jan-2021 04:11 Report Released @ : 31-Jan-2021 08:22 Sample Type : Nasopharyngeal and
Oropharyngeal Swab
Sample Dt. Time : 31-Jan-2021 04:20 Report Printed @ : 31-Jan-2021 08:49
Molecular Biology
Test Result Unit
Covid 19 - (Rt PCR)

2019 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA Detection Not Detected

E GENE Not Detected
N GENE Not Detected
Orf1ab Not Detected

ICMR Registration No: NDPLERK


A "Detected" result indicates that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA is present
and suggests the diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Test result should always be considered in the
context of patient's clinical history, physical examination, and epidemiologic exposures when making the final
A "Not Detected" result indicates that SARS-CoV-2 is not present in the patient's specimen. However, this result may
be influenced by the stage of the infection, quality, and type of the specimen collected for testing. Result should be
correlated with patient’s history and clinical presentation.
The sensitivity of the assay is dependent on the timing of the specimen collection (in relation to symptom onset),
quality, and type of the specimen submitted for testing.
The test is specific for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and positive test results do
not exclude the possibility of concurrent infection with other respiratory viruses.
Undetected (ie, negative) results do not rule out COVID-19 in patients and should not be used as the sole basis for
treatment or other patient management decisions. Result should be correlated with patient's history and clinical

End Of Report

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ManiRam Lakshminathan
Verified by M.Sc(Phd)
This is an Electronically Authenticated Report.


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