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Neoadjuvant therapy is increasingly becoming a valid treatment option for patients with locally advanced pancreatic
cancer (LAPC). In borderline resectable disease, neoadjuvant therapy is employed to improve the probability of margin-
clear resections. In non-metastatic, non-resectable pancreatic cancer, treatment primarily aims to induce disease control,
but may achieve conversion to surgical resectability in some patients. Several treatment modalities including
chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy (CRT) or the sequential use of both have been investigated in numerous, mostly small
and non-randomized studies. Nevertheless, there is a consistent finding that neoadjuvant therapy can induce resectability
in up to 30%–40% of LAPC patients. Once resection has been achieved, overall survival appears to be comparable to
that observed for primarily resectable patients. Thus, patient selection evolves as an important aspect of neoadjuvant
therapy; retrospective analyses identified induction chemotherapy as an appropriate tool to define LAPC patients who
may benefit most from subsequent treatment with CRT. The clinical importance of induction chemotherapy may further
increase once highly active protocols such as the FOLFIRINOX or the gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel regimen are
introduced into novel multimodality treatment concepts.
Key words: chemoradiotherapy, chemotherapy, neoadjuvant, pancreatic cancer
© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Annals of Oncology reviews
introduction down-staging is needed to achieve R0 resection in borderline
resectable PC [7].
At first diagnosis, only 10%–20% of pancreatic cancer (PC)
patients present with primarily resectable disease, and locally
definition according to the NCCN guidelines
advanced, non-metastatic PC (LAPC) is observed in up to 30%
(version 2.2012)
of patients [1]. Median overall survival (OS) of primarily
resectable patients currently is in the order of 20–24 months, The definition of borderline resectable tumours includes the
while survival is only 9–13 months in LAPC. Several autopsy following characteristics: (i) no distant metastases; (ii) venous
studies suggest that 8%–15% of PC patients die with locally involvement of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) or portal
advanced disease and without metastatic spread [2]. LAPC was vein demonstrating tumour abutment with impingement and
previously defined as non-metastatic, but surgically unresectable narrowing of the lumen, encasement of the SMV/portal vein,
disease. More recently, this entity was further subdivided into but without encasement of the nearby arteries, or short-segment
borderline resectable and non-resectable disease. Compared venous occlusion resulting from either tumour thrombus or
with primarily resectable PC, borderline resectable disease is encasement, but with suitable vessel proximal and distal to the
characterized by a higher risk of margin-positive resection and area of vessel involvement, allowing for safe resection and
accordingly is associated with a higher risk of recurrence. As a reconstruction; (iii) gastroduodenal artery encasement up to the
result, the prognosis of borderline resectable patients is expected hepatic artery with either short-segment encasement or direct
to be significantly better than that of non-resectable patients, abutment of the hepatic artery, without extension to the celiac
but is significantly worse than that of resectable patients [3]. axis; (iv) tumour abutment of the superior mesenteric artery
The present review therefore asks the clinically relevant question (SMA) not to exceed >180° of the circumference of the vessel
if the prognosis of borderline resectable and also non-resectable wall [4]. By contrast, non-metastatic pancreatic tumours are
PC patients can be improved with the use of novel neoadjuvant considered non-resectable if the following characteristics are
treatment approaches. fulfilled: (i) >180° SMA- or celiac artery encasement; (ii)
unreconstructible SMV/portal vein occlusion; (iii) aortic
invasion or encasement; (iv) metastases to lymph nodes beyond
the field of resection [4].
diagnostic workup of LAPC patients
The diagnosis of LAPC requires dedicated, high-quality imaging MD Anderson classifications of borderline
implemented by pancreatic protocol computerized tomography resectable PC
(CT) [4]. A recent consensus statement proposed 3D imaging of In addition to the purely radiological criteria of the NCCN
the pancreas and the associated mesenteric vessels by guidelines, Katz et al. [6] initially included more patient-related
multidetector CT as state of the art modality [5]. In selected factors and proposed a subgrouping of borderline resectable
cases, additional information may be required from endoscopic patients into three distinct subtypes: Group A was defined by
ultrasound (EUS) or endoscopic retrograde radiological criteria including tumour abutment of the visceral
cholangiopancreatography. Tumour resectability should be arteries or short-segment occlusion of the SMV. In group B,
determined by multidisciplinary tumour boards. They will also patients had findings suggestive, but not diagnostic of
estimate the probability to achieve tumour-free resection metastasis, and group C was characterised by medical
margins and can accordingly decide on the necessity to perform comorbidities and marginal performance status (supplementary
neoadjuvant therapy. Decision-making must also account for Table S1, available at Annals of Oncology online). The
patient-related parameters such as performance status, attribution of patients to the MD Anderson subsets was
comorbidity and compliance [6]. Before the start of therapeutic specifically important with regard to the duration of
interventions, a histological confirmation of pancreatic neoadjuvant treatment, which was markedly shorter in group C
adenocarcinoma is mandatory [4, 5]. This is preferably done by compared with groups A or B (4 versus 16 versus 15 weeks,
EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy, but can also P = 0.002). More recently, also the MD Anderson group has
be achieved by CT-guided core needle biopsy. The additional focused on a primarily radiographic-based definition of
use of staging laparoscopy to exclude peritoneal metastasis in borderline resectable PC; however, a uniformly accepted set of
LAPC patients has been suggested by some authors, but is not criteria that define patients with borderline resectable disease
generally accepted [5]. still does not exist [8].
strategies to apply neoadjuvant therapy range of 9–12 months [10–13]. Gemcitabine-based combination
chemotherapy induced higher response rates (26% and 27%)
Due to the lack of randomized studies, the optimal performance than single-agent gemcitabine (4% and 15%). In addition,
of neoadjuvant therapy remains a matter of debate. Patients response rates obtained in LAPC were at least as high as those
with borderline resectable tumours principally have the choice observed in metastatic disease when identical regimens were
of upfront surgery. However, the risk of margin-positive applied (Table 1). This observation is in accordance with results
resection is substantial in this group of patients and is related to of a meta-analysis obtained by Gillen et al. [9] in non-resectable
an unfavourable outcome. Accordingly, there is a general LAPC patients: they reported that neoadjuvant treatment with
assumption that neoadjuvant therapy is specifically beneficial in combination chemotherapy resulted in a higher resection rate
borderline resectable tumours and improves the fraction of compared with single-agent chemotherapy (33% versus 27%).
resectable tumours. In their evaluation of 160 patients with
borderline resectable PC, Katz et al. [6] reported that 78%
completed preoperative therapy and restaging, and 41%
chemoradiation in LAPC
underwent pancreatectomy. In initially non-resectable disease, The use of CRT alone in LAPC is based on limited evidence.
treatment primarily aims to achieve tumour control. Also in this One randomized study demonstrated the superiority of 5-
subgroup, a minority of patients may benefit from conversion fluorouracil (5-FU)-based CRT compared with best supportive
treatment and may become eligible for surgery. Regular care [14]. A meta-analysis of two randomized studies using
evaluation of secondary resectability therefore remains an outdated radiation regimens indicated that CRT prolonged
important task specifically in responding patients. At present survival compared with radiation alone [15–17].
time, there is hardly any evidence to demonstrate the differential Most studies used 5-FU as reference chemotherapy in
benefit from neoadjuvant therapy in borderline resectable combination with radiation doses of 50–60 Gy. Also the
versus non-resectable PC since most studies evaluated LAPC as combination of gemcitabine with radiation has been
one group. As local tumour reduction together with systemic investigated in multiple studies. Owing to the increased toxic
tumour control remain primary goals in borderline resectable effect of this regimen, a reduction of either chemotherapy- or
and unresectable patients, common treatment strategies may be radiation dose became necessary and so far prevented the
employed initially in both entities. definition of one standard regimen. A recent meta-analysis (three
The parameter of choice to judge the efficacy of conversion randomized studies and one retrospective comparative study)
therapy is its ability to induce tumour response and to prevent suggested that the combination of radiation with gemcitabine
tumour progression. Most studies investigating neoadjuvant might be more effective than the combination with 5-FU [18].
therapy in PC have used chemoradiotherapy (CRT) as a Gillen recently evaluated 111 trials including 4394 PC
concurrent application of systemic chemotherapy and radiation patients [9]. Neoadjuvant therapy involved chemotherapy in
[9]. Owing to the development of more active regimens, also 96% and radiation therapy in 94% of studies. For non-resectable
induction treatment with chemotherapy alone is in a process of patients, the estimated overall response rate was 35%. Given a
evaluation. stable disease rate of 42%, disease control was obtained in 77%
of patients. Among patients with initially non-resectable
tumours, surgical exploration was carried out in 47%. The
chemotherapy alone in LAPC overall resection rate after neoadjuvant therapy was 33%, of
Most of the randomized trials investigating gemcitabine-based which 79% were carried out as R0 resections. By contrast,
combination chemotherapy in advanced PC not only included primarily unresectable patients, who were not resected, had a
patients with metastatic disease, but also evaluated 20%–30% of median OS of 10.2 months, while the 33% resected patients
LAPC patients. In four randomized trials, median survival of survived for a median of 20.5 months [9]. In summary, this
LAPC patients treated with chemotherapy alone was in the analysis demonstrates that neoadjuvant therapy predominantly
Table 1. Efficacy of gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in LAPC versus metastatic disease (selected studies)
LAPC, locally advanced pancreatic cancer; ORR, objective response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; TTP, time to progression; OS, overall survival;
Gem, gemcitabine; FDR, fixed-dose rate.
Table 3. Sequential application of chemotherapy followed by CRT in three investigating 122 borderline resectable patients that received
LAPC studies different preoperative treatment protocols 84 patients had a
stable disease, 15 patients a partial response and 23 progressive
Reference Regimen Type of n PFS OS disease by RECIST. Although only one patient had his disease
study (months) (months) down-staged to resectable status by imaging criteria, 85
Huguet [25] Gem-based CT Retrospective 56 7.4 11.7 patients were able to undergo pancreatectomy after surgical
Gem-based CT analysisa 72 10.8 15.0 exploration (with 81 patients achieving a R0 resection) [28].
→ CRT The authors therefore concluded that each patient with
borderline resectable disease should undergo surgical
Krishnan [26] CRT Retrospective 247 4.2 8.5
exploration after neoadjuvant treatment in the absence of
Gem-based CT analysis 76 6.4 11.9
followed by CRT became available: within the SCALOP study, innovative strategies to improve outcome
114 LAPC patients received a gemcitabine/capecitabine regimen in LAPC
as induction treatment, and subsequently 74 non-progressing
patients were randomly allocated to a gemcitabine- versus a Given the genetic complexity of PC, it is difficult to assume that
capecitabine-based CRT (50.4 Gy) approach [27]. Although improvement of locoregional treatment alone will make a major
this was a small phase II study, the obtained data suggested contribution to prolong survival [24]. Therefore, several new
that a capecitabine-based CRT regimen might be preferable to avenues are investigated to improve treatment efficacy in LAPC.
a gemcitabine-based regimen in the context of consolidation One of them is the exploration of new and active chemotherapy
chemoradiotherapy after a course of induction chemotherapy: regimens such as the FOLFIRINOX multidrug combination or
patients in the capecitabine-based CRT arm not only had a the use of nab-paclitaxel combined with gemcitabine. Another
longer PFS and OS (Table 3), but also a trend for a better option is to move into the direction of personalized medicine
quality of life and a lower rate of adverse events [27]. The and to improve molecular patient selection.
efficacy data from SCALOP are in concordance with the
results from the two previous retrospective LAPC analyses FOLFIRINOX: a new strategy to improve treatment
(Table 3); however, they stand in contrast to a meta-analysis efficacy in LAPC
which suggested that the combination of radiation with Conroy and et al. recently reported the high efficacy of the
gemcitabine might be more effective than the combination FOLFIRINOX regimen [29]. In a randomized phase III trial,
with 5-FU [18]. exclusively carried out in metastatic PC, FOLFIRINOX was
compared with single-agent gemcitabine and demonstrated its
the role of surgery after neoadjuvant superiority with regard to objective response rate (32% versus
treatment in LAPC 9%, P < 0.001), PFS (HR 0.47, P < 0.001) and OS (HR 0.57,
P < 0.001). This phase III study essentially confirmed the data of
surgery in initially borderline resectable disease a previous phase II study which had included both, LAPC and
In PC patients who receive neoadjuvant treatment for a tumour metastatic PC (Table 4). Interestingly, the response rate among
that initially was classified as borderline resectable the role of 11 LAPC patients was nearly identical to that observed in 35
subsequent surgery is essential to achieve a long-lasting disease- metastatic patients (27% versus 26%) [30].
free interval or even cure. In this context, the role of imaging as Preliminary data on the efficacy of (neoadjuvant)
a basis for the decision to proceed to surgery after neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX in LAPC are presently available from several
treatment has to be discussed critically. There is increasing retrospective and registry analyses (summarized in Table 4).
evidence that response of borderline resectable PC to Hosein et al. [31] reported a retrospective analysis of 18
neoadjuvant therapy is not necessarily reflected by standard patients with unresectable or borderline resectable LAPC. R0
radiographic indicators. In a recent single-centre study resection after neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX was achieved in 5
References Study design Stage of disease n CR (%) PR (%) SD (%) PD (%) ORR (%) DCR (%)
Conroy [30] Phase II LAPC 11 na na na na 27 na
Metastatic 35 26
LAPC, locally advanced pancreatic cancer; CR, complete response; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; PD, progressive disease, ORR, objective response
rate; DCR, disease control rate.
Figure 1. Proposed treatment algorithm for LAPC patients outside clinical trials. In patients with borderline resectable PC, neoadjuvant treatment of about 2
months (with either chemotherapy or CRT) could be carried out in order to improve the R0 resection rate; subsequent surgical exploration is recommended for
all patients without evidence for distant metastasis. In patients with non-resectable, non-metastatic PC induction chemotherapy for about 2–3 months is
recommended; in patients with disease control, subsequent CRT should be delivered in order to improve local tumour response. A regular evaluation of
surgical resectability based on radiographic findings is recommended after induction chemotherapy and after CRT. PC, pancreatic cancer; CT, chemotherapy,
CRT, chemoradiotherapy.
not correlated with recurrence pattern but was predictive for tumour control, but with increasing antitumour activity also
benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy [44]. Interestingly, the conversion to resectability will move into the focus. The efficacy
chemokine receptor CXCR4 was a strong independent of neoadjuvant treatment as a conversion therapy may be
prognostic biomarker associated with distant metastatic judged based on its ability to induce radiographic tumour
recurrence in this investigation. As inconclusive data on responses (mainly for non-resectable patients) or to enable a
Smad4 have been reported form mainly retrospective studies subsequent R0 resection (for borderline resectable PC),
[45], the need for prospective translational investigations respectively. A clear superiority of single treatment modalities
(ideally conducted within prospective clinical trials) becomes such as neoadjuvant CRT or chemotherapy cannot be defined at
evident. This specifically holds true for subentities like LAPC, present. If chemotherapy alone is used, combination
where separate biomarker studies still are very rare [46]. chemotherapy appears to achieve higher response rates than
However, if a predictor of early metastatic spread could be single-agent chemotherapy. New options arise with the
identified, patients without the predictor should be those to development of the FOLFIRINOX regimen, while several cohort
obtain the greatest benefit from intensified locoregional studies support the activity of FOLFIRINOX also in LAPC, this
treatment, while patients at a higher risk of metastasis should needs to be verified in prospective clinical studies.
rather receive systemic therapy [24]. CRT was shown to be better than best supportive care, and
CRT was also superior to radiation alone. However, there is
insufficient evidence to show that upfront CRT is superior to
summary chemotherapy alone. Initial application of CRT may delay or
reduce necessary systemic therapy. Modern, hypofractionated
High-level evidence from sufficiently powered randomized trials radiation regimens may possibly overcome this problem.
carried out in neoadjuvant treatment of LAPC is largely On the other hand, initial induction chemotherapy not only
missing. In addition, conclusions from systematic reviews and prevents systemic progression, but may also be used to select for
meta-analyses are limited due to the lack of consistent non-progressive patients that benefit most from subsequent
definitions of unresectable versus borderline resectable disease radiation therapy. While the initial treatment approach may be
between different studies. The available data therefore need to be similar for borderline resectable and unresectable patients,
viewed with caution, and firm conclusions can only be drawn future studies carried out in LAPC should stratify between these
once more mature evidence is provided. Nevertheless, the two subgroups to account for different prognostic implications.
following summary may be helpful for treatment of LAPC in
daily clinical practice (Figure 1): in borderline resectable
patients, neoadjuvant therapy is intended to increase the
probability of tumour-free resection margins. The primary goal
of treatment in non-resectable patients is achievement of The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
42. Biankin AV, Morey AL, Lee CS et al. DPC4/Smad4 expression and outcome in chemotherapy in resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Ann Oncol 2012; 23:
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20: 4531–4542. 2327–2335.
43. Crane CH, Varadhachary GR, Yordy JS et al. Phase II trial of cetuximab, gemcitabine, 45. Winter JM, Tang LH, Klimstra DS et al. Failure patterns in resected pancreas
and oxaliplatin followed by chemoradiation with cetuximab for locally advanced (T4) adenocarcinoma: lack of predicted benefit to SMAD4 expression. Ann Surg 2013
pancreatic adenocarcinoma: correlation of Smad4(Dpc4) immunostaining with January 28 [epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31827fe9ce.
pattern of disease progression. J Clin Oncol 2011; 22: 3037–3043. 46. Bidard FC, Huguet F, Louvet C et al. Circulating tumor cells in locally advanced
44. Bachet JB, Maréchal R, Demetter P et al. Contribution of CXCR4 and SMAD4 pancreatic adenocarcinoma: the ancillary CirCe 07 study to the LAP 07 trial. Ann
in predicting disease progression pattern and benefit from adjuvant Oncol 2013; 24: 2057–2061.
Because metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is incurable in most cases, the goals of treatment are improvement in quality of
life, management of symptoms, and prolonged survival. The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is
overexpressed in up to 30% of breast tumors, and before the development of HER-targeted therapy, HER2 positivity was
predictive of poorer clinical outcomes. Trastuzumab and pertuzumab (anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies), lapatinib (a
small molecule inhibitor of HER2 and the epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFR]) are approved for treating HER2-
positive MBC in the United States. Although trastuzumab plus chemotherapy is currently regarded as the first-line
standard of care for HER2-positive MBC, it is not without shortcomings; these include its association with certain adverse
events (e.g. cardiotoxic effect) and development of resistance. A number of investigational agents that target HER2 and
other members of that receptor family are in clinical development for patients with HER2-positive MBC whose disease
has progressed on trastuzumab. In addition, in an effort to overcome treatment resistance, clinical trials are evaluating
combination therapy (investigational HER-targeted agents with trastuzumab or lapatinib). This review discusses recently
completed and ongoing phase II and III clinical trials of investigational HER-targeted agents in the setting of trastuzumab-
progressive, HER2-positive MBC.
Key words: HER inhibitors, HER2-positive, metastatic breast cancer, monoclonal antibodies, neoadjuvant therapy,
© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.