World Wide Wrestling 2e (Updated)
World Wide Wrestling 2e (Updated)
World Wide Wrestling 2e (Updated)
One Fall to a Finish for the World Heavyweight Championship
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World Wide Wrestling: Second Edition
A Game by Nathan D. Paoletta
Game Design, Writing & Layout by Nathan D. Paoletta
The Road Concept & Original Design by Adam Ultraberg
Editing by Ian Williams
Art by Eric Quigley, Ramon Villalobos, JB Roe, Niki P, Gregor Hutton & Yewon Kwon
Essays by Nathan D. Paoletta, Ian Williams, Epidiah Ravachol, Owen Williams, Shelly
Deathlock, Anna Anthropy, Jeff Stormer, Gregor Hutton & Tim Rodriguez
The Gimmicks include concepts and mechanics originally designed by Bret Gillan (The
Jobber), Ian Williams (The Hardcore), Alex Isabelle (various) & Adam Ultraberg (various).
Match Stipulations include concepts originally designed by Willow Palacek.
Featured Finishing Moves and example Living Promotions are concepts from backers of
the Kickstarter campaign. Individuals are listed with their contributions.
Powered By
Apocalypse World, by D. Vincent Baker & Meguey Baker
Simple World, by Avery Alder
This game text is copyright © 2021 by Nathan D. Paoletta/ndpdesign. All rights reserved. Per-
mission is granted to copy and distribute any portion of this text to facilitate play of the game,
but not to alter or resell this content in so doing.
Digital Edition. Print ISBN 978-0-9863762-6-9
Illustrations are copyright by their creators and used by permission.
Essays are copyright by their authors and used by permission. Content of the essays are solely
reflective of that author’s views.
This publication is a work of fiction in that it contains fictional characters and enables readers
to create their own original fictional content. However, real-world people and entities are men-
tioned in passing. This publication has not been prepared, approved, or licensed by any existing
person or entity, and there is no affiliation between any mentioned and Nathan D. Paoletta/
ndpdesign. Any resemblance of a fictional character presented here to a real-world person,
living or dead, is purely coincidental.
If you obtained this publication in digital form without paying for it and have enjoyed it, please
consider purchasing a copy as well so that I can continue making these games in the future.
Please create and share your own material for playing this game! Join the conversation and find
more resources at:
In addition to the many authors, designers and creators of both games and wrestling-related
media, I am indebted to all of the people who have read, played and talked about World Wide
Wrestling since it was originally released. Thank you so much!
✶ Games: Apocalypse World and the culture of Powered by the Apocalypse game hacking
and conversation; Jared Sorensen’s Darkpages; Matt Gwinn’s Kayfabe; Joe Prince’s Pro
Wrasslin’ Battle Royale card game and Contenders RPG; Hero Game’s Lucha Libre HERO.
✶ Podcasts: The Old School Wrestling Podcast, The Attitude Era Podcast, Cheap Heat, The
Art of Wrestling, Wrestling With Depression, The Masked Man Show.
I found the following books to be particularly helpful, educational or just plain good.
✶ Charlton, Chris. Lion’s Pride: The Turbulent History of New Japan Pro Wrestling. Christo-
pher Charlon, 2015.
✶ Leen, Jeff. The Queen of the Ring: Sex Muscles, Diamonds and the Making of an American
Legend. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2009.
✶ Levi, Heather. The World of Lucha Libre: Secrets, Revelations, and Mexican National Iden-
tity. Duke University Press, 2008.
✶ Matysik, Larry. Drawing Heat the Hard Way: How Wrestling Really Works. ECW Press, 2009.
✶ Shoemaker, David. The Squared Circle: Life, Death and Professional Wrestling. Avery, 2013.
Special Thanks
I still can’t believe so many of you are interested in this game. Thank you for playing.
Liz, for taking me seriously.
My wrestling pals Ian, Bret, Eppy, Ed, John, and Brett.
For specific rules proposed during playtesting: John Stavropolous for Making the X and Ron
Edwards for The Top Spot.
Original rough draft playtesters: John Stavropolous, Tim Rodriguez, Anon Adderlane, and Terry
Romero; Ian Williams and Bret Gillan; Alex Isabelle, Girolamo Castaldo, and others. Thank you all
for your patience dealing with the rough edges, and your insightful and motivational feedback.
Early playtesters & feedback: Jake Baerkircher, Evan Dicken, Dylan Weltch, George Foster Jr, Sakar
and Graham; John Stavropolous and Dylan Clayton; Tim Rodriguez, Adam Swiatlowski, Todd Love,
Darren Watts and Dev Purkayastha; Paul Imboden, Eric Mersmann, and Aaron. Thank you for
bearing with all the extra bits that I later took out!
“Wednesday Night Wars” Beta Playtesters: Ron “Bruto” Edwards, Keith “Keystone” Senkowski,
Eric “Mammoth/Millionaire Marco” Mersmann, Dylan “Atlas the Geek” Clayton and Ed “The
Angel” Blair. Thank you all for your enthusiasm, goodwill, and excellently observant comments.
This game is so much better because of you.
Everyone involved the Dreamation 2014 “ExtermiNation” Event: Epidiah “Brawny James Dio” Rav-
achol, Bret “Moose Johnson” Gillan, Jadzia “The Crimson Bat” Axelrod, Irven “Lyle Lawbreaker”
Keppen, Ralph “Bash Hammer” Mazza, Joe “Joey Crak” Zantek, Jim “The Colonel” Crocker, and
Mark aka “Ballistic”.
Additional feedback & playtesting on the first edition and International Incident: Stras Aci-
movic, Willow Palacek & Co.; Aura Belle, Jason Cox, Joe Zantek, Matthew Caulder, Justin Hunt,
William Nichols & Co., Adam Ultraberg & Co.; Jon Cole, Edward Ortiz, Andrew Rosenheim, Mark
DiPasquale, and Justin Phillips.
Second Edition playtesters: Jonah Knight & Co.; Steven Beebe & Co.: Jeff Otradovec & Co.; Mike
“Plus Ultra” Chuck, Allen “Turmeric Namaste Jones” Cook & David “Rich Dynamite Jr.” Heron;
Anna “~Lash~” Anthropy, Kathryn “The Governess” Hymes, Sean “Rudy Rampage” McCoy & Laura
“Sasha Violence” Simpson; and everyone who sat down with me at a table to try out a new idea.
Thank you to all my supporters on Patreon, who made this game possible in so many ways over
the years and continue to support my design work. You can join them at
Table of Contents
Welcome to World Wide Wrestling 8 Gimmicks 43
What’s in This Book 9 Fundamentals 48
Know Your Role 10
HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME 13 To Make a Move 59
The Medium of Play 13 Which Move? 63
How to Start 14 Using Moves 63
The Big Picture 14 What About Backstage? 67
Ready to Play? 15
THE FIRST EPISODE 17 Starting the Match 70
Building the Roster 17 Working the Match 71
Heating It Up 19 Booking, Finishes &
Last Time, Ending the Match 74
on World Wide Wrestling 22 The Rewards 77
Booking the Event 22 Tag Teams 77
And You’re Live 23 Narrating Wrestling Matches 79
Stereotypes in Wrestling & Match Stipulations 82
Handling Them in Play 24 Match Psychology 96
The Basics: The Engine 26
The Basics: Making Moves 26 HOW TO PLAY YOUR WRESTLER 99
The Basics: Momentum 28 Concept & Goals 99
The Basics: Audience 29 Cutting Promos 100
The Basics: Being Creative 30 Wrestling Your Matches 101
The Basics: Wrestling 32 Looking Good While
The Basics: The Announcer 33 Making Others Look Good 102
Pacing the Show 36 HOW TO BE CREATIVE 103
First Episode Quickstart 37 The Big Picture 103
Continuing a Season 109
Episode Structure 111
Overview and basic rules for playing out Advancement During a Season 115
a first Episode of World Wide Wrestling.
Ending the Season 116
Creating Drama in Wrestling 117
Non-Player Wrestlers 120
Creative Committees 122
edition incorporates player experiences over the years into a consolidation of all of the
material released since its original publication in 2015.
Revisiting a game is a different experience than creating it. For World Wide Wrestling, it
involves not only looking at the game as a set of systems to edit and optimize, but also
examining my relationship with professional wrestling and what inspired me to make a
game about it in the first place. The pro wrestling landscape has changed a lot while this
game has been out, as has my engagement with wrestling fandom. As the consensual
hallucination of kayfabe evaporated in the always-on social media era, I find that both
the highs and lows of pro wrestling are more starkly exposed than ever.
As I write this in 2020, professional wrestlers are the most athletic they’ve ever been.
Turn on any televised show or go to any live event and you’ll see breathtaking maneu-
vers and incredible sequences in the ring which would’ve been unimaginable 20 years
ago. The current generation pushes the limits of what can be done in amazing ways.
However, the world’s biggest wrestling company is very much a big business rather than
just a “promotion,” one which makes unconscionable ethical decisions about where
to perform and what to pay lip service to in the name of market dominance. Individ-
ual wrestlers build incredible characters that reflect the concerns of our time, leaning
into the dissolution of the barriers between performer and character to great effect; in
the turbulence of this artistic foment local wrestling cultures struggle to keep abusive
members out of their communities.
None of that means that professional Wrestling in the Pandemic Age
wrestling is any less powerful an art form Between when I started writing this introduction
than it’s ever been. Wrestling continues to and the publication of this book, the COVID-19 pan-
have the power to tell pure, human sto- demic erupted and changed everything—including,
ries on a grand stage in a way no other of course, the place, function, and wisdom of live
events. Televised weekly wrestling shows with no live
medium can. In some ways, as the worst audience feel just as strange to me now as when they
real-world behavior is exposed, it high- started, even as freedom from the live crowd has cre-
lights the potential of wrestling to be so ated opportunities for companies to experiment with
much greater. The power of a game like more cinematic approaches to big matches and sto-
this is that every player and group can use rylines. However, this period has thrown into stark
relief how critical the audience is to what I find most
it to emphasize and explore what you find
fun and compelling about professional wrestling.
most compelling about wrestling! World Wide Wrestling assumes that your Episodes are
My goal with this second edition has been in front of live audiences as default. If you’re inter-
to smooth the path toward playing your ested in playing out shows without crowds, check out
wrestling truth. Material from the Inter- Empty Arenas & Empty Arena Matches (p. 91).
national Incident supplement and the var-
ious digital extras is now integrated with the core rules of the game, making it easier to
bring anything from specialist roles on the roster to life on the road to your table. One
of my favorite things about World Wide Wrestling is how players who aren’t into real-
world wrestling have found it easy to play and enjoy. Many of the revisions are aimed
Now go play!
The friction between the real and the performance, the backstage and the ring, the per-
son and the mask—that’s where the game really shines.
(called non-player wrestlers or NPWs) as needed.
Creative, by themselves or in conversation with the group, decides on the theme and
tone of the Promotion the wrestlers work for. This can be anything from a name and
a few key NPWs to one of the included example Promotions (p. 190) to your own
unique company built using the rules for Living Promotions (p. 127). You can transi-
tion from a sketchy outline to a fully-realized Living Promotion during play, so you don’t
need to decide right away what will work best for you game, but you do want to start
the first Episode with something in mind.
I’ve made an effort to state as much as possible in plain English, but kayfabe (pronounced in two syl-
lables, “kay-faybe”, used as both noun and adjective) is a core concept of the professional wrestling
world that also runs throughout World Wide Wrestling. Kayfabe is the scripted fictional reality which
the audience suspends their disbelief to enjoy. A wrestler may have a kayfabe arm injury as part of
their character and wear a cast for years, two wrestlers may be kayfabe siblings in the ring (when in
real life they are not), or wrestlers may get kayfabe married without it reflecting an actual romantic
relationship. In the territory era, kayfabe was a stricter “code of silence” whereby wrestlers would
go to extreme lengths to preserve the idea that they were really fighting or that the match results
weren’t fixed. In today’s media-saturated world, however, trying to determine what’s “kayfabe-real”
and what’s “really-real” is as much a part of being a wrestling fan as cheering for your favorite wrestler.
How To Play
download from
✶ Pencils and at least 2 normal six-sided dice (d6). Having more dice and a handful
of tokens per player, such as poker chips, is helpful.
One player takes on the role of Creative (often the person bringing the game to the
group). The other players will each take a Gimmick sheet and play individual wrestling
characters (see p. 10 for more on the player roles). The game is divided into Episodes
of play, each one representing a single live show, televised broadcast or pay-per-view
event of your wrestling franchise. A single Episode usually takes about 1-3 hours of real
time to play. If you play multiple consecutive Episodes, that’s called a Season.
Playing in a private space where you and your friends can relax with snacks and refresh-
ments is ideal. You’ll be handling multiple sheets of paper in play, so a table you can
spread out on is usually helpful. Sometimes the person playing Creative also hosts the
game, but your group can show appreciation for their host by helping clean up after the
game, regardless of who it is.
This game can be played online using video or audio group chat (such as Google Meet,
Skype, or a virtual tabletop like Roll20). In this case, each player should have a copy
of their Gimmick sheet and other reference sheets, plus a shared dice roller (or trust
everyone to roll for themselves). One advantage of online play is quickly linking out to
visual references, videos of maneuvers and audio clips of entrance music.
How To Play
Everyone uses Moves, which are the rules that drive moment-to-moment play. Moves
represent important and memorable actions, with the results creating consequences
that drive the progression of each segment. Player’s Moves (generally) require a roll of
the dice to guide or direct what happens. Each Gimmick has unique Moves, in addition
to the general Moves to which all the player’s wrestlers have access. Wrestling matches
are also handled by the use of Moves, featuring a specific method to pass narrative
control back and forth among the participants in order to encapsulate the tension and
excitement of bringing anything you can imagine into a professional wrestling match.
Creative’s Moves are structural elements of the world around the player’s wrestlers
that they bring in to drive play, to create consequences for the wrestler’s choices and
mistakes, or both.
As your storylines unfold over subsequent Episodes, the wrestlers will grow and
change. Some may go through multiple Gimmicks, while others will cultivate their orig-
inal personae into legends. Over time, as you get to know the wrestlers better, their real
lives off-screen may become more relevant to how they perform in the ring and vice-
versa. If you want to dive into the lives of your wrestlers between performances, you
may want to play out some events from the road as they travel between gigs (p. 147).
An entire Season of World Wide Wrestling can take anywhere from 3 to 12 Episodes.
You can plan it out in advance (for example, by simply agreeing that your group will play
a 6 Episode Season) or let the events of play dictate the number of Episodes. As the
wrestlers develop, they may require new rules to support their player’s vision; anything
that isn’t provided here can be covered by making custom Moves that reflect the iconic
actions of a given wrestler (p. 142). A Season typically ends when a combination of
the following comes together at the same time:
✶ All of the current storylines are wrapped up to the group’s satisfaction.
✶ Some wrestlers lose the attention of the audience and are fired.
✶ Some wrestlers are ready to retire after achieving the goals in the ring.
✶ A Living Promotion faces too many struggles and doesn’t have enough support.
Ready to Play?
If you’re going to be Creative, read over Chapter 2: The First Episode (p. 17), take
a look at the in-play reference sheets and Gimmicks, and schedule a time for your
friends to get together. If you want to play with a Living Promotion, take a look at
Living Promotions (p. 127) to see if you want to create a new company, or pick one of
the included Promotions (p. 190). Read over Chapter 5: Wrestling (p. 69) for orien-
tation towards how wrestling matches work in the game. Check out any of the essays in
Chapter 10: The Worlds of Wrestling (p. 158) that strike your interest.
Block out a couple of hours for the first session, cue up some of your favorite wrestling
clips to get inspired, and get to the action!
✶ The Anointed ✶ The Jobber
✶ The Anti-Hero ✶ The Luchador
✶ The Clown ✶ The Monster
✶ The Fighter ✶ The Technician
✶ The Hardcore ✶ The Veteran
anything about the “real” Marco is going WORK WRESTLING Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of
the opposite Role.
for after the group does Heat, but that SPEND TO ADD
have descended from the Frozen North. When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
the maximum score! In his demo game he’d +1 Heat with them).
+3 PICK 2
❒ Prodigious size: You’re just plain enormous! Take +1 Body
❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
taken Shoot Kill but decides that might not (Max +3) +2
❒ Surprising agility: You’re light on your feet and capable of
❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
A +1 ✘
more than people think! Take +1 Work (Max +3) ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
be the direction he wants for a longer-term ✘ ❒ Intimidating: When you are not in the ring, roll +Body instead
of +Look any time you can bring your imposing size to bear on the
0 ❒ Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
end of an Episode, you’re fired!
character, so he takes Intimidating instead, ❒ Not Of This World: Pick or create a signature match stipulation
that showcases your wrestling persona by changing the physical
allowing him to use his +Body in certain situ-
environment of the match. You can add this stipulation to one
match per Episode (even if the match already has one). Start the GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
match with +1 Momentum.
➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
has them on both sides of the sheet, and waits INJURY choose Anointed, Jobber, Luchador, Manager or
Provocateur). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
for the others to finish making their wrestlers. have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
someone’s questions, it just means that not all of the wrestlers have crossed paths yet.
During this process, keep your own notes on the dynamics created by the Heat ques-
tions as they are answered. This is a great resource for you for booking this Episode, and
then to use as the base for future storylines. Setting initial Heat will give you a sense
of the basic alliances among the characters, mentor-mentee relationships that you can
seek to enhance or strain, and who has legit beef with who.
Once the players have asked and answered their Heat questions, everyone decides
whether they’re starting as a Babyface or a Heel. Every wrestler starting as a Heel takes
an additional +1 Heat with every Babyface and vice versa. Often, players have already
decided before this point, but this is the time to make a final decision for anyone who
hasn’t yet. Generally, you want a roughly even split of Heels and Babyfaces for the first
Episode—and remind everyone that they can change Role during play!
Heroes and Villains
Most players are going to gravitate towards one or the other Role immediately. You can
also help by summarizing the key difference between the two:
✶ Babyfaces stand up for what they believe in. If someone wants to play a Baby-
face, ask them: “What do you do to get the crowd cheering you?”
✶ Heels will break any rule in order to get what they want. If someone wants to
play a Heel, ask them: “What do you do to get the crowd booing you?”
The tension between the Babyface who refuses to give up their principles and the Heel
who is willing to do anything to win underlies almost every wrestling feud.
Heating It Up ✶ PAGE 19
Setting Heat
Eric is ready to go with his Monster, Mammoth Marco.
Sarah introduces her Hardcore Bell Adonna, a kick-ass roller derby skater
who learned her skills in the streets.
Ed introduces their Luchador Venganza del Ángel, a defender of
the good and pure and punisher of all villanos who take advan-
tage of the weak.
Anna introduces her Provocateur Madame Lash, a mys-
terious, leather-clad figure who specializes in… submission.
Eric looks at his sheet, writes in each of the other wrestlers’
names next to the boxes provided, and picks three of the Mon-
ster’s four Heat questions.
Eric: First things first, who can stand up to me in the ring?
Sarah: Definitely me. You’re big, but I’ve been taking down jerks bigger than me for
Eric laughs and writes +1 in the box next to Bell Adonna on his sheet.
Eric: Next question… who has made me look weak?
There’s a beat where nobody jumps right in.
Ed: That could be me…
Anna: What if it’s me? My whole deal is more about manipulating others’ emotions.
But if you want this one, Ed?
Ed shakes their head: No, yours is way better!
Eric: Yeah, that’s cool. Let’s see how that goes.
He puts +1 next to Madame Lash on his sheet, and picks one of the two remaining
Eric: Oh, this is interesting. Who helps me come up with new directions for my char-
He looks at Ed expectantly, but Anna speaks up again.
Anna: What if that’s me, too? Maybe backstage I’m kind of a stage mom, I’m always
trying to push everyone to do more and go bigger.
Eric: I’m down with that—Ed, is it cool if we don’t start off with anything?
Ed: Yeah, that’s fine, I mean I am always seeking vengeance so as soon as you do
something bad, I’ll be getting into your business either way.
Eric nods and adds another +1 to Madame Lash, bringing that to +2.
After everyone else goes around and asks their Heat questions, it’s time to decide on
Roles and make that final adjustment. Mammoth Marco and Madame Lash are Heels,
while both Bell Adonna and Venganza del Ángel are Babyfaces, so Eric adds another
+1 Heat with the latter two. Mammoth Marco starts with +2 Heat with Madame Lash
(answering two questions, same Role), +2 with Bell Adonna (one question, opposed
Roles) and +1 with Venganza del Ángel (no questions, opposed Roles).
On Ed’s turn, Eric had volunteered to answer the Luchador’s question “Who thinks I
don’t deserve my mask?” with some backstory about how, backstage, Mammoth Marco
just doesn’t have a high opinion of Venganza del Ángel as a wrestler. Thus, while Marco
has +1 Heat with Venganza, the Luchador has +2 Heat with Marco. This works into
Eric’s conception of Marco as having a pretty low opinion of other styles of wrestling,
since he’s so dominant in what he does.
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Luchador’s no fire
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*arrows point towards who answered each wrestler’s questions
While the questions were being asked and answered, Nathan made notes on how
those backstory elements all intersected, and the players spent a little time filling in
how they’ve interacted in the past.
This all gives Nathan a good sense of which initial matchups in the Episode to come will
have the most ready-to-go energy:
✶ Mammoth Marco and Bell Adonna have a history of crowd-pleasing violence,
and they are opposed Roles, so that’s an easy first-Episode matchup.
✶ Madame Lash and Bell Adonna also have a ready-to-go rivalry, as they are
opposed Roles with a backstory dynamic of jealousy.
✶ Madame Lash and Venganza del Ángel are also opposed Roles, but they have
more of an off-camera rivalry, with Madame Lash trying to convince Venganza
to change up his look, and Venganza not really trusting her ring skills.
✶ Bell Adonna and Venganza del Ángel are former tag team partners. While the
Luchador returned from an injury at the hands of the Hardcore, the players
decided that that was an accident, and it was that breakup that gave them both
a chance to be singles stars. They could easily re-unite for a tag team match.
✶ Mammoth Marco and Madame Lash also have a more off-camera relationship,
with the experienced Monster having used his influence to give the Provocateur
her current spot. The players decide that she actually debuted against him in her
first appearance (and made him look weak in the process). They could be in a tag
team, with some dynamic tension about who is in charge of who.
✶ Finally, Mammoth Marco and Venganza del Ángel have the least backstory.
Marco doesn’t understand or like the high-flying style of the Luchador and
thinks his “real” skills are middling. It’s just the mask that makes him interest-
ing. For his part, Venganza mostly has avoided the big man so far. While they will
end up getting thrown together as the Episode unfolds, there is the least poten-
tial right off the bat to start them in a feud—though, since they are opposed
Roles, they can easily have a mid-card match just to see how it goes, and build
from there.
Heating It Up ✶ PAGE 21
Last Time, on World Wide Wrestling
Once Heat is set, go around the table one last time. Each player comes up with a high-
light moment from the last installment of the ongoing wrestling show that you’re going
to be joining shortly. This could be a big wrestling move, an encounter backstage, the
beginning or end of a feud, or anything else they come up with to showcase how cool
their wrestler is. The sole restriction: nobody can give themselves a Championship belt! If
a wrestler is debuting for the very first time in this first Episode, the player can describe
hype videos or teasers, or maybe a backstage or off-camera interaction if they want to
be a true “surprise” debut.
If the main event for the Episode is going to be a big full-roster match (like the
Regal Wrangle (p. 95)), this is a good time to do “pre-recorded” promos. These don’t
have any rules associated with them. Each player delivers a promo their wrestler would
have recorded backstage before the event, highlighting why they deserve to win or
what they’re planning to do in the big match. This is a good way to get everyone think-
ing about their wrestler’s promo style and plans for the Episode, even if you don’t have
a big match planned. In general, pre-recorded promos are a great warm-up to get every-
one in the headspace of their wrestler and ready to go!
✶ The Basics: Audience (p. 29)
✶ The Basics: Being Creative (p. 30)
✶ The Basics: Wrestling (p. 32)
✶ The Basics: The Announcer (p. 33)
Remember that the players are able to ask for, and sometimes demand, their own seg-
ments; you are responsible for adapting your plans to what comes up in play. This is
addressed in more detail in Chapter Eight: How to Be Creative (p. 103), but you have
three primary duties as Creative:
out and tap a card with an X on it that’s on the table. Making the X signals to
everyone that you aren’t cool with what just happened in the game; you skip
that moment and move forward, or time out and roll back to the beginning of
the segment (or whatever natural breakpoint is most recent). You don’t need
to explain why you make the X if you don’t want to, but if there’s something
specific that you feel comfortable communicating that you’d like to avoid
going forward, this can be an opportunity for that as well.
Creative should explain Try Another Way and Make the X to the players at the begin-
ning of the Episode, so everyone knows they are available during play. Depending on
the table layout, set out X cards along with the other play materials.
Players can use these tools to
respond to something offensive or The X
triggering, but also to maintain tone Making the X dovetails with the wrestling convention of the
referee holding their arms up above their head, crossed like
or elide excessive digressions. I’ve
an X, to indicate that a wrestler has suffered a real injury
had many tables where, since we’re and needs medical attention. So, while Making the X is given
all wrestling fans, we’ve slid into here as a tool for players to enforce their boundaries on
talking about the shows we’ve been what is narrated into the game, it may also come up as part
watching and needed to Make the X of the regular storytelling (like if an injury occurs and you
as a signal to get back to the game narrate the ref making the X in the usual sense). Specifically,
a player can also narrate their wrestler making the X to end
we’re there to play! Try Another Way
a match, which generally means they’re breaking kayfabe.
is particularly helpful for creating In this case, they make the Break Kayfabe Move.
the space to help someone out if Making the X is adopted from “The X-Card” by John Stav-
they’re stuck on a promo and would ropoulos, a system-agnostic tool for editing uncom-
like help with their phrasing or clari- fortable content in improvisational games. More info:
fying their point.
For more general-purpose safety tools and approaches,
check out the TTRPG Safety Toolkit:
they trigger a Move, they roll the dice, read the appropriate
result, and make any choices demanded by the Move. Those
choices shape the conversation, from telling you whether they impress or underwhelm
the crowd to whether they add something to a big match to give themselves an edge.
Moves aren’t meant to be rolled every time a wrestler does anything. They describe
how the main thrust of a wrestler’s action or agenda goes over, and the consequences
that come out of it. Don’t roll for Cut A Promo every time someone opens their mouth.
Rather, they say what they want to say, from a terse back-and-forth with a rival to a big
strategy planning session with a partner, then roll to see how the segment translates to
the imaginary viewing audience. Part of your job is to confirm when someone is aiming
to make a certain Move, or to tell them to roll when they narrate themselves into Move
naturally. You should also step in when someone keeps going for the dice and help
guide the players into a pace that feels right for your game.
approaches an exterior door. I think we catch you as you come in with your… gym
bag? How are you arriving at the arena?
Sarah: Oh, I just have an old duffel bag with duct tape all over it, and a pair of
beat-up roller skates hanging off the back. I’m in street clothes, jeans and a t-shirt
for a Riot Grrrl band that nobody’s ever heard of.
Nathan: Cool. Ok, so we see you in the background coming through the
door as Brawny talks into the camera.
Wrestling fans, I’m happy to say that I’ve tracked down the Queen of Pain
herself. Bell Adonna, you’re in the main event tonight. This is your first
headline match here in World Wide Wrestling—and on top of that, you face
one of your toughest opponents, Mammoth Marco. What is your state of
mind stepping into the ring with the big man from the North?
Well Brawny, first of all, I’m glad that I’m finally being recognized for all the
blood, sweat, tears and blood I’ve put into this company, and I know my fans
will be in my corner for this one, like they are for all my matches. I’m not
going to pretend that this is going to be an easy match, but Marco…well,
Marco stands alone. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to fight for someone
else. And like I’ve said ever since I came to World Wide Wrestling, I don’t just
fight for myself—I fight for everyone who’s ever been bullied, or teased, or picked on by
someone bigger than them. And tonight, I look forward to taking down the Mammoth!
Nathan: Ha, nice! I like it. You clearly just cut a promo. Roll +Look.
Bell Adonna has Look of 0. Sarah rolls 2d6 and gets a 4 and 5 for a total of 9. She looks
at the Cut A Promo Move on the Move Reference Sheet in front of her. A 9 means she
gets to pick one of these options:
✶ Make Creative book her in a match.
✶ Add a stipulation to a relevant match.
✶ Make Mammoth Marco (subject of the promo) come out to respond right now.
✶ Gain +1 Heat with Mammoth Marco.
Sarah: I’m already booked in this match, right? I’m tempted to add a stipulation, but
I have the Move where I can make it Hardcore anyway… continued
do get a Momentum, learning from failure, so you’ll have 2 for the match. The 7–9
result on this Move is to gain 1 Momentum, so you’ll stay even at 1 Momentum.
Anna: Huh. Well, a Botch means they check out right now though, right?
Nathan: Yeah, and I can also make a Hard Move, which means do something that
Madame Lash will not be a fan of.
Anna: I don’t want that! I’ll spend the 1 Momentum and then get it back.
Anna takes her poker chip back and Nathan narrates how the crowd starts booing
Madame Lash as she plays with their emotions on the way to ring.
✶ Steal their victory. Preferably via their worst enemy.
Many of the Gimmick Moves have an on a Botch result, which is the primary result of
missing the roll. If a Move does not have a specific Botch result, then it’s up to you
what the fallout is for a Botched roll. Botches never stop the action in its tracks; rather,
Botches reveal or enhance a wrestler’s weaknesses in the eyes of management or are
physical weaknesses that lead to injuries, recrimination, and backstage disapproval. The
show must go on through every error, it’s just that things are get more complicated!
A Botch is not always a failure, it’s a springboard to making a storyline more personal
and impactful on the wrestler’s legit life and career. It’s also a learning opportunity—
many Moves give the wrestler a Momentum on a Botch, reflecting how they can learn
something from their mistake and turn that into a better result next time.
Nathan: Leviathan speaks in a low, gravelly voice and elongates his sibilants. “Many
apologies, Madame, but manners are not very useful where I come from. I am
more interested in…. power.”
Anna: “Power? I’m listening.” I still don’t turn around, and I continue doing my
makeup through whatever he says, looking at him in the mirror.
Nathan plays out Leviathan’s pitch: working together, they can turn the weak-hearted
fools on the roster into their minions, and clear the path to the coveted World Wide
Wrestling Pan-Oceanic World Championship.
I like your plan. But there is one problem… only one can hold the Champi-
onship. Are you prepared to submit to me in the end, Leviathan? For, while
you may have power over men’s minds, it is I who holds their hearts in my
hands. And the power of the heart is far, far greater.
Nathan: Oh, that is a great line. Roll for Cut A Promo, you’re telling some-
one what you think for sure!
Anna rolls for Cut A Promo… and get snake eyes! She certainly doesn’t have enough
Momentum to avoid a Botch this time. continued
mystery you want to preserve or the necessity for the players to know in order to build
up to the end. Once the winner is revealed, whoever is in control pushes towards a
position from which they can take the victory. Then, the winner makes their Finishing
Move from their Gimmick sheet and uses the results to narrate the end of the match.
ability to put over wrestlers. If every player is in the match, there is no Announcer.
If more than one player is free, they can all participate in commentary, but only one
of them is the Announcer with the Put Over Move. Some groups create individual
commentators with names and personalities, some play their wrestlers as temporary
announcers, and some leave the commentary team as anonymous talking heads. If a
player is having trouble getting into the Announcer role you should mention the differ-
ent ways to approach it so they can find the one most comfortable for them.
Sarah: Hey now, that’s not cool! I hit you in the head with the kendo stick!
Eric: I block that, and I’ll break that too.
Eric still has control of the match, so it’s up to him whether what Sarah says goes.
Sarah: Ah, no you don’t. I’ll Interrupt!
She spends another of her Momentum for the Interrupt Move and takes control of
the match. She only has one Momentum left.
Eric: Ah, well, I get hit in the head then.
Nathan: Now THIS is the Hardcore Move. Is there more to it, or is the kendo stick
attack the big spot here?
Sarah: This is it, he’s really pissed me off by breaking my skates.
Sarah rolls for the Hardcore Move, getting a 2 and a 5, for a 7 before her +Real of -1—
the total is a 6, a Botch!
Sarah: Oh no. I guess I spend my last Momentum…
Ed: No, I’ll put this over, this rules.
The strength of the Mammoth is undeniable, but it looks like he may have
made a serious tactical error folks. Bell Adonna has that kendo stick and… my
god, will you look at that ferocity! She just shattered the stick over the head of
the big man, and not stopping there! He’s trying to ward off the blows, but that
broken stick is causing even more pain with those splinters on the end, look at him
trying to get away from Bell Adonna. I bet he never expected something like this!
Sarah: Ah, thanks Ed! That gives me the 7–9 result. So I gain +1 Momentum, and
pick one… I don’t think this is going to result in an injury, I’ll take the +1 Heat with
Marco, and pass control back to Marco.
Now Bell Adonna is at +4 Heat with Marco as well. This match is going to get both of
them Audience, win or lose!
Nathan: I think we can start going home now, as Mammoth Marco is, in fact,
booked to win this match. continued
First Episode Quickstart
Here’s a condensed quickstart walkthrough of how to get a first Episode going and think
about initial booking.
FIRST ✶ Introduction and picking Gimmicks:
Hand around the Gimmicks and read or summarize the following as the
players look at them:
We’re going to play out an Episode of a televised pro wrestling promotion, called
World Wide Wrestling. I’m Creative. I decide the order of which segments go when,
I frame the backstage and interview scenes, and I book the matches, including their
outcome, ahead of time. You each play a wrestler, represented by these Gimmick
sheets. We can have one of each Gimmick in our game, and these are the broad
archetypes you tend to see in wrestling. Don’t worry about making the “right”
decision, just pick something that you think is cool.
This game includes what happens both on- and off-camera. You’re playing a pro-
fessional who plays a wrestling character, so you may have your own career goals
and backstage aspirations outside of the ring. In a single session we mostly play
out the on-camera action, as we’re all trying to entertain the imaginary viewing
audience! But off-camera segments can certainly come up.
While everyone’s taking a look at the Gimmicks is a good time to take one and run
through the different sections to orientate everyone towards how they work. Read or
summarize the following:
✶ Pick (or choose) your Hailing From and Entrance; come up with anything you
want for your specific Gimmick; come up with your wrestling name.
✶ You have 4 Stats, which range from -2 to +3. Each Gimmick has a starting stat-
line, and then you make one decision (usually adding +1 to a Stat but see what
it says on your sheet). Higher is better!
Booking largely depends on the number of players. You will generally have to add some
non-player wrestlers (NPWs) into the mix. Some suggestions:
✶ 2 wrestlers: If the characters are opposed Babyface and Heel, start by putting
them in an ad-hoc tag-team match against an NPW team, then book a singles
match between the two of them. If they’re the same Role, then book two sin-
gles matches against NPWs, then a tag match against an opposed NPW team.
✶ 3-4 wrestlers: Start with a singles match between a Babyface and a Heel, and
then a tag-team match with the Babyfaces on one team and the Heels on the
other, filling out the short team with an NPW if there’s only 3 players. Alter-
nately, book a series of singles matches where the loser of the first match has to
compete again, and then a main event between all the winners with something
like a Championship shot or a winner’s purse on the line.
✶ 5 wrestlers: Start with a singles match between a Babyface and a Heel, then a
singles match between another wrestler and an NPW, then a four-player tag-
team match for the main event. The player not involved in the tag match should
be highlighted in the NPW match. Alternately, a big full-roster match like a
Battle Royal (p. 87), or a 2-versus-3 handicap tag match for the main event.
✶ 6+ wrestlers: Start with a singles match between a Babyface and a Heel, then a
tag-match putting the other four wrestlers on opposing teams. Then use one of
the big matches (like a Battle Royal or a Regal Wrangle (p. 95)) to play out a
match with the whole roster!
BOOK the winners of each match with an eye towards drama, depending on the nature
of the wrestlers. Is it more dramatic for the green-as-grass Babyface to win over the
grizzled veteran Heel, or for the villainous veteran to demonstrate his experience by
beating down the new meat to make a point? Make sure to use the relationships the
wrestlers have developed through their Heat and Last Week contributions to drive your
booking. When in doubt, BOOK the Heel to win (so the Babyface can chase them later,
to create an ongoing feud).
Book any other segments you want around the matches. Generally, put an interview
segment before each match, so the wrestlers involved have a chance to Cut A Promo
before going in the ring.
When the match feels like it’s winding down or gets to a natural end point, call for the
end of the match and reveal who you have BOOKED to win. The player currently in con-
trol of the match is responsible for narrating how they get to the BOOKED finish, but
whoever’s BOOKED to win rolls for the Finishing Move, even if they don’t have control of
the match. If a player wants to change who wins, they have to use a Move (like the Heel
move or the Anti-Hero’s Rules? What Rules?), or else they Break Kayfabe.
DURING PLAY ✶ Basic Rules:
Here are the things that are going to come up during your first Episode,
and your first Match.
MOMENTUM: Players can spend any amount of Momentum to add that
amount to any roll, and they decide after the roll. If someone groans at the
result of a roll, it’s a good time to ask them if they want to spend Momentum!
GAINING HEAT: They gain +1 Audience whenever they wrestle someone
they have +4 Heat with, win or lose. This is a good reason to take Heat when
they can!
AFTER THE MATCH: Post-match interviews, backstage confrontations and
other fallout are all appropriate scenes to have after a match. Also, ask the
players what they have mind when they head back to the locker room to
inform your segments!
That should get you through an Episode! Have a pre-match promo, play
through a match, stage a post-match wrap-up, and repeat.
Remember to be flexible and work in player agendas if they want to talk to a particular
person, cut a certain kind of promo or otherwise put their wrestler in the spotlight in
a way you haven’t thought of. The Gimmick and reference sheets summarize the spe-
cifics of each Move, but if you can’t find an answer for something that comes up there,
reference the rules in this Chapter.
The first step in making your wrestler is to pick your Gimmick. This describes a broad
archetype in the wrestling world, which you then make your own on with your choice of
look, general concept, and Moves. Your Gimmick is unique to your group— there may
be many monstrously large wrestlers in your promotion but picking The Monster Gim-
mick means you’re the most important one! Diversity in the roster is both more fun to
play and more exciting for your imaginary viewing audience to watch.
The Roster
The Ace: You are the top star of your division, the face of the company.
Consistently either holding the title or in contention for it, you’re
under constant pressure to represent your promotion and take it
to new heights. You also have the biggest target on your back for
those who envy your spot. A babyface Ace is the face that runs the
place, the wrestler who’s most publicly and popularly identified with p. 214
the promotion. A heel Ace is smug and arrogant, doing everything in
their power to stay at the top.
✶ Play the Ace if you want to be the star, have the spotlight constantly on you and
have the power to keep it that way—as long as you can keep doing what you do
best and putting butts in seats.
✶ The Ace is best at showing off and tilting the odds to their favor.
The Anointed: You’re the next big thing, whether the audience, and the
other wrestlers, admit it or not. Someone backstage is putting all of
their weight behind you. You just have to hold up your end in the
ring. A babyface Anointed is the white meat hero who obeys all
the rules and is just trying to do their best. A heel Anointed knows
exactly how far they can push thing before suffering consequences
p. 216
for their poor sportsmanship and bad form, always stopping just short
of that line.
✶ Play the Anointed if you want to have management at your back and have lots
of screen time. You may need to rely on others to get you through your lack of
in-ring experience.
✶ The Anointed is best at talking and looking great, while bad at breaking kayfabe
in a way that helps them.
Gimmicks ✶ PAGE 43
Career Gimmicks
Some of the Gimmicks represent wrestlers who are far along in their careers or committed to a wres-
tling niche. These “Career Gimmicks” have slightly higher starting Stats, narrower Gimmick Move
choices and fewer options for changing Gimmicks as the result of Advances. All of the Gimmicks can
co-exist in any combination on any given roster, but some players may wish to be aware of the dis-
tinction, especially for a game that you plan to play over a full Season. The “Career Gimmicks” are:
The Ace, The Clown, The Jobber, The Luminary, The Manager, and The Veteran.
The Anti-Hero: You are the badass that everyone loves. Whether you’re
sticking it to the Man or telling it like it is, the audience identifies with
your non-conformity. How do you keep your rebellion from going
too far? A babyface Anti-Hero is the people’s champion, representing
the everyman’s rejection of the stultifying bullshit they have to put
up with every day. A heel Anti-Hero is a nasty, conniving jerk, a selfish p. 218
mercenary always looking for the maximum profit in any situation.
✶ Play the Anti-Hero if you want to struggle with management, use underhanded
tactics to your own advantage, or walk the line of gaining and betraying the
trust of others on the roster.
✶ The Anti-Hero is best at blurring the line between kayfabe and legit and is gen-
erally not as strong or sophisticated as others in the ring.
The Call-Up: You’ve made a living on the road or in the minor leagues,
honing your skills in relative obscurity. You’ve got a cult following
and a lot of experience. Now, you have an opportunity to make
your name on the big stage. Will you take it? A babyface Call-Up is a
“smart fan” favorite who leverages their experience and passionate
following to cement their spot on the roster. A heel Call-Up uses those p. 220
who have invested in them as mere stepping stones, “going corporate”
to embrace the opportunities of the big stage.
✶ Play the Call-Up if you want to have great matches as you fight for backstage
respect and to gain more recognition from fans and your peers.
✶ The Call-Up has honed their ring skills through years and years on the road but
may have to abandon their character or otherwise give in to the demands of
those who hold the pencil to succeed.
The Clown: You are the quintessential entertainer. You bring comedy to
the ring and grease the wheels backstage. You may not have many
Championships, but you move a lot of merch and you always get a
pop from the crowd. Is that enough for you? A babyface Clown is a
true crowd-pleaser, leaning in to the goofy and irreverent to keep
the fans happy. A heel Clown is an overblown buffoon, always the p. 222
butt of the joke even as they undermine the credibility of more serious
✶ Play the Clown if you want to lean into the carnival roots of wrestling and play a
critical support role that leavens the intensity of ongoing storylines with humor.
✶ The Clown is better at interacting with the crowd than necessarily holding their
own in the ring.
The Roster
ation calls for, leaving bodies and even careers in their wake.
✶ Play the Hardcore if you want to bring the pain, gain popularity by sacrificing
your physical well-being, and make others nervous about whether you’re going
to hurt them.
✶ The Hardcore is compelling because of their self-created mystique, because
they have little regard for their own physical safety, or sometimes both. The
Hardcore is generally not good at technical wrestling.
The Jobber: You’re a nobody to the fans, but critical to the franchise:
you’re here to lose so that your opponents look great. You aren’t
famous, but you’re key to making others popular. It’s taken for
granted that you’ll always be there to do the job. Is that enough for
you? A babyface Jobber is sympathetic, just trying to do their best
p. 228
and always getting the short end of the stick. A heel Jobber is bitter
and vengeful, angry about not being good enough
and always having that shoved in their face. Doing The Job
✶ Play the Jobber if you want to be a go-to support The Jobber is always BOOKED to lose
their matches (like all BOOKING ,
character, make others look great, and really
this can be swerved by the events
work hard to transcend your role. of play). The appeal of playing the
✶ The Jobber is generally one of the better wres- Jobber is in how you make the other
tlers in the company, with great job security, but wrestlers look good and the drama of
they’re not trusted to talk or carry a storyline on trying to build a definable character
around your utility role.
their own.
Gimmicks ✶ PAGE 45
The Luchador: You are an iconic Lucha Libre competitor. Whether
born into the business or donning the mask out of love for the sport,
you represent the unique culture of Mexican wrestling. What does
it mean to carry that responsibility with you? A técnico Luchador
embodies technical skill and respect for tradition. A rudo Luchador p. 230
only cares about themselves.
✶ Play the Luchador if you want to embody the culture of Lucha Libre and have
exciting matches, especially if you want to be a tag team star.
✶ The Luchador is best at thrilling the crowd but isn’t as strong as the real mon-
sters in the company or as good on the mic as the high-profile talkers.
✶ Lucha Libre Roles: Any wrestler established as studying Lucha Libre can replace
Babyface/Heel with Técnico/Rudo whenever they could take an Advanced Role
with an Advance. From then on, they switch between these Roles instead of
Babyface/Heel, unless they abandon the path of Lucha Libre (in which case they
go back to taking Babyface and Heel Roles). See more about Roles on p. 66.
The Luminary: You started in the ring but are now legitimately more famous
for your appearances in other media than your wrestling career. Now older
and slower, you have real emotional and financial investment behind
you. Is it possible to keep your broad appeal or have you peaked? A
babyface Luminary is famous for what they’ve done outside of ring
and are always concerned with maintaining their personal “brand”
and the following that comes with it. A heel Luminary draws boos
p. 232
because they’ve left the world of wrestling behind, using that to their
advantage to get what they want out of their time back in the squared circle.
✶ Play the Luminary if you like the idea of cross-promoting and being inspired by
other media and entertainment genres for the character.
✶ The Luminary is best at telling their own story and putting on a great show
for the fans, but they lean on the full-time wrestlers to carry them through
The Manager: You’re the sizzle on the steak. You don’t compete, but
you have charisma, the talk, the walk, and the ideas to keep your cli-
ent in the spotlight—in and out of the ring. Are you satisfied making
others popular? A babyface Manager always stands with their client,
shields them from harm, and gives the audience the entertainment
p. 234
they want. A heel Manager is an outspoken ass, cheats whenever they
think they’ll get away with it, and always stacks the odds in their client’s favor.
✶ Play the Manager if you want to be in the spotlight but not in the ring, work
closely with other wrestlers, and be on the hook for failures that may not be
under your control.
✶ The Manager is hot garbage in the ring, but great on the mic and can easily have
creative power behind the scenes.
✶ Play the Monster if you want to be the center of attention and battle
with the preconception that you can only do one thing well.
✶ The Monster is a one-trick pony, but your prodigious strength can carry you
through an entire Season.
The Provocateur: You’re the sui generis, the strange one, the weirdo.
Whether you’ve been saddled with this role or you’ve sought it out,
you’re great at pushing boundaries. But will you go too far? A baby-
face Provocateur awes the crowd with their outlandish presen-
tation, while a heel Provocateur pushes social norms or a specific
issue right to the edge of palatability in order to get a reaction. p. 238
✶ Play the Provocateur if you want to let your imagination run wild as
part of the character, or if you have a specific issue or agenda that you want to
examine in play through the lens of your wrestler.
The Roster
✶ The Provocateur relies heavily on presentation and dramatic framing and is bet-
ter at telling long-term stories than putting on a classic in the ring.
The Technician: Whether you were an amateur sensation or a workhorse in
the minor leagues, you have all the skills. Your wrestling ability stands
out, but you’re continually fighting the perception you only have
one dimension to you. Do you? A babyface Technician is humble
on the mic but lets their talent speak for itself in the ring. A heel
Technician uses their superior knowledge of wrestling to make up
p. 240
for their lack of ability on the stick, making it clear that they’re taking
advantage whenever they can.
✶ Play the Technician if you want to show off technical excellence, battle your way
into the spotlight, and have others ignore you until they need your help.
✶ The Technician is great in the ring but has almost no presence on the mic; get-
ting fans is an uphill battle.
The Veteran: You are an established name. You work every night, whether to
help out the new blood or to keep a lock on your position on the card.
You have a dedicated fan base, and you’re ready to create an endur-
ing legacy. A babyface Veteran is an old favorite the audience holds
warmly in their hearts. A heel Veteran has abandoned the fans as
they see their best days slipping away, vengefully lashing out to pre- p. 242
serve something of their former glory.
✶ Play the Veteran if you want to be instrumental to getting others’ careers off the
ground, show off your experience in the business, and find a way to gracefully
exit that doesn’t destroy your legacy.
✶ The Veteran is a generalist with good all-around skills and a lot of discretionary
ability to help or hurt other wrestlers, but has few advancement options.
Gimmicks ✶ PAGE 47
All wrestlers are described by:
✶ Now Making Their Way To The Ring: Your wrestler’s name, visual presentation,
theme, and overall concept. All of this is up to you.
✶ Hailing From: Options for your wrestler’s hometown or current residence that
thematically support that archetype, or you can pick your own.
✶ Entrance: Pptions for your wrestler’s ring entrance that thematically support
that archetype, or you can describe your own.
✶ Stats: The four key descriptive qualities of your wrestler, ranging from -2 (the
worst) to +3 (the best). The Stats are: Body, Look, Real, and Work. You have a
starting statline and then an instruction for customizing it.
✶ Role: Whether you’re a Babyface or Heel.
✶ Wants: Your wrestler’s desires or goals. Pick one to start, it can change in play.
✶ Heat: A positive number representing the entertainment value to the audience
of your character’s relationship with another wrestler. Ranges from 0 to +4.
✶ Momentum: A positive number that represents your wrestlers ever-shift-
ing intangibles and energy. You start with Momentum based on your current
Audience. You spend Momentum for bonuses on die rolls. There is no limit on
Momentum, but you lose any you haven’t spent at the end of each Episode.
✶ Moves: Specific archetypal actions or circumstances that only your wrestler has
access to. You have some Moves automatically (already checked on your sheet),
then you pick some Moves as the sheet directs.
✶ Injury: A set of boxes to check when your wrestler gets injured. Certain options
become available (or closed off) to represent how you’re handled by the com-
pany while you recover. Injury doesn’t take you out of play, but it might keep
you out of the ring for a short time.
✶ Audience: A positive number representing your wrestler’s popularity and how
much the imaginary viewing audience wants to see them. Audience ranges
from 0 to +4, and then maxes out at the Top Spot, which can only be occupied
by one wrestler at a time. If you have 0 Audience you’re at risk being fired.
✶ Advancement: Certain thresholds you hit in play give you Advances. You can
spend Advances to raise your Stats or Audience, gain new Moves, gain a Man-
ager, change Gimmick, and other things that reflect your increasing value to
the company. Each Gimmick has a customized list of what gives that archetype
Advances, and then a menu of options for spending them.
Your choice of Gimmick determines starting values for all of these things, and describes
additional choices you may have to make. Each sheet details the specific choices you
need to make for each section.
Now Making Their Way To The Ring
Your wrestlers name, nickname, overall look and presentation, and general theme is
up to you. Most wrestlers have a ring name separate from their “government” name,
you can come up with both or just go with what the fans call you. If you have ideas for
your ring gear, physical appearance, or production details about how you make your
entrances, note those as well.
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body 0, Look 0, Real -1, Work -1
➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice. LOOK
❒ Babyface VS Heel ❒
You are a hero You are a villain WORK
Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of the
opposite Role.
HEAT You can use the Move of the same
name by spending 2 Momentum. WANTS
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat
When you deliberately act against Pick the desire that most drives
with your competition. Ask 1 question per other
your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel you. When you have a match that
player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with that
Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat satisfies your Want, take an Advance
player’s wrestler.
with who you turn on (or away from). and pick a new Want.
➠ Who is jealous of my devoted fan base? ❒ A Championship Title!
➠ ❒ Join a Group!
➠ Who is willing to make me bleed? ❒ Revenge!
❒ Domination!
❒ Adulation of the Crowd!
➠ Who has returned from an injury I gave them? ❒ Raise the Bar for Violence!
➠ You can also change Wants anytime
➠ Who can take everything I can dish out? (without taking an Advance).
The Roster
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
❒ This is how popular you are with the crowd!
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean (or bloody). Choose whether You start and reset to Audience +1
you or your opponent gains +1 Audience. Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
On a 7-9, they make you work for it, choose one: Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ They stand up to your assault On a Botch, you still get the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
before going down (you both gain the win, but choose one:
+1 Momentum). ➠ It looks bad (you lose -1 +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ Sacrifice your body to make it Audience).
happen, take an injury (and you ➠ You go too hard (you
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
gain +1 Heat with them). injure your opponent).
✗ Tables and Ladders and Chairs, Oh My: Spend 1 Momentum +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
to add the Hardcore Stipulation Move to any match you’re booked
in: no disqualification, no count outs, and weapons allowed.
PICK 1 A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ High Pain Tolerance: You can take it. Take +1 Body (Max +3)
Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
❒ What A Weirdo: You have sideshow charisma! Take +1 Look 0❒
end of an Episode, you’re fired!
(Max +3)
❒ Master of Hardcore: You know how to bleed right. When
you’re in a Hardcore Match, and you would take an injury, roll
+Body. On a 10+, you and your opponent both gain +1 Momentum. ADVANCEMENT
On a 7-9, you choose who gains On a Botch, it’s legit, check GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
+1 Momentum. an Injury box. ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
❒ Red Means Green: When you’re covered in blood, substitute ➠ You take the Top Spot
+Look for any other stat. ➠ You take multiple injuries and still finish the match
❒ Are you not entertained: When you suffer gross injury, ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
endure humiliation or go down in the face of overwhelming odds,
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
roll +Real. On a 10+ gain +1 Momentum and pick 1, on a 7-9 pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Audience. On a Botch, they are spend them when you’d like.
➠ Creative books you a revenge not entertained, lose -1 BANKED ADVANCES
match. Audience (and gain +1 SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. Momentum).
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒: ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
BODY LOOK REAL WORK time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
INJURY ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with this one). They debut in the next Episode.
the wrestler you were working with. ❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
INJURY pick Anointed, Call-Up, Jobber or Technician). Erase
all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 4 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
Fundamentals ✶ PAGE 49
Hailing From and Entrance
Pick where your wrestler hails from and what theirTHE HARDCORE
entrance is like. The options on
You’re not the best in the ring or the best looking, but you know how to get a pop through
the sheet are meant to be inspirational,naked aggression and rampant bloodshed. Some free
not definitional—you are to pick
in the business or create
look down on you, but
you’re a legend in the making for your diehard fans. How long can that fact be ignored?
something else if you’d like. Like your name, your hailing from usually
isn’t actually
where you’re from, but you should use location to imply your character. The bleached
opposite Role.
to wrestle professionally. You can use the Move of the same
name by spending 2 Momentum.
Body: Your physical strength, conditioning,
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat and athletic ability.
When you deliberately act against Pick theBody
desire thatismost
most drives
with your competition. Ask 1 question per other
important for you if you want to enjoyyour physical
player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with that dominance
role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel
Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat
over other wrestlers
you. When you have a match that
satisfies your Want, take an Advance
player’s wrestler.
and shine➠inWho theis jealous
ring ofdue to your physical
my devoted fan base?
with whoprowess.
you turn on (or away from). and pick a new Want.
❒ A Championship Title!
✶ Look: Your➠charisma, “it” factor and ability to inhabit your character and get the
❒ Join a Group!
❒ Revenge!
➠ Who is willing to make me bleed?
fans interested in your story. Look is most important for you if❒you Domination! to cut
exciting promos and create a memorable
➠ Who has returned from an injury I gave them? character for the fans to follow.
❒ Adulation of the Crowd!
❒ Raise the Bar for Violence!
✶ Real: Your ability to “break the fourth wall,” bring
➠ Who can take everything I can dish out?
THE HARDCORE real-world You concerns,
can also change Wants
(without taking an Advance).
and anytime
number, and then look to the results of the Move based on the total you REAL just rolled.
If your total is a 6 or less it’s a Botch, if it’s a 7–9 it’s❒ aBabyface
partialVShit, and
Heel ❒ a 10+
WORKis full hit.
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
❒ Peoria, Illinois ❒ Raucous & Ag
❒ Truth or Consequences, New Mexico ❒ Ironic & Jokey
❒ Union City, New Jersey ❒ Sudden & Lou
of a match, win or lose, you gain an Advance (and pick a new Want). You can also change ❒ Elsewhere: ❒ Something El
Want whenever it feels appropriate to do so. This doesn’t gain or lose youYou
start with:
it’s BOD
just that you have flexibility to shift what you Want as things change. ➠ Body 0, Look 0, Real -1, Work -1 LOO
➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice. CUT A PROMO
Role REA
Choose whether you’re starting as a Babyface (good guy) or a Heel ❒ Babyface VS Heel ❒
(bad guy). Each Role gives you access to the Role Move of the same You are a hero You are a villain WOR
Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of the
name. You can transition from one to the other (called making a Face opposite Role.
Turn or a Heel Turn) during the game whenever you narrate HEAThow your You can use the Move of the same
name by spending 2 Momentum. W
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat
character breaks with their current Role and embraces their
with your competition. Ask 1new
per other When you deliberately act against
your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel
Pick the desire
you. When you
player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with that
satisfies your W
Most feuds are between babyfaces and heels. player’sThose
wrestler. roles can be Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat
with who you turn on (or away from). and pick a new
➠ Who is jealous of my devoted fan base?
defined many different ways. Here’s how I’ve➠ chosen to do it in this ❒ A Champio
❒ Join a Grou
game: Babyfaces stand up for things they believe ➠ Who in,is willing
while Heels
to make do underhanded things
me bleed? ❒ Revenge!
❒ Dominatio
to get what they want. This doesn’t mean that ➠
a babyface has to believe in something
➠ Who has returned from an injury I gave them?
❒ Adulation
❒ Raise the B
honorable or wholesome per se, but they do➠believe in something and take action to You can also ch
➠ Who can take everything I can dish out? (without taking
stand up for it. Similarly, a heel can have a perfectly
understandable goal, but it’s the
willingness to break the rules (letter or spirit)ROLL
that makes them a villain. YOU HAVE HEAT WITH
When you make your choice of Role, ask yourself what it is you do to make the audi-
ence cheer you (if you’re a Babyface) or boo you (if you’re a Heel). Roles are defined by
the audience response to your actions as much as the actions themselves—why do they
want to see you succeed, or see you finally getWhen
your comeuppance?
The Roster
you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an
There are also three Advanced Roles, which you can only take later in your character’s
career (see Advancement (p. 55)). Advanced Roles are for wrestlers who transcend
the basic good/bad division and represent something more within the company.
✶ Celebrity: You are what wrestling means to the wider world. Celebrity wrestlers
bring the fame of their non-wrestling careers back to the promotion, giving
them pull with management to shape their own storylines.
✶ Icon: You’re the personification of what wrestlers want to be. Iconic wrestlers
make even the most difficult maneuvers look easy and can work with anyone to
make the fans go wild.
✶ Legend: You’re legendary, an inspiration to the fans. Legendary wrestlers are
always popular and reflect that glory onto anyone they work with.
✶ Lucha Libre: If you are playing a wrestler who’s been studying Lucha Libre, you
now can use TΈcnico and Rudo in the same way as the Luchador.
Advanced Roles build on top of the basic Roles, giving you an additional option to add
to your base Babyface or Heel Move. Advanced Roles stay with you through your Baby-
face and Heel turns. See more about those Moves on p. 66.
Fundamentals ✶ PAGE 51
➠ Then add +1 to o
❒ Babyface
You are a hero
Heat—Starting Heat Start with +1 Heat wi
Heat is a number ranging from 0 to +4, representing opposite Role.
HEAT You can use the Mov
how much your relationship with another wrestler name by spending 2
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat
gets an audience response. You could have high Heat with your competition. Ask 1 question per other When you deliberate
your role, it’s a Face T
with both your tag team partner and your bitter rival, player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with that
player’s wrestler. Turn. Switch Roles, a
with who you turn on
as long as those relationships are entertaining. ➠ Who is jealous of my devoted fan base?
When you make your roster for the first time as a ➠
➠ Who is willing to make me bleed?
group, you ask some or all of the questions on your ➠
Gimmick sheet to generate backstory for your wres- ➠ Who has returned from an injury I gave them?
tlers and establish starting Heat. Write down the other ➠
➠ Who can take everything I can dish out?
wrestlers’ names on your sheet and start their Heat at ➠
0. On your turn, select a number of questions equal to YOU HAVE HEAT
the other players and ask each in turn. Another player
volunteers to answer each question, and you take +1
Heat with those wrestlers. Players may volunteer to answer multiple questions, if it
feels like your two wrestlers have a particularly entangled past. So, you may build up
more initial Heat with some characters than others for theWhen
beginning of the game.
you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If yo
If you’re playing with only two wrestlers, you each pick a single question. Since they
have to answer whatever you ask (as opposed to volunteering) you can throw out a cou-
ple of your options for discussion if you want to settle on something together.
If you’re playing with more than five wrestlers, ask all four questions and then move on.
Some won’t have much Heat with one another, which is fine.
Once all the questions have been answered, all Babyfaces take +1 Heat with all Heels
and vice versa. Heat is not symmetric—depending on who answers whose questions,
your wrestler may not have the same amount of Heat with another wrestler that they
have with you.
If you’re joining a game in progress, you write down the other wrestlers’ names on
your sheet and ask your questions, but they won’t ask you questions (since they’ve
already established their relationships and backstory). They do write down your wres-
tler’s name, and you all apply the Role adjustment. You’ll start the Episode with more
Heat with the established characters than they have with you—this is fine, you have
something to prove!
Heat—During Play
Sometimes a Move will ask you to roll +Heat with another character, in which case you
add it to the 2d6 roll like any other Stat. Many Move results tell you to gain or lose Heat
with a character. You can never have more than +4 or less than 0 Heat with someone,
so if a Move result would push you past one of those thresholds simply ignore it (and
you should pick another option if one is available). You can have Heat with NPWs. Write
the NPW’s name down on your sheet when it comes up and start their Heat at +1 before
applying the Move result, if applicable.
Heat is an important part of your wrestler’s popularity, as the imaginary viewing audi-
ence pays the most attention to the wrestlers with the most exciting feuds. If you finish
a match and have +4 Heat with your opponent, you gain +1 Audience immediately,
regardless of who gets the win! If you have +4 Heat with more than one opponent in
a multi-opponent match, you still gain only +1 Audience. If multiple wrestlers have +4
Heat with each other, they all gain their +1 Audience simultaneously.
The Roster
❒ Red Means Green: When you’re in blood, substitute ➠ You take the Top Spot
+Look for any other stat. ➠ You take multiple injuries and still finish the match
Audience +4: You’re who❒endure
they came or goto see. Start eachodds,
Are you not entertained: When you suffer gross injury,
humiliation down in the face of overwhelming episode
➠ Youwith 2 Want (and pick a new one)
satisfy your
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
roll +Real. On a 10+ gain +1 Momentum and pick 1, on a 7-9 pick 1:
Momentum. ➠ Gain +1 Audience. On a Botch, they are spend them when you’d like.
➠ Creative books you a revenge not entertained, lose -1 BANKED ADVANCES
Audience +3: You’re hot! ➠Start
each episode with
Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
2 Momentum.
Audience (and gain +1
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒: ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
Audience +2: You matter. Start the episode with 1 Momentum.including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
Audience +1: You’re present. Start the episode with 1 Momentum.
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
Audience 0: You’re on the way out. Gain an Advance the first❒time you hit
Form a Dedicated 0
Tag Team
are fired! If you wish to continue playing you should make a new wrestler or
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
talk to Creative about taking over an existing
INJURY NPW as your new character.
❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
this one). They debut in the next Episode.
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
During an Episode, whenevertheyou roll +Audience, add your current
wrestler you were working with.
Then return to the
this wrestler roll
with a new Gimmick (cannot
INJURY pick Anointed, Call-Up, Jobber or Technician). Erase
like any other Stat. Audience goes up and down during the Episodealldepending Injury checks. on your
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
booking, how you roll and thehave
decisions you
4 checks, you can make.
no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
When you have +4 Audience and you gain another Audience, you take the Top Spot.
Any other wrestler currently in the Top Spot resets their Audience and faces an uphill
climb to get their spot back—this is called being knocked out of the Top Spot. There can
only be one wrestler in the Top Spot at a time, unless more than one wrestler attains
it simultaneously (most often, when two wrestlers at +4 Audience who also have +4
Heat with each other wrestle a match). In this case, they share the Top Spot and can
each make the Over Move. Once someone else takes the Top Spot, it will knock both
of them out of it.
When you’re in the Top Spot at the beginning of an Episode, you make the Over Move
(p. 64). This Move is only ever made by players in the Top Spot. You make it before
the Episode goes on air and can “save” the results for later in the show.
Fundamentals ✶ PAGE 53
If you’re not doing well and you hit 0 Audience, you’re in danger of being fired. Take an
Advance, which you can spend immediately to try and save yourself, or bank to spend
on something ostentatious on your way out the door. If you happen to hit 0, then gain
Audience and then fall to 0 again in the same Episode, you do not take another Advance.
When you’re at 0 Audience at the end of an Episode, the audience has lost interest in
your character, Creative no longer has anything for you, and your wrestler is legit fired.
If you intend to keep playing, you can make a new character or take over an NPW wres-
tler as your own. If you hit 0 right at the end of the session and want to keep playing this
character, you must spend your Advance on the Gain +1 Audience Advancement option
right away—if you still have it available.
Moves are signature skills that give your wrestler THE HARDCORE
unique possibilities in play. You have some Moves ❒
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
This is h
You s
automatically, based on your Gimmick. You also have On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean (or bloody). Choose whether
you or your opponent gains +1 Audience. Top ❒ Gain
On a 7-9, they make you work for it, choose one: Spot
the option to pick another Move or two. Pick whatever ➠ They stand up to your assault On a Botch, you still get
before going down (you both gain the win, but choose one:
you think is cool! You’ll have opportunities to get more +1 Momentum). ➠ It looks bad (you lose -1 +4 ❒ Star
➠ Sacrifice your body to make it Audience).
as you gain Advances. All Gimmicks have a Finishing happen, take an injury (and you ➠ You go too hard (you
gain +1 Heat with them).
+3 ❒ Star
injure your opponent).
Move (or equivalent), which is the Move you make ❒
✗ Tables and Ladders and Chairs, Oh My: Spend 1 Momentum +2 ❒ Star
to add the Hardcore Stipulation Move to any match you’re booked
when you’re BOOKED to win a match. You should give in: no disqualification, no count outs, and weapons allowed.
PICK 1 A +1 ❒ Star
your special finishing wrestling maneuver a thematic ❒ High Pain Tolerance: You can take it. Take +1 Body (Max +3)
❒ What A Weirdo: You have sideshow charisma! Take +1 Look 0❒
name, but you will roll on your Finishing Move from (Max +3)
❒ Master of Hardcore: You know how to bleed right. When
your Gimmick no matter what kind of victory you end you’re in a Hardcore Match, and you would take an injury, roll
+Body. On a 10+, you and your opponent both gain +1 Momentum.
up narrating in a match. On a 7-9, you choose who gains On a Botch, it’s legit, check GAIN AN ADVA
+1 Momentum. an Injury box. ➠ Your Audien
Most Moves will tell you to roll +Stat, which just ❒ Red Means Green: When you’re covered in blood, substitute
+Look for any other stat.
➠ You take the
➠ You take mu
means roll 2d6 and add your relevant Stat, comparing ❒ Are you not entertained: When you suffer gross injury,
endure humiliation or go down in the face of overwhelming odds,
➠ You satisfy y
You can spend
your result to the Move’s outcomes. Some Moves are roll +Real. On a 10+ gain +1 Momentum and pick 1, on a 7-9 pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Audience. On a Botch, they are spend them wh
contingent on something happening, ask you to spend ➠ Creative books you a revenge
not entertained, lose -1
Audience (and gain +1 SPEND AN ADV
Momentum, or have other triggers. For everything ➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
❒ Gain +1 Au
❒ Pick anothe
about Moves, see Chapter Four: Moves (p. 59). including a
❒ Pick anothe
including a
Momentum ❒ Create a cu
❒ Gain a NPW
Momentum represents your energy and the potential for you to do well on any given ❒ Form a Ded
➠ Choose whe
night. You start each Episode with 1 or 2 Momentum, dependingBODY onLOOK your current REAL Audi-
WORK time you spe
And once you’v
ence, and many Moves give you the option to gain Momentum during play, especially ❒ Transcend.
INJURY ❒ Create a ne
on Botches. This represents how you learn from failure, whether it’s to do better at the
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with this one). T
❒ Repackage
same thing next time, or to change up your approach to find something more effective.
the wrestler you were working with.
Then return
INJURY pick Anoin
Spend Momentum to add a bonus to a roll equal to the amount you spend. You
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you
all Injury ch
❒ Retire this
choose to spend after you make the roll. You can spend any amount,
have 4 checks, though
you can no longer compete. hitting a new one,
a 10 on any particular roll is usually the best you can do, so there’s no reason to spend
more than would get you to that threshold. The exception is if you’re playing with
Mythic Moments (p. 130), which ask you to spend all of your Momentum to achieve.
Sometimes a Move will call for you to give someone Momentum or take Momentum
from them, which is what it sounds like—you lose 1 and they gain 1, or vice versa. If
called upon to do this and you have none, you simply stay at 0. There’s no negative
Momentum. They still gain 1 Momentum, even if you have none. Finally, if you’re sup-
posed to give Momentum to a NPW, you just lose 1, it doesn’t go to anyone.
You can get injured as the result of some Moves, both INJURY
❒ Transcend.
❒ Create a new
your own and those of your opponents. Creative can also When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with
the wrestler you were working with.
this one). Th
❒ Repackage.
Then return
inflict injury upon you when it’s the obvious outcome of a INJURY pick Anoint
all Injury ch
sequence of events, usually in a match or as the result of a When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this w
have 4 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one,
Botch. You have a number of Injury boxes on your sheet;
whenever you’re injured, check one off. Your Gimmick has a condition that activates or
triggers when you’re injured; as long as you have at least one Injury check, you play
with those conditions in effect.
When you’ve checked off all of your Injury boxes, you can no longer compete. Cre-
ative can no longer book you in matches at all. If you want to get into a match, you’re
going against company policy; this generally means you have to make the Break Kay-
fabe Move. You can still appear in non-wrestling segments, cut promos and interfere in
other wrestler’s business, of course. YOUR MOVES AUDIENCE
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
You can erase an Injury check ❒
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re
you spend an Advance,Youinstart
to win a match, roll 2d6.
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean (or bloody). Choose whether
addition to the
and reset to Audience +1
The Roster
On a 7-9, they make you work for it, choose one: Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ They stand up to your assault On a Botch, you still get
condition in effect, you can choose not
before going down (youto erase
both gain a but
the win, check.
choose one:Some Gimmick Moves may
the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
+1 Momentum). ➠ It looks bad (you lose -1 +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
also allow you to erase Injury checks.
➠ Sacrifice The
your body only
to make it other
Audience). way to get rid of Injury checks is
happen, take an injury (and you ➠ You go too hard (you
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
when you take the Repackagegain Advance, taking aninjure
+1 Heat with them). Episode
your opponent). off and returning with a new
✗ Tables and Ladders and Chairs, Oh My: Spend 1 Momentum +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
Gimmick. Upon your return,toin:you eraseStipulation
add the Hardcore all checks
Move to any and return
match you’re
no disqualification, no count outs, and weapons allowed.
booked to the ring uninjured. This
is not a choice; your wrestler❒always heals PICK up1 when they change A +1Gimmick.
❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
High Pain Tolerance: You can take it. Take +1 Body (Max +3)
Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
❒ What A Weirdo: You have sideshow charisma! Take +1 Look 0❒
Advancement (Max +3)
❒ Master of Hardcore: You know how to bleed right. When
end of an Episode, you’re fired!
✶ The first time your Audience falls to 0 in an Episode. ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
✶ Each Gimmick has a fourth unique thematic trigger. And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
For example, the Anointed gains an INJURY Advance when ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with this one). They debut in the next Episode.
you “win a big match all on
the wrestler your
you were workingown,”
with. while the ❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
Hardcore gains an Advance INJURY when you “take multi- pick Anointed, Call-Up, Jobber or Technician). Erase
all Injury checks.
ple injuries and still finish
When youthe match.”
spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you
have 4 checks, you can no longer compete.
❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
You gain an Advance for each trigger as you hit it, so if you
(for example) take the Top Spot while also satisfying your Want in a match, you’d gain
two Advances at that time. You can bank as many Advances as you want before spend-
ing them, they do not go away until they are spent.
Fundamentals ✶ PAGE 55
✶ Gain +1 Audience.
✶ Pick another Move. This can be from any Gimmick in the game. If you want to
increase a Stat, then you need to pick a Gimmick Move that boosts that Stat.
A list of those Moves, ordered by Stat, is on p. 212. You can take this option
twice, but cannot take the same Move twice.
✶ Create a Custom Move (p. 142) for your wrestler based on a signature thing
they do.
✶ Gain a Manager, a Valet, or an Enforcer. This is an NPW, which can be someone
already introduced into your game or someone you make up on the spot.
✶ Form a Dedicated Tag Team. (p. 115). Both wrestlers need to take this option
to form the team.
Check off each Advancement Option when you take it. Other than picking another
Move (which is listed twice), you can only take each option once.
✶ Transcend. You pick one of the Advanced Roles for your wrestler: Celebrity,
Icon, or Legend. You can also adopt Lucha Libre Roles if you’ve been studying
the path of Lucha Libre. See p. 51 and p. 66 for more.
✶ Create a new character to play. You can play both characters simultaneously or
switch between them on an Episode-to-Episode basis. Talk to Creative for advice
on playing more than one character.
✶ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode (from those already in
your game or make up someone new). Pick a Gimmick for them and play them
as a new wrestling character for at least one Episode. Then return your original
wrestler with a new Gimmick. Erase all Injury checks when you repackage. Each
Gimmick notes which Gimmicks it can or cannot return as—not all Gimmicks
naturally lead to all the others.
✶ Retire from the business. You can create a new wrestler or take over an NPW if
you want to continue playing in this Season.
Once you’ve taken three options from the basic list, you’re able to pick from the sec-
ond stage list of more career-defining advancement options. You can only take each of
these options once, except if you decide to repackage your wrestler. In that case, when
you come back you will still have Repackage available to you, as well as some other
options. See Repackaging, below, for more about that. You can still take advances from
the basic list once the next one is unlocked.
Some Gimmicks have modified advancement options. Treat the Advancement informa-
tion on the Gimmick sheet as superseding this list if they conflict.
Starting with your fourth Advance, you have the option to take a new Gimmick. Each
Gimmick has its own selection of other Gimmicks you can change to, representing your
wrestler’s career progression. When you take a new Gimmick, it represents your whole
image being reconsidered and repackaged backstage. This is why the character takes an
Episode “off”—you can play an NPW already introduced, try out a new wrestler entirely,
spend the session as an audience member, or take the session off yourself. If you want
to give the character multiple Episodes off, that’s fine too.
The Roster
Enforcer, Dedicated Tag Team, and Repackage. You can now take these again.
Repackaging your wrestler is the only way to “gain” more Advancement options than
what are on your sheet, as your new wrestler has a clean slate for new storylines. If you
have fewer than 3 basic Advancement options checked, you still need to gain 3 before
you can take second stage options. You can repackage again, according to the guidelines
for your current Gimmick.
Trap your
opponent’s arm as
they fly at you…
Fundamentals ✶ PAGE 57
Changing Gimmick
After four Episodes of play, Eric has gained 4 Advances for Mammoth Marco. He spent
the first three on taking the Never Unprepared Move from the Manager to gain +1
Look, gaining an Audience when he badly needed one, and creating a Custom Move:
Mammoth Mountain, representing Marco’s iconic ability to stand fast in the ring.
With his fourth Advance, he’s eligible to change Gimmick. He’s been angling towards
a new role for Marco in his storylines, playing up his backstage “company man” nature
and allegiance to the powers that be. He announces that he wants to change Gimmick
at the end of the fourth Episode.
Since changing Gimmick means the wrestler needs to disappear for an Episode, Eric
plays Leviathan, the rudo who has been interfering in the business of both Venganza
del Ángel and Madame Lash.
Keeps his Stats: Body +3, Look +1, Real -2,
When you deliberately act against
Pick the desire that most drives
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel
you. When you have a match that
with your competition. Ask 1 question per Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat
satisfies your Want, take an Advance
other player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with who you turn on (or away from).
Work -1.
and pick a new Want.
with that player’s wrestler.
❒ A Championship Title!
➠ Who have I decided is killing the business with their performance? ❒ Join a Group!
➠ ❒ Revenge!
Crowd—he wants to be recognized for his ➠ Who has no respect for all the work I’ve put into this company?
You can also change Wants anytime
(without taking an Advance).
➠ Who is desperately seeking my approval?
new wealth and power! ➠
Keeps the Mammoth Mountain Move, 0 Venganza del Ángel (bf) +2 Leviathan (h)
+3 Bell Adonna (bf) SPEND TO ADD
man, after all. ➠ You use your veteran skills to force disqualification or
the win (gain +1 Heat with them) interference (Creative’s
➠ You let them look strong in defeat choice), and you lose -1
the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
you are in the Top Spot, you have 4 Momentum to spend instead of 3.
Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
Gains the Veteran’s automatic Ring General. ❒ Respect The Business: When you Play Politics in order to
preserve wrestling tradition, you count as having 1 more Audience.
When you act to preserve wrestling tradition on camera, you can
0❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
roll +Look instead of any other Stat.
He has two Gimmick Moves he can trade: ❒ Bury ‘em: When you go to management to stop another wrestler’s
push, roll +Real. On a 10+ you stage their next segment or BOOK
their next match to their detriment. On a 7-9 pick 1: GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
does mean that he loses the +1 to Body he’d ✘ INTIMIDATING: Can roll +Body instead
of +Look when appropriate
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
Veteran Marco is slimmed down a little and BODY LOOK REAL WORK
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
+2 +1 -2 -1 ➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
dance with the Move they picked. Most of this section focuses on the Moves that
players make. Creative has their own guidance for their Moves in Chapter Seven:
How to Be Creative (p. 103).
To Make a Move
Take a look at some Basic Moves (p. 244). They list a trigger condition, in the name
of the Move (Work The Audience) or in the description (Babyface: When you stand up
for something you believe in…). To make the Move, you just narrate how you take that
action and then follow the instructions (like “roll +Audience” or “Spend 2 Momentum”).
Moves happen both when you aim to make one, and when you realize that you trig-
ger one as you talk. Sometimes Creative will ask if you’re making a specific Move based
on what you’re saying, as one of Creative’s jobs is to pay attention and tell players that
they’re triggering a Move if they don’t notice.
Once a Move is triggered, simply take the listed action. Most Moves ask you to “Roll
+Stat”, which means roll 2d6+Stat indicated; compare the total to the results listed on
the Move, making whatever decisions you need to make. A result can be a strong hit
(10 and above), a partial hit (7–9) or a Botch (6 and below). It usually matters whether
you get a strong hit or a hit. It always matters whether you hit or Botch.
Botches are opportunities for Creative to add more difficulties into your wrestler’s
storyline and/or personal life, and sometimes have specific effects depending on the
I run down the ramp and grab Bell Adonna’s into a grudge match with them.
hands where they’re close to the ropes, pulling her ➠ You interfere in the match! This
BOOKS the match a no contest,
out of Leviathan’s grasp and out of the ring.
You both take +1 Momentum.
Nathan: Nice! Take your +1 Momentum for that botch: you get stopped. Take +1
pick. Ok, the ref turns around and waves his Momentum.
hands, calling off the match as Leviathan stum- BASIC MOVE
bles to his feet, emoting confusion… until he turns
around and sees you. Then he runs to the ropes
and shakes his fists at you, yelling curses in his “secret undersea language.”
Ed: I grab the mic.
That’s enough, Leviathan. You’ve been sneaking around here, beating up my
friends and refusing to face me for far too long. I’m not going to stand for this any
longer. Let’s do this, right here, right now!
Ed already has dice in hand to Cut A Promo. They roll and get 2 and 3, -1 for Ven-
ganza’s Look, for a total of 4. A Botch!
Ed: Oh no! Well, I guess I’m not getting this match.
Nathan: Nope. The crowd was just getting into the match when you interfered, so
even though the run-in was a hot moment, your challenge feels too sudden. Plus,
you’re outside the ring and Leviathan is still inside, so the visual is off. He seems like
he has the power here. Take another Momentum though, for the Botch.
Ed does so, and is back up to 3 Momentum, a good sign for later in the Episode. continued
Judgment Calls
Some Moves ask you to make a judgment call, either about what exactly “counts” to
trigger the Move, or about why you’d pick one result over another. For example, let’s
look at the Babyface Role Move.
To make this Move, you make the judgment call
whether your wrestler is standing up for something
they believe in. It’s always up to you, the player, to
When you stand up for
something you believe in,
decide what makes the most sense for your intentions
embody sportsmanship or in that moment. It’s another judgment call as to which
comport yourself with honor, options are significant in this moment. When does it
spend 2 Momentum and pick 1:
matter whether you leave your opponent speechless?
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your When do you want to get them in the ring?
➠ Leave your opponent Sometimes a wrestler will do the same thing multi-
speechless. ple times (maybe even in a single Episode), but in one
➠ Make Creative book you in case they’re standing up for something they believe
a match. in and in another they’re not! Spending the Momen-
➠ Expose villainous behavior tum to trigger this Move means that you’re making a
to BOOK a cheater to lose a
match. statement about what your wrestler believes. A pow-
erful subtlety exists in making these judgment calls.
Remember that it’s always up to the player, not Cre-
ROLE MOVE ative or anyone else. When in doubt, trust your gut
and your sense of dramatic action.
Between the Basic, Role and Gimmick Moves there are a lot of potential triggers and
outcomes to keep track of, even before bringing in Custom Moves, expanding your
game into a Living Promotion, or going on the road. Especially when things get exciting
and everyone wants to jump in, it can get chaotic trying to keep straight who made what
Move and in what order. One of Creative’s jobs is to look at the moment in the larger
context of what they have booked and what’s going on in the Episode, then decide how
to apply the interactions in a seamless manner. The context surrounding the use of the
Moves tends to make it clear how they should be combined, but it is ultimately up to
Creative. There’s more about how Creative does this starting on p. 106.
Using Moves
Like the Gimmicks, Moves are listed in their entirety at the end of this book for easy ref-
erence (p. 244). Reference sheet downloads are available at
and will be updated as needed. The downloadable sheets should be considered to be
correct if you notice any discrepancy between them and the material in this book.
What follows are expanded thoughts on the best ways to implement the Moves, and
some corner cases that can come up in play. Since Creative is generally the one with
authority over how the Moves interact, the following notes are addressed to them.
with them is after finding out that you’re going to have a grudge match).
The 7–9 result “You attack them in the ring! This BOOKS them as the winner” is based on a
wrestling trope that, if you attack someone in the ring, you are interfering on behalf of
their opponent. This draws that opponent a disqualification, which awards your target
a win. Use referee’s discretion to make the moment fit this result, if necessary.
On a Botch, the Hard Move could be what stops the run-in from happening, or it can be
a result of the aborted attempt not getting over with the audience.
Work The Audience: The basic Work The Audience context is in front of a live crowd,
p. 245 usually before a match. Sometimes it can be unclear whether
something a wrestler says is Work The Audience or Cut A Promo. The key difference
is that Work The Audience doesn’t demand a response or push a feud forward, while
Cut A Promo does. If the intention is to just pop the crowd, then it’s not Cut A Promo.
Work The Audience can also be made in the middle of a match. The player does not
need to be in control of the match to Work The Audience, as long as they can narrate
what their wrestler does to get the crowd on their side.
A Botch already turns the audience against the wrestler (by taking away their ability
to use this Move for the Episode), so any additional Hard Move should revolve around
that. Unless they’re really asking for it, though, you can go easy on them.
As a general note, remember that wrestlers can use non-wrestling Moves while they’re
in the ring, but they cannot use an In-Ring Move when they’re not actually in a match.
use the result to narrate how the spot ends up going, and how that looks to the audi-
ence. A full breakdown of the Wrestling Move is on p. 72. Other In-Ring Moves
include taking control with Interrupt, dramatically handing it off with The Comeback,
and putting the hurt on your opponent with Working Real Stiff, among others.
Control transitions between players through the Wrestling Move, using Interrupt to
jump in and take control for themselves, or handing it off with The Comeback. This back-
and-forth narration continues until Creative calls for the end of the match and reveals
the finish they BOOKED (if it hasn’t been revealed already). Then the players steer the
end of the match towards that destination… or towards a dramatic swerve instead!
Starting the Match
Creative chooses who starts in control. Often, one player will have done better on a
pre-match Cut A Promo or Work The Audience Move, indicating that they should start
it off; or, just pick based on what feels right. If in doubt, whoever has more Momentum
starts in control. If the match is booked with an NPW, the player always starts in control.
The Announcer
As the match starts, Creative designates one of the players not in the match as the
Announcer. Use a prop (like a physical microphone) or a notecard with “Announcer”
written on it to keep track of the Announcer. The Announcer’s job is to call the match
as if they were color commentary at ringside, recapping the action and putting their
own spin on things as the match progresses. The Announcer also has their own Move,
enabling them to Put Over wrestlers whenever they feel like the action needs a boost.
Put Over: After a wrestler in a match rolls the dice for a Move, recap what they
just did in the most glowing light (including covering up or explaining away an
error or Botch). Bump the die roll up to the next result level, from a Botch (6-) to a
partial hit (7–9), or from a partial hit to a full hit (10+).
✶ The Announcer can use this Move on each wrestler once per match.
The Announcer should wait to see the roll before deciding whether to use Put Over.
There’s often some negotiation between whether the player wants to spend Momen-
tum or the Announcer should help out—this is fine! Just remember that the Announcer
can only Put Over each wrestler once per match.
Often, Creative serves as another member of the commentary booth, providing some-
one for the Announcer to bounce off of as well as help guide the narration of the match
when needed. Creative cannot Put Over anyone. If the Announcer’s wrestler appears in
the match, the Announcer must hand off the mic even if they haven’t Put Over anyone
yet. Other players who aren’t participating in the match can also take on color commen-
tary roles, but unless the Announcer mic is passed to them, they can’t Put Over anyone.
When a player takes on the Announcer role, they can choose how they want that to
look to the imaginary viewing audience. Here are common approaches:
✶ Your Promotion has a fixed commentary booth of personalities, with players
stepping in and out of those characters as the Announcer role moves around.
Sometimes the first person to play the Announcer creates a commentator who
is then fixed for the rest of the game.
✶ When you’re the Announcer, your wrestler joins the booth for that match, giv-
ing commentary tinged by ongoing feuds they have with those in the ring even
if they’re not technically involved in this storyline. This is a particularly effective
approach if you’re planning to Run-In on the match, as your wrestler is already
present at ringside.
✶ Your commentary booth is a revolving carousel of personalities, and every
Announcer decides who they are for each match. This can be chaotic but also
means you don’t need to keep track of names and character traits. This can also
be a more meta method, where you play the Announcer role without attach-
ing it to any specific character as viewed by the audience. Someone’s just “The
Announcer” during each match.
✶ Narrate the set-up move or your initial attack and pick up the first die. Ask for
your opponent’s response. Then:
dle-end sequence, picking up the dice to indicate what the beginning and middle are,
then rolling them for the big spot at the end. Asking your opponent for their response
doesn’t mean they have control, but they do have input.
This is what makes matches dynamic, the little details inside the sequences that give
the audience a look at what your opponent is all about even when you have the upper
hand. Remember, you are professionals working together to make you look good (or
devious, or whatever you’re going for) when you have control of the match.
crowd convinced that you’re really able to do what you say you can do. If you want to do
something in a match that more blatantly reveals a legit grievance or that isn’t specifi-
cally about the wrestling , make the Break Kayfabe Move instead of this one.
The Comeback: This Move is for when you’re out of stuff you want to do, but still have
p. 247 control of the match. The wrestler who you’re giving control to is the
underdog in the moment, and they mount their comeback to push the match forward.
If you specifically do this when you’re lording your superior position over them, you
can gain a Momentum as long as you’re currently out. So, if you need Momentum and
you’re in control of a match, look for Comeback opportunities!
You can use Basic, Role and Gimmick Moves during matches, if they make sense. You
can always make a Move when you have control (by narrating yourself into it), but if
you trigger a Move without having control (like as part of responding to your opponent,
or by them narrating you into a perfect position) you should still make it like any other
time you trigger a Move.
When a player’s wrestler is BOOKED to lose to an NPW, nobody makes a Finishing Move,
they loser simply get pinned (or whatever the finish demands).
Match Finishes
What does winning a match actually look like? Modern matches without any stipula-
tions generally use one of these finishes for a clean, definitive win:
Pinfall: The winner holds the loser’s shoulders to the mat for a referee count
of three. A kickout means that the pinned wrestler gets one of their shoul-
ders up before three, “breaking the count” and keeping them in the competi-
tion. Most matches will see “near falls” or “false finishes” where one or both
wrestlers get one- and two-count falls before the kickout, but that third slap
on the map means the match is over.
Submission: The winner has the loser in a hold designed to inflict pain, keep
them immobile, or both. If the loser indicates to the referee that they sub-
Tag Teams
Tag matches can be a little more complicated
because there are more wrestlers involved. How-
ever, it’s still one continuous back-and-forth
conversation, just with more participants. The When you have a tag team
partner, you can do these
BOOKED winner of a tag match may be a particular whenever you can make the
wrestler on a team, or just one of the teams, with Wrestling Move:
the team member who gets the win determined make a hot tag to your partner
by the events of the match. In the latter case, the to bring them into the match at a
ring is the legal wrestler. They need to make a ➠ This BOOKS your team to lose
the match, and you gain +1
tag to their partner in their corner to switch out Heat with each other.
with them, whereupon their partner becomes the
legal wrestler. Only the legal wrestler can get a WRESTLING MOVE
pinfall or submission victory. The partners stand
outside the ring on the ring apron until they’re tagged in, and usually there’s a short
cord tied to the ringpost, called the “tag rope.” When you’re not in the ring, you need
to be holding onto the tag rope in order for a tag in to be legal—that is, you’re not sup-
posed to run over to where your partner is, the swap has to be in your corner. Once
Exchanging punches.
✶ Clotheslines (and ducking them).
✶ Irish whips (throwing your opponent into a corner by the arm).
✶ Dropkicks (from a standing position, or from the ropes).
✶ Rest holds (submission holds where you both stay still for a while).
Rest holds in particular have a specific purpose in real-world wrestling. Headlocks, ham-
merlocks, bear hugs, and anything else that puts the two wrestlers’ heads together
gives them a chance to talk out the next sequence of the match under the guise of
trashtalking. If you’re uncomfortable narrating everything in the sequence, ask your
If you have nothing that applies or can’t make any of the narrative triggers work in the
context of the moment, you can narrate how your wrestler ignores the booking entirely
to do what they want instead. This means you’ll make the Break Kayfabe Move, so
make sure you’re ready for the potential consequences before rolling the dice.
All of the above should help orient you towards what to actually do in play when your
wrestler is in a match. For a deep dive into wrestling matches as drama, this Chapter
ends with a section on Match Psychology (p. 96).
Hardcore Match
Hardcore: When you draw first blood or revel in violence in the ring, roll +Real:
✶ On a 10+: the crowd goes nuts! Retain control of the match and pick 2:
✶ On a 7–9: the crowd pops! Gain +1 Momentum and pick 1, and your opponent
takes control of the match:
➠ Someone in the match gets injured, but it isn’t discovered until afterwards.
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
➠ They gain +1 Heat with you.
✶ On a Botch: you played it too safe or went too hard. Your opponent describes
how they counter or save the spot and takes control of the match. Choose
whether you take an injury or lose all of your Momentum.
These matches throw the rules out the window in favor of weapons, blood, and vio-
lence. Add the Hardcore Move to the menu of In-Ring Moves during any match that
includes weapons, or that is intended to showcase the danger of the squared circle,
(whether it’s called a Hardcore Match or not). Hardcore Matches are necessarily no-DQ
as weapons are permitted. You still make the standard Wrestling Move for things that
would happen in any other match (even if assisted by a weapon). Make the Hardcore
Move when you really go for blood.
One of the results is “someone in the match gets injured, but it isn’t discovered until
afterwards”—generally this means that the player shouldn’t check an Injury box until
the injury is discovered. However, if it makes more sense for the story of the match or if
their Injury effect works smoother if it’s applied in the moment rather than afterwards,
you may want to check it during the match. If you get multiple injuries from the Hard-
core Move in one match, you do make multiple checks.
Straight Match
Straight Match: Use the standard Wrestling Move as normal, with the following
addition: when you hit 10+, retain control of the match and pick either:
➠ Gain +1 Momentum.
➠ Spend 1 Momentum to go for the victory.
✶ “Going for the victory” entails anything which would win the match per its other
stipulations, from a pinfall to grabbing the object of the match off of a pole.
When you go for the victory, your opponent can Interrupt or use another appro-
priate Move to kick out, break the pin or otherwise steal victory from your grasp.
If they cannot do so or choose not to, then you roll for your Finishing Move. That
result determines who wins the match (remember that some Finishing Move
results may end up declaring your opponent the winner!)
Straight Matches are a way to run a match with no predetermined BOOKING. This could
be a standard match framed as being left to the wrestlers to call in the ring; Creative
could be agnostic as to the outcome and reveals that there’s nothing BOOKED during
Sarah rolls 2d6 flat for her Finishing Move and gets a 6.
Sarah: Oh, hell no. I spend a Momentum, let’s take that to a 7… I need to choose
whether you make me work for it, or I sacrifice my body to get the win. I am totally
sacrificing my body! So, here’s what happens—you stand up all groggy, and I’ve been
rolling around holding my head, because this is one of those moves that hurts me too.
I roll over to the corner, then pull myself up, and see that you haven’t moved. I slowly
climb the ropes in the corner, and get up to the top turnbuckle… I do my signature
point and taunt “You Can’t Take It!” then I just fling my body at you, it’s kind of a
crossbody but I really just splat across your chest and we both go down.
Nathan: The ref runs over and counts the one… two… three!
Eric: So, what does the 7–9 mean for your Finishing Move, Sarah?
Sarah: I sacrifice my body, so I take +1 Heat with you, and I also take an injury.
Eric: In that case, I think I just barely catch you, as I’m legit still kind of shaken from
your headbutt, so you slide off me and land weird as I go down. Then I kick out just
after the three, to keep some of mystique, you see—and maybe that aggravates it?
Sarah: Yeah, I feel my knee tweak and then when you kick out I slide on it and some-
thing pops. I barely notice in the moment, but I definitely limp my way backstage. Oh,
and when I take an injury, I get another +1 Heat with whoever did it. That means I’m
up to +3 with you, Marco.
Eric: And you beat me in front of all those people. I’m coming for revenge!
Battle Royal
Battle Royal: Narrate a sequence of maneuvers and moments that lead to you
attempting to eliminate an opponent by sending them over the top rope.
➠ If you use your superior strength or athleticism, roll +Body.
➠ If you use your knowledge of leverage and superior ring awareness, roll
➠ If you team up with someone else to do it, roll +Heat with the wrestler who
helps you.
✶ On a 10+: the crowd pops as they go flying. They are eliminated! Retain control
of the match and take +1 Momentum.
✶ On a 7–9: they don’t quite go over and are still in the match. Choose whether to
hand them control of the match and take +1 Momentum or retain control of the
match and pick who tries to dump you out.
✶ On a Botch: they were ready for you. Your opponent describes how they counter
your attempt to stay in the ring, and takes control of the match.
➠ Any time a player’s wrestler is in danger of elimination, they can use the
Interrupt Move to save themselves (and take control of the match, as usual).
A Battle Royal is a spectacle of humanity, filling the ring with wrestlers from up and
down the card. The main draw is the chaos of having so many contenders at once, but
this brawl can also give some spotlight time to wrestlers who aren’t often seen in your
ongoing storylines.
A Battle Royal starts with as many wrestlers as you want in the ring (ten, twenty, how-
ever many you available and can fit!). Competitors are eliminated from the match by
being thrown the top rope, and the last wrestler standing wins the match. Replace the
standard Wrestling Move with the Battle Royal Move.
Creative can reveal the BOOKING for a Battle Royal at any time or leave it to be deter-
mined purely through the events of the match—whoever is left standing wins! If you do
BOOK a winner, and that wrestler is in danger of elimination, reveal the BOOKING at that
time. Once the BOOKED winner has been established, BOOKING works like in any other
match, including that elimination attempts on the BOOKED winner Break Kayfabe. In
addition, Moves that BOOK the match can be used to eliminate someone.
Due to the chaos inherent in the match, anything that calls for a no contest or DQ finish
generally doesn’t apply—depending on the context, it may imply that a certain compet-
itor is eliminated or leaves the ring voluntarily. However, it is possible for a Battle Royal
to end with the last two wrestlers eliminating each other at the same time by both going
over the top rope together. If this makes sense for the direction of the match, this kind
of thing seamlessly leads to a singles match to determine the true victor!
For a popular timed-entry variation on the Battle Royal, see the Regal Wrangle (p. 95).
Death Match
This match is specifically designed to cause pain. Whether there’s barbed wire instead
of ropes, burning barriers, exploding ropes, sheets of glass or poisonous creatures, it
isn’t if someone will get hurt, but when.
Everyone involved in a Death Match has to agree to be in it off-camera. If someone is
added to a Death Match, or the Death Match stipulation is added to a match they’re
already in (like from Cut A Promo or the Over Move), they can decide to pull out of it
with few or no negative repercussions. This may be a good storyline building moment,
but unless you are playing in a Promotion that centers on Death Matches, this is a char-
acter choice that should be respected.
✶ When a Death Match starts, each competitor gains +1 Momentum.
✶ The match proceeds using the rules for a Hardcore Match (p. 83), as violence,
blood and (improvised) weaponry are all involved.
In addition, whoever added this Stipulation declares what the Bad Shit in the match is.
Barbed wire? Pyrotechnics that explode when a wrestler hits them? Broken glass strewn
about the ring? Light tubes? Whatever the draw for the match is, that’s the Bad Shit.
During the match, a wrestler will narrate how they send their opponent into the Bad
Shit (usually as the result of the Wrestling Move, but it can also be narrated into with-
out making a Move). Whoever is sent into the Bad Shit can Interrupt to pull up just
short, or just narrowly avoid the Bad Shit. Then:
✶ Once each wrestler has paid 1 Momentum to avoid the Bad Shit, the cost goes to
2. Once each wrestler has paid 2, it goes to 3, and so on.
✶ Once the cost goes up, wrestlers can use the standard Interrupt Move as normal
when doing anything else in the match; only in the case of stopping themselves
from going into the Bad Shit must they pay the current Momentum cost.
You don’t want to go into the Bad Shit, but somebody’s going to. When you do:
✶ Take an injury..
✶ Gain (1+ Current Injuries) Momentum and take control of the match.
✶ If this is your last Injury box, you’ve gone past your physical limits. The match
ends in a no contest (you still gain the Momentum).
The no contest ending applies to any case in which one of the wrestlers checks off their
last Injury box, whether it’s because of the Bad Shit or not. Otherwise, the match is
BOOKED and the finish is revealed as normal.
Death Match
After many Episodes of escalation, Eric’s Millionaire Marco has been challenged to a
No-Ropes Barbed Wire Death Match by Sarah’s Bell Adonna. Eric not only agrees, he
uses an opportunity to add a Stipulation to make it a No-Ropes Barbed Wire Oildrum
Death Match. Not only are the ropes removed and replaced with barbed wire, the
ring posts are replaced with oildrums that contain flammable oil (and are themselves
wrapped in barbed wire). Both players are in for the match. It’s up to Sarah to spec-
ify the Bad Shit, and she says that both the barbed wire and the flammable oil in the
drums are the danger in this match.
They each gain a Momentum at the top of the match, and the now-Veteran Marco gets
another for his Ring General Move. Over the course of the opening sequence, both
wrestlers build up another Momentum, and they get into the dangerous action at 2 for
Bell Adonna and 3 for Millionaire Marco. Sarah has control of the match.
Sarah: I wipe the sweat off of my face and then launch into you with a flurry of
forearms. You take a step back, and I’ll take the opportunity to grab your wrist and
throw all of my weight into swinging you into the barbed wire in the corner!
Sarah hits the Wrestling Move on a 8 and chooses to retain control, sending Marco
into the Bad Shit.
Eric: Oh no you don’t. I’ll Interrupt to pull up short, and you’re on the mat now,
right? I just barely stop myself from hitting the barbed wire, but I kept hold of your
wrist, and I’m going to pull you up into a belly-to-belly suplex position. I pause for
a looong moment to get the crowd focus, and then suplex you into the oil barrel
behind me!
Eric spends 1 of his Momentum and reaches for the dice. Sarah nods and waits to see
how this comes out.
Nathan: This is definitely the Hardcore Move on this one.
Eric rolls +Real for Hardcore, and gets a 8, brought to 7 with his -1 Real. Marco just
barely hits the Move. He does take a Momentum for the result. continued
✶ All wrestlers who would gain the Top Spot after this one-time Audience adjust-
ment share the Top Spot. Anyone bumped out of the Top Spot resets to their
“starts and resets to” Audience as normal.
Exhibition Match
Exhibition Wrestling: Narrate a sequence of maneuvers and moments that lead
up to a showcase spot. This showcase is something you want people to remember
about the match.
➠ If you showcase your physical strength, acrobatic skill, or a signature maneu-
ver that requires incredible athletic ability, roll +Body and check it off.
➠ If you showcase your technique, create or subvert what the audience
expects to happen next, or demonstrate a signature maneuver that requires
high-level wrestling skills, roll +Work and check it off.
➠ If you work with your opponent to showcase an innovative or exciting
maneuver that requires both of you to succeed, roll +Heat with them and
check it off.
➠ If you have a Move that allows you to roll another Stat for the Wrestling
Move, check off your choice of the above.
✶ On a 10+: the crowd pops as you nail the spot. Retain control of the match and
choose whether you cash in your checks for Momentum.
✶ On a 7–9: you keep their attention. Choose whether to hand control of the match
to your opponent or retain control of the match.
✶ On a Botch: you botch the spot. Your opponent describes how they counter you
(or save you from disaster) and takes control of the match. Erase one check.
During the Match:
➠ When you cash in your checks, gain Momentum equal to Stats checked, and
erase your checks.
➠ Roll +Stats Currently Checked for your Finishing Move.
➠ After the match, win or lose, gain Momentum equal to Stats Checked at the
end of the match.
Mountevan’s Rules
This is a structure for classic British grappling, adding layers of rules in order to create
storytelling potential. Like everything in wrestling there are variations based on the pro-
moter’s goal for the match, but if you want to play out a match that could have aired on
World of Sport (p. 158), use Mountevan’s Rules.
Mountevan’s Rules: Narrate a sequence of maneuvers and moments that lead
up to a showcase spot. This showcase is something you want people to remember
about the match.
➠ If you showcase your physical strength, acrobatic skill or a signature maneu-
ver that requires incredible athletic ability, roll +Body.
➠ If you showcase your technique, create or subvert what the audience
expects to happen next, or demonstrate a signature maneuver that requires
high-level wrestling skills, roll +Work.
➠ If you work with your opponent to showcase an innovative or exciting
maneuver that requires both of you to achieve, roll +Heat with them.
✶ On a 10+: the crowd pops as you nail the spot. Retain control of the match and
either take +1 Momentum or trick your opponent into taking a public warning.
✶ On a 7–9: you keep their attention. Choose whether to hand control of the match
to your opponent and take +1 Momentum or retain control of the match.
✶ On a Botch: you botch the spot. Choose whether you take a public warning and
keep control of the match, or your opponent describes how they counter you (or
save you from disaster) and takes control of the match.
➠ When a wrestler takes their third public warning, their opponent is awarded
a fall. This BOOKS them to win the match (or win the fall, if playing a multi-
ple-falls match).
Mountevan’s Rules Interrupt: When you want to take control of the match, pick
one in order to gain control of the match and narrate the next sequence:
➠ Spend 1 Momentum and narrate how you counter, disrupt or otherwise
interrupt the current sequence.
➠ Take a public warning and narrate how you break the rules to take charge of
the action.
ultimate victor.
Matthew: Oh, this is perfect. So, you’re struggling enough that I’m pretty sure
you’re not going to submit. Instead, I’m going to trick you into another warning.
I let up the hold just enough for you get at my face with your other arm, and even
though you’re just trying to grab something to release the pressure, as soon as your
arm touches my face I yell and stumble away covering my eyes, like you raked me or
poked me in the eye.
Anna: I do have these long nails!
Nathan: The ref crouches down and checks, and you convince him that Madame
Lash got you with an illegal eye-poke. Public warning number 2!
Matthew is still in control of the match, and now Madame Lash is only one public
warning away from losing, in addition to a potential pinfall, countout or submission.
Though Nathan hasn’t revealed the booking to the match quite yet, if either player
draws another public warning for the Provocateur, she is going to lose the match
regardless of the original plan.
tions in the audience’s favor together creates fertile ground for drama.
A wrestler’s strategy doesn’t have to be about working a limb or showing off their supe-
riority. It could be keeping their opponent on the ground, keeping them outside of the
ring, distracting them, getting in their head with mind games, or anything else that fits
the character. When you’re thinking about what you do while playing out a match, ask
yourself how your wrestler thinks they can win this match, and build their strategy
around that goal.
Telling the Story
The wrestler’s job is to combine all of these elements into a rhythm. The match has ups
and downs, exciting back-and-forths, and slow rest holds in the middle of the ring for
breathers. It’s all of this together—the superstructure, the character roles, the efforts
to get the audience cheering and booing, the relationship between the wrestlers, their
positions on the card, the strategy each seeks to execute in the ring, and the rhythm
they establish with their performances—that tells the story of a match.
What Your Wrestler Wants
Get into your characters head. What do you want? This can be simple: “I want to win
the World Wide Wrestling Pan-Oceanic Championship” or complex: “I want to build a
stable of cronies, then trade them to Uncle Money for his support in getting me named to
the Management Council;” abstract: “I want to show that I’m the greatest high flyer of all
time” or specific: “I want to make Mammoth Marco tap out with my submission finish.”
These goals are described by the Wants on your Gimmick sheet. When you first make
your wrestler, you pick one Want. This can be an arbitrary choice or deeply core to the
character—since there’s no penalty to changing Wants, you can simply switch as the
events of your Episodes open up or narrow your ambitions. And then, of course, there’s
Playing Your
the big payoff of an Advance when you have that match in which you fulfill that Want!
You can define your Want specifically when you take it, or you can leave it relatively
abstract so that you can fit it into a variety of situations in your feuds.
Character goals are important for two big reasons. First, they give you a direction for
your interactions and conflicts. You’ll often get pulled into a segment or a match with
someone you haven’t shared the stage with yet, and your Want can be your motivation
for cutting promos on or forming alliances with them. You will often be able to use your
Want in order to hook into these situations and make them more relevant to you.
Cutting Promos
You’ll have ample opportunities to cut promos in this game. Not only will Creative cast
you into plenty of talking segments, there is always a mic available to your wrestler.
Just say that you want to say something, and you get time to talk. So what do you say?
A good promo engages the audience, communicates something new about you, your
opponent, or your feud, and creates an opportunity for response.
✶ Who you are.
✶ What you want.
✶ Why you’ll get it.
“Who you are” doesn’t mean just repeating your name over and over. Use promos
to introduce new aspects of your character, or reveal something that you’ve started
understanding about yourself and you want to make explicit. The audience only knows
what you tell them. “What you want” is often the easiest to talk about, because it’s gen-
erally the reason you’re cutting the promo, but if you are having a hard time making
your promo “about” something, find a way to make it about what you currently Want.
“Why you’ll get it” could be a description of your wrestling prowess, an aspect of your
character that makes you unique or superior to your opponent, or a description of how
your relationship with the fans inspires or motivates you.
You can deliver your promo in-character or you can describe what your wrestler says
in the third person. One common way to do it is to deliver the promo in character, and
then recap the points you’re trying to get across out-of-character “…so my point here is,
I may not be stronger than Mammoth Marco, but I’m smarter and, in the ring, it’s smarts
that matter.”
favored foreign object, elements of their costume,
or alternative entrances as elements signifying
the importance of a match. Remember: the pro-
duction budget for your wrestler is limited only
by your imagination!
Cyclone Suplex
by Shawn Hanf
Breath deeply
and focus your
ok to be just one, but if you can touch all three with a segment or an NPW action, that’s
the good stuff.
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and note who did it.
While injured, when you make the Run-In Move on them, you
❒ Rep
pick any 7-9 result instead of them.
When you spendThean Big Picture
Advance, ✶ PAGE
you can erase a check.107
If you ❒ Reti
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a ne
✶ Say they get a 7–9 and pick the “you don’t (get away with it), and gain +1 Heat...”
result, which seems a little more natural in this particular situation. The ref turns
around in time to see the Anti-Hero with the chair and pulls it out of their hands,
occupying them such that the Anointed gets a quick rollup pin. This preserves
both swerves.
✶ Say they Botch, so they “are BOOKED to lose the match by DQ...”. This doesn’t
change the BOOKING (they’re already BOOKED to lose), but the DQ changes
the specific narration in this case—the ref turns around in time to see the Anti-
Hero holding the chair and immediately calls for the disqualification, instead
of just pulling it out of their hands and yelling at them. This doesn’t swerve the
result, but it does change the context for narrating it, as the Anointed gets their
BOOKED result of winning the match directly out of this Botch.
What happens if multiple players want to Interrupt each other in sequence? The intent
of the Interrupt Move is to give a player who does not have control the ability to do a
thing when they otherwise would have to rely on their opponent to give them an open-
ing. In general, once somebody makes the Interrupt Move, they start their sequence
or make their next Move before they can get cut off themselves. As a baseline, players
can’t use Interrupt to cancel out another player’s Interrupt—they have to give the
player a chance to do the thing they interrupted for before interfering in turn. That
said, the choice of what Interrupt impacts what and when is ultimately a judgment call
for Creative, based on the tone and direction of the match.
Considering an Interruption
Going back to the start of the sequence, say the Anointed (who’s in control of the
match) narrates how they go to untie the turnbuckle pad, even saying:
I’m going for the Heel Move here…
The Anti-Hero player replies that they want to Interrupt, paying their 1
Momentum to do so. This doesn’t prevent the Anointed from using the Heel
Move entirely, but the player does needs to pause and see what the Anti-Hero
does first in order to respect that player’s Interrupt. The Anti-Hero then makes
their Rules? What Rules? Move and finds out the result. The Anointed then decides
whether the Heel Move is still necessary, or to let the moment pass and follow the
Anti-Hero’s lead now that they have narration.
The Heel Move now builds on the Anti-Hero’s Move, instead of the other way around.
One specific reason for waiting to see how the Rules? What Rules? Move comes out is
that the Anti-Hero could Botch the roll, which would give the Anointed the win without
having to spend their Momentum on the Heel Move at all!
However, if the Anointed pays their 2 Momentum, declares the Heel Move, describes
what happens, and play moves on from there, then the moment has passed. The Anti-
Hero can’t retroactively Interrupt just because they don’t like the details of what the
Anointed does after stealing the win, for example.
closed-fist punches, or any other rule of the match) or because of outside inter-
ference that the ref sees.
entirely within the players hands, and when they do so they get to set up the segment
showing their new bond. See the details under Making a Dedicated Tag Team (p. 78).
appropriate for your Promotion, and they can be a great way to add meaning to a one-
off match or spice up a feud.
of sanding down rough edges on the card, stifle innovation in the ring.
Creative Committees
The basic structure of World Wide Wrestling assigns one player as Creative, and every-
one else plays individual wrestlers. However, there are other ways to split up the Cre-
ative/wrestler duties and responsibilities. Here are two alternatives that may be helpful
for groups where more than one player wishes to have Creative powers, or for small
groups that want to make sure everyone has a chance to get in on the action.
Double-Duty (Playing a Wrestler as Creative)
Creative can play a fully-fleshed-out member of the roster by making a wrestler using
the same rules as everybody else. Pick a Gimmick, introduce them with Heat questions
and debut them whenever you’d like, from the first Episode to any time mid-Season
that you want to get in on the action.
Whenever your wrestler is in a segment, hand off being Creative to a player whose
wrestler isn’t present. This is just like passing off being The Announcer (p. 70) for
a match—someone can volunteer, or you can put the spotlight on someone who you
think would be good at it. They play NPWs and bring in anything they want to see as
you play your wrestler. You talk, narrate your actions, and make Moves like all of the
other player wrestlers. If it’s important for the segment to have something you have On
Deck come into play, you should narrate that in at the top or tell the temporary Creative
what it is, and it’s up to them to integrate it. At the end of the segment, your wrestler
goes off-screen, and you go back to your standard roles.
When your wrestler is in a match, whoever you hand off to BOOKS the finish of the
match! They can decide on what they want to see at the top, like you usually do, or
they can make a mid-match call or let the match play out as a Straight Match (p. 83),
that match, as described above under Double Duty. If everyone’s wrestler is in one
match, like a Regal Wrangle (p. 95) or a big tag match, whoever BOOKS the match
Building Your
chapter eight
Whether you start your game with a full roster or you let the events of play determine
the wrestlers’ world, in this game you can build the kind of professional wrestling pro-
motion you’ve always wanted to see.
Simple Promotions
The default promotion style for World Wide Wrestling is that of a modern, televised
weekly show, but the rules are agnostic as to the details. As long as there’s an audience,
you can play a game as a glorified backyard fed, an old-school territory, a stationary
indie promotion, or any combination of these you want. Does your show travel from
city to city or does it have a single home arena? Does it have pay-per-view supercards
every month, a couple times a year, or not at all? Are there weight classes, style-based
splits, or other roster divisions? What signature match styles or kinds of grappling does
it privilege over others?
You can make all of those decisions in play, have one player map them out ahead of
time, or have a discussion at the beginning of the first Episode about them. Use this
game to create the kind of wrestling you enjoy the most!
When starting a new Season, the player’s wrestlers should start out in middle of your
roster, not already at the top and not all the way down at the bottom, so that they can
move up or down the card as they develop. This means that nobody begins your first
Episode holding a Championship—start off with that mountain to climb!
Championship Titles
The kayfabe goal of every wrestler is to be the Champion.
Start your games with NPWs holding title belts. Wrestlers generally have to earn #1
Contender status as part of their storyline, then win the belt in a main event match.
Come up with compelling names and meanings for your titles—is it a classic World
Championship Title or is it the Heavyweight Master of Wrestling Championship? Is it
the Americas Belt or the Cup of Champions? Women’s Championship or Lady Lucha
Campeona? Use belts and Championships to flavor your Promotion.
The Card
Most wrestling promotions have multiple Championships, at least two for singles com-
petition and one for tag teams. The two singles belts correspond to the lower and upper
cards. “The card” refers to territory-era schedule cards, where the main event was listed
at the top of the bill, and the matches were ranked under it in descending order of how
famous, experienced, or important the wrestlers were.
Today, the notion of lower and upper card is much less defined. There’s certainly a
division between newer, less experienced, and less popular wrestlers, and older, more
established, better-at-wrestling fan favorites. This is enforced more by overall booking,
rather than specific matches on a single show.
Your starting roster are the stars of your show, but still have to prove themselves.
This is so the wrestlers have somewhere to grow as they gain more Audience, Advances,
and accolades.
Building Your
Your Promotion can be as much a character as any wrestler, expressed through choice
of NPWs, match stipulations, audience descriptions, venues, and the tone you create
in play. If you want to explore how the world around the wrestlers grows and changes
with them, you can make a Living Promotion. Living Promotions have their own ver-
sion of Stats and gain Advances that expand the options available to Creative as the
Promotion develops. Using Living Promotions also opens up the ability of wrestlers to
establish themselves as invaluable Specialists on the roster (p. 132) and become truly
legendary figures through Mythic Moments (p. 130).
You can create your whole Promotion before the first Episode or use your first Episode
to talk about what the Promotion should look like as a group. You can also pick one of
example Promotions (p. 190) to play in, or to use as a model for your own.
To start a new Living Promotion, you’ll need to decide on the Reach it has, and pick the
starting Supports that define it and Struggles that challenge it.
This is the geographic area or media market that you can reach with your shows. These
categories can overlap depending on the details, but you should map the general scale
of “who has access to seeing our show” to this scale. Pick your starting Reach:
Local: You perform for a small audience that is mostly the same group of
people from show to show.
Municipal: You perform in one large city, or a media market shared by multi-
ple small population centers.
Regional: You perform in a mobile circuit or in a media market that covers
multiple cities.
National: Your shows can emanate from or be broadcast throughout your
home country.
International: You can perform or be seen anywhere in the world.
Reach can move both up and down the scale depending on the events of your Sea-
son. Starting Local means you have nowhere to go but up, while starting International
means that any change in your reach is going to be a consolidation, not an expansion.
Reach may interact with a media market or strategic element that you choose as a Sup-
port or Struggle (below). They should make sense together—a cable TV deal implies
National reach, while a bad sponsorship might mean that you’re locked into a Municipal
arena that isn’t big enough for your audience.
Supports & Struggles
Supports and Struggles define your Promotion. Supports are simple descriptors of
things that hold up your company, helping make it unique or giving it particular niche
appeal. Struggles are elements that hold you back or logistical challenges to growth or
integrity. Pick two of each for a new Promotion. If they are seemingly contradictory,
describe how they co-exist. A Promotion with a large war chest that’s also in debt could
be cash-rich but in hock to an absentee shareholder who refuses to be bought out; one
with mainstream appeal that’s also behind the times could be laboring under outdated
booking assumptions even though it has a young, talented roster that just needs more
exposure to get to that mass audience.
by Agent
…so they’re
A swift kick to the defenseless against
gut takes their the snap Suplex!
breath away…
Building Your
get around their essential nature. Supports are part of your appeal and generally pos-
itive for your Promotion. They are always desirable and helpful. Struggles are things
that weigh down the company, potentially even leading to its downfall. They always
cause headaches and make things difficult.
Tiers & Audience Resets in Living Promotions
Living Promotions use the same basic concept of tracking audience growth as Simple
Promotions, but with a twist to reflect the expanded options available to the Living
Promotion. You check the Tier Threshold at the beginning of each Episode, and only
consider the wrestlers in that Episode, as described earlier (p. 126). However, how the
Tier Threshold is calculated and what happens when you Tier Up is different.
All new Living Promotions start at Tier 0. The Tier Threshold is (TIER) + ((NUMBER OF
PLAYER WRESTLERS) X 3). Add up the Audience of each wrestler appearing in the Epi-
sode. The Top Spot counts as +5 for this calculation. If the total Audience of the roster
is greater than the Tier Threshold, your Promotion gains new audience! The wrestlers
then reset to their starting Audience scores, representing how they need to win over
the fresh crowd.
Building Your
When a Mythic Moment is made, replace the Basic Move results with those below.
Athletic Feat: You’ve exceeded human capacity to join the pantheon of wrestling
legends. Pick either:
➠ Your feat becomes imitated worldwide, by fans and other wrestlers. Gain +1
Audience. Your Audience Reset number permanently goes up by 1 (Max +3).
➠ You become immortalized in the highlight reels of your Promotion. Describe
exactly how that looks. Gain +1 Momentum when you make your first
appearance in every Episode from now on.
Break Kayfabe: Your action becomes the symbol of when things changed. Pick
➠ You BOOK all of your matches until the next Audience reset. Your Audience
Reset number permanently goes up by 1 (Max +3).
➠ You expose something backstage impossible to ignore. Creative must
acknowledge this on-screen and you pick one Tier Effect to reflect the
change you demand. Gain +1 Audience.
Cut A Promo: Your promo becomes part of professional wrestling canon. Pick 1:
➠ Simply referencing this promo counts for the Cheap Heat Move, for every-
one on the roster, forever.
➠ Your promo goes viral, and everybody knows it even if they don’t know you.
Your Audience Reset number permanently goes up by 1 (Max +3).
➠ This takes you to the next level of your craft. Take an Advanced Role right
now, without spending an Advance.
Work The Audience: They’ll never forget being in this crowd. Pick either:
➠ Add an Audience Move of your choice to the rest of this Episode.
➠ You whip them into a real frenzy. Gain +1 Audience as they storm the ring!
Run-In: You’ve perfectly captured a turning point in the storyline. BOOK the result
of your run-in on the fly. Then, gain +1 Heat with each other and you pick 1:
➠ It’s turned to a blood feud. You and your target can only wrestle each other
until this thing is resolved.
➠ You’ve gained the upper hand. You can pick any stipulations you want for
your opponent’s matches until the next Audience Reset (whether you’re
booked in them or not).
➠ This is going to get settled tonight! Your big match is the new main event of
the Episode. You and your opponent both gain +1 Audience, as the crowd
gets exactly what they want.
Wrestling: This move goes into your highlight reel. Keep control of the match, and
pick 1:
➠ You impress everyone. You are now BOOKED to win the match.
➠ You steal the show. Gain +1 Audience.
➠ You do the job. Your opponent gains +1 Audience.
➠ You upstage someone. Say who comes out to help your opponent. You gain
+1 Heat with each other, and you’re BOOKED to lose the match.
Building Your
one else’s rise, or simply have a deep-seated need to pull down those who
you view as false idols to the fans. You aim to forge your own legend on the
bones of theirs, and you don’t care if it’s “in storyline” or not.
➠ Prerequisite: Real +2 or higher.
Iconoclast: When you Cut A Promo on someone in an Advanced Role, choose to
roll on +Look or +Real, whichever is higher. If on +Real, you must reference some
legit issue you have with them. Add the following to the Cut A Promo 7–9 result list:
➠ You are BOOKED to win your next match with them.
The Time Bomb: You’ve been in this business too long, and it’s taken a toll
on your body. You know your bump card only has so many punches left on it,
and you’d rather flame out than fade away. You’re probably older and more
established, but you may just have peaked too early and gone too hard.
➠ Prerequisite: Have 2 or more Injuries currently checked.
Time Bomb: You decide when it’s time to hang up your boots. At the top of any
Episode, you can BOOK a retirement match with any opponent of your choice.
When your opponent wins, they gain +1 Audience. Once retired, create a new
wrestler or take over an NPW wrestler for the remainder of the Season.
➠ If the BOOKING is swerved such that they don’t win, take +1 Heat with them.
The feud continues until your opponent retires you.
The Prodigal: You leave, then you come back. You still keep one foot firmly
in the wrestling business, but you’ve earned enough leeway to take time off
to go tour with your band or make an occasional action flick. Your fanbases
don’t really overlap, but your aura as someone who’s made it “outside” the
business gives you a lot of credibility with the fans.
➠ Prerequisite: Audience +2 or higher.
Prodigal: Whenever you take an Episode off, your next appearance is a triumphant
return! When you return, call out someone on the roster with lower +Audience
than you (or whoever seems to need help the most, if there’s no clear candidate).
You take +1 Heat with each other and Creative BOOKS a match between the two of
you on the card for that Episode, starting a feud.
➠ If your opponent gains +1 Audience from a match with you during your feud,
they gain an additional +1 Audience, and you move on to another opponent
(or go back to your other life).
Building Your
feud you have going, from challenging for a title to disrupting the big grudge match at
the top of your card. You’re strapping the rocket to them, and the player’s wrestlers will
have to contend with the sudden shift in the landscape.
Retiring an NPW is the inverse. If you have a long-running wrestler who’s held titles,
been in feuds and partnerships with your player’s wrestlers, and generally feels like a
dependable go-to for main event storylines, think about retiring them. This can be a
formal retirement from the profession, or it could be the result of an injury or a back-
stage grudge that’s never been settled. A retirement is a disruption to the status quo,
creating a sudden hole for the player’s wrestlers to try and fill as the dust settles.
Building Your
When a wrestler gains Audience, they also have to spend 1 Momentum. If they
don’t have it or don’t want to spend it, they don’t gain the Audience.
✶ When a wrestler Botches on any roll, including on the Wrestling Move, they
lose 1 Momentum in addition to the standard effects (for most Basic Moves, this
cancels out the Momentum gain).
✶ If a wrestler hits a 10+ on Work The Audience, they’ve won the crowd over—
temporarily. Ignore the other effects of this Audience Move for the rest of their
match or segment.
This crowd is made up of die-hard fans who follow not just your Promotion, but most
of the important companies on the indie scene. They know the biographies and histo-
ries of your wrestlers and have favorites based on their pedigree, not necessarily their
current storylines. This crowd is ready to cheer for wrestlers but may be actively hostile
to the creative decisions made backstage. They love wrestlers more than companies.
An Indie Crowd is appropriate for a big homecoming show for a rising star, or to repre-
sent an audience in a smaller town or ad hoc venue.
When working in front of an Indie Crowd:
✶ Each wrestler’s Audience for this Episode is equal to their +Work. If they’re in
the Top Spot, they take an additional +1 Audience. If they have 0 or negative
Work, they count as having Audience +1. If they end the Episode with 0 Audi-
ence, it’s up to Creative whether they truly face being fired or not. Return Audi-
ence scores to their pre-Episode position after the Episode.
✶ When a wrestler hits the Wrestling Move on a 10+, they gain an additional +1
Momentum in addition to the standard effects.
✶ When a wrestler Botches on any Move, the crowd turns on them. Decide
whether they ironically chant for someone else (and that wrestler gains +1
Momentum) or for themselves (and nobody can make the Work The Audience
Move for the rest of the show).
Kayfabe is dead, but don’t tell this crowd. Maybe a little older, less plugged-in, or more
willing to suspend disbelief, this is the kind of crowd that you hear about from the ter-
ritory days. Working for this crowd is both easy, in that they respond the way you want,
and hard, because they don’t respect the difference between the wrestler and the char-
acter they’re playing. Old-school crowds love the babyfaces and hate the heels.
An Old-School Crowd is appropriate for a throwback feel, a small town off the beaten
path or even as the normal audience for a territory-era Promotion. Alternately, use this
Move to represent a crowd that has never actually seen wrestling before.
When working in front of an Old-School Crowd:
✶ Each wrestler’s +Real is -1 from its usual rating (minimum -2).
✶ When a Babyface gains Audience, they take +1 Momentum as the crowd erupts
with euphoria. When a Heel gains Audience, they take +1 Momentum as the
crowd storms the ring with rage.
✶ If a Babyface and Heel gain Audience as the result of the same match or seg-
ment, the crowd riots and the Episode comes to a premature end!
Invasion Angles
You aren’t the only wrestling company in the world. No matter how much you may act
like you’re the only game in town, there’s a robust ecosystem of training schools, local
companies, and traveling free agents for your audience to also watch and appreciate.
No matter how friendly you are with the competition, you always want to show the
crowd why they should invest in your Promotion and not the others.
The Invasion Angle Advance
An Invasion Angle is a meta-storyline featuring the attempted “invasion” of your Pro-
motion by a rival company. This could be an outgrowth of a legit “war” over a shared
audience pool, or it could be orchestrated by wrestlers from both companies as a cross-
over opportunity for mutual benefit. The most famous war happened on TV, but two
promotions could do battle over a region, a venue, or the mindshare of hardcore fans
on the internet. A hot invasion angle will raise everyone’s profile and creativity; but
there’s a risk that the awkward combination of incompatible talent and priorities will
grind down the ability of the wrestlers to deliver, burning out the audience.
Running an Invasion Angle takes some work. It’s a good time to bring in a player who’s
interested in planning storylines and sharing some Creative legwork to represent the
interests of the Rival Promotion. Whether on your own or with help, when you take the
Invasion Angle advance, you need to prep the Rival Promotion before the next Episode.
Rival Promotions
You can create your Rival Promotion from scratch, of course, but you can also take advan-
tage of The Promotions (p. 190) as a source for an invasion. Tweak the physical location
or background details as needed. In particular, the Invasion Wrestling Alliance (p. 208)
is built around the premise of invading other companies and stealing their titles, and
Penny Ante Wrestling (PAW) (p. 195) is continually competing for talent with other feds.
Building Your
Create the Rival Promotion as any new Promotion, with the following tweaks:
✶ They start within 1 Tier of your Promotion (higher, equal to or lower).
✶ They have that number of Advances to spend (since Promotions gain an
Advance each time they Tier Up).
✶ They can have any Reach that makes sense in context of being a rival to your
✶ They must have two Struggles and two Supports. Supports and Struggles
should point to the differences between your Promotions, but don’t need to be
totally opposed.
✶ Create a basic roster for the Rival Promotion, including the top performers and
any notable non-wrestlers.
✶ Put the triggering event for the Invasion On Deck for your next Episode.
You can start an Invasion Angle quietly (like debuting a new wrestler who happens to
also work for the rival), or with a bang (a busload of rowdy workers takes over your
locker room in the middle of the show!).
Between Episodes, place at least one element directly concerned with the Invasion
Angle On Deck and bring it in in the next Episode. Once it kicks off, orient storylines
towards the Invasion by using the rivalry and it’s effects to disrupt the normal course
of business. Remember, the players’ wrestlers are still the stars of your game! You can
use the Rival Promotion to present offers and choices, mirror storylines or showcase
wrestlers that got sidelined in or washed out of your company. Use your Hard Moves
to show off the advantages gained by the Rival Promotion, or how their effect on your
audience is starting to spread. As you get into the story, this rivalry also gives the play-
ers a wider field of potential goals for their own wrestlers, from trying to take down the
competition to settling into a guaranteed contract for “the other guys.”
Changes in the Supports and Struggles of your Promotion reflect the effectiveness of
your Invasion Angle. When you Tier Up, whoever chooses the Tier Effect can choose
it for the Rival Promotion instead of your own—that is, they can add or remove one of
their Supports, change their Reach, or add or remove a Struggle. Like all Tier effects,
this choice should come out of the story so far and make sense for the current context
of your game.
The Tier of the Rival Promotion changes as a result of events in your Episodes:
✶ When one of your wrestlers loses a Main Event match to an Invasion wrestler,
add 1 to the Rival’s Tier.
✶ When one of your wrestlers loses a Championship to an Invasion wrestler, add
1 to the Rival’s Tier.
✶ If one of your wrestlers defects to the rival Promotion, add 1 to the Rival’s Tier.
They can continue playing in the game, but now they’re representing the rival
Whenever the Rival Promotion Tiers Up, you pick their Advance (or consult with a
player who may be jumping ship or has another storyline connection to the Rival). Rival
Promotions do not take Tier Effects outside of those chosen for them when your Pro-
motion Tiers Up, as described above.
…driving their
shoulders into
the mat, ready
for the pinfall!
Building Your
playing World Wide Wrestling, or who would like to start a new one. In this case, you
collaborate with your “rival” Creative to crossover the events of each table. This could
be done in real time (for example, simultaneous games at a convention or Long Con
event), or by conspiring during downtime to generate cross-promotional elements for
each Creative to put On Deck (p. 109).
To play out a Live Invasion, both Promotions use the preceding rules, treating the other
as their Rival. If you’re already two or more Tiers apart, add your starting Tier difference
to determine when the Invasion stops (so, if you start at Tier 1 and Tier 4, add three—
the invasion ends once you are five or more Tiers apart, not two). In addition:
✶ When you establish Heat with a wrestler on the Rival roster, do not cool it off for
not crossing paths with them in an Episode. It keeps its rating from the last time
you encountered them for any confrontations in the future.
✶ Add the following to the Once you’ve picked 3 of these Advancement options
for every Gimmick: Jump to the Rival Promotion. You join their roster with your
current Audience, and set Heat thusly: Heat +1 with everyone lower or equal
in Audience to you; Heat +2 with everyone with more Audience than you. Your
new Promotion Tiers Up (as this is a defection from your original Promotion).
✶ If a wrestler shows up on a rival show without having taken this Advance option,
they count as having 1 less Audience for the duration of their appearance. If
they need to establish Heat with anyone they don’t already have Heat with, it
starts at +1 regardless of Role.
✶ The booking for any Episode is under the purview of Creative for that Promo-
tion, even when it includes wrestlers from the Rival Promotion. If they want
to swerve their storylines, even when given something that is directly counter
to what they usually expect or receive in their home Promotion, it’s under the
usual rules of using Moves that BOOK results (unless they Break Kayfabe).
Promotion Death
Promotions are born, grow, and, eventually, die. Supports and Struggles indicate the
health of your company. If you have more Struggles than Supports, the company’s
future could be in danger. Your Promotion faces collapse when either:
✶ You end an Episode with no Supports and only Struggles.
✶ You end an Episode with more than twice as many Struggles as Supports.
When one of these happens, your next Episode is your last one for the Promotion. You
can frame this Episode as a desperate effort to keep the lights on (and see if the roster
can get enough Audience to Tier Up, giving the wrestler in the Top Spot the chance to
save the Promotion), or use it as the natural ending point of the Season. Or, maybe the
checks just stop coming, and you play out a final Episode as an epilogue or eulogy for
the company.
Promotion death is easily avoided if you don’t want to have it be part of your game.
Keeping a rough equivalency of Supports and Struggles will keep the company going.
But if you do want the health of the company to be part of your Season’s story, keep in
mind that you can use a Hard Move to add a Struggle or remove a Support when appro-
priate. This will place the onus on whoever’s in the Top Spot to balance their goals with
how best to keep the Promotion going.
Building Your
If it’s a very specific Move, you could also roll on anything else that is additive and rel-
evant to the Move, like +number of current Injuries, or +number of Advances taken.
You can also just roll 2d6 with no Stat, which means that Momentum will play a larger
role in gaining success (like for the Finishing Move).
Finally, you don’t need to roll at all if it’s something that isn’t left to chance. The Role
Moves, for example, are made by simply spending Momentum. You also can have
Moves that just happen when they happen, without needing to roll dice—this is how
Creative’s Moves work, as well as Gimmick Moves like the Veteran’s Ring General,
which triggers whenever they start a match.
All of that said, most Gimmick Moves will involve dice, and contain results arrayed on
the 10+/7–9/Botch scale. 10+ represents something going very well, 7–9 represents it
going the wrestler’s favor but with some kind of drawback, compromise or complica-
tion, and a Botch represents it not going over and causing an unwelcome consequence.
This game has a relatively rigid rules structure for Move outcomes, mostly a combina-
tion of these basic ingredients:
ON A 10+ ON A 7–9
✶ Gain +1 Momentum. ✶ Gain +1 Heat with someone or
✶ Gain +1 Heat with someone. they gain +1 Heat with you.
✶ You and someone else gain +1 ✶ Add or remove a stipulation to a
Heat with each other. match.
✶ Book a specific segment, includ- ✶ Get something you want at a cost
ing BOOKING a match. or drawback.
✶ Get something you want with no ✶ Create a fictional position for
cost or drawback. yourself that’s unstable or puts
✶ Create an advantageous fictional something at risk.
position for yourself. ✶ Put someone at the risk of injury.
✶ Injure someone. ✶ Give someone +1 Momentum.
✶ Pick 2 options from a list shared ✶ Pick 1 option from a list shared by
by 7–9 results. 10+ results.
All Botches invite Creative to make a Hard Move. Gaining and Losing
In addition: There are few Moves, outside of
✶ Lose -1 Heat with someone. Finishing Moves (which require
Momentum to reliably get good
✶ Face negative, legit repercussions for your actions.
results), that gain Audience directly,
✶ Take an Injury. or that lose Audience on a Botch. The
✶ Lose -1 Audience (generally for Moves that roll ones that do tend to be Moves that
+Real). roll on +Real. This is because +Real
✶ Gain +1 Momentum (to represent learning, and is the riskiest Stat to rely on. +Real
Moves should be high-risk, high-re-
to keep Momentum gains balanced across Epi-
ward—twitching the curtain can pay
sodes)—the Basic Moves all have this, but few of off big, but when it doesn’t work the
the existing Gimmick Moves. If you expect a Move wrestler is potentially disrupting the
to be used by multiple wrestlers frequently during suspension of disbelief for the entire
Episodes, consider including this. show, and that’s not going to make
anyone else happy.
Building Your
Eric spends an Advance on making a custom Move for Mammoth Marco. He wants
to represent the Monster’s signature habit of no-selling his opponents offence in the
ring in order to maintain his mystique. So far, he’s just rolled +Body for the Wrestling
Move, and handled it with narration. However, he wants to use the Custom Move to
capture how it adds to his stories in the ring, as no-selling usually implies that you
make your opponent look worse by not taking their offense seriously. After discussing
it with Nathan they come up with:
Mammoth Mountain: You are the mountain.
When you refuse to back down in the face of your opponent’s fury, you can Interrupt
without spending a Momentum.
When you show a crack in your façade of strength or take a step back in the face of an
assault, you can gain +1 Momentum for The Comeback even when you already have
This builds on the standard In-Ring Moves in a way that grants Mammoth Marco a
bounty of Momentum for doing his thing, but also incentivizes showing the occasional
respect to others that is part of his style. Their first concept was a “Roll +Body” Move
with an array of outcomes that Marco could use instead of the Wrestling Move, but
after trying it in a match it felt like too much of a gimme. His high Body score meant
he was almost always was able to hit it on a 10+ and just keep dominating the match,
pulling even more focus away from his opponent. Reconceptualizing it as a modifier to
other Moves balances out the narrative and mechanical effects and brings the Move
into line with his original concept.
Custom Gimmicks
The basic 15 Gimmicks cover a broad range of wrestlers and styles, but wrestling con-
tains multitudes. If the existing Gimmicks don’t decribe the exact wrestler archetype
you’d like to see, you can make your own! Making new Gimmicks is a great way to trans-
late what excites you about wrestling into playable form.
Use an existing Gimmick that’s close to what you have in mind as a template. There are
constants across the core Gimmicks, so that they interact on the same mechanical level
and are compatible across all games of World Wide Wrestling:
✶ Position on the card: Some Gimmicks are Career Gimmicks (p. 44), which
means that they have a position in the wrestling world that is either very spe-
cialized (like the Jobber) or they’re a lifetime worker with lots of experience
(like the Veteran). This gives them slightly higher starting Stats at the expense
of limited Advancement options and Moves that are constrained to their spe-
✶ Stat distribution: A standard Gimmick totals -1 when their four Stats are added
together (including the add +1 to any stat customization). A career Gimmick
generally totals to 0 across the four Stats. Within this total, you can also use the
choice of bonus to two particular Stats, or a bonus and a penalty (like add +1
to one and -1 to another to push the Gimmick into a certain Stat specialization.
✶ Heat Questions: Come up with four Heat questions, two that imply a positive or
helpful relationship, and two that imply a contentious or difficult relationship.
✶ Wants: Come up with a thematic Want to add to the basic list. This should be
something that can be satisfied in the context of a wrestling match.
✶ Audience: Most standard Gimmicks start and reset to +1 Audience, and most
career Gimmicks start and reset to +2 Audience.
On The Road
lights gp dark and they change out of the spandex, it’s time to hit the road.
The gig doesn’t stop when you leave the venue. Depending on the scale of your Pro-
motion and how often you run shows for a live crowd, your wrestlers may live the 24/7
travel lifestyle or have “government jobs” that pay the bills. Either way, they’re going to
spend some time traveling. The road leads to pride and shame, pranks and diners, the
open road and traffic jams, chances to learn from the greats, obstacles to raising a fam-
ily, visits to sick kids and gigs signing autographed headshots in a union hall.
The situations and Moves in this Chapter cover snapshots of the most important or
influential moments your wrestlers have between normal televised Episodes. You can:
✶ Play out an Episode entirely on the road.
✶ Play through a few scenes at the top of your normal Episodes to contextualize
the upcoming show.
✶ Play a scene with a single player or subset of the players before everyone
arrives for the full Episode.
✶ Play out a flashback of something that happened on the road in the middle of
an on-camera segment.
✶ Play out a segment off-camera that’s built around one of these Moves instead
of Play Politics to handle disputes or clashes outside the ring.
Hitting the road is entirely optional and doesn’t need to happen in any regular pattern,
but it can be a nice break if you want to get to know the characters under the masks or
mix up a long-running Season. Be aware: once you go on the road, the chances are high
you’ll bring some of that dust back into the venue with you! Many of the Moves here
have implications for the next standard Episode in front of an audience, so make sure
to keep track of the fallout from hitting the bricks.
This Chapter is divided into thematic slices of life on the road:
Conventions & Special Appearances (p. 149)
Event Promotion (p. 150)
Home and Family (p. 151)
Travel Partners (p. 153)
Getting Lost and Getting Found: Addiction and Recovery (p. 154)
Many of the Road Moves reference or create problems for the wrestler. Each section
includes sample problems or tough situations, which can also be used as the premise
of a scene of that type. Some Road Moves refer to gaining or promising favors. Favors
can concern life on the road or be called in once the cameras roll to gain an advantage
in on-screen storylines. As with all Moves, a Botch on a Road Move is an invitation for
Creative to make an appropriate Hard Move.
On The Road
➠ You owe someone a favor.
➠ Someone owes you a favor.
✶ On a Botch: you don’t get what you wanted, but you do get what you deserve.
This may include an Injury, if the situation warrants. Gain +1 Momentum.
Hitting the Road
Each section is a kind of situation you’ll find yourself contending with on the road.
These situations might be the setting for a single scene, a chunk of the story between
wrestling appearances, or cover the entirety of an Episode on the road.
Conventions & Special Appearances
Some top-tier performers don’t have to worry about these things; but for workers at
smaller feds or wrestlers living in semi-retirement, there’s a delicate balance between
preserving your image and profiting off it. Fan conventions, trade shows and sports
exhibitions all love a draw, and sometimes you can make good money without taking
any bumps. Sometimes.
These appearances reflect the agony and ecstasy of small-time wrestling fame. Fans
who come to get signatures or pose with wrestlers for pictures range anywhere from
reverential (with odd gifts, stories of your influence, and embarrassing awe) to con-
frontational (explaining your career to you, challenging you to a fight, or begging for
favors.) The tone for a convention event or other special appearance can vary wildly
depending on your game. Do you want to yuk it up with whackadoodle fans and cause
drama with other convention Special Guests? Or do you want to focus on NPWs who
are just as broken as you are, desperate for one last match—or, worst of all, completely
happy with their situation?
Road Move—With Special Guest: When you trade off your legacy to earn cash,
roll +Work. If you have an Advanced Role, add an additional +1.
✶ On a 10+: the event leaves you invigorated, gain +1 Momentum and pick 2 from
the 7–9 list.
✶ On a 7–9: it’s a mixed bag at best, pick 1:
➠ The event leaves you feeling good.
➠ You don’t give away something valuable (a secret, an heirloom, your dignity).
➠ You earn enough not to have to do this again soon.
➠ You catch wind of a beneficial booking, and Creative adds it to what they
have On Deck for the next regular Episode.
✶ On a Botch: none of the above. Nobody comes to your table, you have a misad-
venture during the event, or both.
On The Road
appearance, then apply that to your original Audience, not the boosted score.
✶ On a 7–9: gain +1 Momentum and pick 1. You connect with your True Fans, but:
➠ It doesn’t really fit your character, lose -1 Heat with your opponent in your
main feud.
➠ It makes someone else look good, they also gain +1 Momentum.
➠ It exposes you to ridicule, inside or outside your promotion. Creative BOOKS
you in a match to humiliate or punish you.
➠ Your words are twisted and taken out of context by the majority of the audi-
ence; at the start of the next Episode, take 1 less Momentum for your Audi-
ence rating than normal.
✶ On a Botch: congratulations, you played yourself. Lose -1 Audience. If you are
part of a Living Promotion, you can instead choose to add a Struggle that relates
to the headache you’ve generated for the company by mouthing off online.
On The Road
tling training was high school (academically and socially), performing for real crowds
are your intro survey courses, but the long car ride is where you get that graduate
degree in the business.
Road Move—In The Car: When you share a ride with someone and open up to
them, roll +Heat (if you have no Heat, roll flat 2d6 instead of establishing at +1).
✶ On a 10+: it’s a good bonding experience, gain +1 Momentum and you pick 1 from
the 7–9 list.
✶ On a 7–9: you open up to them and they decide how to reciprocate, they pick 1:
➠ You open up too much, giving them some juicy gossip.
➠ You promise a favor that you already know is going to cause trouble.
➠ They promise you a favor that you’re not sure they’ll keep.
➠ You get the dirt on someone you didn’t expect.
✶ On a Botch: lose -1 Heat with them (they describe why) and there’s a misadven-
ture before you get to your next stop.
Road Move—Under The Learning Tree: Anyone with a +3 in a Stat counts as a
master. If you travel with a master for an Episode on the road and accept their
mentorship, they’ll assign you a task, test or threshold to meet the next time
you’re in the ring. If you achieve what they ask of you, move your matching Stat
up by 1 (max +3) and another Stat down by 1 (min -2).
➠ If the master is another player’s wrestler, they choose their test and decide
whether you’ve achieved it or not.
➠ If the master is an NPW, Creative will tell you what Stat they embody and
chooses the test. It’s up to them whether you pass or not, but generally
unless you Botch during the critical moment or it’s otherwise made clear
that you don’t make it, Creative should err on the side of you passing.
The Moves having to do with drug use refer to X-ing out Injury boxes from right to left.
roll +Look instead of any other Stat.
❒ Bury ‘em: When you go to management to stop another wrestler’s
push, roll +Real. On ameans that
10+ you stage their next you
segment place
their next match to their detriment. On a 7-9 pick 1:
your right-most empty box instead of a checkmark.
➠ You BOOK
you wrestle them is no longer an
yourself to win next time
On a Botch, it
backfires, you box, and it isn’t erased like normal Injury checks.
➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
➠ You take the Top Spot
➠ Add a stipulation to their next match accelerate their
✶ You do not
that’s designed to make them look bad.
count as ➠➠being
push instead.
❒ Put ‘em Over: When you show vulnerability to an opponent
Injured for the purposes of the Injury rules, and so
You lose to someone in order to make them a star
You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
would look like this. Because of the X they can take only
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (choose
INJURY ✔ ✘ check off one more Injury before being unable to compete.
from Ace, Luminary or Manager). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
On The Road
a scapegoat? Are you too good to test, and everyone knows it? What if your mail order
pills are delivered to the arena mailroom instead of your hotel?
In any case, even if it’s your little secret, you’ll need to take your medicine eventually.
Road Move—Get Through The Night: When you take a recovery drug, spend all
your Momentum, and erase an Injury check if you have one. This can keep you
from retiring or being fired if that’s on the table. Then, roll +Real:
✶ On a 10+: you completely get away with it.
✶ On a 7–9: you don’t, pick 1:
➠ You’re still feeling it, and lose -1 to your highest Stat during the next Episode.
➠ Someone finds out about your use.
✶ On a Botch: as a 7–9 and also X out your right-most Injury box.
While recovery drugs are just part of keeping you in top form, recreational drugs are
the ones that make you feel like a real celebrity, take the edge off, or open the gates of
perception. While some performers swear by them, they usually don’t really help in the
ring. What is your relationship to the fun stuff? Where do you get it, and who do you
party with? When you do imbibe, whether on purpose or as a rib from someone who
really doesn’t have your well-being in mind, make the following Move.
Road Move—Time To Party: When you take something recreational, roll +Body.
✶ On a 10+: pick 2 positives, and Creative picks 1 negative.
✶ on a 7–9: pick 1 positive and Creative picks 2 negatives.
✶ on a Botch: you and Creative each pick 1 negative, and X out your right-most
Injury box.
➠ Positives:
➠ You find camaraderie! Take +1 Heat with someone unexpected.
➠ You open your mind! Ask others to pitch ideas for your storylines. You can
BOOK yourself a match using any of those ideas in the next Episode.
➠ Fans get involved! You gain +2 Momentum, and they end up with a great
➠ You save someone’s night! They owe you a favor.
➠ Negatives:
➠ Someone saves your night, and you owe them a favor.
➠ You’re caught by an authority figure and taken out of your hottest feud as
➠ You lose control of the situation. Lose -1 Heat with someone.
➠ The story gets out. Lose -1 Audience. If you are playing in a Living Promotion,
you can choose to add a Struggle to the Promotion instead.
➠ You get in a fight you can’t remember, and take an injury.
Getting Lost and Getting Found: Addiction and Recovery ✶ PAGE 155
It’s up to you how in or out of control your wrestler’s relationship with substance abuse
is. If it becomes a central part of their character, you can seek to remove drugs from
their life as part of their journey. Once you decide to do so, they are on the road to
recovery. The road to recovery has several stages:
✶ Acknowledging the disease.
✶ Self-education.
✶ Seeking help.
✶ Physical recovery.
✶ Life change.
There are no rules for moving between levels, they’re more of a framework for keeping
track of your wrestler’s progress based on the events of play. Which stage your wrestler
is at should reflect their efforts, whether hidden from the company, seen while on the
road, or with the help of a formal sponsor or other former addict.
When you decide that you’re on the road to recovery, note how many Injury boxes
you have X-ed out. You will need to have at least one scene showcasing the change in
your behavior, plus another scene per X-ed Injury box. So, if you’ve managed to avoid
X-ing any out so far, you only need 1 scene; if you have 1 box X-ed out you need 2 scenes,
and so on. The scenes can map to the stages of recovery, or they can be simple vignettes
showcasing your recovery, whatever makes sense for your wrestler and how you want
to play out their journey.
While you are recovering: the following conditions apply to you and to Creative’s
use of Soft and Hard Moves that involve your wrestler.
➠ Take 1 less Momentum at the top of each Episode for your current Audience.
➠ Soft Moves while you’re recovering represent temptation, judgment, or
revisiting damaged relationships.
➠ Hard Moves while you’re recovering represent hitting rock bottom, unpleas-
ant truths, or situations that force you to take a step backwards.
When you have completed recovery: do the following after having the number of
scenes necessary, plus any fictional considerations.
➠ Erase all Xes from your Injury boxes.
➠ Take an Advance.
If you tell the fans about your recovery, whether during the process or afterwards, it
unlocks the following Moves to take when spending an Advance.
On The Road
To take Big Shoulders, you must tell your fans honestly, and on camera: What changed
to get you past the drugs? How are you different now? The fact that you came through
the other side of your addiction is now a defining part of your on-screen persona.
A Problem Yourself: You retain a volatile reputation from your time as an addict.
When you play on your past for storyline effect or act like you’re still on the sauce
on-camera, roll +Real.
✶ On a 10+: it draws in the crowd, take +1 Momentum. Then, you pick 1 and they
(Creative, or your opponent) pick 1:
✶ On a 7–9: tour opponent picks 2:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with them.
➠ They gain +1 Heat with you.
➠ Add a stipulation to a relevant match.
➠ You are BOOKED to lose your next match, specifically to make a statement
about this kind of behavior.
✶ On a Botch: you work yourself into a shoot and get the cravings again. Check off
an Injury box.
To take A Problem Yourself, you must integrate your past as a part of your current per-
sona. While you are no longer an addict, the crowd still associates you with the rumors
and dirtsheet stories from when you were. The edginess is part of your appeal, but
you’ll always have your past hanging over you.
✶ Someone you care about is using.
✶ You think someone you know is using—or they think you are.
✶ Your big match is coming up, and you can either enter the ring hurt… or ask the
doctor you know for something to take the edge off.
✶ The booker loves to party after shows. Is it worth being late to the next town if
it means getting her ear?
✶ Your tag team partner is much, much better when they’re “on.”
✶ An international flight becomes a bacchanal, and the company’s shooter wants
to wrestle.
✶ Your tag team partner has found religion and wants to convert you. Are they for
real or is this a scam?
✶ The person you’re stuck in a dead-end feud with wants you to join them at a
Secular Organization for Sobriety meeting.
Getting Lost and Getting Found: Addiction and Recovery ✶ PAGE 157
The Worlds of Wrestling
chapter ten
Both pro wrestling and roleplaying are sprawling, diverse, deep wells of creativity and
wonder. This Chapters contains essays on what both artforms have to offer, from a vari-
ety of authors and perspectives, as well as surveys of the history of wrestling and prom-
inent wrestling traditions with us today.
These are not required reading to play! But hopefully, if you are curious about one
of the covered topics or want to get a crash course in what’s out there for you to be
inspired by or check out on your own, you’ll find them useful.
The surveys are short tours of the past and present of professional wrestling. The mod-
ern landscape of wrestling directly grows out of American 19th- and 20th- century side-
shows and carnivals, but variations on the form that incorporate local history, sports
and storytelling traditions exist across the globe. It’s easily possible to watch a match
in a different language and still be able to enjoy and understand what’s going on in the
ring. However, different regions and styles covered do have identifying traits which
set them apart from “mainstream” American pro wrestling. Playing a game set in a
non-American Promotion uses all of the same rules to play, but you can (and should)
use the overviews here to inform your choices in booking Episodes and showcasing the
relationships in your game.
These are necessarily high-level summarys, so if you want to know more about any-
thing mentioned here… well, get to the matches!
worlds of
more effort and spur additional creativity from the performers.
The World Wide Wrestling Roleplaying Game is in the broad middle-ground of
the spectrum, perhaps a little more towards the improv end than the board game
end. You create distinct, exciting characters; playing these characters is guided
by rules that describe and complicate their interactions. Discrete moments arise
during the game that demand the rules be consulted and implemented, in order
to make the game more exciting and turn what you want your character to do into
a story of professional wrestling.
Like many roleplaying games, this game has a “game master” role: Creative.
Creative’s role is to provide the specific framework within which the other players
can inhabit their characters and interact in surprising, revealing, and entertaining
ways. Creative has responsibilities in this game, like coming up with other wres-
tlers in the promotion, deciding on the long-term story lines, booking the shows
and matches, describing the audience and the arena, and using the rules to pace
each session. These all create the context for your wrestling characters, giving
them a living world within which to pursue their agendas and foil their rivals.
Everyone at the table is there to entertain each other! It’s everyone’s job to be
good listeners, build on the opportunities handed them by the other players, and
offer their character to enhance the ongoing story.
Playing this kind of game is often broken into sessions. The same group of
people gets together multiple times over the course of some weeks or months
and plays out a continuing, unbroken narrative.
“Everyone at the
World Wide Wrestling in particular is suitable for
table is there to single-session play (like a board game night) or for
entertain each a group where you have fluctuating attendance
over the course of the sessions. After all, in the real
world, it’s perfectly normal for wrestlers to only
make some appearances and not others. This game calls sessions Episodes; when
you play out a series of linked Episodes, you’re playing a whole Season.
During an Episode where you can physically get together, play looks like this:
pieces of paper are scattered all over a table—each players Gimmick sheet (which
records all the information you need to know about that character), reference
sheets (the majority of the rules are summarized on 2–3 sheets of paper), some
dice (regular 6-sided dice), poker chips or some other kind of token (these are
used to track Momentum, which you gain and spend frequently during play), a
T he medium of play is conversation. You say what your character says and does;
the other players respond with their own descriptions and narrations. The
rules of the game mediate the conversation. Some
things you say (like “I get the audience cheering “Different people hold
along with me” or “I go for my finishing move” or this conversation in
“He gets in my face? I stand up and say, very quietly, different ways.”
T he words “narrative” and “story” comes up a lot in this game text. While the
medium of play is conversation, the output of play is a story. Not in the sense
of a composed, outlined, “first this happens, then that happens, then this” story—
no, the narrative of a roleplaying game is a messy, zig-zaggy trail, composed of
in-the-moment decisions and unexpected outcomes that only come into focus
after it’s finished. In the moment, you say whatever strikes you as most important,
entertaining, or helpful to the situation at hand; the rules of the game will channel
your creativity into appropriate developments that make fun wrestling stories.
When you’re done, you’ll say, “well, I never thought that was going to happen.”
Bring together some friends, watch a real-world match or two for inspiration,
go to the rules when you need or want to, and it’ll all come together. And, most
importantly, have fun!
worlds of
ment product.” While soon to be marked with blood,
Or permitted us, once upon a time. It greasepaint, or magic urn juice, it is
is 2020, after all. a blank white canvas like an unwrit-
The view observes that a BANNER ten page. It awaits its scribes, eager
hangs over the entrance, concealing to see use in the recording of history.
the word “Sportsdome.”
PAN THROUGH THE STANDS. Due to the pandemic, there are no human spectators.
Look Mom!
Instead, each seat contains a LIFE-SIZE PRINTOUT of a wrestling
fan. Thanks to budget cuts, only two different spectators could be
produced—they alternate through the stands in a kind of angry
Credit Card to
checkerboard pattern. One is a BALDING MAN with a dense mus-
tache, wearing a baseball cap that reads “No. 2 DAD.” The other is a
A computer-generated midi cheer echoes through the stands.
CUT TO RINGSIDE. An extra-long commentator’s table has been laid
out. Two figures are sitting, socially distanced, as far away from each
other as humanly possible. The figures are NATHAN D. PAOLETTA, designer of
World Wide Wrestling, and ANNA ANTHROPY, game designer, book authorer, and
classroom teacherer.
ANNA: Well, Nathan, it’s a great day for wrestling. I think? Wrestling takes place indoors so are
there really days that are any better or worse for it? Maybe astrologically?
NATHAN: (LOOKING DIRECTLY INTO CAMERA) It’s a great day for wrestling…
ANNA: So what’s–
NATHAN: …with ideas.
ANNA: Is that– Um, so if we’re being honest, I haven’t watched a whole lot of wrestling. Is this–
Is this typical of how it normally happens?
NATHAN: It’s the most primal form of battle, Anna. The classic interview.
worlds of
over” your fellow players too. (MIDI CROWD
For me, this nicely parallels the dual respon- OOHS AND AAHS AT THE MENTION OF
sibility of a role-player: I play my character FAMILIAR WRESTLING LINGO.)
in the story, but I am also a co-author, col- DINGDINGDING!!
laborating with the other players in big-pic-
NATHAN: (Faces back to camera) Well, that’s
ture decisions about where the direction of
all the time we have for tonight! Thanks for
the story is heading.
joining me, Anna. I hope that someday, when
The other contrivance of World Wide Wres- current troubles are behind us, we’ll be able
tling that I think about a lot is the idea of to meet again… this time, in the ring.
the “imaginary viewing audience” watch-
ANNA: Nathan, are you—are you challenging
ing your game. (MIDI CROWD ROARS)
I often find myself, in scenes, thinking in
terms of camera shots: My character’s NATHAN: (STILL LOOKING DIRECTLY
having this moment, but what angle are we INTO CAMERA) HA HA HA!
watching from? Who’s in frame? So I think HARD CUT
the IVA is a really useful framing device to
take into other games. It is night. The Paolettamobile
has been stolen. The lights of the
Sportsdome go dark.
roleplaying games as Dread, Vast
atch a Career Grow from a Single & Starlit, Wolfspell, and Swords
Gimmick. A deluge of back-sto- Without Master, and he is the overed-
itor of the sword and sorcery ezine
ries awaits any new wrestling fan. A wink Worlds Without Master.
and an allusion draw a roar from a know-
ing crowd, but leave the neophyte in the
dark. Basic questions about a wrestler’s motivation draw forth hours of recounted
matches, feuds, partnerships, and betrayals. The very names of the more storied
wrestlers and their signature moves are vestigial remnants of histories no longer
evident. From the present these deeply woven histories seem perhaps intention-
ally complex. But their origins are unambiguous.
W atch a Heel Toy with the Crowd. Witness the fine art of making an audience
twist. Heels can berate and belittle audiences across their circuit with the
exact same material at every stop. But the golden moments are when they dig into
the crowd and make it personal. They insult a local hero. They step on civic pride.
Or they play into current events.
But for it to really pop, it cannot be an act of pure malice. The heel must listen,
observe and learn about their audience. Beneath it all, the heel is telling the audi-
ence, “I cared enough about you to find the right buttons to push.”
This holds true at the table. Look to your fellow players
and seek out what resonates with them. Play them as
much as you play your character. Don’t push their but-
tons. No need to start feuds between the players. But find
AUDIENCE something you can work with and reincorporate it. Show
them you were listening.
W atch a Thousand Boring Matches and Forget Them. Wrestling is not always
the high octane, non-stop action-fest the pay-per-view promos would have
you believe. No sport is. The exceptional matches stand out because they are
exceptional. Between the extraordinary, we need the ordinary: room to breathe,
play, experiment, and to fail.
The story is not what happens, but what is told. To get to those great moments
told and told again, there must be all the moments that don’t quite reach those
heights. If have one of these lackluster moments,
that’s fine. Don’t sweat it. It’ll soon be overshad- EMBRACE
owed. If you’re witness to such a moment, all the FORGETFULNESS
easier to let it disappear from your memory.
W atch Them Sell Their Bumps. This is the sorcery. Effortlessly taking down
jobber after jobber will earn you no heat. But let yourself get tossed around
the ring, make the crowd feel every bone-crunching impact, show them your
agony as your foe locks you up in another impossible submission, and when
you’ve finally had it, let the audience see how deep down you have to reach to
find that last scrap of defiance left in you. Now you’re on the edge of immortality.
Resist the temptation to be disinterested, unphased by
INVEST IN your opponent’s feeble strikes. There is no glory awaiting
YOUR FOE you there. You will not be measured by your might, but by
the might of those you overcome.
W atch Local Shows. When you hit up your local VFW hall for some wrestling
action, you’re in for a rather different experience. The venue is small and
worlds of
perhaps the seats aren’t full. The ceiling is a hair too low for anyone to fly off the
top rope. The wrestlers have day jobs. The shows are monthly at best and they
might build to something, but certainly not a pay-per-view spectacle. There’s no
Titantron or fireworks or even the legal rights to the wrestlers’ entrance music.
But for all they lack, these shows will mark you out. They will have you on your
feet booing, chanting, and cheering. And they will have you returning for more.
The trick is, every single person in that room, from the announcer to the ref
to the wrestlers to the kid in the front row staring wide-eyed at the monster to
those in the back who thought they were above it all when their friends dragged
them here—everyone in that room is roleplaying. Through the will and guile of
their collective imaginations a spectacle is born. The wrestlers grow larger than
life, capable of transcending the corporeal boundaries of the venue. Through
this spell the audience imbues them with power. Some will rise, seemingly, from
the dead. Some will soar beyond the confines of the ceiling. Some will possess a
supernatural might and the drive to use it.
Without the cooperation of everyone in that room,
the magic does not happen. You must step up and do
MARK your part, even if you’re sitting on a folding chair in the
OUT far back, losing all feeling in your butt. You cannot let
everyone else carry all the weight. Do your damn part.
W hat’s so powerful about that concept is that it even extends beyond bor-
worlds of
ders, nations, genres of wrestling. Wrestling itself is a universal language,
not only when it comes to the in-ring performers (two wrestlers can put together
a solid match despite not speaking the same language, simply because a clothes-
line is a clothesline is a clothesline), but really to the members of the audience
You can watch a show in Japan, in Mexico, in
“The rules of wrestling exist
England, in a major sports arena, or in a bro- in every language, strictly
ken-down bingo hall—but if the heel yells at a because people who speak
every language participate
child, or uses a weapon, or yells at a referee,
in the game.”
every single crowd knows to boo. They might
differ in their exact response based on location
and preferences, but the core language of wrestling transcends all of that. In the
same way a wrestler can know to fall down when they take a clothesline, even
when they don’t speak the same language as their opponent, a wrestling crowd
knows how to react to the story being told, even if it’s happening in an entirely
different language.
The rules of wrestling exist in every language, strictly because people who speak
every language participate in the game. And because the language is universal,
audiences have the same power to change the narrative, to shape the story, to
play their role, even in a language they don’t speak. All of this without a rulebook,
or an official breakdown of the dynamics at play.
Which brings up the other critical aspect of this: the wrestlers in the ring. The
wildest part of thinking about pro wrestling as a LARP is that the wrestlers them-
selves are also equal parts facilitator, teacher, and participant… and they’re just
as unsure about where the story is going as the audience. Yes, they were told the
ending. And yes, they know the big spots to build towards during the match. But
no wrestler can know if tonight is the night the audience is going to turn them
heel. In fact, there are countless examples of wrestlers leaning into crowd reac-
tions, reshaping the entire story they intended to tell, all in a moment’s notice.
J ust like the audience, the wrestlers in the ring might know the skeleton of the
story, but they won’t know how the other players in the LARP will shape the
story they’re telling until it happens. And the real magic of wrestling is watching
everyone—including the referees, and the booker in the back, and the people
talking about it online later—piece it all together as it happens. That’s kayfabe.
That’s wrestling. That’s the LARP. And that’s why wrestling is my favorite thing
in the world.
the Old School Wrestling Podcast
ovember 26th, 1988. This was the and co-author of the OSWP 500
day professional wrestling hooked book. He’s been told he only sounds
happy when he’s talking about
me for good. I was ten years old and had
professional wrestling.
been watching for a few years. I laid on
the floor that Saturday afternoon staring
at the 19-inch Hitachi TV set. On the screen was a 300-pound bolt of lightning
standing in a small television studio in Atlanta, GA. He spoke like a preacher with
fire in his belly and had the conviction of one speaking about the end of the world.
This was the typical scene. You’d often find this beloved man speaking his mind
with such fury and passion. Tonight was different, though. Atrocities had been
committed against a friend by two other men he used to call friends. These former
allies were behemoths, bearing shoulder pads with six inch metal spikes attached
to the top and wearing paint on their faces like ancient warriors preparing for
battle. They spoke about deviating your septum and obliterating your face.
I want to be clear that I knew the realities of pro wrestling. I might not have
understood how things work like I do now, but I knew things weren’t on-the-level.
And I had seen plenty of pro wrestling up until this point in my life, but for the
first time I was about to see raw, unadulterated violence perpetrated to a man that
fought for you and me and stood for what was right in this world.
The hero spoke with a righteous fury into a microphone held not just by a tele-
vision announcer, but a loyal friend. Out of nowhere the two behemoths charged
into the studio, grabbed him, and threw my hero into the wrestling ring. One of
the beasts continued assaulting the man while the other one detached a spike
from his shoulder pads. The setting for this show was a simple, small TV studio
with a few bleachers of people, but the sound generated by this intimate crowd
while they witnessed their beloved hero viciously attacked could easily rival the
sound of any capacity crowd at the biggest of arenas.
The painted warrior stood there with a spike
“Drama had unfolded before
my eyes that I had never expe-
in his hand looking at his victim. He lunged
rienced before…and I was left with the spike and proceeded to slowly carve
trying to reconcile how anyone out the eye of our hero. Moments seemed like
could perform such a vile,
disgusting act of violence.” an eternity. Blood poured out of his head onto
his white button up shirt as he screamed “Oh
god, my eye! My eye! Help!” Finally, friends of our hero came from behind the
television curtain to save him as they ran off the two violent brutes.
My hero laid tragically in the middle of the wrestling ring like a rotting carcass
that had been picked over by vultures. Drama had unfolded before my eyes that
I had never experienced before—characters that were very real to me were bru-
tally attacked. Two men betrayed the trust of their fans. Now they had viciously
attacked my hero and I was left trying to reconcile how anyone could perform such
a vile, disgusting act of violence.
A pril 6th, 2014. I traveled across the country with some friends to attend the
biggest professional wrestling event of the year. Many other stories were told
on this night but arguably the biggest involved a menacing performer that grew to
legendary status because of his imposing stature, his use of intimidating theatrics
and physical resiliency, but most importantly because he had never been defeated
on the biggest night of the wrestling year.
worlds of
for breaking limbs, dropping people on their heads, and finding joy in pain.
The lights dimmed in the stadium that night as the legend slowly walked to the
ring, looking like the years were finally catching up with him. Initially he charged
his opponent with a fury of offense, but as the match proceeded, he slowly broke
down as his body was beaten, contorted, and dismantled by his stronger, younger,
more agile, vicious adversary. Our legend would have brief moments of hope as
he fought valiantly to protect his legacy but finally he could take no more.
The sound of silence echoed throughout the stadium as the official counted
to three and raised the hand of the beast that had defeated “the streak.” A twen-
ty-three year story had finally come to an end. I have seen just about every different
way you can tell a story with two competitors inside three ropes on a square stage.
I can usually tell you exactly what is going to happen next, who is going to win a
match, how they’re going to win, and what they will say after the match, but there
are still moments in professional wrestling like these where you are left speechless.
As we walked the streets that night after “the streak” had come to an end we
immediately felt a vibe from the thousands of wrestling fans there with us in the
city. We would stumble upon groups of people where you would just hear snippets
of conversations and you knew immediately they were talking about the end of
“the streak.” I remember even the next morning we still heard people talking
about how the biggest story in professional wrestling was now over. The storytell-
ers of professional wrestling had once again left their audience truly captivated.
worlds of
between a good guy, the “babyface” (or just “face”), and the bad guy, the “heel”. Audi-
ences read narrative into legitimate athletic competitions all the time; the insight of
professional wrestling as a performance art was to make the narrative explicit, thus
controlling the audience’s reaction to the contest. In almost every match, the babyface
is the one the audience identifies with, cheers for, and wants to see succeed. The heel
insults and mocks the audience, terrorizes the babyface, and makes the audience long
to see their inevitable comeuppance. Of course, only in the broadest strokes does this
apply to every match. Even in the 1980s, audiences would go crazy for the cowardly,
conniving Ric Flair as he cheated his way to another victory over a clean-cut, boring
The babyface/heel division also went hand in hand with the idea of outside talent com-
ing in as special attractions. A wrestler might be a babyface in their home territory but
booked as the heel threatening the local Champion in another promotion. This basic
structure made it easy to debut new wrestlers, develop them through opponents that
the audience already knew, and (in the best cases) become draws for their personality,
not just their role on the card.
Kayfabe, a term inherited from the carnival world, originally referred to a code of
silence, ensuring that wrestlers would not reveal the truth to outsiders about how their
sport worked. If two friends were booked in a feud, they would make sure not to travel
together, and go to great lengths to preserve the idea that they legitimately hated each
other. Even though fans knew that the matches had predetermined endings, keeping
the lives of the wrestlers separated from the spotlight was an important part of main-
taining mystique—and the ability to play different roles in different territories.
This hard-line kayfabe gradually eroded as the form developed into the 1990s and was
functionally obliterated with the advent of the internet. However, the concept remains
valuable in its modern sense of the scripted reality of the stories being told. Two wres-
tlers might be kayfabe brothers, presented to the audience as siblings, while in actu-
ality not related. Kayfabe marriages are storytelling devices, not legal unions of the
performers. Kayfabe injuries are played up with bandages and pained expressions, but
the wrestler can still compete in the ring and get their paycheck. Today, anyone who
watches reality television gets what kayfabe is—we all know that those shows are shot
worlds of
needs to be ready to improvise with what they get so the audience doesn’t real-
ize the plan changed.
✶ The tension between kayfabe and legit is a productive one that you can use to
enhance stories.
✶ The kayfabe relationships between the wrestlers are the long-term engine of
the promotion’s success; developing and enhancing those is one of the main
goals of play.
Like real wrestling, this endeavor is equal parts performance, skill, and script. You’re
performing for each other, developing your skills at using the games rules to achieve
what you want for your characters. Script what you want to see but be ready to change
it. Use the tropes, but plan to subvert them. And above all, enjoy the spectacle!
many others. His game of action
he mother of one of my childhood movie heroes and the actors who
friends would cry whenever Dusty play them, ACTION MOVIE WORLD:
FIRST BLOOD, is rad. He’s also an
Rhodes would cut a promo. She wouldn’t
absolute mark for Ric Flair and
sob or carry on. Dusty would speak and Jimmy Garvin.
I’d glance over to find that her eyes were
wet as she half-paid attention to the grainy screen of a mid-80s television set.
I grew up in Lexington, North Carolina, one of those mill towns John Edwards
made so central to his biography during the 2004 and 2008 presidential races. It
was small, somewhere between a town and a city, but booming. Everyone worked
in a factory, either furniture or textiles, less often the local fiberglass plant, and it
was good money in a place where the cost of living was low. I had friends who had
pools in their backyards due to a line worker’s salary. Nice, fast cars. Big barbecues
every weekend, with cock rock blaring and pigs cooking.
Lexington happens to be about 45 minutes north of Charlotte, which was home,
in those days, to Jim Crockett Promotions, base of operations for the crown jewels
in the slowly eroding NWA. Ric Flair, Magnum TA, the Andersons, the Rock ‘n’
Roll Express, and a host of other barrel chested pro wrestlers of the Southern
D usty wasn’t what all us Southern working class kids and adults wanted to
be. He was what we already were. Dusty was fat and slovenly, his dress
alternating between work clothes and garish, sloppy attempts at what you might
think a rich man dressed like had you never actually seen one. His forehead bore
the marks of his career, a mass of deeply grooved scar tissue after years of chair
shots and blading. He wasn’t great in the ring, but was a master of psychology and
The stories he told were working class stories. He took his lisping Texas drawl
and married it to an African-American preacher’s cadence. Not for nothing was
one of his earliest nicknames the White Soul King. Rather than outright co-option,
it seemed to be a sincere effort on Rhodes’ part to speak to a pan-racial work-
ing class, setting him up as a hero for Blacks,
whites, and Latinos to cheer on against what- “Wrestling tells working
class stories to working class
ever villainous rich guy he was put up against.
people… Dusty Rhodes is the
Fighting those rich guys is what he did best. greatest storyteller in that
In the 1970s, it was his famous series with vein who has ever wrestled.”
“Superstar” Billy Graham. Graham was the
forerunner to Hogan, a muscled, tanned, blonde braggart. Hogan grievously
ripped Graham off, turning the latter’s arrogant muscle worship into a babyface
gimmick (though, if you pay attention, Hogan didn’t spend much time working
face). Rhodes went north and the two wrestled the hell out of each other in Mad-
ison Square Garden before the WWWF became the WWF. The subtext was clear:
plain old Dusty Rhodes, the White Soul King and working class schlub, against
the steroid abusing, vain freak, Billy Graham. Rhodes won on technicalities, never
grabbing the title from Graham, but it didn’t matter: old footage reveals the crowd
going nuts for Rhodes like they did for few others.
And why not? The reason why Rhodes mattered is essentially the reason why
wrestling matters. Wrestling tells working class stories to working class people,
even today in the slick, overproduced WWE. Dusty Rhodes is the greatest sto-
ryteller in that vein who has ever wrestled. He’s not my favorite of all time; his
nemesis, Ric Flair, is and has always been my favorite wrestler. But if we stop
measuring greatness by titles, instead going by pure quality of the storytelling,
physical or verbal, Rhodes is arguably the greatest of all time.
Look up what’s popularly become known as the “Hard Times” promo. Rhodes
(and the NWA, by extension, where he was the top face at the time) rattles off a
list of the reasons why the common person has it tough as a way of dumping on
Flair’s heelish reasons why his life is rough. Rhodes talks about declining wages,
the first stages of what would become a new American tradition of outsourcing,
and fears of being replaced by automation.
It was hot fire, left-wing as hell, and delivered in a way that made Southern mill
workers cheer. He was the American Dream, with all of the hope and melancholy
that entails. When he asked the fans to touch the screen, touching their hands to
his hand, it was a two way street. Because you felt at the time that you really could
touch Dusty if he happened to be next to you. He was the approachable hero, the
image of us. He was your dad or your brother or your co-worker.
worlds of
to audiences, he retired from in-ring competition.
His retirement came just as the working class of America shifted drastically.
The 1990s brought about mass de-industrialization. That it coincided with Dusty’s
retirement and the disappearance of the American Dream character (he contin-
ued to use the name, but no fire accompanied it) is one of pro wrestling’s little
ironies. Dusty Rhodes could only exist in the South of the 1970s and ‘80s, where a
boom time was the product of working class pride and awareness. Neither Dusty
nor the South of those years could survive the 1990s. Hard times became desper-
ate times and there’s no going back.
T he story of Dusty Rhodes is what we want from pro wrestling and it’s what
the form has always delivered. No matter how corporate the modern product
may be, no matter how beholden to television
deals or the stock market the feds may get, it is “Neither Dusty nor the South
the tale of the American working class. Its fans of those years could survive
the 1990s. Hard times
are working class, its heroes are working class, became desperate times and
and it is the only form of working class enter- there’s no going back.”
tainment which is still visible in American life.
In Dusty Rhodes, you can see the foreshadowing for those working class heroes
who came after. Steve Austin, with his swearing, boss-hating, beer-swilling badas-
sery a few years later. CM Punk, the dumpy kid who came up through the industry
the hard way, in backyards and hardcore feds, through sheer work ethic. Even John
Cena, seemingly more Hogan than Rhodes, is reliant on the cross-racial appeals
which Dusty pioneered.
And this is why pro wrestling, particularly in the United States, matters. It’s his-
tory in microcosm. The arc of a wrestler’s career maps closely to his or her times.
In Dusty Rhodes’ career, the history of the American working class’ aspirations
and fears during the 1970s and ‘80s is written as surely as in any book.
Lucha Libre
This vibrant form of professional wrestling arose from the combination of wrestling
performance with local and indigenous religious, cultural and sport traditions through-
out Latin America. Most closely associated with Mexico, luchadores and their colorful
masks have mainstream cultural resonance of a degree rarely seen in the English-speak-
ing wrestling world. Even casual observers of Mexican media see luchadores in movies
and TV shows, let alone comic books and action figures. Masked representatives even
worlds of
for who’s “legal”. Simultaneous pinfalls are common, as long as there’s a referee count-
ing them (there can be multiple referees as well). Finally, each team has a captain, and
a pinfall is awarded either for pinning the captain or both of the other team members
(hence the need for simultaneous pins). Lucha Libre generally uses a 20 count before
disqualification outside of the ring, as opposed to the American standard 10 count.
Disqualifications can be called for excessive force or other unsportsmanlike behavior,
including unmasking another wrestler in the ring.
A full Lucha Libre Promotion could be a chaotic mix of teams, rivals and unmaskings, all
playing out in front of cheering crowds who are there to see their favorite luchadores
no matter what the actual story; it can also venture into the fantastic, bringing in super-
natural or paranormal characters and blend in telenovela techniques to create a truly
alternate reality for fans. Or, you can bring in a few luchadores in a dedicated division
in order to broaden the appeal of your Promotion and bring more energy to your sto-
What This Means For Play
✶ The Luchador Gimmick uses the Lucha Libre Roles in place of the standard
Babyface and Heel Role (p. 51). If the whole promotion is Luchadores, then
everyone uses them (and the Luchador Gimmick simply represents a truly
stand-out or traditional Lucha Libre competitor). Other Gimmicks can also take
Lucha Libre Roles in place of an Advanced Role, if they study Lucha Libre as part
of their character.
✶ If you have enough players, book tag team, trios and atomicos matches liberally.
Use the rules for Lucha Libre tag team matches (p. 78). Remind players that
they can create Dedicated Tag Teams, as well (p. 78)—these are particularly
effective when they include a Luchador!
✶ Place things On Deck that reflect fantastical elements from the wrestler’s char-
acters or backstories. Bring in pulp villains, animalistic monsters and undead
foes to push the boundaries of a luchador’s bravery or selfishness.
✶ Use the luchas de apuestas for the big climax stipulation to a feud—these
matches are intense and meaningful and shouldn’t be booked lightly. However,
it can also be a great opportunity for a Luchador who is changing Gimmick or
retiring, as a way to transition or go out with style.
M exicans didn’t invent wrestling in a mask. But then, enmascarados are not
just about the mask. Any idiot can put on a mask. Mexico gave masked wres-
tlers history, culture, heart, and soul. To be an enmascarado is to be a superhero.
But not just any superhero; a true Everyman hero. The dentist that puts on a mask
fights for glory and to display his prowess. Sometimes the fight is for justice, and
sometimes it’s against mummies, or mad scientists. Luchadores put on a new face
for the audience. They’re playing pretend too, and everyone gets to be a part of
that game.
Lucha Libre, with its associated athletic high-flying style, is a worldwide phe-
nomenon, bringing incredible diversity to “Mexican” wrestling as wrestlers from
all over the world become enmascarados. So, what does this mean for the context
of this game? It means that your wrestler has a freedom to play pretend in a world
that doesn’t necessarily accommodate that kind of story. Without the mask,
worlds of
between the character and the wrestler. In Lucha, if you’re masked, the person
behind is subsumed. This doesn’t mean you can’t have interesting meta-level sto-
ries; it just means they take a very different form. Doctor Moreau’s personal life
is that mad scientist, and if another person takes up that mask when the person
wearing it cannot wrestle any more, they can become Doctor Moreau (often, but
not always, they’ll take on a heritage name such as Hijo del Santo, though it’s the
same mask).
And it means that a mask match is life or death. If you lose your mask, the mask,
and its legacy ends there.
A straight Lucha out-of-ring story might look like a telenovela or movie, where
kayfabe is no issue, because there’s no person. It’s just El Santo, Blue Demon,
and Mil Mascaras taking a trip to a resort where they suddenly get wrapped up
into a mad scientist’s plot, as in Los Campeones Justicieros. You could hybridize this
story by adding an American wrestling stable who are suddenly way out of their
league, but they discover that they have the skills to make a difference.
Modern American wrestling stories have more of a reality-show kind of drama
to them where it’s entirely interpersonal and they don’t necessarily deal with
external antagonists. Adding a luchador’s antagonist to the mix, whether it’s
something to do with their shtick or something else entirely like mummies or
mind control leads to strange and wonderful narratives when introduced into the
backstage drama of an American wrestling promotion.
This kind of melded story really excites me. I mark out for it hard because the
possibilities are endless and the stories that can emerge are so much fun. For me,
Lucha brings a certain depth of characterization that I never feel the need to be
smart about. For me, kayfabe slides further into a seamless blur as the real mixes
with the unreal, and ordinary people become, and even transcend, heroes.
The word Puroresu (often abbreviated to “Puro”) is a transliteration of the way “pro
wrestling” is pronounced by native Japanese speakers, generally applying to any pro-
fessional wrestling, Japanese or otherwise. English-speaking fans tend to use it to refer
to a uniquely Japanese hard-hitting, “shoot” style of performance. The predetermined
variety of modern pro wrestling didn’t arrive in Japan until the 1950s; its rise in popular-
ity in the post-World War II era can be seen as one of the many ways that the country
used entertainment to come to terms with the nation’s defeat in the war. In particular,
worlds of
ring, with maybe a post-show monologue for the winner of the main event; that said,
some promotions stage sports-style press conferences where all of the wrestlers have
a chance to cut promos and answer questions. Individual matches operate by familiar
rules, though Japanese promotions tend to use a 20-count outside of the ring instead
of a 10-count. Even the occasional shoot fight, though it looks more like an MMA bout,
is still decided by pinfall or submission.
Cards tend to be more stratified than the average American promotion, with differences
in match style between the heavyweights (slower and longer-to-build matches with
lots of counter sequences) and juniors (a more dynamic and high-flying style strongly
influenced by Lucha Libre). The divisions aren’t based on size so much as seniority and
the needs of the card. Some wrestlers start their careers as juniors and become heavy-
weights later. Similarly, foreign talent is used in whichever division they fit best. Wres-
tlers going through training are integrated into the organization from the beginning,
doing scut-work in the dojo alongside their training and wrestling in opening matches,
often multi-wrestler tags, and then appearing at ringside later to assist main roster
wrestlers to and from the ring.
What This Means For Play
✶ The Ace and the Fighter are both specifically appropriate Gimmicks for a
Puro-inspired game.
✶ Take a look at match stipulations like Straight Match (p. 83) and, of course,
the Death Match (p. 89) for big matches.
✶ Incorporate framing elements from sports coverage for segments between
matches—press conferences, sit-down interviews, coverage of training regi-
mens, that kind of thing.
✶ A more sport- or combat-focus doesn’t mean boring! Wrestlers can bring in
elements for their characters based on mythology, superhero tropes or their
favorite action shows or movies.
✶ Place things On Deck that challenge the wrestlers’ physical stamina and tough-
ness. Bring in challengers visiting from other promotions that contrast with
their culture, ring style, or simply clash with their personality. Create advertis-
ing opportunities for off-kilter products and services that play on the wrestlers’
celebrity without necessarily matching their characters tone or gimmick.
O ur ancestors have been grappling for of the sport and art of professional
wrestling. Sometimes she translates
as long as their opposable thumbs her wrestling enthusiasm into
have allowed. As noted elsewhere in written pieces like the one for this
fine game, but mostly she just yells
this book, the professional version arose
excitedly online and buys a lot of
throughout the late nineteenth and early magazines. Follow her shouting on
twentieth centuries in the carnivals of twitter at @shellydeathlock.
the United States, the gyms of United
Kingdom and the national arenas of Mexico. Professional wrestling in Japan (what
many call “Puroresu,” pronounced “pro-wres,” a Romanization of the Japanese
transliteration of the English for “pro wrestling” プロレス) developed later.
Japan’s traditional wrestling is sumo, a sport with its own history but unlike the
professional wrestling we watch today. Japan’s first important professional wres-
tler, Rikidozan, was a sumo wrestler, but the similarities between pro wrestling and
sumo in Japan end there. In other regions of the world, the predominant wrestling
style was an early-century outgrowth of local styles, local interests, and tradition.
In Japan, the predominant professional wrestling style was a wholesale import of
all these other established wrestling styles in the 1950s and 60s.
worlds of
the nation, in large and small organizations, including both Japanese wrestlers and
talented women wrestlers from all over the world, and they still exhibit some of
the best wrestling that is available to see anywhere.
he Japanese Death Match is legendary. If you’re talking to someone about
wrestling and they string an incomprehensibly violent series of words
together, that match probably happened in Japan. No-Ropes Electrified Explod-
ing Barbed Wire Match. Barbed Wire Boards & Piranha Fish Tank Death Match.
Fluorescent Light Tube Boards, Barbed Wire Boards, Lemon & Salt Death Match.
Dedicated men and women have made their living and risked their lives in these
kind of disastrous spectacles for decades. From the establishment of Frontier
Martial-Arts Wrestling in 1989 to the Deathmatch division of Big Japan Pro Wres-
tling that continues today, performers of the style have found an audience and
made a niche with real blood, real fire, and real glass. Wrestlers wear scars like
trophies and cultivate personae with varying levels of bloodlust and insanity. The
best performers are as good at the art of the death match as any straightlaced
wrestler is at the art of traditional wrestling.
N ew Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) is the best known Japanese wrestling com-
pany. It was founded in 1972 by Antonio Inoki, a student of Rikidozan. NJPW
was by no means the only company, or even a company that united the other
competing wrestling organizations in the 1970s, but it’s the one that saw the most
success and considerable longevity. For a more in-depth look at NJPW’s founding,
history, and current scene, check out Chris Charlton’s Lion’s Pride: The Turbulent
History of New Japan Pro Wrestling.
NJPW trained generations of young men to be real athletes: living and training
in dojos together, climbing up through the ranks, leaving the dojo on a mandatory
foreign excursion to learn to wrestle a different style, and returning to the com-
pany to show and share what they’ve learned. NJPW’s main Championship title,
the International Wrestling Grand Prix Heavyweight Championship has changed
hands between only 30 men* since 1987. Their names are listed on the sideplates
of the title belt, and they are a stunning array of NJPW-grown Japanese talent,
and a handful of tremendous American wrestlers. Modern storylines in NJPW
entail years-long feuds between the top wrestlers in the company for the IWGP
*as of late 2020
Catch Wrestling
Catch wrestling, also known as All-In wrestling, describes the mix of amateur wrestling
with rigged carnival exhibitions that developed into professional wrestling as we know
it today. Though the combination flowered in the United States, the original catch-as-
catch-can style was probably invented in the early 1870s in Britain, drawing from local
grappling traditions as well as Greco-Roman contests. As in the US, wrestling in Europe
in the early 20th century was spread through traveling funfairs and carnivals. The term
“All-In” was coined by the 1930s and the style became very popular, eventually resulting
in companies having trouble finding enough qualified wrestlers to compete. Promoters
added more exhibition matches, like bouts with weapons and women’s mud wrestling
to satisfy demand. Unfortunately, these “unsporting” additions got wrestling, still con-
sidered a legitimate sport, banned from the city of London in the late 1930s. Wrestling
didn’t regain official recognition again until after World War II.
The new rules for British wrestling, created in 1947 and still technically in force through
the 1990s, codified many aspects of the form and created a flavor of wrestling that
worlds of
tling, the 70s saw the dominance of slow-moving but larger-than-life performers at the
top of the cards.
Unfortunately for fans of grappling, World of Sport was canceled in 1985. Between the
end of a primetime viewing slot and the same forces that ate away at the territory sys-
tem in the US, professional wrestling lost its cultural position in the British conscious-
ness. For the remaining promotions, All-In wrestling declined as a distinct form in favor
of mainstream American styles. During the modern era, the tradition of catch wrestling
has merged with American style sports entertainment; the pure catch-as-catch-can
match is now rare. That said, modern British wrestlers retain a reputation for technical
skill, grappling ability and a mean streak when crossed.
The distinctiveness of catch wrestling comes from both the attention to detail in the
ring and the culture of competition around those details. The formal rules surrounding
the heyday of British All-In, “Mountevan’s Rules”, are quite a departure from modern
match stipulations. The pace and tempo of a match based upon Mountevan’s Rules (as
most were during the World of Sport days) is a fascinating opportunity to showcase this
more sports-oriented approach to wrestling and can be used in any suitable Promotion.
What This Means for Play
✶ The Fighter and the Technician are both specifically appropriate Gimmicks for
catch wrestlers.
✶ There are a number of Match Stipulations specifically for adding more grap-
pling focus to a match: Straight Match (p. 83), Catch-As-Catch-Can (p. 88)
and Mountevan’s Rules (p. 93).
✶ In the modern day, catch wrestling tends to be a specialty for certain wrestlers,
rather than a focus for the entire Promotion. Use a dedicated technical wrestler
as a foil for the popular talkers, or as a gatekeeper to the upper card for those
who need to prove their mettle.
✶ A catch wrestling match can be used to settle legitimate backstage differences
while still pulling paychecks to put on a show. These matches are also where
new additions to the roster get stretched to teach them who’s in charge.
✶ Place things On Deck that challenge wrestler’s skills, or that draw them out of
their shell if they’ve been playing it too safe.
Akira Hokuto and Rollerball Rocco.
hose three words are familiar to just If he had a finishing move it would
about anyone in the United Kingdom be some sort of suplex.
who lived in a period when the wrestling
was big business. And by “just about anyone” I don’t mean “just about any wres-
tling fan,” I mean just about anyone in the country.
That is mind blowing.
Especially when you consider that the relative current success of WWE, TNA
and local promotions like ICW (in Glasgow, Scotland) get barely a fraction of the
12+ million viewers that World of Sport got as standard in its heyday (in a country
of around 54 million people at the time).
W orld of Sport was a television show on ITV, which was Britain’s only commer-
cial television channel, in a time when there were only three channels avail-
able to watch. Needless to say, any show on in primetime got a lot of exposure.
And World of Sport was in primetime.
It ran every Saturday afternoon for 20 years from 1965 to 1985, and predom-
inantly featured football (still the most popular sport in the country—and in
those pre-internet days was the quickest way to find out the final scores of all the
games), horse racing and wrestling. The show also included a host of other sports
(including speedway, darts and snooker) but hung its hat on the holy trinity of
balls, betting and bone benders.
I grew up in the seventies and have many fond memories of sitting on a rug at my
grandparents watching the matches with my grandfather. He was a big Jackie
Pallo fan, which is strange to me now. Pallo, “Mr TV,” has a bad reputation with
modern “smart” fans and other wrestlers from the era. He wrote a book in 1986
titled You Grunt, I’ll Groan that blew the secrets of the business in a time when
you didn’t do that sort of thing. I was glad that my grandfather wasn’t around in
the mid-eighties to see that bubble burst.
In his day Pallo was a really big star, though. He was one of the very top faces
and his prime feud was with a complete villain, Mick McManus, a real bruiser and a
“nasty” wrestler, who also happened to book the matches. It’s said that the pay-off
match to their feud had 22 million viewers. It really is something that the later Big
Daddy-Giant Haystacks feud eclipsed the cultural reach of Pallo and McManus.
Still, the Pallo/McManus era maintained the image of professional wrestling as
a legitimate sport and was one of the very highest points for World of Sport. That
worlds of
is perhaps why Pallo got such grief when he talked about what happened behind
the curtain after he was done and World of Sport was gone. Doubly bad that he
had made a decent living out of the game too before pissing in the soup.
you could turn your head away from the “Dynamite Kid was once
awful Big Daddy matches, you would find asked… about his matches with
Tiger Mask from that era, and
some of the greatest wrestling to have ever whether they were really ‘five-
graced the planet. star matches’… ‘No,’ he said,
‘they were better than that.’”
Mark “Rollerball” Rocco, “Sammy Lee”
and Tom Billington all put on master classes
of grappling in halls up and down the country. Some fans will know them better
from their names in Japan: the original Black Tiger, Tiger Mask and the Dynamite
Kid. To think that one-hour matches at sold-out shows in Tokyo in the early eight-
ies were worked out in segments in places like Wakefield and Wigan, and often
shown for free on British TV on a Saturday afternoon.
Dynamite Kid was once asked by a wrestling journalist about his matches with
Tiger Mask from that era, and whether they were really “five-star matches” in the
modern sense. “No,” he said, “they were better than that.”
I would heartily recommend looking up Rollerball Rocco matches, especially
against Dynamite Kid and Marty Jones. You can also see him take on “Fuji
Yamada,” more famously known as Jushin “Thunder” Liger.
What other wrestlers were household names from my youth? Kendo Nagasaki,
Pat Roach, Tony St Clair (who trained Chris Adams, who trained Steve Austin),
Adrian Street, Kung Fu, and Johnny Kwango. There were also some young wres-
tlers in the last days of World of Sport that would go on to have big success in WWF
and WCW: Fit Finlay, the British Bulldog and William Regal. Seeing a youthful Fit
Finlay on YouTube from that era is quite something.
To say I was spoiled as a child with great wrestling is an understatement. So how
did it go wrong?
Imentioned Big Daddy, and anyone from the UK will know who I am talking
about. To the uninitiated, Big Daddy was a large, round character clearly past his
prime, with a top hat and cape who led the crowd in comical chants of “Easy, Easy.”
So, how on earth was he top of the card? Booking—and a sense of the surreal.
I really can’t recommend The Wrestling by Simon Garfield (Faber & Faber) highly
enough. Garfield is a serious journalist and his book is a fantastic read for any-
one who wants to understand British wrestling from the World of Sport era. It also
features a great cover image of Kendo Nagasaki.
YouTube is your friend. Watch some matches using the search terms “World
of Sport” or “WoS.” A good starting point is to look up Rollerball Rocco as recom-
mended earlier and just follow the breadcrumb trail of matches highlighted after
each one. You should be immersed in grappling heaven, and occasionally hell, for
a long time to come.
DVDs of The Best of ITV Wrestling may be a trickier proposition. They tend
to feature Big Daddy matches for the nostalgia value that they hold for the UK
audience. Grapple fans of discerning taste may find the Big Daddy “matches” less
appealing than all the great bouts featuring genuine world-class grapplers that
didn’t make the final cut. That observation may encapsulate why World of Sport
was, in the end, a moment in time.
Indie Wrestling
The contemporary independent scene is the grand crossroads of professional wrestling.
Green-as-grass novices share cards with ex-World Champions. International stars strut
their stuff in front of provincial audiences. Journeyman workers hone their craft before
both tiny auditorium crowds and sold-out performance halls. The territory days are
long over, but the indie scene has evolved into a similar niche, affording a platform for
wrestlers to travel all over the world and develop their skills. While money and fame
are often lacking, it’s no secret that the indies are where mainstream companies look to
find their next generation of superstars. But even for those not tall or attractive enough
for the big promotions, there is a living to be made on the indies as a full-time wrestler.
The loose term “the indies” covers everything from quarterly shows at the local VFW
hall to regional supercards to established companies with cable TV deals. There are
indie companies all over the world, some of them with formal talent exchange relation-
ships and some simply booking whoever they can get. Wrestling a full-time schedule on
worlds of
mainstream televised wrestling. This tends to rely on a high level of athleticism, big
show-stopping maneuvers executed from more and more high-risk positions, and the
use (some say the overuse) of false finishes to build the end of the match to a crescendo.
There’s little serial storytelling; most indie performers only have one match at a time in
which to establish their character. The big-impact, false finish-reliant style undeniably
works towards those goals and hypes up the live experience, even as it can burn out an
audience to see the same big moves over and over again.
Long-term storytelling on the indies depends on the promotion and the kind of wres-
tling they want to showcase. An indie show can be anything from a one-time-only
supercard of must-see exhibition matches to a platform for high-concept, multi-
threaded narrative. The best indie promotions provide some of both, so that first-time
and occasional attendees can enjoy the matches while long-term fans are rewarded
with callbacks and details within and between bouts. When executed poorly, of course,
an indie show can be an exercise in confusion, as fans who don’t know what’s going on
wait while performers with unclear motivations jawjack endlessly.
Indie wrestling is wrestling at both its best and its worst.
What This Means for Play
✶ While most of the Gimmicks cover the kinds of wrestlers on the indies, the
Call-Up and the Hardcore are particularly suitable to explore wrestlers who
have the kind of fan base that is earned on the road.
✶ The Exhibition Match (p. 92) is a good stipulation to showcase a big pull-out-
all-the-stops match, and everyone loves a Battle Royal (p. 87), even if some
of the bodies in the ring are being paid in drink tickets.
✶ The Promotion rules imply a single company, but your roster could be the big
stars of a circuit instead. You can define your Simple or Living Promotion as a
network of indies, hosting the players wrestlers as they tour the towns.
✶ Bring in more real-life tensions and adventures of a lifestyle of constant travel and
non-stop self-promotion with material from the road (p. 147).
✶ Place things On Deck that threaten the precarious lifestyle of a full-time indie
wrestler, or that tempt them with offers to change what they do (and maybe
abandon their fans) for the promise of greater success.
Promotions by Reach
Reach is the geographic area or media market from which a Promotion draws its audi-
ence. The Promotions are presented here in order of Reach.
A Promotion that performs to small audiences, mostly the same group of people
from show to show.
MOAT Wrestling (p. 191)
Ninth Circle of Wrestling (9CW) (p. 192)
WTF?! Wrestling (p. 193)
A Promotion that performs in one large city, or a media market shared by multiple
small population centers.
Penny Ante Wrestling (PAW) (p. 195)
Prom Night (p. 197)
Valiant Pro Wrestling (p. 198)
A Promotion that performs on a travel circuit in one larger region, or in a media
market that covers multiple cities.
Kanawha Pro Wrestling (p. 200)
World Wide Wrestling (p. 202)
A Promotion that emanates from anywhere in or be broadcast throughout its home
Badlands Wrestling (p. 204)
“The Battle” Battle of the Brands (p. 206)
A Promotion that performs or can be seen anywhere in the world.
Invasion Wrestling Alliance (p. 208)
The League of Prestige (p. 209)
THe Promotions
Wooden Spoon Championship: This “title” celebrates the company’s biggest
loser. An actual wooden spoon, it is held by Gareth, who has never won a
match in 11 years with the promotion.
The founder and booker of MOAT is Reverend Theremin, an aging punk rocker. He
funds most of the shows with cash made from his one hit 80s chart-topper, which he
encourages the talent to use as their entrance theme. The Reverend strives to give his
wrestlers creative freedom within his solid, logical booking ideas.
Hippy Ginge, the ring announcer, likes to wear a different mask every show. Nobody
knows his face under the mask, just his long ginger hair.
Taz Bone. Formerly a comedy wrestler, one day he snapped after a fan insulted his
receding hairline and became the mad bruiser the fans now know. His signature move
is drinking a pint of beer as he pins a challenger for his MOAT Championship. After his
tenth title defense, he discarded the old MOAT belt for a custom Gold Stein from which
he drinks his beer.
Seb and Lee, The Taylor Twins. Actually 19 years apart, the brothers are at opposite ends
of their careers. The “twins” have been tag Champions for a year, but the younger Lee
is starting to think that the older Seb is holding him back.
Gareth is the resident jobber and holder of the Wooden Spoon Championship. Gareth
is the only wrestler who uses The Rev’s hit as his theme (on the rare occasions he gets
an entrance). Gareth hasn’t won a match in the 11 years he’s wrestled for MOAT.
Fireman Dan is the resident hardcore wrestler. He’s notorious for setting weapons on
fire, despite turning up for most matches dressed as a fireman. Dan and Taz have a long
running love/hate relationship, and the fans don’t know whether they’ll be friends or
foes on any given night.
THe Promotions
W.T.F.?! PNW Championship: The top prize of the promotion highlights the
wrestler at the forefront of the W.T.F.?!’s biggest angles. Currently vacant, as
Nicki shines up the strap through a series of storyline stakes and setups. Who
will be crowned the inaugural Champion?
The Kickstarter Cup: A Nicki Notion innovation, fans literally buy in to a
month-long tournament in exchange for backer rewards like merch, VIP
packages, and special one-off showtime roles. The chosen rewards drive the
booking to favor wrestlers whose merch moves well, giving fans a unique way
to give their favorites a push with their attention and dollars.
Jackie D. Fresh off a decent stint in the major leagues that didn’t produce a contract,
hometown favorite Jackie D. returns to Portland with promises to place himself at
the top of the fledgling WTF?!. With a loud group of frat-boy fans and the prestige of
national television dripping from his red-heart-laden trunks, the Jack of Hearts is a
favorite to win the Kickstarter Cup; however, a tendency to showboat after picking up
the win with his One-Eyed Jack sit-out DDT finisher has earned the rising star “Jerk-Off
Jackie” chants in other promotions—not necessarily the cheer he wants as a top star.
Nicki Notion. Founder, owner, booker, and promoter of W.T.F?! Wrestling, Nicki’s goal
since starting university has been to own and operate a wrestling promotion. Her Off-
Screen with Jackie D. interview streams with the new hot star are the secret sauce of
the company, proving instant video messaging platforms as a viable medium for pro-
mos. Boasting a trademark navy blazer and winged orange eyeliner, Nicki’s “small-but-
bossy” gimmick is a main-event attraction against bigger babyfaces beefing with Jackie
D. However, the recent success for the company has left Nicki uncertain of whether to
focus her infant venture on homegrown talent or out-of-town standouts.
THe Promotions
lengers who make it through the Knight of the Squared Circle tournament.
Knight of the Squared Circle: This is the number one contender spot, earned
through a gauntlet tournament held in the spring and fall. Once Knighted,
the wrestler can issue a challenge for the Heavyweight Championship at any
time, as well as stake their Knighthood as a match stipulation.
Arcade Open Champion: This chaotic Falls Count Anywhere title can be won
by anyone who pins the current Champion anytime, anywhere. It changes
hands almost every show unless there’s a storyline reason to keep it on
someone for a couple months.
PAW Tag Team Champions: Awarded to the best tandems in the territory.
Joey Elias is the brains behind PAW. He has an eye for talent and stocks his roster with
the weirdest and wildest folks he can recruit from the Tri-County area. He wants to
compete on a national level, so he’s not about to let little things like playing nice with
the competition stand in the way of profits and stepping up to bigger stages.
Holly Romero is the “creative director” for the promotion. She coordinates costume
and set design while checking some of Joey’s worse impulses. Additionally, she runs
the writing room, which consists of her, Joey, and early fan turned booker Lucy Ngo.
“Catastrophe” Cassidy Summers absolutely loves being the PAW Heavyweight Cham-
pion. The pay’s good, everyone treats them right, and they get an amazing entrance
surfing a comet (made of plastic and on guide wires) to the ring each show. They’re not
in any rush to give up the top spot, but wouldn’t mind a dance partner able to make it
in prime time alongside them (and who can sell the Catastrophe Crash like a pro, natch)
The Outrageous Gemstones Ruby and Sapphire are the current PAW Tag Team Cham-
pions, ruling the tag division with their dueling Gemcutters. Rumor has it that Ruby’s
looking to go solo despite getting this far with Sapphire, but hasn’t found the right offer.
THe Promotions
ager or other on-camera authority figure. The Principal announces each dance pairing
and adjudicates any disputes on the dance floor.
If using existing wrestler characters for Prom Night, each wrestler can adopt an appro-
priate alter-ego, or play themselves-just-dressed-up, as the players like. If making new
wrestlers for a Prom Night one-shot, use the theme to guide your choices of Gimmick
and persona.
Custom Moves Dancing at prom
On Prom Night, each match is a dance, and Whether you want to use the theme to flavor your
each dance matters. Play by the standard standard wrestling matches or literally stage com-
rules, with the following modifications: petitive dances instead of wrestling is up to you! The
rules are the same, just use the imagery and lan-
✶ Layer the Prom Night theme over guage of dancing instead of fighting when staging
everything, wherever you can. the matches and as narration. Also, the audience for
✶ The winner of each match (both Prom Night are the other “students” attending the
player wrestlers and NPWs, if dance, so you can use different physical places (like
the bathrooms, the parking lot, etc.) for on-camera
any) is booked into the Royal Ball
segments. Anything seen spreads throughout the
main event match. Any Move that crowd at the speed of gossip. Anything off-camera
allows a player to book themselves should be assumed to be truly private.
a match or into a match can use it
to get into the Royal Ball as well, even if they’ve lost their “qualifying” match.
✶ The Royal Ball is a Battle Royal (p. 87) featuring the match winners, plus any
NPWs you wish to include. Using any excuse you want to include NPWs and to
justify how players book themselves into the match with Moves, from “asked
the Principle nicely” to “crashed the party”.
✶ The winner of the Royal Ball is crowned Prom King, Queen, or Monarch, as
appropriate. They then name anyone they have Heat with as their Royal Con-
sort to receive the second crown. Both gain +1 Audience.
THe Promotions
cuit but too stubborn to give up on athletics. Wrestling gives her the challenge of put-
ting on a technically perfect match. However, her skill in the ring is paired with a lack of
charisma, general awkwardness, and introverted demeanor. When she’s not working a
match she’s often found huddled in a corner of the locker room, busily texting with her
girlfriend to reassure her that last bump wasn’t as bad as it looked.
Solomon “Nosferatu” Popescu specializes in hardcore matches. Originally from Roma-
nia, he is pale and tall (if a bit lanky), so his gimmick became a vampire who takes spe-
cial pleasure in making his opponents (and himself) bleed. He’s taken this act through
many smaller promotions, and now that he’s landed in VPW he hopes to have a more
long-term place to perform his craft.
Custom Move
One virtue of VPW is that anyone can pitch ideas for storylines. Whether Creative will
go with what you have in mind may be another matter.
✶ I Have an Idea…: When you meet with Creative to discuss your storyline or
request a bigger push, roll +Audience. If you’re in the Top Spot, you get the 10+
result automatically, but can’t make this Move again while in the Top Spot.
✶ On a 10+: they agree to go ahead with your idea. You pick 1, then they pick 1:
✶ On a 7–9: they are listening, you pick 1:
➠ They promise it won’t be overturned at the last second.
➠ Gain +1 Heat with the key opponent you want included in your angle.
➠ Add winning or losing a Championship to your current feud.
➠ Creative books you the match you want.
➠ Creative books a rival of yours into a lower-card storyline to make room for
yours, killing their push. They gain +1 Heat with you.
✶ On a Botch: revealing your thoughts gives them a better idea… at your expense.
You are booked into a feud with your lowest Heat opponent, and can’t make this
Move again until you regain legitimacy or make amends for your hubris.
THe Promotions
Chop Shop Charlie plays off of the particular issue of predatory car mechanics in the
Kanawha Valley. He can always find something wrong with a person’s vehicle, even if
nothing was wrong beforehand, and demands payment up front. When contested, he’ll
collect payment after his “customer” submits to some “Body Work” (a Boston Crab).
Freak Nasty get cheers in some places and jeers in others for his over-the-top mic work.
Either way, the Freaky One’s ability to work a crowd is uncanny, making up for his ama-
teurish-at-best ring work. When he has the crowd on his side he finishes off his oppo-
nents with the “Mic Drop” (a Leg Drop Bulldog), but when they’re booing he pulls out
the “Drive-By” (a Running Curb Stomp) instead.
Kelley Curie comes to the ring billed as a valedictorian, Mensa member, and purveyor
of the finer things in life. Kelley lords her education over other competitors and the
audience, making her hated by just about everyone. To prove how much smarter she is
than her opponents she gives them the “Final Exam” (a Fall-Forward Full Nelson Slam).
Custom Move
KPW holds four big seasonal events, each in a different region of the state. You can’t
count on the crowd remembering what happened in the last one (if they even saw it),
so you have to establish your storyline, work it up, and blow it off in the few hours you
have their attention.
When your Episode is one of the Big Four events, all wrestlers have the following:
Shotgun the Feud: Whenever you use your Role Move to gain +1 Heat with an
opponent, gain +2 Heat instead.
✶ When you gain +1 Audience for working a match with someone you have +4 Heat
with, that’s the last match in that angle.
✶ Once you finish an angle in this manner, you no longer get the Heat bonus from
this Move (you still gain +1 Heat with your Role Move as normal).
THe Promotions
“Brawny” James Dio is the ring announcer and in-ring interviewer, the voice of World
Wide Wrestling. A retired wrestler, the Man from the Silver Mountain is in as good as
shape as ever, his bald head and signature goatee hearkening back to his glory days in
the squared circle. He’s happy to pull a paycheck without having to take the bumps,
though the travel schedule is starting to get to him.
Custom Move
World Wide Wrestling is working to broaden its audience by bringing in as diverse a set
of stars as possible. Use this Move anytime a player is planning to play a wrestler for
only one Episode in a Season, whether they are a drop-in guest, someone just trying
out the game, or if it’s their Episode “off” from their usual wrestler while that character
is getting repackaged.
One Night Only: You’re here to pop the crowd and, hopefully, turn some of your
current fans into World Wide Wrestling viewers.
➠ Gain +1 Audience at the top of the Episode (after the Over Move is made if
anyone is in the Top Spot).
➠ During the Episode, if you gain Audience or someone else gains Audience
due to a match or segment they have with you, all players gain +1 Momen-
➠ If you would gain an Advance (for any reason), you can give that Advance
to another player who you think deserves it. When you do so, describe how
you give their wrestler the rub, on or off camera, in a way that will bring your
fan’s attention to them.
✶ If you return for a subsequent Episode, this Move no longer applies. Reset your
Audience at the top of the Episode.
THe Promotions
“turn” other wrestlers to the darkness. A natural athlete, her duties belie her outstand-
ing abilities inside the ring, making her a quickly growing fan favorite.
Tor Baldr is, at first glance, an over-weight drunkard. Who would ever take him seri-
ously? But when he marches down to the ring the gates to hell open. He doesn’t so
much “wrestle” as bash and destroy everything and everyone in his path. His own life
means little to him so long as the crowd is entertained by the blood flowing hot, from
him or from his victims.
Custom Move
One of Badlands Wrestling’s keys to growth has been crossovers: traveling to other pro-
motions in the nearby regions to expand both fanbases. Having nearly folded due to
stagnation and mismanagement, the wrestlers of Badlands are quick to notice under-
performing spots and promos that could use a little extra heat. Using their combined
know-how, the Badlands roster is used to calling emergency meetings in the van or
behind the curtain to determine how to save the moment.
Blazing A New Trail: When you go off script in order to charge up the match,
shocking the audience and your opponent, roll +Heat instead of +Audience for the
Break Kayfabe Move.
✶ Add the following to the 7–9 choices:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
✶ On a Botch: as Break Kayfabe, but all 4 instead of all 3. The character you lose -1
Heat with can’t be the opponent you gain +1 Heat with.
THe Promotions
the walls, chairs, trashcans, and even the wrestlers. Creative should work with players
to figure out which company is sponsoring them, or at least considering it.
Brought to You by Our Sponsors: If your sponsor loves you, they’ll pay the crowd
to cheer for your matches. When you have your first match of the night, choose a
Stat based on your sponsor’s business:
➠ Roll +Body if your sponsor is in the food, gym, nutrition or sport business.
➠ Roll +Look if your sponsor is in the lifestyle, apparel or media business.
➠ Roll +Real if you and your sponsor have a backroom deal or personal rela-
➠ Roll +Work if your sponsor is in the wrestling business.
✶ On a 10+: your sponsor went big! Gain +1 Momentum, and you pick 1:
✶ On a 7–9: your sponsor hedged their bet. Creative picks 1:
➠ It’s Swag Giveaway Night! Gain +1 Audience. If you would gain Audience
from having +4 in this match, skip it—the crowd already loves you.
➠ Custom Prop! You can use your sponsor’s prop as a weapon in this match
without getting DQed. The first time you use it, gain +1 Heat with your oppo-
nent (or whoever you use it on).
➠ Extra Mic Time! You get extra time on the stick while the crowd is cheering.
Bump your next Cut a Promo result up by one band (from a Botch to a 7–9,
or a 7–9 to 10+).
➠ Bespoke Feat Production: Your sponsor stages an elaborate setting to show-
case your prowess. Bump your next Athletic Feat result up by one band
(from a Botch to a 7–9, or a 7–9 to 10+).
✶ On a Botch: they wasted their money on bad brand synergy. Gain +1 Heat with
someone who introduced you to them or liasoned with them on your behalf, and
they withdraw their sponsorship from you for future shows.
THe Promotions
✶ Add the following to the 7–9 choices:
➠ You steal their Championship Title (or other physical accolade, like a trophy
or briefcase), claiming it for the IAW.
✶ On a Botch: as the Run-In Botch, and in addition Creative must make a Hard
Move reflecting your status as a legit interloper.
The League of Prestige is an elite under- by Mike Weinand, Jim
ground circuit drawing fighters and fans Fortsas, and Rob Hughes
from across the globe, hosting events in Reach: International
fantastic and outrageous venues world- Supports: Large War Chest
Strong Kayfabe
wide. The mysterious origin of this shad-
Struggles: Niche Fanbase
owy operation is obscured by the fog of Theatrical… Pretensions
history, but it is rumored to date back cen-
turies—or even millennia. The modern incarnation is run by the wealthy, well-con-
nected Chairman to provide fans with an escape into a world of exotic matches sat-
urated in myth, pomp, and ceremony. Elite wrestlers from all continents compete in
fantastic locales for extraordinary titles, legendary artifacts, and exorbitant cash prizes.
Previously only accessible to well-to-do and highly connected, the League has become
increasingly known to the wider world. Fans are begging, borrowing and even stealing
their way into League events. This attention potentially threatens the secrecy and oper-
ations of the League, as it ostensibly operates without government sanction.
Is the League truly a mythical tournament dating back to foundations of civilization?
Are the owners truly a shadowy cabal manipulating the League for world-spanning
machinations? Are the unique and priceless artifacts and prizes the real thing or fanci-
ful props? How did that greasy haired guy in the heavy metal t-shirt make it to a show
hosted in a haunted alpine castle? No one really knows, but they love the spectacle!
The Basics
Hailing From: Pick a thematic origin place Heat
or decide on your own. Write down each other wrestler’s name.
Entrance: Pick a thematic style of entrance On your turn, ask one of the four ques-
or decide on your own. tions per other player. When answered,
Name & Look: Come up with a perfor- gain +1 Heat with their wrestler.
mance name and decide on your wrestler’s Whenever you work a match with a char-
general look. acter you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audi-
Body: Your physical strength, condition- If you end an Episode without crossing
ing, and athletic ability. paths with a wrestler, lose -1 Heat with
Look: Your charisma, “it” factor and ability
to inhabit your character and get the fans Role
interested in your story. Pick your starting Role. You can use the
The Gimmicks
Real: Your ability to “break the fourth wall” Move of the same name. Gain +1 Heat
and blend legit issues with your storyline with everyone who’s the opposite Role.
conflicts. ✶ Babyface—You’re a good guy.
Work: Your ability to tell a story in the ring, ✶ Heel—You’re a bad guy.
execute complex maneuvers, and make When you deliberately break your role,
others look good. you turn to the opposite. Gain +1 Heat
Stats range from -3 to +2. Each Gimmick with the wrestler you turn on.
has a starting statline with a choice for cus- You can gain an Advanced Role or take
tomization. Stats are usually added to die Lucha Libre Roles via Advances. When
rolls when you make Moves. you take an Advanced Role, you add that
Advanced Role Option to your Role Move.
Pick a Want from the list. ✶ Celebrity—You’ve gained fame out-
side the ring.
When you have a match where you get
what you Want, you gain an Advance. ✶ Icon—You embody your style of
You can change Want at any time. There’s
no penalty for doing so, but you don’t get
✶ Legend—The audience will never
forget you.
anything for it either.
Lucha Libre Roles replace Babyface and
Heel with Técnico and Rudo.
Some Gimmicks have modified advancement options. Treat the Advancement informa-
tion for the Gimmick as superseding this list if they conflict.
gain an advance when:
✶ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode.
✶ You take the Top Spot.
✶ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one).
✶ You fulfill your Gimmicks fourth unique condition.
spend an advance to:
Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every time you spend an Advance.
✶ Gain +1 Audience.
✶ (2x) Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other, including a Move that
increases a Stat).
✶ Create a custom Move for this wrestler (p. 142).
✶ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer.
✶ Form a Dedicated Tag Team (p. 78).
and once you’ve picked 3 of those:
✶ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option, or Lucha Libre Roles.
The Gimmicks
✶ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside, this one). They debut in
the next Episode.
✶ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode. Then return this wrestler
with a new Gimmick (per your sheet). Erase all Injury checks.
✶ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make a new one or take over an
NPW to continue playing.
The Rest
When your wrestler takes an injury, check an Injury box. As long as you have at least
one Injury box checked, your Gimmick’s Injury rules apply.
Whenever you spend an Advance, you can choose to erase an Injury check in addition
to gaining the effect of your purchase.
Start each Episode with Momentum per your starting Audience, or the effect of the
Over Move if you are in the Top Spot.
Whenever you make a roll, you can spend any amount of Momentum to add that
amount as a bonus to your roll.
You lose all unspent Momentum at the end of each Episode.
The Gimmicks
you hit on a 10+ without spending Momentum,
gain an extra +1 Momentum. If you Botch, you
injure them anyway.
Injury ❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While
injured, you can opt out of any match, except title
matches. You and your opponent both start a title
match with +1 Momentum.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an
Advance when:
✶ You drop a Championship to a worthy con-
The Ace has the standard Advancement options.
When you repackage, you can return as the Lumi-
nary, Manager or Veteran.
You start with: Body 0, Look +1, Real
-2, Work -1
Then add +1 to one stat of your choice.
Heat QUestions
✶ Who did I debut with, then
leave behind?
✶ Who has taken me under their
✶ Who is jealous of my rapid rise?
✶ Who has attached themselves to me to
feed off of my success?
✶ A Championship Title!
✶ Join a Group!
✶ Revenge!
✶ Domination!
✶ Adulation of the Crowd!
✶ Validation from a Mentor!
Your Moves
✔ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a
match, roll 2d6.
✶ On a 10+: you hit your Finisher clean, gain
+1 Audience.
✶ On a 7–9: they make you work for it,
choose one: they obviously allow you
to get the win (gain +1 Heat with them) or they push you to look better (you
both gain +1 Momentum).
✶ On a Botch: choose one: an authority figure calls the match in your favor on a
technicality (lose -1 Audience) or there was a last-minute change to the BOOK-
ING from backstage and your opponent wins the match.
The Gimmicks
each other.
❒ I Am The Future: When you keep a promise or follow through on a threat you
made on camera, roll +Look.
✶ On a 10+: pick 2:
✶ On a 7–9: pick 1:
➠ Place yourself into a match with any opponent.
➠ Add a stipulation to a match you’re in.
➠ Gain +1 Momentum.
✶ On a Botch: you get booked into a punitive match.
Injury ❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While injured, you can refuse to compete
when booked into a match; if you do so, gain +1 Heat with the wrestler you would have
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ You win a big match all on your own.
The Anointed has the standard Advancement options. When you repackage, you can
return as any Gimmick except the Clown or Veteran.
The Gimmicks
wanted to hear. You can’t roll +Audience
for the rest of the Episode.
Injury ❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and note who
did it. While injured, when you make the Run-In Move REFERENCE
on them, you pick any 7–9 result instead of them.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an
Advance when:
✶ You win a match with all the odds stacked
against you.
The Anti-Hero has the standard Advancement options.
When you repackage, you can return as any Gimmick
except the Anointed, Jobber or Manager.
You start with: Body -1, Look 0, Real -1, Work 0
Then subtract -1 from one stat of your choice, and add +2
to another.
Heat QUestions
✶ Who has sung my praises to get me on the
✶ Who thinks I’m completely overrated?
✶ With whom do I have an old rivalry that
can now be restarted?
✶ Who’s spot am I threatening to take now
that I’m here?
✶ A Championship Title!
✶ Join a Group!
✶ Revenge!
✶ Domination!
✶ Adulation of the Crowd!
✶ Prove You Belong On This Roster!
Your Moves
✔ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to
win a match, roll 2d6.
✶ On a 10+: you hit your Finisher clean,
gain +1 Audience.
✶ On a 7–9: they sandbag you. You still
win, but choose one: you power through
(gain +1 Heat with each other) or you pun-
ish them (they take an injury).
✶ On a Botch: it’s sloppy. Choose whether you win the match but Creative
changes something about your presentation or moveset or let them counter
you, BOOKING you to lose the match.
The Gimmicks
➠ Add a stipulation to any match.
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
✶ On a Botch: they’ve heard of you… and
think you suck. Lose -1 Audience.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While you’re injured, you can still wrestle
but Creative will not BOOK you to win. If you win a match anyway, gain +1 Heat with
your opponent.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ You headline a show in the Main Event.
The Call-Up has the standard Advancement options. When you repackage, you can
return as any Gimmick, no restrictions.
The Gimmicks
tum, and you BOOK the celebrity’s upcoming match (announce it now, if there’s
not already one on the card).
✶ On a 7–9: you get added into their match; choose whether you’re BOOKED
against them to lose or with them as their tag team partner to win.
✶ On a Botch: their match is scrubbed and you destroy your promotion’s rela-
tionship with that guest.
Injury ❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While injured, if you roll on +Body or +Work
(whichever is lower) while wrestling, choose whether you check another Injury box, or
the ref calls an audible and ends the match in a no contest.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ You win a match with serious stakes, surprising everyone.
The Clown has the standard Advancement options. When you repackage, you can
return as any Gimmick except the Anointed.
You start with: Body +1, Look -2, Real -1, Work 0
Then add +1 to one stat of your choice.
Heat QUestions
✶ Who has earned my respect with their legit
fighting skills?
✶ Who did I beat when they challenged me
to a shoot fight?
✶ Who wants to add more entertain-
ment to my repertoire?
✶ Who am I afraid of?
✶ A Championship Title!
✶ Join a Group!
✶ Revenge!
✶ Domination!
✶ Adulation of the Crowd!
✶ A Legit Fight with a Worthy
Your Moves
✔ Finishing Move: When you’re
BOOKED to win a match, roll
✶ On a 10+: you hit your Fin-
isher clean, gain +1 Audience.
✶ On a 7–9: you aren’t on the same page as your opponent, and someone gets
their bell rung. Choose which one of you takes an injury, and gain +1 Heat with
each other.
✶ On a Botch: it’s too real! You suffer a DQ loss, lose -1 Audience and injure your
The Gimmicks
➠ You gain +1 Heat with each other.
✶ On a Botch: that was not the plan, you’re in
real trouble.
Injury ❒❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. When
injured, the +Stat you compare for Shoot Fighter
needs to be 2 higher than your opponents for the
Move to apply.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an
Advance when:
✶ You win a match with your shoot skills and
no injuries.
The Fighter has the standard Advancement options.
When you repackage, you can return as any Gimmick
except the Jobber, Luchador, Manager or Provocateur.
You start with: Body 0, Look 0, Real -1, Work -1
Then add +1 to one stat of your
Heat QUestions
✶ Who is jealous
of my devoted
fan base?
✶ Who is willing to
make me bleed?
✶ Who has returned from an injury
I gave them?
✶ Who can take everything I can
dish out?
✶ A Championship Title!
✶ Join a Group!
✶ Revenge!
✶ Domination!
✶ Adulation of the Crowd!
✶ Raise the Bar for Violence!
Your Moves
✔ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED
to win a match, roll 2d6.
✶ On a 10+: you hit your Finisher
clean (or bloody). Choose whether you or your opponent gains +1 Audience.
✶ On a 7–9: they make you work for it, choose one: they stand up to your assault
before going down (you both gain +1 Momentum) or sacrifice your body to
make it happen, take an injury (and you gain +1 Heat with them).
✶ On a Botch: you still get the win, but pick one: it looks bad (you lose -1 Audi-
ence) or you go too hard (you injure your opponent).
The Gimmicks
✶ On a Botch: they are not entertained, lose -1
Audience (and gain +1 Momentum).
Injury ❒❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1
Heat with the wrestler you were working with.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain
an Advance when:
✶ You take multiple injuries and still finish the
The Hardcore has the standard Advancement options. When you repackage, you can
return as any Gimmick except the Anointed, Call-Up, Jobber or Technician.
You start with: Body 0, Look -2, Real 0, Work +1
Then subtract -1 from one stat of your choice, and add +1 to
Heat QUestions
✶ Who can’t remember who I am?
✶ Who was my tag team partner before they made
it big?
✶ Who thinks they’re too important to work with me?
✶ Who is trying to get me bigger paydays to reward
me for my work?
✶ A Championship Title!
✶ Join a Group!
✶ Revenge!
✶ Domination!
✶ Adulation of the Crowd!
✶ A Win Over a Main Event Star!
Your Moves
✔ Do The Job: You are always BOOKED to lose your
matches. When your opponent pins you for the win,
roll 2d6:
✶ On a 10+: you make them look great, they gain +1 Audi-
✶ On a 7–9: you do the job. Choose whether you gain +2
Momentum or +1 Heat with them.
✶ On a Botch: you don’t sell it right. You both lose -1 Audience.
➠ If your opponent is another player’s wrestler, roll for this Move when they
make their Finishing Move (and apply the results of both). If they are an
NPW, you roll at the end of the match in place of making a Finishing Move.
The Gimmicks
Injury ❒❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. If you play up your
injury during a match, your opponent gains +1 Momentum.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ The wrestler you’ve most put over wins a Championship.
The Jobber has custom Advancement options. Spend an Advance to:
✶ (3x) Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other, including a Move that
increases a Stat)
✶ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
✶ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
And once you’ve picked three of those:
✶ Create a new wrestler to play. They debut in the next Episode.
✶ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode. Then return this wrestler
with a new Gimmick (no restriction). Erase all Injury checks.
✶ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make a new one, or take over an
NPW to continue playing.
In addition, when you end an Episode with Audience +4, your Career Wrestler Move
means you can choose to repackage without needing to spend an Advance.
The Gimmicks
a tag match, a tag match a trio, etc). Creative chooses who comes out for
the other team.
➠ You can spend your Momentum on any of your teammates rolls during
any tag team match.
Injury ❒❒❒❒
When you get injured, check two Injury boxes. While injured, when an opponent uses
your injury against you to gain an advantage, they gain +1 Momentum and you gain +1
Heat with them.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ Your match gets the biggest pop of the night.
The Luchador has the standard Advancement options. When you repackage, you can
return as any Gimmick except the Anointed or Monster.
The Gimmicks
you if they Break Kayfabe (it can still pass to
them as a result of a Move).
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain
an Advance when:
✶ Your match showcasing your fame is the
Main Event.
The Luminary has the standard Advancement
options. When you repackage, you can return as
the Ace, Manager or Veteran.
The Gimmicks
-1 Heat with your client as Creative books
them against your will to punish them for your meddling.
Injury ❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. When you use your injury as an excuse to
help out your client, they gain +1 Momentum. If you have 2 checks, you are too injured
to appear at ringside.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ You gain a new Client.
The Manager has custom Advancement options. Replace:
✶ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
✶ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
✶ Add a NPW Valet or Enforcer to your stable
✶ Add another NPW Valet or Enforcer to your stable
And once you’ve picked three of those, you have the standard second-stage options.
When you repackage, you can return as any Gimmick except the Anointed, Jobber or
The Gimmicks
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an
Advance when: REFERENCE
✶ A worthy opponent finally defeats
The Monster has the standard
Advancement options. When you
repackage, you can return as any
Gimmick except the Anointed, Jobber,
Luchador, Manager or Provocateur.
The Gimmicks
Injury ❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While injured,
you can refuse to compete when you’re booked in a
match. If you do so, gain +1 Heat with your prospec-
tive opponent.
In addition to the three standard triggers,
gain an Advance when:
✶ Everyone is talking about you at the
end of the show.
The Provocateur has the standard Advancement
options. When you repackage, you can return as
any Gimmick except the Anointed or Jobber.
The Gimmicks
✶ On a Botch: they attack you before your hands touch (and they gain +1
Injury ❒❒❒
When you get injured, check an Injury box. Whenever you lose a match due to your
injury, lose all Momentum. Whenever you push through your injury to win a match,
gain +1 Momentum.
In addition to the three standard triggers, gain an Advance when:
✶ You win a big match specifically via superior technique.
The Technician has the standard Advancement options. When you repackage, you can
return as any Gimmick, no restrictions.
The Gimmicks
Momentum if you don’t.
In addition to the three standard trig-
gers, gain an Advance when:
✶ You lose to someone in order
to make them a star.
The Veteran has the standard Advance-
ment options. When you repackage, you can
return as the Ace, Luminary or Manager.
Basic Moves
Athletic Feat: When you demonstrate your extraordinary strength or athletic abil-
ity, roll +Body.
✶ On a 10+: you do it easily. Gain +1 Heat with your opponent or if you don’t have
an opponent and you’re just showing off, gain +2 Momentum.
✶ On a 7–9: it’s a cool move but you show the strain. Gain +1 Momentum and pick
➠ You do it, but it hurts. You have to forfeit your next scheduled match while
you recover.
➠ Someone steps in to cover for you, and you pull it off with their help. If it’s
another player wrestler, they gain +1 Momentum.
✶ On a Botch: ouch! Take an injury, and gain +1 Momentum.
Break Kayfabe: When you expose the legit truth on camera that you know could
cause trouble, roll +Real.
✶ On a 10+: it’s exactly what the crowd was waiting for, gain +1 Audience.
✶ On a 7–9: you blur the line, gain +1 Momentum and pick 1:
➠ Creative BOOKS you into an embarrassing loss as punishment for going off-
➠ The truth you reveal loses you -1 Heat with someone involved.
➠ You lose the faith of someone who was investing in you backstage.
✶ On a Botch: all three, and gain +1 Momentum.
Cheap Heat: When you insult or praise the audience or their hometown, gain +1
➠ You can only get Cheap Heat once per Episode.
Cut A Promo: When you take the mic and speak your mind, roll +Look.
✶ On a 10+: you connect with the audience, pick 2 from the 7–9 list.
✶ On a 7–9: you have their attention, pick 1:
➠ Make Creative BOOK you in a match.
➠ Add a stipulation to a relevant match.
➠ They come out to respond to your promo.
➠ Gain +1 Heat with the subject of your promo.
✶ On a Botch: it doesn’t connect. Gain +1 Momentum.
cannot continue. This BOOKS the match a No Contest, and you both take +1
✶ On a Botch: you get stopped before you hit the ring. Gain +1 Momentum.
Work The Audience: When you pump up, lambaste or otherwise work to get the
Role Moves
Babyface: When you stand up for something you believe in, spend 2 Momentum
and pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
➠ Leave your opponent speechless.
➠ Make Creative book you in a match.
➠ Expose villainous behavior to BOOK a cheater to lose a match.
Heel: When you do something underhanded to get what you want, spend 2
Momentum and pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
➠ Leave someone helplessly lying on the floor.
➠ Postpone one of your matches.
➠ Cheat in order to BOOK yourself to win a match.
Lucha Libre Role—Técnico: add the following to your Babyface Move:
➠ An ally comes to your aid and gain +1 Heat with them.
Lucha Libre Role—Rudo: add the following to your Heel Move:
➠ Leave an ongoing match to save yourself. Lose the match, and you and your
opponent gain +1 Heat with each other.
Advanced Role—Celebrity: add the following to your basic Role Move:
➠ Creative must BOOK you to win your next match.
Advanced Role—Icon: add the following to your basic Role Move:
➠ Make any roll a 10+, for you or someone else.
Advanced Role—Legend: add the following to your basic Role Move:
➠ You and your opponent count as having +1 Audience for the rest of a match
or segment.
In-Ring Moves
Champions Advantage: If your Championship is at stake in a match, you can roll
out of the ring and get counted out whenever you have control. You lose the match,
but retain the title, as titles do not change hands on a countout. Roll +Audience.
✶ On a 10+: gain +1 Heat with your opponent and pick 1 from the 7–9 list.
✶ On a 7–9: pick 1:
➠ Announce the rematch on your own terms. Add a stipulation if you’d like.
➠ You avoid immediate retribution by fleeing backstage.
➠ Creative BOOKS your next match with a No Disqualification stipulation,
whether you like it or not.
✶ On a Botch: the crowd really wanted to see you win or lose that match! Lose -1
maneuver that requires both of you to achieve, roll +Heat with them.
✶ On a 10+: the crowd pops as you nail the spot. Retain control of the match and
gain +1 Momentum.
✶ On a 7–9: you keep their attention. Choose whether to hand control of the match
Specialist Moves
Specialist Moves are used in Living Promotions. For full rules, see p. 132. They are
unlocked with Promotion Advances (p. 130).
Gatekeeper: Whenever a wrestler you have Heat with is booked into a match with
high stakes, you can demand to have a match with them first. Creative decides the
details, but cannot deny you this demand.
➠ When you lose one of these matches in a manner satisfactory to you, you
and your opponent both gain +1 Momentum.
Giant: Take +1 Body (Max +4). You change Role (Heel to Babyface or vice versa)
whenever Creative demands it. You keep your Advanced Role, if any.
➠ You can choose to take +2 Momentum instead of +1 Heat with your oppo-
nent when you make a Creative-imposed Role turn.
Iconoclast: When you Cut A Promo on someone in an Advanced Role, choose to
roll on +Look or +Real, whichever is higher. Add the following to the 7–9 Cut A
Promo result list:
➠ You are BOOKED to win your next match with them.
Time Bomb: You decide when it’s time to hang up your boots. At the top of an Epi-
sode, you can book a retirement match with any opponent of your choice. When
your opponent wins, they gain +1 Audience. Once retired, create a new wrestler or
Prodigal: Whenever you take an Episode off, you make a triumphant return in
your return appearance. When you return, call out someone on the roster with
lower +Audience than you (or whoever seems to need help the most, if there’s
no clear candidate). You take +1 Heat with each other and Creative books the first
match in your feud.
➠ If your opponent gains +1 Audience from a match with you during your feud,
they gain an additional +1 Audience, and you move on to another opponent
(or go back to your other life).
Road Moves
These are all available when playing out scenes or Episodes on the road (p. 147).
Road Move—Deal With It: When you face an obstacle on the road that requires
you to take definitive action to solve, decide which Stat is most applicable (as
described under Revisiting Stats (p. 148)) and roll +Stat.
✶ On a 10+: You get what you want and pick 2 from the 7–9 list.
✶ On a 7–9: Creative offers a tough choice, a hard bargain, or an unwanted com-
plication to get what you want. It’s up to you if you want to take it, and pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Momentum.
➠ Ask a leading question about the situation for Creative to answer.
➠ You owe someone a favor.
➠ Someone owes you a favor.
✶ On a Botch: you don’t get what you wanted, but you do get what you deserve.
This may include an Injury, if the situation warrants. Gain +1 Momentum.
On the Road—Going Home: These Moves are used when going home to see fam-
ily. See Home and Family (p. 151). In summary:
✶ If you accept the status quo: describe what that looks like and how quickly you
get back to work. Then:
➠ Your next roll, whether on the road or in the next Episode on camera, counts
as one result level lower than what you roll (a 10+ counts as a 7–9, a 7–9
counts as a Botch). If that roll is a Botch, something happens at home while
✶ On a 10+: you make positive progress; gain +1 Momentum and they ask you one
of the hard questions above.
✶ On a 7–9: they ask you one of the hard questions above, and everything hinges
on your answer:
➠ If you answer honestly, it’s up to Creative if it brings them to see your side
and become supportive of you.
➠ If you answer dishonestly, it makes things a little more complicated whether
they believe you or not. You cannot roll on the same Stat next time you try
to set your house in order.
✶ On a Botch: you make things worse. Face a sad yet inevitable consequence.
Road Moves ✶ PAGE 253
Road Move—Hit The Streets: When you promote the next event in per-
son, roll on the most appropriate Stat for how you go about it (as per
Revisiting Stats (p. 148)).
✶ On a 10+: you pull in fans to see you at the next event. Gain +1 Momentum. The
next time you Work The Audience, count a 7–9 as a 10+ as they pop to finally see
you live!
✶ On a 7–9: you get some interest, but it’s only because you lie or exaggerate about
something you know isn’t going to happen. Gain +1 Momentum. If the thing you
lied about does happen, gain +1 Momentum then as well!
✶ On a Botch: you actively discourage them from coming. Whoops. Choose
whether you lose -1 Audience, or you get booked into a dumb promotional stunt
at the show in place of your current in-ring storyline.
Road Move—In The Car: When you share a ride with someone and open up to
them, roll +Heat (if you have no Heat, roll flat instead of establishing at +1).
✶ On a 10+: it’s a good bonding experience, gain +1 Momentum and you pick 1
from the 7–9 list.
✶ On a 7–9: you open up to them and they decide how to reciprocate, they pick 1:
➠ You open up too much, giving them some juicy gossip.
➠ You promise a favor that you already know is going to cause trouble.
➠ They promise you a favor that you’re not sure they’ll keep.
➠ You get the dirt on someone you didn’t expect.
✶ On a Botch: lose -1 Heat with them (they describe why) and there’s a misadven-
ture before you get to your next stop.
Road Move—Social Media Presence: When you share something personally
meaningful with the internet in order to get clicks, roll +Real. (If you could nor-
mally replace +Real with another stat, you may do so online as well.)
✶ On a 10+: it goes viral. You count as having +1 Audience at the top of the next Epi-
sode, including starting with the Momentum for that Audience. If this takes you
to the Top Spot, you join anyone already there without bouncing them out (and
make the Over Move as usual). After your first appearance on-screen, go back to
your original Audience. If you happened to gain (or lose) Audience during that
appearance, then apply that to your original Audience, not the boosted score.
✶ On a 7–9: gain +1 Momentum and pick 1. You connect with your True Fans, but:
➠ … it doesn’t really fit your character, lose -1 Heat with your opponent in your
main feud.
➠ … it makes someone else look good, they also gain +1 Momentum.
➠ … it exposes you to ridicule, inside or outside your promotion. Creative
BOOKS you in a match to humiliate or punish you.
➠ … your words are twisted and taken out of context by the majority of the
audience; at the start of the next Episode, take 1 less Momentum for your
Audience rating than normal.
✶ On a Botch: congratulations, you played yourself. Lose -1 Audience. If you are
part of a Living Promotion, you can instead choose to add a Struggle that relates
to the headache you’ve generated for the company by mouthing off online.
your Momentum, and erase an Injury check if you have one. This can keep you
from retiring or being fired if that’s on the table. Then, roll +Real:
✶ On a 10+: you completely get away with it.
✶ On a 7–9: you don’t, pick 1:
➠ You’re still feeling it, and have -1 to your highest stat for the next Episode.
➠ Someone finds out about your use.
✶ On a Botch: as a 7–9 and also X out your right-most Injury box.
p. 25 (Try Another Way), p. 25 (The X), Segment: An single scene that occurs inside
p. 154 (Off-Limits) an Episode, generally booked by Creative.
Can be in-ring, backstage or off-camera.
Game Structure p. 36 (pacing in the first Episode), p. 111
Booking: Creative decides on the results of
unique wrestler concepts or expand other match, usually chosen by Creative. Can be
areas of the game. p. 142 swerved by the events of play. p. 74
Custom Gimmicks: Gimmicks created to The One-Two-Three: A technique to create
represent specific archetypes of wrestler not beats within match narration. p. 71
covered by the core Gimmicks. p. 145 Psychology: The logic behind the storytell-