الاختبا الاول إنجليزية السنة الرابعة متوسط2012-2013

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‫ متوسط‬4 ‫المستوى‬ ‫متوسطة مبارك الميلى بشار الجديد‬ 2013/ 2012 ‫الموسم الدراسى‬

05/12/2012 ‫المدة ساعة ونصف‬ ‫اختبار الثالثى االول فى االنجليزية‬


The hamburger is the most eaten food in the whole world.An American chef called
Louis Lassen made and sold the first hamburgers in Connecticut in 1895.Louis called
them hamburgers because some sailors from Humburg in Germany,gave him the recepe.
Hamburgers became a favourite in America in the early part of the twentieth
century.Their popularity grew even more after the second World War.Teenagers
prefered fast food to family meals and bought them in large quantities.
In 1948 two brothers Dick and Mac McDonald open a drive-in hamburgers
restaurant in San Bernardino, California. Since then over 25.000 McDonald’s
restaurants have opened world wide-and now 35 million McDonald’s hamburgers are
eaten everyday in 115 countries.
(Adapted from’Headway’)

Reading comprehension

A ) – read the text & answer :(2pts)

1- Give a title to the text.

2- How many paragraphs are there in this text ?
B) –True / False: :(3pts)
1-Louis Lassen made and sold the first hamburger.
2- Some German sailors told Louis how to prepare the hamburger.
3-Hamburgers are less prefered by teenagers.
C) – Lexis
Match each word with its definition: (2pts)
1-a restaurant a-Instructions for cooking food.
2-a recipe b-Place where you can have a meal.
3-fast food c-100 years.
4-a century d-food prepared and served quickly.

Mastery of language
A ) put these sentences in the imperative : (2pts)
You shouldn’t eat a lot of sandwiches …………….
You must go on diet. …………………..

B ) –Complete with tag questions: (3pts)

1-You can eat a hamburger ………………………..?
2-The hamburger is originally a German dish………,.,?
3- Teenagers don’t like family meals …………………….?

C ) – cross out the silent letters : (2pts)

Would – foreign – known – wrong .

PART TWO : (6pts)

Wri written expression :

Do you like fast food ? Why ?.

Write a paragraph in which you explain why you like /don’t like it .

Use these clue : ( - Fast food is fast, cheap and convenient - eat all the food that is
fresh and natural - dangerous- unhealthy - ....................................................................)

Your teacher : Ayat -fz

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