Journal of Mathematical Psychology: Ulrik W. Nash

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Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

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Sequential sampling, magnitude estimation, and the wisdom of

Ulrik W. Nash
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

highlights graphical abstract

• We present a neuronal model of
probabilistic magnitude estimation.
• We predict the wisdom of crowds
is one psychophysical effect in an
entire system.
• We conduct an experiment on mag-
nitude estimation and find support
for all elements.
• We confirm a procedure for correct-
ing errors in the wisdom of crowds.
• An old conjecture by Sir Francis
Galton is settled.

article info abstract

Article history: Sir Francis Galton (Galton, 1907) conjectured the psychological process of magnitude estimation caused
Received 27 February 2016 the curious distribution of judgments he observed at Plymouth in 1906. However, after he published
Received in revised form Vox Populi, researchers narrowed their attention to the first moment of judgment distributions and its
8 December 2016
often remarkable alignment with the truth, while it became customary to explain this wisdom of crowds
Available online 10 February 2017
effect using ideas of statistics more than psychology, and without considering possible interactions
with other distribution moments. Recently, however, an exploration of the cognitive foundation of
Individual heterogeneity
judgment distributions was published (Nash, 2014). The study not only formalized a possible link between
Sequential sampling signal detection, evidence accumulation, and the shape of judgment distributions, but also in so doing,
Magnitude estimation conjectured that magnitude estimation by independent individuals causes a systematic error in the
Judgment distributions wisdom of crowds indicated by judgment distribution skewness. The present study reports findings
Wisdom of crowds from an experiment on magnitude estimation and supports these predictions. The study moreover
Psychophysics demonstrates that systematic errors by groups of people can be corrected using information about the
judgment distribution these people together form, before errors might cause damage to decision making.
In concluding, we revisit Galton’s data from the West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition in light
of what we have discovered.
© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

E-mail address:
0022-2496/© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
166 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

1. Introduction 1960), or equivalently, what Marr (1982) referred to as studies

of the cognitive system at the computational level. Researchers
As individuals, our judgments of magnitude are often wrong since Galton have developed highly accurate predictions about
in the particular, but the mean of guesses by many individuals magnitude estimation, without needing to model how the brain
about something (Galton, 1907b), or even the average of many generates fine-grained measurements about the world around
judgments by one individual about something (Vul & Pashler, it. In particular, regression and Bayesian methods have been
2008), is often remarkably accurate and precise for reasons of successful in this regard.
probability. Particular judgments are subject to error, but when Had competitors at the West of England Fat Stock and Poultry
errors scatter in equal proportion around the truth, the mean Exhibition been required to discriminate between the weight of
is an accurate measurement of things in the world around us. two oxen, as opposed to guessing the precise weight of one,
In fact, when every error of underestimation has an equivalent then any question Galton might have posed about cognitive
counterpart error of overestimation, the mean judgment is valid mechanisms would almost certainly have been answered sooner.
and reliable. This phenomenon has been called many things, from Indeed, contemporary scientists are relatively knowledgeable
Vox Populi (Galton, 1907b) to Rational Expectations (Muth, 1961), about the mechanism used by cognitive systems to discriminate
to the Many Wrongs Principle (Simons, 2004). Most recently between two magnitudes.
it became known to the general public as Wisdom of Crowds Unlike contemporary studies of precise magnitude estimation,
(Surowiecki, 2004). contemporary studies of magnitude discrimination are commonly
How the brain harnesses laws of probability to facilitate the carried out at what Marr (1982) called the algorithmic level.
wisdom of crowds remains unclear, although we have long sus- In particular, sequential sampling models have been argued
pected the brain itself is probabilistic (Brunswik, 1943; Laplace, to capture the essence of an important subset of human
1812), not least because we observe it generating various estimates cognitive mechanisms to provide accurate predictions about
of the same presented stimulus (Faisal, Selen, & Wolpert, 2008; another significant distribution in cognitive psychology, namely
Luce & Mo, 1965; Stocker & Simoncelli, 2006). We know more the distribution of time taken by individuals to choose between
about how social mechanisms undermine the mean by turning in- possible responses.
dependent judgments dependent (Lorenz, Rauhut, Schweitzer, & A connection between the cognitive processes of magnitude
Helbing, 2011; Muchnik, Aral, & Taylor, 2013), but when it comes estimation and discrimination may exist, but probing the connec-
to explaining independent judgments, we hit an obstacle. Our pri- tion is not our purpose here. Rather, we aim to suggest that se-
mary models describe the result of thinking without reference to quential sampling and the wisdom of crowds are linked through
the cognitive mechanisms that generate these outcomes (Griffiths, magnitude estimation, and along the way, explain why current
Chater, Norris, & Pouget, 2012; Hoffman, 1960). Without an explicit sequential sampling models of magnitude discrimination cannot
link to the cognitive processes that generate independent judg- readily predict that link. We begin by clarifying what sequential
ments, we cannot move beyond statistics to explain collective er- sampling models are, compare the most important of these, and
rors that occur even before crowds are swayed by social forces. explain their confinement to coarse-grained problems of binary
It was recently argued (Nash, 2014) that crowds of independent choice. We subsequently introduce the AQ model in detail and
people make errors of judgment, which are signaled by skewness highlight why it, on the other hand, can readily be applied to the
in the judgment distributions they together form. The argument fine-grained problem of estimation. Having done that, we present
went beyond the macroscopic level of statistics by offering predictions by the AQ and report findings from an experiment on
explanations relating to psychophysical effects at the mesoscopic magnitude estimation that provides good support. Most impor-
level, and evidence accumulation following signal detection at the tantly, the study demonstrates that systematic errors by groups
microscopic level of the brain. These explanations were harvested of people can be corrected using information about the judgment
from an augmented version of the Quincunx, the statistical device distribution these people together form, before errors might cause
Sir Francis Galton built in 1873 to demonstrate the Central Limit damage to decision making. In concluding, we revisit Galton’s data
Theorem (Galton, 1894). From assumptions about the environment from the West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition in light
and the cognitive system, the AQ emerges as an elegant model of what we have discovered.
of norm-based coding (Kayaert, Biederman, Op De Beeck, &
Vogels, 2005; Leopold, Bondar, & Giese, 2006; Loffler, Yourganov, 2. Sequential sampling and the problem of discrimination
Wilkinson, & Wilson, 2005; Rhodes et al., 2005), signal detection
(Britten, Shadlen, Newsome, & Movshon, 1992; Newsome, Britten, When applied to questions of perception, sequential sampling
& Anthony Movshon, 1989), and evidence accumulation (Latimer, models make fundamental assumptions about the environment
Yates, Meister, Huk, & Pillow, 2015; Shadlen & Newsome, 2001; on the one hand, and the cognitive system on the other. About
Yang & Shadlen, 2007), and becomes a probabilistic computer of the former, the environment is assumed to signal its state,
judgments. while about the latter, cognitive systems are assumed to sample
Galton plays an important role in this research article. Besides information sequentially from signals to generate evidence about
inventing the original Quincunx, it was Galton who wrote the the environment, which the system accumulates to reduce surprise
seminal paper on the wisdom of crowds (Galton, 1907b) and quickly. As pointed out by Forstmann, Ratcliff, and Wagenmakers
speculated that psychophysicists held the key to explaining his (2016), sequential sampling is not simply governed by the
observations. Galton was intrigued by the curious distribution of availability of signals but is an unavoidable consequence of the
magnitude estimates he uncovered at Plymouth and speculated cognitive system’s inability to process all available information
about the mental methods that caused it. However, Galton’s idea immediately. In other words, sequential sampling is thought to be
that judgment distributions convey information about cognitive a defining characteristic of imperfect cognitive systems.
processes has received little attention since, although an early Another premise relating to the limitation of cognitive systems
exception was Brunswik’s (1956) independent work on the concerns the accuracy of evidence these systems generate from
cognitive continuum and his examination of error distributions signals. Somewhere in the process, there are sources of error
produced by intuition versus analysis. One reason why few relating to Thurston’s (1927) idea of discriminal dispersion,
have studied judgment distributions to develop theories about according to which the effect of signals on the cognitive system
cognition could be the success of paramorphic methods (Hoffman, is probabilistic. The mathematical representation of errors by
U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179 167

different sequential models comprise some of their most defining 2.4. The Diffusion Model
characteristics and serve as logical guidelines for creating subsets
within the family. Accordingly, there are two primary subsets of Among current sequential sampling models, the Diffusion
sequential sampling models, namely models that assume cognitive Model invented by Ratcliff (1978) provides the greatest contrast to
systems accumulate absolute evidence for alternative hypotheses, the Recruitment Model, the Accumulator Model, and the Poisson
and models that assume cognitive system accumulate relative Counter Model. Its name derives from the basic assumption that
evidence in favor of one hypothesis over another. cognitive systems accumulate evidence in such negligible bundles
that Wiener diffusion characterizes the process well. In pure
2.1. The Recruitment Model form (Bitzer, Park, Blankenburg, & Kiebel, 2014), Wiener diffusion
is time-continuous and characterized by independent Gaussian
The Recruitment Model invented by LaBerge (1962) is the earli- increments with a mean of v 1t and a variance of t 1s2 , where t
est example of models that assume cognitive systems accumulate denotes time, v is drift, and s captures the amount of diffusion.
When v is different from zero, the process tends to drift away from
absolute evidence for alternative hypotheses. The model, which
where it starts, z, moving with variance in one particular direction
LaBerge used to explain the problem of choosing the most in-
on average, except for the situation s = 0, where the process is
tense source of light, is also an exception compared with other se-
quential sampling models, because LaBerge assumes signals have
This single counter depiction of evidence accumulation is what
structure, comprising finite cues linked to alternative responses.
sets the Diffusion Model apart. As with most other sequential
Depending on the objective difference between the intensity of
models, the idea of discriminal dispersion forms the basis of
light from different sources, and depending on subjective charac-
the accumulation process, but unlike the other models, the
teristics, the relative proportion of cues indicating the most in-
information gathered for opposing hypotheses has opposite signs
tense source varies, with greater differences in brightness, and
and is accumulated by the same counter, which drifts upward
greater conditioning, increasing the relative proportion of cues for
toward the decision threshold for one hypothesis, or downward
the brightest source. The cognitive system is assumed to sample at
towards the other. More specifically, the average rate of drift occurs
random with replacement from these cues, count the number of
in accordance with the difference between the mean signal emitted
cues encountered for each source, and select the light associated
by the environment for one hypothesis, and the mean signal
with the counter first reaching a decision threshold.
emitted by the environment for the alternative, in proportion to
their combined variances (Gold & Shadlen, 2007). The Diffusion
2.2. The Accumulator Model Model thereby links to signal detection theory (Green & Swets,
1966) through the sensitivity index.
The Accumulator Model invented by Vickers (1970) is similar
to the Recruitment Model. Vickers explained his model using the 3. Sequential sampling and the problem of estimation
example of an environment that signals the length of two lines. The
problem for the cognitive system is to select the longest of these, Researchers view sequential sampling models with growing
given limitations that cause its perception of length to be described interest for numerous reasons. First, sequential sampling models
well by two Gaussian distributions, one for each line. The difference do an excellent job predicting highly regular empirical patterns
between the means of these distributions faultlessly indicates the relating to binary choice. These include simple predictions like
greater length in the absence of variance, but variance is assumed shorter mean response times (RT) for easier problems, but also
to cause the cognitive system to perceive the smaller magnitude as less obvious patterns, including longer mean RT for errors than
greater with positive probability, as it samples from the stimulus for correct responses, positively skewed RT distributions, where
in discrete time. As a consequence, the cognitive system can the degree of skewness increases with task difficulty, and linear
either process each sample correctly or incorrectly. Of course, the (Wagenmakers & Brown, 2007), or almost linear (Green & Luce,
cognitive system is not assumed to know the precise details of 1971), correlation between the mean and variance of RT. Second,
that, but is assumed to accumulate its degree of evidence for each sequential sampling models operate at the algorithmic level of
response using two separate counters that change variably, but analysis, and thereby offer basic propositions about the cognitive
monotonically, toward the same threshold. Once this threshold is processes that cause outcomes, as opposed to only predicting what
reached, the organism responds in accordance with the winning these outcomes are. Finally, there is growing evidence to suggest
counter. these proposals have solid neurophysiological foundations with
regard to both signal detection (Britten et al., 1992; Newsome et al.,
2.3. Poisson counter model 1989) and evidence accumulation (Gold & Shadlen, 2007; Roitman
& Shadlen, 2002; Shadlen & Newsome, 2001; Yang & Shadlen,
When the spread between the means of the Gaussian distribu- 2007). Indeed, results from neuroscience dovetail nicely with
tions is greater in the Accumulator Model, or when the relative pro- current sequential sampling models as pointed out recently by
portion of informative cues is greater in the Recruitment Model, Ratcliff and his colleagues (Forstmann et al., 2016). Nevertheless,
one counter increases more rapidly in absolute terms, and compar- as models of magnitude estimation, the Recruitment Model, the
atively. Counters are, in other words, negatively correlated in these Accumulator Model, the Poisson Counter Model, and the Diffusion
models. Pike’s (1973) contribution, which Townsend and Ashby Model, share one critical limitation.
(1983) generalized, was to introduce counters driven by indepen- Current sequential sampling models have no counter for the
dent processes in continuous time. More specifically, the differ- objective properties of signals and cannot, therefore, be used
ence between physical magnitudes, such as light intensities or line to examine questions about error on the fine-grained scale of
lengths, is assumed to govern the duration between discrete in- estimation. The point is most easily appreciated with reference
creases in evidence for each response. Because these durations are to the Diffusion Model. While the slope of evidence accumulation
assumed to be exponentially distributed, Poisson processes govern predicted by the Diffusion Model indicates the state of the
the accumulation of evidence toward the decision threshold and environment unambiguously in binary terms, deviations from the
explain why the model has become known as the Poisson Counter slope are not equivalent to deviations from the sum of signals
Model. at any moment in time, because the average rate of drift is
168 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

determined by the sensitivity index, which is affected by subjective absolute, but relates to their adaptation level, which Helson de-
uncertainty and is, therefore, more or less detached from objective fined as ‘‘stimulus representing the pooled effect of all the stim-
properties of the environment. In contrast, by clearly separating uli to which the organism may be said to be attuned and which
the objective properties of the environment, on the one hand, from brings forth responses such as indifferent, neutral, doubtful, equal,
the subjective properties of the cognitive system, on the other, the or the like’’. The idea corresponds with Luce’s (1972) view that
AQ avoids this caveat. although humans are, among other things, measuring devices,
psychophysical measures do not exhibit any fixed relation to phys-
3.1. Assumptions of the AQ ical measures. Indeed, Helson’s theory, combined with established
views about cognitive limitations, suggests that variable coupling
The AQ relates to the question of perception and shares basic between physical magnitudes, and estimates about these by the
assumptions with most sequential models about the environment cognitive system, serves the purpose of parsimony.
and the cognitive system. Along key dimensions, however, the AQ Because cognitive systems are unable to process the enormous
is unique. Most notable is the accumulation of signals, but also quantities of information the environment continuously broad-
the way cognitive systems are assumed to generate evidence is casts, an alternative strategy that can, nevertheless, permit the
innovative, yet inspired by findings in neuroscience. cognitive system to reduce surprise significantly, is to presume
stimulus corresponds to the average of prior experience, or the
‘‘norm’’. This strategy works because the presented stimulus in-
3.1.1. The environment
deed often will be near this level, particularly when experience is
The environment of the cognitive system is assumed to be char-
substantial, and the statistical properties of the environment are
acterized by C discrete physical structures that signal information.
stable. Of course, the presented stimulus may sometimes deviate
These structures are system elements and the information they by some important degree from the norm, and the cognitive sys-
signal relate to an objective property, D, of the system. Moreover, tem invests precious resources well by sampling information se-
across elements, signals about the objective property may conflict. quentially from proximal cues to wager how unusual the presented
For example, an exhibited item of livestock (the system) can have stimulus is overall.
fully developed horns (one element), but also low height (another Helson (1947) conjectured that adaptation levels are universal
element). The first element signals greater weight (the objective in processes of perception, and numerous psychophysical studies
property of the system), whereas low height indicates the opposite. (Berniker, Voss, & Kording, 2010; Morgan, Watamaniuk, &
Elements signal the objective property of the system perfectly McKee, 2000) support this claim by demonstrating that humans
when summed correctly, j=1 Cj , but more importantly for limited are remarkably good at computing and updating the average
cognitive system, as we shall see, they also signal the objective of sensory attributes, including size, shape, and numerosity.
property when their deviation from the corresponding mean Moreover, at the neuronal level, Helson’s idea (Helson, 1947) that
element is accumulated, responses are gradients from level has been supported by the
C discovery of what appears to be Norm-Based coding in the visual
cortex to discriminate shapes and faces (Leopold et al., 2006;

D − D̄ = (Cj − C̄j ), (1)
j =1
Loffler et al., 2005; Rhodes et al., 2005), and in the auditory cortex
to discriminate sounds (Latinus, McAleer, Bestelmeyer, & Belin,
where C̄j is the mean value of the j’th element of the system, and D̄ 2013).
is the mean value of the objective property across the population According to the theorized mechanism, the responses of two
of common systems. Finally, and defining for the AQ model, the pools of neurons interact to code deviations of presented stimulus
environment is simplified by the assumption Cj − C̄j = ±v , where from the norm. More specifically, one of these pools responds
v is constant and serves the purpose of bringing estimates onto the with increasing intensity to greater magnitudes, while the other
appropriate scale. pool responds with decreasing intensity. Given this X-shaped
arrangement, response intensities cross at some magnitude, which
3.1.2. The cognitive system researchers (Rhodes et al., 2005) believe corresponds to the
Although the environment is assumed to signal its objective average of prior stimulus. These ideas are captured by Fig. 1, which
property faultlessly, the cognitive system has imperfections that shows the Norm-Based coding model introduced by Rhodes and
affect how precisely it gathers evidence from the signals available. her colleagues (Rhodes et al., 2005).
More specifically, we invoke the characteristic assumption that The Norm-Based coding model builds on the assumption that
restrictions on information processing force cognitive systems to neurons generate evidence about the deviation between the
attend physical elements of the environment sequentially. On the presented stimuli, and the adaptation level, through competition.
cognitive side, we refer to these physical elements as proximal The AQ uses that idea and combines the premise with the
cues (Brunswik, 1943; Tolman & Brunswik, 1935), and in the principle of sequential sampling, to suggest that noise enters the
descriptive words of Tolman and Brunswik (1935) note they latter process due to characteristics of the competitive process.
serve as ‘‘local representatives’’ for the objective property of the Specifically, noise is assumed to enter the process of sequential
sampling because neurons, which compete to define attended
environment, which the cognitive system must appraise. Proximal
proximal cues relative their statistical norms, respond to cues with
cues, however, are imperfect substitutes for the objective property,
variance. The statistical properties of the environment are assumed
not because the environment has important levels of fundamental
to be still, and the cognitive system is assumed to have discovered
uncertainty, but because the cognitive system introduces noise in
D̄ and C̄j in (1). To estimate D, the cognitive system attends each Cj
gathering evidence from an environment that can, in principle, be
measured perfectly with the right device. sequentially, comparing each Cj to the corresponding C̄j . For each
The assumption about how the cognitive system introduces Cj attended, however, response variance among the competing
noise is inspired by Helson’s (1947) Adaptation Level Theory, and pools of neurons creates the possibility that neurons supporting
findings of Norm-Based coding (Rhodes et al., 2005) in neuro- the idea Cj < C̄j will respond with least intensity although Cj < C̄j ,
science, as now explained. With reference to the Central Ten- and neurons supporting the idea Cj > C̄j will respond with least
dency of Judgment (Hollingworth, 1910), Helson (1947) argued intensity although Cj > C̄j . Because neural competition is assumed
that whenever cognitive systems judge, their computation is not won through greatest response, both cases result in the wrong
U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179 169

The AQ mechanism

Two sequences of C opposing outcomes characterize the AQ

mechanism. The first sequence is deterministic while the second
links to the first probabilistically. To underline the lineage between
Galton’s original Quincunx and the AQ, let us refer to the determin-
istic sequence as the ‘‘attractor ball’’ and the probabilistic sequence
as the ‘‘chaser ball’’ (Fig. 2).
The probability that any outcome in the chaser ball sequence
aligns with the corresponding outcome in the attractor ball
sequence is given by p. When p = 1, all outcomes align, whereas
the occurrence of any alignment is purely chance when p = 0.5.
Between these extremes the two sequences correlate more or less.
Let us focus on the chaser ball sequence and assume it con-
sists of the opposing outcomes ‘‘smaller’’ or ‘‘greater’’. Now we split
each outcome of ‘‘smaller’’ or ‘‘greater’’ into ‘‘hit’’ or ‘‘miss’’, which
permits us to decompose the chaser ball sequence into four Bino-
Fig. 1. The Norm-Based coding model: The Norm-Based coding model was mial random variables as shown below. Here S and G symbolize
introduced by Rhodes (Rhodes et al., 2005) and her colleagues to explain how
‘‘smaller’’ and ‘‘greater’’ outcomes respectively while dot indicates
the visual system discriminates between different faces. The proposed mechanism
involves opponent coding, whereby competition between two pools of neurons has misalignment with the attractor ball.
the function of coding deviations in magnitudes above and below the norm, such,
for example, the size of eyes compared with average size. One pool supports the Smaller Greater
hypothesis ‘‘Smaller’’ by increasing its mean response with smaller magnitudes, Hit S ∼ Bin(nS , p) G ∼ Bin(nG , p)
whereas the other pool supports ‘‘Greater’’ by increasing its mean response with
greater magnitudes; the norm is located at the cross-over of the consequent Miss Ṡ ∼ Bin(nS , 1 − p) Ġ ∼ Bin(nG , 1 − p)
X-shaped relationship. The right to code magnitudes in agreement with their
preference is won by the pool that displays the greatest response. However, due
to variance in neuronal responses, the outcomes of competition may not reflect the Accumulation of unit outcomes
objective properties of the stimulus. The AQ builds on this mechanism and combines
it with the principle of sequential sampling. C competitions are assumed to occur in
sequence, each involving the discrimination of particular proximal cues from their
Next let us assume each outcome is weighted by v , but let us
norm, and each generating discrete evidence of ±v depending on which pool wins. start with v = 1 for simplicity. This permits us to describe the
This evidence is accumulated concurrently, and once all proximal cues have been chaser ball, that is to say, the accumulation of perceived differences
processed, provides an estimate of the magnitude of deviation between an overall between D and D̄, by the sum of Binomial variables
objective property and its norm. Error in the outcome of the neuronal competition,
as captured by p in the AQ, is thereby assumed to cause errors in the generation of
ed = ([S + Ṡ ] − [G + Ġ]), (2)
evidence, but the accumulation of the possibly faulty evidence is assumed to occur
without mishap. where the first bracket accumulates the sum of ‘‘smaller’’ outcomes
and the second bracket accumulates the sum of ‘‘greater’’
detection of Cj and cause an increase in the weight of evidence by outcomes.
+v when the appropriate incremental change is −v , and vice versa. Next we must enforce the constraint of nS + nG = C . To do that
The probability of any particular cue being detected correctly is we first reformulate (2) as
denoted by p, such that incorrect detection is given by 1 − p. Of
ed = ([S − Ġ] + [Ṡ − G]) (3)
course, whenever p = 1, the accumulation of evidence results in
magnitude estimates perfectly aligned with D. Indeed, under this and substitute nS − S for Ġ and nG − Ṡ for G to give
special condition, the evolution of gathered evidence corresponds
perfectly to the sequence of signals provided by the environment. ed = ([S − (nS − S )] + [Ṡ − (nG − Ṡ )]). (4)
By modeling errors between the evidence cognitive systems gather Then we restate (4) as
from proximal cues, and the signals the environment emits, the AQ
thereby depicts not only the sequential accumulation of sensory ed = 2S + 2Ṡ − (nS + nG ), (5)
evidence but also captures the sequential accumulation of sensory
and finally constrain (5) by substituting C for nS + nG to give
errors, which is essential for studying errors at the fine-grained
level of estimation. ed = 2S + 2Ṡ − C . (6)

4. Deriving the AQ Accumulation of outcomes more generally

Given the assumption stated above, the process of attending Having demonstrated the basic procedure of accumulating unit
cues and gathering evidence distills to the random variable ed . This outcomes in the chaser ball sequence, we now ease the assumption
random variable captures the probabilistic estimate of deviation v = 1. That is done by multiplying each part of (6) by v to give
between D and D̄ in (1) by one cognitive system. Multiple estimates
by the same individual, or single estimates by many individuals ed = v 2S + v 2Ṡ − v C . (7)
endowed with the same p, results in one particular distribution
of judgments that depends on C , v , and the relation between D Accounting for the attractor ball
and D̄. Here we explain how to derive the mean, variance, and
skew of this distribution by following an intuitive procedure based Finally, let us define t as the number of ‘‘greater’’ outcomes
on familiar properties of Binomial distributions. These moments minus the number of ‘‘smaller’’ outcomes, which the attractor
become pivotal to our predictions about the wisdom of crowds. ball sequence contains. The number of ‘‘smaller’’ and ‘‘greater’’
170 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

Fig. 2. The Augmented Quincunx (AQ): The AQ is characterized by its mechanism, which consists of two sequences of C binary outcomes, where the first sequence is
deterministic and the second is linked probabilistically to the first through the probability p. When p = 1 every outcome in the second sequence aligns with the corresponding
outcome in the first sequence, whereas any alignment is chance when p = 0.5. Between these values the two sequences correlate more or less. If the possible outcomes in
each sequence are assigned constant values of v and −v respectively, and if the actual outcomes in each sequence are accumulated sequentially, then an augmented version
of Galton’s Quincunx is obtained, where a ‘‘chaser ball’’ – the accumulation of the second sequence – moves around displaced rows of pins in pursuit of an ‘‘attractor ball’’ –
the accumulation of the first sequence – to land in one of C + 1 compartments. When the AQ is used as a probabilistic computer of judgments, each left or right movement
around pins captures the outcome of signal detection regarding the magnitude of a structure of the environment relative to its average while the entire path traced by the
chaser ball captures a probabilistic judgment, ed , about the deviation of an overall structure to its norm. The path of the attractor ball, on the other hand, captures the sum of
signals, which is assumed to equal the actual deviation to the norm. These principles are broadly consistent with observations about evidence generation and accumulation
by competing populations of neurons engaged in norm-based coding.

outcomes is consequently governed by the combination of t and • We use subscripts for p, and variables related to p, in the
the sequence length C . Specifically, it can be shown that following whenever heterogeneity is important. Otherwise
p is used without subscript with the understanding that
1 1 specific predictions relate to both a crowd of homogeneous
nS = (C − t ) and nG = (C + t ), (8)
2 2 individuals, or the crowd within (Vul & Pashler, 2008) as one
where nS and nG are strictly integers, since (un)even values of C individual makes numerous estimates under constant stimulus
occur with (un)even values of t. For example, only t = −1 or t = 1 conditions.
may occur when C = 1, while t = −2, t = 0 or t = 2 may occur
when C = 2. 5. Magnitude estimation and the wisdom of crowds

Having positioned the AQ model clearly among current

The mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis of ed
sequential sampling models, explained its assumptions in detail,
and having explained the AQ mechanism mathematically, we have
After substituting 21 (C − t ) for S and Ṡ in (7), the mean, variance,
the basis for examining the system of predictions the AQ makes
skew and kurtosis of ed can be computed, as shown in Supplement about magnitude estimation by individuals, and crowds. We start
I, using rules for summing independent Binomial distributions: by focusing on what the AQ predicts about the phenomenon
µ = (2p − 1)t v (9) most suggestive of probabilistic thinking, namely trial-to-trial
σ = 4C (1 − p)pv
2 2
2µ 5.1. Trial-to-trial variability and the origin of noise
γ =− (11)

4v 2 6 The observation that an individual may respond differently on
κ =3+ 2 − . (12) separate occasions when physical stimulus conditions are identical
σ C
is not only one of the most significant findings in psychology and
Before we proceed, the reader may wish to pay special attention neuroscience, but also one of the most debated (Faisal et al., 2008).
to the following notes: Brunton, Botvinick, and Brody (2013) recently argued the origin of
• The count of instances where Cj > C̄j minus the count of variability has never been determined, but they concluded based
on their experiments that whereas humans and rats appear to
instances where Cj < C̄j in (1) is equivalent to t.
accumulate evidence without error, the generation of evidence is
• D − D̄ in (1) is equivalent to t v as v converts the net count of subject to noise. The AQ is consistent with this finding.
deviations to evidence on the appropriate scale. The AQ predicts that trial-to-trial variability in magnitude esti-
• The random variable ed is the estimate of D − D̄, not D. The mation arises from random errors at the level of signal detection,
individual must add D̄ and ed to estimate D. as captured by 1 − p, whereas the subsequent accumulation of ev-
• We denote t v by d in the following exposition to indicate the idence occurs faultlessly. What Eqs. (9), (10), and (11) also predict,
relation between t v and ed clearly. however, is that trial-to-trial variability is highly intricate. Indeed,
U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179 171

predictions presented in this paper suggest that modeling the prin- 5.3. Heterogeneous rates of adjustment and judgment bias
ciples governing trial-to-trial variability must be done in order to
understand the system of effects that response variability can have, Although the central tendency of judgments suggests all indi-
for one individual across trials, or for crowds of people exposed to viduals, regardless of their ability to process information, make
the same physical condition once. valid judgments about adaptation level stimulus, findings (Cavo-
nius, Hilz, & Chapman, 1974; Cicchini, Arrighi, Cecchetti, Giusti,
& Burr, 2012) suggest persistent heterogeneity among individuals
5.2. The central tendency of judgment and wisdom of crowds in their judgment bias when presented with magnitudes different
from this norm. The AQ suggests the possibility of such differences,
While trial-to-trial variability relates to the response of and explains them by heterogeneity in pi among the population of
individuals when presented with constant stimulus conditions, individuals, which creates diversity among people in their rate of
Hollingworth (1910) and later Stevens and Greenbaum (1966) adjustment away from their prior belief of edi = 0 when d ̸= 0.
observed what appears to be unrelated patterns of responses by The extent of adjustment is captured by the judgment line, defined
individuals across variable stimulus conditions. The AQ, however, as the relation between d and the expected value of edi . The slope
predicts not only a connection between these phenomena, but also of the judgment line equals the derivative of (9) with respect to
suggests their combined effect is essential for understanding the d, which is 2pi − 1. From this we notice the expected value of edi
wisdom of crowds. is invariant to d when pi = 0.5 while edi adjusts completely with
d when pi = 1.0. In the first case, the judgment line is horizon-
What Hollingworth and Stevens observed was that when in-
tal at edi = 0, while it extends from the origin at 45° in the sec-
dividuals make estimates of magnitude, their judgments of stim-
ond. For 0.5 < pi < 1.0, the judgment line varies in slope while
ulus positioned at the mean of experience are valid, whereas
judgments correspondingly vary in their expected bias. Common
individuals underestimate stimulus above this point, and overes-
for all lines, however, is their intersection at the adaptation level,
timate stimulus below. Hollingworth called the phenomenon the
(d = 0, edi = 0).
‘‘central tendency of judgment’’ and we use that name here as op-
For our later empirical purposes, the linearity between d and the
posed to Stevens’ ‘‘regression effect’’ because ‘‘central tendency’’ is
expected value of edi is useful. It facilitates the estimation of pi by
most suggestive of the underlying adaptation level.
equating the slope of the estimated judgment line, β̂i , with 2pi − 1,
The AQ predicts the central tendency of judgments, and
and solving for pi . Performing this procedure yields
explains its occurrence as follows: Given considerable experience
with particular systems in the environment, an individual has β̂i + 1
adapted to the population mean of these systems, and consistent p̂i = (13)
with norm-based coding, her subsequent judgments of magnitude
are estimates of deviation from this level, d = 0. In the absence of where p̂ and β̂ indicate we are dealing with estimates of pi and βi
evidence besides that retrieved from her memory, the individual based on limited numbers of judgments, and subscript i indicates
presumes the stimulus presented to her is prototypical, such that the individual for whom the estimates are made. However, the re-
ed = 0. Her subsequent processing of sensory cues, however, lation between pi and βi indicated by (13) may have even broader
causes her to make sequential adjustments by −v or v as she finds interest. Eq. (13) proposes an answer to an important question re-
evidence suggesting otherwise. Insofar d = 0, cues suggest this garding the use of linear regression modeling to simulate judg-
normality, and adjustments of −v and v will occur with equal ment. Given that linear regression models are only paramorphic
expected frequency. Her probabilistic estimates thereby become representations of human judgment (Hoffman, 1960), yet simu-
valid independent of p when d = 0, because her errors of late judgment so well it appears the brain actually performs re-
overestimation and underestimation are expected to occur in equal gression analysis, researchers (Gigerenzer & Goldstein, 1996) have
frequency independent of her adeptness. long wondered what mechanism causes that appearance. The AQ
suggests sequential sampling, involving noisy and accumulating
Now, unless the individual was exposed to adaptation level
adjustments away from the point of averages, creates this effect.
stimulus many times, and her trial-to-trial variability was ob-
Accordingly, βi is a computational level effect directly related to
served, the validity of her judgments would go unnoticed. How-
the precision of signal detection at the algorithmic level.
ever, when an entire crowd of individuals with similar experience
each makes a single judgment about stimulus near their adaptation
level, we notice this remarkable phenomenon with many names, 5.4. Heterogeneous rates of adjustment and judgment reliability
which we choose to call the wisdom of crowds. Stated differently,
Cicchini et al. (2012) not only reported that some individuals
the probabilistic mechanism that causes trial-to-trial variability by
persistently make less biased judgments of extreme stimulus, but
the individual is conjectured to be the cause of wisdom of crowds,
also reported the same people make judgments that are more
within one mind (Vul & Pashler, 2008), and across multiple cogni-
consistent. Stated differently, some people not only have judgment
tive systems.
lines that are more veridical, but their trial-to-trial variability
However, wisdom of the crowds is crucially dependent on the also is smaller than for another subset of individuals, whose
environment too. When d ̸= 0, the number of cues consistent with judgment lines are flatter and characterized by greater noise. These
‘‘smaller’’ and ‘‘larger’’ will be disproportionate, thereby making patterns were predicted by Cicchini and his colleagues using a
relevant the precision with which cues are processed. To illustrate Bayesian model with two key components. First, measurement
this most clearly, consider d at the margin of experience. Here all uncertainty was modeled using the likelihood function’s error
cues are consistent with the same hypothesis, and the probability term, with greater error capturing greater uncertainty and making
of accurate estimation becomes p · p · · · · · p = pC . For p ̸= 1, the judgment line flatter, and second, white noise was added to
estimates thus become invalid, but more generally, the predicted the mean of the likelihood function to remove the deterministic
degree of judgment bias is d − (2p − 1)d, from which we notice mapping from prior to posterior and thereby induce trial-to-trial-
individuals are predicted to overestimate when d > 0 and variability.
underestimate when d < 0, precisely as Hollingworth and Stevens Like the Bayesian model used by Cicchini and his colleagues,
observed. the AQ also predicts that less biased judges are more consistent,
172 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

but unlike this Bayesian model, the AQ makes the prediction provided by JDS. Quite clearly these equations suggest it might be
by generating the distribution of responses endogenously. The valuable to get hold of judgments by individuals about multiple
prediction is found by simply substituting (13) into variance objective properties in the particular class, note the errors of the
equation (10) to yield mean judgments, along with information about JDS, and then
estimate (18) for the purpose of correcting the mean by its
σi2 = C v 2 1 − βi2 ,
 
(14) expected error on subsequent occasions.
which approaches 0 as βi approaches 1, or equivalently, as signal A couple of possible caveats, however, quickly come to mind.
detection errors approach 0. First, Eq. (18) is based on the assumption that people are
homogeneous in their ability to generate sensory evidence. How
5.5. Judgment distribution skewness and error by the mean diversity, as for example reported by Cicchini et al. (2012), affects
the possibility of correcting errors using skewness, is therefore
Let us finally shift our focus to the question of judgment distri- unclear and requires some thought. Second, it can be argued
bution skewness (JDS). Suppose one individual makes numerous that actively discriminating between those individuals whose
magnitude estimates about one particular objective property ac- judgments will be used to compute the mean, and those whose
cording to the AQ mechanism, or alternatively, that many individ- judgments will not, is an alternative and more promising way
uals with homogeneous ability to process information make one to secure better collective judgments (Goldstein, McAfee, & Suri,
estimate each about the property according to the same principles. 2014) than skew-correcting errors by large unfiltered crowds.
In either case estimates will be distributed around the mean, unless After all, error equation (15) suggests that more adept judges
p = 1, where no variance exists. make smaller errors. On the other hand, Eq. (10) indicates the
Let us define error, ϵ , in the most common way by the difference benefit of aggregating estimates for all levels of p, except p =
between the objective property, d, and the mean of judgments, 1. In other words, the AQ suggests a trade-off between bias and
consistency that might be advantageously balanced. As it turns out,
ϵ = d − (2p − 1)d (15) however, finding the optimal threshold for ability in the presence
and solve (15) for d to give of heterogeneity does not compete with efforts to correct errors
using JDS. Rather, these efforts are complementary.
d= . (16) To see the argued complementarity, let us first determine that
2(1 − p) finding an optimal threshold for ability is indeed an important
By substituting (16) into skew equation (11) via mean equation strategy for reducing ϵ according to the AQ.
(11), while remembering t v = d, we can solve for ϵ and obtain the Suppose a crowd of people with equal values of p are
prediction that JDS and ϵ are correlated, as indicated by the linear considering if they should invite someone unlike themselves to
equation join. Following Cicchini and his colleagues (Cicchini et al., 2012)
who, it must be emphasized, examined individual judges, we
C σ (1 − p)
ϵ=− γ. (17) assume the crowd’s objective is to minimize the mean squared
2p − 1 error (MSE) of their democratic judgment, as given by mean
Finally, we can relate Eq. (17) to the slope of the individual’s equation (9). Specifically, the crowd must compare the MSE it
judgment line for empirical purposes by substituting (13) into (17) currently produces, with the MSE it will produce if it accepts
to obtain an additional member, where MSE has the desirable quality of
being equal to bias plus inconsistency. For an individual, MSE is
C σ (1 − β̂) simply σ 2 + ϵ 2 , but MSE for crowds must account for the number
ϵ=− γ. (18)
2β̂ of individuals who form the democratic judgment. The crowd’s
objective function is, therefore, the difference between the current
What Eqs. (17) and (18) reveal is that γ < 0 tends to occur
MSE given present crowd size, and the MSE experienced if the
when ϵ > 0, whereas γ > 0 tends to occur when ϵ < 0. Moreover,
crowd expands by one:
higher values of p and β are predicted to make the relation between
error and skewness flatter. In other words, as Nash (2014) pointed N σg2 N σg2 + σi2
   
out, the AQ not only predicts systematic error in the wisdom of π= +ϵ2
g − +ϵ 2
g +i , (19)
crowds depending on the relation between the objective property N2 (N + 1)2
being estimated and its norm, but also systematic error that is
where subscripts g and i denote the group and the potential
signaled by JDS when people in the crowd process sensory cues
member respectively, N denotes the current number of members,
better than chance.
ϵg = d − edg is the collective error of the crowd without the new
This latter prediction can best be understood by considering
that novices (p = 0.5) form symmetric judgment distributions member, while ϵg +i = d − (Nedg + edi ) 1+1 N is the collective error
for all objective properties (see Eq. (11)). Consequently, JDS and ϵ of the crowd with the new member included.
do not correlate for these individuals. In contrast, the more adept It turns out the value of increasing the number of individuals in
the individuals are, the more skewed their judgment distribution is the crowd is contingent on the deviation between the presented
predicted to be for d ̸= 0. On the other hand, adept judges also have objective property and its norm, with the benefit being greatest
smaller ϵ , which suggests that while the signal of JDS is stronger when the objective property is stereotypical, holding other
for them, the idea of correcting ϵ using JDS for very adept judges variables constant. To see this, we first substitute (9) and (10) into
may be limited by a trade-off between the potential reduction in (19) and differentiate the obtained expression with respect to t and
error and the signal that JDS provides. Indeed, this question of what obtain
level of p is most susceptible to error reduction using JDS is an t v 2 8pg − 8pi
  
pg + pi + 2N pg − 1 − 2
 
interesting one, but not one investigated here. , (20)
(1 + N )2
5.6. Group Size and Composition which is 0 when t = 0. Next we simply follow the standard
procedure and further differentiate (20) to find the objective
As suggested above, Eqs. (17) and (18) are central to the idea function is maximized here, under the appropriate restrictions 1 >
of correcting errors in the wisdom of crowds using the signal pg > pi > 0.5, v > 0 and N > 0.
U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179 173

Fig. 3. The basis for correcting systematic error in the wisdom of crowds: a. The AQ predicts that judgment distributions formed by people with the same range of experience
scatter symmetrically around a shared adaptation level, d = 0, while individuals with different abilities to process information, as captured by p, form distributions with
different variances. b. When the presented stimulus is distinct from this norm, the AQ predicts that people with different ability adjust away from it at various rates and form
skewed judgment distributions, as captured by Eq. (11), with different and biased means, as captured by (15). When there are many subgroups of individuals in the crowd
with diverse abilities, the aggregate distribution fans out, with the sub-distribution formed by complete novices spreading symmetrically around adaptation level, while
sub-distributions produced by increasingly adept individuals are positioned closer to the objective property. The overall effect is the creation of an aggregate distribution
that is positively skewed when the objective property is larger than the norm, and negatively skewed when the objective property is smaller. Moreover, since the mean of
each sub-distribution adjusts incompletely with stimulus positioned away from the norm, the overall effect is a correlation between skewness in the aggregate distribution
and the error associated with its mean. In other words, although the aggregate level association between skewness and error is different from such correlation at the level
of sub-distributions, these correlations have the same sign. For this reason, the presence of diverse abilities among people in the crowd does not eliminate the possibility of
correcting errors using the signal that judgment distribution skewness provides. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

If membership to the crowd is binding, the decreasing whose judgments will be used to compute the mean, and those
benefit of having an additional member may become particularly whose judgments will not. What these predictions also suggest,
problematic whenever the crowd faces unusual circumstances. however, is that optimal crowd size is not constant, but depends
Indeed, someone who benefits the collective under normal on current and available adeptness, and on how unusual stimulus
circumstances may be a liability for the collective when the conditions are.
objective property is more extreme. However, suppose current Since optimized crowds are predicted to consist of individuals
members realize this and demand knowledge of the minimum with diverse adeptness, except under extreme circumstances (d =
requirement for their potential new addition. That is obtained by ∞ or pg = 1), we must examine more closely what effect
setting t = 0 in (19), differentiating the derived equation with this prediction has on the prospect of correcting ϵ using signals
respect to pi , and solving, to yield and expression for how adept provided by JDS; the prospects may be limited if diversity in ability
the potential member must be at minimum to be accepted, given adds noise to the signal.
the number and adeptness of the current, homogeneous members: We proceed most simply by visual illustration. When the
  adeptness of individuals in the crowd is diverse, the observed
pg (4pg − 4) + pg (8pg − 8)N + N

1 distribution of judgments is an aggregate of sub-distributions
pi ∗ = 1+ √ . (21) according to the AQ, each formed by groups of people with
2 N
particular values of p. For t = 0, these sub-distributions are
The derivative of (21) with respect to N is positive and we symmetric, and the aggregate distribution is, therefore, symmetric
conclude that potential members must be more adept if they seek too (Fig. 3(a)), while the mean of each distribution is unbiased as
acceptance to larger crowds. Indeed, an individual looking to form observed from error equation (16). However, when t ̸= 0, sub-
a partnership should set the lowest hurdle of all. Setting (21) to distributions are predicted to fan-out, with the distribution formed
0.5 reveals that, under normal circumstances, even the most inept by the most adept judges being positioned farthest from the norm
individual should be accepted as partner unless the first person’s towards the objective property, and the distribution formed by
level of adeptness surpasses pg = 0.908. On the other hand, novices remaining centered around this average value. That creates
the crowd approaching infinite size should expand regardless of an asymmetry in the overall distribution, which is distinct from,
the ineptness by their potential new member, unless the abilities but consistent with, the skewness also present in sub-distributions
of current homogeneous members surpass pg = 0.854. Still, under this condition (Fig. 3(b), red distribution). In other words,
threshold equation (21) also confirms that infallible judges derive the mean of the aggregate distribution is predicted to correlate
no benefit whatsoever from democratic judgment, as pi ∗ = 1 with error and skewness in the same general way as the means of
when pg = 1 even at t = 0. its sub-distributions. Moreover, the fanning-effect that causes the
While membership is easiest at t = 0 where e¯d is unbiased, aggregate level correlation is highly robust as we sequentially peel
the hurdle for acceptance rises dramatically once t ̸= 0. Indeed, away, so to speak, sub-distributions formed by the most novice
by letting t → ∞ in (19) and solving the resultant equation for individuals, thereby suggesting the possibility of correcting errors
pi , we simply obtain pi ∗ = pg . Stated differently, no crowd of using JDS, even for smaller, wiser crowds.
homogeneous individuals should accept someone with an ability
lower than their own when the objective property is infinitely 6. Materials and methods
different from the norm, while pi ∗ → pg for objective properties
approaching that level of abnormality. To examine predictions of the AQ, and if relevant, investigate
In summary, the above predictions indicate that crowds with the possibility of correcting systematic collective error, thirty-two
too many, or too few members, can be formed, which confirms undergraduate students from the University of Southern Denmark,
the presence of an optimal crowd size and gives merit to the aged 22–33, were asked to participate in a simple experiment
strategy of actively discriminating between those individuals (Fig. 4). Fifteen of the volunteers were female. One batch of 210
174 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

Fig. 4. A simple experiment on magnitude estimation: Thirty-two volunteers were shown 210 digitally rendered circles in identical sequence, and were asked to estimate
the area of these. Feedback was given immediately after each judgment. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

red circles of various sizes was rendered on black backgrounds judgments, some of which were already used in the previous batch
and displayed sequentially in a single order on computer monitors, of this rolling method.
with resolution of 1280 × 800, and frame rate of 59 Hz. The Scattering the representative area, defined as the mean of the
circles’ pixel areas were drawn from a normal distribution with particular bundle of areas, and the average variance of estimates
a mean and standard deviation of 7764 and 2082 respectively, across participants for that bundle of areas (Fig. 5), reveals notice-
and were reported in units of 100 pixels (H pixels). Participants able estimate variability as predicted by the AQ in Section 5.1. Note
were seated at individual stations in one computer laboratory and that dark blue dots in Fig. 5 capture mean tendencies across all par-
supervised by an employee of the university. Participants were ticipants, while light blue dots show the variability of responses to
instructed to independently estimate the area of circles as they particular circle areas for each participants.
appeared on their monitor. Each estimate had to be submitted
within 20 s, but could be disclosed at any moment inside this 7.2. Participants adapted to the average presented area
constraint. Submissions were made using a mouse, a slider, and
a button. Upon submitting their estimate, participants received Judgments by participants were regressed on all presented
immediate feedback about the actual area, along with their margin areas to produce 32 judgment lines, one for each participant. For 31
of error. Pressing continue caused the next circle to be displayed, of these, the 95% confidence interval included the estimate of 77.64
and so on, until the participant had evaluated all 210. H pixels for this magnitude. Data thereby supported the adaptation
level theory and predictions stated in Section 5.2.

7. Results
7.3. Participants had different rates of adjustment and bias
The following results are arranged in the same order as the Participants demonstrated differences in how accurately they
corresponding predictions were examined. could estimate, with linear patterns of association between areas
and estimates revealing this heterogeneity. Patterns became
7.1. Participants displayed trial-to-trial variability particularly clear by sorting participants into two groups according
to MSE and examining aggregate judgment lines. This is illustrated
No participant faced the same circle multiple times. However, by Fig. 6, where each point is a combination of the presented
when circle areas within 2.5 H pixels of each other are treated as magnitude and the associated judgment distribution mean, for the
equal, 67 judgment distributions containing at least 10 judgments particular group. OLS (F1−16 = 4233.85, p < 0.0001, F17−32 =
can be formed for every participant. These numbers do not 390.29, p < 0.0001) revealed noticeable differences between
correspond uniquely to the 210 circles, since judgments by an β̂1−16 and β̂17−32 (Z = 15.71, p < 0.0001), providing support for
individual are applied numerous times according to the followed the prediction in Section 5.3 that people who share adaptation
procedure. For example, across the circle area between 68.08 levels may adjust away from this point at different rates
H pixels and 70.68 H pixels, there were 11 presented circles, when presented with magnitudes towards the margins of their
which were treated as one, thereby providing 11 judgments per experience, and may thereby display different levels of bias. Note
individual. Similarly, for the overlapping area 68.18 H pixels these patterns of results are robust to different ways of contrasting
to 71.03 pixels, 11 circles were bundled as one, creating 11 top and bottom performers, as explained in Supplement I.
U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179 175

Fig. 5. Skew and variance of judgment distributions formed by single individuals: a. Sixty-seven judgment distributions containing at least 10 judgments were formed
for each participant by treating circle areas within 2.5 H pixels of each other as equivalent. Light blue dots show combinations of circle areas and JDS for each participant,
while dark blue dots show the mean JDS across participants for these circles. For this arrangement of mean JDS and circle areas, OLS reveals statistically noticeable negative
association (F = 34.16, p = 0.0001). b. While participants responded with high variability to the same presented area, statistically noticeable differences in response
variability across the presented areas were not found (F = 1.02, p = 0.317). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

Fig. 6. Judgment lines for subgroups of participants: a. Two groups of 16 participants were formed based on their MSE from judging the area of circles. Circles were presented
in identical sequence and participants made their judgments independently. Shown are combinations of presented circle areas and the mean of judgments across participants
in each group. Red points belong to the group of participants with the highest error. b. The slope of judgment lines for every participant was estimated using OLS and these
were subsequently converted to estimates of p in the AQ using Eq. (13). After setting C = 3 and v = 30, judgments of the magnitudes presented to participants were
generated in MATLAB for each estimated pi using moment equations (9)–(12) in a Pearson system. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

7.4. Less biased participants were more consistent 7.6. CE is indicated by JDS

The variance of judgment line residuals for participants with As predicted by the AQ in Section 5.5, the skewness of judgment
smallest MSE, and the variance of judgment line residuals for distributions formed by all thirty-two participants indicated the
participants with largest MSE, were tested for homogeneity. Based degree and direction of CE. When the distribution of judgments
on these two samples of 3360 residuals, Levene’s test indicated was negatively skewed, the mean tended to underestimate areas,
unequal variances (F = 133.94, p < 0.0001). The standard while it tended to overestimate whenever the skew was positive
deviation of residuals in the wiser group was 15.43 H pixels, (F1−32 = 55.89, p < 0.0001). Note the constant term of 2.13 H
while it was 24.03 H pixels in the other. Less biased individuals pixels was significant (t = 3.40, p < 0.001), which suggests
are evidently more consistent too, as predicted by the AQ in slight overestimation by the mean judgment when the judgment
Section 5.4. As reported in Supplement I, these patterns of results distribution is symmetric, which the AQ model does not capture.
are robust to different ways of contrasting top and bottom However, as Supplement I indicates, the significance of the
performers. constant term fluctuates across the different ways groups can be
formed to contrast adeptness, thus suggesting the inability of the
7.5. Judgment distributions of individuals were systematically skewed AQ to predict a significant constant is unproblematic.

Using the rolling procedure described in Section 7.1, computing 7.7. The Slope of Association between JDS and CE is flatter for wiser
the average skewness across judgment distributions for each groups
representative circle area suggested that distributions of estimates
formed by individuals tended to have negative skew when the Participants were again sorted according to MSE, and JDS was
judged area was greater than average, and positive skew when regressed with CE in both groups (Fig. 7). OLS provided an excellent
the presented area was smaller than average (Fig. 5(a)). This key description (F1−16 = 4.48, p = 0.036; F17−32 = 41.09, p <
finding (F = 34.16, p = 0.0001) is consistent with predictions in 0.0001), while a noticeable difference between βγ1−16 and βγ17−32
Section 5.5. was found (Z = −4.66, p < 0.0001), providing support for the
176 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

Fig. 7. JDS and CE correlations for subgroups of participants: a. Two groups of 16 participants were again formed based on their MSE from judging the area of circles.
Shown are combinations of skewness for each judgment distribution formed by the groups across the 210 trials, and the error associated with the mean of judgments across
participants in each group. Red points belong to the group of participants with the highest error. b. Correlations generated by the AQ using moment equations (9)–(12) in a
Pearson system. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

prediction stated at the end of Section 5.5 that association between that N∗ for groups who apply skew-correction is between thirteen
CE and JDS is flatter when groups are wiser. These patterns of to fourteen people, given a talent pool reflecting the current
results are robust to different ways of contrasting top and bottom experiment. When v = 30 H pixels, and C = 3 (Fig. 8(b), blue
performers, as explained in Supplement I. line), the AQ predicts the same general pattern based on 250
simulated experiments (Fig. 8(b), blue line). These predictions
7.8. Groups can be too large or too small relate to information contained in Section 5.6.

Participant performance was evaluated using the root of MSE 8. Discussion

(RMSE) over 209 trials, and the CE of subgroups containing the
highest N∗ performers was recorded on the final trial. There are Sir Francis Galton’s investigation (Galton, 1907b) into the
210 possible final trials, and the average RMSE of the mean judg- trustworthiness and peculiarities of popular judgment went far
ments in different sized elite subgroups for these trials revealed beyond reporting the accuracy of common opinion, and remains
that groups of all participants, or the top performer working alone, one of the most scholarly studies of collective intelligence. Galton
underperformed groups containing an intermediate number of the studied the entire distribution of judgments and realized any
highest performing participants (Fig. 8(a), red line). The estimated meaningful explanation of its characteristics required knowledge
quadratic equation for RMSE, 5.43 − 0.20N∗ + 0.01N∗2 , is minimized beyond statistics. The present study is part of continued effort
at N∗ = 11.77 (F = 288.74, p < 0.0001), revealing that harvest- to understand how cognitive adaptation by individuals to their
ing mean estimates across the eleven to twelve highest perform- environment shapes judgment distributions, and what that can
ing participants provide the greatest accuracy. The AQ predicts the reveal about our brain and about our collective behavior.
same general pattern based on 250 simulated experiments involv- Nash (2014) recently described a systematic error in the
ing 32 agents, whose p’s were estimated from the judgment lines wisdom of crowds, which judgment distribution skewness (JDS)
of the participants using (13), particularly when v = 30 H pixels signals, and he speculated that information about skewness could
and C = 3, or thereabouts. These patterns relate to predictions and be used to correct errors before they cause damage. The present
explanations provided in Section 5.6. article examined this possibility using findings from an experiment
where participants were asked to judge the area of circles.
Together people formed distributions of independent judg-
7.9. CE by the crowd, and by wiser subgroups, is correctable ments for each circle, and across these distributions, skewness
was found to signal deviation between areas and the mean of
The procedure described above was again followed, but this guesses. This information was used to build an OLS model of such
time, when an elite group was formed before the last round, all differences, for the purpose of correcting errors on subsequent
observations of JDS associated with this group on the previous trials. The endeavor was successful not only when judgments
trials were regressed with CE to yield the model were used indiscriminately for modeling, but also when estimates
D − µD = βγ · γ (22) by smaller, wiser crowds were isolated and applied exclusively.
The Augmented Quincunx (AQ), which models processes of noisy
where D is the presented magnitude in absolute terms and µD is the signal detection, coupled with discrete and perfect evidence accu-
mean of estimate about D. On the 210th trial, the skew and mean mulation, predicted these results via known, and unattended, psy-
of judgment distribution for this trial were subsequently combined chophysical effects. In short, with only one possible discrepancy
with the estimated parameters of (22) to yield the skew-corrected (see Section 7.6 for the exception) the AQ predicted an entire sys-
judgment of D: tem of psychophysical effects, uncovered an essential relation be-
tween cognitive and statistical principles governing the wisdom of
D̂210 = µD210 + βγ · γ210 + ϵ. (23) crowds, and guided the successful correction of errors arising from
Improving the accuracy of the mean was possible for all N∗ the process it distills, under those circumstances it predicted.
(Fig. 8(a), blue line). The estimated quadratic equation 5.17 −
0.16N∗ + 0.01N∗2 (F = 99.16, p < 0.0001) captures the relation 8.1. Returning to Plymouth
between elite group size and RMSE when the mean of judgments
across group members is corrected using information about By comparing Galton’s seminal study of weight estimation at
skewness. This quadratic is minimized at N∗ = 13.30, suggesting the West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition, to the present
U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179 177

Fig. 8. The performances of different sized elite groups: a. The performance of participants was evaluated using RMSE over 209 trials and CE of subgroups containing the
highest N∗ performers was subsequently recorded on the final trial. There are 210 possible final trials, and the average RMSE by the mean of judgments in different sized
elite subgroups is shown. Performance of the skew-corrected mean for different sized elite groups (thick blue line) outperformed the mean across all elite groups. b. Near
v = 30 H pixels and C = 3, the AQ predicts the same general pattern based on 250 simulated experiments involving 32 agents, whose p’s were estimated from the judgment
lines of actual participants using (13). The general result is robust to other settings of C and v , but when C is very low (top thin lines, C = 1, v = 90, and C = 2, v = 45) or
very high (bottom thin lines, C = 15, v = 6), the precision of predictions is inferior to the setting chosen. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

study of area estimation, numerous interesting and important underestimation by the mean judgment (Galton, 1907a), described
observations are revealed. The most relevant point for discussion the exhibited ox as being fat, and made the following remark about
is the shape of the judgment distribution reported by Galton, and the crowd:
his reaction to it. After revealing the distribution was negatively
skewed, Galton (1907b) remarked: The competitors included butchers and farmers, some of whom
were highly expert in judging the weight of cattle; others were
I have not sufficient knowledge of the mental methods followed probably guided by such information as they might pick up, and
by those who judge weights to offer a useful opinion as to by their own fancies.
the cause of this curious anomaly. It is partly a psychological
question, in answering which the various psychophysical We can extract two AQ parameters from Galton’s description
investigations of Fechner and others would have to be taken with relative ease. Fat implies excessive weight and, therefore,
into account. d > 0, while values of p close to 0.5 and 1.0 capture novice
The judgment distribution observed by Galton was not curious and expert judges respectively. The values of v and C , are more
to him simply because it lacked symmetry, but because its skew- uncertain, and we also lack information about the adaptation level
ness was unusual. The scatter of guesses appeared to comprise two of weight judges, which is needed to convert their adjustment
sub-distributions, the first characterized by high variance around from the adaptation level to an overall weight. Fortunately, the
an underestimating mean, and the second characterized by low Galton Archive at University College, London, includes Galton’s 787
variance around an accurate mean. neatly transcribed weight estimates, and this information reveals
This shape recently made (Wallis, 2014) suggests the distribu- the mean of guesses was 1197.71 lb while the variance, skew, and
tion belonged to the family of two-piece distributions, which is kurtosis of the judgment distribution were 5415.01, −0.41, and
something Galton may have realized himself, given his reference to 6.01 respectively.
Fechner, who had described these ten years earlier (Fechner, 1897). It turns out this arrangement of moments is reproduced most
On the other hand, Galton may simply have mentioned Fechner be- accurately by the AQ when we assign novices and experts values
cause he was familiar with his outstanding work on magnitude es- of p equal to 0.5 and 0.96 respectively, when C = 10, when
timation. In either case, Galton’s reference to psychophysics is, of v = 40 lb, and when the adaptation level of judges is 1175 lb.
course, interesting in the present context. However, intriguingly, the AQ suggests a final detail, namely that
The character of the judgment distribution described by Galton experts should outnumber novices substantially. Indeed, the best
is consistent with the idea that people in the crowd were either reproduction of Galton’s observed distribution is achieved when
completely novice, or highly expert at judging the weight of experts outnumber novices by 5 to 1. That is intriguing because
livestock. Moreover, it is consistent with the idea they faced Galton’s opinion about the crowd received immediate criticism. In
an ox heavier than commonly experienced. To see why, first a letter to the Editor of Nature, Perry-Coste (1907) wrote:
consider the predicted and observed extent of noise around
judgment lines reported in the present paper, and the relation I do not think that Mr. Galton at all realises how large a
of noise to predicted and observed judgment accuracy (Fig. 6). percentage of the [crowd] – the great majority, I should suspect
The AQ predicts, and findings here and elsewhere (Cicchini et al., – [were] butchers, farmers, or men otherwise occupied with
2012) suggest, that individuals with lower judgment ability have cattle. To these men, the ability to estimate the meat-equivalent
judgment lines characterized by greater residual variance, which weight of a living animal is an essential part of their business.
supports the idea that novice weight judges formed the first sub- We have to deal with, not a vox populi, but a vox expertorum.
distribution, while experts formed the other. Second, consider that
negative skewness in the judgment distribution was predicted Of course, the relation between the proposed settings, and
and reported in this paper to be associated with underestimation, what mechanisms actually generated the judgment distribution
while underestimation was predicted and reported to occur at Plymouth, will never be known for certain, but the similarity
for magnitudes above the adaptation level. Last, but not least, between what Galton observed and Fig. 9(b) is substantial. The
Galton’s own account supports these ideas; he informed his mean, variance, skew and kurtosis of the distribution reproduced
readers the judgment distribution had negative skew, he reported by the AQ are 1192, 5233, −0.41 and 6.30 respectively.
178 U.W. Nash / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017) 165–179

Fig. 9. Reproducing Galton’s seminal observations using the AQ: a. The Galton Archive contains 787 transcribed estimates from the famous weight-guessing competition at
Plymouth. The mean guess was 1197.71 lb, 0.29 lb from the truth. The variance, skew, and kurtosis of the judgment distribution were 5415.01, −0.41, and 6.01 respectively.
b. When the crowd is assumed to have consisted of novice (p = 0.5) and expert judges (p = 0.96), and when experts outnumber novices by 5 to 1, then, if the weight of
the exhibited ox was inferred from 10 visible cues (C = 10), and the information content of each was 40 lb (v = 40), the AQ produces the shown distribution, with mean,
variance, skew and kurtosis of 1192, 5233, −0.41 and 6.30 respectively.

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