Table of Content-Technical Bid

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+67078572222 Av. Presidente Nicolau Lobato-Comoro, Dili, Timor Leste

Table Of Content
Submission Form : 1. Letter of Technical Offer

Supplier’s Information Form : 2. Eligibility

3. Documentary Evidence / Certificate of Being a Supplier of Equipment

4. Authenticated copies of Ownership and Voter’s Cards

5. Authenticated valid Authorization to Conduct Activity from SERVE

6. Authenticated valid Certidão do Registo Comercial from SERVE

7. Authenticated valid Estatuto from SERVE

8. Current Certidão de Dividas

9. Evidence of Current and Previous Client Dealing with RDTL

10. Information Regarding Any Litigation

11. Copy of Tax Certificate

12. Bank Statement from the last (3) months

13. Personnel Assigned

14. Organization Chart of Employees

15. Proof Authorization Letter Authorized Dealer/Supplier

16. Brochures for Items Being Quoted

17. Delivery Response Time

18. Equipment


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