Actividad de Apollo Ingles 1

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1) Write the past participle of the verbs. have/has + V-3/V-ed
1. carry ______________
2. go ______________
3. break ______________ have/has
2) Underline + V-3/V-ed
the correct words in italics.
4. catch ______________
5. choose ______________ 1. Sarah has/have never tasted Japanese food.
6. keep ______________ 2. I haven’t live/lived in the city before now.
7. draw ______________
8. teach ______________ 3. Have your parents ever visited Spain? Yes, they do/have.
9. write ______________ 9
4. Have/Has Mary ever stayed in any hotels? Yes, several
5. Has Sam ever played golf? No, he hasn’t/doesn’t. 5
3) Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the
present perfect.
4) Choose been or gone.
1. My friend Ted _____________ (spend) a
lot of money on gadgets. 1. ‘Where is Pamela?’ ‘She’s been/gone home.
2. My father _______________ (not/buy) a 2. ‘Do you like Berlin?’ ‘Yes. I’ve been/gone there
new car. twice and I love it.’
3. The students _______________ (write) 3. Jane’s been/gone to the dentist and now she’s
a lot of tests this term. going shopping.
4. I _____________________ (travel) a lot. 4. Nick and Ann aren’t here. They’ve been/gone to
5. They ___________________ (not/have) the cinema.
lunch this morning. 5 5. Alan’s been/gone at the gym. He feels
5 exhausted.
5) Make questions using these words.
1. you / visited / Have / ever / 6) Choose yet or already.
Paris ?
1. He is here now. He has already/yet arrived.
2. your dad / ever / Has / 2. Has Paul started his new job already/yet?
anything / invented ? 3. Their plane has not landed already/yet?
_________________________________ 4. Ned has already/yet fed his pets.
5. They have already/yet visited a lot of countries.
3. watched / the best / What’s / you
/ have / film / ever ?
4. lived / Jeremy / in / How long / 7) Complete the table with the missing forms of the verbs.
has / Oxford ? Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
5. you / the most / book / was / were
interesting / have / ever / What’s / drive
read ? spoken
_________________________________ done
_________________________________ had
10 see
10 took
8) Match the sentences to make short dialogues.

1 Have you read Tom’s new article? _____

2 She has won a holiday to Spain. _____
3 Is he ready for the trip to Greece? _____
4 Are your friends in the USA now? _____
5 Have you ever been to Paris? _____

a) Oh, what a great prize!

b) Yes, they’ve just gone there.
9) Decide if the sentences are correct () or not
c) Yes, I’ve been there three times.
d) No, not yet. I haven’t had time.
e) Yes, he has already got his passport. 1 Sorry, I’ve forgotten your phone number.
2 I’ve forgotten Joe’s birthday last Monday.
3 My English teacher has changed her job.
4 Diana has written an email to me two weeks
5 Tim’s seen a great film last night.
6 She’s been here since Sunday.

Nombre complete del estudiante:

Jose Angel De Armas Machado

Requisitos para presentar la actividad de apoyo.

1. Debe estar solucionada en el cuaderno de inglés. (No es necesario

escribir las preguntas, solo respuestas ordenadamente, que se
entienda en desarrollo y la letra)

2. Las evidencias de las fotos se deben pegar dentro de este mismo

archivo. (Es decir unas páginas más abajo aquí)

3. Para dar calificación y revisión a la actividad deben estar

solucionados TODOS los puntos. En caso que haga falta la
solución de alguno no se revisará.

4. Firma y cédula del padre, madre de familia o acudiente. Se

corroborará la legalidad. (Evitar las falsificaciones)

5. Hacer entrega del trabajo dentro de la hora y fecha estipulada

por la docente, en el pizarrón de tareas y NO otro medio. Se
recomienda al subir el archivo, hacerlo con anticipación para
evitar cualquier percance de tiempo.

6. Para aprobar la actividad debe tener una calificación del más del
70% por ciento. De no ser así reprobará el tercer periodo.

7. La revisión y calificación de la actividad solo se hará efectiva

siempre y cuando se cumplan con los 6 anteriores requisitos.

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