Syllabus For MCB Microbiology Lab: Contact Information - Course Coordinator
Syllabus For MCB Microbiology Lab: Contact Information - Course Coordinator
Syllabus For MCB Microbiology Lab: Contact Information - Course Coordinator
TAs for each section will be announced on the first day of class.
Please contact your TAs for any section specific questions! Contact me any time if you
have unresolvable problem with your TAs
Table of Contents
Contact Information - Course Coordinator....................................................................1
Course time and location.......................................................................................................1
Course Overview..........................................................................................................4
What you will know at the end of the course........................................................................5
Laboratory Safety...................................................................................................................5
Laboratory Skills.....................................................................................................................5
Laboratory Thinking Skills......................................................................................................5
Textbooks and Required reading...........................................................................................6
Vimeo Video Channel............................................................................................................6
Quizlet Flash Cards.................................................................................................................6
Books and references.............................................................................................................6
Getting started.............................................................................................................6
Expectations of the students.................................................................................................7
Student evaluation.......................................................................................................7
Attendance and Participation (5%)...................................................................................................8
Lab Etiquette (5%).............................................................................................................................8
Quizzes (10%).....................................................................................................................................8
Midterm Exam (25%).........................................................................................................................9
Final Exam (10%)...............................................................................................................................9
Projects, talks (10%)..........................................................................................................................9
Electronic lab notebook (10%)..........................................................................................................9
Student Initiated Research Project (20%).......................................................................................10
Extra credit (no more than 5%).......................................................................................................10
Grading and final grades......................................................................................................10
Makeup Policy.....................................................................................................................10
Seating and Locker assignment............................................................................................11
Biosafety in the Microbiology Laboratory............................................................................11
Underlying medical conditions.............................................................................................11
Future teaching assistants for micro labs and Letter of recommendation............................11
Other UF policies.................................................................................................................12
Academic Honesty...............................................................................................................12
Software Use........................................................................................................................12
Campus Helping Resources..................................................................................................12
Services for Students with Disabilities..................................................................................13
Generic weekly schedule............................................................................................14
Databases you will use...............................................................................................16
Virtual pond dip – for wet mount identification..................................................................16
NCBI Taxonomy (no password)............................................................................................16
Gideon – to determine your unknown and for public health project...................................16
DNA lims – to retrieve your 16s DNA sequence...................................................................16
BLAST – for sequence alignment..........................................................................................16
Food Safety First – for growth curve simulation..................................................................16
Optional software and database..........................................................................................16
EndnoteWeb Reference management program..................................................................16
Microbiology Videos...................................................................................................16
Microbiology intro...............................................................................................................17
Lab Safety Rules...................................................................................................................17
Daily Routines......................................................................................................................17
Aseptic Techniques..............................................................................................................17
Basic Methods.....................................................................................................................17
Art of Microscopy.................................................................................................................17
Basic Anatomy of a Microscope...........................................................................................17
Wet Mount...........................................................................................................................17
Streak for isolation...............................................................................................................17
Computer Tutorials..............................................................................................................17
Graphing with Excel.............................................................................................................17
Growth curve and growth rate calculation..........................................................................18
Visualizing Microbes............................................................................................................18
Gram Stain...........................................................................................................................18
Negative Stain......................................................................................................................18
Capsule Stain........................................................................................................................18
Flagella Stain........................................................................................................................18
Traditional Diagnostic Methods...........................................................................................18
Phenol Red Broth.................................................................................................................18
Blood Agar............................................................................................................................18
Mannitol Salt Agar...............................................................................................................18
MacConkey agar...................................................................................................................18
DNAse Agar..........................................................................................................................18
Citrate Agar..........................................................................................................................18
Catalase Test........................................................................................................................18
Anaerobe Jar........................................................................................................................19
Molecular Diagnostic test....................................................................................................19
PCR 1....................................................................................................................................19
PCR 2....................................................................................................................................19
PCR 3....................................................................................................................................19
Sequence retrieval and Blast................................................................................................19
Blast tutorial and phylogenetic tree.....................................................................................19
Basic Bioinformatics Tutorial...............................................................................................19
Diagnostic tests...................................................................................................................19
Fecal float.............................................................................................................................19
Other Software....................................................................................................................19
Endnote reference management.........................................................................................19
Virtual Field Trips.................................................................................................................20
Diagnostic lab UF Vet School................................................................................................20
Documentaries – student projects.......................................................................................20
Lyme documentary..............................................................................................................20
Cholera outbreak in Haiti (public health).............................................................................20
Cool Stuff.............................................................................................................................20
Microbes did you know……..................................................................................................20
Why microbiology?..............................................................................................................20
Meet the MCS faculty..........................................................................................................20
Microbiology @ UF Lab Terminology: Quizlet Vocabulary Sets...................................20
Mini modules.......................................................................................................................22
Meet the microbes..............................................................................................................22
Other sets............................................................................................................................22
Welcome to the Microbiology Laboratory. In this course, you will learn techniques used in
(micro)biology labs and you will realize how microbes affect all aspects of our lives, every day.
Many of you will be familiar with some of the topics covered in the lab exercises, but hands-on
experience is invaluable to really understand many of the techniques taught. Your TAs and I will
work closely with you to ensure that you have a good grasp of the topics and methods covered.
We have incorporated a number of projects and student initiated activities in to the syllabus as
well as student presentations to provide you with a variety of learning experiences. Our ultimate
goal is for you to complete the semester with the feeling that microbes are important in every
aspect of our lives – and with the notion that you have learned something you can use for the
rest of your life and not just to get an A!
I would like to emphasize that we are here to help you. Your TAs and I hope to see you all during
open lab or our office hours (or by appointment), especially if you have questions or need
Course Overview
This is an undergraduate laboratory course to learn and explore a variety of microbiological
techniques, skills and concepts. Topics that will be covered include visualization and
enumeration of microbes, traditional, molecular and immunological diagnostic techniques, basic
techniques used in parasitology, virology and mycology. Students will generate, analyze and
interpret data, design and conduct a small research project and gain experience in technical
writing and presentation skills. You will gain awareness about the ubiquity and diversity of
microbes and the good and bad roles they play in your every day life.
What you will know at the end of the course
A student successfully completing basic microbiology lab course will demonstrate ability to use,
explain and practice…..
Laboratory Safety
1. Microbiological procedure, including, proper lab etiquette (hand washing, disinfecting lab
benches and equipment), follow methods for aseptic transfer, reporting all spills, understanding
OSHA’s Blood borne Pathogen Standard, proper disposal of different types of waste, following
good lab practice, including returning materials to proper locations, proper care and handling of
2. Protective procedures, Including tying long hair back, wearing personal protective equipment
(lab coats, gloves when needed, closed toed shoes); No eating or drinking in the laboratory
3. Emergency procedures, including, locating and properly using emergency
equipment, reporting all injuries immediately to the instructor
Laboratory Skills
1. Use a bright field light microscope to view and interpret slides, properly prepare slides and
various stains to visualize microbes. Use standard microbiology laboratory equipment correctly
(including, incubators, centrifuges, vortex, spectrophotometer, PCR machine, imaging system)
and follow experimental protocols
2. Use micropipettes and understand the correct volume and pipette tips to use for each
experiment, comprehend accuracy and precision to have a good pipetting technique
3. Properly use aseptic techniques, to obtain and maintain a pure culture
4. Identify unknown organisms by using appropriate microbiological media and test systems,
and molecular methods
5. Estimate the number of microbes using dilution techniques, spectrophotometer and a
hemocytometer; predict how various growth conditions affect the number of life cells
6. Perform and interpret a disk diffusion assay and understand how to test for the effectiveness
of a variety antimicrobial agents
7. Perform and interpret an ELISA assay and know techniques how to determine antibody
prevalence in a patients immune response to pathogens;
8. Be able to describe the problem of global water contamination, and understand the
prevalence of global occurrence of parasites, perform and interpret a fecal float and conduct
water purification methods to prevent water born infections
9. Get a taste how microbes contribute to the production of various foods and drinks and be
aware of the importance of a healthy microbiome
assessing the validity of the data (means, standard deviation, significance) and drawing
appropriate conclusions based on the results
3. Communication skills, including preparation of presentations of current topics in
microbiology, developing educational materials and presenting lab results or findings to your
4. “Big picture” skills, including understanding how microbes play a beneficial and detrimental
role in our loves and the environment. Students should be able to read and interpret current
news and popular literature relating to microbiology and evaluate the scientific merit of the
information presented. All students should comprehend that science is not “black and white”
and that new scientific findings may alter the interpretation of older dogmas. Finally students
should get a glimpse of how microbes have always shaped history and affect our every day life in
a myriad of ways.
Getting started
Course Correspondence as well as lab exercises, assignments and exams will be available via
eLearning Canvas Website If you need any help with the eLearning system
please visit the eLearning Help page at You may also contact
the UF help desk at 352-392-HELP, Option 2.
Your section specific site is maintained and administered by your TAs. You are responsible for
the material posted in your section. I do not check email in the individual sections!
1. All students should sign up for “Science Daily – Infectious Disease” (automatic email
update) Some class
discussions will be based on current news and you can use the topics for your public health
2. Like the UF Microbiology and Cell Science & ASM Gators @UFMicrobiology
page for interesting news and current updates; the postings can be part of the class material!
you can use the topics for your public health projects
3. Please Remember to check the Announcements and Mail each day in Canvas. “I did not
know about the assignment, deadline…” is NOT an accepted excuse. For this course there are
two Canvas sites for the course. Your instructor will have his/her own Canvas webpage where
section specific information will be posted.
4. Please bring your labtop computer or tablet to each lab. We often will do computer based
exercises. Bring a camera, cell phone or tablet to take pictures of your lab results.
5. Throughout the Semester there will be Open Lab sessions to provide you with extra hands
on time and an opportunity to ask questions and get more experience with the techniques
discussed in class. Information regarding open lab will be emailed as schedules are finalized.
6. All assignments, projects and reports are expected to be submitted electronically through
Canvas. Each assignment is processed through and as such is checked for
7. Attendance is mandatory. Each day new techniques are taught and it is easy to fall behind!
Arriving late and not coming to class without an excused absence will affect your attendance
and participation and lab etiquette grade (up to 10%)
8. Got a Question? Please come see us - we are here to help!
Student evaluation
Student grades are composed through a multitude of
activities, including quizzes, exams, presentations, projects,
Items Graded % Value
attendance and participation. FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS IS
A MUST as well as CREATIVITY WILL BE REWARDED. Participation,
Attendance and Participation (5%) Lab etiquette 5
Attendance to all laboratory sessions is mandatory and
Quizzes 20
your instructor will record attendance. Should a conflict
arise, notify your lab instructor in advance if possible and Midterm Exam 25
find arrangements to make up the missed material and
quizzes. Unexcused absences will result in a zero for that Final Exam/project 25
day’s attendance. You must e-mail your instructor within Projects, talks 10
24h before/after the missed lab to qualify for makeup
opportunity and provide valid written excuse. ELN 10
No cheating and plagiarism is allowed. You will receive an Total 100
automatic 0 without warning if caught for a particular
assignment, project or exam. You will be reported to the Extra credit 5
Dean of Student office (DSO) for cheating!
Quizzes (10%)
Quizzes will either be given in the lab or assigned to be completed in Canvas. This will be up to
your individual TAs. Quizzes will contain material from the upcoming lab and from any previous
module. Quizzes can also contain the videos to be watched before class and the vocabulary and
definitions in Quizlet. Quizzes can include material from required readings and student
presentations and the following week’s material. All quizzes are cumulative. The lowest quiz
grade will be dropped.
Make sure you also know the definitions and terminology as well as answering the end of
module questions!!!!
Student Initiated Research Project (20%)
Each student has the opportunity to work on an independent research project as part of the
class. You can work in groups and the project has to be approved by your TA. Your approach has
to follow the principles of scientific method. You have to submit a small research proposal and
include current papers from the literature as well as a budget for your research. It is possible to
conduct a bioinformatics study using existing databases. The final project will be presented as a
poster during the last week of class.
Project submissions
1. Submissions after the deadline will be treated as late submissions, and 10% of the total
assignment points will be deducted for each day after the deadline for 5 days; submission will
not be accepted after that.
2. If you experience any problem with e-Learning system or while uploading assignments,
contact the helpdesk immediately (352) 392-4357 (select option 2) or e-mail: learning- Retain your e-mail or helpdesk ticket number as
documentation of your problem. A 92
Extra credit (no more than 5%) A- 90
With the discression of your TA you may get some extra credit which
can include B+ 87
· Participation in online discussion B 82
· Bringing/sharing environmental samples for wet mount examination
· Bringing/sharing fecal samples with potential parasite eggs for the fecal B- 80
float (parasitology) lab C+ 77
· Bringing/sharing fermented food products for the food lab
· Sharing interesting news and articles about microbiology with your class C 72
Extra Credit Opportunities will be available throughout the semester at the C- 70
discretion of your TA. Such Extra Credit Opportunities may include: Attending
Open Lab, Presentation of current topic in class and posting it to Wiki, Wiki D+ 67
postings, contribution to discussion board
D+ 62
Grading and final grades D- 60
We don’t curve and the grading scale will not be adjusted based on class
performance. After ISIS allows you to view your final grade. You have 2 weeks E <60
to challenge your grade and request a change of grade by contacting Dr. Oli
Makeup Policy
We will work with you if you provide us with a UF accepted excuse for your absence
during labs or the exam.
We do accept school and career interviews and tests (MCAT, GRE, DAT) as excused
absence - as long as you provide a written note or invitation to BEFORE your absence.
You will work with your TA to make up missed work. Remember: open lab is NOT
intended for makeup as there will be no actual instructor. Do NOT miss your midterm
Other UF policies
Academic Honesty
In 1995 the UF student body enacted an honor code and voluntarily committed itself to the
highest standards of honesty and integrity. When students enroll at the university, they commit
themselves to the standard drafted and enacted by students.
The Honor Pledge: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold
ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
On all work submitted for credit by students at the university, the following pledge is either
required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing
this assignment."
Students should report any condition that facilitates dishonesty to the instructor, department
chair, college dean, Student Honor Council, or Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution in the
Dean of Students Office. It is assumed all work will be completed independently unless the
assignment is defined as a group project, in writing by the instructor. This policy will be
vigorously upheld at all times in this course.
(Source: 2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog)
Software Use
All faculty, staff and students of the university are required and expected to obey the laws and
legal agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages and/or
criminal penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against university
policies and rules, disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate.
We require for each students to have MS Office (Mac or PC) installed on their/a computers.
Similar graphing programs are available for iPads and tablets
Microsoft Software for UF students
The Office of Information Technology has great news for University of Florida students! If you
want to upgrade your operating system or need Microsoft Office Suite, this media will be
available in the Spring 2011 semester. The different media available are: Windows 7 operating
system Upgrade, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (32-bit/64-bit) for PC or Microsoft
Office for Mac 2011. Software is free for UF students.
To check for availability of the media and technical requirements, contact the UF Computing
Help Desk at (352)392-HELP(4357). Once the media is available, you can get it at the UF
Computing Help Desk or at the UF Bookstore .
Other software training opportunities are available. For examples through
University Counseling & Wellness Center, 3190 Radio Road, 352-392-1575,
Career Resource Center, First Floor JWRU, 392-1601,
We take your wellbeing VERY serious, so please don’t hesitate to meet with your TA or see me
(Dr. Oli any time with problems or difficulties you may encounter during your
time at UF.
Generic weekly schedule
Module Exercises
8 Fecal float and water lab
Databases you will use
Virtual pond dip – for wet mount identification
Microbiology Videos
Your TA will let you know when you have to watch each video for which module! You
may have quizzes about the content of the videos
Please note all of the videos are produced at the Department of Microbiology and Cell
Science and many of them were actually made as part of the independent student
project!!!! Thanks to all our amazing students!
Thanks to some of our amazing students we have two new tutorials, one for using
Endnote reference management
Microbiology intro
Lab Safety Rules
Daily Routines
Aseptic Techniques
Basic Methods
Art of Microscopy
Wet Mount
Computer Tutorials
Graphing with Excel
Growth curve and growth rate calculation
Visualizing Microbes
Gram Stain
Negative Stain
Capsule Stain
Flagella Stain
Blood Agar
MacConkey agar
DNAse Agar
Citrate Agar
Catalase Test
Anaerobe Jar
Sequence retrieval and Blast
Diagnostic tests
Fecal float
Other Software
Endnote reference management
Virtual Field Trips
Diagnostic lab UF Vet School
Cool Stuff
Microbes did you know…….
Why microbiology?
Visualizing bacteria
Isolation of microbes
Enumeration of microbes
Growing microbes
Traditional diagnostics
Molecular diagnostics
Combating microbes
MRSA screen
Mini modules
Pathogens - Bacteria
Pathogens – Parasites
Other sets
Definitions MO (summary of key terms)
Famous microbiologists