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Module 6 - Making An Outline

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Integrated Basic Education Department

Junior High School
Lagao, General Santos City


Quarter: 4th Date: 2021.04.05 – 2021.04.09

Week No.: 6 21st Century Skills:
Damean’s Beat: Culture Sensitivity ☐ Critical Thinking
NDDU’s 4Cs: ☐ Christian Leaders ☐ Computing/ICT Literacy
☐ Competent Professionals ☐ Communication
☐ Community-Oriented Citizens ☐ Creativity
☐ Culture-Sensitive Individuals ☐ Collaboration
Teacher/s: Hearthy L. Betonio ☐ Cross Cultural Understanding
Charlyn Mae J. Nobleza ☐ Career and Learning Self Reliance

Online Lesson:
I. Topic: Journalistic Writing
II. Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, I can be able to:
1. define journalistic text
2. write a draft of a journalistic text
3. show sincerity and confidence in delivering a news report
4. observe the use of correct stress, pitch, and juncture when delivering an oral speech
III. Daily Routine:
1. The class starts with a prayer.
2. Checking of attendance follows.
3. A quote is presented to students.
4. Transcription
The teacher presents words which to be transcribed by the students
IV. Lesson Proper:
1. The teacher …
1.1 reviews the lesson on the previous topic.
1.2 defines the terms used in journalism.
1.3 explains each feature in journalism.
1.4. let students deliver a news report in the class observing the use of correct stress, pitch
and juncture.
2. Synthesis and review of learning targets follow.
V. References/Materials:
Lapid, M.G and Serrano, J.B,(2018).English communication arts and skills through Afro-Asian
literature, The Phoenix Publishing House.pp.263-264

VI. Annotation:

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Module No.: 6
I. Topic: Making an Outline
II. Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, I can be able to:
1. define outline
2. enumerate the different types of outline
3. create an outline by making use of the guidelines learned
III. Introduction/Review/Content:

Journalistic Writing

Journalistic writing is different from academic or technical

writing basically because of its purpose, which is to broadcast
events in ways that appeal to its intended audience.


Paragraph Structure Language Structure

1. TITLE or the headline 1. The verbs are in the past

is designed to hook the interest of the readers tense.
which make them want to read on.

2. LEAD PARAGRAPH informs the reader of 3. The article is written in the

the most important aspects of the story as third person.
soon as possible. The LEAD PARAGRAPH is
often the only part of the story that people
- Use the 5Ws rule: • WHO (is involved) •
WHAT (took place) • WHEN (did it take place)
• WHERE (did it take place) • WHY (did it
happen) • HOW (did it happen) – only include
this if there is space

2. INTRODUCTION talks about the story, but does 4. It uses logical connectors
not give the details yet. and transition words for
3. BODY is the bulk of information that tells the rest 5. It may include direct
of the story that wouldn’t fit in the lead. It contains quotations from people
information pertinent to the story. involved in the story.

4. TAIL or the conclusion – is the very end of an 6. It may use pictures to

article. It is referred to as the bottom segment of enhance the story and
the inverted pyramid. The tail is the least important captions are provided.
information that pertains to the article.

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1. NEWS REPORT - is found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform readers of what
is happening in the world around them. News reports have a certain structure that you
need to follow. This structure is sometimes called the Inverted Pyramid.

2. OPINION ARTICLE - is a written prose piece typically published by a newspaper or

magazine which expresses the opinion of an author usually not affiliated with the
publication's editorial board. It tackles recent events and issues, and attempts to formulate
viewpoints based on an objective analysis of happenings and conflicting/contrary opinions.

3. FEATURE ARTICLE - written to give more depth to topical events, people or issues. Written
by an expert or a journalist, these texts provide background information on a newsworthy
topic as well as the writer's personal slant or experience.

4. SPORTS NEWS STORY - is a form of writing that reports on matters pertaining to sporting
topics and competitions.

Making an Outline

Outlining is an important skill which helps one

understand and remember the things read. Outlines do not
always have to be written. One can develop the ability to make
mental outlines, especially if the material is short and easy.

An outline is a diagram in words. It is a method of

organizing information according to main ideas, major details, and
supporting details.

1. It helps the reader understand and remember.
2. It helps the writer organize his/her ideas.

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1. A free-form outline is constructed like a diagram with the main idea in the center and
related information branched off from it. It helps the reader to recall the information
Study the example below.

Christmas is a great event that will always hold magic in the heart of humanity. Many
believe that it is the birthday of mankind’s savior, Jesus Christ. For a minority, Christmas is
a religious commemoration, the highlight of the Christian year. For a majority, it is merely a
feast and a holiday, and is kept by them because their earliest memories of celebration and
family reunion go back to Christmas day.

2. A modified outline uses main ideas as headings and lists important details under each
heading. The details are numbered, lettered, or marked to make them easy to locate.
The following modified outline shows notes on the passage about Christmas.

1. A great event that holds magic
2. The birth of mankind’s savior, Jesus Christ.
3. A religious commemoration; the highlight of the Christian year
4. A feast and a holiday

3. A formal outline follows a conventional format where details are divided into smaller
subsections under each main idea. This outline is useful for taking detailed notes from
textbooks or reference books. It is also helpful in preparing papers and speeches.
A formal outline is either a topic or a sentence outline. A topic outline gives the main
ideas and minor details in words or in phrases. A sentence outline presents the main
ideas and minor details in complete sentences. One should use one or the other kind of
outline but not in the same outline.
Examine carefully the following example.
An Efficient Communication Arts Teacher
An efficient communication arts teacher has many important characteristics. First, the
efficient teacher uses the language competently. The teacher’s ability to conceptualize the
structure and function of the language he teaches enables him to identify the knowledge
and skills that students need and to break complex concepts and abilities into “lesson-
sized” experiences. He has the ability to interact with students, stimulate their interest in
language, and motivate them to learn the skills they need. He shows a healthy interest in
literature. He should effectively convey the idea that reading is enjoyable and that books
are sources of enjoyment as well as of knowledge. He also possesses a positive attitude
toward the communication arts curriculum. His thoughts and attitudes should be
communicated to his students even when these are not stated directly. Most importantly, a
good communication arts teacher applies a various methods/approaches and strategies of
teaching to meet the students’ individual needs.

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Sentence Outline
I. An efficient communication arts teacher has many important characteristics.
A. He uses the language competently.
B. He has the ability to interact with students.
C. He shows a healthy interest in literature.
D. He possesses a positive attitude toward the communication arts curriculum.
E. He applies various methods/approaches and strategies of teaching.

Topic Outline
I. Characteristics of an efficient communication arts teacher
A. Uses the language competently
B. Has the ability to interact with students
C. Shows a healthy interest in literature
D. Possesses a positive attitude toward the communication arts curriculum
E. Applies various methods/approaches and strategies of teaching

Some paragraphs are long. By “reducing” a paragraph to an outline, you can easily
understand and remember the concepts you have read. The value of an outline is its
brevity, its short appearance.


1. Omit any word, phrase, or sentence that is not really important to the thought of the
2. Combine two sentences in the outline, if they are sufficiently related.

To create an outline:

1. Place your thesis statement at the beginning.

2. List the major points that support your thesis. Label them in Roman Numerals (I, II, III, etc.).
3. List supporting ideas or arguments for each major point. Label them in capital letters (A, B,
C, etc.).
4. If applicable, continue to sub-divide each supporting idea until your outline is fully developed.
Label them 1, 2, 3, etc., and then a, b, c, etc.

IV. Check your Understanding:

1. Find the latest news report online and create an outline using either Sentence Outline or
Topic Outline. Submit your output in the Moodle.
You can write it down and upload the photo and upload or you can use MS Word and upload
the file in the Moodle.
V. Enrichment:
There is no activity given.
VI. References/Materials:
Salazar E., Villamin A., Pecaña J. (2003). Skill builders for efficient reading,Quezon City: St.
Bernadette Publishing House pp. 333-347

☐ Plan Delivered
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☐ Partially Delivered ☐ Not Delivered
Reason: _____________________________ Reason: ___________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________
Action Taken: _________________________ Action Taken: _______________________
_________________________ _______________________

Approved by: Hearthy L. Betonio

Subject Coordinator

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