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immersed in a mindset and form of

culture that induce one to have

doubts about the value of the human
person, about the very meaning of
truth and good, and ultimately about
the goodness of life.
- Humanity is in an educational crisis,
especially in the field of affectivity
and sexuality (MFCT, 1).
- Peschke, 1994: - This educational crisis is rooted in
o Men are physically stronger the development and
than girls, competitive, and implementation of a curricula that:
task-oriented. o Allegedly convey a neutral
o Women are seen to mature conception of the person and
earlier than men, nurturing and of life.
competitive, and do things out o Reflects an anthropology
of genuine love and concern opposed to faith and to right
for people. reason (Benedict XVI, Address
1. Human Sexuality to Members of the Diplomatic
- Roger Hock: Corps, Jan, 10 2011).
o A complex area of study that - As a result, these helped destabilize
focuses on all aspects of the family as an institution,
humans as sexual beings. presenting the difference of man and
o Includes topics such as: woman as merely the product of
✓ Sexual anatomy and historical and cultural conditioning
behaviors (MFCT, 1).
✓ Intimate relationships
✓ Sexual identity and
appreciating its true meaning:
✓ Sexual health and a. Relativism
wellbeing - Celebrates man as an absolute
✓ Perception and expression arbiter between what is right and
of individual sexual selves what is wrong.
b. Nihilism
Bishop Robert Barron:
- Propagates the idea of a God who
Your sexuality is meant to become has nothing to do with sexuality and
love… a vehicle of love… conformed living as though He does not exist.
unto love. c. Naturalism
- Pope Benedict XVI, in his letter - Intellection that reduces man to a
about the urgent task of educating simple element of nature whose
young people, placed emphasis on body is seen as a machine with
the contemporary times being different parts that are functionally

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united and devoid of personal of communion with others (CCC,
meaning. 2332).
In light of this educational crisis the
2. Nuptial Meaning of the Body
Church brings us back to the
- “The vocation of the human person
following teachings:
is realized in marriage and virginity
- Sexuality plays an integral part in the or celibacy.” (FC)
development of our personality and - “God’s plan for marriage involves the
in the process of its education total self-giving of man and woman
(MFCT, 4). to each other.”
- Hence, affected sex education must - Sexuality, by means of which man
consider the totality of the person and woman give themselves to one
and insist therefore on the another through the acts which are
integration of the biological, psycho- proper and exclusive to spouses, is
affective social and spiritual not something simply biological, but
elements (MFCT, 4). concerns the innermost being of the
Human Sexuality and the Mystery of human person as such.
Love: Male and Female He created them:
- The Catholic Church’s teaching on - As the Catechism of the Catholic
Human Sexuality is anchored on the Church succinctly puts it: “man and
truth that: God is love and (He is woman, should acknowledge and
love) in himself he lives a mystery of accept his/her sexual identity.”
personal loving communion.
Our creation as male and female and our
- As a person, I long for the mystery of
longing for communion is ‘the
communion with my fellow human
fundamental fact’ of human existence.
beings and the mystery of love.
- Sexuality is relevant as we respond - As each person grows, “such
to our vocation of love and diversity, linked to the
communion. complementarity of the two sexes
allows a thorough response to the
The self is completed by the one who is
design of God according to the
other than the self, according to the
vocation to which each one is
specific identity of each person which is
called.” (MFCT, 4).
derived from and sustained by the
Creator (MFCT). Dignity of Man, Man as Created by God
- Sexuality affects all aspects of the IMAGE LIKENESS
human person in the unity of his/her
body and soul. It especially concerns Immortal Soul Ability to Know, love and
affectivity, the capacity to love and to forgive
procreate, and in a more general
way the aptitude for forming bonds

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Knowledge Ability to reason, are so strong and intense, often
conscience overpowering.
- Chastity is defined as the purity of
Freedom Ability to choose, decide, the mind and the heart.
The Virtue of Chastity
Self- Ability to Elect and do According to the Sacred Scriptures:
determination one’s willed action
a. Old Testament
Stewardship Ability to care for others - Virtue of chastity is protected by two
✓ 6th: “You shall not commit
Betrothed Love adultery.”
✓ 9th: “You shall not covet your
- Love is not just an aspiration, but neighbor’s good.”
rather a coming together, a b. New Testament:
unification of persons. - It was the through the 6th beatitude
- Decisive character is the giving of (Blessed are the clean of heart for
one’s own person (to another). they will see God) that Jesus affirms
- Essence of betrothed love is self- and intensifies the 9th
giving, the surrender of one’s “I”. commandment.
- When betrothed love enters into this
interpersonal relationship, something Skills that Foster Self-Discipline:
more than friendship results: two ✓ Purity
people give themselves each to the ✓ Abstinence
other. ✓ Modesty
God made us sexual in order to bring us
3. Education in Chastity together.:
- “Only the chaste man and the chaste - Sex is the energy that:
woman are capable of true love.” o Draws us together in love.
St. John Paul II o Helps us become one heart
and soul with another.
Chastity as a virtue - Not an end in itself and has a
- Chastity is the virtue that calls us to purpose beyond itself.
use our sexuality in a reasonable, Chastity is a deep respect and
responsible, and faithful manner. admiration for the person and the gifts of
- Every person, whether married or our sexuality and sex.
single, is called to live a chaste life.
Like any virtue, chastity must be - As St. John Paul II puts it, chastity is
developed and practiced because the readiness to affirm and love the
our sexual attractions and feelings person in every situation. You know
what you are saying NO to by living

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chastely, but what are you saying o An act of seeking to gain love
YES to? or affection with a view toward
o Chastity is saying yes to: marriage.”
▪ Authentic real love - Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo:
▪ You o A personal commitment of
▪ The person between two people.
▪ Your future spouse - Naturally Unfolds in Three Phases:
o Exploration
▪ A great future
▪ Courtship is not for
▪ God
▪ To enter the exploration
phase of courtship is to
acknowledge that marriage
is a possibility but not a
Gary Chapman promise.
- Claims that most couples separate o Confirmation
because of lack of preparation for ▪ The couple face to face
marriage and the failure to learn the with the need to reveal
skills of working together as partners themselves and to be
in an intimate relationship. revealed. Yet at the same
• Dating, courtship, and engagement will time, another more
“prepare your marriage as though it were powerful force brings
the most important human relationship you pressure to bear.
will ever have.” o Pledging
• In Western culture, marriage is typically ▪ The time when a new
preceded by a period of dating. community is created deep
in the soul.
• In the Philippine context, dating, courtship,
- When the courtship has been
and engagement are also deemed
successful to the point where the
necessary passages of marriage between
man is ready to “pop the question,”
the couples.
and she says “yes” – then, it is the
Chapman characterizes two distinct stages time to become “engaged”.
of dating: - Intentional and purposeful process
carried out with marriage as the
Casual Dating Committed Dating ultimate goal.
Typically Much more serious - It must have some objective guides
nonexclusive. than casual dating
that will allow either party to stop the
and is normally
perceived as an process or at least slow it down.
exclusive - Courtship stage is where one
relationship. learns:
o First, if the person has enough
virtue as well as able to
Courtship practice moderation of one’s
- American Heritage Dictionary: sexual desires towards the
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o Second, if the person is able to relationship can add too much
do and make sacrifices for the pressure.
other by showing self-denial 4. Trust in God while dating
and self-control in one’s sexual - Dating is an opportunity from God to
urges. learn more about others through
o Lastly, if the person truly loves. entering into a dating relationship
- Catholic courtship, thus, is the with them.
period after spiritual, mental, and
financial preparation has been
completed. Paul E. Cantrell suggests similar good
Dating reasons and value of an engagement
- Scriptures do not offer specific
1. It is a time to begin serious planning
guidelines for dating and courtship,
of their lives together.
although courtship, and probably
- Such questions need to be asked as
dating to some extent, was practiced
to job or jobs for one or both in order
by the Jews in the first century.
to have sufficient to live on; where
- Jason E King in his booklet entitled
they will live; and possibly even talk
Dating: A Practical Catholic Guide:
about long-time future plans.
o There is no one specifically
- The question of whether to have
Catholic understanding of
children, when to have children, and
dating. Dating is not mentioned
how they will care for them.
in the Bible or in the Catechism
2. It is a final testing time before the
of the Catholic Church. Neither
couple is actually married.
the Church Fathers nor recent
- In order to really get to know the
popes have talked about
dating. person, they need to be in a relax
situation with friends and families so
Four Basic Points to keep in mind when all can get better acquainted and
dating: see how they fit in with each other’s
friends and family.
1. Know your intentions
3. It is a time to more seriously learn to
- Dating is a time to learn more about
get along with each other.
yourself through a relationship with
- You need to talk about a lot of
2. Stick to your boundaries
- You need to know how you still feel
- Communication is an important
about the other person when you
factor in any relationship but
disagree on some basic issues of
especially a dating one.
3. Have fun
4. It is a time to see one another more
- Dating is fun if you enter into it with
as they really are.
the mentality of enjoying the present
- Usually in dating, there is an effort to
moment. When you start to date
“put our best foot forward” or the
someone, take the time to get to
best self.
know them. Rushing into a serious

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- You need to see your potential ▪ If the contracting parties
marriage partner “behind the are between the ages of 18
scenes” (down to earth – the real and 21, they must present
person) written consent to the
5. It is a time to get better acquainted marriage from their father,
with family and friends. mother, or legal guardian
6. It is important to realize that caution (Art. 14)
is necessary so as not to cause ▪ While any contracting party
shame or regret. between the age of 21 and
7. It is also a time, if one or both realize 25 must present written
it is a mistake, it can be called off. parental advice, i.e., a
written indication that the
By adhering to the above principles of
parents are aware of the
the proximate preparation of marriage,
couples intent to marry (Art.
you can look forward to having a happy,
15). Art.2 (FCP, 1987).
holy, and faithful marriage.
o Not under any impediment to
▪ Impediments are
mentioned in Art. 37
(incestuous marriage) and
What should be the focus of couples in Art. 38 (void marriages).
their wedding preparations? 2. Consent freely given by the
1. Definition of Marriage in the contracting parties in the presence
Family Code of the Philippines of the solemnizing officer.
(Article 52). B. Formal Requisites of Marriage
- Special contract of permanent union 1. Authority of the Solemnizing Officer
between a man and woman entered - The following are authorized to
into in accordance with the law for solemnize marriage:
the establishment of conjugal and ✓ Any incumbent member of the
family life. judiciary within the court’s
- Highlights (Art. 42 of the Old Civil jurisdiction;
Code of the Philippines): ✓ Any priest, rabbi, imam, or
o A special contract minister of any church or
o A permanent union religious sect duly authorized by
o Between a man and woman his church or religious sect and
o Union entered in accordance registered with the office of the
with the law. Civil Registrar General;
o Purpose is the establishment ✓ Any ship captain or airline chief
of conjugal and family life. only in cases of articulo mortis;
A. Essential Requisites of Marriage ✓ Any military commander of a unit
1. Legal Capacity: in the absence of a chaplain
- Contracting parties must be: during military operation cases
o At least 18 years of age, male involving in articulo mortis;
and female, ✓ Any consul-general, consul or
vice consul in marriages
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solemnized abroad; mayors of - No particular form of the ceremony
cities and municipalities under is required, yet (1) the appearance
the new Local Government Code of the contracting parties before the
Art. 3 (FCP, 1987). (2) solemnizing officer and (3) their
2. A Valid Marriage License (Art. 9 of personal declaration that they take
the Family Code) each other as husband and wife (4)
- A marriage license shall be issued in the presence of not less than two
by the local civil registrar where witnesses of legal age is required.
either contracting party resides. - The marriage shall be solemnized
- The application for the marriage publicly in the chambers of the judge
license shall be posted for ten (10) or in open court, in the church,
consecutive days outside the office chapel or temple or in the office of
of the civil registrar. the consul-general, consul or vice-
- A license shall be valid in any part of consul, as the case may be, and not
the Philippines for a period of 120 elsewhere.
days and shall be automatically
Article 4 of the Family Code of the
cancelled at the end of said period.
Philippines states that:
- No valid marriage license, no valid
marriage. • The absence of any of the essential
- Marriages exempted from and formal requisite shall render the
marriage license requirements: marriage void ab initio (void from the
o Marriages in articulo mortis very start) as stated in Art. 35 (2).
(Article 27); • A defect in any of the essential
o No means of transportation requisites shall render the marriage
(Article 28). Hence, if the voidable as provided in Art. 45.
residence of either party is so • An irregularity in the formal
located that there is no means requisites shall not affect the validity
of transportation to enable of the marriage but the party or
such party to appear parties responsible for the
personally before the local civil irregularity shall be civilly, criminally
registrar, the marriage may be and administratively liable.
solemnized without necessity
of a marriage license.
o Marriages among Muslims or
1. Canonical Description of Marriage
among members of the ethnic
- The Catholic Church believes that
cultural communities, provided
marriage is:
they are solemnized in
o Characterized by unity
accordance with their customs,
(monogamy) and indissolubility
rites, or practices (Article 33).
o Couples living together for at
o Between one man and woman,
least five years and without
who promise to be faithful to
any legal impediment to marry
each other.
each other (Article 34).
o A partnership for the good of
3. Marriage Ceremony
the spouses, who are open to
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procreation and education of previous bond, two specific persons
children. disparity of cult, (crime,
- The Catholic Church, in its canon sacred order and consanguinity,
vow) affinity, public
law and theology, describes propriety, and legal
marriage as a lifetime, exclusive relationship).
partnership between one man and Perpetual or Temporary
one woman, who give and receive By its nature, it can Ceases by the
mutual help and love and, from their never cease (e.g. passing of time or by
union, bring forth and rear children. consanguinity). dispensation (e.g.
Age, Holy Orders) or
2. Tripod of Marriage Validity: by the removal of the
a. Capacity basis of the
o Freedom from all matrimonial disqualifying law
diriment impediments. (death of the spouse)
o A defect in any of these
renders canonical marriage
12 Diriment Impediments:
null and void ab initio.
1. Age
Diriment Impediments
- 16 for man
- Renders a person incapable of - 14 for woman
validly contracting marriage. - In the Philippines, 18 years old both
- Divine positive disqualifying laws for man and woman.
(leges inhabilitantes); either natural 2. Impotence
or ecclesiastical - Inability to procreate, to execute the
conjugal act or to consummate the
Classifications of Diriment Impediments: marriage.
Public vs. Occult - Perpetual
Can be proven in Cannot be 3. Previous Bond
external forum demonstrated in the 4. Disparity of Cult
(deposition of the ecclesiastical court 5. Sacred Orders
witnesses, experts, unless divulged - Founded on the Obligation of
public and private although it may be
Ordained Ministers.
documents, etc.) legally or simply be
proven. 6. Public Perpetual Vow of Chastity
Divine or Ecclesiastical - This impediment ceases with the
Founded on God’s Established by the dispensation of the vow itself by the
law; established Church for her competent Church authority.
positively by God faithful; binds only the 7. Abduction
through the baptized Catholics or - Actual abduction or detention of the
Revelation (can those received to it
never be granted (may be granted woman with the intention of marrying
dispensation) dispensation by her.
competent 8. Crime
ecclesiastical - Actual killing and there should be a
authority) relationship between the killing and
Absolute or Relative marriage.
Involves all marriage Concerns only
(e.g. age, impotence, marriages between
9. Consanguinity
- Relationship by blood
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- Descent from one person to another Impediments of Ecclesiastical Law.
- All degrees in the direct line of (Dispensation can be given by Local
consanguinity Ordinary)
- Up to fourth degree collateral line ✓ Age
(dispensation is possible for 3rd and ✓ Disparity of Cult
4th degree) ✓ Abduction
10. Affinity ✓ Collateral Line of Consanguinity
✓ Affinity
- Juridical relationship arising from
✓ Public Propriety
marriage and existing between one ✓ Adoption
spouse and the blood relatives of the
other spouse.
- Prohibits marriage between one b. Consent
surviving spouse and all the blood o An act of the will by which a
relatives of the dead spouse in the man and a woman by an
ascending or descending direct line irrevocable covenant mutually
and in all degrees. give and receive one another
- Admits dispensation but rarely heard for the purpose of establishing
of because of basic decency. a marriage (Can. 1057).
11. Public Propriety
9 Grounds of Defective Consent
- Arises when a couple live together
(in an invalid marriage) or 1. Consensual Incapacity: Natural
cohabitated in notorious Capacity to Elicit Consent
concubinage. - Lack of use of reason
12. Legal Relationship - Incapacity to assume the essential
- Its causal origin is adoption. obligations of marriage
- Persons may not validly enter into 2. Ignorance: lack of knowledge
marriage when they are related in - Marriage is a permanent consortium.
whatever degree in the direct line or - Ordered to procreation and
in the 2nd degree of the collateral line upbringing of children.
(by adoption). - Through some form of sexual
Schematic Overview of Diriment
- Ignorance is not presumed after
Impediments of Ecclesiastical 3. Error: Involves false judgment
Dispensation reserved to the Holy See - Error of Person
✓ Sacred Order - Error concerning personal quality of
✓ Public Perpetual Vow a person, which is directly and
✓ Crime principally intended.
Impediments of Divine and Natural 4. Fraud
Law cannot be Dispensed - Coolly, calculated act of deception
✓ Impotence done to induce the person into the
✓ Previous Bond
✓ Consanguinity

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- Quality of the other party, which can - Constitutive procedure for the
disturb gravely, by its nature, the celebration of marriage as stipulated
consortium of conjugal life. by Church Law.
5. Error - A defect in any of these renders
- Concerning the unity of marriage or canonical marriage null and void ab
its indissolubility which determines initio.
the will.
7 Canonical Forms:
6. Simulation or Exclusion
- Positive act of the will to exclude 1. Minister
marriage itself or an essential - Couple who must be present in
element of marriage or an essential person or by proxy in very
property of it. exceptional cases.
7. Condition - They should externally and explicitly
- If a condition concerning a future signify and exchange their mutual
event is attached to the consent, the consent or through words or signs
law gives no effect to the consent; themselves or through an
there is no marriage. interpreter.
- For lawfulness, a written permission 2. Ordained Official Witness:
of the local ordinary must be sought - Bishop, priest or deacon who assist
for the celebration of a conditioned the marriage.
marriage. 3. Lay Official Church Witness:
8. Force/Fear - Wherever there is lack of priests and
- Force is pressure from a greater deacons, the diocesan bishop can
thing that cannot be resisted delegate lay persons to assist at
(Corpus iuris civilis, Digesta 4.2.2). marriages with the previous
- Fear is trepidation of mind, caused favorable vote of the episcopal
by an immediate or future danger conference and after having
(Corpus iuris civilis, Digesta 4.2.1). ordained the permission of the Holy
- Marriage is invalid if entered into See.
through force or grave fear from - Requirement for a lay person to
without so that the victim, in order to assist at marriage:
free himself, is forced to choose o Competent to give instructions
marriage (Codex iuris canonici c. to those to be married.
1103; Codex canonum ecclesiarium o And able to perform the
otientalium c. 825). matrimonial liturgy correctly.
9. Proxy Marriage 4. Two Common Witnesses
- Valid only when proxy is appointed - Minimum requirements are sufficient
by the party concerned. There is a use of reason and knowledge of the
special mandate signed by the party nature of marriage.
and the Local Ordinary or by two 5. Extraordinary Form
witnesses and executed through an - Marriage without qualified witness
authentic document according to possible in two instances:
Civil Law. o Danger of death;
c. Canonical Form

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o Apart from danger of death
provided that it is prudently
foreseen that the same
conditions will continue to
prevail for a month.
6. Binding Force
- Binds couple, at least one of whom
is baptized in the Catholic Church.
7. Dispensation from Canonical Form
- May be obtained for mixed marriage
and disparity of cult on the following
o Local Ordinary of the intended
place of marriage was
o Norms of Episcopal
Conference on the requisites
and manner of granting a
dispensation has been
complied with.
o Marriage should still be public.

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