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STD - 23314 Final Answer Sheet COM-403 W-5702 Ipcs

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Final Assessment-Spring 2020

Std_23314 Final Answer Sheet COM-403 W-5702


Goals to Improve Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal relationships are basically some sort of deep, strong, emotional and good
acquaintances between people. Interpersonal relationships have direct implications on
someone’s physical and mental health. For example, when you are in a troublesome and
depressed then you probably need someone, whom you can share and ask for meaningful
suggestions to come out your problem. Hence substantially trustworthy interpersonal
relationships ensure healthy physical and mental life.
Maintaining good interpersonal relations is an art to be mastered. Practicing empathy, active
listening and sincerity are very essential goals to be achieved for any substantial interpersonal
relation. No relationship can last long until you are loyal and respectful to your partner. This
is the basic and most important goal to be positive and sincere in relationship. I have
personally experienced that; no such relationship can exist unless partners possess mutually
positive and respectful attitude toward each other because naturally, our response towards
other person is the result of that partner’s behavior toward us. Moreover, goal of gaining a
broad and well-rounded view by putting us in other’s shoes is the best way to practice
empathy, which is very important in order to resolve and refrain from the problems in
interpersonal relationship.
Specially, when you have a leading role at workplace, where it is very important for you as a
leader to maintain a good relationship with your subordinates. Practicing empathy let you
helps you identify the reasons why, some of your subordinate, co-worker, friend or even child
is witnessing malperformance. Hence practicing empathy is very important goal to be
achieved to develop a good interpersonal relationship.
Besides, being sincere/positive and practicing empathy, active listening is very important. As
personally experienced, I’m being very poor listener have witnessed many problem and
conflicts in my interpersonal relations. For example, several times, I don’t carefully listen what
my colleague intended to explain which results in misunderstandings, I misinterpret and react
in a way that later make me to regret upon my behavior. Being a bad listener may result in
collapse your relationship. So, active listening is one of the essential goals to be achieved to
have colorful and joyous interpersonal relationships.
Before advising the solutions for Junaid’s problem let me to elaborate what self-esteem is,
how it affects someone’s life and why it is recommended to realize a high self-esteem. So,
Self-esteem can be defined as an ability or skill to evaluate self-worth and confidence. Self-
esteem undermines the belief in own personality to be loved, intelligent or smart in a way
that other people really admires you. Hence it is all about feeling satisfied with oneself. Self-
esteem is very crucial for any individual to response the tasks and responsibilities in effective
Self-esteem can also be defined as perception about one’s own personality and beliefs. Which
includes feeling, happy, sad, despair, triumph and shameful as well as. Psychologically, self-
esteem is very lucrative and have very positive implications on one’s achievement; high self-
esteem ensures fruitful and successful outcomes in order to achieve certain goals: academic,
professional and social as well as. In contrast to that, a person with very low self-esteem,
which may be construct of his own perception regarding any of his ability, performance or
self-importance can result a big problem for him/her.
As personally experienced in childhood I have been the victim of that psychological disorder
if I’m not wrong, I had a perception that I could never be good at mathematics being multiple
times saddened with my results in that subject, though I took control over that and
Alhamdulillah! I am an engineering student with highest grades in mathematics and all
numerical sciences. Similarly, in case of Junaid who is in his thirties and interestingly going
through the situation identical that I surpassed. Though he has a family: wife children and
friends who love him. But he feels, or it is exact to say it is his own construct about his
personality that, he can not perform effectively as other can do. For him I will suggest, what I
was suggested, as he’s also going through exactly similar situation as I have been. First, he
should realize that every human has identical minds (except some special cases) made up of
similar nerves, what makes difference is how you use it in order to be as much as effective in
your dealings, hence focusing more on other’s performance, he should keep on working on
his grey areas if he has, , by acquiring required skills and believing in his abilities that “I can
do it.” Secondly, he should visualize himself performing better, or equally as other, be clear
in values that he is not less than anyone by doing something creative can help him to boost
his self-esteem, bringing happiness in his life.

Constructing Conclusion, By Reading Someone’s Non-Verbal Communication

Not always, but some time it is appropriate to sum up someone’s personality and
attitudes based on his/her non-verbal cues and communication. It depends on the
situation and people you are judging. Before you, to judge someone through his non-
verbal gestures I is very important to know the factors which may vary from person to
person and culture to culture. For say, in our eastern culture talking eye to eye with
elders is considered in bad manners, while it is something else in American culture,
where talking like eyes are down reveals you as a leir.
Now concluding an American here in Pakistan as bad-mannered person if he
communicates eye to eye or vise-versa in judging a Pakistani in America is not an
appropriate approach. Another factors includes the current situation and temper of
the person whom you examine, for example, your classmate or colleague warmly
meets you daily in morning and one day if he greets you in a very rough or casual way,
just saying slam and move on, at that time it will be inappropriate to conclude that he
is got changed or behaving so rudely like he is unhappy with you are anything else that
spells in your mind can not be hundred percent right. Such a situation carries lots of
uncertainty, where you cannot judge somebody’s attitude exactly. Likewise, in a
situation where you are a teacher imparting lecture on a very complex topic, and you
see student with blank faces can be an appropriate approach to conclude that nothing
is hitting inside the minds of students.
In this situation, it is indispensable to say that, students are unable to understand what
is being delivered it does not matter whether the topic is difficult or may be the
teacher himself have a bad day to get the things done as he usually do. Similarly, we
sum up someone’s personality and attitudes by several means of non-verbal
communications for example, when we meet someone first time, may be he is a good
guy but the day you are meeting is bad day for him and he behaves contrary to his
original nature. In nutshell, it is only appropriate to conclude somebody’s personality
and attitude by his non-verbal cues only, if you are aware of all the factors affecting
your perceptual process, circumstances and situations at that moment.
Hy Sara! how are you, it has been 5 hours and you are consistently stick with your books.
Though it is very good that you are such as sincere with your studies. Don’t you really feel
boring of studying hours so long? Sara you are exactly right everyone has different approach
and way of living one’s life, but you know what I think Sara? There must be a balanced life.
we should make some good friends, give time to them. Having good friends is really a blessing
because once we are graduated, it doesn’t mean that we don’t need any one but in every step
of life when we feel depressed and need emotional or material assistances and if had been
socially active and had made some good friends than in that time we can call upon them for
help. For being socially active, we should go for possible events, parties and other things for
amusement like attending different sessions and participating in games sometimes to keep
us fit both mentally and physically. These four years are not only to spent on books but for
many more things to explore, to meet different people and experience different minds. This
is the time to make some golden memories. So, when we grew older at least we have some
golden days to memorize and feel content with one’s life. After graduation we will have no
more friends to hang up so frequently nor the nights to enjoy like you must have heard that,
today is Movie night at auditorium, which is free of cost, just known that, all our classmates:
Saqib, Altaf, Kaukab are also coming to enjoy that moment. I’m sure you are not going to miss
that moment and believe me you will really enjoy the moment and it will be added to the
most golden times ever you had!

1. As Maria, is disable and she has problem in speaking, Julia should have understood
her problem and could have more polite to Maria, so that she would not feel as
being disable. Hence conflict could be avoided if Julia had been humble and soft in
her behavior while considering Maria’ s disability.
2. Being a disable is not choice, it is incidental and natural, Julia could have learnt how
to mold our nature, behavior and tone while working with a colleague having some
sort of disability.
3. “I’m really sorry Maria, I did not mean to hurt you actually I was crossed out hence
my tone was not good towards you, but I’m assure you that will not happen again.”
4. “sorry Maria! I did not get; can you please repeat it again?”
5. “Maria I am sorry, but I can not get you over here, let us go to office there we can
discuss more conveniently.”
6. “Maria just wait, let me to make it for you, after all we are good friends.”

1. Being ethically responsible person, I will simply tell him that mistakenly he has
given me extra 500 and will return him back that extra amount.
2. I will not avail that leave by lying because it is the breach of commitment and
loyalty that I had made while joining that organization as my workplace.
3. Whatever facilities I am being given at my workplace are to make me
comfortable in performing the job tasks. If there is a software which is in my
person need and I could download it easily. But I will not do that without
seeking permission from higher authorities. If they permit me to get it, I will
copy else I will not.
4. As a friend it is my prime responsibility to keep my friends aware of all sort of
threats that they might confront and will inform him if I see someone is
cheating him. Likewise, if I found wife of my friend in a relationship with
someone else, I will inform him in order to save him being cheated or
5. I will not be tempatated by accepting, bribe or gift in return to exploit the
company which has been the source for “halal” earning for me and my family.
Rather I will report that activity to my higher authority.
6. Being a production manager, it is my first and for most responsibility to ensure
both quantity and quality as well as. Even if i have big consignment and I know
that my subordinates are unable to do that within specified time, then I will
hire more persons on temporary base rather than compromising on quality.
1. The boss and subordinate relationship is an imbalanced power relationship.
Those powers are basically the options possessed by someone to meet certain
tasks done effectively. In this regard if subordinates are failed to meet the
deadlines or found with bad performing, then boss is ethically right to engage
in conflict with his subordinate to get him perform as expected. Solution for
that type of conflict is that, boss should not exceed his limitations and should
response that conflict under ethical terms.
2. When it comes to a relationship of husband and wife, I don’t think so that there
is any sort of power imbalance. Both are equal non is superior than other one.
But ethically if any one of them committed something wrong with other one or
failed to come up with responsibility than other one can ethically engage in
conflict in order to get other one realizes.
3. Relationship of a teacher and student is also not a power imbalance but based
on some ethical values. If any type of conflict is torn between teacher and
student, then as a student he is responsible to behave positively even if he
found that teacher is wrong, similarly teacher is responsible to be careful as he
is more experienced and have known the things better than his students. Hence
teacher should response positively and should try to solve the conflict
effectively without exploiting relationship and disrupting educational process.
4. Here in this situation, there is a power imbalance between the relationship of a
government official and citizen, but both have certain limitations as well as. For
example, the power and authority that government official posses is for
management of any state order and discipline. Where all citizens are
responsible to respect those norms and rules set by government and official is
to keep in mind that his authority and powers are for what purpose. At some
point where conflict is torn between both, they should realize that who is right
and who is wrong amongst them, even if citizen is wrong government official
should not take it personal and response legally as per the state laws.

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