Casting Brief - Actors: Opera Australia Autumn Season - Ernani

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Casting Brief – Actors

Opera Australia Autumn Season – Ernani

AUDITION DATES: Friday 19th March 2021


In this co-production with La Scala, director Sven-Eric Bechtolf embraces the melodrama of the story and
creates a play within a play. It’s an excuse for lavish period costumes, masks and headdresses.

Conductor: Renato Palumbo

Director: Sven-Eric Bechtolf

Rehearsal Director: Liesel Badorrek

Performers must be available for the entire season (including rehearsals) from: 23 April 2021 – 22 May 2021.

Rehearsals: 23 April – 4 May (up to 10 calls plus a wardrobe fitting)

Stage calls: 5 May 13:00 – 16:15
5 May 17:45 – 21:00
7 May 13:30 – 16:30
7 May 18:00 – 21:00
8 May 10:30 – 13:30
11 May 13:30 (General Rehearsal)
Performances: 13, 15, 18 May, 19:30
22 May, 12:30

Please find following a casting brief detailing the role requirements for the production – please submit

Venue: Arts Centre Melbourne

Audition Brief & Information
The Ernani ensemble of 14 actors (5 female, 9 male) are a diverse group of players in terms of their range
of ages, heights, body types and ethnicity.

Requirements are:
- Ability to create a memorable character with the context of ‘the ensemble players’
- Ability and physical strength to move set/props.
- No singing required

Costume requirements:
- Actors will be required to fit existing costumes for this production.
- Costume details are below each of the casting briefs for women and men actors
- Costumes are flexible between the characters listed.

- The opera is set in a small provincial theatre at the end of nineteenth century
- The concept is a ‘play within a play’
- Actors play the roles of the stage hands in a production of ‘Ernani’ performed by the famous guest,
Compagnia di Canto.

WOMEN ACTOR ROLES (x 5) (height between 155 - 170cm tall)

Due to existing costumes, the roles below must fit into one of the following costume sizes:
x1 height 155cm with small build, ladies size 8
x1 height 155-165cm with solid build, ladies size 18
x3 height 160-170cm with slim build, ladies size 10-12. One of this group to do cartwheels

Propswoman/team leader: (F)

Playful and joker. She loves her job and takes away the best and funniest parts of it, sometimes
breaking the rules or testing the chain of command. However, when she realises she is out of line, she
is able to get serious and get the job done.

Must be agile, able to do cartwheels.

Wardrobe and Wigs Manager: (F)

Serious leader with strong character – a bit snobby. Beautiful woman, no longer young but still
charming and aware of her own gravitas. Passionate about her job.

Elegant in movements, maybe with dance/theatre background

Dressmaker Seamstress: (F)

Young, charming and talented. She is sometimes frivolous and a bit distracted but means well.

Elegant in movements, maybe with dance/theatre

Usher: (F)
Agile, must be able to do cartwheels. Very tiny figure.

Usher: (F)
Friendly, playful and joker. Nice and funny. A person who drags the whole group into jokes and

MEN ACTOR ROLES (x 9) (height between 170 – 185 cm tall)

Due to existing costumes, the roles below must fit into one of the following costume sizes:
x4 height - 180-185cm, tall with slim to average build. Chest: 90-105cm; Waist: 80-90cm
x2 height - 173-175cm with slim build. Chest: 90-95cm; Waist – 80- 85cm
x3 height - 170-176cm with average build. Chest: 88–100cm; Waist: 78- 90cm

Head of Stage Management: (M)

Young leader, capable, switched on. He demonstrates an aptitude for leadership

Crew/Stage hand: (M)
You can see in him the signs of age. A man with great knowledge, still curious and loves his job.

Crew/Stagehand: (M)
Odd ball and nervous. Capable of channelling madness into his creative job.

Crew/Stagehand: (M)
Athletic and muscular body. Quite tall.

Props Manager: (M)

Very precise, scrupulous and finicky. Serious and silent worker. Old fashioned man. He often takes on
burdens that are not his responsibility. Anxious. Wise man but with a short fuse.

Very tall, a bit bent by age.

Crew/Stagehand: (M)
Precise and good at his job. Calm in movements, never in a rush. Scheming mind.

Crew/Stagehand: (M)
Middle aged man. Precise.

Crew/Stagehand: (M)
Young and agile body. Good sense of rhythm.

Stage Manager Inspector: (M)

Elegant in movement. Very precise.

Please Note:
1. Artists should be available for the entire audition period. Any restrictions must be noted in the submission.
2. Auditions will take place in Melbourne only.
3. Auditionees may be photographed and recorded as part of their participation in the audition process for
casting purposes.
4. All dancers and actors must be Melbourne based for the duration of the contract.

Submission Process

Submissions will be accepted via the following web form only. Submission should include:

 Current CV (in PDF Format)

 Headshot (File clearly labelled)



The Ernani auditions are at the risk and sole financial responsibility of the auditionee.
Opera Australia are committed equal opportunity employers.

Further information

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