Atthaillah 2018 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 352 012061

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The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

Parametric estimation for reinforced concrete relief shelter

for Aceh cases

Atthaillah, Eri Saputra, and Muhammad Iqbal

Department of Architecture Malikussaleh University, Jalan Sultanah Nahrasiyah,
Lhokseumawe, Indonesia 24351


Abstract. This paper was a work in progress (WIP) to discover a rapid parametric framework
for post-disaster permanent shelter’s materials estimation. The intended shelters were
reinforced concrete construction with bricks as its wall. Inevitably, in post-disaster cases,
design variations were needed to help suited victims condition. It seemed impossible to satisfy
a beneficiary with a satisfactory design utilizing the conventional method. This study offered a
parametric framework to overcome slow construction-materials estimation issue against design
variations. Further, this work integrated parametric tool, which was Grasshopper to establish
algorithms that simultaneously model, visualize, calculate and write the calculated data to a
spreadsheet in a real-time. Some customized Grasshopper components were created using
GHPython scripting for a more optimized algorithm. The result from this study was a partial
framework that successfully performed modeling, visualization, calculation and writing the
calculated data simultaneously. It meant design alterations did not escalate time needed for
modeling, visualization, and material estimation. Further, the future development of the
parametric framework will be made open source.

1. Introduction
The development of the parametric method was found very limited in low-tech society, particularly, in
developing world and countries vulnerable to disaster. The minimum amount of literature found
discussing adoption and implementation of the parametric method in low-tech society was a reason for
the situation. Furthermore, The availability of infrastructure which supported the existence of digital
technology was considered a major challenge in an area susceptible to disaster. Some earlier examples
implemented digital technology combined with conventional one, in a low-tech environment, were
the case of Solomon Island‘s earthquake and tsunami back in 2007 by Emergency Architect Australia
shown in the work of Yeung and Harkins and Benros, Granadeiro, Duarte, & Knight in Haiti’s
earthquake for transitional relief shelters [1] [2]. Even though limited implementation discovered,
parametric method, at the same time, offered a wide array of potential as well as challenges for
exploration in a low-tech environment.
This research attempted to explore a rapid estimation framework for building materials using the
algorithm with a parametric method. Exploration of this study applied to every simple single story
reinforced concrete shelter, house or building with brick infills as its wall. This work invented a
system that corresponded to design revisions without compromising time due to recalculation for
building materials. The intended flexibility was required in a post-disaster reconstruction where time
and accuracy need to be fulfilled simultaneously. The reinforced concrete shelter with brick infill for

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The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

its wall, for Acehnese, was more than just a shelter, yet it was also a dignity to whom it belongs to.
For this reason, the researchers believed that the existence of this particular construction would be
available for a prolonged time. As a consequence, result from this research benefited every actor in
reinforced concrete construction for an extended amount of time.
As a response to the earlier mentioned situation, it was urgently required to invent an effective,
efficient and simultaneous framework. A simultaneous framework was required by a designer or an
architect to accurately inform and satisfy clients regarding the questions of the material required for
construction, even at a preliminary stage. These were another reasons for the immediate needs of this
research to be conducted.

2. Limitation
As has been noted previously, this research mainly based on observation toward permanent relief
shelters available in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia. At this stage, this study was still a work in
progress (WIP) which only intended to perform the calculation for the above-ground structure
elements, bricks wall and excluding roof part, doors and windows. Due to some technical problems,
rendering and molding materials were omitted at this stage. Furthermore, this study only performed
the calculation for building materials required and omitted fee for builders and workers.

3. Definition of Terminologies
The simple reinforced concrete construction determined within this research was a two ways grid
structure which used beams and columns made of reinforced concrete and its wall from bricks. A
beam was a rigid structure component which beared transversal forces into vertical element called
columns. Meanwhile, a column was a rigid component which took axial loads from the beam then
transferred it to foundation system of construction [3]. Furthermore, Ching and Adams defined beam
as a rigid bearing element which was designed to bear and transfer load into columns [4]. Within a
reinforced concrete construction, a beam positioned above foundation was called Sloof. The most top
beam was called Rengbalk. These terminologies were applicable in Indonesia wide construction
industry. Beams and columns that were intended made out of reinforced concrete material. Walls at
our case study was a brick wall which rendered/plastered both on its inside and outside.
In our algorithm, structural components were considered to be firstly erected followed by non-
structural components. Besides, the method of erecting brick walls at first hand followed by structural
columns was considered obsolete due to corrosive of the reinforced steel bars as a result of prolonged
exposure of structural steel bars to weathering [5]. Furthermore, the method failed to comply with
proper concrete covering for beams and columns as regulated. Therefore, it escalated the risk of
corrosive of steel bars. It weakened the structural system of construction [6].
On the other side, regarding the method, there were terminologies such as parametric and algorithm
that were utilized in this study. Parametric was defined as a method to solve design problems using
algorithms as its workflow [7]. Furthermore, Khabazi explained algorithm was compilation or group
of rules and instructions as a certain procedure to calculate, processes data and perform particular
works that were already defined [8]. Within this study, we used Grasshopper as an interface for
constructing algorithms. There were two objects needed to be understood within Grasshopper.
Firstly, a parameter, a Grasshopper object stored or enclosed information or data. Secondly, a
component, a Grasshopper object that executed commands or known as an operational object [9].

4. Trend in Literature
Sener and Torus utilized parametric technology, particularly Max Script under 3DSMAX platform, to
establish attractive post-disaster refugees camps using container [10]. The work focused on creating
the camps that were dynamically arranged for the unknown number of casualties. Another advantage
offered was the ability to randomly arrange a camp. Thus, it did not look monotonous as happened in
the most of the humanitarian cases. This feature was considered able to enhance the psychological

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

performance of its users. Moreover, advantage used containers that it was easily reused and removed
into a different location [10].
Implementation of parametric technology in a real humanitarian available in work Yeung and
Harkins at post-earthquake and tsunami relief in Solomon Island [1]. They developed a system that
facilitated input data from a spreadsheet which then connected to Grasshopper 3D interface. Data from
the spreadsheet as a requirement from the field then translated to produce a latrine design for a public
school. Furthermore, all cost estimation was integrated into the system which finally used off-site
laser cutting technology to produce building components. In this case, they used wood construction
for the building. Another special feature developed within their work was innovative working
drawing which was presented as a simple graphics. It was a simplification of each building
components which then used to the assembled building as simple as playing with a child's toy. This
was significant for transferring building information effectively to everyone in the field, particularly
for a humanitarian case.
Meanwhile, at Haiti earthquake back in 2010, Benros, Granadeiro, Duarte, & Knight utilized
parametric technology with C# on Revit platform to explore design possibilities based on
interpretation of local vernacular architecture [2]. The algorithm was able to generate design multiple
variants. This was significant to improve psychological quality due to the capability to suit particular
needs of post-disaster users. Also, the possibilities to integrate mass-customization techniques were
discussed for Haiti case [2].
Further, Goncalves produced shelter typology design from modular building components. The
most intriguing feature of study by Goncalves was the concept of Do It Yourself (DIY) [12]. DIY
ability was a crucial factor for reconstruction in post-disaster case. The feature was considered to
contribute to improvement in the physical and psychological situation of post-disaster users. The
feeling of belonging to the building also improved utilizing DIY concept.
The most current integration of parametric technology in the humanitarian case was shown in the
work of Daher, Kubicki, and Halin. At the research, exploration was directed to use parametric
potentials to help, direct and decision-making for a shelter and camp designs. At the study, they
produced a shelter and camp prototype out of parametric design system based on International Red
Cross requirements [11]. At work, the material calculation was not its focus.
From the discussions, there was focused on cost estimation shown in the work of Yeung and
Harkins in Solomon Island. At the research, cost estimation was only limited to wood construction.
For the reasons, the writer considered there was a need for immediate research for calculation of
construction materials specifically to reinforced concrete shelter, this was particularly due to its wide
availability at humanitarian aids, such as in 2004 Aceh post-earthquake and tsunami relieves.
Therefore, this research focused on material estimation for reinforced concrete construction. The
material estimation that was produced in the form that was widely understood by people from different

5. Methods
The method of calculation used an algorithm to perform the tasks. The intended algorithm was a
visual algorithm in Grasshopper interface. Grasshopper was plug-in works under Rhinoceros
platform. Advantage used the visual algorithm that it helped designer comprehending more easily
even without a prior programming background. The steps within this research, firstly, prepared a
design directly on Rhinoceros platform in the form of center lines. Secondly, organized and put
together algorithms on Grasshopper 3D interface. Thirdly, wrote of algorithms for modeling,
visualization and volume calculation on Grasshopper. Finally, organized algorithms for writing the
result of the calculation into a spreadsheet. We used plug-ins under Grasshopper called ykTools to
write the data into Microsoft Excel. Finally, authors used GHPython scripting to customize some
modeling, calculation and data organization components. Those components were intended to
simplify and optimize the algorithms.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

The algorithm was able to simultaneously visualize, calculate and write the result into spreadsheet
even as design changes, in a real-time. The changed could be room organizations, opening sizes, or
structural element sizes. Flexibility, high accuracy and effectiveness to correspond to design
alterations were the innovative way that helped to stimulate and to improve the culture in the practice
of cost or material estimation. Thus, it promoted a highly efficient working culture for optimum

6. Validation
Calculation for each building elements based on Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI), which was
Indonesian Standard, of reinforced concrete construction. Those SNIs were as followed:
 SNI 6897 2008, for wall works [13];
 SNI 7394 2008, for concrete and molding's works [14];
For the weight of steel bars per cubic meter will be calculated based on the following formula:
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑠 (𝐾𝑔) = 𝑉 𝑥 𝐵𝐽 … … … … … … … … … … … (1)
V: Volume of steel bars
BJ: Weight of steel (kg) per cubic meter (7850 Kg/m3)
The volume of a steel bar was the volume of the cylinder due the profile of steel bar used in the
construction was the rounded shape. Using the formula (1) above, the height of steel bars were the
accumulative length of some steel consisted of a structural component in a cubic meter. Meanwhile,
the radius was half of the size of the steel bar used. Next, the weight obtained was converted into
some steel bars by multiplying the total volume of a structural component such as columns. The result
then divided the weight of steel bar in length as available in the market. The steel bars were tabulated
for steel bar considering 12 meters length of each steel bar.
Next, the need for cement was converted into a unit of Zak with the assumption each Zak contained
40 kg of cement. So with brick that was tabulated into some brick. Sand and aggregate were in cubic
meters. Generally, within low-tech environment, when the need for materials were given based on
unit mentioned on SNI, most people failed to understand it, such as, the need for steel bars using
kilograms as it units within SNI, meanwhile, steel bars available in the market was steel with the
length of 12 or 10 meters each bar. This misunderstanding compromised toward the plotted budget.
All of this validated data and formula was written in GHPython scripting to perform an optimum

7. Result and Discussion

The Grasshopper algorithms were structured in five main parts to model, visualize, calculate, organize
data and write data into a spreadsheet. It needed one input of multiple curves, which were centerlines.
The rest were parameters to control shelter's elements size, position, and elevation. All off controlling
parameters were put at the most left side of algorithms for easier controlling of shelter modeling.
These controlling parameters were set to the standard of shelter construction; therefore, by default, it
did not need to change the input parameters of input centerline curves.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

Figure 1. The rapid estimation algorithms Figure 2. The framework flow

The algorithms took one curve input parameter from Rhinoceros, right clicked on the curve input
in Grasshopper then selected the intended centerlines within Rhinoceros. Next, the algorithms
performed simultaneous tasks of modeling to writing the estimation data into a spreadsheet. The
curve input parameter was able to handle multiple centerline curves. By limiting one input, it had
saved a significant amount of time for modeling, visualization and estimated the materials. To write
the estimation data to a spreadsheet, it needed Microsoft Excel opened. Through Boolean toggle
available within the algorithms, by double-clicking, the estimation data streamed automatically into
Microsoft Excel.
Figure 1 demonstrates which one curve input all of the building components were automatically
modeled based on reinforced concrete construction system after passing algorithms. For example,
columns were automatically modeled by the framework based on the 12m2 rule of the wall surface; it
needed reinforcement. The logic for columns creation, firstly, the component took input curves then
generated points for columns positioning. Furthermore, the algorithms evaluated the length of each
curve and multiplied it by the height of columns. The height of columns was achieved from slider
input of Grasshopper. If multiplication length of each curve with a height of columns was equal or
larger than 12m2, a new column was automatically added. Further, walls, bottom, and top beams were
modeled based on input curves with slider controlled of component sizes, which represent shelter
layout. Further, columns were used as trimming objects for walls and the beams, thus, it represented a
real model of a built shelter. Meanwhile, the opening holes were limited to four holes for windows
and holes for ventilation. If necessary, these windows and ventilation's holes could be easily added by
plug in a new Grasshopper slider parameter into the corresponding components. In this way,
flexibility aspect for adding and reducing openings was easily maintained. At this stage, with one
curve parameter input, the automation rules based on reinforced concrete construction method was
easily modeled to further used for estimation data.
Furthermore, the material calculation took the reference from the 3D model of the shelter
generated through algorithms. Every shelter's component was calculated its volume and pass it
through calculation components within algorithms. For example, to obtain some steel for beams, the
volume data of the beams were pass through customized steel bars estimation component. However,
for wall component, it needed to convert the volume into square meter since the calculation of wall
based on an area of a wall surface. All of the data was automatically updated even as design changed
in the number of time. Once the centerline passed through the algorithms everything become
simultaneous; the modeling, visualization, and estimation.

Figure 3. Estimation of action

The design alterations did not compromise time needed for shelter material estimation. This had
improved time efficiency, which in turn, it enhanced rapidity criterion as require in post-disaster
cases. As shown in figure 3, each shelter’s components were visually color coded for easy validation
of component being calculated. This important in two folds, firstly, it helped authors organizing
algorithms for proper calculation components. Secondly, it helped clients or users identifying

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

components calculated for them and gave an overall overview of shelter design in 3D view. In this
way, once users or beneficiaries objected to the design it could be altered in a real-time.
Also, the conversion of units as shown in figure 3 demonstrated of material information had
extended the understandable of calculated information for people with non-technical backgrounds.
This was important to assure precise information received by clients, which in post-disaster cases
usually involved a wide range of people from different backgrounds. This had potential to enhance
communication among people involved in a relief shelter. Based on the current result, this study had
proved one potential of parametric technology for low-tech or area susceptible to a disaster such as
Aceh. Within this method, it allowed architecture to explore for a more robust output of design
dynamically to suit clients’ needs, particularly in a post-disaster environment. Furthermore, it showed
that parametric approach had demonstrated that design alteration did not escalate time for modeling,
visualizing and calculating of preferred shelter design. This meant an improvement of rapidity
criterion for shelter relieves.
Furthermore, some of the rapid estimation WIP customized GHPython components were a wall,
beams, columns, all estimation components, and data organizer components. As explained earlier, the
idea behind these customized components was for efficiency and optimization of algorithms. Thus, it
reduced human error when constructing algorithms.

8. Future Development
All components that were produced within this study was made open source in its final release. In
the future, the framework offered within this study was developed to model and calculate a complete
construction of shelter including substructure, interior, opening, and roof. It was our vision to develop
this parametric framework to perform complete bill of quantity (BoQ) for reinforced concrete
construction. Also, authors envisioned altering this framework for a more complex building system,
such as multi-story construction. Furthermore, we envisioned integrating optimization tool using
Galapagos within our framework. The optimization benefited in two folds; firstly, it provided design
alternative automatically with budget constraint. Secondly, authors integrated environmental analysis
tool such as Ladybug and Honeybee for shelter generation and used Galapagos for optimization.
Therefore, shelter design left a minimal negative environmental footprint.

9. Conclusion
The current state of the parametric framework within this study was still underway for its perfection.
There was a partial part of construction estimated in the current state. However, a significant
potential had been revealed from this study for performing rapid estimation of relief shelters. Firstly,
the framework was able to shortcut modeling by limiting one input of curves parameter, to collect
centerlines, to perform 3D visual of shelter designs while simultaneously calculating and writing data
into a spreadsheet. Secondly, the framework provided the benefit of design alteration with no time
extension for modeling, visualizing and estimating of construction materials. Thirdly, calculated data
provided was understandable by a wide range of people. Lastly, color-coded visualization offered a
better understanding of a design to a client and helped validation of the calculated component easier.
Consequently, all of these contributed to a better and faster system of calculating culture of shelter
materials. Potentials available within the framework of this study, also, it possibly is implemented on
every reinforced concrete construction, of course, with the perfection of the framework. For example,
integrated this framework into government procurement system of reinforced concrete building
projects. For another type of construction, there were lessons learned as shown earlier in this study or
conducted further research implementing parametric framework into current or future procurement
system of government projects.

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The 7th AIC-ICMR on Sciences and Engineering 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 352 (2018) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/352/1/012061

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