Beetroot Carrot Apple Juice
Beetroot Carrot Apple Juice
Beetroot Carrot Apple Juice
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
he consumption of beetroot juice may lower blood pressure (BP) and
therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. The aim of this study
was to produce of beetroot juice blends with carrot and apple juice as
healthy beverage and new product as a reduction in BP. Juices from
beetroot (Beta vulgaris), carrot (Drocus carota), and apple (Mallus Pumilla
Fam.) were optimized to a blended beverage which was pasteurized (90°C for
25 sec) and stored for 21 days in glass bottles at refrigerated temperature.
Physic-chemical and sensory analysis was evaluated. Marginal changes in pH,
total soluble solids, acidity, vitamin C and total carotenoids were observed. The
highest content of total carotenoids in the beetroot, carrot, and apple juice
blends of 50:20:30 (V/V/V) (T4) was found (55.03mgL-1) to be increased with
increasing the proportion of carrot juice. Estimation of vitamin C content of the
same sample at 21 day (30.40mg/100ml) showed high improvement in
nutritional value of beetroot juice incorporated with carrot and apple juice. The
mean nitrate and nitrite levels in the juices ranged from 0.005 to 0.002mg/L and
0.092 to 0.005 mg/L. during storage period; respectively. The mean overall
acceptability scores of more than 8 for juice samples up to 30% apple juice
incorporation indicated the commercial scope for manufacturing good and
nutritious beetroot juice blended with carrot and apple juice, which will also be
helpful in providing dietary requirement of beta carotene to the consumer. Heat
pasteurization was effective for inactivating the microbial flora. However, the
shelf life of juice was established within 21 days. The product is recommended
for children, youth and elderly persons to be used within 21 days.
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)100
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)101
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)102
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)103
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)104
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)105
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
the method described Yuan & odor, mouth feel and overall
Chen (1999). acceptability. There is no
Potassium (K), calcium significant difference between
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium all samples except T4 sample; it
(Na), phosphorus (P) nitrate has the highest degrees in taste,
(NO3) and nitrite (NO2) levels odor, mouth feel and overall
were determined by atomic acceptability due to panel testers'
absorption according to Chukul perfection. The best results were
& Chinka (2014). All results obtained for the beetroot, carrot,
were expressed in mg l–1 juice. and apple juice blends of
All the analysis was 50:20:30 (V/V/V) proportion
determined of three replicates with 14 brix TSS.
after processing and during
storage for 21days, one-week Physical and chemical Analysis
interval. Total Soluble Solids:
Statistical analysis: The Total sugar (Brix°) is the
Analyzed by one-way sugar content of an aqueous
analysis of variance (ANOVA) solution. One-degree brix is 1 g
and analysis were carried using of sucrose in 100 g of solution
Microsoft Excel data analysis and represents the strength of the
Jumde et al., (2015). solution as percentage by weight
(Robbert et al., 1991). The TSS
RESULTS & DISCUSSION increased with gradual passage
Sensory Evaluation of storage time, which might be
The sensory evaluation due to hydrolysis of
of the blends prepared from polysaccharides into
beetroot juice, carrot juice and monosaccharide and
apple juice are shown in oligosaccharides. The minimum
following Figure 1 that show increase (14 Brix° to 15 Brix°)
the mean sensory score and the in TSS was recorded inT0 and T4
significant difference among treatment, (Table 2). Similar
quality attributes of the blended results were also reported by
juice. The evaluations were done Ankush Jumde et al. (2015) in
on all the data for color, taste, juice blends and Jan and Masih
(2012) found an increasing trend
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)106
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)107
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)108
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)109
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)110
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)111
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)113
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)114
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)115
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)116
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
6 T0
5 T1
4 T2
3 T3
2 T4
Color odor Taste mouth feel Overall
Figure 1: The sensory analyses of blended beetroot juice, carrot and apple
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)121
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)122
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Table 6 changes in total sugar (%) and reducing sugars (%) content during storage day
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)124
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
70 Pyrogallo
40 Caffeic
10 Dihydroxy
benzoic acid
0 Catechin
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 syringic acid
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)125
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
150 Mg
100 Fe
50 Zn
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 K2
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Fig.3 . Mineral Compositions of the the beetroot, carrot and apple juice
NO3 and NO2 mg L-1
0.06 NO3
0.04 NO2
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Storage time (Days)
Fig.4 . NO2 and NO3 content of the beetroot, carrot and apple
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)126
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
Exogenous pathway
Nitrite Salivary Recycling
Dietary Nitrate Mouth 3 Nitric Oxide or
I Tissue-Specific
Dietary Nitrite Nitrite 3 Nitric Oxide D oxidation to Nitrite
T NO2, NOx
Systemic circulation Nitrite, Nitrate
Urine, Body fluids
L-arginine + O2 Nitric Oxide synthase Nitric Oxide
FIGURE (5) A schematic diagram of the physiologic disposition of nitrate, nitrite, and nitric oxide from exogenous (dietary) and
endogenous sources. The actions of bacterial nitrate reductases on the tongue and mammalian enzymes that have nitrate reductase activity
in tissues are noted by the number 1. Bacterial nitrate reductases are noted by the number 2. Mammalian enzymes with nitrite reductase
activity are noted by the number 3.
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman
الملخص العربى
استهالك عصير الشمندر قد يخفض ضغط الدم وبالتالي يقلل من امراض القلب واالوعيه
الدمويه .الهدف من هذه الدراسة انتاج عصير من الشمندر المخلوط بعصير الجزر والتفاح كمشروب
صحي ومنتج جديد له تأثير مخفض للضغط .تم عمل مخاليط من عصير الشمندر والجزر والتفاح
بالدرجه المثلى وتم تخزينها على درجة حرارة الثالجه في زجاجات زجاجيه لمدة 21يوم وذلك بعد
البسترة على درجة حرارة ° 90م 25/ث .وقد تم عمل تحاليل كيميائيه وطبيعيه وحسيه وقد وجد
تغييرات غير محسوسه في pHوالحموضه والجوامد الكليه وفيتامين Cوالكاروتينات الكليه وكان
اعلى محتوى من الكاروتينات في عينة ) (T4والتي تتمثل في مخلوط الشمندر ،الجزر ،والتفاح بنسب
( 30 :20:50ح/ح/ح) 55.03ملجم لكل لتر وهذه الزياده ترجع لوجود الجزر .وكان اعلى محتوى
لفيتامين Cلنفس العينه بعد 21يوم 30.40ملجم لكل 100مل وهذا يعمل على تحسين القيمه الغذائيه
للعصير .متوسط مستوى النترات والنيتريت يتراوح ما بين 0.002الي 0.005ملجم لكل لتر و
0.005الي 0.092ملجم لكل لتر على التوالي خالل فترة التخزين .كانت درجات القبول الكليه في
التقييم الحسي للعينه T4اعلى من 8وذلك لوجود عصير التفاح بنسبة %30وهذا يدل على ان اضافة
التفاح كان جيدا على النطاق التجاري وايضا من الناحيه التغذويه كذلك اضافة عصير الجزر لعصير
الشمندر كان مهما لتوفير المتطلبات الغذائيه من البيتاكاروتين للمستهلك .كانت بسترة العصير لها تأثير
فعال اليقاف نشاط الميكروبات باالضافه الطالة فترة الصالحيه لمدة 21يوم .نوصي بتناول هذا المنتج
لالطفال و الشباب وكبار السن خالل ال 21يوم.
الكلمات المفتاحية :عصير الشمندر والجزر والتفاح – المشروب الصحي – النترات – ضغط الدم
Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)128