Beetroot Carrot Apple Juice

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage

Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with

Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-
Special Food and Nutrition Dept., Food Technology Research Institute, Agric. Res.
Center, Giza, Egypt

he consumption of beetroot juice may lower blood pressure (BP) and
therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. The aim of this study
was to produce of beetroot juice blends with carrot and apple juice as
healthy beverage and new product as a reduction in BP. Juices from
beetroot (Beta vulgaris), carrot (Drocus carota), and apple (Mallus Pumilla
Fam.) were optimized to a blended beverage which was pasteurized (90°C for
25 sec) and stored for 21 days in glass bottles at refrigerated temperature.
Physic-chemical and sensory analysis was evaluated. Marginal changes in pH,
total soluble solids, acidity, vitamin C and total carotenoids were observed. The
highest content of total carotenoids in the beetroot, carrot, and apple juice
blends of 50:20:30 (V/V/V) (T4) was found (55.03mgL-1) to be increased with
increasing the proportion of carrot juice. Estimation of vitamin C content of the
same sample at 21 day (30.40mg/100ml) showed high improvement in
nutritional value of beetroot juice incorporated with carrot and apple juice. The
mean nitrate and nitrite levels in the juices ranged from 0.005 to 0.002mg/L and
0.092 to 0.005 mg/L. during storage period; respectively. The mean overall
acceptability scores of more than 8 for juice samples up to 30% apple juice
incorporation indicated the commercial scope for manufacturing good and
nutritious beetroot juice blended with carrot and apple juice, which will also be
helpful in providing dietary requirement of beta carotene to the consumer. Heat
pasteurization was effective for inactivating the microbial flora. However, the
shelf life of juice was established within 21 days. The product is recommended
for children, youth and elderly persons to be used within 21 days.

Keywords: Beetroot, Carrot, Apple, Juice, Healthy beverage, Nitrate, Nitrite,

Blood pressure (BP).

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

INTRODUCTION reported that after consumption

of beetroot juice on a low nitrate
Fruits and vegetables are diet, it may lowerblood pressure
critical to good health, and and therefore reduce the risk of
certainly good for all age cardiovascular event. Dietary
categories as it forms an nitrate supplementation has also
important portion of a healthy been reported to reduce the
diet. oxygen cost of low intensity
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is exercise in humans (Bailey et
botanically classified as an al., 2009).
herbaceous biennial from
Chenopodiaceae family and has Reports have indicated that
several varieties with bulb colors beetroot juice has immersed
ranging from yellow to red. nutritional, medicinal and health
Deep red-colored beet roots are benefits; besides its rich supply
the most popular for human of vitamins and minerals such as
consumption, both cooked and phosphorus, calcium,
raw as salad or juice. Beetroot is magnesium, Sulphur; it is also
one of the richest dietary sources an excellent source of foliate,
of antioxidants and naturally manganese, iron and many
occurring nitrates (Maheswari antioxidants (Kanika, 2012).
et al., 2013). The nitrates in The antioxidant property helps
beetroot improve blood flow to prevent the formation of
through the body including the cancerous tumors and is
brain, heart and muscles. It therefore a powerful cancer-
increases a molecule in the fighting agent. Its effectiveness
blood vessels called nitric oxide against colon and stomach
which helps open up the vessels cancer has been established
and allows more oxygen flow; it through various studies
also lowers blood pressure and (Stephen, 2014). A case study
decreases the incidence of of a patient who drank a quart of
cardiovascular disease (Kenjale beetroot juice each day was
& Ham2011). A number of reported to have effectively
studies have reported beetroot as broken down and eliminated the
a dietary inorganic nitrate with a cancerous tumors (Stephen,
potential for reducing blood 2014). Vanhatolo et al., (2010)
pressure in humans [Webb et also reported that people who
al., (2008) Bailey et al., (2009) drank two cups of beetroot juice
and Vanhatolo et al., (2010)]. had lower blood pressure within
Coles & Clifton (2012) also about 60 min of drinking the

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

juice, with a peak drop occurring betalains, mainly comprise of

3 – 4h after ingestion. The red–violet-colored betacyanins
reduction in blood pressure (betanin,isobetanin, probetanin
continued to be observed until and neobetanin) and yellow–
up to 24h after the juice was orange-colored betaxanthyns
consumed. The conclusion made (Kaur & Kapoor 2002).
was that one of the biggest
benefits of beetroot juice is that Carrot (Daucuscarota) is
it provides another way to a worldwide root vegetable that
combat high blood pressure is highly nutritional, and an
without using medication important source of β-carotene
(Vanhatolo et al., 2010). Bobek besides its appreciable amount
et al., (2000) had also observed of vitamins and minerals often
its ability to lower LDL used for juice production
cholesterol levels and raise HDL (Demir et al., 2004). In recent
cholesterol levels in the body. years, a steady increase of carrot
There is growing interest in the juice consumption has been
use of natural food colors, reported in many countries
because synthetic dyes are (Schieber et al., 2002).
becoming more and more Epidemiological studies provide
critically assessed by the growing evidence that
consumer. But in food carotenoids and other
processing, as compared with antioxidants may protect humans
anthocyanins and carotenoids, against certain types of cancer
betalains are less commonly (Steinmetz &Potter, 1996), and
used, although these water- cardiovascular diseases
soluble pigments are stable (Gaziano, et al., 1992). The role
between pH 3 and 7. To improve carotenoids play in protecting
the red color of tomato pastes, plants and animals from excess
sauces, soups, desserts, jams, sunlight has also been recently
jellies, ice creams, sweets and observed in humans (Biesalski,
breakfast cereals, fresh beet/beet et al., 1996). Therefore, a
powder or extracted pigments minimum of five servings a day
are used (Koul et al. 2002 and of vegetables and fruits,
Roy et al. 2004). It also especially green and yellow
contributes to consumers’ health vegetables and citrus fruits, is
and wellbeing because it is recommended (National
known to have antioxidants Research Council [NRC],
because of the presence of 1989). According to Britton
nitrogen pigments called (1995), healthy adults who are

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

not exposed to any particular 2005); however, such an effect

oxidative stress should consume was only found for cloudy apple
2- 4mg β -carotene daily. juice.
Most apple juice is still
Apples (Mallus Pumilla consumed as clear juice, which
Fam. Rosaceae), are some of the is characterised by having a low
most important fruit grown in phenolics content (Markowski
the region of suceava. Apple & Płocharski, 2005) due to the
fruits are directly consumed in clarification process which leads
the form of fresh juice which can to dramatic changes in the
also use in soft drinks for jellies profile of phenolic compounds
and jam, for flavoring paste, compared to whole fruit
dried fruit, etc. (Leahu, et al., (Hubert et al., 2007). Clear
2013). Apples are one of the juice is also deprived of pectins.
main dietary sources of As a form of soluble fibre, pectic
antioxidants, phenolic substances may play an
compounds such as flavonoids. important role in the prevention
Flavonoids reduce the risk of of obesity, arteriosclerosis
cardiovascular diseases by (Galisteo et al., 2008), and
increasing the release of diabetes (Giacco et al., 2002).
endothelial nitric oxide NO and Current research has shown
inducing vasodilation (Nicholas some advantages of consuming
et al, 2010). Several studies have cloudy apple juice compared to
specifically linked apple clear juice (Markowski et al.,
consumption with a reduced risk 2007; Oszmiański et al., 2007),
for cancer, especially lung indicating that this product may
cancer, asthma and diabetes be more beneficial to human
(Feskanich et al., 2000). health than clear apple juice.
Among the most important Juice blending is one of
constituents of apple juice are the best methods to improve
polyphenols that have the ability aroma, taste and the nutritional
to increase its anti-oxidant quality of the juice. It can
potential. Polyphenols also improve the vitamin and mineral
affect lipid methabolism content depending on the kind
(Akazone, 2004) and the and quality of fruits and
absorption of cholesterol vegetables used (De Carvalho et
(Aprikian et al., 2001). Some al., 2007). Apart from nutritional
authors have suggested that quality improvement, blended
apple juice can reduce some juice can be improved in its
forms of cancer (Barth et al., effects among the variables, thus

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

it cannot depict the net effects of by a hydraulic press (Hafico,

various parameters on the Germany). Juice was filtered and
reaction rate. Moreover, one then concentrated to 64º Brix by
could think of a new product
a rotary - low pressure
development through blending
in the form of a natural health evaporator (BUCHI Rotavapor
drink, which may also be served R-114 model, Fawil,
as an appetizer. So far, no more Switzerland) at 60°C. Then the
work has been carried out on beetroot was cleaned with tap
mixed fruit juice and spiced water, peeled and then beetroot
beverage. The aim of this juice was extracted using juice
research is therefore to develop
blender. After that the juice of
the various blends of beetroot
juice with carrot and apple juices beetroot, carrot, and apple juices
and determine their chemical should be blended in different
characteristics. ratios of 100:0:0, 80:10:10,
70:10:20, 60:10:30 and 50:20:30
MATERIALS &METHODS respectively, shown as Table
The fully matured, (1). Then sugar (11%) and citric
freshly harvested beetroot, carrot acid (0.1%) were added to juice
and apple were obtained from properly and then mixture was
the local market and washed filtered through muslin cloth.
thoroughly with clean water to Three batches of juice mixture
remove any adhering substances. were prepared. The product was
The juices were extracted from filled in glass bottles (400 ml
fruits immediately after capacity) which was sterilized at
purchasing. 110°C for 10 minutes, then
sealed. After that bottles were
Juice Preparation: pasteurized at 90°C for 25sec
Carrot roots were cooled and stored at refrigerated
prepared according to the temperature 5 ± 1°C for 21 days.
method described by (Jan &
Masih 2012). Carrots and Sensory Evaluation
Apples were trimmed, then The beetroot, carrot and
washed with tap water, after apple juice blends after
grounding, the roots were preparation was subjected to
pressed on a rack and cloth press sensory evaluation using a

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

twenty-member panelist. The calibrated with pH 4 and pH 7

organoleptic qualities evaluated buffer solutions. Total acidity
were: Taste, odor, color, mouth was measured by titration with
feel and overall acceptability. 0.1 N NaOH solutions and
The juice samples were served calculated as g citric acid /100
in clear glasses to individual ml juice. Ascorbic acid was
panelist. The order of determined by visual titration,
presentation of samples to the using 2, 6-dichlorophenol
panel was randomized, potable indophenol method and
water was provided to rinse the expressed as mg/100ml juice.
mouth between evaluations to Total and reducing sugars were
avoid transfer of sensory determined according to
attributes from one sample to the Ranganna (1999). Apparent
other. Each sensory attribute was viscosity of juice samples was
scored on a 9 – point Hedonic measured directly using
Scale which ranged from 9 – 1 Brookfield Digital Rheometer,
(liked extremely and disliked Model DVIII Ultra (SC4-21
extremely), respectively spindle). The viscometer was
according to the method of Iwe operated at 10 rpm. The sample
(2010). was placed in a small sample
adapter and a constant
Physical and chemical analyses temperature water bath was used
Total soluble solids to maintain the desired
(TSS), pH, total acidity and temperature (25˚C± 1).
ascorbic acid content were Total Carotenoids were
determined as quality indexes. determined
General parameters were spectrophotometrically (UV-
measured following the official Spectrophotometer, Spectronic®
methods AOAC (2005): TSS Genesys™ 2 Instruments, made
content was measured using in USA) as the method of
Abbe refractometer (Japan) at 20 Ranganna (1999).
ºC with value being expressed as Phenolic compounds of
Brix. pH was determined at 20ºC samples of beetroot, carrot and
using a digital pH meter (WTW apple juices were determined by
Inolab pH-L1, Germany)

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

the method described Yuan & odor, mouth feel and overall
Chen (1999). acceptability. There is no
Potassium (K), calcium significant difference between
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium all samples except T4 sample; it
(Na), phosphorus (P) nitrate has the highest degrees in taste,
(NO3) and nitrite (NO2) levels odor, mouth feel and overall
were determined by atomic acceptability due to panel testers'
absorption according to Chukul perfection. The best results were
& Chinka (2014). All results obtained for the beetroot, carrot,
were expressed in mg l–1 juice. and apple juice blends of
All the analysis was 50:20:30 (V/V/V) proportion
determined of three replicates with 14 brix TSS.
after processing and during
storage for 21days, one-week Physical and chemical Analysis
interval. Total Soluble Solids:
Statistical analysis: The Total sugar (Brix°) is the
Analyzed by one-way sugar content of an aqueous
analysis of variance (ANOVA) solution. One-degree brix is 1 g
and analysis were carried using of sucrose in 100 g of solution
Microsoft Excel data analysis and represents the strength of the
Jumde et al., (2015). solution as percentage by weight
(Robbert et al., 1991). The TSS
RESULTS & DISCUSSION increased with gradual passage
Sensory Evaluation of storage time, which might be
The sensory evaluation due to hydrolysis of
of the blends prepared from polysaccharides into
beetroot juice, carrot juice and monosaccharide and
apple juice are shown in oligosaccharides. The minimum
following Figure 1 that show increase (14 Brix° to 15 Brix°)
the mean sensory score and the in TSS was recorded inT0 and T4
significant difference among treatment, (Table 2). Similar
quality attributes of the blended results were also reported by
juice. The evaluations were done Ankush Jumde et al. (2015) in
on all the data for color, taste, juice blends and Jan and Masih
(2012) found an increasing trend

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

in total soluble solids during of fruit juices (Sanchez-Moreno

storage at ambient and low et al., 2006). It was observed
temperature in lime ‐ aonla and that the maximum pH (4.32) was
mango‐pineapple spiced RTS recorded in the sample T0. Most
(Ready-to-Serve) beverages. beverages or juice has their pH
ranges between 3.4 and 4.32
Titratable Acidity (Pearson, 1995).
The total titratable
acidity measures the ionic Ascorbic acid
strength of a solution; this The vitamin C values
determines the rate of chemical obtained for beetroot, carrot and
reaction. The addition of apple juice blends T0, T1, T2,
beetroot juice to carrot and apple T3 and T4 were 37.51, 30.51,
juice reduced the titratable 34.33, 36.21 and 39.80
acidity while pH value mg/100ml of juice respectively
increased. Acidity values for all (Table 5). No significant
the samples was not significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) was
(p>0.05) changed by storage as observed between values of
shown in Table (3). ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
content for all juice samples
pH until 14th day, and significantly
pH is one of the main decreased in all samples at 21th,
quality characteristics that which was probably due to the
describe the stability of bioactive fact that ascorbic acid being
compounds in fruit juice sensitive to oxygen, light and
(Sanchez‐Moreno et al., 2006). heat was easily oxidized in
From the Table 4 it is cleared presence of oxygen by both
that pH of all samples was not enzymatic and non‐enzymatic
significant (p>0.05) affected by catalyst (Mapson, 1970).
storage. It proved that the However, maximum ascorbic
samples maintained good quality acid (30.40mg/100 ml juice) was
during storage since pH is one of recorded for beetroot juice
the main quality characteristics blended with carrot and apple
that describe the stability of juice in ratio 50:20:30(v/v/v) at
bioactive compounds and quality 21st day.

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Total sugar and reducing sugar juice blends. The viscosity of

Total sugar content of juice has no significant
juice did not show significant difference (p<0.05) during
difference (P>0.05) during storage up to 14 days, however
storage for 21 days. The there was significant decreased
reducing sugars content in the after 21st day as shown in Table
juice increased apparently at the 8 the data obtained agreed with
end of storage, which might be Markowski et al (2009). In the
due to hydrolysis of viscosity, correlation is expected
polysaccharides in to between the sugar content, total
monosaccharide and solid and the viscosity of the
oligosaccharides. The minimum juice since a fluid with more
increase (6.48 to 8.83%) in sugar is thicker and has a higher
reducing sugar content was viscosity (Greenwood et al.,
recorded in T4 treatment, these 2006)
results agreement with
(Bhardwaj & Mukherjee 2010) Total Carotenoids
as show in Table 6. Dhaliwal Total Carotenoids of the
and Hira (2004) reported that juices didn’t have any significant
pasteurization and storage of difference during storage with
carrot-spinach and carrot- the advancement of storage
pineapple blended juice for 6 period, which was probably due
months showed minor variations to the samples were stored at
of pH values, total acidity, total refrigerated temperature 5 ± 1°C
solids and total sugars. for 21 days., the results of Table
8 were agreement with Soni et al
Viscosity (2014).
The viscosity of the
beetroot, carrot and apple juice Phenolic compounds:
blends T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4 Phenolic compounds are
were 140, 380, 720, 650 and 780 widely distributed in plants; they
(cP), respectively as shown in have been shown as the main
Table 7. The reliability of carrot contributors to the antioxidant
and apple expressed in viscosity activity of most of foods and
is essential part for the quality of beverages (Balasundram et al.,

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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

2006). These compounds The decrease in polyphenols

possess numerous biological could mainly be resulted from
properties such as antioxidant oxidation of these compounds
and free radical scavenging and polymerization with proteins
activities which can prevent (Liu et al., 2014). Also, Fairouz
cancers, cardiovascular diseases, Saci, et al., (2015) found a
inflammation, Alzheimer’s decrease in total phenolic in
disease, diabetes and other carrot and mango juices after 90
oxidative stress-induced diseases days storage at 25°C and 35°C,
(Klimczak et al., 2007 and by 36.05%, 42.61% and 28%,
Rodriguez-Roque et al., 2015). 41.64%, respectively.
The results of phenolic
compounds identification are Minerals
shown in Fig (2) show twelve Nutritionally, mineral
mainly peaks of phenolic elements are of great importance
compounds which were to the body. Some like calcium,
determined quantitatively. The phosphors, and magnesium, are
peaks were assigned to important constituents of bones
pyrogallol, chlorogenic. epi- and teeth. As soluble salts,
catechein, oleuropein, caffeic, mineral elements like sodium,
ferulic vanillic, protocatchuoic potassium, magnesium and
dihydroxy benzoic acid, phosphorus help to control the
catechin, salycilic acid and gallic composition of body fluid and
acid. cells (Chukul & Chinka, 2014).
It could be seen from the results The elements Ca, Mg, K,
that pyrogallol showed the Fe, Zn, NO3 and NO2 were
highest amounts (69.51 to 42.86) quantified for each juice sample.
mgL-1 for T0 at zero time and T4 The measured contents for each
at 21st day, respectively. It could element are summarized
be noticed that chlorogenic together with the averaged
increased in T2, T3, and T4 due contents in Figs. (3 and 4).
to presence apple juice in these Potassium was the most
samples. abundant with, on average,
All phenolic compounds 228.4 to 121.1 mg per L,
decreased during the storage. respectively. Manganese, iron

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)109
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

and calcium were medium industries not only for its

abundant with 33.08, 16.05 and nutritional value, but for it’s in
16.02 mg per L, whereas the any functional quality as
antioxidant inhibitor of N-
contents of zinc was below 6 mg
nitrosamine formation through
per L of juice (Fig. 3). Beetroots reduction of nitrate to nitrogen
are a rich in calcium, oxide will not be able to react
magnesium, phosphorus, with amines to form
potassium, and sodium. Also, nitrosamines. Okafor and
smaller amounts of iron, zinc, Nwogbo (2005)
copper, manganese, and
selenium (Kumar 2015). The presence of nitrates
The results from this study and nitrites in food is associated
show that all the fruit juices with an increased risk of
analyzed contained detectable gastrointestinal cancer and, in
amount of nitrate and nitrite infants, methemoglobinemia.
(Fig. 4). The mean nitrate and Despite the physiologic roles for
nitrite levels in the juices ranged nitrate and nitrite in vascular and
from 0.005 to 0.002mg/L and
immune function, consideration
0.092 to 0.005 mg/L. during
storage period; respectively. The of food sources of nitrates and
concentration of nitrate in the nitrites as healthful dietary
samples fall below that’s components has received little
acceptable daily intake (ADI) attention (Hord et al., 2009).
which is set at 5mg/kg body
weight (WHO, 1978). However,
the risk to human with respect to CONCLUSION
methaemoglbinaemia and ` Beetroot is one of the
conversion of nitrate to nitrite in richest dietary sources of
oral cavity and stomach leading antioxidants and naturally
to the possible formation of occurring nitrates. The nitrates in
nitrosamines cannot be ignored. beetroot improve blood flow
The level of ascorbic acid through the body including the
determined in juices was shown brain, heart and muscles. It
in Table (5). Ascorbic acid increases a molecule in the blood
addition is common in vessels called nitric oxide which
manufacture of beverages, helps open up the vessels and
especially fruit juices. Ascorbic allows more oxygen flow; it also
acid is used extensively in food lowers blood pressure and

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)110
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

decreases the incidence of Ankush D; Jumde RN Shukl A

cardiovascular disease. As and Gousoddi N (2015):
beetroot juice is very potent, do Development and
not consume too much, especially
Chemical Analysis of
if your body is not yet accustomed
to it. For a beginner, start with the Watermelon blends with
juice of half a medium-sized Beetroot Juice during
beetroot once a week, slowly Storage International
increasing to one whole beetroot a Journal of Science,
week. we suggest to mix it with
Engineering and
other juices. The present study
showed that blending of apple and Technology ,3:960-964.
carrot juices to beetroot juice
could enhance their nutritional Apriklan O; Levrat-Verny
quality and development of new MA; Besson C;
products. It was concluded that
Busserolles J; Remesy
the best sensory evaluation score
and good acceptance during storage C and Demigne C
results were obtained for the (2001):
beetroot, carrot, and apple juice Apple favorably affects
blends of 50:20:30 (V/V/V). parameters of cholesterol
metabolism and of anti-
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
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Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Table (1) Prepare juice blends as following blending ratios Juice Blending Treatment
ratios symbol
1 Beetroot: Carrot: Apple 100:0:0 T0
2 Beetroot: Carrot: Apple 80:10:10 T1
3 Beetroot: Carrot: Apple 70:10: 20 T2
4 Beetroot: Carrot: Apple 60:10:30 T3
5 Beetroot: Carrot: Apple 50:20:30 T4

6 T0
5 T1
4 T2
3 T3
2 T4
Color odor Taste mouth feel Overall
Figure 1: The sensory analyses of blended beetroot juice, carrot and apple

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)120
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Table(2) Total soluble solids

Treatments 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day

T0 14 14 14.5 15
T1 13 14 14 14
T2 12 12 13.5 14.5
T3 13.5 15 15 15.5
T4 14 14 14 15

Table (3) Changes in titratable acidity (g/100ml) during storage day

Treatments 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day

T0 0. 10 a 0. 11 a 0.12 a 0.12 a

T1 0.11 a 0.12 a 0.12 a 0.13 a

T2 0.14 a 0.14 a 0.14 a 0.14 a

T3 0.22 a 0.22 a 0.23 a 0.23 a

T4 0.23 a 0.23 a 0.24 a 0.24 a

Means with different superscripts along the same row are significantly different at
5% (P < 0.05) level of probability

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)121
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Table 4 Changes in pH during storage day

Treatments 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st

T0 4.32a 4.30 a 4.30 a 4.30 a
T1 3.49 a 3.48 a 3.48 a 3.47 a
T2 3.95 a 3. 94 a 3.93 a 3. 93 a
T3 3.43 a 3.43 a 3.43 a 3.42 a
T4 3.38 a 3.37 a 3.37 a 3.36 a
Means with different superscripts along the same row are significantly different at
5% (P < 0.05) level of probability

Table 5 Changes in ascorbic acid (mg/100ml) content during storage day

Treatments 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day

T0 37.51 a 36.90 a 35.93 a 29.59b
T1 30.51 a 29.85 a 28.98 a 25.94b
T2 34.33 a 33.38 a 30.43 a 27.52b
T3 36.21 a 35.52 a 35.20 a 29.19b
T4 39.80 a 37.95 a 36.20 30.40b
Means with different superscripts along the same row are significantly different at
5% (P < 0.05) level of probability

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)122
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Table 6 changes in total sugar (%) and reducing sugars (%) content during storage day

Treatments %Total sugar %Reducing sugars

0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day
a a a a ab b b
T0 8.13 8.44 8.43 9.08 5.66 6.21 6.81 9.36
a a a a b b b a
T1 7.88 8.21 8.58 8.67 4.94 5.81 6.12 7.02
a a a a b b b a
T2 8.98 9.01 9.09 9.10 5.86 6. 04 6.90 9.10
a a a a b b b a
T3 10.25 10.34 10.51 10.95 6.95 7.25 7.76 10.47
a a a a b b b a
T4 9.19 10.70 10.83 10.99 6.48 6.70 7.91 8.83
Means with different superscripts along the same row are significantly different at 5% (P < 0.05) level of

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)122
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Table 7 changes in apparent viscosity (cp) content during storage day

Treatments 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day

T0 140 a 140 a 130 a 110 b
T1 380 a 370 a 360 a 330 b
T2 720 a 710 a 700 a 670 b
T3 650 a 640 a 630 a 600 b
T4 780 a 760 a 750 a 710 b
Means with different superscripts along the same row are significantly different at
5% (P < 0.05) level of probability

Table 8 changes in total carotenoids (mg/l) content during storage day

Treatments 0 days 7th day 14th day 21st day

T0 18.33 a 18.23 a 17.78 a 17.02 a
T1 26.25 a 26.50 a 25.65 a 25.22 a
T2 37.14 a 37.18 a 37.19 a 37.23 a
T3 40.85 a 40.94 a 39.60 a 39.88 a
T4 55.03 a 53.35 a 53.85 a 52.25 a
Means with different superscripts along the same row are significantly different at
5% (P < 0.05) level of probability

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)124
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

70 Pyrogallo


40 Caffeic



10 Dihydroxy
benzoic acid

0 Catechin
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 syringic acid

Fig.2 . Phenolic compounds content of beetroot, carrot

Galic acid
and apple juice blends during storage

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)125
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman



150 Mg

100 Fe

50 Zn

0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 K2
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4

Fig.3 . Mineral Compositions of the the beetroot, carrot and apple juice

NO3 and NO2 mg L-1


0.06 NO3

0.04 NO2


0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Storage time (Days)
Fig.4 . NO2 and NO3 content of the beetroot, carrot and apple

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)126
Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage
Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman

Exogenous pathway
Nitrite Salivary Recycling
Dietary Nitrate Mouth 3 Nitric Oxide or
I Tissue-Specific
Dietary Nitrite Nitrite 3 Nitric Oxide D oxidation to Nitrite
T NO2, NOx
Systemic circulation Nitrite, Nitrate
Urine, Body fluids
L-arginine + O2 Nitric Oxide synthase Nitric Oxide

FIGURE (5) A schematic diagram of the physiologic disposition of nitrate, nitrite, and nitric oxide from exogenous (dietary) and
endogenous sources. The actions of bacterial nitrate reductases on the tongue and mammalian enzymes that have nitrate reductase activity
in tissues are noted by the number 1. Bacterial nitrate reductases are noted by the number 2. Mammalian enzymes with nitrite reductase
activity are noted by the number 3.

Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016 (48)128
‫‪Evaluation of Beetroot Juice Blends with Carrot and Apple Juice as Healthy Beverage‬‬
‫‪Abeer M.N.H. El-Dakak; Mona E. Youssef and Hanaa S.M. Abd El-Rahman‬‬

‫تقييم عصيرالشمندر المخلوط بعصير الجزر والتفاح‬

‫كمشروب صحي‬
‫عبيرمحمد ناصرهارون الدقاق ‪ -‬منى السيد يوسف ‪ -‬هناء سيد محمد عبد الرحمن‬
‫قسم االغذيه الخاصه والتغذيه ‪ -‬معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا االغذيه ‪ -‬مركز البحوث الزراعيه‬

‫الملخص العربى‬
‫استهالك عصير الشمندر قد يخفض ضغط الدم وبالتالي يقلل من امراض القلب واالوعيه‬
‫الدمويه‪ .‬الهدف من هذه الدراسة انتاج عصير من الشمندر المخلوط بعصير الجزر والتفاح كمشروب‬
‫صحي ومنتج جديد له تأثير مخفض للضغط‪ .‬تم عمل مخاليط من عصير الشمندر والجزر والتفاح‬
‫بالدرجه المثلى وتم تخزينها على درجة حرارة الثالجه في زجاجات زجاجيه لمدة ‪ 21‬يوم وذلك بعد‬
‫البسترة على درجة حرارة ‪° 90‬م ‪25/‬ث‪ .‬وقد تم عمل تحاليل كيميائيه وطبيعيه وحسيه وقد وجد‬
‫تغييرات غير محسوسه في ‪ pH‬والحموضه والجوامد الكليه وفيتامين ‪ C‬والكاروتينات الكليه وكان‬
‫اعلى محتوى من الكاروتينات في عينة )‪ (T4‬والتي تتمثل في مخلوط الشمندر‪ ،‬الجزر‪ ،‬والتفاح بنسب‬
‫‪( 30 :20:50‬ح‪/‬ح‪/‬ح) ‪ 55.03‬ملجم لكل لتر وهذه الزياده ترجع لوجود الجزر‪ .‬وكان اعلى محتوى‬
‫لفيتامين ‪ C‬لنفس العينه بعد ‪ 21‬يوم ‪ 30.40‬ملجم لكل ‪100‬مل وهذا يعمل على تحسين القيمه الغذائيه‬
‫للعصير‪ .‬متوسط مستوى النترات والنيتريت يتراوح ما بين ‪ 0.002‬الي ‪ 0.005‬ملجم لكل لتر و‬
‫‪ 0.005‬الي ‪ 0.092‬ملجم لكل لتر على التوالي خالل فترة التخزين‪ .‬كانت درجات القبول الكليه في‬
‫التقييم الحسي للعينه ‪ T4‬اعلى من ‪ 8‬وذلك لوجود عصير التفاح بنسبة ‪ %30‬وهذا يدل على ان اضافة‬
‫التفاح كان جيدا على النطاق التجاري وايضا من الناحيه التغذويه كذلك اضافة عصير الجزر لعصير‬
‫الشمندر كان مهما لتوفير المتطلبات الغذائيه من البيتاكاروتين للمستهلك‪ .‬كانت بسترة العصير لها تأثير‬
‫فعال اليقاف نشاط الميكروبات باالضافه الطالة فترة الصالحيه لمدة ‪ 21‬يوم‪ .‬نوصي بتناول هذا المنتج‬
‫لالطفال و الشباب وكبار السن خالل ال‪ 21‬يوم‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات المفتاحية‪ :‬عصير الشمندر والجزر والتفاح – المشروب الصحي – النترات – ضغط الدم‬

‫‪Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt. December 2016‬‬ ‫‪(48)128‬‬

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