Player Approvals Document
Player Approvals Document
Player Approvals Document
1 – 06/01/20
Canada at Midnight
Vampire: The Dark Ages
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Player Resource Guide
b. Optional Rules are not used, unless otherwise specified in this document. Taking
an item of any kind from a supplement or sourcebook other than MET: VtM rules
book and approved supplemental material is not allowed.
d. The C@M Dark Ages chronicle does not use the VIP system.
e. For the purposes of the Dark Ages Beta test, all items are Low Approval. We
understand that people may want to play the characters that they use for the
Beta test. Any item that is Global Approval must have an application approved
before it can be portrayed after chronicle launch. The approval levels in this guide
are a preview of the approval levels intended for live play.
f. There are many ways to tell a story about history. We are telling fiction. Stories
about culture are to be explored in a way that avoids stereotyping and respects
the wishes of modern descendants of past groups in their depiction. Although
some events are inspired by real ones, theContent and Consent Policyapplies
and is expected to be followed at all times. Topics such as racism, sexism and
discrimination are not Standard Content and are not to be in play except with the
clear consent of all players, staff and observers involved in the scene. Failure to
abide by this policy will lead to strict disciplinary measures.
h. This document applies to the creation of Player Characters (PCs). Any rules for
the creation of Non-Player Characters (NPCs), are contained within the
Storyteller Antagonist Toolkit.
B.Character Approvals
a. Character Restrictions:
1. A player may have a total of 2 PCs in the Dark Ages venue.
4. Only one PC may hold a Leader position (Prince in the Feudal system, or
Councilor in the Council system).
5. Characters shall typically be from the Faction of the local VSS. To prevent
‘VSS shopping’ for the cheapest possible rarity costs, it is Global Approval
to set a character on a non-local VSS with the exception of Northern
Winds’ online games (which can be done at Low Approval).
The question that must be answered is “what VSS will you be attending
games at the majority of the time?” That is the VSS that your character
must be attached to. If this changes, the Rarity merits of the character
must be reset to the VSS that the character is played on the majority of
the time, except for if an Emissary Status Moniker is provided per point #6
b. In-Character Authority:
1. The only positions available for PCs above a Domain level are those
listed in this section.
c. Generation:
1. Generation Background
1. Generation 0–3: Low Approval.
a. Generation 3 is considered among the Ancilla generation
category for the purposes of Status. Generation 3 is not
subject to the Elder Agreement.
d. Age Limitations
1. A character under the physical age of 18, or appearing to be under the
physical age of 18: Not Sanctioned.
5. Generation 4: No earlier than the year 0 CE, embraced no later
than 700 CE.
6. Generation 5: No earlier than the year 700 BC, embraced no later
than 450 CE.
2. Giovanni
a. Not available as vampires at chronicle start. Players may
play a Cappadocian ghoul, as a member of Giovanni
merchant family.
3. Tremere (Standard/Telyav)
a. Must not have been embraced prior to 1029 CE.
4. NPC placeholders can be created by the Lineage head. These are NPCs
and do not occupy a space in the 15 PC limit. These NPCs are
placeholders that will not be portrayed.
5. PCs that are adopted into a Lineage, or use the Background Alternate
Identity to be considered part of a Lineage, count against the cap. If the
PC is a part of a Player Lineage with their true identity, they count against
the cap of both lineages.
1. If the PC has an approved Alternate Identity which places them
within a Player Lineage, they do not need to notify the Lineage
Point of Contact of their true identity (IC or OOC), unless they
choose to.
3. The list of Mortal Heritage options will be released soon. Bloodlines will
fade, and new ones may emerge, as player agency impacts the setting.
g. Character Backgrounds
1. Characters cannot be (or have been prior to embrace) a real-world mortal
of historical significance.
2. With the exception of having been a Ghoul, PCs having been another
supernatural type is not possible. The exception is for a Tremere who was
a Mage that was Embraced.
h. Ties to Canonical NPCs & Historical Figures/Events:
1. Ties to Canonical NPCs and Important Historical Figures:
1. This will only be allowed on a limited basis. The system to apply
for these ties will be released post-Beta.
a. Same Clan and Faction: Level 3
b. Same Clan, Different Faction or Same Faction, Different
Clan: Level 4
c. Different Faction, Different Clan: Level 5
d. Another Supernatural Type: Level 5.
e. Another Social class: Level 5. A character with Generation
4 and 5 masquerading as a non-Elder is still subject to the
Elder Agreement.
2. Fame
1. Fame must originate within the character’s home VSS, and
approval levels are as follows:
a. Fame 1: Low Approval, known at a hamlet level (Local).
b. Fame 2: Low Approval, known in a city’s urban or rural
areas (Domain level).
c. Fame 3: Low Approval, known within a whole city-state (or
equivalent) and associated properties.
d. Fame 4: Known within the entire Faction. Global Approval
e. Fame 5: Known throughout all Factions.Global Approval
3. Influences
1. The following Specializations are reserved for the NST’s office:
a. Any Specialization akin to Military, Diplomatic, or
Mercantile above the local level.
b. Royalty Specializations.
2. Supernatural faction influence specializations may not be
selected. Contacts, Allies and Influence are with humans.
3. Use of influences in another VSS are adjudicated by the VST for
that VSS.
4. Level 10 Regional Influence actions affect all the Domains in a
Faction. These require Global Approval.
4. Guilds
1. C@M Dark Ages has created a custom Background called Guilds.
It is loosely based on the BNS: WtA Totem background, and
provides benefits for Cainites who join with others to form guilds,
knightly orders, cults, secret societies, et cetera. This Background
can be purchased up to five dots at Low Approval. This is not a
shared Background.
a. The mechanics and purpose of Guilds are set out in the
Guilds Background Guide.
2. Revised and Dark Ages Exclusive Merits & Flaws: Please see the Rules
Addendum and FAQfor the short list of Sect Merits and C@M Dark Ages
Merits that are available for use in the Dark Ages, along with Merits that
have been modified.
1. Mechanically, this Merit gives the character the benefit of being
one social class higher, including the Innate Status granted to that
higher social class.
2. To gain Elder-level Innate Status via this Merit, the character must
be Generation 2-3 and have been embraced for at least 150
11. Voudoun Master: This Merit does not grant Paths of Necromancy that
have not been unlocked, or Mortis Path. In practice, this means the
character gets Bone Path to start, and will be able to choose a second
Path once other Paths are unlocked. Once a Path of Necromancy is
unlocked, the character may choose to take it if this merit allows.
2. Tremere (Telyav) Forge of the Soul: This Merit does not grant
Path of Conjuration until this Path is unlocked. Once the Path is
unlocked, the character may begin training it.
c. Roads
1. Detailed information about Roads of Enlightenment is set out in the
Roads of Enlightenment Guide.
2. All Roads aside from Humanity start at 4, but may be bought up, for 10xp
per dot, to a maximum of 5..
c. Road of Chivalry: Baronies of Avalon, Courts of Love,
Toreador (Not Ishtarri)
d. Road of Ecstasy: Followers of Set (Not Vipers), Courts of
Fire and Dream
e. Road of Lilith: Cappadocian: Lamia, Lhiannon
f. Road of Metamorphosis: Tzimisce & Kuldun (Not
g. Road of Night: Lasombra
h. Road of Paradox: Ravnos
i. Road of Screams: Baali, Infernal Heritage Merit Holders
j. Road of the Scorched Heart: True Brujah
k. Road of the Serpent: Followers of Set (all)
d. Skills
1. Computer/Castellan: The Skill Computer is replaced with Castellan. This
Skill covers how to deal with holdings, households, and demenses. It
provides an extra downtime, and the ability to attack or spy upon others,
in exactly the same way the Computer Skill does.
5. Lore: Please see the Lore Guidefor available Lores, their selection, and
how the Lore Tag Plotkit Mechanics function. Restricted Lores may only
be learned by being a member of a group that allows it at Low Approval,
by being taught by a PC teacher at Global Approval after chronicle start,
or through a Global plotkit.
1. Please note that learning any Restricted Lore is very cool, but also
dangerous. It is flagged as Restricted for a reason. If you are
found to have Restricted Lore by PCs or NPCs who would have a
reason to have a problem with this information being out, this may
lead to significant danger or character death for both teacher and
student. Be cautious!
non-supernatural infections and diseases with a Downtime Action.
Identifying a Cainite’s Clan through ashes remains in play.
8. This Chronicle uses the updated Science rules from pp. 87 of BNS:
Volume 2, Issue 1, which gives one free Science-based downtime for the
first Science Skill at 1, and another Science-based downtime for each
additional Science at 3 after the first.
1. General Disciplines
1. Characters may purchase out-of-Clan Common Disciplines at Low
Approval with a PC teacher. Characters may purchase up to level
3 in any out-of-Clan Common Discipline at character generation in
5. Learning/Teaching Powers:
a. Teaching Rare/Clan Secret Disciplines: The optional rule
for teaching Rare disciplines (found on page 113 of the
MET: Vampire the Masquerade rules book) is used in this
C@M Dark Ages chronicle for teaching Rare disciplines. It
requires two Downtime Actions to learn a Rare/Clan Secret
Discipline, and two OOC months to pass before each
Willpower point spent to teach a level of a Rare/Clan
Secret discipline returns.
b. The maximum number of Out-of-Clan Rare/Clan Secret
Disciplines permitted is one.
i. At the end of the third year of the chronicle, a
second slot for Out-of-Clan Rare/Clan Secret
Disciplines will open for all characters.
c. Log Required: When teaching a Discipline, the teacher
must immediately log the Willpower expenditure with their
supervising Storyteller. Both the teacher and student must
note the date of instruction, and the other character’s
name, in her experience log.
2. Techniques
1. The Bull’s Eye technique may be used with a bow or crossbow
using the Athletics Skill.
3. Thaumaturgy
1. The Path of Technomancy, and Technomancy Rituals, are not
sanctioned in the Dark Ages chronicle.
b. The following Rituals are not available. There will be an
opportunity for their discovery via plot elements:
i. Soul of the Homunculus
ii. Pavis of the Foul Presence
iii. Engage the Vessel of Transference
iv. Innocence of a Child’s Heart
v. Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion
vi. Deflection of the Wooden Doom
4. Necromancy
1. At chronicle start, the following rules apply:
a. Bone Path and Mortis Path are in play.
b. Necromantic Training may not be used to learn Mortis
c. The Inceptor Merit may be used by Caitiff to duplicate
Bone Path or Mortis Path.
d. Only the following necromantic Rituals are available:
i. Dark Assistant
ii. Eyes of the Grave
iii. Warping the Morbid Visage
iv. Black Blood
v. Stained Sight
vi. Mouldering Presence
vii. Rise, Cerberus
viii. The Servant Undying
ix. Lethe's Waters
x. Strength of Rotten Flesh
xi. Chill of Oblivion
xii. Weight of the Tomb
3. Emissary: All Fleeting Status awarded by your home VSS type works at
full capability when used in the VSS type the PC is an Emissary to.
2. The Clan/Bloodline Rarities are set out in the Faction Rarity Guide.
3. All Clans and Bloodlines are Low Approval, with the following exceptions:
a) Restricted Clans/Bloodlines for Selected Faction: Global Approval
b) True Brujah: Global Approval
c) Baali: Global Approval
d) Cappadocian (Lamia): Global Approval
4. The following Clans are prohibited (NPCs are NST office only), at the start
of the chronicle: Ravnos (Brahmin), Kiasyd, Nosferatu (Niktuku),
Gargoyles, Baali (Angellis Ater), Nagaraja.
6. Lhiannan: Mechanics for the Clan can be found in the Lhiannan Clan
Out of Clan Disciplines purchased at character creation follow the restrictions found on
page 106. (Characters may buy out-of-clan Common disciplines up to 3 at character
creation. A PC teacher is not required. PCs may not learn out-of-clan Rare/Clan Secret
Disciplines at character creation. Remember, Uncommon Disciplines are considered
Rare/Clan Secrets in the Dark Ages chronicle.)
Characters may not go into XP debt unless stated elsewhere in the book or FAQ.
A. Floor XP
1. This chronicle does not use MET: VtM pg. 88 for character creation XP.
The 30 base XP referred to there is not awarded. Instead, we provide an
XP Floor set out in the XP Growth Guide. The Floor XP for the beginning
of the chronicle is 60.
1. Membership Class (MC) provides 4 XP per MC level of the member at
character creation to a maximum of 60 XP. (4 XP * 15).
2. A character that has less XP than the Chronicle XP Ceiling will earn an
additional 4 XP per month if they attend a game in that month. This is a
catch-up mechanic intended to assist characters created below MC 15 to
reach the Chronicle XP Ceiling.
XP Examples:
Player A wishes to make a new character They are MC1. They begin play with 60
Floor XP + 4 MC XP = 64 XP. They may choose up to seven points of Flaws for a
further 7 XP.
Player B wishes to make a new character during Year Two, during the first Month
of the second Year of the Chronicle. They are MC11. They begin play with 44 MC
XP + 118 Floor XP = 162 XP. They may choose up to seven points of Flaws for
a further 7 XP.
Player C is MC 10. They need to attend 5 games before they reach the Chronicle
XP Ceiling using the Accelerated Growth Rate to catch up to the MC XP
maximum. They play for two games and gain the AGR bonus twice. Due to life
circumstances, they are unable to attend for a year. Their Floor XP continues to
rise over time. When they return, they still only need to attend 3 games to reach
the Chronicle XP Ceiling.
Character Creation Document
A. Three Sentence Background:
Sentence one defines who the character is.
Example: “Kaylor is a misguided Toreador chef who makes spiced blood to sell to
other vampires and has a disdain for violence. ”
Example:“is gluttonous when it comes to Vitae, especially blood from rare and
exotic creatures. Secretly he is addicted to the blood of other vampires.”
You can have a longer background if you wish, but this is what is required for approvals.
B. Basic Timeline
This should include, at minimum, the following:
1. Year the character was born
2. Year the character was embraced
3. Year the character left Accounting (if they were under it at all)
4. Year the character moved to their current city
5. The date they sired any Childer
6. Any important events (Canonical or otherwise) they participated in
2. Three things about your character that your character is not aware of.
You should expect that these will be used by your VST.
3. If your character is unexpectedly killed, how would you want the ending to go?
Please include PVP and PVE endings.
5. What are you applying for? Where can it be found? (Provide us a page
7. How does giving you this item benefit your local game?
8. What issues do you foresee that could potentially arise with you having this item?
9. How will you ensure you having this item will not negatively impact other players’
enjoyment of the game?
10. Players wishing to play an Elder should review the requirements and
expectations set forward in the Elder Agreementand indicate that you agree to
these expectations.