Fatigue Analysis and Design of Mooring System
Fatigue Analysis and Design of Mooring System
Fatigue Analysis and Design of Mooring System
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Marine Technology
Submission date: June 2015
Supervisor: Kjell Larsen, IMT
Supervised by
Kjell Larsen
Submitted by
This project is carried out for the completion of my Master degree program in Marine
Technology at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and represents the
results of my studies from January to June 2015.
Thesis has been done under the supervision of Kjell Larsen from Statoil. I would like to thank
him for his guidance and help throughout the whole thesis. His lecture notes and specially
lectures on the black board during the project work were invaluable help to me for
understanding mooring system and physical problems related to it.
A warm thank is also given to Vegard Øgård Aksnes and Pål Levold from MARINTEK for
giving me guidance on modeling in SIMA. Learning SIMA software was really challenging at
the beginning but with their help I managed to create the model and do post-processing
I would also like to thank Lasse Moldestad and Kai Roger Nilsen from Deep Sea Mooring for
their valuable lectures on mooring analysis and sharing their practical knowledge in
connection with mooring analysis task during project work.
Overall I am quite satisfied and pleased for choosing this project and learned a lot about
mooring analysis and software tools related to it.
MTS, Trondheim
Stud. tech. Mohammad Hasan Saidee
The purpose of the mooring system is to keep a floating vessel safely at a required position. It
normally consists of 8-16 mooring lines of heavy chain, steel wire ropes and/or synthetic
polyester ropes connected to a seabed anchor.
During the past years, the requirements to the mooring and station keeping systems of mobile
and permanent units have become more complex;
- The industry is moving into new frontiers (ultra-deep water down to 3000m depth and into
arctic areas).
- There are more operations adjacent to other installations (flotel operations and tender
support vessel operations).
- The new mobile units are becoming larger and many units are at the end of their lifetime.
In addition, mooring failure rate is unacceptably high. Some incidents have been multiple line
failures, leading to vessel drifting. The investigations show a variety of direct causes covering
both inaccurate design, bad quality in fabrication of mooring line components and insufficient
fatigue resistance of components, in particular the mooring chain component.
This master thesis shall build on the work performed during the project work carried out
autumn 2014, but the focus and content of this MSc is related to the fatigue design of mooring
components according to the Fatigue Limit State (FLS) criteria.
Analysis methods for estimating ultimate mooring line tension can be divided into frequency
domain (FD) methods and time domain (TD) methods. Using FD methods, the low frequency
(LF) load effects and the wave frequency (WF) load effects are analyzed separately and then
combined into characteristic values used in recipes for FLS design. The dynamic system
describing the behavior of the vessel must be linearized and the dynamic tension ranges of
line tensions are usually assumed to be statistically distributed according to the Rayleigh
distribution. When using TD methods, all non-linearities in the dynamic system (stiffness and
damping) and in the excitation may be taken into account. The result of TD simulations is
time series of mooring line tensions. From these statistical distributions of tension cycles are
normally estimated by rain flow counting techniques.
Scope of Work
a) Describe the selected vessel (Åsgard A FPSO) in terms of main particulars, general layout
and hydrodynamic properties. The description shall cover characteristics of wind forces,
current forces, wave drift forces and first order motion RAOs.
b) Describe the FLS acceptance criteria (design fatigue factors (DFFs) and recipes) relevant
for the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).
2) Review relevant literature and describe the different aspects and differences of using FD
and TD analysis methods for analysis of mooring line tension for a typical short term steady
sea state. The software tools MIMOSA (FD) and SIMO/RIFLEX (TD) shall be used. Base
case method for TD shall be a fully coupled approach.
3) Describe the design recipes and different analysis steps to be performed for a FLS design
check based on FD and TD analysis. Included shall be a description of the fatigue capacity
models (SN curves) that are available for the different mooring components. Codes and
guidelines given by DNV-OS-E310, API RP 2SK and ISO 19901-7 shall be used.
4) Establish numerical simulation models for TD and FD analysis. Select the water depth, the
mooring system and the metocean design basis reported during the project work. Use the FD
design method to size a mooring system to comply with the requirements for intact mooring
(safety factor = 2.2, use results from the project work!). Establish a long term environmental
time series (wave, wind and ocean current description) appropriate for use in a FLS design.
Perform a long term simulation in both the FD and TD and store selected line tension
responses to be used in the FLS design.
5) Estimate the fatigue damage of selected components by using results from the FD and TD
simulations. Discuss the results. The sea states contributing most to the fatigue damage shall
be reported as well as the most critical mooring line components.
6) Examine the possibility to estimate fatigue damage by using information from the ULS
design results together with a simplified method using the long term distribution of line
General information
All necessary input data is assumed to be provided by Statoil.
The work scope may prove to be larger than initially anticipated. Subject to approval from the
supervisor, topics may be reduced in extent.
In the thesis the candidate shall present his personal contribution to the resolution of problems
within the scope of the thesis work
Theories and conclusions should be based on mathematical derivations and/or logic reasoning
identifying the various steps in the deduction.
The candidate should utilise the existing possibilities for obtaining relevant literature.
Thesis format
The thesis should be organised in a rational manner to give a clear exposition of results,
assessments, and conclusions. The text should be brief and to the point, with a clear language.
Telegraphic language should be avoided.
The thesis shall contain the following elements: A text defining the scope, preface, list of
contents, summary, main body of thesis, conclusions with recommendations for further work, list
of symbols and acronyms, references and (optional) appendices. All figures, tables and
equations shall be numerated.
The supervisor may require that the candidate, in an early stage of the work, presents a written
plan for the completion of the work.
The original contribution of the candidate and material taken from other sources shall be clearly
defined. Work from other sources shall be properly referenced using an acknowledged
referencing system.
NTNU has according to the present rules the ownership of the thesis. Any use of the thesis has to be
approved by NTNU (or external partner when this applies). The department has the right to use the
thesis as if the work was carried out by a NTNU employee, if nothing else has been agreed in
Thesis supervisor:
Prof. II Kjell Larsen (Statoil/NTNU)
This master thesis deals with several problems in connection with the evaluation of fatigue
damage for mooring lines. One basic problem is to find out the sea states contributing most to
the fatigue loads characterized by the waves height and the spectral peak period ( ).
This problem is investigated by designing an intact mooring system and carrying out long
term simulations both in frequency domain (FD) and time domain (TD). It is found that sea
states with wave heights from 6m to 10m and peak periods from 10s to 16s give higher
fatigue damage.
In addition to this, comparative studies of different methods that are available to calculate
mooring lines fatigue damage have been carried out both in time domain and frequency
domain. It will help the mooring systems designers to decide which method to apply for a
particular case. It is found that rain flow counting method based on TD analysis gives much
higher fatigue damage comparing to others based on FD analysis. Simple summation
approach underestimates the damage and combined narrow band approach overestimates the
damage in contrast with dual narrow-band approach which is assumed to give relatively
accurate result.
In this thesis especially the fatigue damage of the mooring system of ship-shaped FPSO units
are assed. For all direction of environmental loading it is observed that leeward lines
experience higher fatigue than windward line. It is a special phenomenon of ship-shaped
FPSO which is caused due to elliptically looped wave frequency motion of the vessel.
A simplified method is proposed here to estimate fatigue damage by using information from
the ULS design results. The intension is to find a simplified way to check whether the
mooring systems satisfy fatigue limit state (FLS) design criteria, especially for MODUs
which are usually not designed against fatigue. It will also give an idea whether a detail
fatigue analysis is needed or not.
Apart from this, relevant literature and existing mooring and station keeping systems have
been reviewed.
Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................................................................... i
Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................... iv
Abstract .................................................................................................................................... vii
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... ix
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... xiii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ xv
Nomenclature ......................................................................................................................... xvii
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background for master thesis ...................................................................................... 1
2 Mooring System .................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Functional requirements .............................................................................................. 3
2.2 Permanent and mobile mooring system....................................................................... 3
2.3 Types of mooring system ............................................................................................ 3
2.4 Typical arrangements and components ....................................................................... 4
3 Design of Mooring System ................................................................................................. 7
3.1 General theory ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Time domain approach - theory for SIMO........................................................... 8
3.1.2 Time domain approach - theory for RIFLEX....................................................... 9
3.1.3 Frequency domain approach - theory for MIMOSA .......................................... 11
3.2 Excitation forces ........................................................................................................ 15
3.3 Damping .................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Stiffness ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Environmental loads to vessel motion ....................................................................... 22
3.6 Design procedure – flow chart................................................................................... 22
4 Rules and Regulation for Mooring ................................................................................... 25
4.1 Design limit states ..................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Required safety factors for ULS and ALS................................................................. 25
4.3 FLS acceptance criteria for the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) ....................... 26
5 Fatigue Assessments ......................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Frequency response method ...................................................................................... 31
5.1.1 Simple summation approach (SS) ...................................................................... 31
5.1.2 Combined spectrum approach (CS) ................................................................... 31
5.1.3 Dual narrow band approach (DNB) ................................................................... 32
5.2 Time domain analysis ................................................................................................ 32
5.2.1 Weibull approach ............................................................................................... 32
5.2.2 Rain-flow counting approach (RFC) .................................................................. 33
5.3 Fatigue analysis procedure ........................................................................................ 34
5.4 Parameters for comparison of fatigue damage .......................................................... 35
6 Model Description ............................................................................................................ 37
6.1 Vessel description ...................................................................................................... 37
6.1.1 Main particulars and layout ................................................................................ 37
6.1.2 Hydrodynamic properties ................................................................................... 38
6.2 Environmental loads .................................................................................................. 39
6.3 Mooring lines properties ............................................................................................ 41
6.4 MIMOSA Model ....................................................................................................... 42
6.5 SIMA simulation model ............................................................................................ 43
6.6 Model verification ..................................................................................................... 44
6.7 Important issues during modeling (errors and solutions) .......................................... 45
6.7.1 Error related to drag coefficient ......................................................................... 46
6.7.2 Error related to modeling of leeward line of ship shaped units ......................... 46
7 Post-processing Procedure ................................................................................................ 49
8 Results and Discussions .................................................................................................... 51
8.1 Comparison between MIMOSA (FD analysis) and SIMA (TD analysis) ................. 51
8.2 Comparative study between fatigue calculation methods ......................................... 53
8.3 Fatigue damage of windward and leeward line ......................................................... 54
8.4 Effect of directional probability on fatigue damage .................................................. 55
8.5 Important sea states for fatigue damage .................................................................... 56
8.6 Simplified method for estimating fatigue damage (FLS) from the ULS results ....... 58
9 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 61
9.1 Conclusion from results and discussion .................................................................... 61
9.2 Recommendation for future work.............................................................................. 62
10 Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 63
APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................... 65
APPENDIX B .......................................................................................................................... 66
APPENDIX C .......................................................................................................................... 67
MIMOSA mooring file ......................................................................................................... 67
MIMOSA macro file for long term simulation .................................................................... 69
APPENDIX D .......................................................................................................................... 74
All plots for vessel hydrodynamic properties ....................................................................... 74
APPENDIX E ........................................................................................................................... 77
APPENDIX F ........................................................................................................................... 78
Matlab script for getting vessel data from MIMOSA vessel file ......................................... 78
Matlad script for ploting ....................................................................................................... 80
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Turret-moored production ship - Norne FPSO (Larsen K. , 2014) .......................... 1
Figure 2-1 Basics types of mooring system (Larsen K. , 2014) ................................................. 4
Figure 2-2 Typical arrangement of mooring system (Larsen K. , 2014) ................................... 5
Figure 2-3 Main mooring line components ................................................................................ 5
Figure 3-1 Directions of vessel motion and environmental loads for mooring system ............. 7
Figure 3-2 Calculation of vessel offset in MIMOSA (Larsen K. , 2014) ................................ 11
Figure 3-3 Dynamic load factor as function of the frequency ratio for given values of damping
ratio (Larsen C. M., 2012) ........................................................................................................ 18
Figure 3-4 Phase angle between load and response as function of the frequency ratio for given
values of damping ratio (Larsen C. M., 2012) ......................................................................... 18
Figure 3-5 Elastic stiffness of mooring line (Larsen K. , 2014)............................................... 20
Figure 3-6 Geometrical stiffness of mooring line (Larsen K. , 2014) ...................................... 20
Figure 3-7 Horizontal stiffness from one mooring line (Larsen K. , 2014) ............................. 21
Figure 3-8 Iteration process for mooring system analysis ....................................................... 23
Figure 4-1 Characteristic Tension from probability distribution of tension ............................ 26
Figure 5-1 The Miner summation procedure; (a) stress range (b) S-N curve (Berge, 2006) ... 29
Figure 5-2 Design S-N curves for Mooring lines (DNV, 2013) .............................................. 30
Figure 5-3 Long term distribution of stress range (Almar-Næss, 1985) .................................. 33
Figure 5-4 Rain-flow cycle counting procedure (Berge, 2006) ............................................... 34
Figure 6-1 Åsgard A FPSO ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 6-2 Current force coefficient (Direction - going towards) ............................................ 38
Figure 6-3 Wind force coefficient (Direction - coming from) ................................................. 38
Figure 6-4 RAOs for surge, heave and pitch ............................................................................ 39
Figure 6-5 Heidrun 1, 10, 100 and 10000-year extreme contour lines in Hs– Tp plane (Statoil,
2004)......................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 6-6 line characteristics curve indicating horizontal tension vs. distance to anchor ...... 42
Figure 6-7 Definition of directions for force coefficients and RAOs in MIMOSA file .......... 42
Figure 6-8 Old form of LTS input of environmental file (MIMOSA, 2012) ........................... 43
Figure 6-9 Horizontal (right) and vertical (left) projections of the mooring lines ................... 43
Figure 6-10 SIMA simulation model ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 6-11 Comparison of restoring force in SIMA and MIMOSA model ........................... 45
Figure 6-12 Time history of axial force of mooring line without (right) and with (left)
longitudinal drag coefficient .................................................................................................... 46
Figure 6-13 Compression pulsations (red regions) in leeward mooring .................................. 47
Figure 6-14 Modeling error - excessive axial force on mooring line....................................... 47
Figure 6-15 Time series of tension process for sea state = 16m and = 18.2s.............. 48
Figure 7-1 SIMA post-processing tool for fatigue damage calculation ................................... 49
Figure 8-1 Offset for wave frequency tension calculation in MIMOSA ................................. 52
Figure 8-2 Comparative study of different fatigue analysis method ........................................ 53
Figure 8-3 Dynamic effect on leeward and windward mooring line ....................................... 55
Figure 8-4 Fatigue damage for all lines in all direction using DNB approach ........................ 56
Figure 8-5 Scatter diagram probability of sea states ................................................................ 57
Figure 8-6 Fatigue damage calculated by MIMOSA (left) and SIMA (right) for line 1 ......... 57
Figure 8-7 Fatigue damage calculated by MIMOSA (left) and SIMA (right) for line 7 ......... 58
Figure 8-8 Approximate shape of long term stress distribution ............................................... 60
List of Tables
Table 2-1 Comparison of properties for mooring line materials (Larsen K. , 2014) ................. 6
Table 3-1 Contribution of environmental loads to vessel motion ............................................ 22
Table 4-1 Safety factors for permanent oil storage or production units (Larsen K. , 2014) .... 26
Table 4-2 Safety factors for mobile drilling units (Larsen K. , 2014) ...................................... 26
Table 5-1 S-N fatigue curve parameters (DNV, 2013) ............................................................ 31
Table 6-1 Main particulars of Åsgard A FPSO ........................................................................ 37
Table 6-2 Modified scatter diagram of sea states ..................................................................... 40
Table 6-3 Direction probability of environmental loads (Statoil, 2004) .................................. 40
Table 6-4 Properties of mooring lines ...................................................................................... 41
Table 6-5 Equilibrium position of vessel from MIMOSA and SIMA ..................................... 45
Table 6-6 Environmental loads in X-direction (surge) from MIMOSA and SIMA ................ 45
Table 8-1 Standard deviation of tension process ..................................................................... 51
Table 8-2 Tension values on top of mooring line calculated by MIMOSA and SIMA ........... 52
Table 8-3 Fatigue damage of windward and leeward line for all direction ............................. 54
Table 8-4 Results from ULS design condition ( = 16m and = 18.2s) ........................... 59
Table 8-5 Approximate values of Weibull parameter, h .......................................................... 60
General rules:
Parameters used in equations are explained after the equations have been used
Abbreviations are given after the first use of the terms
Roman Letters:
Greek Letters:
Frequency in Hertz
Standard deviation
Mean up-crossing rate in Hertz
Bandwidth parameter
The single safety factor for the fatigue limit state
1 Introduction
In the past decades, mooring failures have been occurring at an unacceptable high rate. Some
of them were multiple line damages, leading to vessel drifting. Much effort has been done in
order to investigate the events in order to find the main reasons. The investigations show a
variety of direct causes covering both inaccurate design, bad quality on mooring line
components and lack of personnel competence related to operation of the system.
The mooring of FPSOs (Figure 1-1) and permanent floaters tend to be more of a complex
nature as the industry is moving into new frontiers (ultra-deep water down to 3000m depth
and into arctic areas) and the new units are becoming larger and many units are at the end of
their lifetime. Fatigue analysis of mooring lines is required for these units and lots of fatigue
analyses have already been done on production facilities and flotels before.
The main objective of the thesis is to estimate the fatigue damage of selected components by
using results from the FD and TD simulations and also to find out the sea states contributing
most to the fatigue damage.
According to (DNV, 2013) the fatigue damage on mooring lines can be calculated using
different methods e.g. simple summation (SS), combined spectrum (CS), Dual narrow-band
(DNB) and rain-flow counting method. So, it is of interest to know the effect of using
different methods on the calculated fatigue damage. A chapter in this thesis will dealt with
this issue.
In addition to these, an analysis will be performed for the chosen sea state which gives highest
fatigue damage to check in detail which parameters are important and responsible for the
differences in results.
A study is also conducted to examine the possibility to estimate fatigue damage by using
information from the ULS design results together with a simplified method using the long
term distribution of line tensions.
The station-keeping system is also very important for marine safety. It is possible to avoid
collusion accident by having a reliable station-keeping system.
Turret mooring:
Turret mooring system is weather vaning type meaning the vessel can rotate around the turret
axis depending on the weather conditions. Ship-shaped FPSO usually requires turret mooring
in order to minimize environmental loads. Turrets can be of three types (Figure 2-1):
I. Internal turrets
II. Disconnectable internal turrets
III. External turrets
The internal moored system is integrated into the forward end of the vessel, where there is a
large roller bearing which is either located in the moon pool or at the deck level. An external
Master Thesis NTNU 2015 | Mooring System 3
moored system is situated outside the vessel hull and can be located close to the bow or stern
of the vessel. Disconnectable internal turrets are similar to internal turrets except it can be
disconnected in case of harsh weather condition. Vessel can move to a safer place and come
back again when the environmental condition is convenient for operation leading no damage
to the vessel, mooring lines or risers due to bad weathers.
Spread moored system as shown in Figure 2-1 has fixed orientation and multi point mooring
system that contains multiple mooring lines to moor the vessel. They are usually used where
the weather condition is not that severe. In this system the vessel has a fixed heading and the
bow is typically positioned against the dominant environmental direction especially the
direction from which the largest waves are coming from. This type of mooring is considered
to be less costly than previous one. But as the turret mooring system is a single point mooring
it aligns itself to the environment and provides a means for offloading from the stern which is
more convenient whereas fixed orientation of the spread moored system and changing
environmental conditions make offloading operations more difficult.
There are three types of arrangement for mooring system known as taut mooring, catenary
mooring and catenary mooring with buoyancy elements. Components that are used for these
arrangements are given below.
Mooring lines can have several components e.g. anchor, chain, connecting links, steel wire
ropes, synthetic fiber ropes, buoys, clump weights etc. Some mooring components are shown
in Figure 2-3.
Chain: Chain can be studless or studlink. Studlink chains are used when those are reset
numerous time during their life time, for instance mooring line of semi-submersibles and
studless are used for permanent mooring e.g. mooring of FPSOs. Usually they have heavy
weight, high stiffness (Table 2-1) and good abrasion characteristics. But they are likely to
experience more fatigue damage in comparison with others.
In the following table properties of three different mooring line materials for a 1000 tonnes
breaking strength rope are given.
Table 2-1 Comparison of properties for mooring line materials (Larsen K. , 2014)
Material Diameter Weight in air Weight in water Typical Axial
(mm) (kg/m) (kg/m) Stiffness* (kN)
Stud R4 chain 102 230 200 7
Spiral strand steel 108 57 48 9
Polyester 175 23 5.9 1.0 – 4.5
Steel wire rope: Usually comprises of spiral strands and uncovered or covered with plastic
sheet. Wire ropes are lighter than chains as given in the above table. Generally accepted as
having good fatigue properties, the ropes themselves may not be a concern. However, for any
connecting components, typically chains and shackles, experience from traditional shallow
water moorings readily shows fatigue capacity to be marginal or even the limiting factor in
design (Vryh of Anchors BV, 2010).
Synthetic fiber rope: Usually made of polyester but other high tech fibers also exist. Fiber
ropes have less weight but high elasticity. Predictions of the long term (fatigue) characteristics
(FLS) are less obvious and usually require more time consuming and complex calculations.
Some of the advantages of using polyester mooring lines are as follows:
Reduced floater offset due to taut leg configuration which is comparatively simpler
solution for riser design
Reduced weight which contributes for increased pay load on floaters
Suitable if cross-over flow lines or pipelines are present nearby
As it requires smaller foot print the line length is reduced
And overall cost is expected to be reduced for deep water mooring system
Figure 3-1 Directions of vessel motion and environmental loads for mooring system
The equation of motion for sinusoidal motion can be written as:
̈ ̇ ̇ ̇| ̇| ̇ [ 3-1 ]
[ 3-2 ]
= Frequency-dependent mass matrix
m = body mass matrix
= Frequency-dependent added mass
= Frequency-dependent potential damping matrix
= Linear damping matrix
= Quadratic damping matrix
= Hydrostatic stiffness matrix
= Position vector
= Excitation force vector
Master Thesis NTNU 2015 | Design of Mooring System 7
3.1.1 Time domain approach - theory for SIMO
The content in this chapter is taken from SIMO theory manual (SIMO, 2012).
Two different solution methods are available for solving this equation; one is by using
convolution integral and another one is separation method. Using the convolution integral the
equation of motion can be written as:
̈ ̇ ̇| ̇| ∫ ̇ ̇ [ 3-3 ]
Total derivation of the above equation can be found in section 4.1.1 (SIMO, 2012) and ,
the retardation function is computed by a transformation of frequency-dependent added mass
and damping:
∫ ∫ [ 3-4 ]
Or similarly:
∫ [ 3-5 ]
∫ [ 3-6 ]
From casualty, for ; the process can not have any memory effect of the future.
This means that the two parts in the integral, mathematically:
∫ ∫ [ 3-7 ]
This means that the frequency-dependent mass and damping can be found from the
retardation function:
∫ [ 3-8 ]
The excitation force is separated in a wave frequency part, (high-frequency part) and a
low-frequency part, using the following equation.
̇ [ 3-10 ]
And the position vector can be separated using high frequency offset, and low-frequency
offset, part:
[ 3-11 ]
The equation for solving the high-frequency motion in frequency domain is given below:
̈ ̇ ̇ ̇ [ 3-12 ]
( ( ) ) [ 3-13 ]
Where is the 1st order transfer function between excitation force and wave elevation and
is the 1st order transfer function between motion and wave elevation.
The two-frequency motions can be solved using the dynamic equilibrium equation:
̈ ̇ ̇ | ̇ | [ 3-14 ]
̈ ̇ ̇ [ 3-15 ]
The inertia force vector and damping load vector are obtained by:
̈ ̈ [ 3-16 ]
̇ ̇ [ 3-17 ]
Here M is the system mass matrix and C is the system damping matrix.
In a coupled analysis the large volume body e.g. FPSO is introduced as a nodal component in
the FEM model. The body forces are computed for each time step and included in the external
load vector, .
This is a nonlinear system of differential equations and step by step numerical time
integration is used to solve the above dynamic equilibrium equation in order to get the tension
and offset of the mooring line. The incremental form of above equation is obtained by
considering dynamic equilibrium at two configurations for a short time interval, :
[ 3-18 ]
This equation states that increment in external loading is balanced by increments in inertia,
damping and structural reaction force over the time interval, .
Newton-Raphson type equilibrium iteration can be used at each time step which allows for all
nonlinearities. But it is rather time consuming due to repeated assembly of system matrices
(mass, damping and stiffness) and triangularisation during each time step.
Linearized time domain analysis can be used to reduce the computation time. In this approach
step by step numerical integration of the dynamic equation is done by linearization of mass,
damping and stiffness matrices at static equilibrium position.
In case of frequency domain both the equation [ 3-10 ] and [ 3-11 ] are used to separate WF
and LF part and both of them are solved in frequency domain.
When the frequency domain approach is used for simulation of vessel dynamics, the
maximum offset is defined as the mean offset plus maximum displacement due to combined
wave frequency and low frequency vessel motion as shown in Figure 3-2. Maximum offset
can be determined by the following procedure (MIMOSA, 2012).
[ 3-19 ]
[ 3-20 ]
The mean position of the vessel for a particular environmental condition is computed by
finding the position of it where equilibrium is established between the mean environmental
loads (wave, wind and current) and the restoring forces from the positioning system.
̅ ̅ ̅ ̅
[ 3-21 ]
[ 3-22 ]
Mimosa computes the equilibrium by a numerical procedure that solves the equation
(MIMOSA, 2012),
[ 3-23 ]
Wave frequency motion response is computed without regard to the mooring system. This is
due to the fact that the mooring system will usually not modify vessel‟s transfer function
noticeably. The first order wave frequency motion is computed using the wave spectrum and
the six linear transfer functions from waves to vessel motion. If we denote as the
spectral density for wave propagation and as the direction relative to vessel, then for each
motion the WF response spectrum will be,
The standard deviation of the response are then computed using equation [ 3-25 ].
√∫ [ 3-25 ]
In order to calculate the significant and largest motion it is assumed that the response is a
narrow banded Gaussian process, so that the peaks are Rayleigh distributed. The significant
value is the mean value of the one-third highest peaks of motion from Rayleigh distribution
and it is almost exactly twice the value of the standard deviation. On this basis, the significant
and largest value is defined as,
[ 3-26 ]
√ [ 3-27 ]
Where, is the number of wave-frequency platform oscillations during the duration of the
environmental state that is normally 3 hours.
The LF motion estimation is based on a linearization of the restoring forces (stiffness) and
damping and on linearized LF excitation forces from wind and waves (force spectrum). The
linearized system must be dynamically stable. So, for turret moored ships it should be
According to (MIMOSA, 2012) the slowly varying horizontal motion is computed by solving
the linear equation [ 3-28 ].
̈ ̇ [ 3-28 ]
Here, and are the LF position response vector and LF load vector respectively.
[ 3-30 ]
√ [ 3-31 ]
Where, is the number of low-frequency platform oscillations during the duration of the
environmental state that is normally 3 hours.
When quasi-static analysis is applied the tension at the top end is assumed to dependent only
on the top end horizontal distance and vertical distance from the anchor as in equation [ 3-32 ].
[ 3-32 ]
Where, r = (x, z) is the distance vector from the anchor to the upper end.
According to (DNV, 2013) we can calculate the quasi-static tension for the upper terminal
point , using position and for the mean position as . Then the
dynamic tension can be found using the following equation.
[ 3-33 ]
In case of dynamic mooring analysis, standard deviation of tension is used assuming that the
response is narrow banded Gaussian process, so that the peaks are Rayleigh distributed. The
maximum wave frequency tension is the defined by:
√ [ 3-34 ]
- [ 3-35 ]
̇ [ 3-36 ]
Wind forces,
Current forces,
, and
Thruster forces
Wind forces ( : Wind forces are characterized by Mean value due to mean wind velocity
and Low-frequency (LF) forces excited by wind gusting. Wind gusts have significant energy
at surge, sway, and yaw natural oscillation periods. Dynamic wind will excite LF motions of
moored floating structures. Wind forces can be found by using the following equations.
̇ [ 3-37 ]
Where, =̅ and ̅ and are mean velocity and dynamic wind gust
= density of air,
= Drag coefficient,
̅ ̅ ̅ ̇ [ 3-38 ]
Here, ̇ and ̇ terms are neglected as they will yield very low value.
[ 3-39 ]
Current forces ( : Current forces are characterized by Mean value due to mean current
velocity, but current turbulence is neglected. Current velocity is assumed constant for the time
period of interest. For motion response floaters, it is the current velocity at the surface that is
of primary interest. Current forces can be found using the following equation.
̅ ̇ | ̅ ̇ | [ 3-40 ]
Where, ̅ is the current velocity, ̇ is the floater velocity and is the density of water.
If ̅ ̇ we can write:
̅ ̇ [ 3-41 ]
̅ ̅ ̇ [ 3-42 ]
Here, the term containing ̇ is neglected as it will yield very low value
The two terms in above equation give constant force and LF damping force respectively. For
each floating vessel current force coefficient must be established by the following equation.
[ 3-43 ]
| | [ 3-44 ]
Where, and are spectrum of heave motion and wave respectively and
is the transfer function to get heave motion spectrum from wave spectrum.
[ 3-45 ]
Where, is the mean wave drift force, is wave drift force coefficient, and is the wave
∫ [ 3-46 ]
3.3 Damping
It is very important to understand the damping of a single degree of freedom system given in [
3-1 ]. For that system DLF can be found using the following equation (Larsen C. M., 2012).
DLF is the dynamic load factor and it states the ration between the dynamic and static
response for the relevant load.
| | [ 3-47 ]
Here damping ratio, and frequency ratio, is the ratio between load frequency
and natural frequency. is the maximum displacement and is the static
displacement due to load amplitude.
Figure 3-4 Phase angle between load and response as function of the frequency ratio for
given values of damping ratio (Larsen C. M., 2012)
From Figure 3-3 we see that the maximum response for lightly damped system will increased
dramatically when the load frequency approaches the natural frequency for, . For
when , the response will decrease with increasing and for dynamic
response is less than static response.
Near the resonance where the load frequency is close or equal to natural frequency response is
very high and there is a large variation due to change of damping. So, damping controls the
response near resonance and damping is very important for low frequency motion because
that is at resonance region. Because of this even though the magnitude of the low frequency
force is lower than the wave frequency force, the response is higher.
The linear damping coefficient for mooring system is estimated based on measured or
simulated time series of the horizontal turret force, F and the LF top end motion, x. The turret
force can be assumed as:
̈ ̇ [ 3-48 ]
where F is the total force, , ̇ and ̈ are LF surge position, velocity and acceleration. and
are linear and quadratic stiffness respectively.
From the simulated or measured horizontal turret force and LF motion m, c, and can be
calculated by minimizing the expected square error between the turret force and the model in
equation [ 3-48 ]. The damping coefficient can be written as:
̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ [ 3-49 ]
̇ ̇
where is the expected value operator. Total derivation of the above equation can be
found in section 3.1.2 (Larsen & Ormberg, 1998)
3.4 Stiffness
The mooring lines have an effective stiffness composed of an elastic and geometrical stiffness
as given in chapter 8 (Faltinsen, 1990). The elastic stiffness arises from the elastic properties
of the cables and the geometric stiffness arises due to the change in mooring line geometry.
The effective stiffness is found by the following equation.
[ 3-50 ]
From the above equation we can understand that when the total stiffness is
governed by elastic stiffness (Figure 3-5) meaning that the line is totally stretched out and the
stiffness is only provided by the material properties and when the total stiffness
is governed by geometrical stiffness (Figure 3-6) and comes from line characteristics.
[ 3-51 ]
[ 3-52 ]
Horizontal force
Vertical force
Weight of mooring line
Vertical distance from fairlead to anchor
Horizontal distance from fairlead to anchor for elastic stiffness
Horizontal distance from fairlead to COG of line for geometric stiffness
For catenary chain and wire rope geometrical stiffness is more important and for polyester
ropes elastic stiffness is dominating. For geometric stiffness the horizontal stiffness from one
mooring line is determined by the line characteristics. A relation between the horizontal
tension at the top end, and the offset of the floating structure, can be established both for
inelastic and elastic line (Figure 3-7) using the catenary equation. The mooring lines are
assumed to be without bending stiffness and when only gravity force is acting a freely
Figure 3-7 Horizontal stiffness from one mooring line (Larsen K. , 2014)
In the above figure following values are known and other values are calculated using the
equations given below.
Axial stiffness, EA
Line weight, w
Water depth, y
Line length, l
For an inelastic line ( ) the relation between and can be found by the following
[ 3-53 ]
( ) √
For elastic line total tension is calculated from horizontal and vertical tension and the relation
between tension and offset is found by equation [ 3-57 ].
*√ ( ) + [ 3-54 ]
√ [ 3-56 ]
( ) [ 3-57 ]
Vessel motion Env. loads Mean freq. load Low freq. load Wave freq.
(T = 70-200s) load
(T = 5-35s)
Horizontal, X Waves √ √ √
(mean wave drift) (dynamic wave (1st order
drift) wave)
Wind √ √ X
(Mean wind speed) (Wind gust)
Current √ X X
Vertical, Z Waves X X √
This iteration procedure has been followed in this thesis to get the intact mooring system
which satisfies the ultimate limit state (ULS) condition meaning the required safety factor as
mentioned in section 4.2 is achieved.
a) An ultimate limit state (ULS) to ensure that the individual mooring lines have
adequate strength to withstand the load effects imposed by extreme environmental
actions. We use worst sea state along the 100 year contour line (q=0.01) and the
combine with 100 year wind and 10 year current. Also need to assess the weather
directions especially for ships or FPSO.
b) An accidental limit state (ALS) to ensure that the mooring system has adequate
capacity to withstand the failure of one mooring line, failure of one thruster or one
failure in the thruster‟s control or power systems for unknown reasons in extreme
weather conditions (100 year returned period). A single failure in the control or power
systems may cause that several thrusters are not working.
c) A fatigue limit state (FLS) to ensure that the individual mooring lines have adequate
capacity to withstand cyclic loading taking all possible sea states into account.
[ 4-1 ]
Characteristic strength which is the minimum breaking strength of the mooring line
Characteristic tension which is the most probable largest in the worst 100 year sea state
(Figure 4-1)
Safety Factor (Table 4-1 and Table 4-2)
In MIMOSA the safety factor is found by using equation [ 4-2 ]. They are calculated for all
segments and the lowest value is selected for the whole line.
[ 4-2 ]
Safety factors for station keeping system for floating offshore structures and mobile drilling
units varies according to region.
Table 4-1 Safety factors for permanent oil storage or production units (Larsen K. , 2014)
Weather condition Intact One line failure Two line failure
(ULS) (ALS1) (ALS2)
100 year returned Norway: 2.2 Norway: 1.5 N/A
period International: 1.25
10 year returned N/A N/A Norway: 1.5
period International: N/A
Table 4-2 Safety factors for mobile drilling units (Larsen K. , 2014)
4.3 FLS acceptance criteria for the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS)
Fatigue analysis is required for floating production facilities e.g. FPSO and flotels. It has been
done for many years. In order to do the fatigue calculation one needs to follow the
international standards and regulation requires that calculation should be based on (ISO
19901-7, 2013) chapter 9. According to section of (ISO 19901-7, 2013), fatigue
analysis is not required for MODUs.
DNV also have acceptance criteria for fatigue calculation. According to (DNV, 2013) the
fatigue limit state is intended to ensure that each type of component in an individual mooring
line has a suitable resistance to fatigue failure. The design equation for FLS is:
= the characteristic fatigue damage accumulated as a result of cyclic loading during the
design life time. The combined spectrum approach or the dual narrow band shall be
applied as the cycle counting algorithms (section 5.1.2).
[ 4-4 ]
[ 4-5 ]
Where is the adjacent fatigue damage ratio, which is the ratio between the characteristic
fatigue damage in two adjacent lines taken as the lesser damage divided by the greater
There are several methods for calculating fatigue damage in mooring line. These methods are
well described in section 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 (ISO 19901-7, 2013) and chapter 6 (DNV, 2013).
The content in this chapter are mostly taken from DNV-OS-E301 (DNV, 2013).
∑ [ 5-1 ]
Where is the fatigue damage to the component arising in state i (total sea states discretize
into i=1,….,n states)
In a stress history of several stress ranges , each with a number of cycles , the damage
sum follows from the following equation according to Miner-Palmgren rule,
∑ [ 5-2 ]
Here is the total number of cycles required to failure from S-N curve for specific stress
range. The summation procedure is illustrated in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 The Miner summation procedure; (a) stress range (b) S-N curve (Berge,
When the effects of mean tension are neglected, the fatigue damage accumulated in a
individual state may be computed as:
The nominal magnitudes of the corresponding tension cycles by the nominal cross-sectional
area of the component; i.e. and where d is the
component diameter.
[ 5-4 ]
For the component capacity against tension fatigue S-N curves are used. The parameters
and m of the S-N curves and the S-N curves are given in Table 5-1 and Figure 5-2
Figure 5-2 Design S-N curves for Mooring lines (DNV, 2013)
( √ ) [ 5-5 ]
Where is the standard deviation of the stress process, the duration of the environmental
state, .
Using the above equation LF and WF fatigue damage are calculated independently and sum
of them is the total damage. If both wave frequency and low frequency components are
significant the following alternatives are recommended to use.
( √ ) [ 5-6 ]
The mean-up-crossing rate in hertz is computed from the moments of the combined
√ [ 5-7 ]
[ 5-9 ]
( )
* ( √ ) √ + [ 5-10 ]
( )
√ [ 5-11 ]
Here is the bandwidth parameter for the wave frequency part of the stress process.
According to (DNV, 2013) it is set as 0.1.
[ 5-12 ]
The shape of the long term distribution of stress ranges may vary due to different values of h
parameter as shown in the following figure.
Master Thesis NTNU 2015 | Fatigue Assessments 32
Figure 5-3 Long term distribution of stress range (Almar-Næss, 1985)
It is convenient to eliminate the Weibull parameter q by introducing the maximum stress
range during number of cycles and we get the following equation for calculating
fatigue damage.
[ 5-13 ]
The counting procedure is designed to count reversals in accordance with the material‟s
stress-strain response and each time the hysteresis loop is closed, a cycle count is made. Small
cycles within the large cycles are also counted thus reflecting the way in which the material is
responding. The principle may be illustrated in Figure 5-4.
There is fairly general consensus that the rain-flow counting technique provides the most
accurate estimate for fatigue damage if rigorously performed with sufficient number of time
simulations representative of the wave scatter diagram. But it is relatively time-consuming
( √ ) [ 5-14 ]
( √ ) [ 5-15 ]
The ratio of damage between these two conditions can be found by:
( √ ) ( )
[ 5-16 ]
( √ ) ( )
If both of them use the same S-N curve the value of and will be same and the ratio
[ 5-17 ]
[ 5-18 ]
( )
[ 5-19 ]
( )
If the damage is calculated for same line and same duration of sea state A and T will be also
the same and m value is same for same S-N curve. So, we can write:
[ 5-20 ]
From the above equation it is evident that standard deviation of the tension process ( ) and
the mean-up-crossing period ( ) are the parameters that will be responsible for the
differences in results. But the ratio of is more important as it is raised to the power of m
and the fatigue damage ratio will also vary significantly if the difference between two
standard deviation is high.
Current force coefficient: Current force coefficients are based on equation [ 3-43 ]. Some of
the important characteristics of this coefficient for the chosen vessel is given below.
Values are highest when current directions are 0 or 180 degree and they are
symmetric around the bow.
For surge motion they are highest when coming from transverse direction
meaning 90 and 270 degree (Figure 6-2).
For yaw the values are zero for 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree as the arm for
moment is zero.
Another characteristic is that sway drift force will be higher than the surge as the length of the
vessel is higher than beam and sway drift acts in that direction.
The Directional probability is given in Table 6-3. An important assumption is that and
values are same for all environmental direction.
Wave loads for ULS: From figure below 100 year extreme value we choose for 1st checking
mooring line integrity is 16 m and 18.2s and I have used the double peak spectrum.
Then other seastate are checked along the 100 year contour line.
Figure 6-5 Heidrun 1, 10, 100 and 10000-year extreme contour lines in Hs– Tp plane
(Statoil, 2004)
(Sea state duration: 3 hours)
Wind loads for ULS: Extreme wind speeds 36 (m/s) with 100 year return period for 1h
averaging time intervals 10 m above SWL.
Current loads for ULS: From table 4.1 of metocean data 10 year return period current speed
is 0.94 m/s for surface current.
[ 6-1 ]
Figure 6-7 Definition of directions for force coefficients and RAOs in MIMOSA file
The old form of the long term simulation (LTS) input file is used to create the environmental
file for all sea states. For each environmental condition the LTS input file contains a line with
the following data given in Figure 6-8 Old form of LTS input of environmental file Figure
Figure 6-9 Horizontal (right) and vertical (left) projections of the mooring lines
The long term simulation was performed using macro file LONGTERM.MAC which is also
given in APPENDIX C.
In case of SIMA coupled time domain analysis is performed meaning that vessel and mooring
is simulated simultaneously in a complete model of both the vessel (large body
hydrodynamics) and the mooring system (finite element slender model). Both vessel motions
and mooring line tensions are simulated simultaneously.
Figure 6-11 shows the restoring forces of mooring system due to change in offset distance for
both the SIMA and MIMOSA model and they corresponds very well meaning both models
are acting in a similar manner.
It was also checked weather the environments loads applied in both the software are of the
same magnitude or the deviation is in the allowable range. In Table 6-6 all the environmental
loads that are applied in MIMOSA and SIMA for sea state ( = 9m and ) and the
deviation is calculated with respect to the MIMOSA results. One can see that there is only
slight deviation between the applied loads in two models.
Table 6-6 Environmental loads in X-direction (surge) from MIMOSA and SIMA
Figure 6-12 Time history of axial force of mooring line without (right) and with (left)
longitudinal drag coefficient
6.7.2 Error related to modeling of leeward line of ship shaped units
One of the important issues during modeling of the mooring lines for ship shaped units e.g.
FPSO is to model the leeward line. The reason is that when the line goes to slack the tension
values can be zero meaning the line will have no stiffness as there is almost no pretension
present. Numerical error in the time domain calculation may occur due to this.
For our case when doing the time domain simulation the using time step 0.1s the simulation
used to fail for large sea states.
After discussing with Pål Levold from MARINTEK we have found that RIFLEX diverges
because of compression in the leeward lines. In the screenshot given in Figure 6-13 we can
see compression pulsations (red regions) in one mooring line just before the simulation fails.
Looking more into the output files it was found that after some iteration gives the error
message “Too large incremental rotations”. According to section 4.6.3 (RIFLEX, 2013) this
error message in most case caused by use of too large incremental load steps, but can also
occur by physical instability problems. So, the load step is reduced to 0.05s and the simulation
was done successfully without any error. But another problem was raised which is illustrated
in Figure 6-14. In this figure we can see that the tension becomes zero in some certain points
and after 1500s of simulation the tension series just become crazy giving unrealistic results
for the leeward lines.
Figure 6-15 Time series of tension process for sea state = 16m and = 18.2s
After carrying out the long term simulation both in SIMA and MIMOSA, post processing has
been done to calculate the fatigue damage. The result from MIMOSA comprises of standard
deviation ( and mean-up-crossing period ( of the tension process for all mooring lines
for each sea states. It is not straightforward to calculate fatigue damage for this type of result.
One needs to use the methods described in section 5.1 earlier.
In SIMA it is possible to separate post processing task for calculating fatigue damage as
shown in the following figure.
a. Damage:
Damage for each component for each sea state
b. Weighted damage:
Damage for each component for each sea state, weighted with the probability of
occurrence for each sea state
c. Accumulated damage:
Accumulated damage for each component, that is, the sum of the weighted damage for
each component
In this thesis as the and values are same for all environmental direction, only the result
from “Damage” slot of SIMA is used to save computational time and then multiplied by the
combined scatter diagram and directional probability to get the fatigue damage for each sea
states. Following equation is used for this purpose. After that damage from all sea states are
summed up to get the total damage for each line.
[ 7-1 ]
Where, is the calculated damage for sea state i, is damage from 3 hour simulation of
SIMA, is scatter diagram probability, and is probability of direction.
In this thesis mainly Tension-tension (T-T) fatigue are dealt with which is caused by the
fluctuating line tension due to irregular vessel movements with low frequency and wave
frequency contributions. Other types of fatigue damage are typically of the following (ISO
19901-7, 2013).
8.1 Comparison between MIMOSA (FD analysis) and SIMA (TD analysis)
Comparison between the TD and FD has been done previously and comparison between
calculation methods of MIMOSA and SIMA is given in (Chrolenko, 2013).
According to section 5.4 we know that the standard deviation of the tension process ( ) and
the mean-up-crossing period ( ) are the parameters that will be responsible for the
differences in results. In this thesis we will look more into which is more important as it
is raised to the power of m and the fatigue damage ratio will also vary significantly due to
different values of .
The comparative study here is between a simplified computation method in the FD and a fully
non-linear coupled analysis in TD that needs more computation time in contrast with the
earlier one. For calculation of WF motion in MIMOSA dynamic model named „ELEMENT
METHOD‟ is used which calculates the dynamic effects in a simplified way whereas in
coupled TD analysis of SIMA dynamic effects and updated line characteristics are properly
accounted for. Dynamics effects mentioned here means that the drag and inertia forces on the
mooring lines are included and accounted for in the computation method.
For the sea states of and we get the values in the following table for
standard deviation of tension process and the tension values on top of mooring line for the
same sea state is given in Table 8-2. Maximum tension from SIMA is calculated using one
seed value only.
In order to separate the LF and WF in SIMA low pass and high pass filter is used with a cut of
frequency of 0.03 Hertz. In case high pass filtered plot is quite good but in the low pass
filtered plot some of high frequency component is present meaning the result might not be
totally correct.
From Table 8-1 it is easily visible that is very high in MIMOSA calculation than the
SIMA for both line 1 and line 7 and so also the WF tension is higher in MIMOSA than SIMA
Table 8-2. These differences occur due to the fact that the computation procedure of WF
tension is different in MIMOSA and SIMA. WF tension in general depends on the mean
offset (away from the anchor) in a progressive manner meaning the larger the mean offset
(and mean tension) the larger will be the WF tension (MIMOSA, 2012).
In case of MIMOSA „Mean‟ is the static offset along the horizontal projection of the line plus
some LF offset in the same direction. It is also called as base offset. The base offset for the
WF tension computation is illustrated in the Figure 8-1 where we can see that WF base offset
is higher than the mean offset meaning the line will be more tensioned when calculating the
WF tension and calculated WF tension will be larger. But in case of SIMA WF tension is
calculated based on mean offset where the line is less tensioned and gives lower WF tension
comparing to MIMOSA.
Even though SIMA gives lower value for than MIMOSA the total standard deviation
of the tension process is higher in SIMA meaning that SIMA will give higher
damage than MIMOSA as the ratio of is higher (eqn. [ 5-20 ]).
⁄ ⁄ [ 8-1 ]
However this method may underestimate the fatigue damage if both the wave frequency and
low frequency components have significant contribution. From MIMOSA for sea state of
and , it is found that and giving ratio,
⁄ which satisfies equation [ 7-1 ] and from Figure 8-2 it is evident that WF
components have more effect than the LF components. So, SS method is supposed to give
acceptable estimate of fatigue life.
300 Mooring line 1
137 120 116 102 95 Mooring Line 7
71 59
100 36 33
Figure 8-2 illustrates the total fatigue life in years for mooring line 1 and 7 based on damaged
per year from all sea states in all directions. In this figure one can see that the result from SS
and DNB method are quite close and the CS method over estimates the fatigue damage. In
contrast with DNB approach, damage calculated by the CS approach is 30% and 37% higher
respectively for line 1 and line 7 and the damage calculated by the SS approach is 17% and
22% lower.
Damage from the TD analysis calculated by RFC is 3 times higher than DNB approach
damage and twice the damage of CS approach. So, the study shows RFC will predict higher
fatigue damage.
Similar comparison study has been done in (Lie & Fylling, 1994) where it was found that
DNB methods with a wave frequency bandwidth parameter of 0.1 compare well with rain
flow counting results while SS underestimates and CS overestimates the results. Our study
yields the same result except the damage from TD analysis is much higher.
Table 8-3 Fatigue damage of windward and leeward line for all direction
Table 8-3 shows there is a significant difference in the fatigue damage of windward and
leeward line for all environmental direction. It is associated with the leeward and windward
side effect which is a special type of phenomenon for ship-shaped units as shown in Figure
8-3 (Typical figure and not as scaled). In our case line number 1 is in windward side and line
Master Thesis NTNU 2015 | Results and Discussions 54
number 7 is in leeward side for 0 degree environmental direction and it changes as the
direction of environmental load changes.
An important observation is that differences in calculated fatigue damage are more prominent
in the sea states having higher probability and the higher damages are occurred for
environment loads from 240 degree which has the highest directional probability (Figure 8-4)
of sea states with value of 0.224. The 2nd highest is for 0 degree having probability value of
0.156 and the mooring lines also get higher damage for this sea states comparing to others.
0.003 60 deg
0.0025 90 deg
120 deg
150 deg
0.0015 180 deg
0.001 210 deg
240 deg
270 deg
300 deg
line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6 line7 line8 line9 line10 line11 line12
Mooring line number 330 deg
Figure 8-4 Fatigue damage for all lines in all direction using DNB approach
The highest damage is experienced by line no. 3 as shown in the above figure for environment
propagating in 240 degree and it is due to the fact that it gets the highest directional
probability meaning experiencing more waves and also leeward side effect as discussed in
section 8.3 of this chapter.
The scatter diagram probability of each sea state condition is plotted in Figure 8-5. It is
noticeable that most of the occurrence is below value of 5m and value of 13s which are
basically low sea states. The probability of occurrence for high sea states with higher and
value is below 0.03.
Figure 8-6 Fatigue damage calculated by MIMOSA (left) and SIMA (right) for line 1
Figure 8-6 illustrates the fatigue damage of mooring line 1 calculated by both MIMOSA and
SIMA for each sea states with a specific directional probability. It is evident that for
MIMOSA higher damage is found in between value of 6m 10m and value of 13s 16s
whereas SIMA gives higher damage in between value of 4m 10m and value of
11s 15s. For both cases the damage is higher in higher sea states even though the occurrence
is higher in low sea states according to Figure 8-5.
Another important observation is that SIMA predicts more damage for wide range of and
values than MIMOSA and the highest damage is found in SIMA for = 7m and = 12s
while the highest damage in MIMOSA is found for = 9m and = 14s.
8.6 Simplified method for estimating fatigue damage (FLS) from the ULS
Our intension is to examine the possibility to estimate fatigue damage by using information
from the ULS design results together with a simplified method using the long term
distribution of line tensions. The reason behind the intension is that regulations require
calculations for fatigue damage only for permanent floating units, e.g. FPSO and FSO.
Section (ISO 19901-7, 2013) states that fatigue analysis is not required for MODUs.
But it is worth discussing if fatigue analysis should be required for mobile units.
A report on mooring line failures (Kvitrud, 2014) shows that three of fatigue failures occurred
in Norwegian continental shelf during 2010 to 2014 were on MODUs. So, it is better to
design the MODUs based on FLS criteria, but detailed fatigue analysis are claimed to be
unrealistic for site specific evaluations of MODUs as they operates in different locations.
Therefore, we have tried to propose a simplified method to estimate the fatigue damage using
the results we already have from ULS calculations.
Using the closed form solution as described in section 5.2.1 based on Weibull equation [ 5-13
] for fatigue calculation. The equation is stated again below.
Fatigue damage,
If we can find the and from ULS conditions and the Weibull parameter is known we
can calculate the fatigue damage using the above equation. But the Weibull parameter varies
from 0.5 to 1.5 and we need to find a suitable one for our case.
In order to find the correct Weibull parameter first value of and is assumed. is
calculated by the equation below.
Where is assumed by the following equation and A is the nominal cross-sectional area of
the mooring line component as given in chapter 5.
[ 8-3 ]
Here, is the most probable largest maximum tension for ULS design condition and
is the mean value of tension process for ULS design condition.
The number of cycles is assumed to be equal to the number of cycles of ULS design condition
calculated by DNB approach from MIMOSA long term simulation result using the following
[ 8-4 ]
Here, is the mean up-crossing rate of the same sea state from which tension values are
calculated. In our case it is the ULS sea state. can be calculated using equation [ 5-11 ] and
is total time in second for one year.
After doing the calculation by using above equations for ULS sea state ( = 16m and =
18.2s) we get the values given in the following table.
Table 8-4 Results from ULS design condition ( = 16m and = 18.2s)
For the fatigue damage, the damage calculated by the Rain flow counting method is
considered as it supposed to give relatively accurate results and same S-N curve is used as in
RFC method for values of m and . Now as we know all the values parameter, h can be
found solving equation [ 5-13 ]. The nonlinear equation is solved using MATHCAD software.
Script for solving the equation is given in APPENDIX E.
Finally we get the values of parameter h for the corresponding damage of line 1 and line 7
given in Table 8-5 and the values are within the range of 0.5 to 1.5 which is acceptable as
shown in Figure 5-3.
Approximate shape of the long term stress distribution is given in the following figure based
on the calculated Weibull parameter above. The figure is only for illustration to show how the
long term stress will be distributed.
In the North Sea environment, the inertia dominated response gives h-values in the range of 1
- 1.5 and Drag dominated response gives h-values in the range 0.7 – 1.3 (Lie, 1992). In our
case the h-values are slightly lower than the 2nd range. Drag forces on the mooring line are
believed to be the most significant non-linear effect on the dynamic tension amplitude.
Therefore, further work should be done in order to obtain more information of h-values.
i. After comparing the TD and FD analysis it is found that even though SIMA gives
lower value for wave frequency standard deviation, than MIMOSA the total
standard deviation of the tension process is higher in SIMA meaning that TD
will predict higher fatigue damage than FD analysis.
ii. In this this thesis effort is also given to check the differences in fatigue damage
between windward and leeward line. The study shows that both FD and TD results
yields higher standard deviation of wave frequency tension for leeward line than
windward meaning leeward line will get higher tension contribution from wave
frequency motion. The higher value of the WF tensions in leeward line will increase
the fatigue damage significantly.
iii. In contrast with dual narrowband (DNB) approach, fatigue damage calculated by the
combined spectrum (CS) approach is 30% and 37% higher respectively for line 1 and
line 7 and the damage calculated by the SS approach is 17% and 22% lower
respectively for line 1 and line 7. As the WF damage is more dominant than LF
damage in our case SS approach yields very good results.
Damage from the TD analysis calculated by rain-flow counting (RFC) is 3 times
higher than DNB approach damage and twice the damage of CS approach. So, the
study shows RFC will predict very high fatigue damage. Therefore, it is recommended
to do TD analysis to be sure about the fatigue damage. Otherwise only doing FD
analysis one might under predicts the fatigue damage leading to failure of the mooring
lines in future due to fatigue.
iv. An important observation is that calculated fatigue damage are more prominent in the
sea states having higher directional probability meaning experiencing more waves and
also leeward side effect is higher provided that and values are same for all
environmental direction.
v. For both cases the damage is higher in higher sea states even though the occurrence
level is higher in low sea states. It is evident from MIMOSA results that higher
damages occur in between value of 6m 10m and value of 13s 16s whereas
SIMA results give higher damage in between value of 4m 10m and value of
11s 15s. In both cases sea states with more than 11m and less than 3m give very
low fatigue damage, therefore, can be neglected in cage of fatigue damage calculation.
vi. A study is also conducted to examine the possibility to estimate fatigue damage by
using information from the ULS design results together with a simplified method
using the long term distribution of line tensions. It is found that using the Weibull
parameter, h given in the Table 8-5 it might be possible to estimate the approximate
fatigue damage of mooring line by using equation [ 5-13 ] based on the results from
ULS design condition.
a. In this thesis modeling is done for 320 m water depth. But nowadays mooring systems
are designed for deep seas where mooring lines have higher pretensions than shallow
water. So, in future it is recommended to check fatigue life for deep sea mooring
b. An assumption of this thesis is that and values are same for all environmental
direction we will not see that much variation in results for the different direction of
environmental loads. Use of and varying with direction can be used for future
work to see the effect of this.
c. As we have seen in this thesis high sea states gives higher damage to fatigue, it will be
worth checking weather introducing thrusters can reduce the fatigue damage in those
sea states.
d. The Weibull parameter, h from simplified method (section 8.6) is calculated for FPSO
and for 320 m water depth. In future one can check if the value of h changes in case of
semi-submersible and deep seas.
Almar-Næss. (1985). Fatigue Handbook: offshore steel structures, Chapter 10: Fatigue life
API. (2005). API Recommended practice 2SK, Design and analysis of station keeping systems
for floating structures.
Berge, S. (2006). Fatigue and fructure design of marine structures II (compendium for course
TMR 4200).
DNV. (2013). DNV offshore standard, DNV-OS-E301 Position Mooring. Norway: DNV.
Faltinsen, O. M. (1990). Sea loads on ships and offshore structures. Cambridge University
ISO 19901-7. (2013). Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and
mobile offshore units.
Larsen, C. M. (2012). Marine dynamics; compendium for course TMR 4182 Marine
Larsen, K. (2014). Lecture note on Mooring and station keeping of floating structures
(TMR4500 specialization project).
Larsen, K., & Ormberg, H. (1998). Coupled analysis of floater motion and mooring dynamics
for a turret-moored ship. Applied Ocean Research, 55-67.
Lie, H. (1992). Simplified fatigue analysis of mooring lines. Posisjoneringsmøtet '92; 7.-9.
october, Fagernes.
Lie, H., & Fylling, I. (1994). Evaluation of metods for fatigue analysis of offshore mooring
lines. Offshore South East Asia 10th Conference & Exhibition. Singapore.
Information Retrieval
In order to ensure good quality of the product it is mandatory to use data and information
from reliable source. In this chapter a short description will be given how the information is
retrieved for this master thesis.
For this thesis the lecture notes provided by the supervisor during the project work is used for
many cases. Some of the related books and papers are also provided by him specially “Fatigue
Hand Book”.
Compendium for different courses throughout the whole Master program in NTNU were of
great help for this thesis and used when ever needed. The library of the department and
NTNU University online library is used to find relevant literature.
Theory manual of the software from MARINTEK is used for describing some of the theory
part of the thesis.
Apart from this Google search engine is also used to find information on general topics
whenever needed.
Program list
Program Name Version Function
MIMOSA 6.3-06 MARINTEK program: Frequency domain analysis
SIMA MARINTEK program: Coupled time domain analysis using
Excel 10 Post-processing result and data plotting
MATLAB R2013a Mainly for data Plotting
MATHCAD 15 (Trial) Solving non-linear equation
Text Pad 7 Editor used for scripts and batch file
Figure: Plots for current coefficient for surge sway and yaw in all direction
Figure: Plots for surge, heave and pitch for 0 degree heading
Matlab script for getting vessel data from MIMOSA vessel file
% Script for reading MIMOSA vessel data file
clear all
close all
%Current force coefficient
%Skipping the header file
for i=1:22 % i=1:(insert line no. which contains data 23100)
%Gettin file
Current=fscanf(fid,'%g',[8 37]);
Current(:, 1)=[];
Dir1 = Current(:, 1);
Current(:, 1)=[];
% wind force coefficient
for i=1:74 % i=1:(insert line no. which contains data 24100)
% Gettin file
Wind=fscanf(fid,'%g',[8 55]);
Wind(:, 1)=[];
DirWind = Wind(:, 1);
Wind(:, 1)=[];
% Frequencies for RAOs and Phases
for i=1:131 % i=1:(insert line no. which contains data 30100)
A=fscanf(fid,'%g',[6 17]);
A(:, 1)=[];
for i=1:17
%RAOs and Phases
for i=1:5
for i=1:6
B = fscanf(fid,'%g',[3 83]);
B(:, 1)=[];
RAO(:,i)=B(:, 1);
for i=1:3141 % i=1:(insert 1st line no. which contains data for RAO 90
for i=1:6
G7 = fscanf(fid,'%g',[3 83]);
G7(:, 1)=[];
RAO90(:,i)=G7(:, 1);
Phase90(:,i)=G7(:, 2);
%Wave Drift coefficient
%frequency for wave drift
for i=1:6629 % i=1:(insert line no. which contains data 40100)
C=fscanf(fid,'%g',[6 15]);
C(:, 1)=[];
for i=1:15
%Heading for wave drift
Dir2 = 0:15:180;
Dir2 = Dir2';
%wave drift for 0 degree heading
for i=1:4
WaveDrift = fscanf(fid,'%g',[7 75]);
WaveDrift(:, 1)=[];
%wave drift for at 90 deg
for i=1:7097
WaveDrift90 = fscanf(fid,'%g',[7 75]);
createfigure1 (Tp,Hs,Prob);
title('Probability of sea states in Scatter diagram');
createfigure1 (Tp,Hs,dm1);
title('Calculated Damage of mooring line 1 using MIMOSA (p=0.156) ');
createfigure1 (Tp,Hs,dm7);
title('Calculated Damage of mooring line 7 using MIMOSA (p=0.156) ');
createfigure1 (Tp,Hs,ds1);
title('Calculated Damage of mooring line 1 using SIMA (p=0.156) ');
createfigure1 (Tp,Hs,ds7);
title('Calculated Damage of mooring line 7 using SIMA (p=0.156) ');
%% All plots
% current plots