6-Agriculture Answers

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Part III: Practice Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following statements best describes the impact of improvements in transportation systems on agriculture?
a. Local markets have become more important for dairy farmers
b. Individual farms have become more diversified
c. Corporate farms have gained a greater advantage over family farms
d. Subsistence farmers are given great advantages
e. Cuisines have become more regionalized

2. During the first half of the twentieth century, which of the following facilitated the transportation of beef over long distances
to global markets?
a. Commercial canning
b. Irradiation of food
c. Refrigerated ships
d. Airplanes
e. High-speed railroads

3. Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market is called:
a. Plantation farming
b. Hunting and gathering
c. Subsistence agriculture
d. Sedentary cultivation
e. Shifting-field agriculture

4. Dramatic increase in global grain production since 1950 has been made possible by:
a. Substantial increases in the amount of land under cultivation
b. Global warming
c. An increase in the urban workforce
d. An increase in the agricultural workforce
e. An increase in the use of energy and technology

5. In which of the following areas was wheat most probably domesticated earliest?
a. Southern Italy
b. Northern Libya
c. Plateau of Central America
d. Eastern China
e. Southeastern Turkey

6. In which of the following countries is terracing LEAST likely to be used by farming groups to create additional space and
minimize erosion on steep slopes?
a. Nepal
b. Peru
c. The Philippines
d. Niger
e. Greece

7. Von Thunen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use?
a. Labor cost
b. Transportation cost
c. Fertilizer cost
d. Machinery cost
e. Seasonal fluctuations in prices of farm products

8. Why is the traditional classification of agriculture as a primary economic activity a problem when considering the geography
of agriculture?
a. Modern farmers are engaged in production, research, marketing, and some manufacturing of their products
b. Agricultural employment is such a small fraction of the labor force in the industrialized countries that agriculture
can no longer be thought of as a primary economic activity
c. Unlike mining, forestry, and other primary activities, agriculture has not been affected by industrialization
d. Traditional patterns of farming are disappearing
e. Modern farmers use machinery
9. In the periphery, plantation crops like bananas, coffee, and sugar are examples of:
a. Subsistence agriculture
b. Import substitution
c. Export-based agriculture
d. Specialty agriculture
e. Value added agriculture

10. Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering?

a. All humans obtained their food this way before the invention of agriculture
b. It is a form of nomadism
c. This form of subsistence is still practiced
d. Hunter-gatherers live in small groups
e. All of the above

11. The first group to integrate seed agriculture with domestication of herd animals was probably in:
a. Western India
b. Northern China
c. Ethiopia
d. Southwest Asia
e. South America

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