Student Report Card Management Using C++: February 2021
Student Report Card Management Using C++: February 2021
Student Report Card Management Using C++: February 2021
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dantu Venkata Sai Kamal on 14 February 2021.
By Batch 1:
D.V. Sai Kamal 19E11A0562 (Team Lead)
2019 - 2023
This is to certify that the project work entitled “Student Report Card
Management” is the Bonafide work done by Batch 1, (Team lead- 19E11A0562)
19E11A0550: Akki Vandana 19E11A0556: B. Srivardhan 19E11A0561: Ch. Varun
19E11A0551: Abdul Mudassir 19E11A0557: Bingi Abhishek 19E11A0562: Sai Kamal
19E11A0552: Akkala Manoj 19E11A0558: B. Manoj Reddy 19E11A0563: D. Prathyusha
19E11A0553: Arabandi 19E11A0559: B. Rithvik kumar
Rambabu 19E11A0560: C. Srinivas
19E11A0554: Boosa Karthik
19E11A0555: Bangaru Swetha
Mr. Romy Sinha
Assistant Professor
Dept of CSE,
The project Student Report Card Management is aimed to 6. Delete student record: void delete_student(int);
efficiently store and retrieve student examination reports. function deletes the report card record of a particular student;
it first of all asks for the name and roll no. of the student whose
This project in C++ is a simple console application built record is to be deleted.
without any graphical Interface. In this project, users can
perform typical report card related functions like adding a new
student record and displaying, modifying, editing and deleting II. HEADER FILES USED
it. File handling has been effectively used to perform all these. Header Files Used:
This project will teach you how to use file handling in C++,
Student report card system is a very simple project that
add, read, display, search, modify and delete record from file.
runs with just five header files. Here, are the header files
The key features and the functions used for the Student required for this project:
Report Card Management are:
1. #include<iostream>
1. Create student report card record: This feature It is used as a stream of Input and Output using cin and cout.
creates a new student record containing his marks. void
write_student(); function writes a record in a binary file. For 2. #include<fstream.h>
this the information to be provided are the name and roll no.
of the student, and the marks obtained by him/her in 5 subjects It is used to control the data to read from a file as an input
– OOPs, Data Structures, Analog and Digital Electronics, and data to write into the file as an output.
Computer Organization and Architecture and Computer 3. #include<iomanip>
Oriented Statistical Methods.
It is used to access set() and setprecision() function to
2. Read all students report card record: The void limit the decimal places in variables.
display_all(); function in this student report card management
system project in C++ has been used for this feature. It shows 4. #include <stdlib.h>
the progress report of all the students added in file. This The stdlib.h header defines four variable types, several
feature displays the roll no. and name of all the students, the macros, and various functions for performing general
marks obtained by them in 5 subjects – OOPs, Data Structures, functions.
Analog and Digital Electronics, Computer Organization and
Architecture and Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
along with the percentage and grade of each student.
Fig 1: The Intro menu which immediately pops up when you build and run the code