Poisson Manifolds: Markro 1makro Ikv-Cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg Algebroids and
Poisson Manifolds: Markro 1makro Ikv-Cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg Algebroids and
Poisson Manifolds: Markro 1makro Ikv-Cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg Algebroids and
Résume . The main concern of this paper is the study of the relationships
between the KV-cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg algebras and some properties
of various geometrical objects . In particularly wo show how the scolar Kv-
cohomology of real or holomorphic Koszul-Vinberg algebroids is closely related
to real or holomorphic poisson manifolds . In the ppendix we point out strong
relationship between the pioneer work of Albert Nijenhuis (NIJ1) and the KV-
1. Introduction
An other fact is that many geometrical structures are closely related to Koszul-
Vinberg algebras. Here are some important examples of such geometrical
structures. (1) The geometry of homogeneous convex domains (KOZ1) (KVI)
(VIN) (2) The affine geometry of lie groups (FGH) (HEL) (KIM) (Mil) (NGB1,
2,7) (PAM) (3) lagrangian foliation in symplectic manifolds (HES) (LIB)
(NGB5,6) (WE1) .
The concern of this note is the study of relationship between the scolar KV-
cohomology of koszul-Vinberg algebroids and poisson manifolds.
a Poisson tensor. Moreover this Poisson tensor depends only on the cohomology
class ⌊ θ ⌋ ϵ H 0,2 ¿
In section 6 we deal with the tangent bundles of affinely flat manifolds . Those
tangent bundles are transitive Koszul-Vinberg algebroids . About transitive
Koszul-Vinberg algebroids , we have .
Theorem 6.0.18 let (V , a) be a transitive Koszul-Vinberg algebroids . We keep
the notations A W and g= A ∝ W as above. If θϵ C0,2 ( g , W ) is a Koszul-Vinberg
cocycle of order ≤ 1, then its symbol σθ is symmetric .
vector space of first integrals of this foliation is devoted by W 0 . . we set
gM =T (V ( M ) )∝ ϖ 0. From those data we derive the following KV-complex
r, s
∁ ( gM , ϖ )=∑ C❑ (gM , ~
r ,s
classea containing a non null Poisson tensor . The main result of section 7 is
The appendix is devoted the connection between the KV-cohomology and the
chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology. In particular we how the pioneer work of
Albert Nijenhuis (NIJ1) is connected the KV-cohomology.
Definition 2.0.2. A vector space W with two-sided linear actions of the vector
space A is called a Koszul-Vinberg module of the Koszul-Vinberg algebra A if
the following axioms are satisfied:
∀ w ∈W ∧∈ ∀ a ,b ∈ A , ( i ) a ( bw )− ( ab ) w=b ( aw )( ba ) w , ( ii ) a ( wb ) −( aw ) b=( wa ) b−w(ab)
e 2 : Let L be the vector space of formal vector fields on Rn. Let ( x 1 ,.. , xn ) be the
linear coordinate functions of Rn. An element X ∈ L is an expression
X =∑ Xj
∂ xj
1 ≤ j≤ n
Where the X ,sj are power series in the variables x 1 …… .. x . The multiplication in L is
defined by
X X ' ˇ =∑ ¿ ¿
It is easy to check that X , X ' X ' ' ¿=( X ' , X , X ' ') ∀ X , X ' ' ∈ L .
The commutator Lie algebra of (e 2) is a simple Lie algebra. This fact is contrast
to the finite dimension case. Indeed, according to a Y. Matsushima s Result, the
commutator Lie algebra of a finite dimensional Koszul-Vinberg algebra cannot
be semi-simple However, if the ground field F is a commutative field of
characteristic P, then a Koszul-Vinber algebra whose commutator Lie algebra is
semi-simple must benp−dimensional , n being a positive integer,[NGB1].
e 3 : Let D be a homogenous bounded convex domain in an Euclidian space. We
suppose that D doesn’t contain any straight line. Let g be the Lie algebra of the
Lie group of affine automorphisms of D . Then , the vector space gcarries a
Koszul-Vinberg algebra structure whose commutator Lie algebra is g [KVI],
Let V and W be two modules of the same koszul-Vinberg algebra A . The tensor
productV ⨂ W . Is a module of A under the following two-sided actions?
a ( v ⨂ w )=av ⨂ w+ v ⨂ aw ,
( v ⨂ w ) a=v ⨂ wa.
Let r and s be two positive integers. Let us set T r V =⨂r V . since the tensor
product is associate, we deduce from the conventions above that the tensiorial
algebra T ( V ) =⨂r T r V admits a A−module structure such that: