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Poisson Manifolds: Markro 1makro Ikv-Cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg Algebroids and

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Michel Nguiffo Boyom

Résume . The main concern of this paper is the study of the relationships
between the KV-cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg algebras and some properties
of various geometrical objects . In particularly wo show how the scolar Kv-
cohomology of real or holomorphic Koszul-Vinberg algebroids is closely related
to real or holomorphic poisson manifolds . In the ppendix we point out strong
relationship between the pioneer work of Albert Nijenhuis (NIJ1) and the KV-
1. Introduction

To motivate .let we recall the following well know features.

( f 1) The hochschild cohomology of associative algebras palys important roles in

the theory of deformation of associative algebras and their modules (GERS2),
(GRE2), (KON),(PIP).
¿ ) The Chevally-Eilenberg cohomology of lie algebras palys important roles in
the theory of deformation of lie algebras and their modules (PIP) (GER) (KOSZ)
¿ ¿ ) The deformation of lie pseudogroups and related geometrical topics are
closely related to the Koszul-Sppencer cohomology , (SI-T) (GU-ST)(MA1)
(MAL2) Gerstenhaber has conjectured the following feature (GER)

Every restrict theory of deformation generates its proper cohomology theory

An other fact is that many geometrical structures are closely related to Koszul-
Vinberg algebras. Here are some important examples of such geometrical
structures. (1) The geometry of homogeneous convex domains (KOZ1) (KVI)
(VIN) (2) The affine geometry of lie groups (FGH) (HEL) (KIM) (Mil) (NGB1,
2,7) (PAM) (3) lagrangian foliation in symplectic manifolds (HES) (LIB)
(NGB5,6) (WE1) .

According to the conjecture (of Gerstenhaber ) which is stated above a proper

cohomology theory of Koszul-Vinberg algebra would help to well handle the
deformations of Kuszul-Vinerg algebra structures and related topics such as
locally flat manifolds structures (KOSZ1) . The pioneer attempt in this
directionis due to Albert Nijenhuis (NIj1)

Recently some algebraits have tried to define the cohomology of Koszul-

Vinberg algerbra. They have used new homological algebra concepts such as
the theory of operads , (CHL) (DZU) . Unfortunately those new concepts had
led to nothing else


Than the results of A Nojenhuis (NIJ.)

The reference (NGB4) is devoted to the conjecture of Gestenhaber . The pioneer

result of Albert Nijenhuis is improved therein (NIJ2) (STA) ( see the appendix
of this paper .) From the viewpoint of the theory of deformation of Kuszul-
Vinberg algebra structures, the cohomology given in (NGB4) is the complete
solution of the conjecture of Gerstenhaber. That new cohomology is called KV-
cohomoly . It also has connections with various geometrical structures.

The concern of this note is the study of relationship between the scolar KV-
cohomology of koszul-Vinberg algebroids and poisson manifolds.

Let us summarize the content of this paper.

Section 3 is devoted to some background materials. The useful definitions are


The KV-complex of Koszul-Vinberg algebra is recalled.

Section 3 is devoted to the KV-Vingberg algebroids .Let M be a smooth

manifolds. Below W stands for the vector speace of real valued differentiable
functions defined in M Roughly speaking a koszul –Vingberg , a algebroid over
the manifolds M is a pair (V,α ) where V is vector bunble and α is a vector
bundle morphism of V in the Vector speace of section of V is a Koszul-Vinberg
algebra, of V in the tagent bunble TM . Those data are subject to the following
requirement. (1) The vector space of section of V thenis is a Koszul-Vinberg
algebra ,say A. (2) is a scalar differentiable function defined in the base
manifolds M if s and S’ are two differentiable section of V then ¿ ¿). S’ = f (s . s' )
and s .' fs ' ¿=f (s . s)+¿ With the left action ( s' f ) ⟶ a ( s ) f of A in the vector space
every element s ∈ A is a derivation of the associative algebra . we then derive
the semi-direct product of koszul-Vinberg algebras g=a ∝w .

We shall mainly deal with the scalar KV-cohomology H ⋆ ( g , w ) . This

cohomology space admits a bi-graduation, namely H ( g ,W )=∑ H r , s (g , w)
r ,s

The KV-cochains of koszul-Vinberg algebroids are not tonsorial. Therefore ,

every homogeneous cochains has an order in the sense of (KOSZ4). The notion
of order allows to assign a symbol σθ to every q-cochains θ Two important
theorems are proved in section 3.

Theorem 3.06. For every positive integer one has H r , 0 ( g , w )=0

Theorem 3.09 The symbol σθ every q-cocycle θ. Is a q_cocycle as well

In section 4 we study the connections between the symbols so called Koszul-

Vinberg cocycle and Poisson tensors on the base manifolds . In these
perspectives, we prove

Theorem 4.0.12 let k be a positive integer. Let θ be a ( 0,2 ) −¿ Koszul-Vinberg

cocylce of order ≤ k . Then the skew symmetric part of the symbolσθ , say∏ ❑, is

a Poisson tensor. Moreover this Poisson tensor depends only on the cohomology
class ⌊ θ ⌋ ϵ H 0,2 ¿


In section 5 we use theorem 4,0,12 to prove the follwing

Thjeorem 5.0.14. if v , a is a simple smooth or simple holomorphic Koszul-

Vinberg algbroid over the manifolds M , then every Koszul-Vinberg
cohomology class ⌊ θ ⌋ ∈ H 0,2 (g ,W ) defines a poisson map U ⟶ F U where U is the
open submanifolds consisting in regular points of the anchor map a F U is the
foliation a ( V ) . furthermore over U H 0 (g , W ) is nothing else than the vector space
of first intergrals of H U

In section 6 we deal with the tangent bundles of affinely flat manifolds . Those
tangent bundles are transitive Koszul-Vinberg algebroids . About transitive
Koszul-Vinberg algebroids , we have .
Theorem 6.0.18 let (V , a) be a transitive Koszul-Vinberg algebroids . We keep
the notations A W and g= A ∝ W as above. If θϵ C0,2 ( g , W ) is a Koszul-Vinberg
cocycle of order ≤ 1, then its symbol σθ is symmetric .

In section 7 we consider the cotangent bundle T ¿ M with the liouville symplectic

form wτ . the fibers of the colonical projection of T ¿ M are leaves of a
Lagrangrian foliation V ( M ) ∁ T (T M ) of the symplectic manifold(T M , ωτ ). The
¿ ¿

vector space of first integrals of this foliation is devoted by W 0 . . we set
gM =T (V ( M ) )∝ ϖ 0. From those data we derive the following KV-complex

r, s
∁ ( gM , ϖ )=∑ C❑ (gM , ~
r ,s

Where ϖ is the associative algebra os smooth of holomorphic functions defined

in T ¿ the subspace H 0,2 2
P ( gM , ϖ ) ∁ H gM , W ¿ consist in those (0,2)-cohomology

classea containing a non null Poisson tensor . The main result of section 7 is

Theorem 7.0.19 . The set P(M) of non null poisson structures on M is

isomorphic to the set H 0,2
P ( gM , W ) .

In section 8 a collection of other results about the KV-cohomologi are derived

using the KV-complexes which can be connected to various geometrical objects.

The appendix is devoted the connection between the KV-cohomology and the
chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology. In particular we how the pioneer work of
Albert Nijenhuis (NIJ1) is connected the KV-cohomology.


Throughout this section we denote F a fixed commutative field of

characteristics zero. All algebric structures such as vector spaces and algebras
have the same ground field .

Let A be an algebra whose multiplication map is denoted by ab , ∀ a , b ∈ A . The

associator map of A is the 3-muliti-linear map which is defined by
( a , b , c )=a ( bc ) −( ab ) c


∀ a , b , c ∈ A . Let W be a vector space which is endowed with two-sided linear
actions of the vector space A , say aw andwa , ∀ a ∈ A , ∀ w ∈W .

Definition 2.0.1. Algebra A is called a Koszu-Vinberg algebra if the associator

map a , b , c ¿ is symmetric with respect to the pair ( a , b ) , viz ( a ,b ,c ) =(b , a , c )

Definition 2.0.2. A vector space W with two-sided linear actions of the vector
space A is called a Koszul-Vinberg module of the Koszul-Vinberg algebra A if
the following axioms are satisfied:
∀ w ∈W ∧∈ ∀ a ,b ∈ A , ( i ) a ( bw )− ( ab ) w=b ( aw )( ba ) w , ( ii ) a ( wb ) −( aw ) b=( wa ) b−w(ab)

Given a Koszul-Vinberg algebra A the vector space A carries a Lie algebra

structure A L, [ ,]whose bracket is defined by [ a , b ]=ab−ba. This Lie algebra( A , [ , ] ) is
called the commutator Lie algebra of the Koszul-Vingberg A .

Definition 2.0.3. Given

a A−module W as above we define the subspace J ( W ) ⊆W which consist ∈elements w ∈W such that a ( ab ) w ∀ a

Here are some important examples of Kozsul-Vinberg algebras.

e 1: Every associate algebra is a Koszul-Vinberg algebra.

e 2 : Let L be the vector space of formal vector fields on Rn. Let ( x 1 ,.. , xn ) be the
linear coordinate functions of Rn. An element X ∈ L is an expression

X =∑ Xj
∂ xj
1 ≤ j≤ n

Where the X ,sj are power series in the variables x 1 …… .. x . The multiplication in L is

defined by
X X ' ˇ =∑ ¿ ¿

It is easy to check that X , X ' X ' ' ¿=( X ' , X , X ' ') ∀ X , X ' ' ∈ L .
The commutator Lie algebra of (e 2) is a simple Lie algebra. This fact is contrast
to the finite dimension case. Indeed, according to a Y. Matsushima s Result, the
commutator Lie algebra of a finite dimensional Koszul-Vinberg algebra cannot
be semi-simple However, if the ground field F is a commutative field of
characteristic P, then a Koszul-Vinber algebra whose commutator Lie algebra is
semi-simple must benp−dimensional , n being a positive integer,[NGB1].
e 3 : Let D be a homogenous bounded convex domain in an Euclidian space. We
suppose that D doesn’t contain any straight line. Let g be the Lie algebra of the
Lie group of affine automorphisms of D . Then , the vector space gcarries a
Koszul-Vinberg algebra structure whose commutator Lie algebra is g [KVI],
Let V and W be two modules of the same koszul-Vinberg algebra A . The tensor
productV ⨂ W . Is a module of A under the following two-sided actions?
a ( v ⨂ w )=av ⨂ w+ v ⨂ aw ,
( v ⨂ w ) a=v ⨂ wa.
Let r and s be two positive integers. Let us set T r V =⨂r V . since the tensor
product is associate, we deduce from the conventions above that the tensiorial
algebra T ( V ) =⨂r T r V admits a A−module structure such that:


(i) the left action is a derivation of the tensor product,

(ii) the right action is defined by
( v 1❑ … .. ⨂ v r +1 ) a=¿
In regard to the conventions just set we shall equip Hom(T r V ,T s W ) with the
following structures of A-module. Let θ . a Hom ( T r V , T s W ) , aϵ A ,∧ξϵ T r V
The following elements a , θ . a Hom(T r V , T s W ) are defined as it follows
( a . θ ) ( ξ )=a ¿
( θ . a ) ( ξ )=¿
Under the two-sided actions we just defined the vector space Hom(T r V ,T s W )
becomes a module of A
The main complex
Let Z be the group of integers. To every A−modul W we assign the
Z−graded A−modul C ( A , W ) =∑ Cq ( A , W ) . The homogeneous subspaces C q ( A , W )
q ∈z

are defined as it follows

If q is a negative integer then
C q ( A , W )=0.
C 0 ( A , W ) =J ( W )
C q ( A ; W )=Hom ( T q A , W ) .
Let j and q be two positive integers such that j ≤ q .To every a ∈ A we assign the
linear map

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