Electronics: Burner Control and Flame Detector For Permanent and Not-Permanent Operation
Electronics: Burner Control and Flame Detector For Permanent and Not-Permanent Operation
Electronics: Burner Control and Flame Detector For Permanent and Not-Permanent Operation
¾ All installation, maintenance, ignition and setting must To dispose of the product, abide by the local legislations
be performed by qualified staff, respecting the norms regarding it.
present at the time and place of the installation.
¾ To avoid damage to people and things, it is essential
to observe all the points indicated in this handbook. The
reported indications do not exonerate the Client/User
from observing general or specific laws concerning acci-
dents and environmental safeguarding. ¾ In accordance to the internal policy of constant quali-
ty improvement, ESA-PYRONICS reserves the right to
modify the technical characteristics of the present docu-
¾ The operator must wear proper DPI clothing (shoes, ment at any time and without warning.
helmets...) and respect the general safety, prevention
and precaution norms. ¾ It is possible to download technical sheets which
have been updated to the latest revision from the
¾ To avoid the risks of burns or high voltage electrocu- www.esapyronics.com website.
tion, the operator must avoid all contact with the burner
and its control devices during the ignition phase and ¾ The products manufactured by ESA-PYRONICS have
while it is running at high temperatures. been created in conformity to the UNI EN 746-2:2010
Norms: Equipment for industrial thermal process - Part
2: Safety requirements for combustion and the move-
¾ All ordinary and extraordinary maintenance must be
ment and treatment of combustible elements. This norm
performed when the system is stopped. is in harmony with the Machine Directive 2006/42/CE. It
is certified that the products in question respect all the
¾ To assure correct and safe use of the combustion requirements prescribed by the above mentioned Norms
plant, it is of extreme importance that the contents of this and Directives.
document be brought to the attention of and be meticu-
lously observed by all personnel in charge of controlling ¾ Certified in conformity with the UNI EN ISO 9001
and working the devices. Norm by DNV GL.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
¾ Flame detector with signalling to remote devices by
means of digital signals or ECS serial communication.
¾ Automatic burner control for multi-nozzle or multi-
flame burners.
¾ Gas and oil burners with any type of capacity, with per-
manent or non-permanent operation.
¾ Burners with electrode, unirod and UV detection (also
¾ Permanent operation by electrode detenction or by
UV scanner and shutter.
¾ Package burners with complete ignition cycle control
(blower, air regulation valve, pressure switch and air flow
¾ Plants with burner control via digital signals or ECS
serial communication.
¾ Personalized burner control via optional configuration
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
* These parameters must be set according to the norm that is applicable at the time of installation.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H is a microprocessor flame detector or the UV-2 sensor during permanent operation. Depending
burner control device equipped with inputs and outputs on the working time and on the type of burner flame
for controlling and supervising burners with permanent detection, it is possible to define the sensor’s check
functioning, fit for applications in which the burners method by selecting from the internal check of the ioniza-
remain running for more than 24 hours. The instrument tion probe every hour, external check of the UV-2 sensor
has four different behavior of operation. For multi-nozzle via the dimming shutter every hour or shut down every 24
or multi-flame burners, the presence of an illegal flame hours for non permanent operation with UV-2.
can be monitored and the ignition transformer can be ESA REFLAM is equipped with an ECS serial interface
remotely controlled by means of the start input. The ESA that enables the ignition transformer to be activated and
REFLAM-H also have a digital configurable input and out- flame presence to be monitored remotely, permitting the
put, in particular the digital input is necessary in high tem- control of several instruments by means of the serial com-
perature applications to activate specific functioning (see munication.
Norm EN746-2), whilst the digital output is used to check
L N + - L N + - L N + - L N + -
7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 9 10 9 10
A local Start/Stop pushbutton is found on the front panel, request. ESA REFLAM-H permits the parameters and
together with a display showing the cycle, a bar graph modes of operation to be configured according to the
flame signal indicator and two LEDs for configuration of requirements of the application using dedicated program-
the serial address using infrared. The instrument also ming software. Devices or specific serial communication
makes a Start/Stop input available for remote control. can be applied to all devices. The installation of the
ESA REFLAM-H is supplied in a robust thermosetting expansion cards precludes the possibility of mounting the
casing designed for housing the TAR-10 ignition transfor- ignition transformer inside the instrument.The available
mer and for the cable outlets, that can be pre-wired on expansions are indicated below:
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
¾ ESA EXP-2: expansion that allows to control a packa- check the air pressure switch status and control the air
ge type burner, able to activate the air valve or blower, damper during the prepurge and burner ignition phases.
¾ ESA EXP-3: expansion allowing to interface the flame For detailed information refer to specific data sheet
control with the most common field bus. E7015.
¾ ESA EXP-4: expansion having four digital inputs and card from remote. For detailed information refer to spe-
four digital outputs as well as an analogical input and cific data sheet E7016.
output, and a serial interface that allows to control the
¾ ESA EXP-5: expansion that has four digital inputs and For detailed information refer to the specific data sheet
four digital outputs with predefined functions. E7017.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H displays different codes to indicate the non resettable faults, whilst lock or resettable fault condi-
flame control functioning and lockout statuses. Fixed tions are indicated by flashing symbols.
symbols indicate normal operating conditions or certain
Burner flame stability check phase: at the end of this the instrument checks the
efficiency of the flame amplifier.
Steady operation with flame detection. In this phase, the status output is ena-
FIXED bled and the ignited burner output or fuel valve output held until shutdown is
requested following a Start/Stop command or a serial command.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
Chamber cooling phase with maximum air flow. In applications with three-posi-
FIXED tion air valve, the air valve is brought to maximum opening . During this phase
flame absence is checked otherwise lockout is determined due to illegal flame.
Chamber cooling phase with minimum air flow. In applications with three-posi-
FIXED tion air valve, the air valve is driven to the minimum opening . During this phase
flame absence is checked otherwise lockout is determined due to illegal flame.
FIXED Chamber purging or waiting phase following burner shut down. During this
phase the instrument does not accept any command and displays the phase or
lockout code that caused shut down, besides the fixed decimal point.
High temperature functioning on. During this operation the instrument displays
FLASHING the lockout or phase code, besides the flashing decimal point. If the high tem-
DOT perature function provides only the prepurge exclusion, this indication is pre-
sent in all the phases prior to the ignition of the burner.
Lockout or failure
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
Lockout due to the extended absence of serial commands by the remote super-
FLASHING visor, for a longer period of time than the period programmed in the
“Communication timeout” parameter.
Malfunctioning is due to the presence of the air pressure switch signal before
the instrument has activated the combustion blower. The causes can be found
FIXED in the incorrect wiring or in a fault in the air pressure switch. During normal ope-
ration, this indication appears for a few seconds during the air pressure signal
Lockout due to the presence of the air pressure switch signal before the instru-
ment has activated the combustion blower over the time limit or due to the mal-
FLASHING functioning of the internal circuit related to the air pressure switch input. The
causes can be found in the incorrect wiring or in a fault in the air pressure
Lockout due to the missing air pressure switch signal after having activated the
FLASHING air valve or during normal burner operation. The causes can be found in the
combustion air flow (blocked filters, blower off) or in a pressure switch failure.
Lockout due to the presence of the maximum position limit switch signal or
minimum purge flow switch (FSL), before the instrument has commanded the
air damper to open. Furthermore, this lockout can occur when the prepurge
FSL check is on, but when the signal is received the input test result is negati-
ve. The causes can be found in the incorrect wiring or regulation of the air shut-
ter limit or flow switch.
Lockout due to the presence of the minimum position limit switch signal or
maximum ignition flow switch (FSH), before the instrument has commanded the
air damper to close. Furthermore, this lockout can occur when only the FSH
ignition check is on, but when the signal is received the input test result is nega-
tive. The causes can be found in the incorrect wiring or regulation of the air
shutter limit or flow switch.
Lockout due to the failure of the air damper to close at the end of purging. The
instrument waits for the minimum position limit switch signal for a maximum of
150 seconds from the closing command. The causes can be found in the incor-
rect wiring or regulation of the air damper limit or flow switch.
Lockout due to a failure in the flame detection probe. The causes can be found
in the breaking of the probe, a short circuit of the probe or in its ground connec-
FLASHING tion (burner body), in the inverted connection of the ESA UV-2 sensibility probe,
in the incorrect ground connection of the instrument or in the strong currents on
the furnace mass (welding machines operating, etc).
Lockout due to malfunctioning of the internal flame amplifier detected after igni-
tion or during the periodic check or the flame amplifier sensor. Furthermore this
lockout is due to the malfunctioning of the dimming shutter probe when the per-
FLASHING manent operation with UV detection is running. The causes can be found in the
incorrect wiring or in the functioning of the UV-2 shutter. Otherwise, if after an
attempt to reset the problem reoccurs, the instrument must be sent back to the
Lockout due to the malfunctioning of the internal circuit related to the thermo-
FLASHING stat input. If after an attempt to reset the problem reoccurs, the instrument must
be sent back to the manufacturer.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
Malfunctioning due to the front button or the digital input button (if the reset/stop
function from remote is on) that are blocked as if pressed during the auto dia-
FIXED (1) gnosis of the instrument. The causes can be found in the connection and con-
trol of the remote reset, in the possible absence of the RC filter, or front button
failure. To reset the alarm, cut off the power to the instrument for a few seconds.
Malfunctioning due to a short circuit in the internal safety relay. To reset the
FIXED (1) alarm, cut off the power to the instrument for a few seconds. If the problem
reoccurs, the instrument must be sent back to the manufacturer.
Malfunctioning due to a short circuit between the pins and the microprocessor.
If the problem reoccurs, the instrument must be sent back to the manufacturer.
Malfunctioning due to a gap in the program. The causes can be found in the
incorrect ground connection of the instrument or of the connected ignition devi-
ces, in the missing suppression filter in the ignition electrode connector, or else
in the strong electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere or in the power
supply. To reset the alarm, cut off the power to the instrument for a few seconds.
If the problem reoccurs, the instrument must be sent back to the manufacture
FLASHING Mlafunctioning due to excessive ambient temperature that does not allow the
DISPLAY instrument to work. When this malfunctioning occurs the instrument continues
AND BARGRAPH to switch on and off displaying only the beginning of the auto diagnosis phase.
(1) The indication of these failures or lockout conditions starts flashing when power is supplied again, indicating that
alarm reset is possible.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
Programming phase from serial input via the special configuration software.
During this phase it is not possible to carry out any other operation.
Programming phase from infrared input via the special programmer. Fase di
FIXED programmazione da ingresso infrarosso tramite l’apposito programmatore.
During this phase it is not possible to carry out any other operation.
ESA REFLAM-H has a bargraph with five leds indicating ESA REFLAM-H allows the configuration of the local but-
the flame value detected in a range of 0µA to 90µA. If the ton according to the application needs (see Configuration
detection current is greater than 90µA the upper led is Parameter paragraph). The button can carry out the lock
kept on. The flame detection signals generated by elec- and manual stop functions as well as only lock or only
trodes (ionization) are sensibly lower that compared with manual stop or else it can be disabled with the possibility
the signals generated by the UV probe, however, in both of being activated by serial communication.
cases the stability of the indication on the bargraph is
related to the stability of the signal detected by the bur- The button action differs depending on the function:
ner flame.
¾ Unlock: the local button must be kept pressed for 1 to
3 seconds and when released ESA REFLAM-H unlocks
the condition. If pressed for less or longer than specified,
the command is not accepted.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H is a configurable burner control or flame ¾ MODE 4: Burner control for burner device manage-
detector that can operate in different modes according to ment and pulsed ignition command.
the configuration selected. The main modes of operation ESA REFLAM-H also offers other configurable parame-
are as follows: ters, such as monitoring the presence of an illegal flame,
¾ MODE 1: Burner control for multi-nozzle for multi- the activation time of the ignition devices, the flame failu-
flame burners with continuous ignition command. re response time and others; according to the mode of
¾ MODE 2: Flame detector. operation selected, only those required can be modified.
¾ MODE 3: Burner control with semi-continuous ignition
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H MODE 1 is a burner control for multi- be enabled; if not ESA REFLAM-H will disable the fuel
nozzle or multi-flame burners. In these applications, the valve output and wait until the flame extinguishes. The
gas fuel valve can be controlled by another burner con- fuel valve output is also disabled in the absence of a flame
trol, from which ESA REFLAM-H receives the ignition signal, signalling the anomaly to the main flame control.
command and to which it interrupts the fuel valve com- The status output is enabled or disabled according to the
mand. By enabling the Start/Stop command, ESA detection of a flame, independently of the status of the
REFLAM-H activates the ignition transformer and fuel Start/Stop command. In this mode of operation, the auto-
valve output for the ignition time. It then deactivates the matic start function of the ignition cycle is not available,
transformer and checks for flame presence holding the but the ignition devices can be controlled and the status of
fuel valve output and enabling the status output. In this the device can be checked by means of serial communi-
mode of operation, the Start/Stop command must always cation.
8. S 1 3 3 S
1 max
sec 20 sec
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H MODE 2 is a flame detector. In this the flame is detected. In this mode of operation, only the
mode of operation, the Start/Stop command has no effect flame failure response time can be modified, while, using
and the flame detector outputs and status outputs are serial communication, only the status of the device can be
enabled or disabled simultaneously according to whether checked.
8. S 3 S 3
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H MODE 3 is a burner control with semi- enabled and wait until the flame is extinguished. In addi-
continuous command. By enabling the Start/Stop com- tion, the fuel output is disabled in the absence of a flame
mand, ESA REFLAM-H activates the ignition transformer signal, signalling the anomaly. The status output is ena-
and fuel valve output for the ignition time. It then deacti- bled or disabled according to the detection of a flame,
vates the transformer and checks for flame presence hol- independently of the status of the Start/Stop command. In
ding the valve output and enabling the status output. In this mode of operation, the automatic start function of the
this mode of operation, the Start/Stop command must ignition cycle is not available, but the ignition devices can
remain activated until the device detects the presence of be controlled and the status of the device can be checked
the flame; it can then be deactivated. With flame detection by means of the serial communication.
active and the instrument in operation, it will disable the
fuel valve output as soon as the Start/Stop command is
8. S 1 3 3 S
1 max
sec 20 sec
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H MODE 4 is a burner control with pulsed the fuel valve output as soon as the Start/Stop command
start command or serial communication control. By ena- is enabled and wait until the flame is extinguished. In
bling the Start/Stop command, ESA REFLAM-H activates addition, the fuel valve output is disabled in the absence
the ignition transformer and fuel valve output for the igni- of a flame signal, signalling the anomaly. The status out-
tion time. It then deactivates the transformer and checks put is enabled with burner ignited.
for flame presence holding the fuel valve output and ena- In this mode of operation, the automatic start function of
bling the status output. In this mode of operation, the igni- the ignition cycle is also available when the device is
tion devices are activated when the Start/Stop command powered, and the ignition devices can be controlled and
is released, which must be an impulse. With flame detec- the status of the device can be checked by means of
tion active and the instrument in operation, it will disable serial communication.
8. S 1 3 3 S
1 max
sec 20 sec
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H enables the ignition cycle to be automa- without a lockout; otherwise the specific lockout would be
tically activated at power-on without waiting for the indicated. If the Start/Stop command is enabled with flame
Start/Stop command or the ignition command from the detection active and the instrument in operation, the
serial communication. This function can only be selected instrument will disable the ignited burner output and wait
with MODE 4 operation. By selecting automatic start, the until the flame is extinguished. At this point, in order to
instrument activates the ignition devices as soon as it is carry out another ignition cycle, it is sufficient to enable
powered, but only if the power supply was previously cut the Start/Stop command again.
8. 1 3 3 O 1
1 max
TS1 20 sec TS1
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H enables behaviour to be configured if an This function can be selected only in operation MODE 1.
illegal flame is detected, selecting either shutdown in loc- The illegal flame presence can be signalled during the
kout with activation of an alarm, or an indication of flame waiting phase or following a command to shut down after
presence and enabling of the status output. the twenty seconds allowed for the flame to extinguish.
S “d” 3 3 “d”
20 sec
S 3 3 3 3 S
20 sec
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H, at the end of every ignition cycle, deac- In order to start the ignition cycle again, the Start/Stop
tivates the transformer and checks for flame presence, command must be given again or an "unlock" and "igni-
holding the ignited burner output until the ignition time has tion" command sent by serial communication. This alarm
expired. If the flame is not detected during this phase, the is not available in MODE 2 operation. In the following dia-
device disables the ignited burner output and shuts down gram the behaviour with operation MODE 1 is indicated.
in lockout, displaying the relevant code.
S 1 “U” “U” 1 3
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H, during steady operation, continuously relevant code. In order to start the ignition cycle again, the
checks for flame presence and if the flame signal is Start/Stop command must be given again or an "unlock"
absent for a time greater than the response time, it disa- and "ignition" command sent by serial communication.
bles the outputs and shuts down in lockout, displaying the This alarm is not available in operation MODE 2.
S 1 3 3 “F”
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H, if serial communication is absent, ena- simply to display the anomaly. This function cannot be
bles a Com-timeout alarm to be activated. This function selected in MODE 2 operation.
can be used to stop the device, putting it in lockout or
3 3 3 3 “C” “C”
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
+ - 1 2 B A 5 6 3 4 7 8 9 10
Ph 230Vac
BURNER Ph 230Vac
230Vac / + 24 Vdc HV
BURNER ON 230Vac / + 24 Vdc
7 BD
8 BI
PE 10
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H Mode 2 is used as a flame detector for sence of the flame.
applications where burners are operated by a central In this mode of operation, it is possible to detect flame
safety unit. presence by dedicated ionization probes or ESA UV-2
In this case the activation of the ignition organs and the photocells, while the unirod (single electrode for ignition
management of the fuel shut-off valves is in charge of the and detection) is not allowed because the ignition tran-
central system to which ESA REFLAM-H signals the pre- sformer is not operated by ESA REFLAM- H.
L N A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
POWER L Ph 230Vac
N 0Vac
230Vac / + 24 Vdc
FLAME ON 230Vac / + 24 Vdc
"+" "-"
+ S S
"+" "-"
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H Mode 3 is used as burner ignition control "Start" must be maintained until the burner enters the
that requires operator supervision during the ignition system phase, after which it can be released.
phase. Once the burner is switched on, pressing the start button
In this operating mode, the burner ignition command causes the instantaneous shutdown.
B L N A 4 5 1 2 7 8 9 10
POWER Ph 230Vac
N 0Vac
BURNER Ph 230Vac
Ph 230Vac
"+" "-"
- BD
+ S S
"+" "-"
www.esapyronics.com 24
ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
ESA REFLAM-H Mode 4 is used as a burner control for by ESA REFLAM-H, which manages a supply coming
all applications where the fuel shut-off valves have a dif- from an external source.
ferent supply voltage than that of the burner control (eg ESA REFLAM-H in this operating mode allows for com-
24Vdc valves). plete burner management, also anticipating combustion
The command to the solenoid valves is safely controlled air control when specific expansion is present.
L N B A 4 5 1 2 7 8 9 10
POWER L Ph 230Vac
BURNER Ph 230Vac
+ 24 Vdc
BURNER ON + 24 Vdc
+ 24 Vdc
+ 0 Vdc
"+" "-"
+ S S
"+" "-"
www.esapyronics.com 25
ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
The configuration defines the ESA REFLAM-H functio- altered. The software installed on the pc instead, commu-
ning mode, adapting it to the needs of the plant. Certain nicates via the ECS serial interface and allows all the non
configuration parameters are defined and blocked by the blocked parameters to be altered. With the aid of the soft-
factory in conformity to the related application norms. ware, the user can block other parameters, with the
Others instead, can be altered by the user with the aid of restriction that the blocks can only be removed by the
suitable equipment. The modification of the parameters is manufacturer or by the person who entered them.
accepted by the ESA REFLAM-H when it is in the manual Configuration via the ECS serial interface is allowed for
stop condition and can be done with a portable program- one instrument at a time, and it is compulsory to discon-
mer or dedicated software via a serial interface card. The nect the network on field and connect it directly to the
portable programmer communicates via infrared interface ECS interface card connected to the PC.
and allows the serial communication parameters to be
N° NAME (selectable)
0 ÷ 9 and With “Address Segment” the device is indentified for serial communica-
Address A÷Z tion. The ECS protocol identifies the zone or the group to which it
Segment capital letters belongs. With Modbus-RTU protocol the address tens are defined (0÷F
(mode 1,2,3,4) for 0÷16 tens).
0 ÷ 9 and
A÷Z With “Address Node” the device is indentified for serial communication.
/ Address Node The ECS protocol identifies the unit inside the zone or group. With
capital letters
Modbus-RTU protocol the address units are defined (0÷9 units).
(mode 1,2,3,4)
Mode 1 Burner control that waits for the continous command to ignite the burner.
Mode 2 Flame detector that and switches its outputs when flame is detected.
Burner control that waits for the semicontinuous command to ignite the
Mode 3
2 Burner control that does not start the ignition cycle but waits for the local
Mode 4 or remote ignition command. This configuration is useful when controlling
stand by the the burner through serial communication to avoid simultaneous igni-
tions or for applications that require operator action every time.
Mode 4 Burner control that automatically starts the ignition cycle, at less than one
block before shut down. This configuration is useful when controlling the
autostart burner through the power of the instrument.
Regulation 0 ÷ 25 sec Waiting time following the stability check phase of the 1st gas stage, after
delay time (mode 4) which air valve regulation is allowed.
Lockout The instrument determines shut down in burner lockout, caused by flame
signal extinction for longer than the time set in the “Reaction time” para-
(mode 1,3,4)
meter (reset is required). In mode 2 the device go to waiting flame phase.
Behaviour at
flame failure The instrument performs a sequence of complete ignition (including pre-
Recycle purge) after the flame signal has disappeared. When burner ignition has
(mode 4) taken place correctly, at the next flame extinction, the instrument per-
forms another ignition sequence.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
N° NAME (selectable)
The instrument performs burner reignition (excluding prepurge) after the
Respark flame signal has disappeared. When burner ignition has taken place cor-
(mode 1,4) rectly, at the next flame extinction, the instrument performs another rei-
gnition sequence.
Only one The instrument performs a sequence of complete ignition (including pre-
Behaviour at purge) after the flame signal has disappeared. When burner ignition has
7 recycle
flame failure taken place correctly, at the next flame extinction, the instrument per-
(mode 4) forms burner lockout halt (reset is required).
Only one The instrument performs burner reignition (excluding prepurge) after the
flame signal has disappeared. When burner ignition has taken place cor-
rectly, at the next flame extinction, the instrument performs burner loc-
(mode 1,4) kout halt (reset is required).
Post purge The instrument begins timing of the “Post purge time” from burner shut
flex disable down due to a shut down request or lockout. In Mode 2 this selection has
(mode 1,3,4) no effect.
Postpurge flex The instrument begins timing of the “Post purge time” from the burner
Post purge flex
9 & ignition phase. When this configuration is present, the “Postpurge time”
(mode 4) becomes the minimum time between one burner ignition and the next.
Illegal detection
Only indication of
The device indicate the flame presence changing the display status and
illegal detection
switching the status output.
(mode 1)
Chamber purge or waiting time before another ignition after burner shut
0 ÷ 99 sec down. During the postpurge phase the instrument does not accept any
other command; whilst in applications with air damper control, during this
10 Postpurge time 2 ÷4 min
phase the damper is commanded to open. Enabling the “Postpurge flex”
(mode 1,3,4) function this time becomes the minimum time between one burner igni-
tion and the next.
The instrument activates the air valve (or blower) from the ignition
request and keeps it on until burner shut down due a request or lockout.
Continue This selection is necessary when the output has to be on for the entire
(mode 1,3,4) prepurge cycle and burner operation because it controls the combustion
blower or air interception valve. When this configuration is present, the
“Air on “ and “Air off” commands have no effect.
The instrument activates the air valve from the ignition request until the
end of the purging phase. It deactivates the valve by passing instantane-
Discontinue ously to the ignition phase and then activates it from the end of the
“Regulation delay time” until the burner shuts off due to a shut down
delayed 0 sec
request or lockout. This selection is useful in applications having an air
(mode 4) partializing valve that must be activated for controlled prepurge or coo-
ling.When there is this configuration, the “Air on” and “Air off” commands
have effect from the end of the “regulation delay time”.
Air flow
12 control type The instrument activates the air valve from the end of the “regulation
(with EXP-2) delay time” until the burner shuts off due to a shut down request or loc-
Pulse kout. This selection is useful in applications having an air partializing
(mode 4) valve but that don’t need to be activated for controlled prepurge or coo-
ling. When there is this configuration, the “Air on” and “Air off” commands
have effect for air valve control purposes.
The instrument activates the air valve output only from the ignition phase
Remote until the end of the “regulation delay time”. This configuration is used
when the EXP-2 expansion card is present and via the negated blower
(mode 4) output (NC contact), to interrupt the air valve remote command allowing
minimum burner ignition.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
N° NAME (selectable)
Discontinue The instrument maintains the same behaviour as when “Discontinue
delayed 0 sec” is selected, with the difference being that from the valve
delayed 5 sec
closing command, it waits for 5 seconds before moving onto burner igni-
Air flow (mode 4) tion, giving the valve time to close.
12 control type
Discontinue The instrument maintains the same behaviour as when “Discontinue
(with EXP-2)
delayed 0 sec” is selected, with the difference being that from the valve
delayed 10 sec
closing command, it waits for 10 seconds before moving onto burner igni-
(mode 4) tion, giving the valve time to close.
The state of the digital input is not checked by the instrument.
(mode 1,2,3,4)
In MODE 4 the digital input has a dual function: with burner on as soon
Reset / Stop as it activated it leads to manual stop; whilst with burner in stop or loc-
kout, if activated from 1 to 3 seconds when released, burner lockout is
(mode 1,3,4)
activated. The instrument accepts 5 reset commands from remote in 15
minutes. In MODEs 1 and 3 the input is the start command.
Only stop The digital input is checked by the instrument only with burner running:
(mode 4) as soon as it is activated it leads to burner manual stop.
The digital input is checked by the instrument only with burner in stop or
Only reset lockout: if activated from 1 to 3 seconds, when released burner lockout
(mode 2, 4) is activated. The instrument accepts 5 reset commands from remote in
15 minutes.
The digital input works as a thermostat alternatively at the expansion
Thermostat input: with input on, the instrument switches the burner on, whilst when
(mode 4) the input is not on, it determines shut down. This configuration is possi-
ble if the EXP-2 expansion card is not installed.
The digital input is used to activate high temperature functioning. This
High selection is possible only for certain industrial applications where it is
temperature allowed according to the EN746-2 and in the “High temperature function”
(mode 1,3,4) parameter, the instrument behavior is defined when this configuration is
Main burner The digital input controls the 2nd gas stage as an alternative to the serial
commands: with input on and 1st gas stage burner running, the instru-
on / off
Digital input ment switches on the 2nd gas stage burner; whilst with input off, it deter-
13 (mode 4) mines second gas stage burner shut down.
The digital input controls the air as an alternative to the serial commands:
Air valve with input on and 1st gas stage burner running the instrument activates
on / off the air; whilst with input deactivated, it determines shut down. This fun-
(mode 4) ction is valid only when the type of air control is discontinuous or impul-
Via the flow switch (FSL) the digital input checks the presence of the
FSL minimum air flow needed to time purging, as an alternative to the expan-
enable purge sion input. This configuration avoids the EXP-2 expansion card as it is
(mode 4) necessary to check just this command. The appropriately programmed
digital output, will supply the phase to the flow switch.
Via the flow switch (FSH) the digital input checks the correct air flow for
FSH burner ignition, as an alternative to the expansion input. This configura-
enable ignition tion avoids the EXP-2 expansion card as it is necessary to check just this
(mode 4) command. The appropriately programmed digital output, will supply the
phase to the flow switch.
The digital input functions as an air pressure switch as an alternative to
Air pressure the expansion input. This configuration avoids the EXP-2 expansion card
as it is necessary to check just this command. The instrument behavior
depending on the pressure status, is always defined in the “Air pressure
(mode 4) switch” parameter (parameter n° 27). The appropriately programmed
digital output, will supply the phase to the pressure switch.
Before carrying out ignition the instrument checks the presence of the
ZSL Gas valve closed gas valve limit switch signal via the digital input. After the ignition
(mode 4) phase the device checks that the signal disappears. The digital output
programmed appropriately, will supply the phase to the limit switch.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
N° NAME (selectable)
Stop / fault The digital output indicates that the instrument is in lockout status,
manual stop or waiting after power on (flashing display). The output is not
(mode 1,2,3,4) activated during auto diagnosis.
Fault The digital output indicates that the instrument is in lockout status. The
output is not activated during auto diagnosis, in manual stop status nor
(mode 1,2,3,4) waiting after power on.
Burner ON The digital output indicates that the burner is on. The output is activated
from the end of the ignition phase and remains on for all the burner fun-
(mode 4) ctioning phases.
Regolation The digital output allows burner regulation. It activated at the end of the
consent “Regulation delay time” and remains on for the time that the burner is in
regime. The behavior of this output is the same as the ready output of the
(mode 4) EXP-2 expansion.
The digital output controls the NO dimming UV-2 shutter, needed for
Command periodic check during permanent functioning. Without any command, the
NO shutter shutter is normally open and the digital output is activated in the test
(mode 1,2,3,4) phase to command the closing, determining the dimming of the UV-2
Digital output
14 The digital output controls the NC dimming UV-2 shutter, needed for
function Command periodic check during permanent functioning. Without any command, the
NC shutter shutter is normally closed and the digital output is deactivated in the test
(mode 1,2,3,4) phase to command the closing, determining the dimming of the UV-2
In the absence of the EXP-2 expansion, the digital output controls the
Digital input phase sent to the air pressure or flow switches when the digital input
control takes on the “FSL enable purge”, “FSH enable ignition” or “Air pressure
(mode 4) switch” functions. This selection is necessary to check the efficiency of
the digital input when it carries out these functions.
The digital output is activated from the ignition request until burner shut
Minimum air down for controlling the minimum air flow valve. The behavior of the digi-
control tal output is contemporary to the air output when it is continuous. Instead
(mode 4) it is independent for other types of air control (see Air flow control para-
meter type).
Minimum air in The digital output is activtated from the ignition request to the burner shut
down but two seconds earlier compared with all the other outputs. This
advance selection allows to anticipate the opening of the minimum flow air valve
(mode 4) or of the fume valve.
Remote The front button is not checked by the instrument as the burner control
enable takes place via serial communication. If the specific status request com-
mand is sent, the instrument activates the local button action and it takes
(mode 4) on the “Reset / Stop” function to allow local maintenance operations.
The front button has dual function: with burner running, as soon as it is
Reset / stop pressed, it determines manual stop; whilst with the burner in stop or loc-
Local kout, if pressed for 1 - 3 seconds, when released, it unlocks the burner.
15 (mode 1,2,3,4)
botton In MODEs 1 and 3 the input is the start command.
Only stop The front button is checked by the instrument only with burner running:
(mode 4) as soon as it is pressed it determines burner manual stop.
Only reset The front button is checked by the instrument only with burner in stop or
lockout: if it is pressed for 1-3 seconds, when released it unlocks the bur-
(mode 4) ner.
Time limit for serial communication absence, that can be set in ten steps
Communication 0 ÷ 480 sec from 0 to 480 seconds, after which the instrument activates the Com-
timeout (mode 1,3,4) timeout alarm, determining burner stop. Set this parameter at 0 to disa-
ble the Com-timeout alarm when serial communication is not used.
4800 ÷ 38400 Communication speed (4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 Bit/s) with ECS
ECS protocol. The hardware interface is ECS, and it requires a specific con-
Communication (mode 1,3,4) verter.
21 Baudrate 4800 ÷ 38400 Communication speed (4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 Bit/s) with
& & ModbusRTU 1 Modbus RTU (1 stop bit) protocol. The hardware interface is ECS, and it
22 Communication (mode 1,2,3,4) requires a specific converter.
protocol 4800 ÷ 38400 Communication speed (4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 Bit/s) with Modbus
ModbusRTU 2 RTU (2 stop bit) protocol. The hardware interface is ECS, and it requires
(mode 1,2,3,4) a specific converter.
www.esapyronics.com 29
ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
N° NAME (selectable)
Inhibited The instrument does not control the expansion cards. This configuration
is needed when the expansion cards are not installed or if the EXP-3
(mode 1,2,3,4) expansion is present.
25 EXP Installed
Enable The instrument activates the expansion card control. This configuration is
necessary when the EXP-2, EXP-4 and EXP-5 expansion cards are
(mode 1,2,3,4) installed.
The air pressure switch status is not checked.
(mode 1,2,3,4)
The missing air pressure switch signal implies:
• During the purge phase it determines the timer reset;
Waiting • With continuous type air control and burner on it determines shut down
(mode 4) and waits for the signal to return (automatic reignition).
• With discontinuous or impulsive type air control, with burner on, it deter-
mines the status change for air deactivation.
The missing air pressure switch signal implies:
• During the purge phase it determines the timer reset;
Air pressure Lockout • With continuous type air control and burner on it determines shut down
27 in lockout for lack of air (reset is required).
switch (mode 4)
• With discontinuous or impulsive type air control, with burner on, it deter-
mines the status change for air deactivation.
Lockout after The device expects the air pressure switch signal within 5 seconds of
activation of the air valve or blower otherwise it stops in lockout. Once the
5 sec
signal is received, the ignition cycle continues and another missing signal
(mode 4) will cause the same effects as the “Lockout” section.
Lockout after The device expects the air pressure switch signal within 20 seconds of
activation of th air valve or blower otherwise it blocks. Once the signal is
20 sec
received, the ignition cycle continues and another missing signal will
(mode 4) cause the same effects as the “Lockout” section.
The thermostat status connected to the expansion card is not checked.
(mode 1,2,3,4)
28 The instrument waits for the thermostat signal connected to the expan-
input Enable
sion card before switching the burner on. if there is no signal the burner
(mode 4)
is shut down and waits for the signal to return.
The position of the air damper via the limit switch or the air flow detected
via the flow switches, is not checked for prepruge or burner ignition pha-
(mode 1,2,3,4) ses.
The instrument controls the air damper to regulate the air flow for purge
and ignintion. To time the purging, the damper is commanded to open
Local and the instrument checks the consent of the maximum position limit
switch or the air presence flow switch (FSL) for purging. After this, to acti-
(mode 4) vate burner ignition, the damper is commanded to close and the instru-
ment checks the consent of the minimum position limit switch or the
maximum flow switch (FSH) for ignition.
Air flow or The air damper position or the air flow is not controlled by the instrument
damper Remote inputs, but by a remote supervisor, which sends specifics serial com-
29 mands to the instrument to time the purging or to perform burner ignition
switch (mode 4) according to the shutter position or air flow. This function used in the past
control is not used in recent applications.
Only FSL The instrument checks the maximum air damper position limit switch or
air presence flow switch for purging (FSL) to time the purging. Once pre-
(mode 4) purge timing is over, the instrument moves directly onto ignition.
The instrument checks the consent of the air damper minimum position
Only FSH
limit switch or maximum ignition flow switch (FSH) to activate burner igni-
(mode 4)
Before carrying out ignition, check the presence of the closed gas valve
ZSL Gas valve
limit switch signal via the FSH expansion input. After the ignition phase,
(mode 4)
the device checks that the signal disappears.
www.esapyronics.com 30
Locked parameters
N° NAME (selectable)
1 ÷ 25 sec First safety time for ignition of the first gas stage (see table of allowed
4 1th safety time
(mode 1,3,4) times).
Phase 2
The device indicate the phase 2 for 3 second before reach the regime
status 3 only for mode 4.
Phase 2 (mode 4)
Enabling Phase 2
disabled The device after ignition period indicate directly the regime status 3.
(mode 1,2,3,4)
Burner Every hour of continuous burner operation, the instrument checks the
11 functioning flame amplifier by disconnecting the flame signal from the detection
with detection rod
mode electrode. This selection is allowed only with ionization flame detection
(mode 1,2,3,4)
via electrode.
Every hour of continuous burner operation, the instrument checks the
Permanent flame amplifier and the UV-2 sensibility probe, by dimming the UV radia-
with UV and shutter tion coming into the probe. Dimming occurs via a shutter placed betwe-
(mode 1,2,3,4) en the probe and the burner. This selection is allowed only with flame
UV-2 sensor flame detection.
The instrument never attempts reignition in lockout conditions.
(mode 1,2,3,4)
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
N° NAME (selectable)
Inhibited The instrument never activates the high temperature function even after
(mode 1,2,3,4) the specific command from the digital input.
The instrument activates the high temperature function with the sole
function of flame bypass for the time in which the specific digital input
Only flame command is present. With this high temperature function on, the instru-
ment carries out the ignition cycle normally, but at the end it keeps the
Bypass with ignition
gas valves open, regardless of the flame presence signal. When this
(mode 1,3,4) function is enabled, the instrument conforms only to the EN746-2 Norm,
and the command to the digital input must come from the protection
Only flame The instrument activates operation at high temperature with the only
Bypass without function of flame bypass like the previous selection with the difference
ignition that during the burner ignition phase it does not activate the power out-
(mode 4) put of the ignition transformer.
The instrument activates the high temperature function with the sole
High function of prepurge exclusion for the time in which the specific digital
Only prepurge input command is present. With this high temperature function on, the
17 temperature
exclusion instrument does not carry out the prepurge phase but skips directly to
function burner ignition, monitoring the flame signal.When this function is ena-
(mode 4)
bled, the instrument conforms only to the EN746-2 Norm, and the com-
mand to the digital input must come from the protection system.
The instrument activates the high temperature function with prepurge
exclusion and flame bypass function for the time in which the specific
Flame bypass with digital command is present. With this high temperature function com-
ignition and mand on, the instrument does not carry out the prepurge phase but
prepurge exclusion skips directly to the ignition burner phase, keeping the gas valves open
(mode 4) regardless of the flame signal presence. When this function is enabled,
the instrument conforms only to the EN746-2 Norm, and the command
to the digital input must come from the protection system.
Flame bypass
without ignition The instrument activates the high temperature operation with prepurge
exclusion and flame bypass function like the previous selection but with
and prepurge
the difference that during the burner ignition phase it does not activate
exclusion the power output of the ignition transformer.
(mode 4)
The duration of the first gas safety time for 1st gas stage ignition is fixed.
The instrument checks the flame formation only at the end of the 1st
safety time after having deactivated the ignition transformer.This confi-
(mode 1,3,4)
guration is compulsory with systems having unirod or UV2 probe type
1st stage gas
18 The duration of the first safety time can be reduced automatically, to
ignition type
immediately reach the regime phase (pulse firing). The instrument con-
Variable tinuously checks the flame formation during the ignition phase and as
(mode 4) soon as it checks its presence, it deactivates the ignition transformer
and passes onto the next phase. This configuration is possible only with
systems having detection with a dedicated electrode.
Maximum safety time allowed between flame signal absence and gas
valve interception (see table of allowed times). If the flame signal
1 ÷ 20 sec
19 Reaction time returns before the time expires, the instrument keeps the current phase,
(mode 1,2,3,4)
otherwise it determines the behaviour configured in the “Behaviour at
flame loss” parameter.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
In the following table the maximum allowed time limits If values not allowed by the EN298 but only by the
have been indicated. Refer to the specific application EN746-2 are set, only the reference norm for which ESA
norm to establish the correct applicable parameter at REFLAM-H is applicable is indicated on the label of the
installation, choosing according to the burner type and instrument.
power, values that do not compromise its safety.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
For correct use of the burner control and flame detector, supply phase of the sensor must come from the digital
respect the following instructions. output that will be configured for this function.
¾ When replacing the output protection fuse, the fuse
¾ In the selection of configuration parameters analyze, must be fast acting and with a value that does not exce-
in addition to the specific rule, any risks associated with ed the maximum permissible current. Otherwise the not
certain modes of operation, choosing values which do replaceable fuse blows to protect internal relays, so that
not jeopardize the safety of the application. Before the device does not work anymore.
installing the unit, check that the configuration parame- ¾ After replacing the resettable fuse, before reconnec-
ters conform to what has been defined. ting the instrument to the application it is imperative to
¾ ESA REFLAM-H is meant to be electrically connected check the absence of internal damage. Check the insula-
in a permanent and fixed manner. The reverse / neutral tion between the power supply phase terminal and the
connection may compromise the security of the system. safety valve output phase terminals. Otherwise the
Do not use different phase between the various voltage instrument must be sent to the manufacturer.
inputs and do not apply voltages on the output terminals ¾ If there are disturbances with other equipment during
or serial communication. the burner ignition phase, use a connector with suppres-
¾ The EMC emissions of the application must be chec- sor filter for the connection of the HV cable to the ignition
ked following the incorporation of the final application of electrode. Also check that the cable layout is correct (see
the burner control device. The EMC application require- “Installation” chapter).
ment shall be tested after the incorporation of the burner ¾ For unirod detection systems use only specific ignition
control device into the final equipment. transformers, that allow operation for unirod ignition and
¾ Burner safety shut down, for unsafe application con- detection. Make sure that the device is connected correc-
ditions (emergency, overheating, incorrect pressure tly to the earth protection before ignition to avoid irrepa-
values etc), is guaranteed only by cutting off the power rable damage.
to the device. The thermostat inputs (digital or expansion ¾ In order not to overheat the ignition system control
inputs) are not safety inputs, but only for commanding devices (solenoid valves and transformers) keep a mini-
burner ignition and shut down for temperature regula- mum time lapse between the burner ignition attempts.
tion. The same recommendation is valid for instruments The minimum time should be calculated as follows: the
that are controlled by serial communication, where the sum of the purging time plus first safety time plus 5 more
ignition and shut down commands cannot be considered seconds.
for safety but only for regulation control. ¾ In case of lockout or failure refer to the “Visualization
¾ The input digital signal, depending functioning mode and display” section to identify the failure according to
must be pulse-type or fixed and must not be present the code indicated by the instrument. Disconnect the
during the instrument’s auto diagnosis when the input power supply before accomplishing any kind of operation
has the function for Reset/Stop,Only Reset and Only on the device.
stop; whilst it must be stable when the input has other ¾ In case of malfunctioning ESA REFLAM-H must be
functions. The reset command is not accepted if the sent back to the manufacturer for repair. Any type of
pulse duration is less than or greater than what has been repair or alteration done by third parties causes the gene-
specified. ral guarantee conditions to expire and compromises the
¾ The command that activates the high temperature device safety.
function, connected to the digital input with special con- ¾ If ESA REFLAM-H only checks the first FSL signal for
ductors, must derive directly from the safety temperatu- purging or the FSH one for burner ignition, the operator
re detector (a part of the protection system according to must occasionally check if the flow switch is working pro-
the EN746-2). The temperature detector guarantees perly (setting out of range etc), as the device checks the
indirect flame control, monitoring that the minimum input but cannot verify if the switch functions properly.
combustion chamber temperature is enough to guaran- The frequency of these tests can be reduced in applica-
tee ignition of the fuel introduced. Refer to the specific tions where both flow switches are managed, as the
application norm for the choice of these devices. flame control verifies that the signals arrive only in the
¾ The power supply for the solenoid fuel valves must be correct phase, otherwise an alarm is indicated alarm.
derived only from the outputs on the ESA REFLAM-H. ¾ ESA REFLAM-H is a device that controls burner safe-
Control of the fuel solenoid valves by other devices is ty organs and checks its efficiency (a part of the protec-
not allowed (relay, not safety PLC…) that receive the tion system according to the EN746-2). It is not intended
command from the instrument. for burner regulation for which there are appropriate
¾ If the digital input assumes the function of FSL for instruments.
purging, or FSH for ignition or air pressure, the power
www.esapyronics.com 34
ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
For correct installation respect the following instructions: 9 - The laying out of the flame signal cables must be
separated from power cables and other cables. The use
1 - Avoid placing ESA REFLAM-H near intense magnetic of multi-core cables is not allowed, nor the use of shiel-
or electric fields and in conditions of direct exposure to ded cables. The type of cables must ensure the minimum
heat or combustion products, liquids, solvents or corrosi- insulation required between the conductors.
ve gases.
10 - Detection probes and any connectors must be isola-
2 - Do not limit in any way the area surrounding the instru- ted and made inaccessible using proper protection, so as
ment, but guarantee adequate space and ventilation to to allow access only to qualified personnel.; if it is consi-
avoid overheating the device. dered necessary, place warnings near the probes.
3 - Installation must be done by qualified staff respecting 11 - Always make sure the protective earth is connected
the regulations in force at the time and place of installa- to the correct terminals and to all metallic frameworks of
tion. related elements as well as to the burner with suitable
conductors The non-connection of the protective earth to
4 - All processing of the container necessary for installa- the device, determines irreparable damage as well as a
tion of the instrument requires a protection degree equal dangerous condition for the application. If necessary use
to or not lower than IP40. For systems used in open air, the shoulder screw provided in the base of the instru-
the protection degree must be equal to IP54. The protec- ment, for the interconnection of the grounding conduc-
tion degree can also be guaranteed by the application in tors.
which the instrument is put.
12 - When using the digital input it is necessary to con-
5 - If the system has a phase-phase type power, install an nect RC filter that is supplied to the terminal as well.
insulation transformer, connecting it to one end of the
secondary winding referred to ground. 13 - In applications with multiple burners, parallel connec-
tions between the outputs of the instruments are not allo-
6 - During wiring refer to the technical documentation, wed. If the system is controlled via ECS serial interface,
respecting polarity between phase and neutral. The termi- follow the specific wiring instructions.
nals for the electrical connections are screw-on type and
can accept wires with sections from 0.5 to 2.5mm² and 14 - The laying out of the ECS communication line must
the choice of conductors and their location must be suita- be separated from power lines, motor control (inverter)
ble for the application. and network voltage; above all neither MULTIPOLAR nor
SHIELDED cables are to be used.
7 - Adequately tighten the wires into the terminals to pre-
vent malfunction or overheating which can lead to dange- 15 - For the ECS communication lines, use the specific
rous conditions. Numbering and the use of appropriate ECS CABLE; alternatively we recommend the use of
terminals on the conductors is recommended. busway systems taking into account a maximum length of
the connecting cable between the busway and instrument
8 - The connection from the ignition transformer to the of 1 m, both for communication and for the power supply.
corresponding electrode of the burner, must be performed
with cable HV (High Voltage) unshielded, specific for high 16 - The conductors on the inputs of the expansion cards
voltage. Use the connector with integral suppression must be wrapped at least once around the ferrites sup-
device for connecting the ignition electrode. The length of plied.
the HV cable must not exceed the size indicated, otherwi-
se the ignition transformer must be placed in the vicinity 17 - In applications with proportional regulation valves
of the burner. The HV cable must be installed far from (e.g. 4-20mA) controlled by the PLC, to carry out the pre-
power cables and metal conduits: ideally it should be left purge cycle it is possible to directly interface the PLC
in the open air. For further information on the connection input to expansion card outputs, which then command
of the ignition transformer, refer to ESA E5004 and E5005 the valve according to the device requests. The air valve
data sheets. position or air flow check, must be done directly by the
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
+ -
+ COM + h
Mp N
7 8 9 10
Mp N
b g
Ph L f
Mp N
Mp N / -Vdc
Mp N / -Vdc
Mp N / -Vdc
Ph L / +Vdc
Ph L / +Vdc
7 8 9 10
Mp N
Mp N
L N A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Terminal connectors
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
+ -
+ COM + h
Mp N
7 8 9 10
Mp N
b g
Ph L f
Mp N
Mp N / -Vdc
Mp N / -Vdc
Mp N / -Vdc
Mp N / -Vdc
Ph L / +Vdc
Ph L / +Vdc
7 8 9 10
Mp N
Mp N
L N A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Terminal connectors
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
Terminal connectors
14 Air regulation valve closing output (phase) 21 PLS air pressure switch input (phase)
Air pressure switch and thermostat
15 Air regulation valve opening output (phase) 22
input neutral
Power supply phase for air regulation valve Power supply phase for air valve or combu-
16 23
control stion blower command.
Input for air FSH for ignition or air regulation Air partializing / interception valve or blower
17 24
valve minimum position limit switch (phase) command output (phase)
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
Fixing holes
120 96
A 11 10
9 8 7
5 3 1
4 2
7 1 4
19 18.5 18.5 18.5 23 22.5
The installation of expansion cards, precludes the possibility to mount the transformer inside ESA REFLAM-H and vice-
versa; in this case it necessary to use the ESA TRAFO box to contain the ignition transformer (E5004).
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
inhibited 00 Continue or not present C
from 1 to 99 seconds (M.4) (*) Discontinue delayed 0 sec. (M.4) D
from 2 to 9 minutes (M.4) 2M-9M Pulse (M.4) P
from 10 to 20 minutes (M.4) AM-LM Remote (M.4) R
Discontinue delayed 3 sec. (M.4) E
1 ST SAFETY TIME 04 Discontinue delayed 5 sec. (M.4) F
from 1 to 25 seconds (*) Discontinue delayed 10 sec. (M.4) G
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
(**) Parameter 27 defines the operation of the air pressure switch connected to the digital input of the expansion or ESA REFLAM-H (parameter 13)
(Parameter 25): Certain selections are incompatible with each other (see “Overall dimensions”), if there are several possible selections (T and C, 2
and C or A, etc) the code priority to be indicated is the following: expansion cards, wiring, ignition transformer and finally coupled ESA TRAFO.
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Mode 2 Flame detector 2
Not permanent (stop every 24h) D
Permanent with detection rod R
PREPURGE TIME 03 Permanent with UV and shutter U
inhibited 00
inhibited 00
Only reset U
115 Vac 1
230 Vac 2 Reset B
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ESA REFLAM-H - E7802 rev. 02 - 20/04/2017
27 No expansion present ////
28 Air press. switch in digital input /x//
29 EXP-2 v. tab. A
EXP-3 v. E7015
EXP-4 v. E7016
EXP-5 v. E7017
115 Vac 1
230 Vac 2 Inhibited / Inhibited / Inhibited /
24 Vac \ Vdc 4
(Parameter 25): Certain selections are incompatible with each other (see “Overall dimensions”), if there are several possible selections (T and C, 2
and C or A, etc) the code priority to be indicated is the following: expansion cards, wiring, ignition transformer and finally coupled ESA TRAFO.
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