Sambasivan, Who Unexpectedly Passed Away at The Age of 49 Years On Tuesday, Nov

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This Gofundme is to provide and support the young family of our Dear Friend, Kishore

Sambasivan, who unexpectedly passed away at the age of 49 years on Tuesday, Nov
3rd 2020. Having led an admirable life, Kishore is survived by his dear wife Ramya, a
Daughter in 10th grade and a Son in 6th grade. They are the most gentle people who
deserve care, love, and support to get through this devastating and sad time. In the
decade of our friendship, we never saw Kishore asking for help and Kishore's family is
generous and always helpful.

Kishore was the Sole earner in his family. Today, we are asking for Generous Gifts to
support his family. We want the Gifts to help his wife Ramya to focus on the young ones
and their needs in the near and longer-term.

Kishore was a dedicated Father, Husband, Son, Brother and a Great Friend. Kishore
was a very Simple and Loving man who always put his family first and sought out the
smallest opportunities to create happiness for his kids and for those around him. He
was a very Soft-spoken, Polite-mannered, Compassionate listener, Adviser, Well-wisher,
and a Kind individual. He was an active member of the local school and community.

Kishore graduated Summa Cum Laude in Computer Science from the prestigious Indian
Institute of Science in Bengaluru, India. He was blessed with a sharp intellect, refined
sense of humor and a calm, pleasant disposition. From a young age, the distinguishing
characteristic of his personality was his unassuming nature, Over the years, it
blossomed into a trait that earned him respect, admiration, and trust of whosoever came
in contact with him.

This fundraiser will ease the tremendous financial burdens on his family. Kishore's wife
Ramya is the beneficiary of your gifts.

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