Chapter I - General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and Society

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and




Lesson 1: Intellectual Revolutions That Defined Society

Learning Outcomes

 Discuss how the ideas postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud

contributed to the spark of scientific revolutions
 Analyze how scientific revolution is done in various parts of the world like in
Latin America. East Asia, Middle East, and Africa


This lesson will give light to the development of science and scientific ideas in the
heart of the society. It is the goal of this lesson to articulate ways by which society is
transformed by science and technology.

From the genesis of time, science has existed. It is always interwoven with the society.
So, how can science be defined?

1. Science as an idea. It includes ideas, theories, and all available systematic

explanations and observations about the natural and physical world.

2. Science as an intellectual activity. It encompasses a systematic and practical

study of the natural and physical world. This process of study involves systematic
observations and experimentation.

3. Science as a body of knowledge. It is a subject or a discipline, a field of study, or

a body of knowledge that deals with the process of learning about the natural and
physical world. This is what we refer to as school science.

4. Science as a personal and social activity. This explains science is both knowledge
and activities done by human beings to develop better understanding of the world
around them. It is a means to improve life and to survive in life. It is interwoven
with people’s lives.

Scientific Revolution was the period of enlightenment when the developments in the
fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of
society about nature. It explained the emergence or birth of modern science as a result of
these developments from the disciplines mentioned. The ideas generated during this period
enabled the people to reflect, rethink, and reexamine their beliefs and their way of life. There
is no doubt that it ignited vast human interests to rethink how they do science and view
scientific processes.

Scientific Revolution was the golden age for people committed to scholarly life in
science but it was also deeply trying moment to some scientific individuals that led to their
painful death or condemnation from the religious institutions who tried to preserve their faith,
religion, and theological views. But this did not stop people especially the scientists to satisfy
their curiosity of the natural and physical world.

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Science Ideas


Humans Society
Influences to Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution is very significant in the development of human beings,

transformation of the society, and in the formulation of scientific ideas. It significantly
improved the conduct of scientific investigations, experiments, and observations. The
scientific revolution also led to the creation of new research fields in science and prompted
the establishment of a strong foundation for modern science. in many ways, scientific
revolution transformed the natural world and the world of ideas.

Some Intellectuals and their Revolutionary Ideas

Scientists in all periods of time are driven by their curiosity, critical thinking, and
creativity to explore the physical and natural world. Their love for science is driven by their
deep passion to know and to discover.

Scientists Science Ideas

Passion to Science
Curiosity Know Discoveries

Passion to
Critical Thinking

Variables that Influence the Development of Science Ideas, Science Discoveries, and

In spite of all the predicaments and challenges scientists experienced, they never
stopped experimenting, theorizing, and discovering new knowledge and ideas.

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Three notable scientist are discussed in this lesson, there were many who worked
before and after these individuals, however, it is important to note that these men,
particularly through their ideas, had shaken the world.

Nicolaus Copernicus. He is one of the Renaissance men, particularly in the field of

science. In one important way, Copernicus resembled the Greek ancient philosophers or
thinkers-he did not do anything extensive such as observing heavenly bodies or inviting people
to test his ideas. His ideas were an example of what is presently called as a thought
His idea and model of the universe was essentially complete in 1510. The publication
of his book De revolutionibus orbium ooelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
Spheres) in 1543 is often cited as the start of the scientific revolution.


1. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the philosophy of science?

2. Do you think thought experiment is still useful in science in the present time?

3. Do you think the church should intervene in scientific activities?

Charles Darwin. He is famous for his theory of evolution. He changed our concept of
the world’s creation and its evolution. Johnson (2012) described Darwin as a genius who came
from a line of intellectually gifted and wealthy family. He developed his interest in natural
history during his time as a student at Shrewsbury School. Darwin’s life soon changed when
one of his professors recommended him to join a five-year voyage through the HMS Beagle
on the Islands of Galapagos

Darwin published his book The Origin of Species in 1589. This book presented
evidence on how species evolved over time and presented traits and adaptations that
differentiate species. His book The Descent of Man introduced the idea of all organic life,
including human beings in a privileged position of having been created by God. His
accomplishments were so diverse that it is useful to distinguish two fields to which he made
major contributions: evolutionary biology and philosophy of science. His unorthodox way of
pursuing science gave more value to evidence-based science. He provided a different
framework for doing scientific activities marked by observation and experiment.


1. What is Darwin’s contribution to modern science?

2. How can Darwin’s evolutionary theory influence the following fields in modern
 Economy
 Agriculture
 Political Science
 Religion

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Sigmund Freud. He was famous in the field of psychology. Rosenfels (1980) described
him as a towering literary figure and very talented communicator who did his share to raise
the consciousness of the civilized world in psychological matters. His contribution was made
through the development of an important observational method to gather reliable data to
study human’s inner life. This is popularly known as the method of psychoanalysis. For him
psychoanalysis is a scientific way to study the human mind and neurotic illness. It is no doubt
that amidst all questions on his works that led to some sort of academic controversy, his
method of psychoanalysis had great impact on the scientific way of understanding human


1. How can you describe Freudian ideas as a scientist?

2. If Freud is still alive, what do you think are the major changes he would
make to his theory?

Cradles of Early Science

Development of Science in Mesoamerica

Mesoamerica includes the entire area of Central America from Southern Mexico up
to the border of South America. There is no doubt that the Mesoamerican region is rich in
culture and knowledge prior to the arrival of its European colonizers.

The Maya civilization

 is one of the famous civilizations that lasted for approximately 2,000 years.
 known for their works in astronomy.
 incorporated their advanced understanding of astronomy into their temples and
other religious structures, allowing them the use of their temples for astronomical
observation. For example, the pyramid at Chichėn Itza in Mexico is situated at the
location of the Sun during the spring and fall equinoxes.
 knowledge and understanding about celestial bodies was advanced for their time, as
evidenced by their knowledge of predicting eclipse and using astrological cycles in
planting and harvesting.
 known for measuring time using two complicated calendar systems. Which are useful
in planning their activities and observing their religious rituals and cultural
 developed the technology for growing different crops and building elaborate cities
using ordinary machineries and tools
 built hydraulics system with sophisticated waterways to supply water to different
 use various tools and adapt themselves to innovations especially in the field of arts

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 built looms for weaving cloth and devised a rainbow of glittery paints made from a
mineral called mica.
 first to use a writing system

The Inca civilization

 roads paved with stones

 stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters
 irrigation system and technique for storing water for their crops to grow in all types
of land
 calendar with twelve months to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for
planting season
 the first suspension bridge
 quipu, a system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can interpret
 Inca textiles since cloth was one of the specially prized artistic achievements

The Aztec civilization

 Mandatory education - puts value on education

 Chocolates – developed chocolate during their time
- used as currency
- valued the cacao beans highly making it as part of their tribute to their
 Anti-spasmodic medication – prevents muscle spasms and relax muscles, which helps
during surgery
 Chinampa – a form of Aztec technology for agricultural farming, in which the land was
divided into rectangular areas and surrounded by canals
 Aztec calendar- enabled them to plan their activities, rituals, and planting season
 Invention of the canoe – a light narrow boat used for traveling in water systems

Development of Science in Asia

Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient civilizations.
It is a host to many cultural, economic, scientific, and political activities of all ages. In the field
of science, technology, and mathematics, great civilizations have stood out: India, China, and
the Middle East civilizations and these civilizations were incomparable in terms of their
contributions to the development of knowledge during their time.

 known for manufacturing iron and in metallurgical works
 Its iron steel is considered to be the best and held with high regard in the whole of
Roman Empire
 famous for its medicine, Ayurveda – a system of traditional medicine
 ancient texts like Susruta Samhita which describes different surgical and other
medical procedures famous in ancient India
 notable in the field of astronomy
 known for their mathematics
 Indian astronomer and mathematician-Aryabhata in his Aryabhatiya, introduced a
number of trigonometric functions, tables, and techniques as well as algorithms of

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 Brahmagupta suggested that gravity was a force of attraction, and explained the use
of zero as both a placeholder and a decimal digit, along with the Hindu-Arabic numeral
 Madhava of Sangamagrama is also considered as the founder of mathematical


 Substantial contributions in Medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics, arts,

philosophy, and music
 Greatly influenced many of its neighbors’ countries like Korea, Japan, Philippines,
Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and other countries that belong to the old
Silk Road
 Known for its traditional medicines
 Practice acupuncture
 Famous discoveries: compass, papermaking, gunpowder, and printing tools
 Also invented iron plough, wheelbarrow, and propeller
 Developed a design of different models of bridges
 Invented the first seismological detector
 Developed a dry dock facility
 In astronomy, made records on supernovas, lunar and solar eclipses, and comets

Middle East Countries

 occupied by Muslims
 Ibn al-Haytham=father of optics, especially for his empirical proof of the intromission
theory of light
 Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi=mathematician gave the concept of algorithm, while the term
algebra is derived from al-jabr
 Jabir ibn Hayyan=father of Chemistry
 Ibn Sina=pioneered the science of experimental medicine and the first physician to
conduct clinical trials; he discovered the contagious nature of infectious diseases and
the introduction of clinical pharmacology

Development of Science in Africa

 Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources

 Ancient Egyptian civilization made advances in the fields of astronomy the rules of
geometry were developed and used to build rectilinear structures, the post of lintel
architecture of Egypt, mathematics, and medicine
 Development of geometry was a product of necessity to preserve the layout and
ownership of farmlands of the Egyptians along the Nile River
 Egyptian pyramids and early dams are some proofs of their advanced civilization
 Egypt was known to be the center of alchemy, known as the medieval forerunner of
 Astronomy was also famous showing that Africans used three types of calendars:
lunar, solar, and stellar, or a combination of the three
 Metallurgy was also known inventing metal tools used in their homes, in agriculture,
and in building their magnificent architectures

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 Mathematics was also known to be prominent- Lebombo Bone from the mountains
may have been a tool for multiplication, division, and simple mathematical calculation
or a six-month lunar calendar and is considered to be the oldest known mathematical


1. How did society shape science and how did science shape society?

2. How do social and human issues influence science?

3. How do the political and cultural landscapes of the society affect the
development of scientific culture, science activities, and science literacy?

4. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy
among people has contributed to the growth of our economy?

5. How can science influence government policies?


Clifford, P. (2008). Archimedes to Hawking: Laws of Science and the Great Minds Behind
Them. New York: Oxford University Press

Craig, B. & Walter, D. (2000). “Clinical Pharmacology IN THE Middle Ages: Principles that
Presage the 21st century.” Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 67 (5): 447-

Derewenda, Z. (2007). “On Wine, hirality and rystallography.” Acta rystallographica Section.
Section A, Foundations of rystallography. 64(0) 246-258.

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Lesson 2: Science, Technology , and Nation-Building

Learning Outcomes

 Discuss the role of science and technology in Philippine nation-building

 Evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms
of their contributions to nation-building
 Identify actual science and technology policies of the government and
appraise their impact on the development of the Filipino nation


The influence of science and technology in the development of the Philippine society
through identifying government programs, projects, and policies geared toward boasting the
science and technological capacity of the country. Included in the discussion is Philippine
indigenous science and technology.

Brief Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines

The history of science and technology in the Philippines started way back before the
country gained its independence from the American colonizers. Before the coming of the
Spanish colonizers, the early inhabitants of the archipelago had their own culture and
traditions. They had their own belief system and indigenous knowledge system that keeps
them organized and sustained their lives and communities for many years.

Science in pre-Spanish Philippines, is embedded in the way of life of the people.

Scientific knowledge is observed in the way they plant their crops that provide them food, in
taking care of animals to help them in their daily tasks, and for food production. Science is
observed in the way they interpret the movements of heavenly bodies to predict seasons and
in preparing the spoil for agricultural purposes and like any other ancient cultures, they
discovered the medicinal uses of plants.

Technology is used by people in building houses, irrigations, and in developing tools,

that they can use in everyday life. They developed tools for planting, hunting, cooking, and
fishing; for fighting their enemies during war or tribal conflicts; and for transportations, both
on land and on waterways. They also developed technologies in creating musical instruments.

Metal Age had a significant influence on the lives of early Filipinos. The sophisticated
designs of gold and silver, jewelry, ceramics, and metal tools proved that their technological
ideas helped in the development of different tools. Also, trading with China, Indonesia, Japan,
and other nearby countries have influenced their lives by providing different opportunities for
cultural and technological exchange.

All these ancient practices in science and technology are considered now as
indigenous science or folk science.

When the Spaniards colonized the country, they brought with them their own culture
and practices. They established schools for boys and girls and introduced the concept of
subjects and disciplines. It was the beginning of formal science and technology in the country,
known now as school of science and technology.

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Learning of science in school focuses on understanding different concepts related to

the human body, plants, animals, and heavenly bodies. Technology focuses on using and
developing house tools used in everyday life.

Life during the Spanish era slowly became modernized, adapting some Western
technology brought by the Spaniards using indigenous materials. Medicine and advanced
science were introduced in formal colleges and universities established by the Catholic orders.

The galleon trade has brought additional technology and development in the
Philippines. Although it is only beneficial for the Spaniards, these trades allowed other ideas,
crops, tools, cultural practices, technology, and Western practices to reach the country.

The Americans have more influence in the development of science and technology in
the Philippines compared to the Spaniards. They established the public education system,
improved the engineering works and the health conditions of the people. They established a
modern research university, the University of the Philippines, and created more public
hospitals than the former colonial master. The mineral resources of the country were also
explored and exploited during the American times. Transportation and communication
systems were improved, though not accessible throughout the country.

However, World War II has destabilized the development of the country in many
ways. Institutions and public facilities were turned into ashes, houses were burned, and many
lives were destroyed.

The development of science and technology in the Philippines, based on its brief
history, is Shaped by several factors and influences. Like in the history of science and
technology in the Philippines, it is always shaped by human and social activities, both internal
and external.

Internal Influences

 Survival
 Culture Development
 Economic Activities of Science and
Technology in
the Philippines
External Influences

 Foreign Colonizers
 Trades with Foreign
 International
Economic Demands

Influences in the Development of Science and Technology in the Philippines

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and


1. What are the significant contributions of the Spaniards and Americans to

the development of science and technology in the Philippines?

2. What can you say about the state of science and technology during the
Spanish and American period?

3. How does school science shape science and technology in the country?

Government Policies on Science and Technology

The Philippine government introduced and implemented several programs, projects,

and policies to boost the area of science and technology. The goal is to prepare the whole
country and its people to meet the demands of a technologically driven world and capacitate
the people to live in a world driven by science.

The National Research Council of the Philippines (NCRP) has four policies:

1. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance

 Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the
 Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue
 Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband
 Local food security

2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and
 Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities
 Outright grants for peer monitoring
 Review of R.A. 9184
 Harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of development
3. Medical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
 Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with ASEAN-harmonized
standards by full implementation of the Food and Drug Administration
 Creating an education council dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical
services and care
 Empowering food and drug agencies to conduct evidence-based research as
pool of information
 Allocating two percent of the GDP to research
 Legislating a law supporting human genome projects
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Forestry
 Protecting and conserving biodiversity by full implementation of existing laws
 Use of biosafety and standard model by ASEAN countries
 Promoting indigenous knowledge systems and indigenous people’s
 Formulation of common food and safety standards

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

There are also other existing programs supported by the Philippine government
through the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Some of these are the
 Providing funds for basic research and patents related to science and
technology. The government funds basic and applied researches. Funding of
these research and projects are also from the Overseas Development Aid
(ODA) from different countries
 Providing scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies of students in
the field of science and technology.
 Establishing more branches of the Philippine Science High School System for
training young Filipinos in the field of science and technology
 Creating science and technology parks to encourage academe and industry
 Balik Scientist Program to encourage Filipino scientists abroad to come home
and work in the Philippines or conduct research and projects in collaboration
with Philippine-based scientists
 Developing science and technology parks in academic campuses to encourage
academe and industry partnerships
 The establishment of the National Science Complex and National Engineering
Complex within the University of the Philippines campus in Diliman. These
aimed to develop more science and technology and engineering manpower
resources needed by the country. They also aimed to produce more
researches in these fields

The Philippine-American academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE) identified

several capacity-0building programs such as:
 Establishment of national centers for excellence
 Manpower and institutional development programs such as the Engineering
and Science Education Program (ESEP) to produce more PhD graduates in
science and engineering
 Establishment of regional centers to support specific industries that will lead
the country in different research and development areas
 Establishment of science and technology business centers to assist, advise,
and incubate technopreneurship ventures
 Strengthen science education at an early stage, through the Philippine
Science High School System

Special science classes were organized and special science elementary schools were
established in different regions. Aside from these, science and mathematics in basic education
were continuously improved. The current K to 12 education program included Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) as one of its major tracks in the senior high
school program to encourage more students to enroll in science-related fields in college.
Lately, the Commission on Higher Education launched its Philippine-California
Advanced Research Institutes (PICARI) Project to allow several higher education institutions
in the Philippines and some US-based laboratories, research institutes, and universities to
work on research and projects related to science, agriculture, engineering, health, and
technology. This project hoped to strengthen the STEM competitiveness of the country.
Various research and projects that the country is looking forward to:
 Use of alternative and safe energy
 Harnessing mineral resources

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 Finding cure for various diseases and illness

 Climate change and global warming
 Increasing food production
 Preservation of natural resources
 Coping with natural disasters and calamities
 Infrastructure development

The Philippine Congress has also created various laws related to science and
technology which serve as legal frameworks for science and technology in the country. These
laws are in line with international treaties, such as the United Nations (UN), United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) and other international agencies.

National Goals


International Treaty  Policies

 Programs
 Projects

Legal Frameworks

Social Needs, Issues,

and Problems

Development of Science and Technology Policies in the Philippines

As shown above, the development of policies in science and technology is shaped or

influenced by several variables: policies need to be aligned to national goals, consider
international commitments based on legal frameworks, and respond to various social needs,
issues, and problems. Science and technology policies ensure that the whole country and all
people will experience the progress that science can bring. Policies are guides to direct all
efforts to a goal of developing a scientifically advanced country.

Famous Filipinos in the Field of Science

School science is filled with names of foreign scientists: Einstein, Galileo Galilei,
Newton, Faraday, Darwin, and many other Western scientists. Lee-Chua (2000) identified ten
outstanding Filipino scientists who have made significant contributions in Philippine science.
They are also famous abroad especially in different science disciplines: agriculture,
mathematics, physics, medicine, marine science, chemistry, engineering, and biology.

These Filipino scientists are:

 Ramon Cabanos Barba – outstanding research on tissue culture in Philippine mangoes

 Josefino Cacas Comiso – works on observing the characteristics of Antarctica by using
satellite images

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 Jose Bejar Cruz Jr. – known in the field of electrical engineering

-elected as officer of the famous Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
 Lourdes Jansuy Cruz – notable for her research on sea snail venom
 Fabian Millar Dayrit – research on herbal medicine
 Rafael Dineros Guerrero III – research on tilapia culture
 Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr. – inventing the meconium drugs testing
 Lilian Formalejo Patena – doing research on plant biotechnology
 Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz – outstanding educator and graph theories
 Gregory Ligot Tangonan - research in the field of communications technology

Other Filipino scientists with their outstanding contributions:

 Caesar A. Saloma – internationally renowned physicist
 Edgardo Gomez – marine science
 William Padolina – chemistry and president of National Academy of Science and
Technology (NAST) – Philippines
 Angel Alcala – marine science

The University of the Philippines-Los Baños is a science paradise for agriculture, forestry,
plant and animal science, and veterinary science. It has produced numerous scientists and
various research in the fields mentioned.
The University of the Philippines-Visayas is also a national center for marine science,
fisheries, and other related sciences. The University of the Philippines-Manila is a center of
excellence and has produced many researchers, doctors, health professionals, and scientists
in the area of medical and public health. The University of the Philippines-Diliman also has
established a national science and engineering complex to develop more research and
produce more scientists and engineers in the country.
These scientists’ interest in science started to manifest during their childhood years. Their
natural environment ignited their curiosity to learn more about the natural and physical
environment. Schools and laboratories where they studied and worked nurtured this.
Individual Interests in






Factors that Influence the Development of Filipino Scientists

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Many Filipino scientists, whether they are in the country or abroad, always excel in
their job. The Filipino spirit in their souls has never faded. They continue to bring honor to the
country. They make ordinary things in an extraordinary way. They are always at par with other
scientists in spite of the limited facilities we have here in the country.


1. Identify several issues in the Philippines. What science and technology-related

policies could be developed and implemented to solve these issues?

2. What can you say about the implementation of some science and technology
policies and projects in the country?

1. Identify several Filipino scientists

2. Research on their contributions in the field of science.

3. Examine what made them pursue a career in science.


Concepcion, G.P. (Editor), (2012). Science Philippines: Essays on Science by Filipinos Volumes
1-3. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press

Padilla-Concepcion, G. (2015). Science Philippines: Essays on Science by Filipinos Volumes

III. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.

Lee-Chua, Q. (2000). 10 Outstanding Filipino Scientists. Quezon City: Anvil Publishing.

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Lesson 3: Science Education in the Philippines

Learning Outcomes

 Discuss the concept of science education

 Identify science schools established to promote science education in the

The Philippines is trying its best to improve the state of science education in the
country. We will discuss the concept of science education and will identify some strategies to
promote science education in the country. One of the strategies is to establish science schools
that will encourage students to pursue their career in science and technology and to nurture
their gifted potentials in science.

The Concept of Science Education

Science education focuses on teaching, learning and understanding science. Teaching

science involves developing ways on how to effectively teach science. This means exploring
pedagogical theories and models in helping teachers teach scientific concepts and processes
effectively. Learning science, on the other hand, includes both pedagogy and the most
interesting aspect, which is helping students understand and love science. Understanding
science implies developing and applying science-process skills and using science literacy in
understanding the natural world and activities in everyday life.

Getting deeper in the discourse of science education, John Dewey (2001) stressed the
importance of utilizing the natural environment to teach students. Accordingly, nature must
indeed furnish its physical stimuli to provide wealth of meaning through social activities and
thinking. It is not surprising therefore that science is going to be one of the most important
school subjects in the future.

Science education is justified by the vast amount of scientific knowledge develop in

this area that prepares citizens in a scientifically and technologically driven world. This
provides skills and knowledge that are necessary for a person to live in what Knight (1986)
describes as the age of science and to develop a citizenry that will meet the goals of science
in the society, developing a science culture is therefore an immense responsibility for schools.

Science Education in Basic and Tertiary Education

 Basic Education - science helps students to learn important concepts and facts related
to everyday life, including important skills such a s process skill, critical thinking skills,
and life skills that are needed in coping with daily life activities
 Develops positive attitudes such as: the love for knowledge, passion for innovative
things, curiosity to study about nature, and creativity.
 Develops a strong foundation for studying science and for considering science-
related careers in the future
 Tertiary Education -science education deals with developing students’ understanding
and appreciation of science ideas and scientific works which is done through offering
basic science courses in the General education curriculum. This also focuses on the
preparation of science teachers, scientists, engineers, and other professionals in

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various science related fields such as engineering, agriculture, medicine, and health

Science Schools in the Philippines

 Outstanding program for science education supported by the government is

the establishment of science schools in various parts of the country.

Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)

 government program for gifted students in the Philippines

service institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) whose
mandate is to offer free scholarship basis for secondary course with special
emphasis on subjects pertaining to the sciences, with the end-view of
preparing its students for a science career (RA No. 3661) The school maintains
a dormitory for all its students
 Students have proven to a beacon of excellence, courage and hope or the

Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project

 pursuant to DepEd Order No. 73 s. 2008 and DepEd Order No. 51 s. 2010.
 started in June 2007 with 57 identified elementary schools that participated
or were identified as science elementary schools in the country
 aims to develop Filipino children equipped with scientific and technological
knowledge, skills, and values. Its mission is to:
- provides a learning environment to science-inclined children through
a special curriculum that recognizes the multiple intelligence of the
- promotes the development of lifelong learning skills
- fosters the holistic development of the learners
 subject Science and Health is taught in Grade I with a longer time compared
to other subjects: 70 minutes for Grade I to III and 80 minutes for Grades IV
to VI.
 Curriculum utilizes different instructional approaches that address the
learning styles and needs of the learners like the use of investigatory projects

Quezon City Regional Science High School

 Established on September 17, 1967

 Its original name was Quezon City Science High School
 Turned into a regional science high school for the National Capital Region in
 Envisions to serve as a venue in providing maximum opportunities for
science-gifted students to develop spirit of inquiry and creativity.

Manila Science High School

 Established on October 1, 1963 as the Manila Science High School (MSHS)

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 First science high school in the Philippines science and mathematics

 Organization and curriculum puts more emphasis on
 Aims to produce scientists with souls
 Humanities courses and other electives are included in the curriculum

Central Visayan Institute Foundation

 Home and pioneer of the prominent school-based innovation known as the Dynamic
Learning program (DLP) – synthesis if classical and modern pedagogical theories
adapted to foster the highest level of learning, creativity and productivity
 Takes pride in its Research center for Theoretical Physics (RCTP) – established in 1992
which organizes small international workshops to foster the informal but intense
exchange of ideas and perspectives on outstanding in physics and mathematics


1. What other government projects and programs are available for science education in
the Philippines?

2. Are there- private schools with outstanding science education programs? Identify and
compare their science education programs with public science schools.

1. Discuss science-related issues and problems in the country.

2. Identify science and technology policies that could be adapted or implemented in

the Philippines.


Central Visayas Institute of Technology (2013). “Science Curriculum for K-12” Accessed
January 26, 2017. of Education.

Department of Education Order 57 s. 2011. “Policy guidelines in the Implementation of

the Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project.”

Quezon City Regional Science High School. Accessed January 26, 2017.

Tilghman, S.T. (2005). Strange Bedfellows: Science, Policies, and Religion. A George
Romanes Lecture presented at Oxford University.

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

Lesson 4: Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines

Learning Outcomes

 Discuss the concept of indigenous science

 Discuss the contribution of indigenous science in the development of science
and technology in the Philippines


Filipinos, especially during the early times, tried to invent tools that will help them in
everyday life. They also developed alternative ideas in explaining various phenomena and in
explaining the world around them. This system of knowledge is called indigenous knowledge,
which is the foundation of indigenous science.

Indigenous Knowledge System

Indigenous knowledge is embedded in the daily life experience of young children as

they grow up. They live and grow in a society where the members of the community
prominently practice indigenous knowledge. Their parents and other older folks served as
their first teachers and their methods of teaching are very effective in transmitting cultural
knowledge in their minds. The lessons they learned are intimately interwoven with their
culture and the environment. These lessons comprised of good values and life stories of
people on their daily life struggles. Their views about nature and their reflections on their
experiences in daily life are evident in their stories, poems, and songs.

Some examples of indigenous knowledge that are taught and practiced by the
indigenous people are:

 Predicting weather conditions and seasons using knowledge in observing animals’

behavior and celestial bodies
 Using herbal medicine
 Preserving foods
 Classifying plants and animals into families and groups based on cultural properties
 Preserving and selecting good seeds for planting
 Using indigenous technology in daily lives
 Building local irrigation systems
 Classifying different types of soil for planting based on cultural properties
 Producing wines and juices from tropical fruits
 Keeping the custom of growing plants and vegetables in the yard

Indigenous Science
 Part of the indigenous knowledge system, practiced by different groups of people and
early civilizations
 Includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices, and representations 5hat
guide human societies in their enumerable interactions with the natural milieu:
agriculture, medicine, naming and explaining natural phenomena, and strategies for
coping with changing environments.
 Includes everything from metaphysics to philosophy and various practical
technologies practiced by indigenous people both past and present

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

 Indigenous beliefs also develop desirable values that are relevant or consistent to
scientific attitudes as identified by Johnston (2000), namely:
- Motivating attitudes
- Cooperating attitudes
- Practical attitudes
- Reflective attitudes
 Good foundation for developing positive values toward learning and doing science
and in bringing science in a personal level.
 Provides the basics of:
- Astronomy
- Pharmacology
- Food technology
- Metallurgy


1. What is your understanding of indigenous science?

2. What are examples of indigenous science practices?
3. Why do some people believe in indigenous science?
4. Do you think indigenous science should be considered science?
5. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and

Pawilen (2006) developed a simple framework for understanding indigenous science.

It is composed of traditional knowledge that uses science process skills and guided by
community values and culture.


Science Process Community Traditional

Skills Knowledge
Culture and

The Concept of Indigenous Science

CapSU Main-COEd-mccaloyola 19
Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and

1.Indigenous Science

 uses science process skills such as observing, comparing, classifying, measuring,

problem-solving, inferring, communicating, and predicting

2. Indigenous science is guided by culture and community values such as the following:

 The land is a source of life. It is a precious gift from the creator

 The earth is revered as “Mother Earth.” It is the origin of their identity as people
 All living and nonliving things are interconnected and interdependent with each
 Human beings are stewards or trustee of the land and other natural resources. They
have a responsibility to preserve it
 Nature is a friend to human beings- it needs respect and proper care

3. Indigenous science is composed of traditional knowledge practiced and valued by people

and communities such as ethno-biology, ethno-medicine, indigenous farming methods, and
folk astronomy.

Indigenous science

 important in the development of science and technology in the Philippines.

 gives birth to the development science and technology as a field and as a discipline.
 helped the people in understanding the natural environment and in coping with
everyday life
 recognized as a historical and valuable contribution to science and technology by the
UNESCO’s Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge (1999).


1. What is the role of indigenous knowledge in the development of indigenous science?

2. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology
in the Philippines?

3. How do society and culture influence the development of science and technology?

1. Identify Filipino indigenous knowledge

2. Research on the connection of indigenous knowledge to science and technology

3. Record the result of your work

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Chapter I – General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and


Cajete, G. (2004). “A Multi-contextual Model for Developing Culturally Responsive

Indigenous Science Curricula.” Paper presented at the Science and Mathematics in
Pacific Rim Nations Conference. University of Hawaii – Manoa. October 14-17, 2004.

Gribbin, J. (2003). Science: A History. London, UK: Penguin Books

Iaccarino, M. (2003). Science and Culture. EMBO Reports, 4, 220-223.

Mkapa, B. (2004). “Indigenous Knowledge – A Local Pathway to Global Development.” In

Indigenous Knowledge Local Pathways to Global Development: Making Five Years of
the World Bank Indigenous Knowledge Development Program. (pp. 1-3)
. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

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