Published Applied Kinesiology Texts
Published Applied Kinesiology Texts
Published Applied Kinesiology Texts
The Art and Practice of International System Health Organization, Inc. Sedan, KS, 1994
Chiropractic, 3rd Edition,
Rees, M.L.
Myofascial Pain and Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1983 and 1992.
Dysfunction: The Trigger
Point Manual, Volumes 1 & (
2, Travell, J.G., Simons, D.G.
Jones Strain-Counterstrain, 1995
Jones, L., Kusunose, R.S.,
Goering, E.K.
Rolfing, Rolf, I. Dennis-Landeman, Santa Monica, CA, 1977
Manual Medicine: George Theime Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1988
Diagnostics, 3rd Edition,
Dvorak J, Dvorak V.
Principles of Manual Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1996.
Medicine, 2nd Edition,
Greenman PE.
Principles of Osteopathic Academy of Applied Osteopathy, Carmel CA; 1954.
Technic, Fryette HH.
Manipulative therapy in Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1991.
rehabilitation of the
locomotor system, 2nd edition,
Lewit K.
Low Back and Leg Pain From Warren H. Green, Inc. St. Louis, MO. 1980.
Herniated Cervical Disc,
Kabat H.
Touch of Life, Fulford, R.C., Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1996
Robert Fulford and the Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 2002
philosopher physician,
Comeaux, Z.
An Endocrine Interpretation Academy of Applied Osteopathy, 1937
of Chapman’s Reflexes,
Owens, C.
Temporomandibular Joint J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA, 1976
Dysfunction and Occlusal
Equilibration, 2nd Edition,
Shore, N.A.
The Dental Physician, University Publications, 1977
Fonder, A.C.
The Dental Distress Medical-Dental Arts, Sterling, IL, 1993
Syndrome, Fonder, A.C.
Cranial-Dental-Sacral Privately published, Newtown, PA, 1983
Complex, Smith, G
Craniopathy and Dentistry, Self-published, 1979.
Denton D.
Hypothyroidism: The Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York, NY, 1976
Unsuspected Illness, Barnes,
B. O.
The G.P. and the Endocrine 1959
Glands, Rubel, L.L.
The Stress of Life, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill; 1976.
Selye H.
Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Smart Publications, Petaluma CA. 2001
Century Stress Syndrome,
Wilson JL.
A New Clinical Basis for the Privately published, Burlingame, CA, 1960
Correction of Abnormal
Physiology, Bennett, T.J.
The Practice of Correction of Self-published, 1983
Abnormal Functions:
Neurovascular Dynamics
(NVD), Martin, R.J.
Acupuncture: The Ancient Random House, NY, 1963.
Chinese Art of Healing and
How It Works Scientifically,
Mann, F.
Acupuncture: A Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 1981
Comprehensive Text,
O’Connor, J., Bensky, D. (