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Shipping KPI Standard V4.0

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The Shipping KPI Standard


Released September 2020

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 1 of 141

Shipping KPI Standard

1 Table of Contents
2 Summary of changes in KPI standard v4.0 ............................................................................. 6
2.1 What’s new? ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Rankings instead of Ratings .................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 KPIs ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.3 PIs .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Ship attributes ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 What’s eliminated? ........................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 SPIs ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 KPIs ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.3 PIs .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 What has change? ............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 KPIs ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.2 PIs .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Concepts .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Hierarchy of indicators ..................................................................................................... 8
3.2 KPI Groups....................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) ................................................................................. 10
3.4 Performance Indicators (PI) ........................................................................................... 11
3.5 KPI Depository ............................................................................................................... 12
4 Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Ballast water management violations ............................................................................. 13
4.2 Budget performance ....................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Cadets per ship ............................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Cargo related incidents ................................................................................................... 18
4.5 Condition of class ........................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Contained spills .............................................................................................................. 22
4.7 Crew disciplinary frequency .......................................................................................... 24
4.8 Crew planning ................................................................................................................ 26
4.9 Drydocking planning performance................................................................................. 28

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 2 of 141

4.10 Environmental deficiencies ........................................................................................ 30
4.11 Failure of critical equipment and systems .................................................................. 32
4.12 Fire and Explosions .................................................................................................... 34
4.13 Port State Control performance .................................................................................. 36
4.14 Health and Safety deficiencies ................................................................................... 38
4.15 HR deficiencies........................................................................................................... 40
4.16 Lost Time Injury Frequency ....................................................................................... 42
4.17 Lost Time Sickness Frequency ................................................................................... 44
4.18 Navigational deficiencies ........................................................................................... 46
4.19 Navigational incidents ................................................................................................ 48
4.20 Officer retention rate .................................................................................................. 50
4.21 Officers experience rate .............................................................................................. 52
4.22 Operational deficiencies ............................................................................................. 54
4.23 Passenger injury ratio ................................................................................................. 56
4.24 Port state control deficiency ratio ............................................................................... 58
4.25 Port state control detention ......................................................................................... 60
4.26 Releases of substances ................................................................................................ 62
4.27 Security deficiencies ................................................................................................... 64
4.28 Training days per officer ............................................................................................ 66
4.29 Ship availability .......................................................................................................... 68
4.30 Vetting deficiencies .................................................................................................... 70
4.31 Total Recordable Case Frequency .............................................................................. 72
4.32 Total Recordable Case Frequency including First Aid Cases .................................... 74
4.33 Overdue tasks in PMS ................................................................................................ 76
5 Performance Indicators .......................................................................................................... 78
5.1 Actual Drydocking costs ................................................................................................ 78
5.2 Actual drydocking duration ............................................................................................ 79
5.3 Actual unavailability ...................................................................................................... 80
5.4 Agreed drydocking budget ............................................................................................. 81
5.5 Agreed drydocking duration........................................................................................... 82
5.6 Number of officers employed ........................................................................................ 83
5.7 Last year’s AAE (Additional Authorized Expenses) ..................................................... 84
5.8 Last year’s actual running costs and accruals ................................................................ 85
5.9 Last year’s running cost budget ..................................................................................... 86

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5.10 Number of absconded crew ........................................................................................ 87
5.11 Number of allisions .................................................................................................... 88
5.12 Number of ballast water management violations ....................................................... 89
5.13 Number of beneficial officer terminations ................................................................. 90
5.14 Number of cadets under training with the DOC holder.............................................. 91
5.15 Number of cargo related incidents.............................................................................. 92
5.16 Number of cases where a crew member is sick for more than 24 hours .................... 94
5.17 Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused .................................................... 95
5.18 Number of charges of criminal offences .................................................................... 96
5.19 Number of collisions .................................................................................................. 97
5.20 Number of conditions of class .................................................................................... 98
5.21 Number of contained spills of liquid .......................................................................... 99
5.22 Number of seafarers not relieved on time ................................................................ 100
5.23 Number of dismissals ............................................................................................... 101
5.24 Number of environmental related deficiencies ......................................................... 102
5.25 Number of explosion incidents ................................................................................. 103
5.26 Number of failures of critical equipment and systems ............................................. 104
5.27 Number of fatalities due to work injuries ................................................................. 105
5.28 Number of fatalities due to sickness ......................................................................... 106
5.29 Number of fire incidents ........................................................................................... 107
5.30 Number of groundings .............................................................................................. 108
5.31 Number of health and safety related deficiencies ..................................................... 109
5.32 Number of HR related deficiencies .......................................................................... 110
5.33 Number of logged warnings ..................................................................................... 111
5.34 Number of lost workday cases.................................................................................. 112
5.35 Number of navigational related deficiencies ............................................................ 113
5.36 Number of officer days onboard all ships with the DOC holder .............................. 114
5.37 Number of officer experience points ........................................................................ 115
5.38 Number of officer terminations from whatever cause .............................................. 116
5.39 Number of officer trainee man days ......................................................................... 117
5.40 Number of officers onboard ..................................................................................... 118
5.41 Number of operational related deficiencies .............................................................. 119
5.42 Number of passengers injured .................................................................................. 120
5.43 Number of permanent partial disabilities ................................................................. 121

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5.44 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) ......................................................... 122
5.45 Number of PSC deficiencies..................................................................................... 123
5.46 Number of PSC inspections ...................................................................................... 124
5.47 Number of PSC detentions ....................................................................................... 125
5.48 Number of PSC inspections resulting in zero deficiencies ....................................... 126
5.49 Number of recorded external inspections ................................................................. 127
5.50 Number of releases of substances to the environment ............................................. 128
5.51 Number of security related deficiencies ................................................................... 129
5.52 Number of oil spills .................................................................................................. 130
5.53 Number of unavoidable officer terminations............................................................ 131
5.54 Number of ships operated under the DOC holder .................................................... 132
5.55 Number of observations during commercial inspections ......................................... 133
5.56 Number of commercial inspections .......................................................................... 134
5.57 Number of violations of rest hours ........................................................................... 135
5.58 Passenger exposure hours ......................................................................................... 136
5.59 Planned unavailability .............................................................................................. 137
5.60 Total exposure hours ................................................................................................ 138
5.61 Overdue tasks in PMS .............................................................................................. 139
5.62 Medical Treatment Cases ......................................................................................... 140
5.63 First Aid Cases.......................................................................................................... 141

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2 Summary of changes in KPI standard v4.0
2.1 What’s new?
2.1.1 Rankings instead of Ratings

KPI Rankings, the replacement of Ratings, is a new benchmarking method where performance is
regarded as relative to who I am compared with. As part of this concept, custom KPI targets are
also introduced to enable companies to set their own targets.

Ranking is an implicit benchmark where performance is regarded as relative to who I am compared

with. Each ship is compared with other ships on the same KPI based on its own ranking criteria,
hereby creating a ranking result where each ship is given its rank.

More information can be found in the “Concepts” page.

2.1.2 KPIs

1. KPI034: Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRFC)

2. KPI035: Total Recordable Case Frequency and First Aid Cases (TRFC & FAC)
3. KPI036: Overdue tasks in PMS . The formula takes into account the new PI065
Overdue tasks in PMS

2.1.3 PIs

1. PI065: Overdue tasks in PMS

2. PI066: Medical Treatment Cases (MTC)
3. PI067: First Aid Cases (FAC)

2.1.4 Ship attributes

In replacement of the emissions related KPIs, a new ship attribute is added to reflect the Energy
Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). The EEDI value can be found in the ship’s International
Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC).

For the new ship attribute the code META025 is used.

2.2 What’s eliminated?

2.2.1 SPIs

The entire SPI concept is eliminated and replaced by the concept of KPI groups. KPIs are
combined into 8 KPI groups for better categorization and visualization purposes. No form of
calculation or aggregation is happening on this level.

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2.2.2 KPIs

The following KPIs are being eliminated from the KPI Standard v4.0:
1. KPI005: CO2 efficiency
2. KPI021: NOx efficiency
3. KPI030: SOx efficiency

2.2.3 PIs

The following PIs are being eliminated from the KPI Standard v4.0:

1. PI007: Emitted mass of CO2 which contributes to KPI005

2. PI008: Emitted mass of NOx which contributes to KPI021
3. PI009: Emitted mass of SOx which contributes to KPI030
4. PI064: Transport work which contributes to KPI005, KPI021 and KPI030

2.3 What has change?

The following are the changes to improve the standard.

2.3.1 KPIs

The following KPIs are being enhanced for the KPI Standard v4.0:
1. KPI008: Crew Disciplinary – Calculation period changed to quarterly.
2. KPI032: Ship Availability – Calculation period changed to quarterly. Formula

2.3.2 PIs

The following PIs are being enhanced for the KPI Standard v4.0:
1. PI003: Actual Unavailability – Measuring period changed to quarterly.
2. PI022: Ship Availability – Measuring period changed to quarterly.

In case you would like to have further clarifications about the changes in the new KPI standard
v4.0, please contact us at support@shipping-kpi.org

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3 Concepts
3.1 Hierarchy of indicators
The Shipping KPI Standard is built up hierarchical with 3 different levels:

1. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) groups

2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
3. Performance Indicators (PIs)

There is a mathematical relation between the last two levels. In basic terms, Key Performance
Indicators are calculated from Performance Indicators (lowest level) using a KPI formula.

On the lowest level you find the PIs, 63 in number, which are based on data capture (measurements
or counters) directly from a ship or from the shipping management. Data is collected once and re-
used within the Shipping KPI Standard in order to reduce the amount of data.

On KPI level a form of normalization take place. The 33 KPIs are scaled into a range from 0-100,
where zero indicates low and 100 is outstanding performance. This makes it possible to compare
ships with different characteristics or amount of data captured.

Finally, on the highest level the KPIs are combined into 8 KPI groups for better categorization and
visualization purposes. No form of calculation or aggregation is happening on this level.

8 KPI Groups Group



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3.2 KPI Groups
The old concept of Shipping Performance Indexes (SPIs) has been replaced from the concept of
KPIs Groups. Compared to SPIs, KPI Groups do not express any form of aggregated performance
in any area. No calculation is happening on this level. It’s just used as a grouping criteria. By
default, the system makes use of the following groups:

▪ Environmental
▪ Health and Safety
▪ HR Management
▪ Navigational Safety
▪ Operational
▪ Security
▪ Technical
▪ Port State Control

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3.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are expressions of performance within a specific area. The
KPI can be expressed in two ways:

• Absolute
• Relative

The absolute KPI Ranking is derived from a descending list sorted by the highest to lowest
performance rank returning the actual position of the ship within its ranking criteria. E.g. rank 4
out of 500.

The relative KPI Value is mathematical combination of relevant Performance Indicator Values.
The return value is a percentile position within the ranking criteria on a scale between 0% and
100%. The KPI Value allows users to target their performance to top 5%, 10% or similar value.
E.g. rank 4 out of 500 translates to 99,21%.

A KPI is:

• a numerical, objective measure of performance

• key to the strategic business objective
• actionable and influenced by the relevant stakeholder/manager
• accountable to stakeholder/manager
• output oriented, not focused on input or activity
• possible to calculate with limited efforts and within limited time

The objectives of KPIs are to:

• measure for continuous improvement

• measure for internal and external benchmarking
• measure to set incentives

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3.4 Performance Indicators (PI)
The Performance Indicators (PIs) are the building blocks giving the basis for KPI Value
calculations. PIs are directly observable parameters (measurements) for each ship under
management, e.g. Number of dismissals, Number of collisions and Number of fire incidents.

The Performance Indicators are the only elements that must be reported manually or by means of
implemented Information Communication Technology (ICT). Focus has been to provide the
hierarchy with unambiguous definitions of measurable low level parameters based on existing
measurements in the industry. Each PI may be used in the calculation of several Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). An example is the PI Number of recorded external inspections which is used as
a denominator in the calculation of several KPI Values.

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3.5 KPI Depository
The depository contains detailed information about the Shipping KPI Performance Hierarchy

1. Description of all Performance Indicators including:

a) Specification of data capture (PI Values)

b) Their context in light of how the PI Values are used in the hierarchy
c) Any intermediate calculation formulas that must be applied to be able to obtain
the PI Values

2. Description of all Key Performance Indicators including:

a) The KPI’s objective (what to measure)

b) The KPI Value calculation formula
c) A KPI Ranking calculation example

The clarification of roles and responsibilities related to the management of the Shipping KPI
Depository is under the responsibility BIMCO this includes the maintenance of the Standard.
However, the actual work may be contracted to a different organization, and the Shipping KPI
Depository may be hosted by a 3rd party provider.

The maintenance will at a minimum consist of:

• Updates and enhancements of the web service

• Revision of the KPI/PI descriptions
• QA support service
• Management of the ICT platform

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4 Key Performance Indicators
4.1 Ballast water management violations Description

This KPI expresses the company's ability to adhere to applicable rules and regulations related to
management of ballast water. Interpretation

It is the number of times where prevailing regulations regarding management of ballast water
have been violated and recorded by an external party.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Violations KPI Value Formula

PI015 Number of ballast water management violations

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI015 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI015: Number of PSC deficiencies in a quarter = 10

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI015 = 10

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 1 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 99 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 99.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI001 Ballast
water management violations, this ship belongs in the 99.50th percentile of the ships that are
being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 13 of 141 Explanatory Note

This KPI uses only one PI. KPI References

International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments
(BWM) and National regulations.

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4.2 Budget performance Description

This KPI expresses the overall budget deviation. Interpretation

The KPI reflects the company's ability effectively plan the ship's operating costs. It does not
value the cost effectiveness. Deviations both positive and negative are regarded in the same way.

Calculation Period Fiscal year

Scope Ship level
Unit % KPI Value Formula

PI010 Last year’s AAE (Additional Authorized Expenses)

PI011 Last year’s actual running costs and accruals
PI012 Last year’s running cost budget
|PI012 − (PI011 − PI010)|
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =
PI012 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI010 Last year’s AAE (Additional Authorized Expenses) = 0.25M US$
PI011 Last year’s actual running costs and accruals = 1.5 US$
PI012 Last year’s running cost budget = 1.2M US$
|PI012 − (PI011 − PI010)| |1.2 − (1.5 − 0.25)|
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 4.17%
PI012 1.2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 50 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 50 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 50.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

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Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI002 Budget
Performance, this ship belongs in the 50.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared with
based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

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4.3 Cadets per ship Description

The KPI shows the ratio between the total number of cadets under training with the DOC holder
and their total fleet. The result is the average number of cadets per ship. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s commitment and ability to take on new cadets.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope All ships of the DOC holder
Unit Cadets/Ship KPI Value Formula

PI017 Number of cadets under training with the DOC holder

PI057 Number of ships operated under the DOC holder
𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =
PI057 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI017 Number of cadets under training with the DOC holder = 123
PI057 Number of ships operated under the DOC holder = 134
PI017 123
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 0.92
PI057 134

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI003 Cadets
per ship, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared with
based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

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4.4 Cargo related incidents Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to contribute to incidents-free cargo operations and
carriage. Interpretation

It is the number of incidents related to Cargo during carriage and cargo operations recorded in
the company's internal incidents reports, the details of which is found in PI018.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Number of Cargo related incidents KPI Value Formula

PI018 Number of cargo related incidents

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI018 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI018 Number of cargo related incidents =1

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI018 = 1

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: : Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI004 Cargo
related incidents, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 18 of 141 Explanatory Note

1. The number of cargo related incidents are not related to the number of port calls

2. This KPI uses only one PI

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4.5 Condition of class Description

The KPI counts the total number of conditions of class issued by class. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s efforts to minimize the number of conditions of class. Be
aware that all categories of conditions of class are weighted and regarded equally.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Conditions of class KPI Value Formula

PI023 Number of conditions of class

𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI023 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI023 Number of conditions of class = 1
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI023 = 1

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI006
Condition of class, this ship belongs in the 60.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

The issue of conditions of class differs between industry sectors and caution should be applied
when interpreting this KPI.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 20 of 141 KPI References

As per IACS definition of conditions of class.

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4.6 Contained spills Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid spills. Interpretation

Contained spills covers liquid as defined under MARPOL Annex I. Contained spills in secure
areas such as Engine rooms are not counted.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Number of contained spills KPI Value Formula

PI024 Number of contained spills of liquid

𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝐼024 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI024 Number of contained spills of liquid = 2
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI024 = 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI007
Contained spills, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

1. Sustainability is a key issue within transport. The company should strive towards zero
accidental releases of substances defined as dangerous to the environment even though the
The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 22 of 141
incident’s impact in this case is reduced as the spill is contained onboard the ship.

2. This KPI is complementary to the KPI “KPI028 Releases of Substances" as defined by

MARPOL (Annex I to V), to the environment”. Some spills are contained but still represent an
incident that should be recorded.

3. This KPI uses only one PI. KPI References

Company’s Safety Management System

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4.7 Crew disciplinary frequency Description

The KPI counts the total number of breaches of code of conduct made by the ship's crew and the
company's reaction. The total exposure hours onboard the ship is used as a denominator to
enable benchmarking. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the ability of the management to maintain discipline.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Breaches/ total crew KPI Value Formula

PI013 Number of absconded crew

PI020 Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused
PI021 Number of charges of criminal offences
PI026 Number of dismissals
PI036 Number of logged warnings
PI063 Total exposure hours

PI013 + PI020 + PI021 + PI026 + PI036

𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ∗ 24 ∗ 90
PI063 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI013 Number of absconded crew = 0

PI020 Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused = 0
PI021 Number of charges of criminal offences = 0
PI026 Number of dismissals = 0
PI036 Number of logged warnings = 1
PI063 Total exposure hours = 22500

PI013 + PI020 + PI021 + PI026 + PI036 1

𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ∗ 24 ∗ 90 = ∗ 24 ∗ 90
PI063 22500

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Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI008 Crew
disciplinary frequency, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

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4.8 Crew planning Description

The KPI counts the number of breaches of regulations or agreements related to MLC and STCW. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company's crew planning ability to relieve crew on time and avoiding
violations of rest hours and/or work hours regulations.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Breaches KPI Value Formula

PI025 Number of crew not relieved on time

PI060 Number of violations of rest hours

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI025 + PI060 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI025 Number of crew not relieved on time = 1

PI060 Number of violations of rest hours = 2

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI025 + PI060 = 1 + 2 = 3

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI009 crew
planning frequency, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 26 of 141 Explanatory Note

Regulations outside MLC and STCW, such as flag state regulations, are excluded KPI References

STCW and MLC Convention

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 27 of 141

4.9 Drydocking planning performance Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to plan the drydocking operation (e.g. predictable costs,
good budgeting and scheduling).

Basically, it expresses the percentile deviation from planned costs and duration. To avoid
penalization of ship managers striving towards minimizing time and cost at drydock, any cost or
time deviation between 0 and minus 10% is disregarded (to be interpreted as 'according to plan').

As the KPI expresses deviations both positive and negative, the KPI Value is always converted
to a positive value.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit % KPI Value Formula

PI001 Actual drydocking costs

PI002 Actual drydocking duration
PI004 Agreed drydocking budget
PI005 Agreed drydocking duration

|PI002 − PI005| |PI001 − PI004|

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ( + ) ∗ 100%
PI005 PI004 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI001 Actual drydocking costs = 3.9M US$

PI002 Actual drydocking duration = 16 days
PI004 Agreed drydocking budget = 4M US$
PI005 Agreed drydocking duration = 14 days

|PI002−PI005| |PI001−PI004|
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ( + ) ∗ 100% = 16.8%
PI005 PI004

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 28 of 141

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI010
Drydocking planning performance, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are
being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 29 of 141

4.10 Environmental deficiencies Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid environmental related deficiencies. Interpretation

This KPI is part of a range of KPIs related to deficiencies that are identified during external
inspections. The deficiencies are categorized depending on their nature. The number of
environmental related deficiencies (PI027) is expressed relative to the total number of external
inspections and audits (PI052).

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Number of deficiencies per External
Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI027 Number of environmental related deficiencies

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections

𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =
PI052 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI027 Number of environmental related deficiencies = 4

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections = 2

PI027 4
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = =2
PI052 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 30 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI011
Environmental deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. KPI References

MARPOL and National Regulations

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 31 of 141

4.11 Failure of critical equipment and systems Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to maintain critical equipment and systems in good
working condition always. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of failures of equipment and systems in the critical list defined in the
company's Safety Management System.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Failures KPI Value Formula

PI029 Number of failures of critical equipment and systems

𝐾𝑃𝐼 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝐼029 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI029 Number of failures of critical equipment and systems = 1

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝐼029 = 1

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI012 Failure
of critical equipment and systems, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are
being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 32 of 141

1. This KPI is kept without a denominator because a failure to a critical equipment or system is
serious, regardless of how many items a company's SMS has in its list of Critical Equipment.

2. As the ships’ critical lists may vary in size it could be argued that e.g. the number of items on
the list could be used as a denominator for benchmarking purposes. In any case, a failure to a
critical equipment or system is a serious matter, regardless of the number of items in the ship’s
critical list, and therefor this KPI is kept without a denominator.

3. This KPI uses only one PI KPI References

Company's Safety Management System

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 33 of 141

4.12 Fire and Explosions Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid fire and explosions onboard the ship. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of fire and explosion incidents as reported in the company's internal
incident reports.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Number of incidents KPI Value Formula

PI028 Number of explosion incidents

PI032 Number of fire incidents

KPI Value = PI028 + PI032 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI028 Number of explosion incidents = 0

PI032 Number of fire incidents = 1

KPI Value = PI028 + PI032 = 0 + 1 = 1

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI013 Fire
and Explosions, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 34 of 141 Explanatory Note

Fire and explosion incidents are serious threats to the crew, the ship and its operation and should
be accounted for. In cases where the incident is due to an external cause which the company
cannot be accountable for, this indicator will penalize somewhat unfair. Even so it was decided
to keep the indicator as it is. This means that the indicator carries some inherent measure of the
trade and area in which the ship operates, as this influence the likelihood for such an incident.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 35 of 141

4.13 Port State Control performance Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to have flawless Port State Control inspection. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of times where Port State Control Inspections are conducted without
any deficiency being reported and divides this number by the total number of Port State Control
Inspections conducted during the same period.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Flawless Inspections/Inspections KPI Value Formula

PI049 Number of PSC inspections

PI051 Number of PSC inspections resulting in zero deficiencies

KPI Value =
PI049 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI049 Number of PSC inspections = 4

PI051 Number of PSC inspections resulting in zero deficiencies = 2

PI051 2
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 0.5
PI049 4

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 36 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI014 Port
state control performance, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is one of three KPIs related to Port State Control Inspections. The three areas covered
a. Port state control deficiency ratio’ which measures the ratio of the total number of issued
deficiencies during port state control inspection against the total number of port state
control inspections conducted,
b. Port state control detention’ which measures the total number of port state control
inspections resulting in a detention and
c. this specific KPI, ‘Flawless port state control performance’ which measures the
percentage of port state control inspections resulting in zero deficiencies.
It could be argued that this specific KPI is overlapping with the KPI ’Port State Control
deficiency ratio’.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 37 of 141

4.14 Health and Safety deficiencies Description

This KPI expresses the ratio between health and safety related deficiencies (raised during
external inspections and audits) and the total number of recorded external inspections and audits.
External audits include non-conformities but exclude observations. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid health and safety related deficiencies recorded
during external inspections and audits.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Deficiencies/Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI034 Number of health and safety related deficiencies

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections

KPI Value =
PI052 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI034 Number of health and safety related deficiencies = 3

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections = 2

PI034 3
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 1.5
PI052 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 38 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI015 Health
and Safety deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is part of a range of KPIs related to deficiencies that are identified during external
inspections and audits. The deficiencies are categorized depending on their nature. KPI References


The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 39 of 141

4.15 HR deficiencies Description

The KPI expresses the ratio between HR related deficiencies (raised during external inspections
and audits) and the total number of recorded external inspections and audits. External audits
include non-conformities but exclude observations. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s HR related performance measured by number of deficiencies
and non-conformities recorded during external inspections and audits.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Deficiencies/Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI035 Number of HR related deficiencies

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections

KPI Value =
PI052 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI035 Number of HR related deficiencies = 3

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections = 2

PI035 3
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 1.5
PI052 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 40 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI016 HR
deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared with
based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is part of a range of KPIs related to deficiencies that are identified during external
inspections and audits. The deficiencies are categorized depending on their nature. KPI References


The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 41 of 141

4.16 Lost Time Injury Frequency Description

The KPI expresses the number of Lost Time Injuries (LTI) among the crew per million exposure
hours. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to safeguard crew against injuries and fatalities.

Calculation Period 12 month rolling year

Scope Ship level
Unit Cases/Million Hours KPI Value Formula

PI030 Number of fatalities due to injuries

PI037 Number of lost workday cases
PI046 Number of permanent partial disabilities
PI047 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)
PI063 Total exposure hours

PI030 + PI037 + PI046 + PI047

KPI Value =
PI063 ∗ 10−6 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI030 Number of fatalities due to injuries = 0

PI037 Number of lost workday cases = 1
PI046 Number of permanent partial disabilities = 0
PI047 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) = 0
PI063 Total exposure hours = 87600
PI030+PI037+PI046+PI047 0+1+0+0
KPI Value = = =11.41
PI063∗10−6 87600∗10−6

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 42 of 141

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes KPI017 Lost time
injury frequency, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

Exposure hours are 24 hours per day while serving onboard. Note that injuries during off duty on
board are also included.

LTI is the sum of Fatalities, Permanent Total Disabilities, Permanent Partial Disabilities and Lost
Workday Cases. KPI References

(OCIMF) Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 43 of 141

4.17 Lost Time Sickness Frequency Description

The KPI expresses the number of Lost Time Injuries (LTI) among the crew per million exposure
hours. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to safeguard crew against injuries and fatalities.

Calculation Period 12 month rolling year

Scope Ship level
Unit Cases/Million Hours KPI Value Formula

PI019 Number of crew sick for more than 24 hours

PI031 Number of fatalities due to sickness
PI063 Total exposure hours

PI019 + PI031
KPI Value =
PI063 ∗ 10−6 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI019 Number of crew sick for more than 24 hours = 0

PI031 Number of fatalities due to sickness = 1
PI063 Total exposure hours = 131400

PI019 + PI031 1+0

KPI Value = = = 7.61
PI063 ∗ 10−6 131,400 ∗ 10−6

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 44 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI018 Lost
time sickness frequency, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

Exposure hours are 24 hours per day while serving onboard.

The LTSF does not distinguish on severity of sickness. This KPI respects the privacy of
information related to the crew. KPI References


The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 45 of 141

4.18 Navigational deficiencies Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid navigational related deficiencies. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of navigational related deficiencies including any sub-standard act,
practice or condition (such as a mal functioning radar), recorded during external inspections and
audits. The number of deficiencies is then made relative to the total number of external

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Deficiencies/Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI038 Number of navigational related deficiencies

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections

KPI Value =
PI052 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI038 Number of navigational related deficiencies = 4

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections = 2

PI038 4
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = =2
PI052 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 46 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to to KPI019
Navigational deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is part of a range of KPIs related to deficiencies that are identified during external
inspections. The deficiencies are categorized depending on their nature.

The total number of recorded external inspection is used as a denominator in all these KPIs
(related to deficiencies) to enable benchmarking between ships that are subject to an uneven
number of external inspection. KPI References

SOLAS, Company's Safety Management System

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 47 of 141

4.19 Navigational incidents Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid navigational incidents. Interpretation

The KPI counts any navigational incident resulting in a collision, allision or grounding. All
incidents are counted regardless of the cause of the incident.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Incidents KPI Value Formula

PI014 Number of allisions

PI022 Number of collisions
PI033 Number of groundings

KPI Value = PI014 + PI022 + PI033 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI014 Number of allisions = 0

PI022 Number of collisions = 1
PI033 Number of groundings = 2

KPI Value = PI014 + PI022 + PI033 = 0 + 1 + 2 = 3

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 48 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI020
Navigational deficiencies water management violations, this ship belongs in the 77.50th
percentile of the ships that are being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective
quarter. Explanatory Note

It could be argued that the responsibility of the incident should be taken into account. At the
moment any collision, allision or grounding is counted, regardless of whether the ship manager
(represented by the captain) is held liable for the incident. As the question of liability can take
months and even years to solve a decision was made to count all incidents regardless of liability
issues. In this respect this indicator is also influenced by the trade and area in which the ship
operates, as the trade area have a bearing on the likelihood of incidents, congested waters,
narrow passages severe weather etc. In other words the indicator is not purely expressing the
navigational performance of the manager.

In the future this KPI could benefit from navigational near misses. This would need further
consideration regarding the inconsistency of reporting and interpreting near misses.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 49 of 141

4.20 Officer retention rate Description

This KPI expresses the officer retention rate within the company. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to retain officers within the organization. The KPI
shows the ratio between terminations and the size of the DOC holder's officer pool. The KPI is
vulnerable to changes in fleet size.

Calculation Period 12 month rolling year

Scope DOC holder
Unit % KPI Value Formula

PI006 Number of officers employed

PI016 Number of beneficial officer terminations
PI041 Number of officer terminations from whatever cause
PI056 Number of unavoidable officer terminations

(PI041 − (PI056 + PI016))

KPI Value = 100% − ∗ 100%
PI006 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI006 Number of officers employed = 250

PI016 Number of beneficial officer terminations = 1
PI041 Number of officer terminations from whatever cause = 23
PI056 Number of unavoidable officer terminations = 5

(PI041−(PI056+PI016)) (23−(5+1))
KPI Value = 100% − ∗ 100% = 100% − ∗ 100% = 93.2
PI006 250

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 50 of 141

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI022 Officer
retention rate, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

The formula has some limitations as the beneficial termination is a subjective term. The formula
is also influenced by acquisitions/sales of ships. In case the fleet is increased the number of
officers will increase and the indicator will improve, and the other way if the fleet is reduced the
indicator will deteriorate. KPI References

INTERTANKO Officer Retention Formula. (Corrected) Version 2 Dated 12th March 2008.

The formula is modelled upon the Abelson adjusted turnover rate “Abelson M (1996) Turnover
cultures and turnover audits” in Human Resources Management. The formula was adjusted by
INTERTANKO to create a retention rate formula, as opposed to a turnover rate formula.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 51 of 141

4.21 Officers experience rate Description

This KPI expresses the level of experience with the company's Safety Management System
(SMS) of the officers currently onboard the ship. Interpretation

Each officer currently onboard is assigned experience points according to a predefined scale. The
maximum number of experience points per officer is 4 (equals 12 months sailing time with the
same company safety management system). Any experience above 12 months sailing time is

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Experience points/officer KPI Value Formula

PI040 Number of officer experience points

PI043 Number of officers onboard

KPI Value = ∗ 100
4 ∗ PI043 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI040 Number of officer experience points = 34

PI043 Number of officers onboard = 9

PI040 34
KPI Value = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 94.4%
4 ∗ PI043 4∗9

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 52 of 141

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI023
Officers experience rate, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 53 of 141

4.22 Operational deficiencies Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid operational related deficiencies. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of operational related deficiencies including any substandard act,
practice or condition (excluding HR, security, health, safety and environmental deficiencies)
recorded during external inspections and audits. The number of deficiencies is then made relative
to the total number of external inspections.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Deficiencies/Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI044 Number of operational related deficiencies

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections

KPI Value =
PI052 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI044 Number of operational related deficiencies = 1

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections = 5

PI044 1 + 0
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 0.2
PI052 5

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 54 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI024
Operational deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is part of a range of KPIs related to deficiencies that are identified during external
inspections. The deficiencies are categorized depending on their nature. This specific KPI
(Operational deficiencies) is a KPI that will cover all deficiencies excluding Navigational, HR,
Security, Health & Safety and Environmental deficiencies.

The total number of recorded external inspection is used as a denominator in all these KPIs
(related to deficiencies) to enable benchmarking between ships that are subject to an uneven
number of external inspections.

THETIS Deficiency Coding (Paris MoU): all deficiency codes starting with 01, 02, 03, 06 and 13
are operational findings. KPI References

Company's Safety Management System

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 55 of 141

4.23 Passenger injury ratio Description

The KPI represents a ratio between the number of injured passengers reported during
embarkation, disembarkation and time spent on board, relative to the passenger exposure hours
in the reporting period. By defining the KPI as a ratio, benchmarking is feasible even between
different ship sizes. Only ships certified to carry passengers should use this KPI. Note that
supernumeraries (family members, riding crew, superintendents and stowaways) are not
considered as passengers. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to protect passengers from injury. The indicator does
not take into account the severity of injury.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Cases/Million Hours KPI Value Formula

PI045 Number of passengers injured

PI061 Passenger exposure hours

KPI Value =
PI061 ∗ 10−6 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI045 Number of passengers injured = 5

PI061 Passenger exposure hours = 100000

PI045 5
KPI Value = −6
= = 50
PI061 ∗ 10 100000 ∗ 10−6

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 56 of 141

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI025
Passenger injury ratio, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

A fatality resulting from an injury will be counted as a case (as an injury).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 57 of 141

4.24 Port state control deficiency ratio Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid deficiencies issued during Port State Control
Inspections. Interpretation

The KPI represents a ratio between the number of reported deficiencies relative to the number of
Port State Control Inspections as such the average number of deficiencies per inspection. By
defining the KPI as a ratio, benchmarking is feasible even between ships being subject to an
uneven number of Port State Control Inspections.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Deficiencies/Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI048 Number of PSC deficiencies

PI049 Number of PSC inspections

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =
PI049 Ranking calculation example

PI048 Number of PSC deficiencies in a quarter = 12

PI049 Number of PSC inspections in a quarter = 4
KPI Value Port State Control Deficiency Ratio =3

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI048: Number of PSC deficiencies in a quarter = 12
PI049: Number of PSC inspections in a quarter = 4

PI048 12
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = =3
PI049 4

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 58 of 141

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI026 PSC
deficiency ratio, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared
with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is one of three KPIs related to Port State Control Inspections. The three areas covered
a. 'Flawless port state control performance' which measures the percentage of Port State
Control Inspections resulting in zero deficiencies,
b. 'Port State Control Detention' which measures the total number Port State Control
Inspections resulting in a detention and this specific KPI, and
c. 'Port State Control Deficiency Ratio', which measures the ratio of the total number of
issued deficiencies during Port State Control Inspections relative to the total number of
Port State Control Inspections conducted.
In addition, the Port State Control Inspections and deficiencies identified during such inspections
are part of the KPIs related to deficiencies identified during any external inspection. References

SOLAS Chapter I regulation 19 Control

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 59 of 141

4.25 Port state control detention Description

This KPI expresses the ability to complete PSC inspections without incurring a detention (code
30). Interpretation

The KPI is a simple counter of the number of PSC inspections resulting in a detention. By
aggregating the KPI Values for all ships in the fleet, taking into account the total number of PSC
inspections and the number of ships in the fleet, the fleet's detention rate can be obtained.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Detentions KPI Value Formula

PI049 Number of PSC inspections

PI050 Number of PSC detentions
KPI Value = PI050, if PI049 is greater than Zero,
KPI Value = { PI050, if PI049 > 0 otherwise, it is undefined.
Note: This KPI is only defined if at least one
PSC inspection has been conducted Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI049 Number of PSC inspections = 2

PI050 Number of PSC detentions = 1

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝐼050 = 1

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 60 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI027 Port
state control detention, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI is one of three KPIs related to Port State Control Inspections. The three areas covered
a. 'Flawless port state control performance' which measures the percentage of Port State
Control Inspections resulting in zero deficiencies,
b. 'Port State Control Deficiency Ratio', which measures the ratio of the total number of
issued deficiencies during Port State Control Inspections relative to the total number of
Port State Control Inspections conducted and this specific
c. ‘Port state control detention’ which measures the total number of port state control
inspections resulting in a detention.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 61 of 141

4.26 Releases of substances Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid releases of substances as defined by
MARPOL (Annex I - V). Interpretation

This is done by counting the number releases of substances (PI053) and oil spills (PI055).

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Releases KPI Value Formula

PI053 Number of releases of substances to the environment

PI055 Number of oil spills

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI053 + PI055 KPI Value Example

Number of releases of substances to the environment in a

PI053 =1
PI055 Number of oil spills in a quarter =0
KPI Value Releases of substances =1 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI053 Number of releases of substances to the environment = 1

PI055 Number of oil spills = 0

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝐼053 + 𝑃𝐼055 = 1 + 0 = 1

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 62 of 141

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI028
Releases of substances, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

Due to difficulties in measuring the actual volume/quantity of a spill or release, the KPI focus on
the number of incidents. All releases of oil and any substances to the environment, as covered
under MARPOL Annex I to V is to be recorded and counted as an incident.

The minimum quantity of release of substances under MARPOL Annex I to V, to be recorded, is

as per the company's Safety Management System. KPI References


The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 63 of 141

4.27 Security deficiencies Description

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid security related deficiencies. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of security related deficiencies including any substandard act,
practice or condition (such as lack of compliance to the ISPS code) recorded during external
inspections and audits. The number of deficiencies is then made relative to the total number of
external inspections and audits.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Deficiencies/Inspection KPI Value Formula

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections

PI054 Number of security related deficiencies

KPI Value =
PI052 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI052 Number of recorded external inspections = 2

PI054 Number of security related deficiencies = 3

PI035 3
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 1.5
PI052 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 64 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI029
Security deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

This KPI expresses the company's ability to avoid security related deficiencies recorded during
external inspections and audits (class, port state, flag state, underwriters, charterers, ITF, external
ISO/ISM/ISPS/OHSAS audits, excluding other voluntary inspections made for the purpose of
quality improvement). KPI References


The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 65 of 141

4.28 Training days per officer Description

The KPI expresses the ratio between the officer training days over the total number of officer
working days, basically the average number of training days per officer day at sea. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the DOC holder’s commitment to maintain and enhance the officers’
competence. There is no objective way to express the quality of training so the number of days is
used as a proxy for performance evaluation.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope DOC holder
Unit Days/Officer KPI Value Formula

PI039 Number of officer days onboard all ships with the DOC holder
PI042 Number of officer trainee man days

KPI Value =
PI039 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI039 Number of officer days onboard all ships with the DOC holder = 4500
PI042 Number of officer trainee man days = 39

PI042 39
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 0.013
PI039 4500

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 66 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI031
Training days per officer, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

Computer based training (CBT) is not included in the KPI due to difficulties in capturing
accurate data.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 67 of 141

4.29 Ship availability Description

The KPI expresses the deviation between the ship's actual unavailability and the planned
unavailability. It calculates the ship utilization as a percentage of the total utilization time
available during the quarter. By doing this, the sensitivity of the KPI to small changes in PIs is
decreased while at the same time, the case of having zero planned unavailability (PI062) is also
covered. Interpretation
This KPI expresses the DOC holder’s ability to comply with the plan for the ship's availability.

Calculation Period Quarter

Scope Ship level
Unit % KPI Value Formula

PI003 Actual unavailability

PI062 Planned unavailability

|PI062 − PI003|
KPI Value = 1 − ∗ 100
PI062 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI003 Actual unavailability = 23

PI062 Planned unavailability = 18

|PI062 − PI003| |18 − 23|

KPI Value = 1 − ∗ 100 = 1 − ∗ 100 = 72.22%
PI062 18

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 68 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI032 Ship
availability, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared with
based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. KPI Value Example

PI003 Actual unavailability = 23

PI062 = 18
KPI Value Vessel availability = 72.22%

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 69 of 141

4.30 Vetting deficiencies Description

This KPI expresses the ship manager’s ability to avoid observations during commercial
inspections. Interpretation

The KPI counts the number of observations (including any substandard act, practice or
condition) recorded during commercial inspections. The number of deficiencies and negative
observations is then made relative to the total number of vetting inspections.

Calculation Period Quarterly

Scope Ship level
Unit Observations/Inspections KPI Value Formula

PI058 Number of observations during commercial inspections

PI059 Number of commercial inspections

KPI Value =
PI059 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI058 Number of observations during commercial inspections = 4

PI059 Number of commercial inspections = 2

PI058 4
KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = =2
PI059 2

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 70 of 141

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI033 Vetting
deficiencies, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared with
based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Explanatory Note

Only ships eligible for commercial inspections should report PI Values for this KPI. Ships not
eligible for commercial inspections will be assigned the value "N/A".

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 71 of 141

4.31 Total Recordable Case Frequency Description

This KPI captures the sum of all work-related fatalities, lost time injuries, restricted work injuries
and medical treatment Injuries Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to safeguard crew against fatalities, injuries, restricted
work injuries and medical treatment injuries.

Calculation Period 12 months rolling year

Scope Ship level
Unit Cases/Million hours KPI Value Formula

PI030 Number of fatalities due to injuries

PI037 Number of lost workday cases
PI046 Number of permanent partial disabilities
PI047 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)

PI066 Medical Treatment Cases

PI063 Total exposure hours

PI030 + PI037 + PI046 + PI047 + PI066

KPI Value =
PI063 ∗ 10−6 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI030 Number of fatalities due to injuries = 0

PI037 Number of lost workday cases = 1
PI046 Number of permanent partial disabilities = 0
PI047 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) = 0

PI066 Medical Treatment Cases = 0

PI063 Total exposure hours = 87600

PI030+PI037+PI046+PI047+PI066 0+1+0+0+0
KPI Value = PI063∗10−6
= 87600∗10−6

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 72 of 141

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 23 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 77 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 77.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI034 Total
recordable case frequency time injury frequency, this ship belongs in the 77.50th percentile of the
ships that are being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Reference

OCIMF Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines and US Occupational Safety and Health
administration. Explanatory Note

As per PI063 exposure hours are 24 hours per day while serving onboard.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 73 of 141

4.32 Total Recordable Case Frequency including First Aid Cases Description

This KPI captures the sum of all work-related fatalities, lost time injuries, restricted work injuries
medical treatment Injuries and first aid cases. Interpretation

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to safeguard crew against fatalities, injuries, restricted
work injuries, medical treatment injuries and first aid cases.

Calculation Period 12 months rolling year

Scope Ship level
Unit Cases/Million hours KPI Value Formula

PI030 Number of fatalities due to injuries

PI037 Number of lost workday cases
PI046 Number of permanent partial disabilities
PI047 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)

PI066 Medical Treatment Cases

PI067 First Aid Cases

PI063 Total exposure hours

PI030 + PI037 + PI046 + PI047 + PI066 + PI067

KPI Value =
PI063 ∗ 10−6 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI030 Number of fatalities due to injuries = 0

PI037 Number of lost workday cases = 1
PI046 Number of permanent partial disabilities = 0
PI047 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) = 0

PI066 Medical Treatment Cases = 0

PI067 First Aid Cases = 1

PI063 Total exposure hours = 87600

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 74 of 141

PI030+PI037+PI046+PI047+PI066+PI067 0+1+0+0+0+1
KPI Value = = = 22.83
PI063∗10−6 87600∗10−6

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 67 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 67.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI035 Total
recordable case frequency including First aid cases, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of
the ships that are being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter. Reference

BIMCO Shipping KPI is going beyond TRFC under OCIMF as it is important to measure all
injuries in order to be able to establish the overall trend. Explanatory Note

As per PI063 exposure hours are 24 hours per day while serving onboard.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 75 of 141

4.33 Overdue tasks in PMS Description

This KPI expresses the company's ability to captures the percentage of outstanding Planned
Maintenance Tasks for individual vessels. Interpretation

It is the number of outstanding Planned Maintenance Tasks for individual vessels.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis as an

Calculation Period
average of the previous 3 months
Scope Ship level
Unit Percentage KPI Value Formula

PI065 Overdue tasks in PMS

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI065 Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI065: Percent of overdue tasks in PMS in a quarter = 10%

KPI 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = PI065 = 10%

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same
criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria
and our ship has position 10 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank
(cℓ). The frequency of ships in your same rank (ƒi). The total number of ships in the ranking
segment (N).

cℓ + 0.5 ƒ𝑖 90 + 0.5 ∗ 1
Percentile Rank = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 90.50 percentile 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘
𝑁 100

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI033
Overdue tasks in PMS, this ship belongs in the 90.50th percentile of the ships that are being
compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 76 of 141 Explanatory Note

This KPI uses only one PI. KPI References

OCIMF TMSA 3 (Tanker Management Self-Assessment) Standard, Elements 4-1-4

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 77 of 141

5 Performance Indicators
5.1 Actual Drydocking costs Description

This PI captures ship’s actual drydocking costs.

This PI, Agreed Drydocking Budget (PI004), Agreed Drydocking Duration (PI005) and Actual
Drydocking duration (PI002) are used to measure Drydocking Planning Performance (KPI010). Definition

The total actual costs associated with the drydocking. This shall include in-water survey (IWS),
modifications and repairs, not included in routine running costs. It also includes costs for any
additional work not planned for before the drydocking.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit US$ Example

Actual drydocking cost in US$ = 3,920,800

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 78 of 141

5.2 Actual drydocking duration Description

This PI captures the ship’s actual drydocking duration.

This PI, Agreed Drydocking Duration (PI005), Agreed Drydocking Budget (PI004) and Actual
Drydocking Cost (PI001) are used to measure Drydocking Planning Performance (KPI010). Definition

The Actual Drydocking Duration. This shall include in-water Survey (IWS), modifications and

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit DAYS Example

Actual drydocking duration = 16.4 days

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 79 of 141

5.3 Actual unavailability Description

This PI captures the ship’s actual unavailability.

This PI and Planned Unavailability (PI062) are used to measure Ship Availability (KPI032). Definition

The number of hours actually lost to ship-owner due to interruption of service in the given

It is further defined as the time lost due to interruption of service (level) caused among others by:
deficiency, default, strike, accident or illness of the crew, deficiency of stores, explosion, fire,
damages, breakdown, repairs, modification, overhaul, maintenance of hull, machinery or
equipment, grounding, requisition, detention, quarantine, arrest of the Ship, drydocking for the
purpose of examination, cleaning and/or painting bottom of underwater parts and/or repair
including steaming time to shipyard, losses of time due to hot or cold lay-up, war, acts of piracy,
smuggling, stowaways, industrial actions against the ship or her crew, reduction of ship's
performance regarding speed or cargo handling, or by any other similar cause preventing the full
working of the Ship.

Delays and underperformance due to severe weather conditions or in excess of the weather
conditions stipulated in the Charter Parties and / or similar agreements are not to be counted
under this PI. Delays due to ship caught in an unannounced war or conflict are also excluded.

Captured and reported on a quarterly
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit HOURS Example

Q2-2018: 15 hours (11 hours ME maintenance plus 4 hours cargo crane repairs)

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 80 of 141

5.4 Agreed drydocking budget Description

This PI captures ship’s drydocking budget.

This PI, Actual Drydocking Costs (PI001), Agreed Drydocking Duration (PI005) and Actual
Drydocking duration (PI002) are used to measure Drydocking Planning Performance (KPI010). Definition

The total budget amount associated with the drydocking as agreed between the ship manager and
owner BEFORE the drydocking. This shall include in-water survey (IWS), modifications and
repairs, not included in routine running costs. Any additional work which is approved AFTER the
drydocking has started shall not be taken into account.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit US$ Example

Agreed drydocking budget in US$ = 4 000 000

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5.5 Agreed drydocking duration Description

This PI captures the ship’s agreed drydocking duration.

This PI, Actual Drydocking Duration (PI002), Agreed Drydocking Budget (PI004) and Actual
Drydocking Cost (PI001) are used to measure Drydocking Planning Performance (KPI010). Definition

The Agreed Drydocking Duration as agreed between ship manager/owner and shipyard
BEFORE the drydocking. This shall include in-water survey (IWS), modifications and repairs.
Any extension of the duration which is approved (agreed) AFTER the drydocking has
commenced shall NOT be taken into account.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit DAYS Example

Agreed drydocking duration = 14.2 days

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5.6 Number of officers employed Description

This PI is used to measure the number of officers employed in the Company.

This PI, Number of Beneficial Officer Terminations (PI016), Number of Officers Terminations
from whatever cause (PI041), Number of Unavoidable Officer Terminations (PI056) are used to
measure Officer retention rate (KPI022). Definition

This is the number of officers having been under contract with the ship manager (DOC) at the
end of the quarter.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting
Unit OFFICERS Example

Q3 2018
Beginning tracking date is 01/07/2018
Last Tracking Date is 30/09/2018
Number of officers having been under contract with the ship manager (DOC) at the end of the
quarter = 200 Reference

OCIMF’s officer retention rate as defined in Tanker Management Self-Assessment.

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5.7 Last year’s AAE (Additional Authorized Expenses) Description

This PI captures ship’s actual previous fiscal year approved Additional Authorized Expenses.

This PI, Last year’s running cost budget (PI012), Last year’s actual running costs and accruals
(PI011) are used to measure Budget Performance (KPI002). Definition

The additional expenses agreed relating to running cost budget referred to in PI012 for previous
fiscal year. This includes maintenance, repair, crewing, spares /stores, management cost and /or
fee and lubricants.

Insurance and capital expenses, such as modifications and drydocking expenses shall be

Captured and reported on a fiscal year basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit US$ Example

Last year Additional Authorized Expenses per for this ship in US$ = 250 000

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5.8 Last year’s actual running costs and accruals Description

This PI captures a ship’s actual previous fiscal year running costs and accruals.

This PI, Last year’s running cost budget (PI012) and Last year’s AAE (Additional Authorized
Expenses) (PI010) are used to measure Budget Performance (KPI002). Definition

The total last (fiscal) year actual running costs and accruals per ship. This includes maintenance,
repair, crewing, spares /stores, management cost and /or fee and lubricants.
Insurance and capital expenses, such as modifications and drydocking expenses shall be

Captured and reported on a fiscal year basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit US$ Example

Last year’s actual running cost and accruals for this per ship in US$ = 2 400 000

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5.9 Last year’s running cost budget Description

This PI captures a ship’s previous fiscal year running cost budget.

This PI, Last year’s actual running costs and accruals (PI011) and Last year’s AAE (Additional
Authorized Expenses) (PI010) are used to measure Budget Performance (KPI002). Definition

The total last (fiscal) year running cost budget per ship as approved by ship owner prior to the
beginning of the fiscal year. This includes maintenance, repair, crewing, spares /stores,
management cost and /or fee and lubricants.

Insurance and capital expenses, such as modifications and drydocking expenses shall be

Captured and reported on a fiscal year basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit US$ Example

Last year’s running cost budget of this ship in US$ = 2 200 000

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5.10 Number of absconded crew Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of Absconded Crew.

This PI, Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused (PI020), Number of charges of
criminal offences (PI021), Number of dismissals (PI026), Number of logged warnings (PI036)
and Total exposure hours (PI063) are used to measure Crew disciplinary frequency (KPI008). Definition

The number of crew absent without leave (AWOL). Crew in this case refers to any person being
signed on as part of the ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings, and cadets). It represents the
number of crew who are not present and without prior notice at the time of the ship’s departure
from any given port while written on the Crew List.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Ship level. Each ship should be given its unique Value

Unit ABSCONDED Example

Number of Absconded crew = 0

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5.11 Number of allisions Description

This PI captures number of allisions of a ship in a given quarter.

This PI, Number of collisions (PI022) and Number of groundings (PI033) are used to measure
Navigational Incidents (KPI020). Definition

The allision incidents when the ship strikes a fixed object. Fixed objects include floating buoys,
fixed mooring installations, moored ships and off-shore installations. Data shall be captured from
internal reporting as well as any official incident reports to give a good and valid expression of
ship’s navigational performance.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit ALLISIONS Example

In the 1st quarter:

- ship has hit a cardinal buoy on Jan 12th,
- ship has hit another moored ship on Feb 16th,
- ship has hit a mooring dolphin on March 1st,
- ship has has made a contact with a floating buoy on March 5th.
Number of allisions = 4

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5.12 Number of ballast water management violations Description

This PI captures the total number of recorded violations of applicable rules and regulations related
to ballast water management.

This PI is used to measure Ballast water management violations (KPI001). Definition

The number of times where prevailing regulations regarding ballast water management have
been violated and recorded by an external party (maritime authorities). Prevailing regulations
include international, regional, national and local regulations.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


The ship calls a port and local authorities find problems with samples from five ballast water
tanks. This count as one violation.

Ballast water exchange not conducted as per regulations or not outside a specified zone prior
calling a port. References

International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments
(BWM) and national regulations.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 89 of 141

5.13 Number of beneficial officer terminations Description

This PI is used to measure the Officers Termination considered Beneficial for the Company.

This PI, Number of officers employed (PI006), Number of officer terminations from whatever
cause (PI041), Number of unavoidable officer terminations (PI056) are used to measure Officer
retention rate (KPI022). Definition

Termination is the event where an officer, who has been employed with the ship owner or ship
manager leaves the company. Beneficial officer termination represents Terminations that provide
benefits to the company by Officers leaving the company (for example underperformers or made

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting

During a quarter, 4 officers leave the fleet. 2 officers are marked as underperformer and will not
be eligible for contract renewal. Number of beneficial officer terminations = 2 References

OCIMF’s officer retention rate as defined in the Tanker Management Self-Assessment (TMSA).

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 90 of 141

5.14 Number of cadets under training with the DOC holder Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of cadets under training with the ship owner or ship

This PI and Number of ships operated under the DOC holder (PI057) are used to measure Cadets
per ship (KPI003). Definition

The number of cadets under training with the ship owner or ship manager during the reporting
quarter. The data is captured by counting the number of Cadets training on board of all ships in
the fleet on the last day of the given quarter.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting
Unit CADETS Example

On the last day of the quarter:

- 37 ships with 3 Cadets on board each and
- 6 ships with 2 Cadets on board each
Number of cadets under training with the ship owner or ship manager on the last day of the
quarter= 123

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5.15 Number of cargo related incidents Description

This PI captures number of cargo related incidents.

This PI is used to measure Cargo related incidents (KPI004). Definition

The number of incidents during cargo operations attributable to the ship, her equipment, her crew
and/or failures of Owners and/or ship board procedures and/or practices. The PI includes but is
not limited to:
• Rejection of ship or holds/tank prior to loading
• Inability to load full agreed quantity
• Failures/underperformance of ship's cargo equipment
• Cargo contamination
• Any other cargo incident caused by:
o Negligence by ship's crew
o Inadequate company and ship board procedures and practices

The PI excludes the following external factors causing incidents:

• Stevedore/shore staff
• Inherent vice (nature of cargo)
• Shore equipment
• False or incorrect declarations by the shipper, etc.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit INCIDENTS Example

In 1st quarter cases of cargo related incidents attributable to the ship:

- The ship short-loaded cargo of grain products due to error in stability calculation on Jan 2nd,
- The ship stopped discharge due to breakdown of cargo crane on Feb 15th,
- The ship received a claim for cargo contamination with previous cargo carried onboard on Feb
Number of incidents related to cargo operations = 3

Examples not attributable to the ship:

- The ship short-loaded cargo of grain due to Stowage Factor error in Shipper’s Cargo
Declaration on Mar 12th,

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 92 of 141

- The ship stopped discharge due to damage to cargo crane caused by shore hired crane driver on
Feb 17th
- The ship received a claim for cargo contamination caused by shore loading equipment
(different grain cargo)

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5.16 Number of cases where a crew member is sick for more than 24
hours Description

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members are sick for more than 24 hours.

This PI, Number of fatalities due to sickness (PI031) and Total exposure hours (PI063) are used to
measure Lost Time Sickness Frequency (KPI018). Definition

The number of recorded cases where an individual among the crew or any person being part of the
ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings, cadets, superintendents) is sick for more than 24 hours.
The individual must have been onboard the ship for a minimum of four days. Defining what is
meant by sick "is an individual being unable to carry out his duties or to return to work, or to a
scheduled work shift on the next day following the sickness".

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit SICK CASES Example

An officer reports that he needs to stay in bed due to a flu outbreak. He has been onboard the
ship since the ship left Rotterdam three days ago.

A ships cook is unable to carry out his duties one morning due to severe headache. The ships
cook came onboard as the ship berthed in Hamburg four days ago.

A seafarer is unable to work for half a day due to an upset stomach.

The above counts as a sickness case.

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5.17 Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of cases where drugs or alcohol were abused

This PI is used in the calculation of KPI008 Crew disciplinary frequency and is part of six PIs
related to crew misbehaviour.

This PI, Number of absconded crew (PI013), Number of charges of criminal offences (PI021),
Number of dismissals (PI026), Number of logged warnings (PI036) and Total exposure hours
(PI063) are used to measure Crew disciplinary frequency (KPI008). Definition

The number of cases where any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings
and cadets) violates company’s drugs and alcohol abuse prevention policy. This includes also
violation of local procedures and/ or regulations.

The number of cases is based on a documented record of violation. This indicates that people
with alcohol and drug addictions are counted each time they have a logged warning or any other
written record of their abuse.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level (each ship should be given its unique value)

Unit ABUSES Example

A crew member is caught abusing Drugs, it might also be accounted in some circumstances as
Criminal Offence (depending on the Jurisdiction) and in most cases he might be dismissed. In
this case PI020, PI021 and PI026 are affected by this single occurrence.
PI020 Number of times drugs or alcohol have been abused = 1
PI021 Number of charges of criminal offences = 1
PI026 Number of dismissed ship’s personnel = 1

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 95 of 141

5.18 Number of charges of criminal offences Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of charges of criminal offences.

This PI is used in the calculation of KPI008 Crew disciplinary frequency and is part of six PIs
related to crew misbehaviour.

This PI, Number of absconded crew (PI013), Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused
(PI020), Number of dismissals (PI026), Number of logged warnings (PI036) and Total exposure
hours (PI063) are used to measure Crew disciplinary frequency (KPI008). Definition

Number of cases where any person being part of the ship's complement. (e.g. officers and
ratings) is charged with a criminal offence. In cases where the charge is later withdrawn, the
relevant Value should not be updated.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit OFFENSES Example

A crew member is caught abusing Drugs, it might also be accounted in some circumstances as
Criminal Offence (depending on the Jurisdiction) and in most cases he might be dismissed. In
this case PI020, PI021 and PI026 are affected by this single occurrence.
PI020 Number of times drugs or alcohol have been abused = 1
PI021 Number of charges of criminal offences = 1
PI026 Number of dismissed ship’s personnel = 1

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 96 of 141

5.19 Number of collisions Description

This PI, Number of allisions (PI014) and Number of groundings (PI033) are used to measure
Navigational Incidents (KPI020). Definition

The number of collision incidents between the ship and another moving object. Data shall be
captured from internal reporting as well as any official incident reports to give a good and valid
expression of ship’s navigational performance.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


In the 1st quarter:

- the ship collided with another ship under way on Jan 15th,
- the ship made contact with another ship at anchor while berthing on Feb 2nd,
- adrift tug (lost propulsion) made a contact with the ship during berthing on Feb 13th,

Number of collisions = 3

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5.20 Number of conditions of class Description

This PI reports the number of Conditions of Class that are issued to a ship at any given time during
given quarter.

The PI is used to measure Condition of class (KPI006). Definition

Number of Conditions of Class issued during the reporting period. Condition of Class (CoC) is a
written statement from class. The “Condition of Class” definition might differ between class
societies, as some use term “Condition of Class”, others use term “recommendation”. Data
concerning this PI can be taken from class records and/or inspection reports, and should be
aggregated from the inspections held during the reporting period.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


During 1st quarter:

- Jan 15, 2015 - MF/HF equipment to be made operational by 15th February (30 days from the
date of issue)
- Jan 15, 2105 - Buckling in No. 2 Port ballast tanks IWO of centerline girder between frame 74
and 76 to be rectified by next docking
Number of conditions of class = 2 References

IACS – Only CoC or recommendations to be reported, memoranda (MO – Memo to Owner) and
other similar entries should not to be included.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 98 of 141

5.21 Number of contained spills of liquid Description

This PI captures number of contained spills of liquid during given quarter.

This PI is used to measure Contained Spills (KPI007). Definition

Total number of spills contained on deck (where nothing went overboard) of liquids as covered

Data for this PI shall be based on internal reporting. The procedure and process for such reporting
should be included in the Safety Management System so that the process can be audited.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit SPILLS Example

During 1st quarter the ship reported following spills:

- 1bbl fuel oil spilled during bunkering operation contained on deck on Jan 25th.
- 15 litres of cargo oil spilled and contained on deck while renewing dresser coupling of no. 2
cargo pipeline on Feb 1st,
- about 20 litres of HFO spilled in Purifier room during routine maintenance on Mar 3rd,
Number of contained spills = 3

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5.22 Number of seafarers not relieved on time Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of seafarers not relieved on time.

This PI is used in the KPI009 Crew planning which reflects the ship manager’s ability to adhere
to agreed tenure of contracts.

This PI and Number of violations of rest hours (PI060) are used to measure Crew Planning
(KPI009). Definition

Number of seafarers not relieved within the agreed tenure of contract including extensions
imposed by the ship owner or ship manager, but excluding mutually agreed extensions and
extensions initiated by the seafarer. Dismissals and Terminations should not count in this PI.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit SEAFARERS Example

A Crew, under contract for 6 months, is relieved after 7 months.

Number of crew not relieved on time = 1 References

Reference is made to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) Regulation 2.5 – Repatriation and
Regulation 2.4 Entitlement to leave.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 100 of 141

5.23 Number of dismissals Description

This PI is used to measure Number of dismissed ship’s personnel

This PI is used in the calculation of KPI008 Crew disciplinary frequency and is part of six PIs
related to crew misbehaviour.

This PI, Number of absconded crew (PI013), Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused
(PI020), Number of charges of criminal offences (PI021), Number of logged warnings (PI036)
and Total exposure hours (PI063) are used to measure Crew disciplinary frequency (KPI008). Definition

The number of cases where any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings
and cadets) has been dismissed due to breach of internal/external procedure or regulation and as
a consequence his/her contract has been terminated prior to completion.

The number of cases are based on a documented record of the breach and dismissal.

If the crew member is an officer and the incident leading to the dismissal also leaves the officer
as not eligible for re-employment, such a dismissal may also count as Beneficial Officer
Termination (PI016).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


A crew member is caught abusing Drugs, it might also be accounted in some circumstances as
Criminal Offence (depending on the Jurisdiction) and in most cases he might be dismissed. In
this case PI020, PI021 and PI026 are affected by this single occurrence.
PI020 Number of times drugs or alcohol have been abused = 1
PI021 Number of charges of criminal offences = 1
PI026 Number of dismissed ship’s personnel = 1

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 101 of 141

5.24 Number of environmental related deficiencies Description

This PI captures number of environmental related deficiencies recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of recorded external inspections (PI052) are used to measure Environmental
deficiencies (KPI011). Definition

Number of environmental related deficiencies and/or non-conformities (excluding operational-,

navigational-, HR-, security-, health and safety deficiencies) including any substandard act,
practice or condition of an environmental consequence (local regulations and MARPOL) recorded
during external inspections and audits by external bodies (class, port state, flag state, underwriters,
ITF) including statutory audits, but excluding other voluntary inspections made for the purpose of
quality improvement or for commercial reasons, such as SIRE, CDI or other charterer inspections.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Number of environmental related deficiencies = 3

Examples of applicable THETIS Deficiency Coding: all deficiency codes starting with 14 are

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 102 of 141

5.25 Number of explosion incidents Description

This PI captures total number of explosion incidents on board a ship.

This PI and Number of fire incidents (PI032) are used measure Fire and Explosions (KPI013). Definition

The number of explosion incidents on board a ship. This includes explosion that occurred on
board in repair facilities.

Include explosions of equipment such as turbo chargers, compressors, economisers, etc.

If a fire leads to an explosion or an explosion to a fire count the incident only once. Count the
main event, not the immediate cause. If an explosion caused a fire count the incident as a fire. If
a fire caused an explosion count the incident as an explosion.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit INCIDENTS Example

In the quarter the ship suffered one cargo tank explosion and a turbo charger explosion. Number
of explosion incidents = 2

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5.26 Number of failures of critical equipment and systems Description

This PI captures total number of failures of critical equipment and systems.

This PI is used to measure Failure of critical equipment and systems (KPI012). Definition

The number of failures to equipment and systems in the critical list as defined in the company's
Safety Management System.

If multiple faults result in the same unavailability they should all be counted, as this PI measures
the state of the system, not the consequence of the failure.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit FAILURES Example

During 1st quarter ship reported:

- OWS in-operational due to mechanical fault on Jan 10th,
- Emergency generator not starting on auto mode on Jan 20th,
- Breakdown of GMDSS antennae on Feb 25th,
- ECDIS/radar failure on Mar 25th,
Number of failures of critical equipment and systems = 4 References

Chapter 10.3 of the ISM Code

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 104 of 141

5.27 Number of fatalities due to work injuries Description

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members died as a result of a work injury.

This PI, Number of lost workday cases (PI037), Number of permanent partial disabilities (PI046),
Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) (PI047) and Total exposure hours (PI063) are used
to measure Lost Time Injury Frequency (KPI017). Definition

Number of deaths on board among the crew or any person being part of the ship's complement
(e.g. officers, ratings and cadets) resulting from a work injury (not illness or other conditions)
regardless of the length of time between the injury and death.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


A crew member is being hit by a falling object in the first quarter, suffers a stroke and dies. Later
analysis shows that the crew member had a condition which caused the stroke and the accident
itself was not the reason for his stroke. This does not count as a fatality due to injury.

Would the above case have been confirmed in Q3 as a result of the falling object the death
should be reported in Q3.

Such issues (which is disputes and finalized after some time) are corrected in next reporting References

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is defined by OCIMF under the Marine Injury Reporting
Guidelines which is calculated on one year rolling period.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 105 of 141

5.28 Number of fatalities due to sickness Description

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members died as a result of a work injury.

This PI, Number of cases where a crew member is sick for more than 24 hours (PI019) and Total
exposure hours (PI063) are used to measure Lost Time Sickness Frequency (KPI018). Definition

Number of confirmed deaths on board the vessel among the crew or any person being part of the
ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings and cadets) resulting from confirmed cases of sickness,
also including suicide (mental illness).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


A cadet commits suicide onboard the ship in Q1. Initial investigations reveal that he was
constantly bullied by other crew members. A trial in Q3 confirms the bullying being a direct
cause of the suicide. This confirmation results in the suicide counting as a fatality due to sickness
and it should be reported in Q3. Explanatory Notes

This PI is also an indicator if the work environment on board is influencing the mortality of the

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 106 of 141

5.29 Number of fire incidents Description

This PI captures total number of fire incidents on board a ship.

This PI and Number of explosion incidents (PI028) are used measure Fire and Explosions
(KPI013). Definition

The number of fire incidents on board the ship. This includes fires that occurred on board in repair

False alarms are not counted; the severity of the fire is not factored in, just the occurrence of fire.

If a fire leads to an explosion or an explosion to a fire count the incident only once. Count the main
event, not the immediate cause. If an explosion caused a fire count the incident as a fire. If a fire
caused an explosion count the incident as an explosion.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit INCIDENTS Example

Number of fire incidents = 1

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 107 of 141

5.30 Number of groundings Description

This PI captures number of groundings of a ship in a given quarter.

This PI, Number of allisions (PI014) and Number of collisions (PI022) are used to measure
Navigational Incidents (KPI020). Definition

The groundings including incidents of stranding, i.e. when the ship makes any contact with the sea
bed and/ or sea shore, including reefs or sea mounts. Data shall be captured from internal reporting
as well as any official incident reports to give a good and valid expression of ship’s navigational

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Ship touched river bank while at anchor on March 5th.

Ship ran aground while under way fully laden on Up River sand bar on March 25th.
Number of groundings = 2 Explanatory Notes

Intentional beaching for the safety of the ships and crew is not to be included in this PI.

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5.31 Number of health and safety related deficiencies Description

This PI captures number of health and safety related deficiencies recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of recorded external inspections (PI052) are used to measure Health and
Safety deficiencies (KPI015). Definition

Number of health and safety related deficiencies and/or non-conformities (excluding operational-
, navigational-, HR-, security- and environmental deficiencies) including any substandard act,
practice or condition recorded during external inspections and audits by external bodies (class, port
state, flag state, underwriters, ITF) including statutory audits, but excluding other voluntary
inspections made for the purpose of quality improvement or for commercial reasons, such as SIRE,
CDI or other charterer inspections.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Number of health and safety related deficiencies = 3

Examples of applicable THETIS Deficiency Coding (basis Paris MoU): all deficiency codes
starting with 04, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 15 are related to health and safety

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 109 of 141

5.32 Number of HR related deficiencies Description

This PI captures number of Human Resources related deficiencies recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of recorded external inspections (PI052) are used to measure HR deficiencies
(KPI016). Definition

Number of HR related deficiencies and/or non-conformities (excluding operational-, navigational,

environmental, security- and health and safety deficiencies) including any substandard act,
practice, or condition recorded during external inspections and audits by external bodies (class,
port state, flag state, underwriters, ITF) including statutory audits, but excluding other voluntary
inspections made for the purpose of quality improvement or for commercial reasons, such as SIRE,
CDI or other charterer inspections.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Number of HR related deficiencies = 3

Examples of applicable THETIS Deficiency Coding: all deficiency codes starting with 18 are
crew related. Some certification in code 01 are also related to crewing.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 110 of 141

5.33 Number of logged warnings Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of logged warnings.

This PI is used in the calculation of KPI008 Crew disciplinary frequency and is part of six PIs
related to crew misbehaviour.

This PI, Number of absconded crew (PI013) , Number of charges of criminal offences (PI021) ,
Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused (PI020) , Number of dismissals (PI026) and
Total exposure hours (PI063) are used to measure Crew disciplinary frequency (KPI008). Definition

Any logged warning given by superior to any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g.
officers, ratings and cadets).

Any logged warnings in this context also include verbal warnings, but records of such a verbal
warning being issued have to be available for documentation. Any such dismissal may also count
as a Beneficial Termination if the crew member is an officer and the incident leading to the
logged warning also leaves the officer as not for re-employment.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit WARNINGS Example

Number of logged verbal warnings = 3

Number of logged written warnings = 1
PI036 Number of logged warnings: 3 + 1 = 4

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 111 of 141

5.34 Number of lost workday cases Description

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members were unable to carry out any of his

This PI, Number of fatalities due to work injuries (PI030), Number of permanent total disabilities
(PTD) (PI047), Number of permanent partial disabilities (PI046) and Total exposure hours (PI063)
are used to measure Lost Time Injury Frequency (KPI017). Definition

Number of injuries among the crew or any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g.
officers, ratings, cadets, superintendents) which results in the individual being unable to carry out
his duties or to return to work, or to a scheduled work shift on the next day following the injury.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit CASES Example

A crew member loses his balance and falls down a staircase. His ankle is strained and he needs
to keep his foot high for 2 days, hereby unable to carry out his duties. This counts as one Lost
Workday Case. References

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is defined by OCIMF under the Marine Injury Reporting
Guidelines and is calculated on one year rolling period. Explanatory Notes

Unless caused be delays in getting medical treatment ashore (OCIMF)

OCIMF definition about distinguishing sickness cases.
Lost Worday Case (LWC)

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 112 of 141

5.35 Number of navigational related deficiencies Description

This PI captures number of navigational related deficiencies recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of recorded external inspections (PI052) are used measure Navigational
deficiencies (KPI019). Definition

Number of navigational related deficiencies and/or non-conformities (excluding operational-,

environmental-, HR-, security-, health and safety deficiencies) including any substandard act,
practice, or condition recorded during external inspections and audits by external bodies (class,
port state, flag state, underwriters, ITF) including statutory audits, but excluding other voluntary
inspections made for the purpose of quality improvement or for commercial reasons, such as SIRE,
CDI or other charterer inspections.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Number of navigational related deficiencies = 4

Examples of applicable THETIS Deficiency Coding: all deficiency codes starting with 05 and 10
are related to navigation

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 113 of 141

5.36 Number of officer days onboard all ships with the DOC holder Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of officer days onboard all ships.

This PI and Number of officer trainee man days (PI042) are used to measure Training days per
officer (KPI031). Definition

Number of officer days onboard all ships within the same ship owner or ship manager.

This PI can be calculated by adding number of officers onboard each ship (PI043) with the same
ship owner or ship manager and multiplying such figure by the number of days in the reporting

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting
Unit DAYS Example

Number of officer days onboard all ships = 90 (number of days) x 50 (number of officers
onboard) = 4500

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 114 of 141

5.37 Number of officer experience points Description

This PI is used to measure Number of officer experience points.

This PI and Number of officers on board (PI043) are used to measure Officers experience rate
(KPI023). Definition

Officer experience points are defined as aggregated experience points assigned to each officer
onboard the ship on the last day of the quarter.

Experience points are assigned depending on number of months the officer has sailed with the
same ship owner or ship manager (including different DOC holding entities as long as the same
Safety Management System is being used) as per table below:

• 0 - 5 months: 1 point,
• 6 - 8 months: 2 points
• 9 - 11 months: 3 points
• 12 months and above: 4 points

Note that there is a cut off limit at maximum of 4 experience points. Any experience beyond 12
months is still counted as 4 experience points.

This is to avoid a situation where one officer with long experience is hiding the fact that all other
officer onboard has less than 6 months’ experience with the Safety Management System.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


On a specific ship:
The master has 24 sailing months with the same ship manager (on different ships): =4 points (as
the maximum experience points given is 4).
The 1st officer has 6 sailing months with the same ship manager: = 2 points
The remaining 7 officers all have more than 12 sailing months with the same ship manager: =4
points X 7 officers=28 points (as the maximum experience points given per officer is 4).

Number of officer experience points = 34

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 115 of 141

5.38 Number of officer terminations from whatever cause Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of officer terminations from whatever cause.

This PI, Number of unavoidable officer terminations (PI056), Number of beneficial officer
terminations (PI016) and Number of officers employed (PI006) are used to measure Officer
retention rate (KPI022). Definition

Termination is the event where an officer, who has been employed with the ship owner or ship
manager leaves the company. The total number of officers Terminations for whatever reason
(including Beneficial and Unavoidable terminations).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting

Number of officer terminations = 23 References

OCIMF’s officer retention rate as defined in Tanker Management Self-Assessment.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 116 of 141

5.39 Number of officer trainee man days Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of officer trainee man days.

This PI and Number of officer days onboard all ships with the DOC holder (PI039) are used to
measure Training days per officer (KPI031). Definition

Number of officer trainee man days is defined as all days when an officer has attended and
completed training as defined below.

The number is then aggregated for all officers having attended and completed training.
Training counted includes land-based statutory requirements performed by formal trainer,
forums and seminars; onboard training performed by onboard trainer or Superintendent and
Certified Computer Based Training.

Training is counted when documented by issuance of successful completion certificate or

attendance record for forums and seminars.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting
Unit DAYS Example

Ten officers under training for two days equals 20 officer trainee man days.
Number of officer trainee man days = 20

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 117 of 141

5.40 Number of officers onboard Description

This PI is used to measure Number of officers onboard.

This PI and Number of Officer experience points (PI040) are used to measure Officers
Experience Rate (KPI023). Definition

The number of officers onboard a ship on the last day of the quarter. Cadets are not included
under officers and are captured separately under PI017.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit OFFICERS Example

On March 31st, 10 officers were onboard the ship. When reporting for Q1: Number of officers
onboard = 10

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 118 of 141

5.41 Number of operational related deficiencies Description

This PI captures operational related deficiencies recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of recorded external inspections (PI052) are used to measure Operational
deficiencies (KPI024). Definition

Number of operational related deficiencies and/or non-conformities (excluding navigational-, HR-

, security-, health and safety- and environmental deficiencies) including any substandard act,
practice or condition recorded during external inspections and audits by external bodies (class, port
state, flag state, underwriters, ITF) including statutory audits, but excluding other voluntary
inspections made for the purpose of quality improvement or for commercial reasons, such as SIRE,
CDI or other charterer inspections.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Number of operational related deficiencies = 1

Examples of applicable THETIS Deficiency Coding (Paris MoU): all deficiency codes starting
with 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 and 13 are operational findings.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 119 of 141

5.42 Number of passengers injured Description

This PI captures number of injured passengers recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Passenger exposure hours (PI061) are used to measure Passenger injury ratio
(KPI025). Definition

The number of passengers injured during embarkation, disembarkation and time spent on board
the vessel. Number is taken from received and recorded claims. If the claim is later withdrawn,
the relevant PI should not be updated. Passenger is defined as a person that paid for the passage
or is shown as a passenger in the ship’s documents.

A fatality resulting from an injury will be counted as a case (as an injury).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Quarter 1:
2 Passengers slipped and fell while climbing open deck stairs and lodged a claim for injuries
sustained (hands and knees abrasions and bruises). Those cases count as 2 injured passengers.

Passenger fell while walking alongside the ship on the quay during shore excursion and lodged
the claim for injuries sustained (twisted ankle). That case does not count as passenger injured
(Despite medical assistance being provided).
Number of passengers injured = 2

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 120 of 141

5.43 Number of permanent partial disabilities Description

This PI captures the number of cases where a crew member is injured resulting in a permanent
disability preventing working at sea.

This PI, Number of fatalities due to work injuries (PI030), Number of lost workday cases (PI037),
Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) (PI047) and Total exposure hours (PI063) are used
measure Lost Time Injury Frequency (KPI017). Definition

The number of recorded cases where a crew member or any person being part of the ship's
complement (e.g. officers, ratings, cadets, superintendents) suffers a work injury resulting in
complete loss, or permanent loss of use, of any member or part of the body, or any impairment of
functions of parts of the body, regardless of any pre-existing disability of the injured member or
impaired body function, that restricts an employee's ability to work on a permanent basis at sea.
Permanent Partial or Total Disability resulting in person’s inability to work at sea should be based
on medical judgment and be obtained from a medical statement for the established % of disability.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit CASES Example

A crew member during mooring operations gets hit by a rope and suffers multiple fractures on his
right arm during Q1. In Q4 he is declared partial disabled. That case should be reported in Q4. References

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is defined by OCIMF under the Marine Injury Reporting
Guidelines and is calculated on one year rolling period. Explanatory Notes

1. Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) cases are generally concluded by an authorized (by
government or Flag State) doctor or medical clinic.

2. Such accident cases takes time to conclude and should be amended in reporting upon conclusion

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 121 of 141

5.44 Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD) Description

This PI captures the number of cases where a crew member is injured resulting in a permanent
total disability.

This PI, Number of fatalities due to work injuries (PI030), Number of lost workday cases (PI037),
Number of permanent partial disabilities (PPD) (PI046) and Total exposure hours (PI063) are used
to measure Lost Time Injury Frequency (KPI017). Definition

The number of recorded cases where a crew member or any person being part of the ship's
complement (e.g. officers, ratings, cadets, superintendents) has work injury which incapacitates
the individual permanently resulting in termination of employment on medical grounds (e.g. loss
of limb(s) permanent brain damage, loss of sight) and precludes the individual from working either
at sea or shore.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit CASES Example

A crew member during mooring operations gets hit by a rope and breaks his back in Q4 and as a
result he is permanently paralysed. The case should be reported in Q4. References

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is defined by OCIMF under the Marine Injury Reporting
Guidelines and is calculated on one year rolling period. Explanatory Notes

1. Permanent Total Disability (PTD) cases are concluded by an authorized (by government or
Flag State) doctor or medical clinic.

2. Such accident cases take time to conclude and should be amended in reporting upon

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 122 of 141

5.45 Number of PSC deficiencies Description

This PI captures the number of deficiencies found during port state control inspections.

This PI and Number of PSC Inspections (PI049) are used to measure Port state control deficiency
ratio (KPI026). Definition

The number of recorded deficiencies, excluding observations (code 99), found during port state
control inspections. In case of several PSC inspections in the same quarter then deficiencies are
aggregated for that specific quarter.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


A ship is inspected by port state control in Q2 and two deficiencies are detected:
a. Deficiency in Ballast Water Management system
b. Crew certification
This counts as two deficiencies and should be reported in Q2.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 123 of 141

5.46 Number of PSC inspections Description

This PI captures the number of PSC inspections.

This PI and Number of PSC inspections resulting in zero deficiencies (PI051) are used to measure
Port state control performance (KPI014).
This PI and Number of PSC detentions (PI050) are used to measure Port state control detention
This PI and Number of PSC deficiencies (PI048) are used to measure Port state control deficiency
ratio (KPI026). Definition

Data concerning this PI is captured by counting the number of recorded port state control
inspections. In the case a ship is under inspection at the period end, only completed PSC
inspections should be reported for the PI.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


A ship is inspected by port state control in Q2 and two deficiencies are detected:
a. Deficiency in Ballast Water Management system
b. Crew certification
This counts as one PSC inspection and should be reported in Q2.

A ship is inspected by port state control in Q2 at another port and NIL deficiency is reported.
This count as one PSC inspection and should be added to another PSC inspection in this Quarter.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 124 of 141

5.47 Number of PSC detentions Description

This PI captures the number of Port State Control (PSC) inspections resulting in a detention.

This PI and Number of PSC inspections (PI049) are used to measure Port state control detention
(KPI027). Definition

The number of Port State Control detentions as per PSC Action Code 30. A re-inspection resulting
in a detention not being lifted is NOT a new detention.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


An inspection by PSC results in ship’s detention Q2. This counts as one detention and should be
reported in Q2. References

IMO resolution amendments to the procedures for port state control (Resolution A.1052(27))

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 125 of 141

5.48 Number of PSC inspections resulting in zero deficiencies Description

This PI captures the number of Port State Control (PSC) inspections resulting in zero deficiencies.

This PI and Number of PSC inspections (PI049) are used to measure Port state control performance
(KPI014). Definition

The number of Port State Control inspections resulting in zero deficiencies (not counting
observations – code 99).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


A ship is inspected by port state control in Q2 and no deficiencies are detected. This counts as
one PSC inspection resulting in zero deficiencies and should be reported in Q2. References

IMO resolution amendments to the procedures for port state control (Resolution A.1052(27))

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 126 of 141

5.49 Number of recorded external inspections Description

This PI captures the number of recorded external inspections.

This PI is used to express Environmental (KPI011), Health & Safety (KPI015), Human Resource
(KPI016), Navigational (KPI019), Operational (KPI024) and Security Performance (KPI029). Definition

The total number of recorded inspections and audits by external bodies (e.g Class, port state
control, flag state, underwriters and ITF) excluding commercial and voluntary inspections (e.g
charterers inspections such as CDI and SIRE) made for the purpose of quality improvement.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


During Q3 a ship is inspected by PSC, Class and CDI. The number of reported inspections
should be two, as CDI does not count (commercial inspection which is covered by PI059)

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 127 of 141

5.50 Number of releases of substances to the environment Description

This PI captures number of releases of substances to the environment as covered by MARPOL

Annex II through V.

This PI and Number of oil spills (PI055) are used to measure Releases of substances (KPI028). Definition

This PI is used to measure the Number of releases of substances to the environment. This PI
captures number of releases of substances to the environment as covered by MARPOL Annex II
through V. This PI and Number of oil spills (PI055) are used to express the company’s ability to
avoid releases of substances (Releases of substances - KPI028). The number of releases of
substances to the environment, in violation of MARPOL Annex II through V and/ or any other
local regulations. Oil spills covered by MARPOL Annex I shall be reported in PI055. Data for
this PI shall be based on discovered releases reported to authorities and recorded in relevant
vessel’s record books.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit RELEASES Example

Disposal of Ship’s Waste in 1 Plastic bag discovered and reported.

Releases of substances = 1 References

PI References is made to the MARPOL Annex III & V and local regulations.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 128 of 141

5.51 Number of security related deficiencies Description

This PI captures number of security related deficiencies recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of recorded external inspections (PI052) are used to measure Security
deficiencies (KPI029). Definition

Number of security related deficiencies (excluding operational-, navigational-, environmental,

HR- and health and safety deficiencies) including any substandard act, practice or condition
recorded during external inspections and audits by external bodies (class, port state, flag state,
underwriters, ITF) including statutory audits, but excluding other voluntary inspections made for
the purpose of quality improvement or for commercial reasons such as SIRE, CDI or other
charterer inspection.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


Number of security related deficiencies = 3

Examples of applicable THETIS Deficiency Coding: all deficiency codes starting with 16 are
security related.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 129 of 141

5.52 Number of oil spills Description

This PI captures the number of spills of liquid substances to the environment as covered by

This PI and Number of releases of substances to the environment (PI053) are used measure
Releases of substances (KPI028). Definition

The total number of oil spills to the environment (overboard), excluding contained spills. Data for
this PI shall be based on oil spills reported to authorities and recorded in oil record book.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit SPILLS Example

During bunkering a ship spills approximately 200 metric litres on deck and a small quantity over
the side into the water. The captain reports the spill to the company and informs the harbour
master. This counts as one spill.

Overflow of cargo tank on a tanker during cargo operations resulting spill of over 180 ltrs and
some of it went overboard References


The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 130 of 141

5.53 Number of unavoidable officer terminations Description

This PI is used to measure the Number of unavoidable officer terminations.

This PI is used to measure Officer retention rate (KPI022)conjunction with the following PIs:
• Number of officers employed (PI006)
• Number of beneficial officer terminations (PI016)
• Number of officer terminations from whatever cause (PI041) Definition

Termination is the event where an officer, who has been employed with the ship owner or ship
manager, leaves the company. Unavoidable officer terminations are outside of the control of the
company (i.e. retirements, death, long-term illness, officers following a ship which is no longer
under technical management, leaving seagoing career).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting

During a quarter, 5 officers leave the fleet. 2 officers leave to join another company, 2 officers
are retired due to old age and 1 officer is reported dead due to a car accident. Number of
unavoidable officer terminations = 3 References

OCIMF’s officer retention rate as defined in Tanker Management Self-Assessment.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 131 of 141

5.54 Number of ships operated under the DOC holder Description

This specific PI captures the total number of ships operated under one DOC holder.

This PI and Number of cadets under training with the DOC holder (PI017) are used to measure
Cadets per ship (KPI003). Definition

The number of ships operated under one DOC holder. All ships for which the company holds the
DOC should be counted, not only the number of ships which are currently part of the Shipping
KPI reporting regime.

This PI is reported for the Strategic Business Unit (SBU). SBU is a legal entity directly under the
main company. Some companies may not have SBUs then the company itself is the SBU.

Ships of a SBU or by companies directly under the main Company (holding the DOC for the
ship) should be given the same PI Value on this PI. The PI value must be obtained on SBU level
and issued to the main Company for inclusion in the reporting from the DOC holder.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Reported for the whole fleet and given to any DOC Holders for their
individual PI reporting
Unit SHIPS Example

1. In Q1, company A operates 32 ships as DOC holder. From those 32 ships, the account
manager has added 30 ships in the system. At the same time, the company has only one
SBU as the main company. In such case, 32 ships should be reported by company A for
2. In Q1, company B operates 32 ships as DOC holder. All 32 ships have been added into
the system. At the same time, the company has divided its fleet into 2 different SBUs:
a. SBU X: 20 ships
b. SBU Z: 12 ships
In that scenario, for Q1 the PI value of ALL ships under SBU X must be reported as 20.
Similarly, the PI value ALL ships under SBU Z must be reported as 12.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 132 of 141

5.55 Number of observations during commercial inspections Description

This PI captures the number of observations during commercial observations such as but not
limited to SIRE, CDI and charterers inspections.

This PI and Number of commercial inspections (PI059) are used to measure Vetting deficiencies
(KPI033). Definition

The number of observations recorded during voluntary inspections made for the purpose of quality
improvement or commercial reasons, such as to SIRE, CDI or any kind of charterers’ inspections.
In case of several voluntary and/ or commercial inspections in the same quarter then observations
are aggregated for that specific quarter. External statutory inspections and audits by external bodies
such as Class, Port State, flag state, underwriters, ITF are excluded (see PI052).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


During Q3 a ship is inspected by SIRE and CDI. The number of reported observations from
SIRE were 3 whereas the reported observations from CDI were 4. The PI value for Q3 should be
reported as 7.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 133 of 141

5.56 Number of commercial inspections Description

This PI captures the number of commercial inspections.

This PI and Number of observations during commercial inspections (PI058) are used to measure
Vetting deficiencies (KPI033). Definition

The number of recorded voluntary inspections made for the purpose of quality improvement or for
commercial reasons, such as SIRE, CDI or any kind of charterers' inspections. Data concerning
this PI can be taken from summing up all voluntary and/ or commercial inspections the ship had
during the reporting period. External statutory inspections and audits by external bodies such as
Class, Port State, flag state, underwriters, ITF, ISO, are excluded (see PI052).

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


During Q3 a ship is inspected by PSC, SIRE and CDI. The number of reported inspections
should be two, as PSC does not count (inspection is covered by PI052) References

OCIMF SIRE and other vetting regimes

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 134 of 141

5.57 Number of violations of rest hours Description

This PI is used to measure Number of violations of rest hours.

This PI and Number of seafarers not relieved on time (PI025) are used to measure Crew Planning
(KPI009). Definition

The number of cases with violation of STCW or MLC conventions regarding rest or work hours.
Even if a crew member agrees to the breach of rest hour conventions the breach shall be counted.
This PI counts internal and external reporting of Violations.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level


During a port stay stores where received and taken on board, due to heavy rain the stores had to
be hand carried inside the accommodation in order to save the packages from damages. The 3
AB’s and the Chief Officer all breached their hours of rest both for the day and appropriate week
with 1 hour. Two AB’s breached due to being called out during their planned consecutive 6
hours of rest and the fact that they had to be on duty for departure later the same day! One AB
and the chief officer exceeded their maximum of 14 hours work in the 24 hours period with one
hour due the duties in connection with the ship’s departure and their planned bridge watch.
Number of violations of rest hours = 4 References

STCW and MLC Convention.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 135 of 141

5.58 Passenger exposure hours Description

This PI captures passenger’s exposure hours recorded during given quarter.

This PI and Number of passengers injured (PI045) are used to measure Passenger injury ratio
(KPI025). Definition

The passenger exposure hours are the aggregated total number of hours all passengers have spent
on board the ship during given quarter counted from time of embarkation till time of

The passenger’s exposure hours are a sum of exposure hours calculated for each passenger by
multiplying number of days’ passenger spent on board a given ship during given quarter by number
of hours per day (24). The small error of passengers embarking and disembarking and giving rise
to a fraction of days is disregarded.

Passenger is defined as person that paid for the passage or is shown as passenger in ship’s

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit HOURS Example

Three passengers on board, each for 10 full days * 24 hours = 720 hours. Add the hours for
embarkation and disembarkation days. Passengers embarked at 11:00 AM and disembarked
08:00 AM = 8 hrs * 3 + 13 hours *3 = 63 hours = 783 total passenger exposure hours

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 136 of 141

5.59 Planned unavailability Description

This PI captures the ship’s agreed planned unavailability.

This PI and Actual unavailability (PI003) are used to measure Ship availability (KPI032). Definition

The number of hours planned for repairs and maintenance, including drydocking, in-water survey
(IWS), modifications, hot / cold layup that are agreed between the ship manager and ship owner
for the given quarter.

Captured and reported on a quarter
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit HOURS Example

Q2-2018: 18 hours (ME maintenance)

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 137 of 141

5.60 Total exposure hours Description

This PI is used to measure Ship’s Total Exposure Hours.

This PI is used in the calculation of:

• KPI008: Crew disciplinary frequency
• KPI017: Lost Time Injury Frequency
• KPI018: Lost Time Sickness Frequency Definition

Total exposure hours is the aggregated total number of hours all crew or any person being part of
the ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings and cadets) have spent onboard the ship during the
reporting period.

Total exposure hours are calculated by multiplying number of crew on a given ship during given
quarter by number of days in given quarter and by number of hours per day (24). The small error
of crew members embarking and disembarking and giving rise to fraction of days is disregarded.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit HOURS Example

21 Crew * 90 days * 24 hours = Hours 45360

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 138 of 141

5.61 Overdue tasks in PMS Description

This PI captures the number of outstanding Planned Maintenance Tasks for individual vessels. Definition

The number of outstanding planned maintenance tasks of non-critical equipment expressed as a

percentage of the total number of monthly planned maintenance tasks per ship.

Measuring Captured and reported on a quarterly basis as an average of the previous 3

Period months
Scope Reported on a ship level


• Total no. of planned maintenance tasks due in Jan, Feb and March = 80, 90, 70
• Total no. of outstanding planned maintenance tasks as on Jan, Feb and March = 3, 5,4
• Total no. of planned maintenance tasks due in Q1= 80+ 100 + 60 = 240
• Total no. of outstanding planned maintenance tasks as on Q1 = 3 + 5 + 4 = 12
• Quarterly percentage Overdue = 3.75% + 5.55% + 5.71 / 3 = 5% References

OCIMF TMSA 3 (Tanker Management Self-Assessment) Standard, Elements 4-1-4

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 139 of 141

5.62 Medical Treatment Cases Description

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members received Medical Treatment (MTC)
either on board the ship or ashore for a work-related injury

This PI is used in the calculation of:

• KPI034: Total Recordable Cases Frequency
• KPI035: Total Recordable Cases Frequency including First Aid Cases Definition

Number of injury cases among the crew or any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g.
officers, ratings, cadets, superintendents) which results in the individual being subject to Medical

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit CASES Example

While alongside a crew member falls down the engine room stairs and bang his head against the
handrails resulting in a minor open wound but complaints about headache and shoreside medical
assistance is called for. Paramedics checks for concussion and other injuries non found, wound
cleaned, bandaged and given painkillers. References

OCIMF Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines and US Occupational Safety and Health
administration. Explanatory Notes:

Numeric value of all cases where members of the ships complement have received Medical

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 140 of 141

5.63 First Aid Cases Description

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members received one time First Aid treatment
for minor injuries either on board the ship or ashore for a work-related injury.

This PI is used in the calculation of:

• KPI035: Total Recordable Cases Frequency including First Aid Cases Definition

Number of injury cases among the crew or any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g.
officers, ratings, cadets, superintendents) which results in the individual being subject to First
Aid treatment.

Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
Scope Reported on a ship level

Unit CASES Example

A crew member loses his balance and falls down a staircase and need to have scratched and
minor wounds cleaned and bandaged. This counts as one case. References

OCIMF Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines and US Occupational Safety and Health
administration. Explanatory Notes:

Numeric value of all cases where members of the ships complement have received First Aid
treatment either on board the ship or ashore.

The Shipping KPI Standard V4.0 Page 141 of 141

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