Fleri Jesse CV

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Jesse R.

University of Wyoming • Department of Botany
1000 E. University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071
jfleri@uwyo.edu • jessefleri.weebly.com


University of Wyoming, USA 2020 - present

Ph.D. in Ecology
Committee: Daniel Laughlin (advisor), TBD
Department of Botany

University of British Columbia, CAN 2018 - 2020

M.Sc. in Forestry
Thesis: Earthworm Invasion: Conservation and Consequences for the Endangered Garry Oak Ecosystem
Committee: Peter Arcese (advisor), Tara G. Martin, Amanda D. Rodewald
Department of Forestry & Conservation Science

Utah State University, USA 2014 – 2018

B.S. in Conservation and Restoration Ecology (Honors) – Magna Cum Laude
Minors in Soil Science and Fisheries Science
Department of Wildland Resources


University of British Columbia – Mandarte Island, Arcese Lab Summer 2018

Research technician – Population dynamics of resident song sparrows
Associated skills: Avian ID, banding, mist netting, monitoring and assessment of population
Principal Investigator: Dr. Peter Arcese

Utah State University – Logan, USU/BLM National Aquatic Monitoring Center

Head laboratory technician/Researcher – Impacts of hydroelectric dams on 2014 – 2018
aquatic invertebrate life histories: the role of desiccation.
Associated skills: generalized linear and logistic modeling, invertebrate rearing, order-family level ID
Principal Investigator: Dr. Scott Miller

University of Maryland – Cambridge, Horn Point Laboratory

Research fellow (NSF-REU) – Determining flood-ebb dominance in restored salt Summer 2017
salt marshes at Poplar Island, MD.
Associated skills: acoustic doppler current profilers, Delft3d, R programming, vegetation surveys
Principal Investigator: Dr. William Nardin

Utah State University – Logan, Utah Water Research Laboratory

Research fellow (NSF EPSCoR iUTAH) – Potential impacts of wastewater discharge Summer 2015
on nitrification and oxygen demand in Silver Creek, UT.

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Associated skills: biologic oxygen demand tests, nitrification assays and inhibitions, data analysis
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ryan Dupont

University of Arizona – Tucson, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

Research assistant – Pyrolysis’ influence on reliable radiocarbon dating measurement. 2013 – 2014
Associated skills: combustion line operations, carbon dynamics
Principal Investigator: Dr. Greg Hodgins

* equal contribution undergraduate mentee

9. Bull, M., J.R. Fleri., C. Skaien, P. Arcese. Seed survival and pollination services in maritime meadows
in the presence and absence of deer. IN PREP

8. Puri, P. J.R. Fleri., P. Arcese. On the decline of Arbutus menziesii: quantifying the impact of multiple
stressors. IN PREP

7. Hemming, V. [and 24 others, including J.R. Fleri]. An Introduction to Decision Science for
Conservation: Theory, Frameworks, and Tools. IN REVISION

6. Fleri, J.R., P. Arcese. 2021. Physical barriers to earthworm invasion and their application in
conservation planning. ACCEPTED - Ecological Solutions & Evidence.

5. Mackay, J.*, K. Nikiforuk*, M.C. Szojka, C.J. Little, J.R. Fleri, R.M. Germain. 2021. Animals
connect plant species and resources in a fragmented meta-ecosystem. Landscape Ecology. DOI:

4. Fleri, J.R., S.A. Wessel, D.H. Atkins, N.W. Case, S.E. Albeke, D.C. Laughlin. 2021. Global
Vegetation Project: An Interactive Online Map of Open-Access Vegetation Photos. Vegetation
Classification and Survey 2: 41-45. DOI:10.3897/VCS/2021/60575

3. Fleri, J.R., T.G. Martin, A.D. Rodewald, P. Arcese. 2021. Non-native earthworms alter plant
community assembly. Biological invasions 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-021-02513-8

2. Miller, S.W., M. Schroer, J.R. Fleri, T.A. Kennedy. 2020. Macroinvertebrate oviposition habitat
selectivity and egg mass desiccation tolerances: implications for population dynamics in large
regulated rivers. Freshwater science 39 (3), 584-599. DOI: 10.1086/710237

1. Fleri, J.R., S. Lera, A. Gerevini, L.W. Staver, W. Nardin. 2019. Empirical and numerical modelling of
tides, channel morphology, and vegetation on sediment fluxes in a restored tidal marsh. Earth
Surface Processes and Landform 44 (11), 2223–2235. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4646


1. Skaien, C., K. Bernaus, G. Totaro, J. Fleri, M. Bull, P. Puri, P. Arcese. Deer Abundance and the
Recovery of Woody Plants of the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem. 2019. Technical Report to the
Sidney Island Ecological Restoration Project

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Vegetation dynamics: disturbance, climate, and human impacts (GEOB 407- 3cr) Winter 2020
TA primarily responsible for marking exams, lab assignments, and assisting with tutorials in R. The
course has a particular focus on population and demographic modelling.

Ecology, Conservation and Restoration of Costal Forest Ecosystems (CONS 449C - 3cr) Summer 2019
Co-instructor of a field course aimed at introducing upper-level undergraduates to field research,
experimental design, and community engagement in the Southern Gulf Island.


2016 Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant ($1,000 USD)

2016 Academic Opportunity Travel Fund ($2,000 USD)
2015 – 2016 Honors Research Fund ($1,500 USD)

2018 – 2020 VanDusen Graduate Fellowship ($20,000 CDN)

2018 – 2020 Faculty of Forestry Strategic Recruitment Fellowship ($12,000 CDN)
2017 NSF REU Research Fellow, Maryland Sea Grant ($6,000 USD)
2015 NSF EPSCoR iUTAH iFellowship ($5,200 USD)

2018 – 2020 International Tuition Award ($3,200 CDN/year)

2019 Peter Rennie Memorial Award in soil ecology ($2,500 CDN)
2018 Robin’s Award: Undergraduate Research of the Year (University)
2018 Peak Prize: QCNR Undergraduate Researcher of the Year (College)
2017 Ray L. and Eloise Hoopes Lilywhite Scholarship ($2,000 USD)
2017 George A. Judah Endowment Scholarship ($1,000 USD)
2016 Julia Gurr Stuart Memorial Scholarship ($2,500 USD)
2016 Joseph Barry Bass Memorial Scholarship ($250 USD)
2015 Laurence A. Stoddart Memorial Scholarship ($450 USD)
2014 – 2018 Dean’s List, Utah State University
2013 Old Brick Award ($2,500 USD)
2013 Arizona Leadership Scholarship ($1,000 USD)

* Work presented by colleagues ⸙ Invited keynote

Fleri, J.R. 2019. Is anywhere safe from earthworm invasion?. Eco-Evo Retreat 2019, Squamish, BC.

Fleri, J.R. 2019. Earthworm impacts on maritime meadow communities. Garry Oak Ecosystem
Recovery Conference, Victoria, BC.

Fleri, J.R., W. Nardin. 2017. Sediment dynamics and long-term perspectives for salt marshes at the
restored Poplar Island, MD. REU Symposium, Cambridge, MD.

*Miller S.W., M. Schroer, J.R. Fleri, T.A. Kennedy. 2016. Novel hydrologic regimes disrupt insect life
history strategies: Effects of hydropeaking on insect oviposition. 64th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA.

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Fleri, J.R., C. Stewardson, T. Reuben, R.R. Dupont. 2015. The effect of wastewater discharge on stream
oxygen demand and nitrification. iUTAH iFellows Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.

Grossl P.R., C. Coleman, C. Dalliing, J.R. Fleri, A. Harris, L. Kidd, L. Leavitt. 2015. Reclamation of
Abandoned Oil and Gas Well Pads in Arid Environments. Meeting between BLM, Utah State
University, and EOG Resources, Vernal, UT.

* Work presented by colleagues

Fleri, J.R., T.G. Martin, A.D. Rodewald, P. Arcese. 2018. Earthworm Invasion: Conservation and
Consequences for the Endangered Garry Oak Ecosystem. Eco-Evo Retreat 2018, Squamish, BC.

*Nardin. W., J.R. Fleri, L.W. Staver, S. Lera, A. Gerevini, C.W. Stevenson. 2018. The effect of tides,
wind and vegetation seasonality in controlling water and sediment fluxes in Poplar Island (MD),
USA. European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, AU.

Fleri, J.R., M. Schroer, S.W. Miller, T.A. Kennedy. 2016. Impacts of hydroelectric dams on aquatic
macroinvertebrate oviposition strategies: The role of desiccation. 64th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA.

Fleri, J.R., M. Schroer, S.W. Miller, T.A. Kennedy. 2016. Impacts of hydroelectric dams on aquatic
invertebrate life cycles: The role of desiccation. Student Research Symposium, Logan, UT.

Fleri, J.R., C. Stewardson, T. Reuben, R.R. Dupont. 2015. Potential impacts of wastewater discharge on
nitrification and oxygen demand. 2015 iUTAH Annual Symposium. Midway, UT.


University of British Columbia

Co-founder of the Bayesian Inference Discussion Group (BIDG) 2019-2020
2-day workshop attendee: Bayesian Workflows/Modelling in rStan 2018

Utah State University

USU chapter representative for The Wildlife Society’s Student Conclave 2018
Honors delegate to attend Utah’s Silicone Summit conference 2018
Natural Resource delegate to the Honors Student Advisory Board 2016-2017
Last Lecture (university’s top professor) committee member 2016-2017
Honors/natural resources consultant on USU senior civil engineering design projects 2015-2016
Co-President of the Society for Range Management – USU chapter 2015-2016
Internationally ranked, SRM plant identification and range management team 2014-2016
College of Natural Resources Student Ambassador 2014-2017


Statistical software: R (data processing, modelling, and spatial analysis)

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Scripting languages: Python for ArcGIS/QGIS
Other: ArcGIS, ENVI, Fusion, MARXAN, R-Shiny, Stan


Kately Nikiforuk, UBC. Simulated seed dispersal by California carnivores. 2019 – 2020
Priya Puri, UBC. Spatial ecology of disease in Arbutus menziesii. 2019 – 2020
Megan Bull, UBC. Indirect effects of deer on plant-pollinator interactions and fecundity. 2018 – 2020


University of Wyoming
Developer of the Global Vegetation Project 2020-2022

University of British Columbia

Sidney Island Conservancy public forum 2019
Led a macroinvertebrate workshop for Vancouver’s The Wildlife Society chapter 2019

Utah State University

Honors Alumni Mentoring Program 2020-2021
Ask an Honors Alumni Mentor Program 2019-2020
Invited Undergraduate Research Panel (2x) 2016-2017
Science Unwrapped macroinvertebrate educator (10-15x) 2015-2018
Monthly science outreach series to engage primary and secondary schoolers


BOT 5790: Ecology Experimental Design (3 cr)

ECOL 5400: Community Ecology (3 cr)
ECOL 5620: Conservation Genomics (1 cr)
BOT 5780: Biogeochemistry (3 cr)
GIST 5050: Database Design and Management (3 cr)
BOT 5555: Computational Biol Practicum (3 cr)
ECOL 5100: Ecology as a Discipline (3 cr)
GEM 521: Advanced Earth Observation and Image Processing (3 cr)
FRST 507C: Experimental design and hierarchical model building with Bayesian inference (3 cr)
BIOL 548: Population Ecology (1 cr)
BIOL 548: Community Ecology (1 cr)
BIOL 548J: Ecosystem Ecology (1 cr)
WATS 6900: Prioritizing conservation and management actions with Marxan (3 cr)


Xi Sigma Pi – Forestry Honors Society

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