English File: Listening Scripts

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE


Listening 1 Listening 2
Receptionist Good morning. 1
Dan Hello. I’m from Computer International. I John Excuse me, what’s your name?
have a reservation. Rachel Rachel Wells.
Jenny Hi. I have a reservation, too. John Wells?
Receptionist OK. What are your names? Rachel Yes. W-E-L-L-S. Wells.
Dan My name’s Dan Hughes, and this is Jenny
Carr. 2
Receptionist How do you spell your last name, Mr. Hughes? Mary Hi, Paul. Are you in room four?
Dan My last name? It’s Hughes. H-U-G-H-E-S. Paul No, I’m not. I’m in room three.
Receptionist Could you please repeat that? Mary Three?
Dan Hughes. H-U-G-H-E-S. Paul Yes.
Receptionist OK. Thank you. And how do you spell your Mary OK. Thanks.
last name, Ms. Carr?
Jenny It’s C-A-R-R.
Jake Is Anna from Brazil?
Receptionist Two Rs?
Erika No, she isn’t. She’s from Spain.
Jenny Yes.
Jake Spain?
Receptionist OK. Where are you from? Are you from the
Erika Yes. She’s from Madrid.
United States?
Jenny Yes. I’m from New York, and Dan is from 4
Boston. Mike Where are you from, Carla?
Receptionist Thank you. You’re in room seven. Carla Seattle.
Jenny Room seven? Mike Seattle?
Receptionist Yes. And you’re in room five, Mr. Hughes. Carla Yes, it’s in the United States.
Dan Room five. OK. Thank you. Mike How do you spell it?
Receptionist Thank you. Carla S-E-A-T-T-L-E.
Mike Two Ts?
Carla That’s right. Seattle.

Teacher Hello. Sit down, please. OK. Go to page eight.
Student Excuse me?
Teacher Go to page eight, please. And look at the picture.

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Sales representative Hello. Japanese Book and Study Store. 1
How may I help you? A Who is he?
Caller Hi. I’d like to order a Japanese-English B That’s Adam. He’s my classmate.
dictionary. It’s item number 76231 in A What’s his last name?
your online catalog. B Patterson.
Sales representative Are you online now? You can complete A Is that “O-N” or “E-N”?
an online form to order. B “O-N.”
Caller No, I’m not online now.
Sales representative OK. That’s one Japanese-English 2
dictionary, Right? A That’s my friend Anna.
Caller Right. B Is she from the United States?
Sales representative May I have your name, please? A No. She’s not American.
Caller Yes. Mick Maloney. B Is she from Canada?
Sales representative How do you spell your last name? A (laughs) No.
Caller M-A-L-O-N-E-Y. B Well, where is she from?
Sales representative Thanks. And what’s your phone A She’s from Russia.
Caller My cell phone number is (352) 3
555-8802. A Your Spanish is really great, Sally.
Sales representative That’s (352) 555-8802? B Thanks.
Caller Yes. A Are you from a town with a lot of Spanish speakers?
Sales representative And an email address? B No. Not really. I’m from Montreal.
Caller Sorry. No email. A Really? You’re Canadian?
Sales representative OK. What’s the street address? B Yes, but my parents are from Brazil. We all speak
Caller My home address is 319 East Main Portuguese. Spanish and Portuguese are similar languages.
Street, Wildwood, Florida. So it was easy for me to learn Spanish.
Sales representative And the zip code?
Caller It’s 34785. 4
Sales representative Thanks. Are you paying with a credit A Hi, Steve. How are you?
card? B Hi, Julie. Fine, thanks.
Caller No. Can I use a check? A My friends are visiting this weekend. We’re going to a
Sales representative Yes, of course. I can take checking concert. My friend is singing. Come with us!
account information over the phone, or B Where is the concert?
I can send a bill. A It’s here in town. It’s at the park.
Caller Please send a bill. B When is it?
Sales representative OK. Is the billing address the same as A On Saturday night at seven o’clock.
the shipping address? B OK. Sounds good.
Caller Yes. A Great!
Sales representative Thank you. Your order should ship
within two or three days. 5
A How old are you, Becky?
B Sixteen.
A Oh, I see. How old are you, Mark?
B I’m 19. I’m a university student.
A Really?

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Reception Hello, reception. A Can I get you a coffee?
Lisa Oh hello. I’m in room 32. Is my bag there? B Yes. A large cappuccino, please.
Reception I have two bags here. What’s in the bag? A OK. That’s four dollars and fifteen cents.
Lisa In it? Uh … my cell phone. Uh … my keys aren’t B OK. Here you are.
in the bag. They’re here ….
Reception OK. Cell phone. Um … are your glasses in 2
the bag? A One large coffee, please.
Lisa Yes, they are. B OK. One coffee. Anything else?
Reception And a dictionary? A How much are the cookies?
Lisa Oh, yes. My Spanish dictionary. Yes. And a B A dollar.
wallet, too. A A cookie, too, please.
Reception A wallet? Hmm … no, there’s no wallet … Wait! B OK. That’s three dollars and twenty cents.
Yes, the wallet is here.
Lisa Oh, good! 3
Reception OK. This is your bag. A How much is a coffee?
Lisa Thank you! B A regular coffee is a dollar eighty-nine.
A How much is a large?
B Two thirty-nine.
A OK. One large coffee, please.
B Here you are.

A How much is this map?
B It’s seven dollars.
A OK. Here’s ten dollars.
B Great. And three dollars is your change. Thank you.

A What’s your phone number, Ken?
B 555-9521.
A Wait. Where is my pen?
B Is this your pen?
A No. My pen is in my pocket. Could you repeat your
phone number?

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Pam Is your family a big family? 1
Jeremy Well, seven people. That’s big, right? John Hi, Anna.
Pam Yeah. That’s big. Anna Hi … oh, John, this is Adam. Adam, this is John.
Jeremy My sisters are Julie, Sarah, Tina, and Wendy. Adam Hi, John.
Pam How old are they? John Hello, Adam. Are you Anna’s boyfriend?
Jeremy Well, Julie is 32. She’s married. Her husband is Tony. Anna No, he isn’t! He’s my brother. My boyfriend’s name
He’s nice. Sarah is 30. She isn’t married. She’s short is Dan.
and her hair is short. She’s cute.Tina is 25 and
Wendy is 24. 2
Pam And your brothers? Andy Look. This is a photo of my family.
Jeremy Oh, John and Robert? John is 28 and Robert is 27. Gemma Oh, it’s a great photo.
They aren’t married. Andy Yes. This is Sam. He’s my son. And that’s my wife, Jill.
Pam How old are you? And this is Katy – my daughter. She’s two.
Jeremy 24. Gemma She’s very cute!
Pam The baby! Andy Thanks.
Jeremy Yes. How about your family? 3
Pam Oh, it’s small. My husband. No children. But my Jack Wow! Is that a new cell phone?
mother, father, and sister live in town. My sister’s Carmen Yes, it is. Great, isn’t it? It’s small but it’s very good.
name is Brenda. She’s 28. She’s tall and her hair is And it isn’t expensive.
long. Her house is big and her car is fast and new. But Jack Really? Wow. What’s your new number?
she’s not married. I’m short, my hair is short, my
apartment is small, and my car is old and slow. But 4
my husband is great! Sally Hi, Greg. How are you?
Greg I’m fine, Sally. And you?
Sally Fine. Is that your new car?
Greg Yes. It’s my car, but it isn’t new.
Sally Is it fast?
Greg Yes. Fast and expensive!

Karen Who is that man, Helen?
Helen In that car? That’s Mark.
Karen Is that woman his girlfriend?
Helen No. That’s his sister Claudia.
Karen Oh really?

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Lynn Where do you stay on your vacations, John? 1
John I usually stay in hotels. Sandra Do you want this newspaper?
Lynn Do you eat in the hotels? Ted I don’t read newspapers. I read news on my
John I eat breakfast in the hotels. It’s expensive, but it’s computer.
good. I eat sausage, eggs, toast, and fruit. And I drink Sandra Really, Ted? I read newspapers. And I watch the news
coffee and juice. on TV.
Lynn That’s a lot. Do you eat that at home?
John No. At home I usually just eat toast. And I have coffee 2
with milk. Jay Do you want this sandwich? I don’t want it.
Lynn Do you have dinner at restaurants when you travel? Tami No, thanks. I don’t eat meat.
John Yes, but I go to cheap restaurants. I eat a lot of fast Jay Really? I eat meat. Do you eat eggs?
food when I travel. I eat a lot of hamburgers and I Tami Oh, yeah. I eat eggs and I drink milk.
drink a lot of soda. How about you? Where do you 3
stay when you travel? Woman How much is that muffin?
Lynn Oh, I don’t travel. I don’t have a lot of vacation time. I Waiter It’s two ninety-five. Do you want it?
work every day. Woman No. I just want a coffee, please.
John Do you work long days? Waiter Regular, or large?
Lynn Yes. I have two jobs. I start my job at the restaurant at Woman Large, with milk and sugar.
seven-fifteen in the morning. I finish at three. But I
babysit from four o’clock in the afternoon to 4
eight-thirty in the evening. I babysit two boys. They Chad Where do you work, Amanda?
are brothers. They live near my house. Their mother Amanda I work at a school. I work in the kitchen.
and father work late. Chad Do the students eat good food?
John So you eat dinner with the children. Amanda Yes. They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. They eat a
Lynn Yes. little meat. They have milk.
John What do they eat? Chad I want their lunch! I don’t have a good lunch. I eat fast
Lynn Oh, they eat pizza, they eat pasta, and they eat meat. food and I drink soda!
They don’t like vegetables, but they eat fruit.
John Do they watch TV? 5
Lynn No. They don’t watch TV. They have a lot of toys. We Claudia What do you do on Sundays, Evan?
listen to music and we read children’s books. Evan I watch TV. I study. I check email and read things
online. How about you?
Claudia I study, too. I don’t check email on Sundays. I call my

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Sandra What do you do, Adam? 1
Adam Oh, I work at a juice bar. Museum staff No phone calls, please.
Sandra A juice bar? Joe I’m sorry. Where are phone calls OK?
Adam Yes. We sell orange juice and other fruit juices. We sell Museum staff People usually talk on their cell phones in the
sandwiches, too. We are in the big mall on C Street. coffee shop.
Sandra Do you like your job? Joe OK. Thanks. Where is the coffee shop?
Adam Sure.
Sandra What do you like about it? 2
Adam Well, I don’t get up early. My wife gets up at six in the Jim What time do you finish work, Vicki?
morning, but I get up at ten. And the juice bar is near Vicki Well, I work late on Fridays. I sometimes finish
my house. I walk to work every day, and that’s nice. I at seven or eight. But from Monday through
don’t have a car. I meet a lot people, too. Thursday, I usually finish at six.
Sandra Do you work long hours? Jim OK. Do you want to have dinner next week?
Adam Well, yes. I don’t go to bed before twelve. I usually go 3
to bed at one in the morning. On weekends sometimes Jake What does your son do after school, Elena?
it’s two in the morning. And I always work on Elena Oh, he goes to a babysitter’s house.
Saturday and sometimes on Sunday. But I never work Jake Oh. Do you work late?
Monday. Mondays are great. Elena Yes. I work until five. My son finishes school
at three-fifteen.
Jake Does he eat with his babysitter?
Elena No. I usually take him to a fast food restaurant.

Richard What does your husband do, Margo?
Margo He’s a police officer.
Richard Oh, really? Is he on the streets every day?
Margo No. Actually he works at the police station.

Jack Is your sister married?
Becky No, Jack. And she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
But she likes a man named Mickey.
Jack [laughs] Mickey Mouse?
Becky [laughs] No. Mickey Maloney.

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Erin I want to visit New York. That’s your city. What can I 1
do there? Andy When’s your birthday, Barbara?
Bill Well, you can do a lot of things. You can take a boat ride Barbara The 12th.
and see the Statue of Liberty. Andy The 12th? Of this month?
Erin I don’t like boat rides. Barbara Yes. October 12th.
Bill Well, you can go skating in Central Park. Andy That’s tomorrow! Happy birthday!
Erin I can’t skate.
Bill You can visit the World Trade Center, and you can visit 2
a small museum. It has photos of the attack on Chad When is Independence Day?
September 11th, 2001. Carlos July 4th.
Erin I don’t want to see those photos. Chad No, I don’t mean American Independence Day. I
Bill OK. Well. Do you like shopping? mean Mexican Independence Day.
Erin Yes. Carlos Oh. That’s May 5th.
Bill Well Fifth Avenue has some famous stores. 3
Erin But they’re expensive. Raymond When is New Year’s Day in your country, Keiko?
Bill Well, the New York Public Library is free. Tourists visit Keiko It’s the same as in your country. It’s January 1st.
it every day. Raymond What do people do?
Erin Can you use computers there? Keiko We visit special places and we relax at home. We eat
Bill Yes. You can use the Internet and you can check email. special food. We can’t buy anything. Stores are
You could also go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. not open.
It’s a great museum.
Erin Where is it? 4
Bill The address is 1000 Fifth Avenue. Brenda What can you do near your town in the winter?
Erin Can I eat lunch there? Don We can snowboard. We can ski. We can go skating.
Bill Yes. There’s a coffee shop at the museum. But I don’t Brenda I don’t like cold months. I don’t like to be outdoors
really like the food there. in winter.
Erin Where can I get good, cheap food? Don Well. We can go to movies. We can eat
Bill There are a lot of great restaurants that aren’t at restaurants.
expensive. My favorite restaurants are in Chelsea and Brenda [laughs] I think I’ll visit you on the first day
in the area called The Village. There are some great of summer.
Chinese Restaurants in Chinatown, too.
Isabella What time do you get up, Bruce?
Bruce Oh, I don’t usually get up early. I get up at
nine-thirty. I eat a fast breakfast. I start work at
ten o’clock.
Isabella What? When do you take a shower?
Bruce After work. I work at a gym.

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Beth What are you doing, Kelsey? 1
Kelsey Oh, hi, Beth. I’m making dinner. Haley Hi, Allan. Are you doing anything important
Beth You’re... making dinner? Wow. You never right now?
make dinner! Allan Sorry, Haley. I’m talking on the phone.
Kelsey Yeah, I know. I usually eat fast food near the Haley Oh, sorry! Can you come to my office after that?
university. But not today. Allan Sure.
Beth Wow. What are you making?
Kelsey Here, look – I’m making a fresh, green salad with lots 2
of vegetables, and some pasta. Mary How is Seattle, Paul?
Beth That’s pretty healthy. Paul It’s nice. But it rains a lot here!
Kelsey Yeah … I usually eat a lot of meat, you know. But I Mary It does?
want to change that. I want to eat more fresh food, Paul Yes.
like vegetables. Mary Is it raining now?
Beth Do you like vegetables? Paul No, not right now. It’s cloudy, but it’s not raining.
Kelsey Well, yes … I think so. I mean, I like french fries. 3
Those are potatoes. And potatoes are vegetables, Jake Hey, Erika. Are you watching the soccer game
right? on TV?
Beth Yes. Hey – after dinner, do you want to go to Erika No. What soccer game?
the movies? Jake Los Angeles is playing against Philadelphia.
Kelsey I can’t. I’m playing tennis tonight. Erika That sounds great! But my TV isn’t working.
Beth Playing tennis? You never exercise. Jake Oh, sorry to hear that.
Kelsey I know. I want to exercise more, too.
Beth Well, you’re not playing tennis tonight. 4
Kelsey Why not? Mike Hi, Carla. Are you having fun in Brazil?
Beth Look outside. It’s raining. Carla Yeah, it’s great! I go to the beach every day.
Kelsey Oh … Well, maybe I can go to the gym. Mike That’s cool. Are you learning Portuguese too?
Beth Wow. Good for you. Enjoy your dinner! Carla Yes, I’m trying. It’s a beautiful language. Actually, I’m
studying for my Portuguese test right now!

Tony Do you want to go for a walk, Marissa?
Marissa Are you kidding? It’s snowing outside. And very cold!
Tony The snow is beautiful! Come on. Put on your coat.
Let’s get some exercise.
Marissa But I’m playing a game right now.
Tony Your game can wait. Just fifteen minutes. Let’s go!
Marissa Oh, OK.

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Sylvia Where were you today at lunchtime, Roger? There 1
was a big party here for Nancy’s birthday. Guest Excuse me. Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?
Roger Oh, really? That’s too bad. I was at lunch with Clerk A pool? Yes, sir, there is. It’s next to the gym.
Chandler. Guest What floor is that?
Sylvia At the Mexican restaurant next to the office? Is that Clerk The gym and pool are on the second floor. But the
place good? pool is closed right now. It opens at 6:00 a.m.
Roger Yeah … I love Mexican food.
Sylvia Me, too. I want to try that place. 2
Roger There’s another good restaurant – a Chinese place Paula Are there any pictures in your bedroom, Jack?
– but it’s not close to the office. Jack Sure. There’s a picture near my desk, and there are
Sylvia Where is it? two other pictures on the wall near the door.
Roger It’s near the park. You can walk there, but it takes Paula What are the pictures of?
about 20 minutes. Jack Well, there’s one of a train, one of a beautiful view of
Sylvia Oh. That’s a little far for me. Hey – there’s still some the mountains, and the picture near the desk is a
cake in the office kitchen. Do you want some? photo from when I was on vacation.
Roger No, thanks. I’m not hungry. 3
Peter Do you live in a small town, Jenny?
Jenny Yes.
Peter Are there any restaurants in the town?
Jenny Well, there’s a pretty good Chinese restaurant. And
there’s a pizza place, but it’s not good at all.
Peter Oh, that’s too bad.

Sandra Where’s Tom?
Patrick I don’t know, Sandra. He was here a few minutes ago.
Sandra Well, try calling his cell phone.
Patrick My cell phone is up in my hotel room. Is there a phone
here I can use?
Sandra Look – there’s one over there at the hotel reception.

Kevin What was the name of the hotel?
Donna It was the Hotel Central.
Kevin Was it good?
Donna Well, no, not really. The room was small and cold, and
well, there was a telephone in the room, but there
wasn’t any TV.

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Lyn Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? 1
Sean Uh … Sure. What is it about? Jack When’s your birthday, Annie?
Lyn Well, I work for World Travel. I want to ask you some Annie My birthday?
questions about your travel experiences. Is that OK? Jack Yes.
Sean Yeah. Fine. Annie It’s on the twenty-third.
Lyn So, what’s your name? Jack The twenty-first?
Sean Sean Flynn. Annie No. The twenty-third. Of July. Why?
Lyn Shaun? Is that S-H-A-U-N? Jack Don’t worry. No reason. It’s only because …
Sean No. It’s S-E-A-N.
Lyn S-E-A-N. OK. My questions. Did you take a summer 2
vacation last year? Sara Do you usually have lunch in the café on Long Street,
Sean Well, I usually go to Spain in the summer, but I didn’t Joe?
go last year. Joe Uh … yes … usually … on workdays, yes.
Lyn Oh really? Sara OK. So why did I see you in the Chinese restaurant on
Sean But I did take a vacation last year. I went to France. But Main Street yesterday at one o’clock?
I went in December. Joe Uh … yesterday?
Lisa In December? In winter then? Sara Yes. Yesterday. With a tall, blonde woman, Joe.
Sean Yes. Joe Oh, that was my sister.
Lyn OK. So, who did you go with? Did you go alone? 3
Sean No. I wasn’t on my own. I was with my girlfriend. Gina Did you have a nice weekend, Frank?
She’s French, you see. So we went to Toulon, in the Frank Yes, it was great. We went to the beach on our
south of France, and I met her friends there. bikes yesterday.
Lyn OK. Thanks. So, where did you stay on vacation? Did Gina Nice weather for a picnic.
you stay in a hotel or a bed and breakfast? Frank Yes, it was, but we didn’t take sandwiches. We got
Sean Uh … we didn’t stay in a hotel or a bed and breakfast. some pizza from a restaurant and we ate it on
As I said, my girlfriend is French. We stayed for two the beach.
days at her parents’ house, then we went to her
friend’s apartment near the Hotel Grand in the center 4
of Toulon, and we stayed with her friend for four days. Andy I called you last week, Tina, but you weren’t at home.
It was great. Tina Oh? Well, I was there on Monday, but I was away
Lyn OK … That’s all my questions. So, thank you very for five days from the eighth to the twelfth. Tuesday
much. to Saturday.
Sean Bye. Andy Oh. Where did you go?
Lyn Bye! Have a nice day. Tina I went to stay with my sister in Baltimore.
Andy Oh. Nice.

Wayne Do you use your computer a lot, Helen?
Helen Well, yes. Last night I was on the Internet for an hour.
I checked my email and got a book online. But I don’t
chat online or play computer games. So, I don’t use it
all the time.

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Neil What did you do on the weekend, Rachel? 1
Rachel Oh, I went to the movies with Matt, my boyfriend. John What did you think of the play, Sarah?
Neil Oh really? What did you see? Sarah Oh, I thought it was great.
Rachel Uh … oh, I can’t remember. It was a movie Matt John Really?
wanted to see. He told me it was good, so I went with Sarah Yes. Why? Didn’t you like it, John?
him. Um … I think it was End of the Night. John Well, no. To be honest, I didn’t really like it at all.
Neil  End of the Night? I don’t know it. Are you sure that was
the name? 2
Rachel Well … Cindy What did you do last night?
Neil Or was it End of the Day? Bob Cheryl and I went to a concert. It was classical music.
Rachel Oh, yeah. That’s it. Sorry. I’m awful with names. Cindy That sounds nice.
Neil That’s OK. What did you think of it? Did you like it? Bob Well, it was nice for some people, but not for me. I
Rachel No. It was terrible. Matt really liked it, of course. But I really can’t stand classical music!
didn’t. The actors were good, but the story was awful. 3
Neil Who was in it? Brian Do you have the new album from Adele?
Rachel Oh … uh … Julia Knight was in it. She played a Abbey Yes. I bought it last weekend.
beautiful lawyer named Mary. And Jack Pitt. He Brian What do you think of it?
played a young doctor named Tom. In the movie, Tom Abbey It’s pretty good. I like all her albums.
loved Mary, but she didn’t love him.
Neil OK. I don’t really like romantic movies. I’m glad I 4
didn’t see it. Paula I’m reading that new book by J.K. Rowling.
Kyle Oh. Is it good?
Paula Yes, it’s great. Really good.
Kyle Wow. I can’t wait to read it.

Sam Where did you eat?
Donna At the City Grill.
Sam Was it good?
Donna Well, no, not really. The food wasn’t hot, and it took a
long time to get our dinner.
Sam That sounds terrible!

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Listening Scripts ENGLISH FILE

Listening 1 Listening 2
Pete Did you join the gym? 1
Olivia Yes, I did. I joined yesterday. Ivan Hi, Cara. Are you leaving tomorrow morning to visit
Pete How much does it cost for a year? your sister?
Olivia About two hundred dollars. Cara Oh, Ivan, hi. Actually, I changed my plans. I’m not
Pete That’s not bad. Are you going to go every day? going to go until next week.
Olivia I think so. I’m going to go every day after I finish work. Ivan Oh. What day are you going to leave?
Pete What time is that? Cara Sunday. And I’ll come back on Wednesday. It will be
Olivia Five o’clock. a short visit.
Pete I usually go in the morning. I get up early and I have a Ivan Well, your sister is going to be happy to see you.
quick breakfast at home. Then I go to the gym. I leave Have fun.
the house about seven o’clock. I exercise for an hour
and then I take a shower. Then I go to my class. 2
Olivia Are there a lot of people at the gym in the morning? Andy Hey, I’m going to get three weeks of vacation from
Pete Not really. There are usually about twenty people. work next year!
Olivia Do you eat healthy foods, too, Pete? Gemma That’s great. What are you going to do?
Pete Not really. Today I ate fast food for lunch. I had a Andy I’m going to go to Argentina.
hamburger and fries. But next month I’m going to Gemma Argentina! Wow. Take a lot of photos.
start a diet. I’m going to eat more vegetables. I’m not Andy Yes. I’m going to buy camera for the trip. My phone
going to eat cookies or cake or pie. doesn’t take good photos.
Olivia That sounds great. I want to start a diet. 3
Pete With a good diet and with exercise, your health is Kevin I’m going to take a boat ride this afternoon.
going to be great. Nell Alone?
Olivia But I also want to get in shape and look good. I’m Kevin No, of course not. Lisa is going to come with me.
going to get married next year. Nell Hey, tell Lisa to call me. She has my phone number.
Pete Really? Are you going to marry Bob? Kevin OK. Hey, do you want to come on the boat ride?
Olivia Yes. We’re going to meet at two o’clock in the parking lot
Pete Congratulations! Are you going to have a at the park.
big wedding? Nell No. Thanks. That’s OK. Maybe next time.
Olivia I think so. I’m going to plan it with my mother
next month. 4
Patricia Hi, Vic. How are you?
Vic I’m fine, Patricia. And you? What’s new?
Patricia Well, I’m going to start a new job tomorrow.
Vic Congratulations. That’s great. Do you want to have
lunch? Where are you going now?
Patricia Oh, thanks. But I’m going shopping. I don’t have
clothes for work.
Vic OK. Good luck with your new job. Say hi to Kathy.

Valerie Are your children going to stay with a babysitter
this summer?
Kathy No. They’re going to go to summer camp.
Valerie Really? Is it expensive?
Kathy Yes, it’s expensive. But the babysitter is expensive,
too. They went to summer camp last year, and they
liked it.

American English File Starter Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 12

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