Recruitment of Various Group-A Non-Faculty Posts On Deputation Basis at AIIMS, Bhopal
Recruitment of Various Group-A Non-Faculty Posts On Deputation Basis at AIIMS, Bhopal
Recruitment of Various Group-A Non-Faculty Posts On Deputation Basis at AIIMS, Bhopal
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M.E/M.Tech in Comp Sc./Comp Engg or Ph.D in computer science + 15 years
experience in IT Systems/Networking/Hardware Configuration/Software
Programming in Ministries/Departments of Government of India /State
Government/Union Territories/Statutory/Autonomous Bodies.
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5. Registrar Level-12 (₹ 78800-209200)
Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/Universities/Statutory
Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organisations having
educational qualification and experience for direct recruitment:
i) A graduate of a recognized University
ii) Seven Years’ experience of administration in a supervisory capacity or
as a teacher in a University/teaching institution including conduct or
examination and admission and assignment of teaching programs for
undergraduate and postgraduate etc.
A postgraduate degree
6. Senior Procurement-cum Stores
Level-11 (₹ 67700-208700)
Essential: Officers under the Central/State Govt./ U.T. Administrations or of
Central Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies holding analogous post or with at least 5
years of regular service in the post with grade pay of Rs.5400/- and have 5 years’
experience as a Stores / Purchase officer on regular basis.
7. Senior Administrative Officer Level-11 (₹ 67700-208700)
Officers under Central/State/U.T Governments/Universities/Statuary/Autonomous
Bodies or research and Development Organisations
i) Holding Analogues Post on regular basis
ii) With 5 Year Regular Service in the grade pay of 5400 in the relevant
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in PB-3 GP 5400 with 5 years of regular service in the grade,
in PB-2 GP 4600 with 7 years of regular service in the grade.
12. Executive Engineer (Electrical) Level-11 (₹ 67700-208700)
Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/Universities/Statutory
Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organisations
i) Holding analogous post on regular basis
ii) Assistant Engineer (Electric) with 5 Years regular service in the grade
pay of 5400/-
iii) Junior Engineer (Electric) with 7 Years regular service in the grade pay
of 4600/-
13. Hospital Architect Level-11 (₹ 67700-208700)
Essential: Architects or officers in equivalent grade in CPWD Possessing a Degree
in Architecture and having not less than 5 years' experience in the line. In the event
of suitable officers not being available from CPWD, similar officers from other
Central Government departments or Central Autonomous/ Statutory Bodies or
Public Sector Undertakings may be considered.
Six year experience after B.Sc Nursing/B.Sc (Post Certificate)/ BSc Nursing (Post
basic or equivalent from a recognized University/Institute in a minimum 200 bedded
Hospital/healthcare institute as Staff Nurse out of which at least 3 Year as a Ward
In-charge or supervisory capacity.
M.Sc (Nursing) from Indian Nursing Council recognized institute /university.
I. The Director, AIIMS Bhopal reserves the right to increase/decrease the vacancies or cancel
the exercise for this advertisement/ recruitment at any stage of the process without assigning
any reason thereof.
II. Maximum age limit for applying for the aforesaid posts on deputation is 56 years as on last
date of receipt of application which is 45 days from the date of publication of this
advertisement in National level News Paper, i.e. upto 5.00 PM on 29.01.2021.
III. Deputation will be initially for a period of 3 years and thereafter extendable after review
performance on yearly basis, as per rules of GOI governing deputation from time to time
(Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or
department shall not ordinarily exceed five years).
IV. All the posts carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees of
similar status at AIIMS Bhopal (M.P.).
V. The Govt. employees who fulfil the above qualifications/eligibility may submit their
application as available at Annexure-I within 45 days from the date of publication of this
advertisement in National level News Paper, i.e. upto 5.00 PM on 29.01.2021 by Speed
Post/Registered Post on the following officer address:
VI. The envelope containing the application(s) should be super-scribed as: “Application for the
Post of …………………… on Deputation Basis.”
VII. Application forms received after last date will not be consideredlater on at any stage. AIIMS
Bhopal will not be responsible for any postal delay.
VIII. While forwarding their applications, Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority may ensure that
the particulars of the candidates are verified and that they fulfil the eligibility criteria. Duly
attested photocopies by the Competent Authority of the applicant’s up-to-date Confidential
Reports (at least for the latest 05 years) should also be enclosed with the application. It may
also be clearly stated that no Vigilance/ Disciplinary Proceedings is Pending or
Contemplated against the candidates concerned. Application without Vigilance Clearance
and ACRs/APARs Dossiers will not be considered. Supporting documents related to
qualification, experience etc. should be self- attested and enclosed with the application.
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IX. The applications received without requisite documents or received after the last date will not
be entertained.
X. The posts advertised in the advertisement are not applicable for the candidates who working
in Private Organization/institute etc.
XI. The deputation will be governed by the standard terms and conditions of deputation provided
under Department of Personnel & Training’s OM/order issued/ amended from time to time.
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