Semen Analysis Corner Stone in Evaluating Infertility: Methods
Semen Analysis Corner Stone in Evaluating Infertility: Methods
Semen Analysis Corner Stone in Evaluating Infertility: Methods
Semen analysis is a basic test carried out in an infertile couple who are living together
for at least one year with healthy sexual relationship, but are unable to reproduce a child
without using any contraceptive measures.
This is a descriptive study carried out in department of Pathology CMH Malir. A total of
364 samples were included in this study. Consecutive convenient sampling was done.
Semen analysis was performed using WHO latest guidelines. Samples were
categorized as normospermia, azoospermia, oligospermia, asthenozoospermia and
The study comprises of 364 samples of infertile males. Normal sperm count was
observed in 317 males, azoospermia in 28 and oligospermia in 19 males. Low
ejaculated volume and higher non motile sperms were noted in oligospermia samples in
comparison with normospermia samples. Asthenozoospermia was observed in 102 and
oligoasthenospermia was noted in 15 samples.
Good quality semen analysis is a corner stone to diagnose the cause of male infertility.
Sperm concentration and motility are the important markers of normal male reproductive
system and are related to each other.
Key words: Sperms, Necrospermia, azoospermia, oligospermia, asthenozoospermia
Semen analysis is a basic test carried out in an infertile couple who are living together
for at least one year with healthy sexual relationship, but are unable to reproduce a child
without using any contraceptive measures.i
Approximately 10-15 % of couples suffer from infertility throughout the world. Male
factor is responsible for 45 % of such cases. ii However in our society females have to
bear the brunt of infertility trauma and undergo wide range of tests, including invasive
procedures causing physical and emotional trauma.
Semen analysis remains the basic and fundamental test in evaluation of infertility. Not
only it provides an insight into fertility but, if used in broader sense, it can help in
evaluation of male reproductive system and may give a clue to any serious underlying
disorder. Semen analysis may also be requested for evaluation of hypogonadism, follow
up after vasectomy, prior to donation for artificial insemination and storage of semen
before radiotherapy etciii.
Semen analysis also reveals important information about sperm production, its motility
and viability, patency of male genital tract, secretion of accessory organs as well as
ejaculation and emission.
Semen consists of spermatozoa suspended in fluid like material necessary for its
nourishment. Only sperms and 5% of the total volume of semen is produced in testes.
About 40-80% of the secretions come from seminal vesicles which contains fructose
necessary for nourishment of sperms. 13-33% of the bulk comes from prostate which
contains a number of enzymes including citrates, calcium, zinc etc. Approx 2-5% of
volume is also contributed by bulbo urethral and urethral glands which contains
mucoproteins and IgA. The ability to penetrate the egg is also acquired in epididymis.
WBCs may also be present in semen. If in excess, they are referred to as
leukcytospermia or pyospermia which may indicate infection of genital tract. They are
also known to adversely affect motility of sperms. Thus the disease in any of these parts
may have a significant effect on quantity and quality of semen. iv
Semen sample was collected in wide mouth sterile bottle after 3-5 days of abstinence
from coitus. Sample collection was preferred in laboratory; however some of the
samples were also produced at home and quickly delivered to laboratory in less than an
hour time. A questionnaire was filled at time of receiving of sample. Information was
gathered regarding age, duration of marriage, first or second marriage, and age of last
born child, in case of secondary infertility, use of drugs/medicine and any other systemic
illness / surgery taken place.
Consecutive convenient sampling was done. A total of 364 samples were examined
from 1st November 2019 to 30thOctoer 2020.
WHO 2010 parameters were followed while examining these samples. Macroscopically:
appearance, liquefaction, pH and volume were noted. Normal colour was taken as grey
or dirty white, liquefaction time 20 min, pH 7.2-8 and volume more than 1.5 ml was
taken as normal. Microscopically, sperm concentration of >15.0 x 10 6 spermatozoa/ ml,
motility >40% (both progressive and non progressive motility), >4% normal heads and
vitality of >58% at 1st hour were taken as normal.
Following terms were used using WHO criteria; Azoospermia: Absence of sperms in
ejaculate, oligospermia: sperm count below 15.0x10 6, asthenozoospermia: reduced
sperm motility and necrospermia: dead sperms. Sample was placed at 37 C and was
analyzed within one hour. Observation was made for above mentioned parameters both
macro and microscopically. Data was analyzed using spss 23.
A total of 364 samples were included in this study. Average age of patient was 30.8
years ± 5 years. Primary infertility was present in 81% while secondary infertility was
present in 19%. No abnormality was found in 210(57.7%) samples. Most common
abnormality was asthenozoospermia observed in 102 (28 % ) of patients, followed by
azoospermia 28 (7.7%), necrospermia 5 (1.4 % ) and oligospermia 4 (1.1%) samples.
No abnormality of liquefaction was found in any sample. Pus cells were present in 75
Table -1 :Distribution of sperm volume
Volume Frequency Percentage
Normal vol (1.5-4.5 ml) 356 97.8
Frequency Percent
oligospermia 19 5.2
Azoospermia 28 7.6
Total 364 100
Azospermia 28 7.6
necrospermia 5 1.4
oligoasthenospermia 15 4.1
Oligospermia 4 1.0
Infertility is a taboo which targets only the female population in our society and has a
considerable impact on their mental and psychological health although males equally
contribute towards this problem. Advanced knowledge of reproductive techniques
provides wide range of treatment options, giving light of hope for infertile couples.
Semen analysis is the fastest, easiest, cost-effective and reliable test giving a large
amount of information without any invasive test.
Primary and secondary infertility both are common in our part of the world contrary to
belief that if men has fathered a child once, than he remains fertile throughout his life. In
the study by SN Auliav and Haifa vi primary infertility was reported to be 88.7% and 80.5
% while secondary infertility was 11.3% and 19.5% respectively.
The mean sperm count in our study was 83.5 + 6.5 million which was comparable to the
study in UK, in which semen analysis was performed on a population of 1801 suspected
infertile men, in which the mean sperm density was 84.3±7.8 vii, contradicting the fact
that sperm count is declining over the years as predicted by Carlsen viii. Mean sperm
count as reviewed by Helena E is 41-55 x 10 6 /ml showing a downward trendix.
Considerable attention was paid to the study of Carlsen that over the past 50 to 60
years globally sperm density has decreased by about 50%. [7]. Similar study was
carried out in Wuhan city of China which concluded declining sperm count in their
country.x . In another study conducted in India by Mishra et al to confirm the hypothesis
of declining sperm count in men also shows decline in sperm concentration. xi However
Elia J performed a comparative study of seminal parameters between samples collected
in1992 and 2010 stating no change in sperm count over these years. xii Dietary patterns
my lead to decline in sperm count as concluded by study of Anna in Poland. xiii In
Pakistan situation is not as devastating as in other parts of world due to low frequency
of urogenital infections, testicular cancers and limited environmental exposure /eatables
containing estrogen like activity hindering spermatogenesis. Our study gave some
insight over the situation in Pakistan. Although study was conducted in one year and
longer duration studies are required to confirm the situation in Pakistan.
Our study revealed azoospermia in 28(7.6 %) of males, which was comparable to study
by Jairajpuri from Delhi in which azoospermia was 9 % xiv and Chiturri reported 7.5%.xv
Much lower percentage was reported by Dr Anuja from Devanahalli as 2% xvi. One of the
Pakistani study by Fouzia shows Azoospermia to be 14.89%. xvii Much higher percentage
of azoospermia is also recorded in Jakarta as 24.4%. It may be due to referral centre
where only confirmed infertility cases visit. [14]
Oligospermia (sperm count less than15 x10 6 ml was reported to be 5.2% in our study.
Abnormalities in accessory sex glands fluid synthesis may lead to low ejaculated
volume. Seminal vesicle produces about 70 % of seminal plasma. Physical obstruction
and retrograde ejaculation may also contribute to low ejaculated volume. Anuja[12]
reported 6% oligospermia which was comparable to our study, while Fouzia reported
11.11%.[13] same as 13.3% by Chituri [11] A very high percentage of oligospermia as
39.7% is reported by S.N Aulia from Jakarta may be for the same reason as they
reported higher percentage of azoospermia. xviii
Another morbidity factor is male genital tract infections. It is known to affect not only the
quality but also their environment. Pus cells were found in samples but did not show any
statistical significance.
Conclusion :
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