A Review: Regulatory Requirements of Drug Master File in Context To Ghana
A Review: Regulatory Requirements of Drug Master File in Context To Ghana
A Review: Regulatory Requirements of Drug Master File in Context To Ghana
Please cite this article in press as Rushikesh B. Katkar et al. A Review : Regulatory requirements of Drug master file in context
to Ghana. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019:9(09).
Copy right © 2019 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Indo American journal of Pharmaceutical
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Vol 9 Issue 09, 2019. Rushikesh B. Katkar et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Drug Master File
The Drug Master File (DMF) filing allows a firm to protect its intellectual property from its partner while complying with
regulatory requirements for disclosure of processing details. DMF contain detailed facilities, processes, or articles used in the
manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of one or more human drugs. The submission of a DMF is not required by law or
FDA regulation. The information contained in the DMF may be used to support an IND, a NDA, an ANDA, and another DMF. DMF
is provided for in 21 CFR 314.420 1.
DMF are divided in two parts:
The Applicant’s Part: which contains all the information that the license-holder needs to assess the quality and submit a
license or amendment application.
Restricted Part: This contains confidential information that disclosed to the authorities.
introduces process changes that are less cumbersome on industry and Health Ghana (6).
Vol 9 Issue 09, 2019. Rushikesh B. Katkar et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Processing of MFs
MFs are processed in sequence according to the date of receipt. When a MF registration package received the following activities
are performed.
Assigning an MF number and a dossier ID to the MF.
Verifying that the correct information, documents and forms have been filed.
Once the MF registration package is administratively complete.
A Filing date is assigned.
An Acknowledgement letter is sent to the designated MF contact.
MF Fees
Refer to the Master File Fee Form regarding fees for the processing of a New MF, LoA and Update. Fees are increased
annually by 2% on the first of April. The revised fee structure increases the cost of filing a new DMF to
$424 (Canadian), the cost of filing a biannual update to
$191 (Canadian), and the cost of filing a Letters of Access to $191 (Canadian).
Vol 9 Issue 09, 2019. Rushikesh B. Katkar et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Phase 7: Decision
The TGA will decide whether the application is to be approved or rejected. In this there so many objection that related to PI,
CMI or RMP and general registration information. Sponsor prior to making a decision within 28 days.
Time line for this phase is 90 days. All regulatory activities administrative procedure completed.
Health Authority Health Ghana Australian government-TGA
Vol 9 Issue 09,
Definition 2019. A DMF is a reference Rushikesh
of DMF B. Katkar
that provides et case
In the al. of an API used by a producer for
ISSN NO: 2231-6876
a medicine whose
information about specific processes or origin is a third party manufacturer, data about its fabrication,
components used in the manufacturing, quality control and stability can be presented by a Drug Master
processing, and packing of a drug File (DMF).
No type for drug master file
Types of DMF Type I-Active Substance Master Files
Type II-Container Closure System
Master Files (CCS MFs)
Type III-Excipient Master
Files(Excipient MFs)
Type IV-Dosage Form Master The currently approved form is the CTD format.
Format MFs must follow the filing and formatting
requirements outlined in the Guidance
Document Preparation of Drug Regulatory
Activities in the “Non-eCTD Electronic-Only Letter of Access is required. New
(NeeS)” Format. chemical entity is
Letter of Letter of Access is required. $46,900.
Authorization No cost for filing a letter of Access.
Fees The revised fee structure increases the cost of
filing a new DMF to $424 (Canadian), and Five years once
the cost of filing a Letters of Access to Postal add-
$191(Canadian). Prescription Medicines Authorisation Branch
Updation Bi- annually Therapeutic Goods Administration PO Box 100
Forwarding Health Ghana Woden ACT 2606 Australia
Address Health Products and Food Branch Street Add-
Therapeutic Products Directorate Therapeutic Goods Administration 136
Master File Administration Unit Narrabundah Lane
Address Locator 0201D Symonston ACT 2609 Australia
promenade Tunney's asture Driveway Email: info@tga.gov.au
Ottawa Ontario Under the registration process, applicants provide the TGA
K1A 0K9 with planning data in the Pre-submission planning form (PPF)
Ghana at the pre-submission phase. Planning data include general
Email:dmf_enquiries@hc-sc.gc.ca Fax submission information as well as information about the
number: 613-941082 proposed application type and details of the quality, non
clinical and clinical evidence that will be provided in the
Submissions The DMF Should include the followingdossier.
along with DMF information The PPF provides the TGA with the necessary information for
The Name and Address of the agent ifeffective resource planning.
applicable. The currently approved form is the CTD format.
The Name and Address of the DMF
owner. CTD Module 1-Administrative information and prescribing
The Name and Address of manufacturing information for Australia.
processing and packaging facilities. ICH M4Q - Common Technical Document for the Registration
of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: Quality (14).
ICH M4E - Common Technical Document for the Registration
Format Difference ICH CTD Module 3-Quality and QOS. of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: Efficacy (15).
When providing MF Types I& IV, two ICH M4S - Common Technical Document for the
separate documents should be included in the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: Safety (16).
“Quality Overall Summary”, a “QOS
(Restricted Part RP)” and a “QOS
(Applicant’s Part AP)” files.
Vol 9 Issue 09, 2019. Rushikesh B. Katkar et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Vol 9 Issue 09, 2019. Rushikesh B. Katkar et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Closure of DMF MF withdrawn by the MF holder. The Applications that do not meet the TGA's
MF holder should advise Health Ghana in writing regulatory requirements will be considered 'not effective'.
of the reason for the closure, including a Applicants applications considered 'not effective' will be
statement that their notified in writing of the reasons the application was not
obligations have been fulfilled and accepted for evaluation.
provide a list of the Canadian Customers using If the applicant wishes to proceed with the application they
their MF.
must lodge a new PPF and potentially a new dossier.
Health Ghana will close a MF that has not been
update within a 5 years period.
Clinical and In Nees format Clinical and Non Clinical data In CTD format overview and summary of Clinical and Non
Non included in separate Clinical Trial Application Clinical included in module 2 and study report included in
Clinical data (CTA). module 4 and module 5.
ICH Zone Zone I Zone II
Sterilization Autoclave program, Use gamma radiation, Bioburden test, Pre-use and Post-use filter integrity test,
Process Terminal sterilization, Depyrogenation of Aseptic manufacturing process, Container Closure Integrity
packaging components, Aseptic condition, Use test, Finished drug substances sterility testing.
ethylene oxide gas.
A Drug Master File is a submission of information to the FDA to permit the FDA to review this information in support of a
third party's submission without revealing the information to the third party. The content and the format for Drug Master File is used
to obtain marketing Authorization. In Ghana DMF filing was done through New Drug Submission (NDS) for both drugs and biologic
products. By March 31, 2016, all existing DMFs in paper format must be replaced by a complete DMF conversion in "non-eCTD
electronic-only" format. In Australia there is TGA guidelines, different application processes and regulatory requirements apply
depending on the type of therapeutic goods that is applied. Under the registration process, applicants provide the TGA with planning
data in the Pre-submission planning form (PPF) at the pre- submission phase with details of the quality, non clinical and clinical
evidence that will be provided in the dossier. The European style Active Substance Master File adopted by TGA. The currently
approved form is the CTD format which contains 5 Modules.
The author wishes to thank to the management of Shri Anand life sciencs for supporting this work and helping for such type
of review publication.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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