Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride: Experimental Results and Correlation
Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride: Experimental Results and Correlation
Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride: Experimental Results and Correlation
3, 1994
1. Introduction
The solubility of weak electrolyte gases like ammonia, carbon
dioxide, sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide must be known for designing
separation equipment in many technical applications, for example in the
chemical or oil-related industries or for the production of fertilizers.
Correlating and predicting phase equilibria in such systems still is a dif-
ficult task, partially because of chemical reactions in the liquid phase
but also because of the possible formation of one or more solid phases.
The situation becomes even more complicated when strong electrolytes
like chlorides, sulfates or nitrates are also present. Physico-chemical
models to correlate and predict the solubility of weak electrolyte gases
2. E x p e r i m e n t a l
The experimental equipment for measuring the solubility of a
single gas in aqueous solutions was described in a previous
publication, ~3)therefore only some essentials are given here.
In an experiment a high pressure optical cell is filled with carbon
dioxide. Pressure and temperature of the gas are measured after equi-
libration. The aqueous solvent is then added by a calibrated high pres-
sure displacer until the gas is completely dissolved. The amount of sol-
vent added into the ceil is slightly above the minimum needed to dis-
solve the gas completely. The pressure is then reduced stepwise by
withdrawing small amounts of the liquid mixture until the first stable
bubble appears.
The mass of carbon dioxide filled into the ceil is calculated from
the Bender equation of state ~4) using the experimental results for tem-
perature and pressure and the known volume of the cell. The volume of
solvent needed to dissolve the gas is determined by measuring the posi-
tion of the high pressure displacer piston before and after each experi-
ment. The density of the aqueous salt solution was taken from
Washbumfl ~ The temperature is measured with two calibrated resis-
tance thermometers with an accuracy of 0.1 K. The pressure of pure
carbon dioxide is measured with two pressure transducers (ranges: 0 -
0.6 MPa and 0 - 2.5 MPa).
Three transducers with ranges of 0 - 6 MPa, 0 - 10 MPa and 0 - 20
MPa were used to determine the solubility pressure. Before and after
each series of measurements the transducers were calibrated against a
high precision pressure gauge. A detailed calculation of the propagation
of errors shows that the uncertainty of the experimental results for the
solubility pressure (resulting from uncertainties in determining the con-
centration of the gas, concentration of the salt, temperature and total
pressure) are below 3% at total pressures up to 6 MPa and below 5% at
higher pressures.
Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions 433
~ Units: mol-kg, b Units: MPa. ~ Units: MPa; Ref. 6. '/Units: MPa; Ref. 7.
3. Substances
Carbon dioxide (>99.995 mole percent) was purchased from
Messer-Griesheim, Ludwigshafen and used without further purification.
Sodium chloride (>99.7 mass percent) was purchased from Merck
GmbH, Darmstadt. The salt was degassed and dried under vacuum.
Water was deionized and degassed by vacuum distillation.
4. Test of P r o c e d u r e
4.1. Results for COz-H20
As before,c3) the experimental equipment and procedure was
checked by measuring the solubility of carbon dioxide in pure water at
323.15 K. The experimental results which cover carbon dioxide
molalities up to about 0.9 mol-kg (corresponding to total pressures up to
6 MPa) are summarized and compared to literature data in Table
I. Good agreement between those results and literature data is observed.
For each of the new data points, the absolute and relative deviations be-
tween the new results for the total pressure and those interpolated from
Zawisza and Malesinska~~ and Zelvenski~ are given. As can be seen
from that comparison, the results of Zawisza and Malesinska~~ are
slightly above the new results for the total pressure. Relative deviations
do not exceed 3.5% corresponding to absolute deviations of 0.06 MPa.
In contrast to this, Zelvenskio) reports total pressures which are
predominantly below our results. The maximum relative deviation
amounts to 2.7% corresponding to an absolute deviation of about 0.1
434 Rumpf, Nicolaisen, t)cal, and Maurer
02 OL, 06
rflc02 l(mo[/kg)
Fig. 1. Solubilityof carbon dioxide in aqueous soludortsof sodium chloride at 40~ o,
experimentalresults (this work); and -- ., calculatedresults for the systemCO2-H20.
4.2. Results for CO2-NaCI-H20
The experimental results for the solubility of carbon dioxide in
aqueous solutions of sodium chloride at salt molalities of 4 and 6 mol-
kg and temperatures between 313.15 K and 433.15 K are given in Table
II. The carbon dioxide molality ranged up to about 0.55 mol-kg, the
total pressure up to 10 MPa.
Figure 1 demonstrates the influence of sodium chloride on the
solubility of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is salted out by sodium
chloride. For example at 313.15 K, the total pressure above a solution
containing 0.2 mol-kg of carbon dioxide and 4 or 6 mol-kg of sodium
chloride is 1.9 or 2.6 MPa whereas it is 0.9 MPa above pure water.
Conversely at a constant pressure of 2 MPa, the carbon dioxide molality
is 0.42 mol-kg in pure water whereas it is 0.2 or 0.15 mol-kg in a 4 or 6
mol-kg solution of sodium chloride.
Figure 2 shows the influence of different salts (ammonium sul-
fate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate) on the solubility of carbon
dioxide. At constant ionic strength (about 6 mol-kg) and constant tem-
perature, ammonium sulfate causes a much smaller salting out effect
than both sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. For example at a carbon
dioxide molality of about 0.2 mol-kg, the total pressure above a solution
436 Rumpf, Nicolaisen, Ocal, and Maurer
/ / o/
/ /
02 0.~ 06 08
rnco l ( m 0 l / k g )
Fig. 2. Solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous electrolyte solutions at 40~ and con-
stant ionic strength: o, 2 mol-kg solution of ammonium sulfate (Ref. 3); n, 2 mol-kg
solution of sodium sulfate (Ref. 3); A, 6 mol-kg solution of sodium chloride (this work);
and , calculated results using Pitzer equations.
containing 2 moles of ammonium sulfate is about 1.6 MPa whereas it is
about 2.6 MPa above a 6 mol-kg sodium chloride and 3.1 MPa above a
2 mol-kg sodium sulfate solution.
5. Fitting Equation
The model to correlate and predict gas solubilities in aqueous
electrolyte solutions was described before in detail, ~ therefore only the
essentials are repeated here. The phase equilibrium condition for water
and dissolved carbon dioxide yields
oo $
pyco2~)CO 2 =
m, , x (p
H~%w(T,pw)e vco2w(p
-if7:-pw) ~o2 ~nco2 (2)
Parameter a b c d
CO2,NaC1 !0.254x -76.82 -10656 6312x103
FCO2,NaC1,NaC1 -0.0028
af ( T ) = a + b / T + c f f 2 + d]T 3.
ln ,; = = o) +
assumptions, Chen and Evans (2) derived an expression for the excess
Gibbs energy of a multicomponent electrolyte system. The resulting
equations for the excess Gibbs energy and for the activity coefficients
are summarized in the Appendix. For the present case of a system con-
taining a nonreacting gas (G) and a strong electrolyte (CA) dissolved in
water (w), the model requires interaction parameters Zw,CA,ZCn,w,~G.w(=
"Cw,a), ZG,CAand XCA,~. Parameters Xw,CAand "CCA,wCan be obtained from
the binary subsystem water-salt CA whereas XG,w can be obtained by
correlating gas solubility data in the binary subsystem gas-water. Thus,
there are two remaining parameters "%,CAand "CcA,~tO describe the effect
of the salt on the solubility of the gas.
To correlate the new data with the Chen and Evans model,
440 Rumpf, Nicolaisen, 0cal, and Maurer
"C = A +-~
B + C (~ -l+ln T
TRR) (9)
6. C o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e L i t e r a t u r e D a t a
Literature data on the solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous
solutions of sodium chloride is scarce. Most of the available data were
measured at temperatures below or above those investigated here. Table
VI gives an overview over the available data and the relative deviations
to the (Pitzer) correlation of the present work.
Markham and Kobe (m reported 18 data points in the temperature
range from 273.35 to 313.15 K at a partial pressure of carbon dioxide of
Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions 441
I~ 0.0~' o
OO : T='~05"15K
~ 1.2
lie 1.0
\ "0
7. C o n c l u s i o n s
The solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous solutions of sodium
chloride was determined by a synthetic method in a wide range of tem-
perature and composition. Interaction parameters for Pitzer's (~) equa-
tions and the Ctten and Evans (2) model were determined from the new
measurements. Both theories are able to correlate the new data rel~ably.
A comparison with lilerature data shows a good to fair agreement in
most cases.
Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions 443
Financial support of this investigation by the Bundesminister ftir
Forschung und Technologie of the Federal Republic of Germany
(BMFT-Contract No. 0312-4003-0326558C), BASF AG, Ludwig-
shafen, Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Linde KCA, Dresden, Lurgi AG,
Frankfurt, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt and Degussa AG, Hanau is gratefully
1. K. S. Pitzer, J. Phys. Chem. 77, 268 (1973).
2. C. C. Chen and L. B. Evans, AIChE J. 32, 444 (1986).
3. B. Rttrnpf and G. Maurer, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 97, 85 (1993).
4. E. Bender, 5th Proc. Symp. Thermophys. Prop. (ASME, New York, (1970) p. 227.
5. E. W. Washburn, International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics,
Chemistry and Technology, Vol. HI (McGraw Hill, New York, 1928).
6. A. Zawisza andB. Malesinska, J. Chem. Eng. Data 26, 388 (1981).
7. Y. D. Zelvenski, Zhur. Chem. Prom. 14, 1250 (1973).
8. L. F. Silvester and K. S. Pitzer, J. Phys. Chem. 81, 1822 (1977).
9. H. Renon and J. M. Prausnitz, AIChE J. 14, 135 (1968).
10. C. C. Chert, FluidPhase Equilibria 27, 457 (1986).
11. W. J. Hamer and Y.-C. Wu, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1, 1047 (1972).
12. A. E. Markham and K. A. Kobe, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 63,449 (1941).
13. Y. Yasunishi and F. Yoshida, J. Chem. Eng. Data 24, 11 (1979).
14. S. D. Malinin and N. I. Savelyeva, Geokhimiya 6, 643 (1972).
15. A. J. Ellis and R. M. Goldlng, Am. J. Sci. 261, 47 (1963).
16. J. A. Nighswander, N. Kalogerakis, and A. K. Mehrotra, J. Chem. Eng. Data 34,
355 (1989).
17. K. S. Pitzer, Activity Coefficients in Electrolyte Solutions, 2nd edn., (CRC Press,
Boca Raton, 1991).
18. C. C. Chen, H. I. Britt, J. F. Boston and L. B. Evans, AIChEJ. 28, 588 (1982).
Brief Outline of the Chen and Evans Model
By applying the so-called local composition concept to a mtfl-
ticomponent electrolyte solution containing cations c, anions a and
neutral species m, Chen and Evans (z) derived the following expression
for the excess Gibbs energy per mole of mixture
gE,Ic---- Xm ZjXjGj'm'l~J'm
4-c~ Xca
~ Xa' Y'jXjGjc'a'c'l~jc'a'c
RT Z XkXkGk,ra ]~a,,Xa,----'~ ZkXkGkc a,c
444 Rumpf, Nicolaisen,Ocal, arid Maurer
1 ln~ac'(x) = x--~c2
~ Xe" ~kXkakc,a'cTkc,c'a m~ XmGam
[ Za [ ~-'c"Xc" 2kXkakc,a"c + ~kXkGkm
EkXkGkm'~km'~ Xa" XcGac,a'c
( %c,a'c - ~ ,] (15)
%c,ac = z ~ - z o . ~ + % , c . (19)
where %m and "Camcan be computed from
Gc~. = exp(-0~m%m) - (20)
and Gash = exp (--team%n) -- (21)
These equations yield some inconsistency between Eq. (10) and Eqs.
(13 - 15) as it was assumed that model parameters Gcm and Gain are in-
dependent of concentration when differentiating Eq. (10). According to
Chen and Evans, all nonrandomness factors are fixed to 0.2. Adopting
the above rules for calculating the model parameters "c~ and Tam, the
Chen and Evans model then requires two parameters (Tm,~aand "c~.0n) for
a system containing a single salt dissolved in a single solvent.
To account for long range interactions, Chen and Evans adopted a
modified Debye-Htickel contribution
,,1000-,1/2 r2~ .2rlt2 -- ,~
~ilX ~ lI3t2
x ]
4Applying Eq. (22) to a dissolved molecular species (zi = 0) (as proposed by Chen and
Evans) is questionable. For a detailed derivation of Eq. (22) see for example Ref. 16.
446 R u m p f , Nicolaisen, 0cal, and M a u r e r
Ar -61.44534exp(~o - 1 ) + 2.864468 [ e x p ( ~ o - 1 ) ] 2
v; = 1,1 x - in (25)
A,B,C parameters in the model of Ref. 2
Ar Debye-Htickel parameter for the osmotic coefficient
aco2,NaC1 9 . .
dco2N~Cl coefficients for the temperature dependence of inter-
action parameter B~2,NaC 1
B(O) binary parameter in Pitzer's equations
ai activity of component i
g~, Gji,ki parameters in the model of Ref. 2
excess Gibbs energy per mole of mixture
Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Solutions 447
i,j,k component i, j, k
max maximum
min minimum
rel relative
S salt
w water
X on mole fraction scale
m on molality scale
D-H Debye-Htickel
lc local composition
(m) on molality scale
S saturation
(x) on mole fraction scale
normalized to infinite dilution
infinite dilution
liquid phase
vapor phase
Definition of relative deviation of property x
Xk,cal -- Xk,exp