Title: Southern States 38 kV-170 KV Vertical Interrupter Style Capacitor Switcher Product Specification Guide
Title: Southern States 38 kV-170 KV Vertical Interrupter Style Capacitor Switcher Product Specification Guide
Title: Southern States 38 kV-170 KV Vertical Interrupter Style Capacitor Switcher Product Specification Guide
1.0 SCOPE.......................................................................................................................2
2.0 STANDARDS .............................................................................................................2
3.0 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................2
3.01 Service Conditions ................................................................................................. 2
3.02 Ratings................................................................................................................... 2
3.03 Resistors ................................................................................................................ 4
3.04 Interrupter .............................................................................................................. 5
3.05 SF6 Gas System .................................................................................................... 5
3.06 Terminal Pads........................................................................................................ 5
3.07 Operating Mechanism............................................................................................ 5
3.08 Ground Pads.......................................................................................................... 6
4.0 MANUFACTURING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................6
4.01 Wiring..................................................................................................................... 6
4.02 Base Frame ........................................................................................................... 6
4.03 Support Structure................................................................................................... 7
5.0 DESIGN TESTS .........................................................................................................7
6.0 PRODUCTION TESTS...............................................................................................7
6.01 Mechanical Operation Tests .................................................................................. 7
6.02 Leak Test ............................................................................................................... 8
6.03 Resistance Tests ................................................................................................... 8
6.04 Dielectric Tests ...................................................................................................... 8
7.0 SPARE PARTS ..........................................................................................................8
8.0 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................8
8.01 Approval Drawings ................................................................................................. 8
8.02 Final Drawings ....................................................................................................... 9
8.03 Instruction Books ................................................................................................... 9
8.04 Additional Documentation ...................................................................................... 9
9.0 SHIPPING and DELIVERY.........................................................................................9
10.0 WARRANTY ...............................................................................................................9
11.0 SPECIFIC QUOTE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................9
12.0 ACCEPTABLE CAPACITOR SWITCHER................................................................10
This specification covers the design, manufacture, and testing of three pole, gang
operated vertical interrupter outdoor capacitor switchers available with or without
integrated transient over-voltage control and inrush current mitigation.
All outdoor capacitor switchers shall be designed, manufactured, assembled, and tested
in accordance with the latest applicable ANSI, NEMA, and ASTM standards and
guidelines. If there are any conflicts between the ANSI, NEMA, or ASTM standards and
this specification the specification shall govern.
3.01.01 Temperature
The capacitor switcher shall perform in an ambient temperature range of
-40oC through +50oC.
3.01.02 Altitude
The capacitor switcher shall perform at elevations up to 3,300 feet.
3.01.03 Seismic
The capacitor switcher shall be capable of withstanding seismic loading
of 0.2 g ground acceleration in any direction when installed on the
manufacturer’s furnished support structure and anchor bolts and with
flexible connections to the terminal pads. The device shall perform its
specified functions during and after the seismic event.
3.02 Ratings
Rated Maximum
38 kV 48.3 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV 145 kV 170 kV
Rated Power
Frequency Withstand 80 kV 105 kV 160 kV 260 kV 310 kV 365 kV
Rated Lightning
Impulse Withstand 200 kV 250 kV 350 kV 550 kV 650 kV 750 kV
Voltage (BIL)
Rated Power
50/60 Hz
Rated Continuous
600 A 650 A
Peak Withstand
104 kA 164 kA
40 kA RMS 1 sec,
Symmetrical 40 kA RMS 1 sec
63 kA RMS 18 cycles
Rated Short Circuit
25 kA 40 kA
Interrupting Current
Number of Full Fault
30 10 at 40 kA, 15 at 31.5 kA, 30 at 20 kA
Interrupting Speed 5 cycles 3 cycles
10 time 40 kA, 15 time 31.5 kA, 2 time 63 kA, 10 time 40 kA,
Fault Closing
30 time 20 kA 15 time 31.5 kA, 30 time 20 kA
CO – 5 min – CO – 5 min – CO
Rated Duty Cycle (Note: The 5 minutes is to allow the substation capacitor bank to discharge.)
3.02.02 Additional
The capacitor switcher shall have an endurance life of 10,000
3.03 Resistors
The capacitor switcher shall be constructed with pre-insertion (closing) resistors
for damping transients caused by switching capacitor banks. The resistor
contacts and the main contacts shall make and break in SF6 gas.
3–6 4 – 18 5 – 20 15 – 40 10 – 25 18 – 30
90 Ω 40 Ω 80 Ω 150 Ω 300 Ω 300 Ω
120.1 – 155
37.5 Ω
The resistor must be able to withstand closing into a fault and continue to
perform its specified function without damage. Resistor insertion time shall be
between 5 ms and 15 ms. Resistors shall be optional for systems that do not
require transient over-voltage control or inrush current mitigation. The quotation
request will specify if resistors are to be supplied and their required ohm rating.
3.04 Interrupter
The capacitor switcher shall use SF6 single gap puffer interrupters. Each
interrupter shall be housed in an insulator that is ANSI 70 gray. Arc assist type
interrupters are not acceptable. Each interrupter shall be provided with an
overpressure relief device and shall be field refillable. Hermetically sealed
interrupters are not acceptable.
The system shall be constructed such that the density gauge can be isolated
from the interrupters to allow the low-pressure alarm and lockout contact set
points to be verified. A means for refilling the system in the field without
disassembling the capacitor switcher must be provided. The capacitor switcher
shall have a leak rate of less than 0.5% per year.
4.01 Wiring
Wiring shall be:
1. Point-to-point without splices or tee connections.
2. Bundled using cable ties.
3. Clearly identified with permanently affixed markers.
4. Sized per NFPA-70 except being No. 14 AWG.
operating mechanism. The base frame shall be ANSI 70 gray painted steel with
phase spacing as shown in the following table.
Unless otherwise specified in the quotation request anchor bolts will be provided
by the purchaser. All anchor bolts shall be sized as required for the operational
loads generated by the capacitor switcher. The manufacturer shall determine
anchor bolt sizing and anchor bolt plan details when providing the anchor bolts.
The capacitor switcher shall be design tested in accordance with ANSI C37.09-2001.
The testing shall include a dielectric test, a power test, a continuous current test, and a
mechanical endurance test. The dielectric test shall include 60 Hz power frequency,
lighting impulse withstand, and visual corona. The power test shall include short circuit
interrupting, fault closing, short time withstand, resistor fault closing, and shunt capacitor
bank switching.
Each capacitor switcher shall be fully assembled as a three-phase unit at the factory,
adjusted, tested, and timed per ANSI C37.09 section 5. The tests shall include:
All capacitor switchers and their accessories furnished under this specification shall
be covered by a five-year warranty from date of shipment or 10,000 operations;
whichever comes first; against failure due to design or to defects in workmanship or