Productividad Economica.
Productividad Economica.
Productividad Economica.
ABSTRACT: (Idea 1) Poor productivity of construction workers is one of the causes of cost and
time overruns in construction projects. As construction is a labour-intensive industry, this paper
focuses on labour productivity in the construction industry. It covers the construction labour
productivity definitions, aspects, factors affecting it. The main outcome from the literature is that
there is no standard definition of productivity. This study provides a guidelines for necessary
steps required to improve construction labour productivity.
(Idea 2) The
productivity of labour is particularly important especially in
developing countries, where most of the building construction work is still on manual basis.
This paper reports on a survey made on project managers and experienced engineers of
building projects in Sangli , Kolhapur & Pune districts, where an increase in productivity is
being sought. Respondents were required to rate using their experience how all factors affect
productivity with respect to time, cost and quality. The survey was carried out by a
questionnaire and responses. The ten most significant factors affecting labour productivity for
small, medium and large companies are identified.
Construction is the world's largest and most challenging industry. Human resource today has a
strategic role for productivity increase of any organization, and this makes it superior in the
industrial competition. With the effective and optimum uses of it, all the advantages supplied by
the productivity growth can be obtained.
(Idea 3) Construction is a key sector of the national economy for countries all around the world,
as traditionally it took up a big portion in nation’s total employment and its significant
contribution to a nation‟s revenue as a whole. However, until today, construction industries are
still facing number of problems regarding the low productivity, poor safety and insufficient
Productivity is the one of the most important factor that affect overall performance of any
Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) 11 | Page
Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
small or medium or large construction industry. There are number of factors that directly
affects the productivity of labour, thus it is important for any organization to study and identify
those factors and take an appropriate action for improving the labour productivity. At the micro
level, if we improved productivity , ultimately it reduces or decreases the unit cost of project and
gives overall best performance of project. There are number of activities involved in the
construction industry. Thus the effective use and proper management regarding labour is very
important in construction operations without which those activities may not be possible.
Productivity can be defined in many ways. In construction, productivity is usually taken to mean
labour productivity, that is, units of work placed or produced per man-hour. The inverse of labour
productivity, man- hours per unit (unit rate), is also commonly used.
Productivity is the ratio of output to all or some of the resources used to produce that output.
Output can be homogenous or heterogeneous. Resources comprise: labour, capital, energy, raw
materials, etc.
Productivity = Output
Labour cost
Horner and Talhouni stated “A popular concept in the USA, and increasingly in the UK,
is the concept of earned hours. It relies on the establishment of a set of standard outputs or
„norms‟ for each unit operation. Thus, a number of „earned‟ hours are associated with each unit
of work completed.”
“Productivity may then be defined as the ratio of earned to actual hours. The problem with
this concept is in establishing reliable „norms‟, for setting standards. It also depends on the
method used to measure productivity, and on the extent to which account is taken of all the factors
which affect it.‟‟
At the project site, contractors are often interested in labor productivity. It can be defined in one
of the following ways –
There is no standard definition of productivity and some contractors use the inverse of above ,
In general, productivity signifies the measurement of how well an individual entity uses its
resources to produce outputs from inputs. Moving beyond this general notion, a glance at the
productivity literature and its various applications quickly reveals that there is neither
aconsensus as to the meaning nor a universally accepted measure of productivity. Attempts at
productivity measurement have focused on the individual, the firm, selected industrial
sectors, and even entire economies. The intensity of debate over appropriate measurement
methods appears to increase with the complexity of the economic organization under analysis.
There are however, a number of different productivity measures that are commonly used.
Choosing between them usually depends on the purpose of the productivity measurement and
the availability of data.
productivity measures relate a particular measure of output to a single measure of input, such
as labour or capital. Multi-factor or total productivity measures (MFP) relate a particular measure
of output to a group of inputs, or total inputs used. Productivity measures can also be
distinguished by whether they rely on a particular measure of gross output or on a value-added
concept that attempts to capture the movement of output. Of the most frequently used MFP
measures, capital-labor MFP relies on a value-added concept of output while capitallabor-
energy- materials MFP relies on a particular measure of gross output.
is also directly available from national accounts. The main drawback to the value-added based
capital-labour MFP is that it is not a good measure of technology shifts at the industry or firm
level. It also suffers the disadvantage of other value-added measures that have been double
deflated with a fixed weight Laspeyres quantity index.
Identification and evaluation of factors affecting labour construction productivity have become
a critical issue facing project managers for a long time in order to increase productivity in
construction. (Idea 4) Understanding critical factors affecting productivity of both positive and
negative can be used to prepare a strategy to reduce inefficiencies and to improve the
effectiveness of project performance.
Knowledge and understanding of the various factors affecting construction labour
productivity is needed to determine the focus of the necessary steps in an effort to reduce project
cost overrun and project completion delay, thereby increasing productivity and overall project
Based on the study & survey, Factors affecting construction labour productivity have been
identified and are grouped into 15 categories according to their characteristics, namely
3.1 The top ten factors that affect the small and medium company
1) Lack of material 2) Labour strikes 3 ) Delay in arrival of materials 4 ) Financial difficulties of
the owner 5) Unclear instruction to labourer and high absentissm of labours 6) Bad weather (e.g.
rain, heat,etc.) 7) Non discipline labour and use of alcohol and drugs 8) No supervision method,
design changes, repairs and repetition of work, and bad resources management 9) Bad
supervisors absentissm and far away from location of material storage, and 10) Bad leadership
There has been much work identifying the factor that affect productivity. Ineffective
management has been cited as a primary cause of low productivity rather than other factors.
Apart from that there are also some barriers to improve the productivity and these barriers are as
follows :
1 .Lack of alignment of goal
2. Contractual conflict
The groups of factors which are highly effective are: supervision, material, execution plan, and
design. Moreover, for large companies, equipment factors have also highly effective. While in
small and medium companies, owner/consultant factors also need special attention because it
has high effect too. Research findings also show that health and safety factors has not been a
concern of small, medium companies and has some effect, while in large companies are better,
although not as major concern and has average effect.
(Idea 5) Practically it is difficult task to all to improve labour productivity upto 100%. But if
you have properly control on above factors , productivity can be improved upto large extent.
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1. En los proyectos civiles los costos económicos aumentan cuando la
productividad en cuanto a la mano de obra es baja. Involucrando así
un gasto adicional a los costos de este.
Para optimizar el tiempo y el funcionamiento en un proyecto es
indispensable hacer controles antes, durante y después de la
ejecución del mismo. Esto con el fin de observar, analizar y mejorar
las variables.