Dayna Week 2 Discussion

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Week 2 Discussion: Nurses as Leaders in Health Care Reform

Dayna Canzone

Walden University

NURS-6050N-17, Policy & Advocacy

Research Priority

The research priority that I have chosen from the Institute of Medicine of the National

Academies (2011) is the identification of the personal and professional characteristics most

important to leaders of quality improvement initiatives in hospitals and other settings. The

ultimate goal of patient care should be to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients and to

improve their lives. Continued assessment and evaluation by the entire healthcare team is

required to maintain the most effective care for our patients.

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (2011) shared that private and

public funders, health care organizations, nursing education programs, and nursing associations

should expand opportunities for nurses to lead and manage collaborative efforts with physicians

and other members of the health care team to conduct research and to redesign and improve

practice environments and health systems. These entities should also provide opportunities for

nurses to diffuse successful practices. As members of the healthcare team, all parties must

collaborate to analyze the current practices that are in place and to develop strategies for

outcome improvement.
As a psychiatric nurse working in psychiatric and behavioral healthcare, I am personally

involved in the analysis and development of improvement initiatives in our facility. We often

come across several patients that are readmitted not long after their discharge from our facility.

Collaborative efforts must be established between our facility and outpatient providers, and we

must find a way to improve the outcome for each patient across the board. One of the challenges

that we frequently face is the continuously rapid patient turnaround and increased acuity that is

found within our field. No two patientcare scenarios are the same, so we must adapt ourselves to

the situation at hand in a controlled fashion. Our facility holds several team meetings each week

to analyze each patient care plan and also to review company policy and procedure. It is helpful

to know that my voice is heard by others on my team because we are able to work together to

make positive changes.

Continued research is necessary to establish which areas require improvement and to

compare those that have been used. We must work to improve the health of the individuals we

are caring for in order to improve the health of our population. Knickman and Kovner (2015)

shared that the goal of public health is to improve the health status of entire populations, not just

individuals. Nurses who advocate for continued education and active participation in decision-

making process can help make a difference in patient-care outcomes for the entire population.

Article Overview

Karami, Farokhzadian, and Foroughameri (2017) shared that professional competency is

a fundamental concept in nursing, which has a direct relationship with quality improvement of

patient care and public health. Nursing competency is a fundamental requirement for leaders of

quality improvement. Nurses must be competent in the care that is being provided, and continued
education and analysis is required for positive outcomes Commitment is required for continued

change to the nursing care that is being provided to patients.

One of the major difficulties facing behavioral health patients is the increased escalation

of behaviors that require emergent intervention. As a registered nurse that is often the first person

encountering these patients, improved care is a necessity for improved patient outcomes. An

increasing number of patients are presenting to the emergency room for care. In effort to increase

patient outcomes, hospital teams have come together to analyze the specific areas that require

improvements. The wait time that took place before patient assessment and initial medication

administration were two of the areas that required physician intervention prior to the

implementation of a standardized practice in emergency care. Although nurses are often the

primary assessment provider in patient care, emergency triage of patients with behavioral health

emergencies was not following this familiar procedure.

Winokur, Loucks, and Raup (2018) shared that use of a STP (standardized procedures) is

an effective method for the nurse to assess autonomously and immediately begin treatment of

patients who demonstrate signs of anxiety and aggression and thus reduce risk of violence.

Allowing nurses to assess and provide standardized medications for patients in crisis would

allow for quicker implementation of interventions during those patient care situations.

Implementing this standardized procedure would allow nurses to act independently which

promotes nursing responsibility and professionalism. Initiating standardized procedures allows

nurses to actively and autonomously care for their patients.

Continued Research. Continued nursing education, developing solutions to healthcare

delivery setbacks, and appropriate delegation and education to coworkers and staff are important

factors to improved patient care outcomes. Policy change begins with thorough assessment of
current measures that are in place and moves forward with active nursing advocacy and

involvement. “The committee emphasizes that the synergistic implementation of all of its

recommendations as a whole will be necessary to truly transform the nursing profession into one

that is capable of leading change to advance the nation’s health” (Institute of Medicine of the

National Academies, 2011). Nurses who are driven to be a part of this process will provide the

healthcare field with advancement and change that is needed. We must work diligently on

improving our direct patientcare as we advocate for health care reform and positive change in

our society.


Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (2011). The Future of Nursing: Leading

Change, Advancing Health. Copyright 2011 by the National Academies Press. Reprinted

by permission.

Karami, A., Farokhzadian, J., & Foroughameri, G. (2017). Nurses’ professional competency and

organizational commitment: Is it important for human resource management? PLoS One,

12(11) doi:

Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the United States (10th

ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Winokur, E. J., Loucks, J., & Raup, G. H. (2018). Use of a standardized procedure to improve

behavioral health patients’ care: A quality improvement initiative. Journal of Emergency

Nursing, 44(1), 26-32. doi:


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