Department of Electrical Engineering Assignment No. 1: Bahria University, Islamabad Campus

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Bahria University, Islamabad Campus

Department of Electrical Engineering

Assignment No. 1
Class/Section: MS EE-3A
(Spring 2021 Semester)

Course: Power Electronics Date: 12.04.2021

Course Code: EEP-712 Time:
Faculty’s Name: Engr. Syed Umaid Ali Max Marks: 10
Due Date: 19.04.2021 Total Pages:

Student’s Name: Enroll No:


In a rectifier circuit either single-phase or three-phase, the current drawn from the utility mains
is distorted due to the presence of L and C in the topology. This current distortion is normally
referred as harmonic distortion. To analyze the mitigation of distortion, anti-harmonics are
injected into the mains. In this assignment your task is to artificially layout a distorted signal as
a replica of the main’s current. You can do it by adding 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th and
19th harmonic into a 50Hz fundamental signal of amplitude of 100A.

The deliverables include Simulink Modeling concerning

• Complete signal representation of fundamental and harmonics including the distorted
one. (5)
• Use of Simulink’s FFT Analysis Tool to access the distorted signal in terms of presence
of harmonics with amplitudes. Complete representation is desired. (Hint: (2.5)
• Mitigation of harmonics by generating anti-harmonics. Complete representation is
desired. (2.5)

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