Chapter 13 Section 1-2 Study Stations

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Chapter 13 Section 1-2 Study Stations

Directions: You will complete several stations over the course of the next two days to help
you understand genetics and biotechnology. You will be split into groups and you must stay
with your group. At each station you will be responsible for completing the required task
with your group and answering the provided multiple choice questions. At the end of the
two days, you will turn in all study station materials.
Good luck, have fun, and stay focused!

Station #1: How does selective breeding work?

_____ Launch Lab Worksheet

Station #2: Chapter 13 Section 1

_____ Read Chapter 13 Section 1
_____ Complete Applied Genetics Quick Check

Station #3: DNA Fingerprinting

_____ Real-World Biology Analysis – DNA Fingerprinting Worksheet

Station #4: Chapter 13 Section 2

_____ Complete the chart for DNA Technology techniques

Station #5: Chapter 13 Section 2

_____ Ready Chapter 13 Section 2
_____ Complete DNA Technology Quick Check

Station #6: GMO’s

_____ Read the provided article and answer the questions in your packet

As you travel, be sure to complete the multiple choice questions at each station. Select your
answer and record on your answer sheet. Attach as the final item in this packet.
_____ Multiple Choice Answers
Study Stations are DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH!
Name Date Class

Quick Check Section 1: Applied Genetics
After reading the section in your textbook, respond to each question and statement.

1. Tell what selective breeding is and why it is used.

2. Identify some advantages of hybrid organisms.

3. Explain how having a pure breed of dogs has both advantages and disadvantages.

4. Indicate how inbreeding leads to the development of pure breeds.

5. Imagine a breed of chickens in which black-and-white-speckled feathers are a

recessive trait. If a breeder has a chicken that has solid black feathers, how can
the genotype of this chicken be determined? Use the terms homozygous and
heterozygous in your answer.

Unit 3 CHAPTER 13 Genetics and Biotechnology 131

DNA Technology
**Complete the chart below using Chapter 13 Section 2 from your textbook**

DNA Notes


DNA Technology

Gene Cloning

DNA Sequencing
Name Date Class

Section CHAPTER 13

Quick Check Section 2: DNA Technology

After reading the section in your textbook, respond to each statement.
1. Describe Name and describe the two different types of DNA ends that can be
produced by restriction enzymes.

2. State the purpose of PCR.

3. Explain how DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis.

4. Indicate the role of bacteria in the production of recombinant DNA.

5. Suggest one advantage of an organism produced by genetic engineering over an

organism produced by selective breeding.

132 Genetics and Biotechnology CHAPTER 13 Unit 3


What are GMOs?

One of the most commonly discussed types of GMO would be genetically modified foods. How are genetically modified
foods made, and what are some examples of foods that are genetically modified?

What are some of the safety risks involved with GMOs? In comparison, what are some benefits to GMOs and reasons
why they would be considered safe.

As discussed in the article, GMOs don’t have to be labeled at the store in the USA, but there are many countries that
more heavily regulate GMOs. Using evidence from the article and your previous answers, make an argument for
whether GMOs should be labeled in the USA. (3-5 sentences)
Study Stations Multiple Choice Responses
** This will count as a quiz grade so be sure to use your resources to help you determine the
correct answer!**

Station #1: Station #2:

1. ___________ 1. ___________
2. ___________ 2. ___________

Station #3: Station #4:

1. ___________ 1. ___________
2. ___________ 2. ___________

Station #5: Station #6:

1. ___________ 1. ___________
2. ___________ 2. ___________

Total: ________/12

Quiz Grade: __________/24

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